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            I suppose I ought to blame myself. I created the pill which transformed them. And yet I can’t explain their misuse of the power and strength they’ve been accidentally granted.

            Then I recall. The side-effects of the pill intended to increase confidence and emotional durability. They must have risen in tandem with the exponential increase of size; thus, my mother and sister, kind as I knew them to be at their size of below six feet, have become so bold and filled with personal drive that they no longer care what happens to the people below them. It’s a horrid effect of altered brain chemistry, but there’s nothing that can be done now; I’ve turned my mother and sister into unsympathetic leviathans.

            “Can you hear my stomach growl, Mom?” Brandy giggles.

            “Yes, I can, dear.”

            So can I as well.

            “I need more. I have to have more, Mom.”

            As I watch them lean back down to lick up a different street and collect several hundred more bodies into their lips to be slurped down like grains of human sand, I’m unable to watch directly any longer. I rush down the stairs of the laboratory building. Already people are in a mad panic, some hiding under their desks, others running for the fire escapes and emergency exits. I hear a news channel in someone’s office blaring about the incredible phenomenon of the giant women and their sudden murderous meal of the suburbs and small town square.

            I’m thinking as fast as I can while I sprint for my office. Perhaps there’s something I can do, at least to slow the effect. Some chemical agent I missed in my research. Because if they’ve grown this high, who’s to say they can’t grow larger, and do more damage? This must be contained as soon as possible; that much I know. No matter how much I love my mother and sister, and want them to be safe, I also owe it to the world to keep them protected from my mother and sister just as well.

            I imagine the military must already be gathering their forces in answer at the base on the outskirts of town. If they attack, Nicole and Brandy may not stand a chance, and what remains after the assault may just devastate the entire urban area as well. I can’t allow that to happen without trying to help.

            As I run for the laboratory, bypassing screaming, panicked coworkers, I whip out my phone and pull up a local news feed. Understandably, everyone is in a frenzy.

            “Yes, you’re hearing me right,” the shell-shocked news anchor says. “The two women, whom we now believe to be mother and daughter, have just finished licking the streets on the western quadrant of the city. They’ve since taken to actually eating the buildings, in their entirety, taking entire houses and offices into their mouths and swallowing. Early estimates suggest a thousand dead or missing in the carnage. We’ll keep you posted as we receive more… what’s that? I’m getting word that the situation is changing. The women have stood up now. It seems they’ve… grown. Much larger.”

            Just as I suspected. The pill is designed to operate along with the users’ metabolism; my mother and sister, existing at a mile in height before, would have such insanely powerful digestive systems and corresponding energy requirements, that eating just about anything could unsettle the chemical balance and cause them to grow again. This only just now occurs to me, and it’s probably already too late to stop them.

            Reaching the laboratory, I switch from the news to social media and find some amateur snapshots taken seconds ago from down below. Though you can’t see their heads now in the sky, it’s obvious even in the blurry photo that my mother and sister have indeed swelled significantly in size. I’d bet they’re close to three miles high now, if not a little more. A single one of their smooth, brown toes is able to knock out an entire street in one well-placed pad of skin.

            I’ve got to work fast. Rummaging through my workstation, I collect the materials used to create the original pills. I have the research necessary to try and reverse-engineer a solution, possibly to shrink them down, but I have no idea how I’d get it to them without being killed myself in the destruction. Clearly my mother and sister have no qualms about what they’re doing, and while they might spare me if they see me first, that won’t do any good if they aren’t even aware they’ve just licked me up, too.

            More pictures and video appear on social media. These next accounts at first cause me to believe I’m looking at masterful photoshop jobs thrown together in the last few seconds, but they’re not. I realize now what I’m looking at is just as real as the mile-high women I saw eat their way through a suburb like hungry hippos before.

            My mother and sister are kissing. Not just kissing in the manner of a parent and child, but kissing. As in, their tongues have entered each other’s mouths. Undoubtedly, hundreds of tiny shredded corpses still cling to the pink, riveted flesh of those muscular tongues. Probably my mother and sister are trading saliva now as their kissing becomes more passionate, spilling those tiny people and chunks of buildings between them from mouth to mouth in a foamy rampage.

            And then their hands are in motion again. Where before Nicole had been fingering herself while Brandy played with her nipples, they’ve now taken to doing the same for each other. My mother digs her hand into my sister’s labia lips, mashing and caressing for all she’s worth; meanwhile, my sister’s hands have taken hold of our forty-five-year-old mother’s breasts, squeezing and clamping. Both of my family members huff and puff, coming closer to orgasm, and then each explosively climax in the same few seconds.


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