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Author's Chapter Notes:

Not sure where I'm taking this story yet, but only time will tell. I hope you're ready for some more fun!

James laid there, engulfed in toejam, feeling completely defeated. Being somebody who absolutely despised feet, this was probably the worst situation he could've probably ended up in. Not to mention, for whatever reason, he didn't seem to be harmed at all. He had all his senses, sight, sound, touch, taste, and *ick* smell. His body though, it felt different. Almost as if, when he changed, his dna had changed with him, making him something else entirely. All that mattered now, was finding a way out of this seemingly endless hell.

Being small, all of James senses were enhanced. What might smell slightly odorous for a normal sized person, smelled like James had taken a trip to France, and had been locked in a tight, confined room, with only the smelliest of cheeses. And then multiply that by 10. It was truly a wonder that he hadn't passed out from the smell. In fact, if they could figure out a way to capture the essence of this smell, James believed the police could use this odor as a powerful knockout gas.

And then, there was also the taste of it all. Toejam, which had been forcefed to James on a particularly rough step, tasted indescribably awful. It was rancid, to say the least, and if James could puke, he probably would have. Although, oddly enough, it seemed as though his gag reflex had stopped working, meaning that he could only take things in, he couldn't vomit them back out. Aside from the toejam, James also was forced to drink the ever-dripping sweat from this girl's toes. This wasn't as bad as the toejam, though it was most definitely salty.

The sounds he heard while she moved, they were squelchy sorts of sounds. This, most likely, was related to all of the sweating she did, whilst she and her friend were on the move. The insole of this shoe was probably soaking wet, and that would only help to make the shoes smell terrible by the time this was over. He wondered why any girls would choose not to wear socks, when socks were so comfortable. At least, maybe that was James point of view. He could also hear the thunderous booms that occurred when her feet landed on the ground.

James' vision was blurry, partly due to the mixture of sweat and toejam obstructing his field of view, and partly because it was just so dark in here. These shoes were brand new, and this girl's feet filled them out well. There were no holes, nor were there any cracks that could let the light shine through. In a way, though, James was almost grateful for this, not wishing to see what his life had become, and where he had ended up.

Lastly, his sense of touch was a little out of whack. James felt soaked to the bone, and he felt slimey and hot. He most definitely felt the heat of the sun, causing the girl's feet to bake, and him to feel like he was inside of an oven. It should also be mentioned, James felt vertigo, considering the fact that his feet didn't touch the ground, and his body was more or less stuck in place. And yet, he could still feel every footstep quake throughout his entire body. It was rather unsettling for him.

Every sense of his only helped to contribute to his concoction of misery. And little did the young man know, his day was only going to get worse.


A couple hours had passed for the girls. The two of them had made a couple of laps around the mall, before Maria remembered something. "Oh shit! Jess, we have to get back home. The party is going to be starting early, and I like to be there on time."

Jessica stopped dead in her tracks, "You're right, good thing you remembered. Sammy would've been pissed if we had forgotten altogether. This party means a lot to her, especially since it's the first time she's had an all girl party in forever."

Maria simply nodded, before making her way towards the exit, Jessica following right behind.


James hadn't realized how easy he had things. Now, considering the girls were rushing, James felt everything more frequently, until something incredible happened. One super rough step knocked James out of the toejam, and onto the insole. Of course, this incredible success was followed immediately by an even bigger failure. He had no time to look, as the slightly risen foot pounded straight down onto his small body.

This powerfully forceful step would be enough to squash even the heartiest of bugs. But James? He just felt his body flatten a little, almost as if he were made of clay. Finally, he felt a little pain, but yet, he didn't feel any blood that he would've expected to squeeze out of him. Instead, the only liquid he felt was the sweat that squelched out of the insole, threatening to drown him, before being soaked back up.


Maria had almost tripped, and in doing so, she placed down a heavy footstep, feeling something strange beneath her foot. Unfortunately though, she had no time to pay it any mind, and instead, she simply unlocked her car, so that both her and Jessica could climb inside and drive off.


After about a 15 minute drive, the girls had made it to their house. Leaving the car, they walked inside, knowing they only had a short time to change.

"Hey, Jess, what are you going to wear to the party again?" Maria asked, secretly trying to figure out her own outfit.

Jessica sighed, "This is the third time I've told you now. I'm going to be wearing my midnight blue dress, and a pair of really comfy flats."

Maria lit up, "Oh, yeah, that's right. And I can't remember if I said, but I'm going to be wearing my red dress and a pair of matching high heels."

Jessica shook her head at her friend, chuckling a little. "How exactly do you wear those things, anyways? My feet ache too much by the end of the night, and I end up taking them off and going barefoot."

Maria simply chided her friend, "Well, I'm sorry, but fashion has a price, and it's name is pain."


There wasn't too much interesting that happened while the girl above drove. If anything, the little movements made it easier for James to gather his bearings. And, having her foot being slightly raised above him, James was able to pull himself together. Getting up, he walked around a little, looking at the shoe, and her foot. His vision still not really clear though, he wasn't prepared for what happened next. Once the girls had arrived, James found those same two toes coming back for more. And this time, they scrunched him up, almost as if they wanted to play with him.

As the girls walked inside, James was continuously battered by the scrunching and unscrunching toes. No matter what he tried to do, he couldn't get free. He was only so lucky that he was farther away from the rest of her foot, lest he wanted to be subjected to toe jam again...

There was one final scrunch that really caught James attention though, because this time, instead of unscrunching, her foot did something unexpected. It began sliding out of the shoe, before it was finally revealed to the world. Wiggling in excitement, the foot let out a little kick that sent James flying.


Admittedly, while Maria liked her shoes, there was definitely something to be said for being able to take them off. Her dogs needed some air, and when they had come out, she stretched the one, accidentally kicking it out a little. She thought she saw something small coming from her toes, but she chalked it up to it just being a rock or something. Maybe it was even that odd thing she had felt with her foot. Either way, though, her feet didn't remain free for long, as she quickly traded the converse for her pair of high heels.

Across the room, Jessica was also getting changed. She failed to notice however, the flying object sent by her roommate. Instead, she was too focused on making sure he dress looked alright. And once she had decided she was okay, Jessica stepped forward, pulling on her flats. They felt extra tight today, but perhaps that was simply because her feet were swollen from all the walking earlier. In any event, Jessica said to Maria, "I'm ready, whenever you are."


His freedom was short lived, as James body landed in a new, yet not unfamiliar environment. Once again, he was inside a shoe, although the opening to the sky was a lot more open, and these shoes were much more worn. In fact, there was a lingering odor that told him that these shoes were probably kind of old. That, and the fact that there was a miniscule hole at the toe, just barely too small to fit his body.

None of that mattered either way, as above James' head, he could see pink painted toes flying by. Looking up, and then laying down in fear, he could only watch as her sole pressed down on his tiny body. James didn't receive the full pressure though, if only because he was underneath her arch...

Groaning, James struggled for a way out, but his body only seemed to flatten and fall under the control of the overpowering, feminine sole. This sole, believe it or not, had an even worse scent and taste, and unlike his previous captor's shoe, James knew he wouldn't have any chance to run or escape the footsteps he was about to endure.


Jessica felt something weird under her arch, but simply stomping her foot caused it to submit and bend to her will. In fact, once she had flattened the object, it actually felt kind of nice.


Three swift stomps. These stomps were all it took, and James had finally begun to pass out. The pain had started to sink in, and James wished his life had ended, just before losing consciousness.

Chapter End Notes:

I can't guarantee this is my best work, but I'm trying different strategies, and I'm hopefully catering to everybody. Constructive criticism is always welcome! Thank you for reading!


P.S. Here are the flats.

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