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Author's Chapter Notes:


For those of you who don’t know, the creator of the series, Silent-One, or Sylvia, passed away a couple of weeks ago. I feel genuinely and sincerely ashamed that I had the opportunity to work with her, messaged her, but then didn’t follow up, and resultingly, we never had a conversation. I genuinely loved her work, and the worlds she created, astoundingly immersive, and made me feel comfortable just reading about them.


I’ve decided to continue CoG, as Paris Green (Jeremy Whistler) doesn’t feel comfortable continuing his, I’ll carry it along for a while whilst I can, before I move on to other things. I think I will write out and post the things that Sylvia wanted to see out of me before I even make a decision. Still, I’m not as passionate as I was about it. Shock can do that.

So, here’s the chapter with her character, Madeline, one that no one’s touched. Hearts out to you, Sylvia.




Lily took a deep breath and peered through the glass of the door to the drama studios. She gulped, then lowered herself under the glass again, hiding.

She peeked again.

Through the door, a beauty stood at over two metres tall, elegantly posing and gesticulating towards no one in general. Her already-voluptuous figure had extended itself, as only she amongst very few students at Titan Institute had gained a more-than-perfect mark of 110%. Incredible.

Her size and dominating figure only accentuated her condescending tone and superiority. And if Lily began to rethink trying to go up against her.

The young asian sighed and thought back to Michelle, who had come to her with a slightly less-than-happy expression. She tried to hide it, but Lily was only ever particularly forceful with Michelle when the latter seemed down, and on this occasion, her eyes never seemed to catch for more than a second. Something was bothering her, and that something was the proud beauty, Madeline Paulson, who had taken to occasionally harassing Michelle and teasing her, trapping her against the wall in Drama.

Lily fired up at once, fiercely overprotective, and here she was, in front of the studios with no plan of attack, facing a woman who was over one-and-a-half times her height even without enhancements. She winced - she had not even thought of the size disadvantage the drama studio would incur on her…

Her reverie was broken with the almighty crash of door slamming open. She spun around and was met by a pair of curvaceous breasts barely contained in a red blouse, and she froze in fear as she slowly looked up at the sweet smiling face of Madeline Paulson.

"Now here's a surprise." Madeline's lips curved into a smile. "I'm not sure we've met, but you're the girl always hanging around Michelle outside of class, aren't you?"

Lily quickly closed her mouth, realised it was hanging open. This woman was a beauty. Not quite as elegant as Michelle, in Lily's opinion, but she'd be lying through her teeth to say she wasn't incredibly beautiful.

"L-Lily." Lily stammered out. "My name's Lily." How was she to take her on? But she had to.

Madeline smiled indulgently. "And what can I do for you, Lily?"

Lily breathed. She really hadn't thought this through but it was too late to turn back.

"Leave Michelle alone!" She burst out. Madeline raised an eyebrow as the smaller Chinese girl's face twisted into resolute anger. "I know you bully her in class, I've seen you, and she doesn't like it, I don't care who you are, you can't treat her like that- Aah?!"

She gasped and cut herself off as Madeline's fingers wrapped around her chin, tilting it upwards. Madeline leaned closer, to a reddening Lily, and examined her.

"Hmm..." Madeline's eyes searched her face hungrily. "You're adorable, you know? Really really cute, there's no other way of putting it." Her smile widened a centimetre. "But you don't seem too keen on coming closer... Or coming in?" Lily's blush rapidly receded into a paler shade. "I wonder what your drama grade is?"

Before she could pull away, Madeline jerked her forwards, into the studio. Lily felt a sharp, horribly familiar tug somewhere behind her navel, and suddenly she was flying. She panicked, flapping her arms comically through the air, before she landed with a painful crack on the polished wood.

Horrified, she turned around and saw a huge lined wall of pink-white flesh, of what could only be the bottom of Madeline’s toe.

Lily’s heart pounded so hard she thought it might combust inside of her. Despite her best efforts, her Drama grade had only ever been raised to a paltry 1%, her acting skills and social awkwardness often getting the better of her, and now she faced the consequences. Madeline seemed to have temporarily lost sight of her victim, but as she lowered herself to the floor, chest down, her eyes roved and stopped over the small white speck that could only have been Lily.

Madeline's eyes were alive with delight. The Chinese girl seemed apoplectic with regret and fear...


"I-I'm sorry, please forgive me! I didn't mean that you couldn't- EEK!"

Madeline wasn't even listening; she pinched Lily’s ankle uncaringly, not hearing her squeal of pain and flipped her upside down in front of her face. Lily's skirt floated down, revealing her white cotton panties. Lily screamed.

"You know, for your proportions... That's not too bad." Madeline acknowledged. She brought up an immense, long finger and lightly began to rub Lily's thighs and butt. Lily gasped.

"S-stop that! Let me go!" Lily wailed. She was highly sensitive and did not wish to be… explored.

Madeline continued, unrelenting, and peered expertly at the poor sobbing girl. Slowly, she couldn’t resist, she extended her immense tongue, huge, fat and sticky, and raised it up, scraping Lily’s lower extremities with it. Perhaps it was a good thing that Lily was too small to differentiate, because she wasn’t directly violated. Still, the wet muscle coated her from head to toe in sticky, cloying saliva. She coughed.

“Now, I’m a fair woman.” Her immense voice almost broke Lily’s eardrums, leaving a horrible tinny silence in each ear. “Leave Michelle alone, of course! But you’ll have to give me something in return, Lily. How about… you let me have you instead..?”

Lily could barely breathe; the resonating vibrations, the sticky liquid clogging her orifices, and her absolute fear seemed to clog every sense she had. She wept without thinking, but Madeline was only interested in her continued torture.

Her vast, plush lips puckered up and blew an absolute hurricane, spinning Lily what felt like half a kilometre away, and she was free falling once again. But the actual distance couldn’t have been much, because she landed with a horrendous crash on one arm, and found herself between Madeline’s building-sized mammaries.

It was already dark and hot, and with her wrist in some kind of sprain, the process was horrible. Madeline's humongous breasts were suffocating, and weren't easy to crawl through. Lily could hear the resounding echo of her heart beat, and each second that passed, her tit-flesh seemed to take more and more room. It would only be a matter of time...

Lily felt her left hand land on a rougher material than skin. Her eyes shot open and she scrambled to pull herself up, convinced she had found Madeline's shirt, desperate to breathe. She pulled hard and heaved her whole body...

Into a musky, darker room.

"Oh my, Lily, if you wanted to spend time with such a sensitive spot... You could have asked." Madeline's echoing voice drilled into Lily's skull as the penny dropped.

The incredible nipple of Madeline Paulson was directly pointing at Lily's face.

She screamed out of pure terror as Madeline gloatingly flattened her chest onto the wooden floor.

The Lily-sized nipple forced itself into Lily's open mouth. She tried to back away, spitting in disgust, but with her head already pressed against the back of the bra, she couldn't shake it off. She struggled, and realised in horror that Madeline's moans only meant one thing: the growing, hardening nipple was becoming erect.

The pressure was horrendously painful, Lily felt the strain on her neck as the nipple pushed harder and harder into the surface, crushing Lily's collarbone and ribs. Immense flaring pain...

Crackling faster than popcorn, Lily's bones broke one by one, her jaw splitting apart as Madeline's nipple crushed her remains to a red, sticky paste.


"Lily Iris, you have three remaining black cards."

Lily wasn’t even sure she wanted to open her eyes. She just breathed out a shaky sigh. It seemed no matter what she did, she would never be any use. Michelle was counting on her for one thing, and Lily wasn’t sure she provided it.

And if her cards really ran out…

“Kid get up, hurry up.”

The irate voice snapped her back to reality, and she nodded, opening her eyes and trying to hide her tears already reforming.

If she was going to run out of black cards, she wanted to die knowing that Michelle loved her back.


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