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"Time to get up, Erin! A new day is rising in front of us! Full of opportunities!"


Erin stirred still asleep, listening to the twittering of birds near her... extremely close to her. The giantess sighed tiredly as she felt the little paws walk over her stomach.

"Oh... let's see..." The giantess smiled as she sat, forcing the birds to land on the ground. "What time is it supposed to be ...?" Rubbing her eyes, the giantess yawned lazily, looking around for her teacher. Instead, she found that the "cave" had been quite redecorated. The dinner table was still in place, and a wall of ice covered the entrance, with fragments cut like windows and doors.

A branese bonfire surrounded by kitchen tools illuminated a corner of the lair, because now to call it a cave was terribly wrong. Dozens of papers and maps hung on one of the walls, marked without words, only with signs and icons.


"Pio!" The birds began to chirp louder as they left the windows, leaving Erin alone... and at the same time, helped the giantess see that her backpack was next to the door, much more full than last night.

Crawling on the floor, Erin opened her backpack found a blue and black T-shirt and loose black cloth pants, complemented by wrestling shoes... all of the size of the giantess."What? I would remember if I had bought something so... Grimm has a fetish with the color black or something, for sure"


"Erin! Wake up! A new sky lies before us, shining with hope!" Grimm shouted again, this time louder. The giantess sighed as she left the cave, walking through the ruins to the main street of the camp, where Grimm was waiting for her. "And your training clothes?" The giantess opened her mouth to protest, but Grimm would not let her, pointing impassively at the lair.


Still sighing, exhausted for the good morning, the giantess took off her beloved trenchcoat, keeping it in her backpack. The training clothes werent too unpleasant (she was really extremely comfortable and light, although Erin was too angry without her trenchcoat to notice), so the giantess came out again.

""Where did all the things in the cave come from-?"


"Training base of Grimm's apprentice, not cave" Grimm corrected with a smile, greeted with a grimace of disgust by Erin. "Tonight I couldnt sleep, so I invoked a barrier to keep you protected while I was heading to the capital of Iiion-"


"Isnt supposed to be 3 days away ?!"


"I ... I teleported. My friend Hector works as an advisor to the king, so I went to visit him, check your story-" The giantess wrinkled her brow, annoyed by the comment. "Can you blame me? You tell me you're an escaped princess and that Gurian is so stupid as to attack the rulers of a country using their story as an excuse... I had to make sure everything was 100% real... Princess Myerina"


"Dont even think about it! Erin, my name is Erin for now" said the giantess accompanying the statement with a stomp, to mark the permanent end of it.


Grimm shrugged, smiling, feigning innocence. "You will not see me complaining, Erin is much easier to pronounce than Myerina. Anyway, as I have planned to stay a good season here in Iiion, I inform my friend that we were available to help and in the meantime take the opportunity to buy some things... the rest of the furniture and our beds should arrive tomorrow on afternoon"


"Arrive? Here?" Grimm nodded, turning around and letting the giantess see a crystalline Pillar of the Walker.


"Nobody had ever connected the Titanic ruins with the capital, so I've taken the trouble to buy a room in the Walker Shrine of the capital to install a teleportation stamp and a pillar... you know, to make it easier for us to buy, sell materials and those things "Erin remained motionless, stunned and stupefied.


"Teacher ... I still dont know very well who you are, but I can already tell you how amazing you are..."


"You dont have to swear it, dear apprentice." Grimm smiled as he clapped his hands, changing the conversation. "Iiion is a huge region, full of Unknown Territories and with good weather all year round... and for now, our home where I will teach you the most basic of my magic... the Sombre mystère de Grimm!"


"Sombre mystère de Grimm?"


"Right! Before changing my heart for the shadow of Razzir, they warned me that amnesia could suffer the first years, so I decided to write all my personal spells and collect the ones already written in a single volume" Snapping his fingers, a book almost 1 meter long and half a meter wide appeared on the floor between the two.

"The great book of the dark mysteries of Grimm! Or as you would say in my native language: Le grand livre des sombres mystères by Grimm! A single volume where I compile everything I've learned and created throughout my life, from spells to rituals, through elixirs and hexes! Not only are my inventions... also many other friends of mine have included their own techniques and magics!"


Erin knelt in front of the book, opening it and flipping pages. "This... there's a huge job behind this ... Grimm, you've even bothered to print it! This seems really expensive!!"


Grimm knelt on the other side, looking with a smile of permanent pride at the giantess. "Every so often add new pages or modify old spells if I manage to make them more efficient, to do it with a printer is a completely aesthetic decision... and to save me work, because there are 4 copies of this book... and you dont have to worry! All are updated to the time thanks to a small spell of my storyteller friend"


"4 copies?" Erin asked confused, without stopping to turn page after page.


"Correct: one is mine and it is the one I use to modify and write... besides, when I have left this world a storyteller friend of mine will come for it to be filed in the storytelling sanctuary.

The second, third and fourth are identical, and can continue to be modified even if the original has been closed. Of those three there is one for my adopted daughter, another is for my son... being the last for the person who became my apprentice... you, Erin"


Erin went completely red, not knowing how to say thank you. "Teacher... I... I dont know if- Wait, daughter? Son? You have..." Grimm nodded once. "How can this be the first time I hear about them?"


"Because you havent asked" The two looked at each other for a few seconds, until Erin frowned annoyed... with herself mainly. "I dont usually talk about my children so as not to attract bad luck. They... arent yet ready, their bodies are much younger than yours and their minds are still very childish for now, so until the right time I will not give them their respective books"


"I guess you'd rather not mention it again, right?" Grimm nodded, looking away, a sign that it was not a pretty subject. The giantess continued investigating the book, stopping at a double page in color with an almost photographic image of an inverted pyramid on a mountain. The pyramid was painted dark blue, with a multitude of white spots on it. (With patterns similar to constellations, according to Erin I thought I remembered)

A title was written under the image. "End of Pain... in Fallrest? Is this where we are going? Isnt it a weird name for a pyramid? Or very successful, if we consider that it is a pyramid..."


"Right, apprentice! Smart girl, no doubt! End of the pain is the last and oldest temple dedicated to the creator god of our world, the Celestial King. My plan is to go there to pay our respects... and if I'm lucky, meet a certain person in Fallrest."

Grimm went to the next page, where four objects were drawn. "We will face the unknown territory of Axel, and to open the doors of his palace we must present 4 keys as tradition marks"


"The key of the Astral Door, key of the Throne of Contemplation, key of the Clock Tower of Goodbye and the key of the Balcony to the Heart..." Erin read, trying to memorize.


"Divided into four Unknown Territories: Swamp of grimy thunder, Old Phromecia, Holy Tower of historians and last but not least the Marble Canyon!"


"My grandmother told me that she and her group of adventurers gathered the keys before she met my grandfather... but according to her there were only three doors in Axel's palace, and after much searching decided to leave and retire... My grandmother says that she didnt care too much, because she and my grandfather fell in love at first sight... and he took her to Vontalba"


Grimm smiled, pointing to the last of the keys. "If you dont know the secret of the palace, it may seem that the Balcony to the Heart doesnt exist... and there are few adventurers who, like your grandmother, left with their heads down, unable to find Axel himself" Grimm's constant smile spoke for itself.


"I imagine that you know how to open the last of the doors. Isnt that right, teacher?"


"At the top of the Pyramid of the Heavenly King there is a lighthouse... a strange place for a lighthouse, so far from the water. Well, if my calculations are correct, that same lighthouse can be turned to focus Axel's palace, in the mountain in front"


"Revealing the last of the doors!" Erin said excitedly, imagining her grandmother's face when she told her news like this.


"Until now I had no way to prove it, because they dont allow people to enter End of Pain without direct permission from Phromecia... or without permission from the royalty of any of the 10 kingdoms that founded Fallrest"

Erin stopped smiling for a second, reflecting what her teacher had just said. "Come on!" Grimm said excitedly, slamming the book shut. "It is perfect! You need Gurian to stop poking his nose at Vontalba, I need a member of any of the royal families who founded Fallrest to authorize me to enter End of Pain! I am going to train you as my apprentice, I will prepare you to challenge Gurian so your grandfather cant deny you anything! Then you give me permission as a member of the Vontalba royal family to test my theory... and so your grandmother and I fulfill our dreams of seeing what's behind the fourth door of Axel's palace!"


Erin was still not very convinced, feeling slightly used. "Is this why you couldnt sleep last night?"


"Yeah, its part of the reasom" Grimm did not take a second to admit it, something that although bad Erin could appreciate. "I kept thinking about the great coincidence that was all this! I want to see Gurian bite the dust, you want to recover your honor! And now this about your grandmother! It is as if fate had united us to be a teacher and apprentice, to finally solve one of the oldest enigmas in Paradiso and Inferno!"


"I suppose... that with something like that, my grandmother wouldnt be too angry at my absence..." The giantess looked up at the sky, deciding to trust. "Let's do it, master, we will solve the mystery of Axel's palace"


"Well said! My apprentice in is the best in the world!" Grimm shouted excitedly, closing the book completely to open it by the first page. "If we have to start somewhere, WorldDiver is our ideal starting point"


"I remember you mentioned it last day, although you didnt say anything else" Erin sat on the floor, taking the book between her hands.


Grimm smiled as he got up, walked away and stood in the middle of the old ruined street. "To explain the logical basis on which WorldDiver is based, first we have to start with your understanding of the world. Apprentice, how many forms does our world have?"


The giantess  looked down, holding a finger over her lips as she thought. "What do you mean by shapes?"


"Dont worry, it's a question I didnt expect you to answer." Spreading his hands, Grimm brought up a blue and green sphere in front of him. "If we start from the point that this is our world, you have to understand shapes as places inside and outside of our world at once" Clicking on the right hand, two new spheres appeared surrounding the original. One, the smallest and of an intense white was placed on top of the original one, while the second one began to orbit around the original, being identical to this one except for using red and yellow as colors.

"The higher sphere is the Hona, the place where our hearts go when our earthly lives end"


"And the other?"


"Well... This is going to be complicated to understand, so I'd prefer if you have questions, keep them for when I finished" Erin nodded serious and focused, something Grimm appreciates. "It has always been said that magic comes from the heart... but the reason why some people... Actually, they are the majority, it doesnt matter...

Really, the correct phrase isnt that they are not able to listen to their hearts ... the correct thing would be to say that their hearts are unable to connect with the place where the magic comes from.

To express it correctly, We extract the magic using our heart as a link... or in my case, the shadow of Razzir. And not only magic, divine clarity is also something that works as a connection! There are few gods who have told me things like that in times of great tension they could hear a mysterious voice that helped them to regain control... and there are few heroes who have managed to hear several voices from their hearts, giving rise to concepts like the double spellcasters or the shamans.

Several years ago, a Phromecia research group led by the illustrious Grand Chancellor Merlinus discovered the origin of both events... the Wonderland as Merlinus baptized it. Wonderland is... as if this world were reflected in a mirror, a place where there is no natural life but a constant and gigantic flow of magic everywhere, one that would kill any living being that tried to live there. But although there are no living beings, any construction, destruction or modification of the land that occurs here will be replicated in the Wonderland.

According to the latest statistical studies of Phromecia, 45% of the hearts of humans and demons are able to connect with the Wonderland, extracting pure magic from it and then weave and build spells. Any questions?"


Erin nodded, raising a hand with two raised fingers. "Two words: Ama...zing..."


"It's not a question, but I share the emotion with you, apprentice. Since the discovery of Wonderland 40 years ago, there are many magicians, inventors, geniuses in general who have tried to take advantage of one way or another: From motors that use pure magic instead of Branese crystals to crazy things like portals that would use the Wonderland to cover even greater distances than our current Walker stamps..."


"Since I've never hear talking about any of those things, I can assume that for now they're just theories" Erin said with a smile from ear to ear. "All theories... except the WorldDiver, right?"


Grimm could not contain his emotion, beginning to applaud his apprentice. "Bingo! This will surprise you... but WorldDiver is not a personal spell of mine, the merit falls on a small team that we form together with Merlinus.

My personal version of WorldDiver, although it is not exclusive and even if it is vain that I say it, is the most efficient and practical of all, because while the others focused on power... I preferred to give it a different perspective" And while Grimm finished speaking, the teacher extended his arms, letting himself fall backwards. 


And... before Erin's watchful eye, Grimm sank on the floor as if it were water, until splashing drops that became pieces of earth in the air. "Ma ... Master? ... What the hell ..." Erin got up quickly, throwing the book on the floor as she ran to where Grimm had disappeared, hitting the ground noticing its usual hardness. Startled, Erin began to hit the ground, trying to force Grimm out.


"Dont bother, dear apprentice!" Erin raised her head, hearing Grimm's voice in the air, as if she were in another room. "WorldDiver is based on the concept of entry / exit, allowing a wide range of options: from moving quickly through the Wonderland to surprise the enemy, overcome obstacles or simply to attack from impossible angles" Grimm's voice not only sounded of an echo of distance... it was also accompanied by a nuance almost of humidity, as if he were speaking from under the water.

"Look up, apprentice!" Erin obeyed instantly, watching her teacher stand on one of the stone walls, walking naturally through it ... although when Erin fixed a little more, Grimm's feet remained inside the stone, which became liquid as the teacher came down it. "The amount of magic in Wonderland alters its own gravity, allowing... 'to swim' through the air of Wonderland"


Erin shook her head, trying to understand all the information thrown almost by a cannon at her. "On paper I think I understand it..."


"Dont worry, apprentice. The book will guide you through the whole process of learning and mastering the WorldDiver"


Slowly, Grimm began to sink back into the wall, leaving Erin screaming desperately."Wait wait wait! The book?! And you?"


"You dont think... i'm goint to stay here step by step explaining conjugation, right? You have the first mystery of the book for it, pages from 10 to 18" Said Grimm's head, the last thing that remained outside the wall.

"I have issues to attend, so I'll leave you food made and I'll go to Floreanis. See you tonight, apprentice!" Alone, abandoned to her fate with a book as a tutor ... and a silly face worthy of hanging over the family fireplace.





3:00, three hours after Grimm's departure.


"WorldDiver!" Erin shouted, conjugating the spell as she dropped on her back... crashing again with the grass. "Damn it... what could I do wrong?"

Rolling across the floor, the giantess came to her book, open and pinned with stones by the double page on WorldDiver. "Entrance, Wonderland, magic skin, liquid form, surface... I've said it all!" Moody, Erin lay on her back, staring up at the clear blue sky. "If Grimm were here he would say something like... we've been together for a short time, I have no idea how that idiot would say to me..." Sighing, Erin got up again with the book in her hands. There was no time to waste resting, thought the giantess, because the huge book was not going to unravel its secrets by itself.

"WorldDiver!" The giantess shouted again, obtaining the same result. "WorldDiver!" The result was the same.

"WorldDiver!"                           "WorldDiver!"                                         "WorldDiver !!!!"     

                      "WorldDiver!"                              "WorldDiver!"                                          "WORLDDIVER!!!!!"

Dozens of attempts, dozens of mistakes... but none of them could snatch Erin's smile.


From the other side of the Pillar of the Walker, Grimm watched the scene amazed by the perseverance of the giantess. So absorbed was he with the scene that he did not even hear the footsteps behind his chair.

"It's always like this? What a persevering girl..." Sitting next to Grimm, the scarred old man offered a cup of coffee to his friend

"For now it's just her first training... but I told you Hector! Erin is a bighead, surrendering isnt in his dictionary except for certain matters that are irrelevant. What do you think of her technique?"


Hector remained silent for a few seconds, scratching his bald head with one hand while removing the cup with the other. "It reminds me of you intending to complete the WorldDiver... and dont take it for a compliment"


"You know me too well, old fox! I've been watching her for a long time, and I has not stopped seeing me reflected in her actions... Although I didnt expect her to be a princess... let alone a legatee girl! Imagine how powerful she can become if you combine her inheritance of three souls with my secrets! Think about it, Hector... we can stand before one of the greatest heroes that Paradiso has ever seen..."


Hector choked back a laugh, amazed to see his old friend so excited. No matter how hard he tried, the counselor was unable to remember Grimm so smiling. "Dont sell the bear's skin so soon, Grimm... and if fate wants Erin to become a Goddess?... or a memory in her acquaintances?"


"Good heavens, Hector! Dont be so pessimistic! You are seeing the same as me! They know you as tHector, the scout of heroes! The great counselor of Iiion and administrator of the assembly Paradiso-Inferno! Dont hide your admiration for my apprentice, old friend!" Sipping the entire cup in one gulp, Grimm sank into his chair, expecting to hear his friend's sincere opinion.


"...Erin, without running a face-to-face exam... she has enormous potential, one that since the time of Iskar and Grand I hadnt seen..." Grimm quickly got up from the chair, only to be restrained by the hand of Hector. "But Grimm ... you must remember something... you are not a hero. You are the most opposite of a hero I know.

Heroes arent born of wanting, but of duty. A hero follows his heart blindly, because that's all he needs... a man without a heart like you cant teach Erin something like that-"


"What are you saying..." Grimm sat down, hands folded across his chest. "Is it that I should get those lessons from real heroes? The storytellers still owe me a couple of favors, I could ask them to warn Iskar-"


"IDIOT!" Hector shouted furiously, getting up and grabbing Grimm by the shoulders. "Grimm, your path will cross Erin path someday... is that what you want?"


Grabbing the arms of his friend, Grimm under his head, laughing softly. "Hector... what an honor you care about me!" Hector looked away, feeling embarrassed to worry about such an idiot. "But... as you said, I am a man without a heart .. living a time that doesnt belong to me. The story should always continue, and the actors know what role they must fulfill"


"You're an idiot topped, Grimm" Hector released him, walking towards the pillar of the walker. "So ... Gurian, eh? I always saw him as an idiot with too much faith and a longing for unnecessary justice... but to the point of threatening war? The church of Memoris will not go to any war without permission-"


"I'm not afraid of what Gurian can or cant do... as you said, he's just a two-meter idiot too passionate about his job; what scares me the fracture that can create between the brotherhood of Paradiso and Inferno. I planned to pay him a visit one of these years... but now? Erin is my apprentice, and her offense I make it mine"


"Erin is the latest in a series of offenses that have put you in too many terrible situations"


"What can I say? I'm too passionate! I want to leave my mark on the world, so that, at least, they have something to follow when they finally see the light" Grimm narrowed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "It's time to do things well, Hector... and I would appreciate it if you helped me for one last time... who knows, maybe even the future queen of Vontalba will reward you with something!"


"I'm too old for the rewards to be what moves me... If Erin really has managed to fan the spark of that fire of yours, then helping you to burn again would be the greatest of honors, old friend" Hector looked at the giantess, beginning to devise a way to help the giantess and Grimm at the same time. "Give me a few days, and I think I can organize everything" Grimm remained silent, not following his friend ... neither was it a sensation too unusual for him, sincerely.






Erin kept insisting on her training, which gave Grimm the tranquility of walking around the capital calmly, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the water currents.

Floreanis, the capital of Iiion, was built around the giant sword that according to legend Iiion always carried with him. The sword, more than 100 meters high, was so deeply embedded in the ground that the underground rivers were cut, redirecting its waters to the surface, cascading around the steel of the blade.A kind of oasis that the followers of Iiion accepted as the last gift of their god, building a gigantic walled city surrounded by flowers.

And one of the few places in the world where Grimm owned a home.


The teacher smiled greeting the neighbors while he stopped in front of the garden of his house in the outer ring... much cleaner than one would expect after almost 5 years without coming to collect the letters.

With a slight sense of uneasiness, Grimm opened the garden door, walking along the clean tiles until he stopped in front of the front door, where the mailbox hung.

Residence Grimm: Grimm, Emmile Gughyn, Ehrwald Gughyn.


"Ahhh... that explains why everything is so clean! I'm glad to see that they finally accepted my offer!" Grimm shrugged smiling as he made the key appear. "Sweetie! I'm already home!"


Nor waiting for the door to open was necessary, he beginning to hear her run from the kitchen. Grimm saw her peek into the hall, as young and beautiful as ever... except for the paunch in front of her. "Uncle Grimm!" Emmile said running as her belly allowed, opening her arms and lifting Grimm in a hug too strong for an ordinary person.


"The air of the city has been good for you, right? Tell me it'snt from the dwarf... "Grimm joked as Emmile released him. The girl already seemed almost completely human, not counting her abnormal height and her silvery tail and scaly wings, bent and collected.


"Dont call him a dwarf! Eral has become a reliable husband and a great adult!" With a smile on his lips, Emmile patted his stomach a couple of times. "And soon, a great father!"


"You thought to warn?" Self-rising to pass, Grimm went to the room, before dark and full of books... now a bright room full of life and love, with a large sofa in front of a crystallographic screen. "Good heavens... where does the dwarf work? This doesnt look cheap"


"He works with Hector in the palace, assistant of the royal alchemist!" Emmile tried to go to the kitchen, stopped by Grimm who grabbed the end of her tail. "Dont look at it that much, the draconic tear has given me the opportunity to live with my own and with my love, I dont need to look more human"


"I dont think I could make any adjustments either..." Grimm pulled her down, forcing her to sit on the sofa. "Pregnant women should not work... and less with that package that you carry, that seems about to explode" The ex-dragon growled annoyed, something that Grimm let pass while walking to the kitchen completely renovated. "How does it feel to stop being a king of nature? Everyday life is a lot of trouble for you?"


"How do you think it can feel? Now I live among humans, which is my dream... and I dont need an empty square to see my husband! I'm still a little too big for human doors but it's not a matter of complaining either!" Emmile couldnt stop smiling, nor could she want to."


Your brothers have also become accustomed to their new bodies?"


"Of course, uncle Grimm! Oh! Please, you have to stay in the city for a couple of weeks! The doctors say that I should give birth between yesterday and at the latest on next Wednesday!! I want... no, I need!... No, I demand that you be here to see the birth of my daughter!" The teacher returned with a pitcher of water, watching as the dragon dragon pleaded almost on the verge of tears.


"How am I going to say no to my niece, silly? "The dragon clenched her fists smiling, excited to be able to gather almost her entire family. "Also, it's perfect for me. I'm training with my apprentice in the outside, in the ruins of the Titans-"


"Your... apprentice? Your? I cannot believe it! So cool! Grimm the loner, the black shadow of Paradiso... have an apprentice? What a news!" Emmile shrieked with joy, bouncing too much on the sofa for Grimm's pleasure.


"Just relax! You dont want your little dragontine to believe it's time to leave!"


"You dont have to worry! My sweet little dragontine has been kicking constantly for 3 months... no one has more desire to leave than her!" And although it was wonderful to say, Emmile automatically dropped on the couch, an almost supernatural exhaustion pinning her to the cushions.


"Think about thi ... your daughter will be born as a hybrid, so she will have all the opportunities in the world, both as a human and as an archdragon. Every kick and every stroke will have been worth it to see her smile" Stretching her arms, Emmile took Grimm's hands in her.


"And you are the one who has allowed all this... you are the best uncle in the world... and we will never be able to pay you what you have given us, none of my brothers had found our place in the world without your efforts"


"Dont get maudlin with me... if I remember correctly you were the one who took me in your jaws to make me face the old bighead!"


"Dont remember that kind of nasty stuff!" Emmile complained as she lay on the couch, resting her head on Grimm's legs and her hands on her stomach. "Let's stop talking about my bestial past... how is she?"




"Your apprentice, fool! It has to be someone incredible for you to have decided to take her under your wings"


Catching Emmile's hair in one hand and the other over her belly. Grimm threw back his head. "Her name is Erin, and yes, it's absolutely great. She is a giantess, and a girl will also be a legatee! She's 20 years old... and a lot, a lot of potential" Anticipating her niece's thoughts, Grimm hit her nose. "I'm not going to let her come until she learns her first lesson; dont try to convince me otherwise"


"Oh, come on! I want to meet her! If it's your apprentice, it's part of the family!"


"Yeah, let's talk about that part of our family" Grimm said suddenly, Emmile automatically knew what was coming. "What do you know about your father? I dont see him since the wedding of your youngest sister... Ersis? Eyni? I never remember who goes before"


"Dont pretend to forget the names, you never forget a name!" Lowering her tone, Emmile put her hand on Grimm's. "I went 6 months ago to give him the news that he was going to become grandfather... and invite him to come..." The silence was all the answer that Grimm needed. "He said he had to clear his mind, and he flew north... and since then Eral has not been able to find him or anyone who has sighted him..."


"You know how is the ... a bighead too proud" Emmile nodded as they both sighed.





2 hours later.


"WorldDiver!"  "WorldDiver!" "WorldDiver!!!!"             "WorldDiver!"  "WorldDiverWorlDiverWorldDiver!"

"............................." Panting after panting, Erin began to concentrate her magic, throwing herself into the final attempt. "WORLDDIVER!!!!!" With all her strength, Erin kicked the ground... getting through it as if she put her leg in a bathtub.


"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY GOD! HOW MANY HOURS HAPPENED?!"The giantess shouted excitedly, shooing all the birds that passed through the ruins. "Now to wait for Grimm to come back to show him how great I-"


The giantess fell down suddenly, noticing how the ground hardens around her foot. First a slight pull, and then several strong pulls in a row. "What page... say is temporary?" The silence answered. "WorldDiver!" The giantess shouted, without result.

"No... no... I've done it once... calm down, Erin! You cant conjugate well if you're nervous! But how am I not going to be nervous if I have my foot buried at 30 centimeters of solid earth mixed with titanic causeway? For the love of the gods, I am strong but not so strong as to break something designed to hold beings of 50 meters or more!" Taking a deep breath, the giantess calmed down enough to try to pull her leg again.

Faced with the refusal to leave, Erin decided to do the most mature on their part.

Pull harder, more times and screaming more.                                                                       




Enough to ignore the thunderous flutter and the shadow that descended behind her... At least, until the shadow landed raising a great gale.

The giantess lifted her head quickly, whispering to herself. "Definitely, this is not my week"




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