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Author's Chapter Notes:

We're in the home stretch now!  Just a little more to go, hope you enjoy.


Eri watched helplessly as Chad's foot descended towards Sirus' unmoving form, Vincent restraining her as she fought with all her might to break free.  Whatever drug they tried to have her drink seemed to be sending Sarah into a drunken stupor, she sat against a building on the verge of passing out.

She cried out, trying once more to stop Chad from reducing her tiny lover to paste.  "SIRUS!!!!!!"  Once more she could feel the resistance of the man behind her impeding her effort.  "Let go!"  She thought, desperately willing all her strength to surge forward.  Pushing back with her left, Eri broke free of Vincent's gasp and reached for Chad's leg with her right.  The man's heel was already touching the ground, Sirus almost completely lost beneath it.  "No!"  Without even thinking Eri did the only thing she could and in that instant shrunk Chad to roughly half an inch in size.

Having experience herself with shrinking, Eri realized that if not done in a certain way the process would overload one's senses much like she probably did to Sirus the first time she shrunk him.  The bigger the change the more the stress but for Chad she did it right.  He was going to be aware of what happened.

At first, the thought of looking for Chad didn't even cross Eri's mind.  She quickly, but gently, picked up Sirus and brought him up to her ear.  "Please, come on Sirus."  She whispered as she listened for his heartbeat.  It took a couple seconds, but she found it, beating weakly but steadily.  "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!"  She said, thanking all the powers that be for this miracle.

Still, Sirus was in poor shape.  Both his arms were bent at awkward angles in three places, his left leg seemed to have gotten partially crushed under Chad's shoe before she could save him, but still had form and the right seemed only broken.  She wasn't sure, but he had to have some broken ribs and all sorts of damage she couldn't see and he was bleeding.

"Sirus... my poor, brave Sirus."  She cooed lovingly, tenderly kissing him a couple times before something caught her attention.

"What the FUCK!?"  Eri's eyes narrowed at the offending voice that assaulted her ear, all caring and warmth fading from them as she looked down on, not to, the speaker.  With Sirus, she had always taken care when he was below her eye level to never use this gaze, he was special.  Chad on the other hand.  "The fuck'd you do to me?!"  The tiny man demanded, fury flaming across his face.

"I shrunk you,"  She explained coldly as she thought about how to refer to him.  "No, I can't treat him like he treated Sirus.  They're in the same position and if I consider Chad less than human that would be the same as revoking Sirus' humanity."  "Little man."  She stated in an even tone, devoid of emotion.

"Sh-shrunk!"  A voice from behind her drew Eri's gaze.  Her eye's widened when she saw Vincent standing only several inches tall, 6 max.  "You shrunk me?!"  He asked, his voice cracking as he broke down into tears.  "Oh God!  Why?"

"For fuck sakes Vincent, ball up for once in your life!"  Chad yelled at his friend.  "This bitch'll change us back if she knows what's good for her."

"Was that a threat?"  Eri thought unamused, reaching out and pinching Chad's chest between her fingers as she picked him up.  "Oh?  And what, pray tell, are you going to do if I don't?"  She asked, the aura of dominance and control she exuded coming second nature to her, not at all like when she first interacted with Sirus.  "You just demonstrated how easily someone at your size can be beaten."  She added, catching herself just before her fingers pinched harder.

"Shit, this crazy bitch is right."  She heard Chad say as he tried to escape her grasp, but his lips weren't moving.

"What the?"  Eri thought, intensifying her gaze on him.

"Holy Hell Chad!  You idiot!"  Vincent's voice rang in.  "Don't piss her off anymore than you already have.  Get on her good side, maybe we can escape!"

"Fucking fuck!  Okay bitch, I'll play ball for now.  But when I get out of this I'm going to tie you down and fuck you til you're so loose a football would slip out!"  Chad's inner voice said as he stopped struggling.  "Okay, yeah... you're right.  I-I'm sorry, nerves.  Ya know?"  He said submissively, acting meek and scared.

"What's going on?"  Eri thought confused.

"FINALLY!"  Eris' blurted out.  "Do you have any idea how weird Sirus is?  Not even once did he trigger this.  Not once!"

"Trigger what exactly?"  Eri asked.

"Normally, the thoughts of your tinies are theirs alone.  However, if they lie or try to deceive you with malicious intent or to try and escape you get to listen in as well."  Eris explained, excited that she finally can.  "They can lie to try and surprise you, like Sirus did for your gift, which is beautiful and sweet and I told you tinies feel great but we'll save that for another time.  Just know that those two are not like Sirus, they're normal and need to be 'broken in' if you catch my drift.  Though Chad would be in my stomach by now if it were me.  Still, just wanted to explain, good luck with the rest of your night!"  She said as her voice started to fade.  "Oh, and Happy Birthday!"

"Seriously, now I just feel like she's making things up as she goes."  Eri thought, shaking her head as she organized her thoughts.  "Though if that's true, Sirus never thought about leaving."  The thought made her start to feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"The fuck is this bitch on anyway?"  And that, like everything Chad has done, killed the mood.  "That drug is suppose to make drunk people drunker.  Assy-McHappy Hands over there seems to be down for the count, but Tits here is fine."

"Okay you two, I don't have time to deal with you right now."  She said, reaching over to Sarah.  "Never done this before, but if I'm able to shrink the hairs off my body, maybe I can shrink the drug in her blood."  She thought, concentrating her power onto Sarah.  She wasn't sure what to think, but more wished her power to affect only the weird drug she knew was in her friend's bloodstream.  She willed it to work for herself so she hoped it would work for Sarah.

Just as she finished applying her power, hoping that it worked, the rear exit to the bar opened.  "Yo Chad, the girls... 'agreeable' yet?"  The man walking out asked.  Eri recognized him as one of the bartender from the bar, probably the one that mixed their drinks.

Rage boiled up in her again as she looked at the man as she stood up and stomped over to him.

"Shit, run Rock!"  She heard Chad yell, but she knew he was probably to small for his warning to reach his friend.

"Oh God!  Rock, you're our only hope!"  Vincent cried.

"Oh, um, hey there.  Where are Chad and Vinny, the guys you left with?"  Rock asked as Eri stormed up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Fuck this fucking WHORE!"  Chad swore, spitting venom.

"Hope?"  Eri asked in a mocking tone, her emotions storming inside of her.  "You bastards don't have any hope!"  She said, shrinking Rock down to a mere 2 inches tall.

"Fucking hell?"  Rock immediately exclaimed, slightly disoriented looking around.  It didn't take long for him to register his new stature in life.  "Oh... am I on shrooms already?"  He chuckled in disbelief.

"You wish.  Now go stand over by your friends and don't run away."  Eri instructed, returning to Sarah you was still groggy.  "The world is a far more hostile place than I am for people of your size, if you want to live your best 'hope' is to stay with me."  She added.

"This is all your fault Vinny."  Chad accused as Eri tried to get her friend back to her senses.

"My fault?"  Vincent asked.  "How is any of this my fault?"

"Because you wanted to come to fucking Canada of all places."  Chad yelled back.  "I was all set to go to Vegas, but you wanted to come to this shit hole of a country for some stupid reason.  I only agreed because I knew Rock was here."

"Anyone want to tell me just what the fuck is happening right now?"  Rock asked, doing his best not to freak out.

Vincent and Chad each gave their own unique takes on what had happened before Rock came out.  Eri could hear the three then argue and pass the blame around as well as their thoughts to either get away or get even with her.

Chad was the most belligerent but also the least intelligent, thinking he could charm his way out of the situation and then rape and/or kill her (she didn't care much for him).

Rock almost immediately broke and fell to despair, blaming Chad and Vincent for dragging him into this mess and hoping for mercy.

While Vincent was the least confident of the three, he was also the most intelligent.  He figured that if he could get on Eri's good side and pretend to be obedient that he might be able to get away but he also had to think about getting big again.

Not that the worries and mental states of those three mattered to her as she tended to Sarah.  "Come on Sarah, snap out of it."  Eri pleaded, shaking her friend once more.

The brunette moaned as she slowly became more and more self-aware.  "My head is killing me, what happened?"  She asked.

"Thank goodness you came back to your senses."  Eri exclaimed happily, hugging Sarah.  "I need you to call an ambulance, right now."

"Whoa, whoa there.  Care to bring me up to speed?"  Sarah asked looking around and noticing the three shrunken men in front of her.  Immediately she felt the urge to grab them and use them, but having experience fighting this temptation she was able to keep her senses.  "Like who are they and why are they small?"

Eri explained what happened, how Sirus felt like something was wrong and was right.  She told her what happened in the alley and the events that led her to shrinking Chad, Vincent and Rock.  "So I need you to call an ambulance for Sirus.  He needs proper medical attention."  She requested, tearing up just remembering all that happened.

"Totally."  Sarah agreed, seeing how badly mangled Sirus' body was she wasn't even sure how he was still alive.  "So what about them?"  She asked coldly, glaring at the trio of tinies as she rummaged around in her purse for her phone.

Eri had almost forgotten about them.  They had fallen silent for some time now, she wasn't able to hear their thoughts currently and she didn't care about them in the least.  "What about them?  They'll need someone to take care of them and it's not going to be me."  She stated.

"Oh, I can take care of them."  Sarah offered, reaching forward and snatching Chad off the ground.  "You two stay put or else."  She threatened with a menacing glee, Chad fighting her grasp and cursing up a storm but neither girl paid him any mind.  Unlike Eri, Sarah didn't look at the shrunken men as humans, in her eyes they had just become her playthings.  "They won't be needing their clothes anymore, if you'd be so kind."  She requested as she pulled her phone out and dialed 9-1-1.

"You heard her guys."  Eri shrugged, reaching out and touching Vincent and Rock, restoring their cloths back up to full size.  She fished them out and after quickly searching their pockets she took their wallets, keys and any change they had before shrinking the clothes back down.  She did the same for Chad as Sarah lied to the dispatch operator over the phone and once she had all of their possessions in hand she shrunk everything to the size of dust particles and licked her hand clean.

"Okay, an ambulance is on the way, should be here soon."  Sarah said, hanging up the phone.  "You sure about this?  Didn't you say you'll lose your power if you restore him?"  She asked, picking up Rock and shoving his unresisting form in her purse before zipping it shut.

"Yes, I love him.  He's done so much for me, sacrificed so much and supported me.  It's the least I can do for him now."  Eri replied, looking lovingly at the injured man in her hand.  "He's worth giving up this power for."  She added without the slightest bit of hesitation.

"Yeah, I guess."  Sarah agreed smiling.  "Thanks little man, for looking out for us."

"So, any requests before I say farewell to me power?"  Eri asked.

"Hmm..."  Sarah thought for a moment and looked at Vincent.  "Since I can't alter his size at will like you can, as much as I'd like for this little cutie here to stay at this size, I think 3 inches would be easier to manage."  She reasoned, grabbing Vincent before he could run.

"Wait please!"  Vincent tried to beg but his words fell on deaf ears as Eri touched him and shrank him to Sarah's desired height.

"And him?"  Eri asked, motioning to Chad.  "I was desperate in the moment but I can make him bigger if you want."

"No need."  Sarah chirped happily as she tossed Chad's naked form into her mouth and swallowed loudly.  "All his high-pitched bitching was getting annoying."  She reasoned, rubbing her stomach.  "Tell ya what little snack.  I'll bring you back up in a half hour or so and if you're still alive I won't send you back, okay?"

"Y-you monster!"  Vincent exclaimed, horrified at what Sarah just did, not that she cared.

Surprisingly, Eri didn't even flinch.  She laid Sirus down on the ground and using her power one last time restored him to his full height.  As she finished, Eri felt her power disconnect for her, unusable now.

"Oh right, apparently the little guy you just swallowed really wanted to get in the back of your panties."  Eri reminded Sarah as they sat and waited for the medical team to get to them.

"You're right!"  Sarah exclaimed excitedly.  "If you don't add to it, I'll let you have as much of my ass as you want."  She promised, talking to her stomach and poking at it.

"You two are touched in the head!"  Vincent yelled, fighting for dear life to get away from them.  "Did you treat that guy like this too?  Torture and torment him until Stockholm took over?"

Vincent's words struck a cord in Eri, thinking back on the time she spent with Sirus.  She had never done anything to make him uncomfortable so he never tried to run away, but he was still kidnapped.  She knew she loved him and that he loved her, but what if his love was conditioned by the control she had over him?

Sarah noticed the disruption in Eri's mental state, the blonde's eye staring blankly and quivering uncontrollably.  "Don't you talk about things you know nothing about!"  She yelled at her new toy.  "Sirus and Eri have a relationship of trust.  He loves her with all his heart and she was nothing but kind and accommodating to him."

"Yeah, until he does something that pisses her off and she passes him off to her psychotic friend!"  Vincent countered.  "What do you think he'd say about this situation?"

"Wh-what have I done?!"  Eri thought, tears flowing from her eyes as Vincent's tirade hit close to home.  "Sure Vincent was an accident and I was just trying to Save Sirus from Chad, but Rock?  I knew what I was doing, I clearly decided to shrink him..."

"Okay, I see you do have some spirit my little toy."  Sarah said, thinking of a way to silence Vincent.  "I'll be sure to break you of that, but for now I'll introduce you to your new home."  She added, sliding her hand into her panties.

"No!  You can't!  I have a fam-"  And before he could finish, Vincent's voice was lost and a wet 'slurp' and Sarah quivering in delight.

"Oh, fuck that feels great!"  Sarah purred, crossing her legs and enjoying her new, organic vibrator.

Suddenly, Eri stood up in a panic.  "Family!  Oh no, I have to leave."  She exclaimed, caught between her concern for Sirus and her new found urgency to flee.

"Hold on Eri, you can't leave Sirus like this."  Sarah reasoned, grabbing her hand to try and pull her back.

"No, I can't be here when the ambulance gets here Sarah.  That's why I had you call."  Eri replied, pulling her had away and taking a couple steps back.  "Sirus' family will know.  I can't explain know how, but I know they will.  You can't tell anyone that I was here."  She begged, bending down and kissing Sirus on the cheek.  "I'm sorry Sirus, I really am.  For everything."  She whispered lovingly in his ear, kissing him one last time.

"Are you sure?  What should I even say?"  Sarah asked, watching Eri start to leave the alley.

Stopping, Eri turned to look back with a sort of sad smile on her face.  "Just tell them the truth.  You found him here in that state and called the ambulance."

Before Sarah could even reply, Eri left, leaving the brunette to wait for the medical team to arrive with Vincent struggling in her cunt.  Eventually the tiny man settled down and Sarah was able to sent Sirus off with the ambulance without incident.

"Fuck I need a drink."  She thought aloud after the ambulance pulled away, walking back into the bar.  She did, however, remember to retrieve Chad before she went back to drinking.

Sirus was in a coma for close to three months, which the doctors all agreed might have been a small blessing for the man as he would have otherwise been wracked with severe pain.  He was identified thanks to his ID in his wallet and both the authorities and his family were notified.

Overjoyed that he was returned to them, Sirus' family tracked down Sarah and thanked her for finding him.

Sarah would come and visit Sirus to see how he was doing from time to time, although she couldn't tell anybody she knew him and how he protected both her and Eri that night.

Eri never did end up visiting, in fact she vanished shortly after the incident, quitting her job and giving notice to her apartment's superintendent.  She didn't tell anyone where she was going or why, but she was gone before anyone noticed.

Time passed and eventually summer began to give way to fall.  Sirus was still unconscious on a hospital bed, all of his wounds miraculously healed without complications.  Melony sat at his bedside, watching over her son.  None of the doctors had any reason to explain how he was even still alive but that didn't matter, he was alive and he was back.  The machines monitoring his health beeped and hummed softly as she went through her social media posts on her phone.  She was about to post another update of how his condition was still same when she heard a hoarse, dry whisper drift through the room.



Chapter End Notes:

The next chapter should be the last.  I'd like to thank everyone for reading this story of mine, seeing the read count and reveiws steadily increase motivated me to push forward so quickly, so again, thank you so much for reading.  I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time.


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