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“Brendan, I want you to come to the office for a minuet.”

The voice in the cell phone was friendly and meant to put the listener at ease. It was like a snake addressing you in a sociable voice, thought Brendan. You didn’t want to trust it no matter what tone it used. Still a purr is better then a rattle and Harvey was definitely purring. Brendan could not refuse the ‘request’ lest he incite the ire of the Irish boss.


“I need you to watch my back today kid,” said Harvey as he met Brendan outside his office fifteen minuets later. “We’re going to meet some of our friends in Little Italy. Ever been to Little Italy?”

“Sure Harvey,” Brendan did his best to gaze into his eyes but Harvey had a stare that would have made a cobra stare at the floor.


“You drive kid,” he said tossing Brendan the keys to an old car.

“Harvey, surely Knuckles is a better bodyguard than I am.”

“Sure but I have him on a different job at the moment. I need a good fighter behind me right now and you’re the best I got, aside from Knuckles of course. Besides, it’s not as if I expect trouble from the Guineas.


It wasn’t as if he needed a bodyguard either, thought Brendan to himself. Harvey was short and as a result, as small target. He also possessed surprising strength and speed.   


Brendan climbed behind the wheel and together they drove off.


“Harvey, come in! Come in! We have a table waiting for you. Please allow Gino to show you to your seats.” The small balding man standing before them greeted them as if they were royalty and gestured towards a large man in a suit that looked more expensive than the car they had just arrived in. It could not hide the mass of muscle that rippled underneath it as Gino brought them to a table in a private room where a corpulent elderly man was sitting eating a meal. To his right was another man, about fifty or so, much skinnier than his companion, and looking at them over his thick rimmed glasses. The two men stood up and each in turn embraced the two Irishmen with looks of friendship and warm greetings. Both introduced themselves to Brendan. Finally, the fat man motioned them to sit.


“My friend Harvey, would you and our dear friend Brendan accept some red wine?” inquired Mario, who was the fat man and also the local Italian Mafia boss.

Harvey accepted. A beautiful woman with long dark hair sidled up and started pouring out glasses of the crimson liquid.  She smiled at Brendan and stared at him.


Everyone toasted each other’s health.

Brendan watched the woman’s backside as she walked away. She was wearing a dark shirt that quit about half way down her chest, and a tight, pocket less pair of jeans which fit her form perfectly to exhibit her perfectly curved buttocks.  Brendan wondered if she was there as a waitress, eye-candy or as a disturbance to Brendan’s curiosity. She was extraordinarily attractive. 

“Something to eat perhaps?”  asked Mario again.

“I think we’re not hungry just at present Mario,” said Harvey in a lets get down to business this way.

“I was asking your kid here if he would like something on the menu,” Mario spoke evenly to Harvey. “How ‘bout it kid?”

Taking his que from Harvey, Brendan spoke up. “No, thank you.” If Harvey wasn’t eating, he better not either. It would look disrespectful to his boss, despite the fact that he thought it impolite to refuse the Italian’s hospitality.

“You sure? How about a cannoli? You ever had a canoli?” he pressed.

“No thank you sir. I actually had one last night interestingly enough.”

“You know Brendan I do find that interesting. As a matter of fact I find it damn fascinating that you had a cannoli last night. You must have been in our neighborhood to get one seeing as we’re in the best part of the city for them. We’re you here last night?”

Brendan mentioned the name of the pastry shop that he had patronized the previous evening which was just a few blocks down.

“It’s funny that you were there last night. See, Joey here says his son Tony went missing last night. His friend was with him and he says he was drunk. He also told us that someone beat the shit out of him and threw him in the back of a car. Didn’t happen to see that happen did you?”

“No Mario I didn’t. I would have called Harvey if I had.”

“That means a lot kid, I’m real grateful. In the past five years I’ve really come to love the relationship we have between you Irish guys and those of us up here. It’s a great little truce we got going. Problem is, Tony’s buddy says it was an Irishmen who kicked the crap out of our Toney and stuffed him in a trunk. He even got the license plate. Turns out it’s yours. Weird huh?” he added, leaning closer for effect.

“I didn’t kidnap your kid and you know it,” spat Brendan. It was a mind game. He had to remain calm and not take the bait.

“You lying bastard,” said Gino behind them. “You scally-cap wearing, shamrock toting pricks!”

Brendan got up quickly, turned and Wham!

Geno hit the floor, unconscious. He never even saw Brendan’s hand’s move.

Joey reached for something in his pants but Mario raised a hand before he could draw it out.

“Calm down Joey, calm down.”

“You saw what he did…” protested the balding man.

“I know but he’s Irish and prone to excitability. Besides, Gino asked for it by calling them names. If he can’t back his mouth up then there’s not much I can do for him. Now relax, lest you insult our guests. Harvey, I want to apologize for my employee’s lack of tact. Your man gave him what he deserved.”

Mario turned his face towards Brendan. “Nice hands kid. I admire that but it’s not gunna’ save you. Where is Tony?” There was a dangerous edge to his voice.

“I didn’t see Tony last night,” said Brendan.

“Where’s Tony!”

“I don’t know!”

“Is he dead?!”

“I don’t give a damn!”

“Don’t you lie to me,” Mario growled. “You got rid of him didn’t you? You fed him to that girl you fell for didn’t you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yah you do,” snorted the Italian. “Personally, I don’t care that much. Tony was a deadbeat. Better off without him.”

This was unexpected. Brendan wondered where the conversation would go next. Harvey had said nothing yet. Maybe he would help to plead his case. Brendan didn’t think it likely though. Harvey had tricked him into coming here and now he seemed content to watch as Mario accused him. Did Harvey know what had happened? Had he told Mario or had Mario found out on his own? It didn’t matter, he realized. Mario and Harvey both knew now. He had to talk his way out of this. The best choice was honesty.

“Okay, I did it. Yeah, I fed him to the girl? He snuck up on me last night and put some iron to my head. Tried to rob me and would probably have killed me if I hadn’t acted as I did!”

“Self defense?” asked Mario

“Clear cut. I was doing what anyone would have done. You can’t blame me for my actions.”

“Well, that may be so. You had the right to knock him out but not to kill him.”

“He would have killed me!”

“A valid excuse under most circumstances, but not tonight. I’m not saying you’re not right kid. It’s just that I gotta take some action on this one. I’d let it go if not for the fact that dear Tony was the son of my Underboss here.” He gestured towards Joey. “We cant just let Tony’s killer walk away.”

“Mariah!” shouted Mario.

The beautiful woman walked in, her eyes fixed on Brendan.

“Give him the treatment,” said Mario.


The treatment, which Brendan was sure would be torture, consisted of a lap dance. It was the best lap dance of his life. Mario was talking to him, about responsibility to the family, to the group. How he appreciated Harvey being so understanding, about how happy he was with their partnership. Brendan didn’t take note of most of what was being said and the girl called Mariah danced before him. There was sexy music playing in the background.


“Kid, you’re going out the same way as Tony,” said Mario at last.

Mariah turned and faced Brendan. Before he could react, she muttered a spell and raised her had over him, then slowly lowered it.


Brendan felt himsell loosing mass as he shrunk down to the size of an inch. He quickly got to his feet in the middle of the chair in which he had just been sitting.


He tried to run but had no chance. Mariah grabbed him and held him before her beautiful face. She was smiling.


“Sorry ‘bout the kid Harvey.” Mario was saying over the music. “We appreciate your cooperation in this.”


Mariah tossed Brendan into her mouth, where he landed on her tongue. Mariah’s lips closed sealing off the light, and muffling the music still being played. 


Before he could do anything to stop himself from sliding downwards, she tilted her tongue back and gulped, which sounded louder then Brendan had expected.


He traveled down her hot, sticky throat trying to slow his decent by bracing himself with his arms and legs on either side of the esophagus. It did nothing, the esophagus was too big for him to reach opposite sides of the tube and the muscles were too powerful to stop even if he could reach. After a brief pause, while waiting for her stomach sphincter dilated, he fell headfirst into her belly.


He could still hear the music from outside her belly. Within, panic set in as he thrashed about in the acids of Mariah’s digestive system. Soon, he too would become a memory.

He felt aroused to have been eaten, to finally live out his fantasy. It was a great way to go.


“Harvey, you’re a good partner. I’m glad we’re friends.” Mario reached across the table and shook hands with Harvey. “Not at all, Mario,” he responded, completely at ease.


Mariah looked content as she sat down and helped herself to Brendan’s wine. 

Chapter End Notes:
I have heard from some readers that they like this little tale. It was fun to write so I may add some more later on. :) -Girlfood
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