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Author's Chapter Notes:

Tom takes his turn as the designated giant.

Day Five: The Husband

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I pulled the blankets off me and noted the absence of my wife from the same bed. I walked into the kitchen to see Alice in her pyjamas, cooking bacon in the frying pan and cracking an egg open. All of this, she did without moving her hands. I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her breasts in my hands “Morning beautiful” I told her, she levitated a piece of bacon and guided it into my mouth. “And a good morning to a good cook. Are you ready to do a bit of running?” I asked her.

“I’m ready, Tom. Any time after breakfast you can open up that portal” she said, putting all of the bacon and eggs on the table. We sat down and ate, discussing some of our adventures from yesterday as well as the Moon ornament on her ring. The people inside were still fighting to depose the man Alice put in charge, but his own supernatural powers as well as him citing the threat of my wife returning to destroy them all he had cowed most of the opposition into submission and he had now instituted a full scale reign of violent terror. We always liked it when our little charges turned their worlds into full scale theocratic regimes that worshipped us. While these Moon people had successfully made their entire world shine my Goddess wife would very soon return with me to their world to make fresh demands of them. “Perhaps you would like to ask these little ones something for yourself?” My wife asked, holding her ring close to my eyes as I observed them. I looked at my own ring. “I was thinking more about finding my own planet to put on my ring, but on the other hand I’ll think about what I might want from your little prisoners” I said between bites.

We finished our breakfast and my wife changed into running clothes, like she was about to hit the gym. I stayed in my pyjamas and lazily created a portal with my finger. “Remember, two minutes before you jump” I reminded her as I stepped through the portal into our familiar Daily Run Universe. I instantly altered time to stop relative to the universe my wife resided in; I could see her on the other side, still as a statue as she eagerly awaited entry to the portal. Today was my day to rampage across this city. I would craft a new obstacle course for my wife to navigate just as she did yesterday with her own hair. But first I wanted to have a little fun to warm up. I walked outside of the storage room of the building I was in. I stepped into the elevator and arrived at the top floor, walking to the highest floor still in my pyjamas as I looked out the window.

“Can I help you with something?” The young, blonde haired clerk asked me suspiciously. “Yeah, you can be my dick slave” I said. “I beg your -” her outrage was instantly interrupted as I quickly created a portal in front of my hand and another in the wall behind her desk. My giant hand reached through and grabbed her like a doll as she screamed. Pulling her back through the portal I opened up my pants and dropped her near my flaccid dick. I put one hand on my crotch to limit her movements away from my dick. She screamed, kicked and tried to push back against my growing erection. I smiled “I’ve done this over a dozen times now, Sarah. It never gets old to use you as my dick slave. You’re always a natural at making me hard as a diamond”. I then shrank her to the size of an ant and bound her to my dick; I was now only barely able to feel her struggle.

I then smashed open a window with a chair and the air from outside began rushing into the room as the security guards on the other side of the door demanded to know what was going on. I took my pyjamas off until I was nude, with the exception of adding two big black boots to my feet. I then jumped out of the window, feet first, growing to five hundred feet tall on my way down. I landed on the ground in a crouching position; the force of my impact caused the street to collapse beneath me as both of my boots crashed into the bottom of the subway tunnel below. A moment later the subway train moving across the tracks crashed into my left boot, killing the driver and most of the passengers. As the people around me erupted into chaos from my sudden appearance I stepped out of the subway and started power walking through the street, indifferently stepping on anything in my path. Thousands of people ran around my feet in total confusion in their mad dash to escape a naked giant that just blew up a part of a street.

I walked over to an apartment block and then thrust my erect penis into the thirtieth story window where two young blonde college girls and a brunette were watching TV. I reached a hand inside to follow up the sudden appearance of my dick, grabbing the two blonde girls and throwing them on my dick, then gravitationally binding them both to it along with the receptionist. I held the brunette in my hand. Much like the other girls she was also hot and normally I would on most of my daily runs put her on my dick but today I wanted only a very specific type so I brought the screaming terrified woman to my face and told her “Sorry Alicia, I’m only taking blondes as dick slaves today” this elicited fresh screams from her. I pulled myself out of the building and crouched down, putting the woman on the ground. I then grabbed my testicles with my left hand and before she could run I dropped both of them on top of her, muffling her screams as her spine was crashed by my heavy balls. I then stood up again and continued my stomping spree.

Each of my footfalls made deep craters in the pavement, my wife called this pair of boots my ‘Stomping Boots’ as they were so effective in decimating everything beneath them. I started crafting the course, raising giant barriers miles high consisting of nothing but reinforced steel; the rising barriers annihilated anything that got in their way as they rose to the heavens. I walked through my own barriers like a ghost; the same could not be said of the tens of thousands of trapped people now facing barriers of solid steel blocking any escape route. Along the way I snatched more beautiful, blonde women from their apartment buildings, from their workplaces, from the streets and anywhere else I found them, collecting them all on my swinging, giant erection as I continued destroying their city.

In each barrier I setup I created corresponding portals that could go from one ‘Perimeter’ to another, though I kept the portals inactive to the little inhabitants of the city, cruelly tormenting them with their images of supposed escape on the other side. I found another subway station and saw hundreds of people flee inside of it. I crouched down and smashed open the ground above the subway tunnel with my right hand and touched the tracks inside the tunnel. I then began to heat up the tracks until they were hot enough to be easily bent. I twisted the tracks into knots with my fingers, turning them into ‘Sherman Neckties’, when I finished I instantly cooled the tracks again. I then swept some debris onto the top of the tunnel before standing up again and moving on.

I stomped my way all throughout the city, changing my size randomly so I could inspire further panic and leave different boot prints of varying sizes. I demolished entire skyscrapers, cut the subway system and roads arbitrarily with more twists and turns, I sliced people in half if they got caught partway through a rising barrier. I made barriers of different sizes, some were miles high, others only hundreds and some were even of human height. It took me thirty minutes but eventually I had finished crafting dozens of separate areas through these barriers, the entire city itself I surrounded with the largest barrier of all at twenty miles high. I then looked at my handiwork and I quickly began to evaluate it to ensure that the course was not dangerous to my wife (under ordinary human levels of physical danger, I was in no mood to repeat the mistakes that caused me to skip my designated giant round again). I checked to make sure that she was able to solve it by having a little version of me run through the course. Satisfied of my work I thought about the total time: Two hours.

I quickly opened another portal to a universe nearly identical to this one and I replicated the exact obstacle course in it, in the same spot and with the same configuration by copying every atom of it within seconds. Since this universe I was currently in would be reset every day, undoing all of my creative work I thought it would be best to keep my ‘Craftsmanship’ ‘Stored’ in another world. With that out of the way I closed that portal and took one long look at my creation. I thought about perhaps leaving this course as it was and going off on my own adventure, but then I remembered my plan and what I intended to do with my wife today so I decided to cut to the chase.

I floated my body in the air and then started growing in size, expanding well beyond my current five hundred feet. I grew and grew until I was sixty miles high; floating over the entire city like it was an anthill. I didn’t want my wife to see me watching her with my bird’s eye perspective, particularly since watching her sixty mile high husband playing with himself above her might prove mildly distracting. So I became imperceptible, save for one exception: my pair of stomping boots, which I took off both of my feet as I placed those both on the ground outside the city. She would not see these boots from inside the city itself of course as they were lower than the barrier but as soon as she finished the course she would then find both of my Brobdingnagian boots. The overall reason for keeping my boots visible and taking them off I will not explain right now as I think it would be better to have my wife experience it herself and explain my plan from her perspective.

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