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Author's Chapter Notes:

Let’s skip ahead a bit.


Time: 4:30





Jet slammed down on his alarm clock on the dark wooden stand to his right. It’s a small, square, black, plastic digital clock. It has that same, annoying wake-up call that’s probably the last thing you’d want to hear in the morning. But at least it does what it’s supposed to.


It’s 4:30 in the morning, and today’s the day Jet has to get up, go to the crowded San Francisco airport, and go to China. Thank god he doesn’t have to pay for the flight. Tickets are outrageous.

“…fuck this…”

Jet rolls over and covers himself a bit more with his blankets and takes a deep breath and lays there. It feels way too good. He should probably get up…but no…he’s got plenty of time.


Time: 4:35




Damn it. He fell asleep. Again.


THUNK, thunk,… THACK!

He missed the clock two times, but hit his alarm clock on the third. Good thing he set it to go off a second time.

“Man… I should really move my alarm clock” he thought.

Right next to his bed is a horrible place. He figured out two ways that are really good ways to get him up and ready for his day. The first is to move the clock as far away from him as possible, but keep it in the room and at it’s loudest. Then, when it goes off, it keeps going until he finally gets up, walks over to it, and turns it off. The second is good if you’re room is messy. What you do is very similar to that, but better. Find a faraway spot in the room that is really cluttered up by your stuff. Then, take the alarm clock, and mix it into the pile(try not to look where it is, you want to make it take a while to find it). Now, when you wake up, you won’t just have to get up and move, but you’ll keep yourself up and you’ll get you brain to wake up and start thinking.

Time: 4:44



Jet finally got up and brushed his teeth with his white electric toothbrush in his white, tiled bathroom. While doing that, he opened the olive green curtains in his bedroom (right next to his bathroom) to see San Francisco’s streets in the partially lighted darkness. Jet lived in a nice apartment right next to a busy four-way intersection. You can see cars stop and go every now and then. The city is lighted only by it’s street lights and various nearby lights in the buildings nearby. The horizon was still very dark, but showed signs that the sun would be arriving soon. But only if it stayed clear and if there’s no fog. He walked back into his bathroom with a towel in hand. Time for another wonderful morning shower.


                                                                                      Time: 4: 58



Jet lowered his watch.

“The taxi driver should be here soon…” Jet thought.

He was standing outside his apartment building with his suitcase waiting for the taxi that was sent for him to take him to the airport.


Time: 5:03



Finally, a white taxi with a checkered stripe on the side and a white plastic sign on top of it stopped in front of him and rolled down it’s window. Inside was a short fat Indian guy (don’t get Indian and Native American mixed up) with long hairy arms with two gold bracelets on each one.

“Are you uhhh…Jet Slate?

He had a fat accent when he talked, but his words were clear.

“That’s me” Jet replied, in no way sarcastic or motivated.

“O.k. then. Let me help you with that”

He got out and put his suitcase into the trunk of the white car. Jet noticed as he got into the back seat that on the side it said:

San Francisco

Quality Cabs


He sat down and waited for the driver to get back in and drive him to his destination. The seats had these ugly covers that not only looked like carpet, but felt like carpet too. In no way were they comfortable.

As the driver got in, Jet thought to himself, “Yeah, quality my ass.”

They drove off down the crowded streets just like anyone would. They were doing like anyone else would on a normal day to the airport. They thought like it was any normal day to the airport. But it isn’t any normal day. It’s the start of the first day to catch a killer, and terrorist.

Chapter End Notes:
Waking up is the hardest part of the day for most people. But maybe no for Jet...
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