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Author's Chapter Notes:

She's Back in the flesh

Chapter 10: Dinner Date


The next day went along pretty fast, in fact much faster than I had anticipated. After the morning wash and grooming I headed out to pick up some groceries. It was hard to focus on what I would prepare, with thoughts of 'her' hanging over my head like a dark cloud. After a lot of deliberating I settled on a Lausanne in the oven with a salad. Even with no skills I could at least make that look presentable and it should be nice.


With the decision for dinner settled I bought the food and trekked back to my flat, although I made some stops along the way to run other errands that needed doing. It was around midday when I returned home. After putting the food away I cleaned the flat so it at least looked presentable. I had left it in a bit of a state though and it needed a good clean. At least I finally with a good reason not to put it off and give the place a good tidy up.


Time quickly passed on as it had all day, soon I found that 5pm was looming near and I had to at least get myself presentable. Everything had to go right which sounded funny to think, because it sounded like I was trying to woo her over, when instead I wanted to put on a decent enough dinner that she might actually consider relenting her obsession with me. I had become a mess since my early morning shower. Having gone out and also put energy into cleaning my hair was a mess and I was sweaty. I stepped into the shower and tried to lose myself in the soothing water raining down on me, but I could not stop thinking, 5pm was very close now. Dressed in neat pants with a shirt and tie, all I could do was go to my living room and wait for her arrival.



Here I was, sitting on my clean couch waiting. Everything the day demanded of me done, all that remained was for my unwelcome guest to show up and then put dinner on. Upon reflection the dinner of my choosing didn't require much time for cooking which unfortunately hindered me from using the kitchen as an escape from my ordeal. Although it wasn't a guarantee that she would stay put in the living room either. But now here I was, sat frozen and petrified on the couch, Leant forward with hands on knees just waiting. I could feel the anxiety building up inside of me, the sound of seconds ticking on the nearby clock only drove my anxiety up with each tick. As annoying noise as it was, they meant more than just a tick, each tick was counting down to the moment I would let this beast back into my life again.


The hands of the clock neared five, soon it was a minute to go, soon it was five. Then it was a minute past, then five minute past. She had been clear on being on time, and yet she was running late herself. I didn't put it beyond her that she was deliberately running late as she probably, knowing her arrival had me edge. But soon came the sound, the hum of a car nearby. The sounds of breaks being applied, tires slowing to a stop and the quietness of the engine being silenced. I didn't drive, but I had assumed she didn't either being on the train. For once there was a car in my driveway, which looked very out of place.


I could hear the footsteps making their way to my door after the audible slamming of a car door. I took a deep breath and exhaled, finally breaking from my frozen position. The knocks on the door came, which startled me as I had a doorbell. I got up and made my way over slowly turning the handle as my body attempted to stop me.


I slowly swung the door open, part of me hoped not to see her but there she was in my doorway. Like always she loomed above, looking down on me with a wicked smile. My eyes unable to resist had a quick look at her. Long black boots halfway up her lower leg, stocking then stretching up into a skirt. Beyond the skirt she had a shirt that showed off way to much of her breasts that where at least partly obscured by the jacket she had on over the top


“Thanks for letting me in” she said a sarcastic tone. I was just stuck in the doorway, as quick as she said it she was pushing past me and into my home. It had only been a few seconds and she was already being pushy, assertive and snarky. How was I going to cope with her for the evening?


I closed the door behind her finally snapping back to attention, I was so lost in trance I hadn't even noticed her bend under the door frame to enter. She pondered around my living room checking out the sights, looking around to see anything. It was at this point I noticed how out of place she looked surrounded by my décor. I had a lot of furniture either custom made, or I simply lucked out and found something small enough to suit my flat. My couch was a prime example, I wasn't even sure if it could handle her siting on it.


“This is it?”


“Yeah, welcome to my humble abode” I replied


“A little bland” she said without missing a beat “Definitely missing a woman's touch”


“Well this is my home, and I like it this way” I was already getting a little defensive, but this was my haven, my place of respite and safety, this was my home. She had no right to criticise.


“Whatever” she spoke shrugging her shoulders “We'll discuss it another time”


I was hoping there wouldn't be another time. She paced around a little more, it was rather nerve wracking to watch her do so, I always found pacing annoying when I saw people do it. She however was more menacing than annoying. However she eventually did come to stand by my couch and positioned herself to sit down.


“Wait!” I exclaimed.


“What?” She replied mid pose


“I don't know if you should sit there”


“Well i'm not sitting on the floor, do you expect me to stand all night?”


She ignored my protest and continued to lower herself down onto my couch. Three quarters of the way down she looked real awkward as if she was midway through a squat. My couch was low to the ground and she had to go a fair way down for her behind to meet it. Eventually it did come into contact with the couch cushion and couch almost flipped to one side. It was a light thing and I was surprised it didn't flip but she made quick adjustments to the distribution of her weight as she could no doubt sense the thing wanted to either go to one side or snap in two. It let out plenty of groans though, as if the couch itself wanted rid of her. I couldn't blame it, it sounded in awful pain supporting her.


“Going to start dinner?” she questioned


“Actually it won't take to long”


“Oh?” her eyes widened, it didn't take long for her hand to gesture at the vacant side of the couch


I should have lied. I started to make my way over towards her. She looked so out of place, sitting on the couch she looked like an adult sitting in a child's chair. Her knees where raised higher than where she was sitting and It looked very uncomfortable. Speaking of uncomfortable I was about to be, she took up a decent half of the couch with just body size and positioning. Not since the train would I find myself so close to her, my legs would surely be touching hers. And yet unlike the train I wasn't forced next to her, but rather I was being ordered instead and I was putting myself there. It was a different kind of force, rather than her force me with her hands she was doing it with just her words.


The confidence and back chat I had displayed on the phone had already given way, this was a truly uncomfortable situation to say the least. Every fibre of my being screamed 'no' as I walked over to my own couch. It looked diminutive with her sitting on it.


As I took my seat, her patting hand gave way. As I had said when on the train even sitting next to her she still towered over me. I had to wedge myself between couch arm and thigh. Even the feeling of brushing her stocking clad thigh was enough to make me shudder. She sensed my discomfort and as she did so often her lips formed a wry smile.


“Is this the first time you've had a woman your home?”


“No” I quickly replied my voice unable to contain it's urgent worried nature


“Sure...” she said with sarcasm. Mockingly she patted my leg as if to say 'it's ok'. I tried to move her hand away but it simply returned to pat further. However the tone was about to shift, it stopped putting clamping down as she leaned into me “Have you ever been with a woman?” She questioned.


I didn't answer, it was none of her business, but she wasn't going to leave me alone


“If dinner turns out alright, you might be in luck” I didn't need much to figure out what she was hinting at, I squirmed in my seat at the sound of the proposal, before finally mustering some courage to speak.


“No thanks” I said simply. Again she wouldn't listen, her leg would cross over me holding me to the seat.


“You know, hardly anyone ever turns me down”


“But they have though” Jumping on the word hardly


“Yes, but eventually they're... persuaded” she really emphasised the word persuaded, which no doubt implied little diplomacy and more force. That thought alone suddenly sparked danger in my mind. If she had taken sex by force before I was in extreme peril, there was no way I could stop her if she turned on me like that. I needed distance and breathing space, I was about to hyperventilate.


“Ah, I need to go start tea” I said getting up “You can watch TV if you like


“Leaving TV to entertain your guests, doesn't make you a good host” she remarked as I slowly ducked out to the kitchen. I closed the door behind me as the blare of the TV rose in the background. I drew a long breath, I had bought myself time but only for a little while. Soon I would have to face her again over the dinner table. I hoped she would just stay put in front of the TV. I just wanted her gone, away from here and out of my life. This was my own home and I felt very unsafe in it.


I went to the fridge and placed my lasagne in the oven, it wouldn't take long to cook but I had a lot of spare time so I set the temperature lower. Then I assembled the salad, now just waiting I could finally clam myself down. I sat myself to the table and just put my head in my hands. I couldn't deal with this


Her unwanted mean and degrading nature was now accompanied by very unwelcome advances that made the hairs on my neck stand up. Right now only a door to the living room separated me from her. I was on this side of the door, almost in tears. While she sat on the other side oblivious watching TV without a second thought about me. It wouldn't take long for her to call out either, asking for a drink. I sighed, wiped away the tears and put on my brave face and fronted her with a glass of water.


Walking back into the other room I could see she had attempted to make herself quite comfortable in front of the TV, she was half sprawled out on my couch, one foot on the arm of the couch the other, just shooting off past it, stretched out in midair. I came around to the front, she at least looked like she had managed to find some comfort in this position. I handed her the glass.


“What's this?” She questioned


“Water” I replied “Pretty obvious”


This prompted a turn from her, she reached out and grabbed my tie pulling me towards her violently.


“I thought I told you to get wine?”


“But, I didn't have enough money on me to get any” I said panicking. Before I could react, although it's not like a could with my tie in her grip she threw the water in my face, before letting the glass drop to the floor shattering.


“If I tell you to do something, you fucking do it! No excuses” she said almost spitting in my face, and with that she gave me a shove while releasing my tie forcing me to almost fall back onto the coffee table. She then stood up hand on hips as she loomed over me “Clean this up, i'm going to use the bathroom”


With that she walked away, part of my wanted to inform her on where the toilet was, but I couldn't care, I was shaken from what had just happened. She would find her way to the bathroom anyway. The turn was very abrupt, no doubt she was trying to exert some fear. Well it had worked, I went to gather the dust pan and broom from the cupboard and then began to sweep, a couple of tears rolling down my face as I did. Once it was done I returned to the kitchen and sat with head in hands at the table again trying to collect myself


Chapter End Notes:


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