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"It's something isn't it?" Lucas asked looking into part of the debris field. "Yeah. Beautiful and ghastly at the same time. Never expect lightning in space" Chad said looking as well. "Caused by debris small as grains of sand bumping into one another. Static electricity buildup" Ned said looking at the bolts of lightning. "Ingress did this?" Aya asked.  "Yeah. Many years ago in another war. Very many lost their lives that day. Up here...and down below on the surface" Chad replied. "You ever been to the memorial site?" Lucas asked them. "Yeah. With the Stray Dogs after the war" Atreya replied. "On a field trip back in high school. Thought it was kid shit going there. I was so wrong."


"An obelisk 1000 ft. tall and 500 ft. wide inscribed with the names of the confirmed dead. It sits on a preserved city block that survived the breakup. Trees frozen. Grass looking like frosted glass. Homes with windows blown out and...bodies with entire families just floating around inside. Controversial for the time" Chad muttered. Ned put his hand on the PRIDE's shoulder. "That's why we're here kid. To prevent another tragic day like this happening. "No more gawking. Time to board the reentry vehicle" Ned said.


"I swear to god this thing looks like a black dude's dick" Lucas muttered. "Seen many of those to give a comparison?" Atreya asked popping the hatch. "No thank you. I prefer pussy myself" Lucas retorted. "If we survive this then maybe I'll give you a victory fuck" Atreya said climbing in. Lucas chuckled but didn't hear her laughing. "Wait? You serious?" Lucas asked following her. "I shaved my crotch not just for comfort I assure you. Have you been with a giantess before?" Atreya asked. "Well uhh..." Lucas stammered. "Yes, he has" Chad said quietly climbing in behind Atreya.

"Whoo...let the good times roll" Ned said climbing in after Chad.       



"So, what's the plan again and why we need this?" Lucas asked changing the subject. "This vehicle is going to shield us from radar and EMP. Outside ahead of us is a nuclear bomb of the old variety. It's going to explode at 63 miles above the surface covering 73.5 miles radius. This thing here will shield us from exposure" Ned said locking his body in the harness. "This thing the black giant dildo?" Aya asked. Atreya laughed her ass off. "This dildo is going to keep us from being hit with EMP and crashing into the ground at 600 mph. You're a badass Atreya but even you can't survive becoming a puddle of liquified flesh and bones. Now please show some respect" Ned told them.


"Once were clear of the blast zone the vehicle will separate and we have to go full throttle down. Pull up at the last second before we crash and land at the control center. Depending on the blast we got between 11 to 13 minutes before they reboot. It's going to be tight" Ned said. "Relax Neddie. You got me to lead you around down there" the giantess said to him. "Always the optimist" Ned chuckled. "Reminds me of the old days. Going balls out into battle. Aaron blasting classic music" Atreya said. "Yeah. From Stray Dogs to Dire Wolves. Always in a pack" Ned said. "If we're in a pack what does that make you?" Atreya asked. "Me? Beta wolf. Follower" Ned replied. "Stud wolf" Lucas laughed. "Chad's the mutt. Don't pout in there hybrid boy" Atreya chuckled. "I'm the alpha! I love sex and telling people what to do!" Aya yelled. "Lord Aya..." Chad moaned. "And what about me? I should be alpha. I'm the oldest" Atreya said. "You're the bitch. Oh now it’s your turn to pout" Chad said. "Remind me to slap you with the backside of my fingernail" Atreya said. "Thought you were going to fuck me later?" Lucas asked. "I plan to be a busy girl" Atreya nodded.


Minutes later the vehicle began to shake. "Chad?" Aya asked worried. "We're hitting the atmosphere. Gets bumpier after this" Ned said. The craft groaned as the friction of atmosphere began to heat up the skin. Chad heard his sister whimpering. He held her hand. "It's okay" he said to her. Chad sensed her terror. This was entirely new to her. No frame of reference. It was only two days ago she saw space for the first time. Now she was free falling surrounded by plasma shocked superheated air. Aya breathed hard. Trying to control her fear for her tiny little brother. Hoping she could be useful to him.


"This sucks!" Atreya yelled. "Take your mind off it and don't talk! Might bite your tongue!" Ned yelled. "Here!" Chad yelled starting a song in his collection. "Unstoppable" by The Score began playing.  Ned kept a close watch on their descent. The bomb only minutes from its detonation altitude. Another sonic boom shook the craft and then an eerie silence. The shaking subsided. "Detonation in 3...2...1!" Ned yelled. Ned lost his feed as the EMP fried the outside sensors. "HOLD ON!" Ned screamed. The shockwave slammed into the craft violently. Seals ruptured but the craft held firm.


3 minutes earlier...


"What's our status?" Max asked. "We're monitoring the debris fall. Most of it is breaking up. We have full shield status just in case. The debris still intact is about the size of small cars. Even our weak shields can handle that" Zeus replied. "And our Union friends?" Max asked. "We've been watching them Cronus. It's concerning that the Phoenix is with them now but they've made no forward progress. A bluff?" Hera asked. "Maybe they hope this debris shower will weaken us enough to invade. Maybe knock us out before we can launch. Athena. Increase our alert level to maximum. Confirm that debris is that small" he ordered. Athena looked at a screen. "Radar confirms" she said. Max narrowed his eyes. "They're not stupid. They wouldn’t mass this much force on a flimsy gamble. Confirm debris with visual sensors" he ordered. Athena pulled up the screen. "Fireballs from reentry" she said. "Something is off. The fireball is too big" he said. A second after he says that a massive flash blinds them.


The entire room went dark. Air conditioning shut down. Dead quiet. The complex shook as a shockwave hit it. "Transformers must've blew" Zeus said. Max looked at him. He began glowing. His light filling the room terrifying them. "YOU IGNORANT FOOLS! THAT WAS AN EMP STRIKE!" Max screamed showing his dead wristcomm. His power illuminated the room enough for him to find his briefcase. He popped it open. "Oh my god. Lord Cronus..." Athena whispered. "They were warned! Let history record that they were warned!" Max screamed as he slammed his giant palm on the biometric scanner. Nothing. Tiny wisps of smoke came out but that’s all that happened. "No!" he screamed tossing it to the floor. "Get launch command. Tell them to prepare to fire manually" he said. "The communications are down" Athena said. The tiny woman felt a crushing force on her body. "I don't care if you have to fucking jog to get there. DO IT!" he screamed releasing her. The woman dashed out of the room.


"Vehicle separation in 3...2...1!" Ned yelled. Explosive bolts split the craft apart and the team fell right out. Their harnesses coming off automatically. "Holy shit it worked! Not detecting any launches or comm traffic" Ned yelled. "Good! Afterburn! Right to the deck and towards the mission marker!" Chad ordered.  They began racing to their objective. With the shield burned out, the little debris and pieces of the vehicle crashed to the ground distracting the frightened populace from the sonic booms overhead. "ACE's!" Lucas shouted as they touched down. "Frozen! Better yet their pilots are outside!" Atreya yelled. "Fuck are they..."*BOOM!      


Chad and Lucas destroyed them easily with no defenses working. The pilots blow to bits as they were standing in their palms. Atreya blew the doors open and they rushed in. "Suck it up" Chad told himself as he mercilessly killed the staff on the ground floor. Their charred remains setting alight the carpet. "Through here. The main complex is underground" Atreya said pointing to an elevator. Ned kicked the door in and jumped down the shaft. One by one they fell down using their thrusters to keep them safe. Every bit of a 2000 ft. drop. "Time check" Chad asked. "8 minutes and 41 seconds to go" Ned replied. "Where next?" Chad asked. "We split up. Chad, I need one of you to come with me to the control room. Ned the comm station next door. Aya and Lucas should guard the entrance" Atreya said. "Sounds like a plan" Chad said. Chad and Atreya broke down the door and found a full staff inside trying to fix overloaded systems. They were not expecting company.


"We...we surrender!" a man shouted. Atreya paid him no mind and casually stepped on him as she made her way to a console. His squelching body was louder that you'd expect. Chad looked at the remaining 6. "Please...we're just technicians! We're not soldiers!" a young woman screamed. "And I'm not here to take prisoners" he told her. The people rose into the air screaming and in an instant their little bodies were torn apart. Chad looked over at Atreya yanking a panel loose. "Hmmm..." She said seeing a technician who had heard the screams taking refuge inside. "Trying to reboot the system using a backup relay?" Atreya asked the small man. He shrieked as the giantess took ahold of his head and twisted it. His feeble neck snapping like a rotted twig. Just a growl as she tossed his corpse out the way. "Good news is the launch panel is very well fucked. Bad news is the backup system is cycling. It'll bypass sooner than we want. "Ai...DDOS it while I yank the boards" Atreya asked.


Chad looked at his countdown timer nervously. Ned got to his area. Two humans inside desperately trying to restart the comm system. "Don't bother" he said coldly shooting the transmitter. One of them was killed but the other survived barely. He crawled to the door making his way to Ned. Ned looked at him. "Guess you should’ve called into work sick today" Ned said as he raised his boot. Ned found no joy crushing him into paste. If anything, he needed a better target. One that was easily designable as Omega. 


"Boss we got company" Lucas said as dozens of soldiers charged at them. "Need backup?" Chad asked. "Against these puny fucks? Not a chance" Lucas replied. Lucas and Aya easily killed them but a new wave followed. "Insanity. They throw away their lives" Aya said seeing just 10 of them. "No pity Aya" Lucas told her firing off an autocannon volley. To their shock the shells stopped in midair. The enemy group began to glow. The shells turned. "You got to be shitting me! Aya down!" Lucas screamed yanking her aside. The shells whizzed by in an instant barely missing them. They enemy collectively glowed. "Chad, we got a situation! Gonna need that backup after all!" Lucas yelled. "Go. I'll handle this!" Atreya screamed snapping motherboards.


"Mind powers! Freaky fucking mind powers!" Lucas yelled as Chad appeared. "Defense!" Ai screamed. Chad threw up a tk shield over them. A barrage of antimatter rounds exploded all around. He grimaced at the ferocity. "Anti..."


" I noticed!" Chad yelled at Ai. Chad aimed at the ceiling and fired. The debris crushed the soldiers instantly. "This...this is disturbing. I recorded 3 of them with the same face" Ai said. "Triplets?" Chad asked. "Unlikely. I think we know now what those medical facilities were being used for" she said. "Fucking sick" Chad hissed. The countdown timer hit zero. The power began to flicker back on. "Please tell me you took out their launch capacity" Chad said to Atreya. "Just seconds ago but you should see this" she said. They all returned to the room. "Look on the nose cone" she said pointing to a missile seen from a silo window. "Scanning. Low frequency receiver wired into the launch system of the missile" Ai said. "The deadman switch" Ned told them. "Any way to disable it?" Chad asked. "Microwave attack but these missiles are scattered all over Ingressa" Ai replied. "We did our duty. We're going topside and radioing our forces to proceed!" Chad ordered.


"This is Dire Wolves to command! Operation success! You have a go for attack!" Chad radioed. "Roger Wolf 1. Rendezvous with our forces ASAP. ETA is 1 hr. 12 minutes" Arella said back. "So we're just going?" Aya asked. "Look at your radar. We got a fuckload of incoming. Take to the air and proceed north. If you have targets on route...by all means" Chad said taking to the air. The team flew away from the control center strafing any soldiers, armor, and batteries they could see. In the confusion, they're weren't shot at.


"Launch control is down. Our forces will be at alert one status in 20 minutes. Listening posts confirm enemy battle group is approaching. They will recharge our borders in 1 hr. 4 minutes" Athena said. "What is the status of our dragon teeth?" Max asked. "612 ready and prepped. Another 39 being programmed and rushed into service" she replied. "I want them prepped, stationed, and combat ready on our northern facing no later than a half hour. Do you understand?" he said coldly. The woman nodded. Jun entered the command room.


"What’s going on? There's shouting and the power went out" she asked. "Your brother decided to start a world war. Go to the bunker" he said. The giantess rubbed her swollen belly. "I rather be here" she said quietly. Max sensed it was due to her thinking of Chad and not him. "Do as I say!" Max yelled releasing a bit of power. "...sounds good to me" she droned. "Hermes...Hera. Take command of or ACE squadrons. Zeus, you will command our ground troops" he ordered. "And what of me?" Aphrodite asked. "You will command our dragon’s teeth. You have experience with clones" Max said rolling his eyes. She didn't like his tone. "Don't give a shit that you don't like my tone. Just fucking obey" he said with another voice. She could tell Baris just took control. That worried her more than anything.


Chad rushed to the bridge of the Phoenix. Hangar crews busy resupplying their armor. Ned and Lucas were busy directing operations and Aya resting. Atreya followed Chad shortly after. "Open a channel to command" he said. The comm officer nodded and a holographic conference call came through. "We're back on board. How are we coming with our own forces?" Chad asked. "Considerable. We got 43,000 plus troops tagging along in every transport we could get. Adds nice to the 16,000 you got crammed in that shiny ship of yours" Arella said. "Heavy support?" Chad asked. "3,818 Ingress and Ingress class hybrids. 417 armored carriers and tanks. 1,274 ACE's and 212 aircraft. Any more and the skies would be too cluttered" she replied. "That's what I'm talking about!" Chad yelled.


"Don't celebrate yet. People have been flocking to Ingressa in the past 6 weeks. Pro-Omega sympathizers. No doubt more than a few are willing to fight. Add to the fact that their forces are relying on human and Ingress conscripts, this will be bloody" she said. "And their armor?" he asked. "When the bomb blew it took out their ECM and we got a clear picture of their armor. 3,072 ACE's and STRIKE II's. 311 tanks" she said. "Every factory in Ingress must've been working 24 hrs. to do that. My god the expense" Atreya muttered. "We encountered a different problem while we were there. They've cloned psychic soldiers and outfitted them with antimatter weapons. Strong as fuck too. They tossed four 600 lbs. armor piercing shells at over Mach 2. Damn near overwhelmed me" Chad said. "How many you think they're are?" Arella asked. "Unknown. A hundred? Maybe more. Every medical facility and reproduction clinic was fully operational. That's a lot of gestation tubes" Chad replied.


Arella looked at the other generals. "Duly noted" she says. "Arella. Private channel please" Chad said to her. Chad excused himself to a corner of the bridge. "Something else?" she asked. "Never asked you how things between you and Keiko turned out" he said. "Very well" she said showing a wedding ring. "No regrets then?" he asked. "None. I expected Nara to be on the bridge with you" she said. "Nara is in her quarters. Lately, she's become more religious. She's that worried" Chad said. "Check on her while you can. We won't arrive for another 40 minutes" she said. "Will do" Chad said ending the call.


Chad made his way to their quarters. He entered and heard her voice in the bathroom. "I beseech thee gods and goddesses of my ancestors. Hear my prayer" she muttered. Nara was stark naked with her knees bent standing in a shower stall. A huge container full of water next to her. Her beautiful giant ass sticking out showing her anus and curvature of her buttocks. Chad got rock hard. "Protect my life your humble daughter Nara Cyrus. Watch over my child Fei Cyrus. May she live to see all her good days. P...protect my mate Chadwick Cyrus. He is rash but is worthy of your graces" she muttered throwing water on her body. "If he is destined to fall...may it be...swift and painless. I...am sorry for not being more faithful. I beg of you to heed my selfish requests. I will offer my life if need be. Just spare me the agony of widowhood" she said quietly sobbing and throwing water on her body once more.


"Hey pretty lady" he said. Nara fell on her butt she turned around so fast. "Heard every word" he said. " I grew up in the faith. Went to ceremony. Even participated in the coming of age ceremony when I was 13. Walked barefoot for three days everywhere according to custom as I dressed in just a flimsy robe. Hated it. Humans stared. Stopped believing around the time of the falling out with my dad. Years passed and I didn't give a thought to praying. Even when I died I didn't think of gods, goddesses, or an afterlife. Funny how a husband and kid changes your way of thinking" she said. Chad walked over to her. He touched the tip of her big toe and waved his finger.


"Worries worries go away!" he said childishly. Nara cocked her head. "Something mom used to do to us kids when we couldn't sleep because we worried about stuff. A kind of charm" he said. "You're an idiot" she giggled. "Dry off and come to the bed" he said. "So you can fuck me?" she asked. "No. Make love" he replied. Nara, dried off sat on the bed. Chad, now naked hovered to her side.


He stared intently at her. The giantess blushed at his gaze. "If there's such a thing as a goddess, it's you" he said. Nara felt herself gently being pushed down. Chad sat directly over her heart. The beating of it increasing. "It's incredible Nara. I can sense so many things right now. Blood rushing to your vagina. You ovulating. Your skin warming. So soft" he said caressing it. Nara smiled at him. Chad hovered right over her face and sat his bare butt down over her lips. She took a sniff of his scent. Her mouth watered. Laying down, he pushed his cock between her lips. His giantess wife gently sucked it. "That's it baby" he said settling in for a relaxing blowjob. Normally he'd be fucking her lips right about now but he wasn't.


"It's funny how things work out. All of this happened because I bribed the staff sergeant back in training" Nara stopped sucking. "Remember the survival training mission where we got lost? Wasn't a coincidence we were partnered up. Loved you the first minute I laid my eyes on you. The staff sergeant was a fan of my dad and the Stray Dogs. Told him if he partnered me with you I'd get an autograph of dad and mom. And you were irritated at me so I figured it was my best shot at getting close to you. Honestly, I don't see my life without you"


"You hate coffee. Love caramels. Despise pickles. Your lip quivers when you're afraid. Your eyes sparkle when you're happy. And even though I know so much about you, I'm never bored. If there is a god, then surely he made you just for me" he told her. His body tingled as her lip quivered. "Aw sweetie. It's okay. Your Chaddie is going to make you feel like a million credits" he said to her.


Chad made his way to her feet. Rubbing her soft soles and the underside of her toes. Wasn't new to Nara obviously but it was different this time. The way he took his time and looked at her. The way he looks at me like I'm a goddess. I'm not..." She thought.  "I heard that. You are a goddess...to me" he said.  Nara chuckled with tears on her eyes as she gripped his body between her toes. "No goddess don't squish me!" he begged. The giantess laughed at him. "You're really getting wet now. Roleplay always did do that to you" he said looking at her vagina. Chad stood in front of her pussy. Their hair glistening. The heat coming from it making him sweat. "Can I fuck you?" he asked.


"Why ask?" she said confused. "This is different sweetie. I want another baby" he said. Nara shot up. "You're serious?" she asked. "Yes. Fei should have a brother or sister. And you're the best mom I know right now" he said. Nara put her face in her hands and wept. "Honey I know this wasn't the best time. I'm sorry" he said. Nara put her finger under his chin and had him look at her. "Make me pregnant Chadwick Cyrus" she said sniffling. Chad kissed the tip of her finger.


Chad didn’t just hump her like usual. Forcing her lips apart, he literally climbed in. Damp, sticky, and wet, he pushed himself along. A decent pocket of air sustained him. Nara made a cute squeak as he burrowed in. Two feet, then three feet. He'd never went that deep before and it concerned her. "Maybe...maybe...OHHH!" she screamed out as a force took ahold of her and pushed them back nearly to her shoulders. Her giant ass sticking in the air. Her pussy lips spread out and then a force pushed into her.


Nara gasped and moaned as she was fucked inside and out. Chad was busy. Spreading his focus between lifting the 9-ton legs and fucking the shit out of her vaginal walls. The squelching of her insides was getting louder as her juices was now almost flooding her cunt. Chad took a deep breath and came. Not easy.


Nara had to bite her lip as she came as the walls in their quarters wasn't as think as she would want. Her legs fell to the bed and soon felt her husband crawling out. "You...you never said how you'd do this without medical equipment" she said. Chad stepped up and stood right on her crotch. He looked down. "Don't think we'll need it" he said holding his hand out. "What...what..." Nara gasped as she felt her walls forced open slightly. "Moving it" he said. Call it confidence in his powers or just lost in the moment but he was literally moving his tiny seed through her vagina by sheer thought.


Her giant toes clenching the bedsheet as Chad kept moving her pussy walls until he got on his knees. "That time. Should be here" he said. As mentioned before, Chad knew she was ovulating and positioned his semen right where her egg would be. He looked at her. "Make a wish" he said. Nara closed her eyes and felt a small force. "Did it work?" she asked. Chad shrugged. "We can always try again another day" he said to her.  The two got dressed and Nara paused as she about to slip her socks on. "I want you to worship my feet later. Paint them. Lick them. Fuck my toe cleavage" she said softly. "Now who's being a pervert?" Chad chuckled. "I'M SERIOUS!" she yelled shaking. Chad was startled by her outburst. He hovered to her feet and kissed her big toe. He put her socks on one by one. Moving the giant cloth almost without effort. "You said a prayer for me remember? Have faith" he said. Nara nodded to him.


Nara and Chad returned to the bridge. Rex was looking out the main window and saw them enter. Rex placed his son on his shoulder and looked at his wife. "No regrets" Chad said to him. "Good boy" Rex said. "Not looking good" Ned said pointing to the radar. Dots in the radar map indicated confirmed enemy IFF. Looked like the screen had an allergic reaction. "Weapons range?" Chad asked. "4 minutes 12 seconds" Ned replied. "Sound condition red. Get the hangar bays ready for drops. Raise shields and arm antiaircraft batteries. I want to start putting boots on the ground as soon as we can" Chad ordered. The alarm sounded throughout the ship. Soldiers loaded into drop pods held by Ingress and hybrids. Ingress locking their combat suits and checking their rifles. Chaplains blessing those that believed in their religions.


"Nervous?" Atreya asked locking her breastplate. "I have fought before. Been in stressful situations. Man tried to kill me after paying him in sex for food once" Aya replied. Aya struggled to put her boot on. "But this is different. This is a battle" Atreya said bending down. "Had long sex with Andrei. He's good at licking my feet. Not nervous" she said getting more frantic with her boot. Atreya stopped her hands. They were shaking. She took ahold of her ankle and bent her giant foot. The boot slipped on and she pressed the button to lock and seal it. She placed her hands on Aya's shoulders. "It's okay to be nervous. Nobody is going to think less of you. Especially your dad or Chad" Atreya said. "You're not nervous?" Aya asked.


"I've done this before. Fought pitch battles. People call me a berserker. Only because I remember all the faces of those I've seen die. Photographic memory. Julie, Vazquez, a young boy crying for his mother. A woman begging for her captors not to breed her. When I lose it, I release all that guilt, grief, and pain all at once. Sometimes so intense I blank out. I've even eaten my enemies" Atreya whispered. "What is it like?" Aya asked. "Horrific and exhilarating. Now stand up and go load your pod" Atreya said patting her on the shoulder.


The pod itself was rectangular. 24 ft. long and 12 ft. high by section with 5 sections each. Fully loaded it could carry 120 human sized soldiers. With their rifle secured on the backs, Ingress could carry two fully loaded pods making them able to deploy 240 soldiers each. In theory, the entire compliment of humans on board the Phoenix could be deployed in as little as 10 minutes. Ingenious to say the least as transports were vulnerable to attack as they tried to land.


"They're nearly in turret and missile range. All forces are in position" Zeus said sitting in his ACE. "Well done" Max said looking from a mile back from the front line. Max's eyes glowed as he sighted Chad on the bridge staring out the window. His gaze turned to his hundreds of cloned soldiers ready to die for him. "I'm ready for you Cyrus. The hall is rented. The orchestra is engaged. Time to see if you can dance..."


"Colonel Elin. I leave command of the ship to you. Protect those transports. Use the shields to your advantage. Watch your fire as this is the textbook of danger close and for the love of god do not kill Maximillian Schneider" he told the giantess before him. The mid 30's woman saluted him as he, Nara, Rex, and Ned left the bridge. "It's ready sir. Outfitted with ablative armor and missile pod" an engineer said as Chad boarded the PRIDE. The wind howled as the door was open. Already, Ingress were leaping out to head to the ground with their troops. Aya and Atreya walked over to them. "Any inspiring words leader?" Atreya asked. "Show these assholes that the Dire Wolves have sharp fangs!" Chad said closing the hatch.


The team jumped out the hangar bay just as the anti-air volley came in. "Watch your surroundings! It's gonna get crowded!" Chad yelled as he banked hard and then down. "Attack wing 9! Target their batteries!" Chad ordered. Supersonic jets screamed down from high altitude directly for the front lines. Two squadrons, 14 jets in total, held formation even as the blitz of fire centered on them. One by one they were shot down. Finally, in firing range they launched a barrage of missiles. Armored, they only fazed them. Their numbers almost gone, they let lose a torrent of plasma fire. One battery exploded and then only one fighter remained. Mike Bradshaw, a rookie pilot of 21 had just lost all his friends on the span of three minutes. He still held the trigger doe and then a stray shot blew his wing off.


Tumbling out of control, Mike pulled the ejector lever and punched out. Shot out of the plane like a cork out of a champagne bottle, Mike soared into the air and his chute unfurled. He watched as his broken fighter (still carrying a plasma bomb) slammed   into the battery destroying it. He landed not far away and saw an Ingress girl dying. A large chunk of his fuselage sticking into her chest. He had been told Ingress would be drafted to fight them but seeing this girl younger than he was coughing blood and gasping made it that much more real. He watched her eyes roll in the back of her head before she died. The giantess teen dying would haunt him for the rest of his life...all 34 remaining seconds of it.


Blown clear of the battery, a giantess hybrid stumbled to her dead friend. Sierra was 19 years old and was despised for her human ancestry but a girl didn't treat her as an abomination. Even drafted, as long as her precious friend served by her side she was sure she'd be okay. Now Sierra looked on with only one good eye at her dead friend. A chuck of metal with a half-scorched Union emblem impaling her. The tiny man nearby wearing a Union pilot uniform and his parachute only feet away. Took Sierra a second to connect the dots. "No! Wait!" Mike said sprinting. Even badly injured and a concussion didn't stop Sierra from catching him. Yanking him up by his ankle and flipping him, she held him tight. Sierra said not one word but a single tear rolled down from her good eye. She began to squeeze. "Please...don't...ki.."*SQUELCH*   


At least it was quick for Mike. The sound of his ribcage shattering. His ears popping as blood was forced to his head. Then an almighty eruption of blood and guts from his mouth. Mike was KIA at 12:32 hrs. Sierra just let his body fall to the ground with a wet splat. Not knowing what to do she just sat down next to the body of her friend. She rocked back and forth in shock.


"Chad! We got the soldiers deployed and only lost four transports!" Arella shouted. "Excellent! I need your ACE's to come in low and hammer their plasma artillery!" Chad said. "Sounds good!" Arella replied. Chad dodged enemy fire as he closed ground on the front line. Telekinetically picking up dozens of soldiers only to vaporize them in midair. His goal was to expose their right flank. Not stupid, Zeus ordered a force to counterattack.


Chad was pushed back as enemy ACE's laid into him. His psychic shield kept him safe but it distracted him. With a thought, he targeted them and fired a missile. It jerked straight up and separated into five tiny rockets. Each one had its own target as they came down. A collection of massive explosions as their antimatter payload detonated. Chad hovered in the air as the smoke and fire died down. An entire squadron laid to waste. Chad had no time to gloat as a tiny antimatter round kicked him out of the air. "Again?!" he yelled scanning for a sniper. He didn't look far for the source.


Insane as it was, he could see purple points of light coming towards him. A chill ran down his spine as he of all recognized the glow. He jerked the machine hard just as a massive series of blast tore a crater into the ground. Chad zipped and edged as best he could his speed gave him a good advantage as their rounds were ballistic and fell off but still a few hit. He knew he couldn't spend energy fighting them. Not with Max out there. "God. They're all thinking the same thoughts. Like a hive mind" Chad said. "Like all insects with a hive society, there is a queen" Ai pointed out. "Good idea. Take out the queen" Chad said. Chad deployed his BITS and had them fire all around them to disorient them. A lucky shot vaporized one. "There! Her thoughts are a half step before the others!" Chad said narrowing his focus on an Asian girl in the center.

Surrounded by the remaining 22 soldiers, the cloned girl tracked her enemy. "Dodge right. Dodge left. Concentrate tk attack" she thought. A invisible force slammed into Chad. His armor groaned. "Fuck! They're dogpiling their tk! BITS! Burst fire!" he yelled. The beams struck a force field and weaker them just as Chad charged up a cannon shot. Over half vaporized and the Queen still alive...but separated.


Chad used his momentum and closed the distance. Swallowing, he clapped his hands together on her as if she was a mosquito. There was a hesitation in their programming as they selected a new queen. They began to form around a young man. "No you don't!" Chad screamed as he let loose both cannons. Only drifting ashes remained. Chad looked at his bloodied hands. Meat and guts stained them. The sounds of exploding artillery helped him snap out of it.


"Chad, we got a problem! Some freaky soldiers are ripping my ACE's apart!" Arella said. "I know! Just took a bunch out! Use conventional soldiers! Snipe the ones dead center and follow up with heavy weapons!" Chad yelled. "This isn't good. We're losing momentum. I need our fastest runners to take out that artillery!" Chad said. The call went out and one of those responding was Aya. Breathing hard as she had taken out her 7th ACE, she saw the orders. Only a half mile away was a plasma cannon raining fire down on her allies. 


Aya took off running. Her feet shook the soft ground leaving behind 2-foot-deep footprints. And ACE tried to stop her and fired. She dodged the shot and skewed it with her customized short blades. Soldiers fired their weapons. Her shields wore down but still she kept going. She paid no mind those crushed into the dirt under her feet or those kicked into the afterlife. She zigged and zagged as ACE's strafed her. Finally, she got to her target. She let off a primal scream as she pounced on the startled ACE manning the cannon. Slashing into the machine over and over. A punch to the face knocked a tooth out and with the hilt of her sword smashed the head camera. The pilot blind fired missing her and then she plunged the sword with all her might into the cockpit. Pulling it out it was slick with blood and the machine went silent. Wiping the blood from her mouth she turned the cannon onto a nearby one and fired.


Aya decimated the western artillery and just before she could aim at a battalion of enemy troops she felt searing pain in her left side. So wrapped up in shooting she didn't notice a black ACE with a green Omega logo in its shoulder coming for her. "You're pretty. Maybe I'll ask the boss man and clone you so I can rape that pretty body anytime I want" he said. Aya yanked away from him. "You're...commander?" she asked. "Hermes at your service. Least you'll know the name of the human that killed you. Take it with you to giantess hell" he said swiping his sword at her. Aya stepped back just in time to avoid a direct slash. The edge grazed her chest cutting open the suit and her bra. Her left breast exposed and bleeding. "Nice tits. I'm gonna enjoy seeing those later on as I use your clone. Ride that perky fucking nipple like a horse!" Hermes yelled raising his sword.


Her agility had kept her alive for this long but eventually even that would not be enough to stop him. Hermes brought his sword down to cleave her and she went to block it. Her short swords broke as he made contact throwing her into a defensive wall. Her hands stung from the shock and he grabbed her left wrist. He slammed it into the wall and took a shard of her sword and skewered her hand. Aya screamed in pain. Hermes yanked off her helmet and roughly squeezed her jaw. "Prettier than I thought. How many humans have you killed? Eaten? Crushed for your amusement? Raped to death to curb your filthy desires?" he asked as his armored hand squeezed her jaw. A loud clicking sound came from her jaw and Aya whimpered painfully.


"Dislocated jaw. Guess you won't be answering me. Should do away with you. More pressing matters as to Cyrus" he said coldly. At that moment, Aya finally understood what Atreya had told her about letting go. About becoming a berserker. Through the pain she kicked his leg as hard as she could. A creak of metal and Hermes fell to his knees. With her right arm free, she pulled her rifle off her back. "Sh...shot...gun mo...mode" she said barely able to say the words with her damaged jaw. The gun transformed and she pulled the trigger. Point blank it hit him ripping through his shields and tossing him on his back. Aya yanked the shard of metal out her hand and stood up.


"Goddammit! Eject!" Hermes yelled as sparks lit up his cockpit. "Unable to comply. Ejection system offline due to thermal damage to cockpit hatch" his AI said. As much as he yanked on the lever, nothing happened. Then something entered the hatch through the side edge. A bright spark and shaft of light shone him it was painted hot pink. Smooth and shaped familiar. "Oh god..." he muttered realizing it was a fingernail. Aya pried the hatch open exposing him. He went for the lever thinking maybe the ejection system would work now. Aya tore him out of his seat in a second. "Okay. I was wrong. I admit that. Just take me to your POW camp" he said shaking. Aya only answered by tearing his clothes off. "I love...humans. Fight for them. Never hurt...one. You...are...exceptions. Your friends...exceptions. Won't...let...you...take away...my love. Want to fuck? Fuck...my stomach...from inside" she said painfully.


Hermes screamed as she shoved him into her mouth. She tasted his sweat from fighting and being in that uniform. She didn't linger on it though as she swallowed him alive. She felt him enter her stomach and fight. She cared not. With her good hand, she pulled out a syringe and injected herself with nano-aid. Her wounds began to close and her jaw clicked back into place with much discomfort. Hermes was in total darkness. Her beating heart filling his ears along with the slashing of stomach acids. Normally it took a good five minutes before a human succumbed to the stomach acids of a giant or giantess. Four if they hadn't eaten in a long time. But Aya injected herself with nano-aid. Tiny little machines that repaired damaged tissue using proteins, minerals, and nutrients stored in the host. Aya hadn't eaten breakfast that day as her worry made her nauseous.


Her gastric juices were supercharged and began breaking down the meat in her stomach to heal her. That meat being an evil human bigot in her tummy. Hermes screamed as his feet and shins were burned. He literally melted like a candle. And within two minutes he was no more. The irony of it was the wounds he inflicted, his body' proteins formed tissue to repair them. Aya picked up her rifle and stole his sword. She looked around. The battle had moved eastward away from her. She didn't move. Exhausted she just stood there.


"Direct hit on lower ventral shields! Compensating!" the tactical officer yelled. "Colonel Elin to General Cyrus! We're taking a pounding from those strange soldiers! If we don't clear them this ship isn't going to last another 5 minutes!" Elin radioed. Chad looked over. She was right. Hundreds of the cloned soldiers were shooting the ship. Their blasts stacking up the damage. Chad throttled up and pitched his machine. "Roger. Engaging!" Chad yelled. "Negative Cyrus. I'll handle it" Raam cut in. "You?!" Chad yelled. "Yeah me. For some reason, these things won't fight me" Raam said.


Raam thundered to them and landed in the front of their lines. "Fuck me" he muttered seeing well over 200 of them just laying into the Phoenix. "New target. Error. Subject is Ares. Do not engage. Continue with high priority target" they said in creepy unison. "I'll be damned. They didn't take me out of the system. Athena, you're not as smart as you think you are" Raam said smiling. Raam began wiping them out with shotgun blasts. Dozens vaporized with single shots. Smoke and ash rising into the air. When his fun overheated, he fell back to what always worked. Crush them into paste.


It reminded him of his childhood. Crushing bugs that entered his home. How he enjoyed it. Took pleasure. Raam looked down at a few that looked at him with confusion. "Don't blame me" he said before slamming his foot down. His black boots became slick and shiny from blood. His feet and knees ached after a minute or so. He slowed down only to catch his breath. "Christ. How many did that mad fuck make?!" he yelled. Now it unnerved him as they didn't retreat. Two thirds into their line and they hadn't faltered. They began moving now only to get a better angle on the ship. "I'm in your way?" Raam said squishing more. He swatted some feeling their bodies crumple against his arm and hand. He grabbed one. A girl and he hesitated. He thought of Tiffany back in Messina. A clone like this girl and the full realization of how sick his request was hit him full force.


He had rationalized it over and over. Saying it was love that motivated him. Having her back excused his decision at the time. No. Seeing this girl in his grip showed him that they were not just fakes. They were cheap, disposable, living things. He was in love with Tiffany. What made her unique. What made her real. As much as he loved his clone, she was not Tiffany and never will be. His only hope was the girl waiting for him in Messina would become her own person. And as he looked around the battlefield at the masses of bodies, exploding ACE's, the sickening stench of burning corpses, he saw that it was unlikely he would even live to say these things to her.


The red-haired girl in his grip looked at him with no emotion. She didn't fear death. "Clone 1-1-341 linking to new hive" she muttered. "Not even a name" he muttered squeezing her. Raam couldn't look as he twisted her head till her tiny neck snapped. He dropped her body.


"What is going on with our dragon’s teeth?!" Aphrodite yelled. She pulled up a cam feed from one. "HIM?! Athena! Raam is decimating them! Why won't they attack him?!" Aphrodite screamed. Athena was just finishing taking out a regiment. She linked to the Omega server. "Son of a bitch! I took out his clearance codes but not his registration! Fixing it now!" Athena said. Raam kept killing them even eating a few as he thought it was the only time he could ever do it. As he finished chewing a woman he saw them all twitch. They looked dead at him. "Oh shit!" Raam said after swallowing. Raam took to the air at full speed and was shot in the back. He crashed to the ground. Nothing broken but dazed. "Specter 1 commencing attack run!" a voice said over the comm.


A large gunship emerged from behind the Phoenix heading right towards Raam. "Got tone. Friendly IFF. Watch danger close!" the pilot yelled. Raam took off in a sprint as the gunship laid down heavy cannon fire. "No shit danger close!" Raam yelled barely avoiding getting killed. The weary giant looked on as the clear majority of the clones were obliterated. The ones left out up a last-ditch effort. Raam watched in horror as the gunship had a wing ripped off my telekinetic might. Three dozen clones glowed brightly as they began to crumple the doomed aircraft. Their efforts so intense they began dropping from exhaustion. What happened next historians would say was the tipping point of the battle.


"Zeus! I want the rest of our ACE's to focus on that ship! We have it on the ropes!" Max ordered. As soon as he spoke those words, the burning wreck of the gunship flew overhead and fell right towards his command center. It slammed into it and for a brief second its shields glowed. Then a horrific blast that knocked over even some of the tallest buildings surrounding it. Even Max had to use his powers to protect himself. With a thought, he shoved says the burning debris and the giant saw the structure mostly intact except a chunk had imploded. "Status report HQ!" Max yelled.


"Systems operational. Minor damage all around. Moderate damage to west wing. Sections 4, 5, and 6 severely damaged" someone reported back. Max was about to say something when he realized something. His blood ran cold as he remembered the living quarters of he and Jun, and Penny were in section 4. Max flew back to HQ and raced down the hallways. The walls had cracks in them. Fallen chunks of ceiling littered the floors. He hit section 4 and saw a gaping hole in the wall and roof. Dom his direction he arrived at his and Jun's room first. The room was a total write off. The ceiling caved in but Jun was not inside. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Penny..." he muttered running out not noticing spots of blood leading out the room.


The door was jammed. The control panel shorted out. With barely a thought he ripped that giant door open and tossed it. A shaft of light from a hole on the ceiling illuminated her room. Chucks of debris had fallen right on top of her bed. Max could hear a faint whimpering. "Penny...PENNY!" he screamed running to her. Max tore away the debris to find her. He stopped as he uncovered her battered body. She was wearing a white dress. The one he had gotten her for her birthday. Stained red now from multiple lacerations on her body. Her right leg horribly crushed and her left still wearing a white sandal. "Grand...pa. I can't find Justin. Please help me find my little brother" she gasped. Max gently picked her up. "Where...where is he? I just saw him playing games. I couldn't go to a shelter without him" she said looking at where he once could've been.


"It hurts...it hurts...grandpa make it st..op...hurt..." she said before going limp. Max felt her mind just slip away as her body passed on. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Max screamed as unadulterated psychic power erupted from him. The floor shook and cracked. More of the ceiling came down casting bright light in his face. The giant sobbed for the loss of the tiny teenage girl. His thoughts on what he said to Baris just weeks prior. "Fuck her" he had said regarding how to treat her. Now those words rang so very hollow in his giant heart. She had carried the blood of not just he but of his estranged lover and daughter so very long ago. The last vestige of that link to them laid in his hands like a broken toy. "Kill them all..." Max whispered. Baris was given full control. "Sorry for your loss. I'll make so she'll be with you forever" the evil persona said ripping the bloodied dress off and flicking the sandal off her foot. Max shied away in his own mind as Baris dropped Penny's body in his mouth and let it slide down his throat. "Finally got to eat her. Shame she was dead" Baris carefully thought.

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