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“Mom, I just don’t understand why we have to leave now. The war has been raging forever, why is now any differen?.I was going to have a great 18th birthday party with my boyfriend” Sana’s 17-year old daughter Malak whined as she helped Sana pack. “All things will soon be clear. You’ll be able to see your friends” Sana said, pecking her daughter on her forehead. That was technically true, of course, but Sana didn’t feel like explaining to her daughter. It was better to have her see it with her own eyes.

They were moving to Tel Aviv, in neighboring Israel, where she could “collect” her former country’s citizens with ease in her new apartment. The substance and its magnetic addition only shrunk animal cell matter, and the magnets were only strong enough to collect organic material. So the people would be shrunk to 1/528000 their old height, transported to her coffee table, with nothing but what they had on their backs and in their hands. Now, if they had guns, of course, that would be an issue. But Sana would be lording over them from on high, she would be in control. If she wanted violence, she could kill all 20 million of them, if she wanted peace, there would be peace. Her mercy would make her adored she thought.


Not unlike many American soldiers, Lucas had joined the military for practical reasons. Not that he was actively opposed to it; he just was not gung-ho and not eager to see combat. He never thought that he would, joining the reserves. But when the United States and its brilliant president (sarcasm) wanted to intervene in a middle eastern country’s war; it was a full-out invasion. By the time Lucas was sent things had died down, but now the government in exile was returning with Russian airpower. Lucas was going to battle, although they were in a holding pattern, as diplomats scrambled to prevent direct conflict with the Russians. It was a very dangerous situation.

Lucas leaned up against a truck and lit a cigarette as he and his platoon could see war unfolding miles in front of them. In his left hand was his satellite phone; he was waiting orders. Lost in thoughts of their mortality, they saw the Russian planes advance beyond the frontline and towards them. They dove for cover underneath a vehicle.  Suddenly, they felt the world grow around them, before they could even comprehend this, a force began to pull them into the air, in an arc. Those who were inside vehicles, moved around corners and crevices until they fell out of some sort of hole in the vehicle, or smashed through glass. They movement was very rapid and disconcerting; he was hurling through the air at hundreds of miles per hour, but then they gradually slowed, and slowed, and slowed. One of the last things they saw was coming through a skylight and gently landing on a dirt surface. He looked around, all his platoon was still there, but no vehicles or supplies. A few of the soldiers who had held guns their hands still had them. It was as if only the people had been transported. And nothing else. After a few moments, they all saw her.

It was difficult to comprehend at first, at first he just noticed what looked like a brown horizon. But then he noticed slight little bumps on it- it reminded him of something. It was a woman’s leg- a shaved one. He looked to the left and the right and saw the gentle curve of calf muscles. Then they all saw the leg move, and more of the woman came into view, her skirt, her midriff, her blouse, her ginormous tits that would’ve been huge even if she was normal sized. Next came her thick, curly black hair, and finally her face and brown eyes, lording over them, regarding them intently. She spoke in a deafening and deep voice, although they could all hear the femininity in it. It was in Arabic. He couldn’t understand.


Sana was positively giddy with power, but she had to keep herself under control and remember her mission. “I command you all to lay down your weapons. You may regard the loss of property and power as your punishment for years of violence against your brothers and sisters….”. She let them absorb her words.  “Now, let’s be honest. It is mostly the men of the country causing this violence. And for that… I am a demonstration”. She paused and grinned down at them she slowly removed her shirt and bra, unveiling those massive orbs, about the size of a man’s head. They were perky and her nipples were just over the edges of the civilization. She leaned so that her massive tits dominated the civilization. “You might regard women as just a pair of tits. Well, always remember what a pair of tits can do. It can obliterate you and everything you know. It will make your pride over your little manhoods seem pathetic”. She chuckled as she re-covered herself. “Now, those are a privilege. There’s going to be a lot of hard work to rebuild, and if you do a good job, you’ll get to see them”.


Lucas felt his dick grow hard as this sexy Arab woman dominated them all with her tits. ‘Best. War. Ever.’ He thought to himself.

Chapter End Notes:


(Sequel of Sana’s ownership of the country and the rebuilding potentially coming in the future).


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