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Tanner was pleasantly surprised he managed to sleep through the night as well as he did after his Mom’s unsettling behavior; if last evening was a one-off occurrence then he was more than willing to repress it in the recesses of his memory. The morning was also going smoothly, excellent even. Not only was he back in his safe corner of the world, that being his house of course, but around mid-morning Ivory told him that she’d be taking Marcelle to the train station at noon for her to go home. He nearly wanted to pinch himself that it was actually happening and with there being ten minutes before the afternoon, Tanner was counting down the minutes like a kid before New Year’s.

Expectedly once it was five minutes till, Ivory stopped by to let him know she was leaving. “Alright Tanner I’m going to go start up the car and drop off Marcelle so she can catch her train. I shouldn’t be any longer than an hour sweetie.”

“Sounds good.” Tanner smiled, trying his best to withhold his enthusiasm and urge to make a comment such as ‘Tell Marcelle I told her to fuck off and never come back.’

Ivory gave Tanner a small peck before heading out. It was all clear skies from here he thought… or would’ve liked to have thought before the bane of his existence made her presence known. His face instantly went sour as he heard her footsteps and the wheels of her suitcase drawing closer, until she reared her head over his house in the typical Marcelle fashion  he hated so much that made him think he was being looked at as her personal plaything.

  “I guess this is it for now Tanner. I’m going to miss my favorite little cousin.” She pouted while turning up the sweetness in her voice to levels that made Tanner’s stomach churn from the disingenuity.

“I won’t miss you at all and I hope I never see you again.” Tanner responded offering a similar dishonest tone along with one of the shit eating grins he’s seen Marcelle wear too many times. It did feel pretty good to serve Marcelle a bit of her own medicine, especially when he wouldn’t have even dreamed of doing so a mere 24 hours ago in fear of imminent punishment or humiliation.

Marcelle rolled her eyes ignoring the venom being spewed at her.  “Come on, it couldn’t have been THAT bad. These past few days with me around were probably the most excitement you’ve had in your whole life.”

“Oh, pardon me. I forgot being nearly squeezed to death, sat on, or stuffed between your boobs is the EPITOME of fun.” He recapped.

Scoffing, Marcelle took it in stride. “As if you didn’t like it, most guys would’ve had to take me out and buy me some drinks before even thinking about getting that close. You got to the goods free of charge!” She winked, propping up her boobs from underneath to make sure her step cousin received a good glimpse.

“… Yeah, I’m the luckiest guy alive.” Tanner’s comeback came with delay. At the time there was nothing amusing or captivating about those ordeals, but in hindsight imagining the up close and personal time he spent against Marcelle’s body caused some… stirring in his loins.

“You sure are, I’ve lost track of how many guys have tried to cop a feel.” Marcelle continued and leaned her body further over Tanner’s house, leaving the tiny teen inside subject to a solar eclipse courtesy of her cleavage. “And you honestly want to complain when a tiny guy like you gets to see a giant set of quintuple XL tits and even got to spend playing in them? Even if you don’t know it yet, trust me you LOVED IT.”

If he was quicker on the draw he would have looked away, but when the massive Grand Canyon of boobs overtook his view his undivided attention was drawn in like a sailor to a siren’s song. His mental voice of reason kept telling him to look away, but his male instincts and libido shut that voice down and kept his attention fixated on the gigantic mounds above him. Begrudgingly, he had to admit she was impressively endowed beyond the extent of his Mom, Ingrid, Blake, etc.  There was no doubting that her feminine assets have made other girls envious and guys lustful.

Dare he admit if her personality was excluded Tanner would have a hard time denying Marcelle was not far from a 10 out of 10 on most people’s arbitrary scale of beauty… including his own. Fucking hell, was she right? Maybe being trapped in her boobs wasn’t bad at all? Life at his size came with numerous hurdles, but he was positive that he was the only guy alive who has ever been sandwiched between a pair of giant boobs from a giant woman.  What was that feeling? No, not just in his loins. Regret? If he wasn’t in such a panic at the time, he wondered what it would’ve been like if he hadn’t struggled when he was trapped and simply let himself be enveloped by the warmth and softness-

Tanner shook his head and jolted himself back to his senses, it was bad enough he was actually entertaining these thoughts, but the fact they were inspired by his worst tormenter of all people? He needed to get a grip. To his chagrin, Tanner realized he must’ve been in deep thought because he didn’t notice Marcelle’s snickering above at him having already moved her breasts out the way to peer down at him again.

To his further misfortune, he realized she wasn’t only snickering because she clearly had him enticed by her words and breasts, but also at the obvious erection he was sporting evidenced by the tent formation in his pants. Tanner bit his gums and looked away, it just had to be Marcelle of all people. It’s been this way ever since she arrived, sure he had urges like any guy his age but they were normal urges or so he thought. Ever since she mentioned that macrophi-whatever it was, it’s been one thing after another each time he’s around the women in his life and when he started to think of the magnitude of their bodies it was just… ugh. Tanner shook his head again realizing his erection would never settle down if he kept thinking about such things.

“Whoops, did that get you all hot and bothered?” Marcelle chimed back in relishing how easy it was to flip his switch. “I forgot it must be a lot for a little guy like you to handle seeing my giant body. Do you need a few minutes to get your rocks off or do you need me to stay so you have some visual stimulation?” She was playing him like a violin and loved it.

Tanner didn’t bother trying to save his dignity now. “If you’ve gotten your jollies, get out already.”

“You’re such a riot little guy. I swear, it almost made me forget what I came here for.”

“What?” Perplexed, Tanner stared at Marcelle who didn’t answer and just grinned down at him for the next several seconds, considering she stayed in the guest room during her whole stay there shouldn’t be anything she needed out of Ivory’s room. He figured she just dropped by to pester him one last time. “…” Except he was wrong, that was not the only reason she came in Ivory’s room and there was something in the room she wanted. The instant Tanner made the connection he ran.

“Where you going Teeny Tanner? Hehe, I can’t finish packing without YOU.” Tanner heard from above in the midst of her incessant giggling.  By the skin of his teeth did he manage to scurry to the corner and out of the path of her hand that descended above and ravaged through his house.  There wasn’t any time to rest though, he ran again as she made another attempt to grab him. He was on borrowed time and he knew it, from the confounds of his house he was bereft of options to hide or escape from Marcelle who was bulldozing everything out of her way with her palm.

Thinking fast, Tanner avoided capture once more by sliding underneath his bed but as anticipated his evasive efforts were only a nuisance to Marcelle who easily plucked the bed out of the house to leave him in the open fray. “Peek-a-boo.”

Tanner was about to make another break for it but his step-cousin was already prepared with her unoccupied hand on standby waiting for him to be exposed, there was no getting away this time.

“Come to mama!” She boasted as she scooped him into her grasp.

“Stop! You fucking bitch! You can’t do this, you can’t do this! Bitch! Bitch!” A defeated Tanner was reduced to only being able to squirm and launch a barrage of insults at his captor until the very last second as he was lowered into her purse.  The last thing he had the displeasure of seeing was Marcelle’s cocky self-assured smirk looking down upon him.

“We have a train to catch.”  Were her parting words before sealing her purse, leaving her captive accompanied by cosmetics and darkness.




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