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In this chapter:  Miranda guilt-stricken, learns a bit more about her city, but while the roommates sleep, more tiny inhabitants make their way into the apartment. 


Day 1- Miranda – 11:38pm

Miranda sat on her bed in her underwear and bra, she was texting Captain Sellers about the plane.  “I’m so sorry, I couldn’t help them.”  A few million people of the city could hear a slight sniffling coming from the goddess miles away. 

“We need to make sure we are safe, please do not come close to the city until we figure something out” Sellers messaged.  Miranda went to her bathroom and did her nightly routine, removing her makeup, washing her face, and brushing her teeth.  She kept the desk light turned on the lowest brightness for the people of her city, but she turned off her ceiling lights.  The people of the city couldn’t see out any further than a few miles past the desk now because of the light.  The people could feel the soft tremors of her walking around still, but she was barely visible apart from her white bra and panties. 

“I will fix this in the morning, goodnight little people” she whispered.  Miranda pulled the covers over her head and continued to text Sellers.  “How many people have died?”  Miranda asked.

 “A few thousand so far, we’re still finding bodies” Sellers replied.          

“How many people live in the city?”  Miranda asked. 

“It was 3.7 million, I don’t know the count now” Sellers wrote.

“Do you have power and supplies?” Miranda questioned.  

“Yes, we have everything we need for now, please do not try to give us anything, just reassure these people that you will not hurt them anymore, I don’t want to have to send my soldiers.”  Sellers replied while Miranda giggled under her breathe again at the thought of a tiny army fighting her. 

“Are the people afraid of me? How big do I look?” Miranda asked curiously. 

“Some are afraid, yes, so please try not to make it worse; as for your size, our researchers back at base estimate you to be just under 9 miles tall to us” Seller replied. 

"Oh my god" she thought, "9 miles?" she whispered to herself, but she was wearing out and exhausted, her overloaded conscious fell asleep miraculously after a few minutes.

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

Day 2 – 3:23am – Grove View

All the roommates were asleep, there was a feint light on in the kitchen and a soft glow on the wood floors from the moon through the windows.  What happened next in the girls’ apartment wasn’t pure cosmic coincidence anymore, something was seriously wrong with space and time.  Blue sparks of energy started popping up everywhere across their apartment.  They illuminated small spaces where the action was taking place.  The feint popping noise of the electrical discharge was barely enough to wake Anastazja, she looked out at her rug that took up most of her floor, “what the shit?” she said in Ukrainian under her breathe.  She didn’t really pay any mind, she thought it was a dream and rolled over in her bed and fell back asleep with ease.  

Blue sparks dotted the kitchen counter and stove, another massive spark popped under the coffee table in the living room.  Jessica’s closet and a few scattered spots in her room were receiving the same treatment.  Lacy’s nightstand next to her bed, her bathtub, and her desk chair had a few small flutters of sparks too.  They were completely random, some popped up around the wood floors, others in the guest bathroom.   

The outcomes were unpredictable.  They ranged from groups of a few people less than a centimeter tall to cities the size of Miranda’s.  A few outcomes even produced entire lands teeming with multiple cities and millions of nano-sized people. All that these people knew was that they felt alone in the universe and powerless in the pitch black of an unfamiliar world.  When the girls started to wake up, countless people would tremble in fear as planet sized women began to go about their day...

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