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Chapter 6: The Game


“Then we're in agreement?” She spoke


“Alright” I replied


She stood up and gestured for me to get off my seat. Again I couldn't be more descriptive with the difference in size between us. Her legs where probably longer than just one of me. She truly lorded over me, i'd need a ladder to look her in the eyes. I looked her up and down trying to size up this monster. How could this evil being be masked by jeans a shirt and jacket to look like the rest of us? She was insane, but yet all there.


“To reiterate the rules, you must best me one on one, or get your phone to win. If you don't, my phone will be running a timer, lets say 10 minutes”


“10 Minutes!? That's hardly any time”


“I think it's a fair amount of time, either you win early or you'll be far to exhausted to continue past the timer i've set.”


I decided to keep my mouth shut and just nod in agreement. To be honest what she said made total sense. There would be no way that I would be able to compete for a longer period past 10 minutes. She was right I would have to use all the strength I had to give it my all early and if I couldn't beat her there i'd have nothing in reserve. That still wouldn't stop me from attempting escape later if I couldn't beat her now. From what she had said once the game was over I was free attempt anything to get away. The situation would be just like it was prior to her mentioning this game. That also played a part in taking her up on it, indeed it was a enticing offer and I would have lost nothing but some energy if I were to lose.


“Shall I start the timer then?”


“Yes” I replied


She pulled her own phone from her pocket and started to navigate the OS with one hand, you can no doubt guess she held my phone in the other.


“Ready, Go!” She quickly hid her phone away back in her jeans and the game was now underway.


Nobody made a move, I stood still strategising. I had the time before hand to think of a plan of attack while she set up the game and yet I hadn't actually figured out a plan. She no doubt waited to see what my first move would be. My assumption was if she was condescending enough she would not play offensively rather allowing me to make all the moves while she just defended my phone from me. That said even defensively she could put me down just as easily.


What had figured out though is that I needed to play against her ego rather than her. If I played the game the way she hoped and gave her the flare she craved she might just lower her guard. How I was going to do that I hadn't quite figured out


“Time's ticking” she jeered


Deep breath, I couldn't allow her to suck me into to doing something stupid. Unless of course I allowed myself too in some sort of trick. But she was right again, time was indeed wasting. Like anything tall the weakness would have to be at the base. If I could somehow weaken her legs I could maybe get her down. It was a long shot, but I had no hope of getting my phone back from trying to jump up for it.


With little room I moved back until I felt the seat behind me. Like she had said she was one step ahead, anticipating my move she planted her feet in a stance that would make her hard to budge. I'm no expert on fighting but this looked like a common stance to hold your ground. I suppose it wasn't so much anticipation for me to come at her legs but rather just a normal defensive pose to prevent from being knocked over, No doubt she'd apply this tactic without even thinking about it against anyone. Maybe she was getting in my head a little.


I shook my head, I couldn't let myself be weaken by thoughts, some I hadn't even conjured myself. She stood in front of me like a mountain. Time was being wasted and I was just going to have to grit my teeth and bare it.


It was time I charge in at her, I closed my eyes as I went for her right leg (Left from my perspective). I didn't want to do this, I thought as I rushed in. I can't recall a time in my life I ever wanted to cause harm no matter how small. Even though I had been allowed beyond what I think is acceptable into her personal space, I didn't like the idea of just touching this woman with force. Truth me told I was uncomfortable with any contact I had with her.


I hit her leg and what speed I could with about a metre of space. It flinched for a moment like I was about to go straight through it. A wave of panic briefly hitting me thinking I could seriously hurt her before It flexed back to it's starting position sending me back onto my behind. I opened my eyes, there is was unaffected like I had charged at a metal rod.


“Don't tell me your spent already?”


Her words caused me to crane my head upwards, an instinctive reaction you do when someone talks to you. I really wished I hadn't, I had been at her feet when she was sitting down but now she stood at her full height. She was a monolith from my view, it only added more doubt in my mind about my cause. Her height standing over me was unsettling, truly and deeply. Never had I been in the presence of someone so tall and been at the bottom floor. It gave me more fear and anxiety than i've felt in my life before. I felt like nothing next to her, like standing at the bottom of a skyscraper the sky seemed to move around her at her peak, and yes i'm aware it's just the ceiling of a train cabin. But she gave off that look that skyscrapers that they have like she was just swaying in the sky.


I shook my head. I couldn't allow myself to be intimidated by her presence, I had a challenge thrown down to me and I had to at least make an attempt.


Slowly I picked myself back up again, but picking myself back up didn't do much to lower her in my vision, she still leaned over me like a building. I had attempted to run through this structure in front of me, yet it had not budged. I more so bounced off her like nothing. This time I wouldn't rush her with blind fury, I would do what I always did and be tactful.


Having finally got the balance back in my feet I moved over to her. I moved between her legs and hugged her right foot. She didn't flinch, rather she embraced the challenge making a little easier to squeeze between her thighs and quads. With all my my might I pushed against her, eyes shut I threw all my strength into it.


Nothing, puffed from exerting such force I tried to take a step back but bumped into her other long leg. It was like I had tried to push over a brick wall, her leg hadn't moved in the slightest. I had put my all behind it and not even managed to move her leg an inch. Dare I say she was built like the brick outhouse. My intention of toppling her over had failed and only now did I realise that I had placed myself in harms way. Before I could catch my breath back her thighs moved in towards me, her legs came closer. They like anywhere else on her, she held a firm grip on me. It was like trying to wedge yourself between prison bars and getting stuck, that's how I felt between her legs. Desperate I tried claw my way out from between her, but I could not manage to escape which I had noticed was starting to become a trend.


“No fair!” I yelled


“This is nothing” she replied “If you want I can play dirty”


Her mocking laughter rang out again, but the way she said it did not at all sound threatening, but rather playful which actually scared me more.


“Besides what exactly where you planning to achieve anyway? I get the whole pushing me down, but did you not think about where I would land if you succeeded”


As was her way she pointed out any flaw in me or my mindset, and my strategy was indeed flawed. Had I been able to move her leg reality was she'd end up on top of me. Now I don't think anyone wants the brick house collapsing on top of them.


“How about I do a test and show you the outcome of stupid thinking?”


The leg I had intended to push suddenly gave way, while her other leg kneed me from behind. She began to ride down on that knee and she was indeed about to come down on top of me. Escape was not an option this was all happening faster than I could convey. In a futile effort I threw my hands up hoping to catch her and somehow withstand the brunt of her weight, not even thinking what parts of her where directly above me. For a split second when I made contact I felt like the image of the man holding the world on his back, before I then realise her weight hadn't yet come into force. Down she came, for a moment I thought of the pain she must endure herself having to come down from such a height, before I realised it was nothing to her. Instead I was also the cushion for her 'fall' and no doubt any pain shared between us I would endure 90% more than she would.


It ended as fast as it started, my hands gave way and instead desperately flung themselves to catch both myself and her and somehow hold us up. Once hitting the floor my arms and legs immediately buckled not even offering any sort of resistance. She right behind me, flattened me with her bottom and all that weight and momentum landing solidly on my back.


I let out a large scream that was cut short by the air escaping my lounges. For a short moment all her weight and momentum had crash landed on my spine and as short as the moment was the pain was extreme. I could feel my spine shake as she landed on me, during my scream I spat and my eyes bulged, as if all that power transferred to my back was working it's way out of me through my upper body. Once it was over the pain decided to linger, my spine felt extremely sore as I gasped for air and while it was as painful as the momentum itself her resting upon my back didn't ease my sore spine at all that was still under some duress. My mind was blank, the only thoughts in my head where pain, once conciousness thinking did return to me I panicked. Starting to get my breath back I wondered to what extent had I been hurt, so intense was the pain in my back I couldn't feel my legs and that completely troubled me, what if she had turned me into a quadriplegic? The pain in my ribs was also real too having hit the ground hard and then been rattled from behind, could I have sustained injury there too? I was quick to panic as I started to breath again. She sat on me without a care in the world, but knew how much pain she had inflicted, but I couldn't focus on my rage long enough with such worries circling in my head.


“That sounded like it hurt” Ah yes, the comedian had returned to wound my pride once again “Little tip for next time, gentlemen don't put their hands in such places when catching a lady”


I had sucked in enough breath for a quick retort


“You're not a lady...” I spoke, barely getting it out


“Maybe you're right, perhaps i'm a little to wild to be lady like” she laughed again, I was getting fed up of it “You know the game is still on?” Truth be told I had forgotten all about it. She raised herself off of me, I still lay there though collecting myself. I was still sucking in the breathes, but I was starting to breath slower and more controlled rather than gasping for air like a fish out of water.


“Are you throwing in the towel?” she questioned.


Very slowly I began to pick myself up once again, much to my delight despite the pain my, legs where still there and functioning. First I got to my knees and then with a sway eventually my feet. My posture wasn't quite upright yet as I hung over still getting my breath back.


“Never” I simply stated, not even sure myself if I could continue, but yet I had too. At that moment the announcer came over the trains PA letting me know we where in her home town. I needed a last ditch effort, but I wasn't even sure what I was going to do


“That's the spirit” she mocked delighted with my apparent wiliness to continue. I found that odd, was she enjoying the game more? Even knowing if she somehow lost she wouldn't get what she wanted? Maybe that was the thrill, something to lose but something that made it worthwhile.


Meantime I had to think of something, every tactic I had employed had been easily defeated and met with humiliation. The thought of a punch to her stomach floated my mind, but I never wanted to hit a woman, even one as vile as her. Did I dare abandon the morals I held, to win? The more I thought about it, there was solid arguments for both yes and no, yes had the promise of victory and i'd never see her again, but if I abandoned my moral compass what made me different from her? The answer in the end was simple, if I stooped to her level I was no different to her. She was mean, uncompassionate and ruthless in how she set about achieving victory. If I truly despised her, I couldn't be like her.


“Tick Tock” she said making a motion of gesturing to an invisible watch.


“I can't...”


Her ears picked up on this


“Can't what?” She asked


“I can't be like you” I dropped back to me knees, most of the fight had left me, all that pride and courage I had moments prior had vanished as breaks of the train started to come into effect.


“You're right” she spoke “That's what makes me a winner and you a loser” I didn't want to hear another speech, as broken as I was I decided to speak before she had time to put me down further.


“You win” I said, but I still had one trick up my sleeve

Chapter End Notes:

Been sitting on this chapter for a while, finally happy enough to release it after pondering the future direction of the story

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