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Hello everyone, let me find a comfortable posture before I begin, I have never been to "write" a new chapter on this mattress. I am writing this (Writing? Technically dictated, I am using a new voice writing program that I have purchased) on… day 12 of the 3rd month of Rimewake, the sun has just risen and Vell and I have gone to sleep after a long night of work. 

In case anyone doubted it, yes I'm finally writing from home in Acheron, from your perspective, two earthly weeks have passed since my last update, for us here only 8 Akkenian days have passed since that already mythical (for me) chapter 10. It's been a busy week here in Acheron, my family has started the adaptation process and that means I won't be able to see them for another week… it feels weird to know that they are on the same planet but we are still apart. Well, better to be separated by medical and government issues than by the entire ocean of stars! And as a curious fact, as soon as we started, the term Ocean of stars was coined by the Haze almost fifteen hundred years before the squaresoft jrgps saga was released.

The first humans who arrived at Acheron after the agreements between our planets did not have to undergo such an intense and controlled adaptation process. Visits from abroad were totally allowed and if you played your cards right you didn't even need to sleep in the reception center!. And that, if you will allow me the swear word, was total shit! I was the first human on this planet, I had to experience dizziness due to the change in atmosphere and gravity, pain and eating problems due to the total change in diet, tiredness and constant fatigue due to the complete change to the daily cycle compared to Earth...

I swore that I wouldn't let anyone go through the same thing, so I fought alongside Kalliah and the others to replace such a terrible process with one adapted to the needs of our species, managing after a year to turn it into a much more serious, safe and above all more intense adaptation process than we needed. And believe me that battle was worth it, it was only necessary for another group of humans to arrive and they could clear up the rumors so that the requests for residence in Acheron would skyrocket to levels never seen before.

Living in Acheron isn’t easy, just the length of the “day” and “night” hours assuming a great stepping stone. Learn to use the Fullmotion Matrix, learn the basic rules of good behavior and the main laws of Acheron, get used to technology ... and above all learn to speak Aekun correctly! Until I got involved in all of this it wasn't mandatory! Who the hell came up with that was okay ?! Our alphabets aren’t even remotely alike! 

Damn it, it's not worth stressing over this again ... more than anything because you haven't heard my voice but my angry tone is very intense and loud and I don't intend to wake up my lady here by my side! Vell and I have spent a long day from institution to institution, fixing and updating my family's paperwork and this is equal to or more exhausting than the equivalent on Earth, at least for me I am still a doll for the rest of the society!

Ahhh... You cannot imagine how much I have missed her, seeing her in the spaceport has made me drop the suitcases that I was carrying in the middle of the terminal to run towards her. Too naughty and cheesy? It's possible. I love her so much that I don't care? As clear as the sky!

Status update: Acheron is exactly the same as when I left, and exactly the same as when I first arrived. My "little" paradise continues to progress in peace and harmony. Do you know that it is exactly the same as when I left a month ago? The dirty clothes in our laundry room, that apparently unknown territory for the woman with whom I will spend my whole life together.

The same clothes that, with a lot of effort because it was Vell and Mia's dirty clothes of a whole week, I left LITERALLY in front of the washing machine with a luminous hologram floating above: "Wash in cold water, double dry"

I love Vell with all my heart, my soul and my brain and all that… But for the love of Christ, Ephion and all the gods of the galaxy! How can anyone not do laundry in in the whole fucking month that I've been away ?! And this isn’t the first time that has happened, okay? I am now going to play an indignant wife for a moment. 

Vell is an expert in putting off again and again all the tasks that consist of handling our clothes, whether it is putting the washing machine, activating the drying and ironing or storing them in their respective drawers. (The Akken doesn’t use hangers like us, they have a device that holds clothes between two force plates)

I don't know how much right I have to complain, considering that for obvious reasons regarding my size Vell has had to take care of all the non-automated tasks or mechanized (by this I mean those that I can do operating machinery with the Vc such as watering the garden, cleaning the dust with smart vacuum cleaners or cooking) in the house all these years ... but still it‘s something that makes me so fucking mad! 

It doesn't matter how many signs I leave, how hard I try to spread our clothes forming a path to the washing machine, how hard I try putting everything inside and just asking her to take it out and put it in the closet! (The "washing machines" here in Acheron make function washing, drying and ironing individually all in a process, so I can put the clothes wrinkled indoors using Fullmotion Matrix but I can’t remove without unfolding by simple logistical issues)

I will calm myself down again, you have not come to read to an angry wife because her wife is not able to take care of the washing machine ... you have come to read to a 3 meter tall wife furious because her 15 meter tall wife is unable to store her gigantic t-shirts in her fucking drawer! 

Here's another lesson about sharing your life with someone who weighs like 500 times your weight and measures like 9 times your height: When physically presenting it to your family, try to warn them before not picking people up without prior permission!

Vell is so used to dealing with them virtually that there is almost no limit to closeness anymore between them. The image of my dear wife dressed in her most elegant suit that she hates, reaching where my parents, brothers, wives and nephews were landing still something impressed by the scale of Acheron, kneeling in front of them and taking my nephews in their hands to fill them with kisses like a gigantic great-in-law and second godmother has been more than they could bear was really exciting, not for my family apparently.

Even my father, who has treated my Vell with extreme kindness since they met, has raised his hands in fear, fearing for the safety of his grandchildren. Grandchildren and godchildren who were more than delighted to meet their aunt / second godmother on the other hand, who have “blown away” when Vell has stood up to introduce them to Acheron from her perspective.  

At that time Vell didn’t want to say anything to avoid taking away the rest that my family so much needed ... but deep down I know that my giantess felt somewhat offended when she saw that people with whom she had been dealing with all this years, seeing and wanting so much for so long were afraid of her. And be clear that here, Miss Fiore, 3 meters high, took great care to comfort her giantess that night.

Very, very thorough. With a lot of tongue.

I have already repeated it several times so I am going to apologize but it is impossible for me to avoid it. Reaching the barrier of 3 meters in height is… incredible and disturbing in equal parts, especially because my growth has accelerated slightly in recent days and we are talking about how I currently measure… let me scan myself for a second… 3 meters and 11 centimeters, 28 higher than when I was separated from my family at the Spaceport!

At the moment everything is going according to what scientists and doctors predicted, in 2 Akkenian days I will start going to the CRDH (Calefield Research and Development Hospital, why it’s called after the ocean and not the city where it belong escapes of my understanding) daily to perform emotional-intellectual neural tests and tests ... Basically they want to make sure that my perception of myself doesn’t collide with my transition from my body and that the new neurons in my expanding brain are performing the functions expected of them.

Doctors and scientists have predicted that in a Akkenian monthI i'll have reached 8 meters in height, that is when my body will need to be under constant surveillance and nutritional support and I will achieve that by staying there until the end of the experiment. I don’t look forward to being in bed constantly sedated, but all the members of the experiment agree that the process where my bones leave their human molecular structure to go to the Akken structure will be especially painful ... 

I will figure out some way to continue writing my memories, so you can be clear that we will have chapters from the CRDH! Specifically and calculating how much time I have left between posts, we are talking about chapters 21 to 26 from the center of the Akken-human medical-scientific world, where the brightest minds of both species come together to change our understanding of genetics and medicine!

I know that I am trying to decorate it a lot but honestly I am a little more afraid every day, it‘s difficult for me to see myself in the mirror and recognize myself when the shirts that I wore yesterday today are somewhat narrower and my shoes are tighter. The latter is a bit of a trauma because my parents' family have larger than average feet and both my brothers and I have complied with the "tradition" ... every time when I was little I exchanged shoes with friends and they laughed at how huge that they were has left me a little bit of trauma. Just a little. One thousandth of trauma- NO! A millionth of trauma about my own feet!

The latter has been exaggerated for a specific purpose, and that is to prove once again that I am the best wife in the world. Why?… Because only the best wife in the fucking world could simply recognize a pause in her beloved wife's breathing as a sign that she has been pretending to sleep for a long time! Ladies and gentlemen, children and the elderly, allow me to introduce you to someone very special to me ... someone who with just a glance stole my heart and any kind of sanity that I had left, someone for whom it was worth traveling the entire galaxy to be together with her. 

On this beautiful Rimewake sunrise I am proud and honored to present you all to my wife Janivell Mika, Jani to friends and Vell to me, in her first appearance in my memoirs. The "microphone" is all yours, baby!

H ... hello ...

 Really?! It's a joke, right? This, just this and nothing else that I Is it what makes you shy?! Are you telling me that the author of the phrase "The nerves there to swallow and then digest with Svissy (a brand of" beer "here at Acheron, our favorite)" is now feeling shy? 

You are the worst, you know! This is my first time appearing in person in your memoirs, I have too much respect for this not to feel nervous!

You are so adorable, Vell…

And you are the fucking worst, Fi… thanks for giving me a second to breathe. I owe you all a correct greeting so here it goes: 

Hello everyone and I'm sorry to interrupt, I woke up after the second time my wife here was trying to calm down herself and I couldn't go back to sleep thinking how cool my wife is when writing her memoirs . 

Cool compared to her usual chubby attitude, of course. 

Ignore her, I'm always cool! Could someone not cool keep memories like this? My argument is on the table, Your Honor! Case open: Fi is too cool for her own good. 

I don't know how you can bear to read this idiot...! I have a motive and reason and it is to be in love with her and all that of supporting your partner that humans say in your wedding vows, but you? You are free ... I'm going to quit now, I can't bear to see my precious toy-size wife puffing up her cheeks outraged by my totally innocent comments ...

Advice on Acheron # 2 that I give you all: Whether you are men who aspire to marry Torihs or women you aspire to have romantic relationships with Akkens, make sure beforehand that you are not marrying a bully! And I'm not blowing up my cheeks! It's called a face of outrage and it's not something adorable!

It’s totally adorable, humans have a gift for no matter how angry you are, you always seem adorable that I don’t understand how your planet can be on the brink of the second cold war! ... Sorry, that is a rough subject to use in a joke.

Know that from Acheron you have all our support to cool and calm the flames of the conflict, and if it isn’t possible here you have a planet where you can take refuge without fear, our embassies there on Earth are equipped with all the necessary paperwork to move you here. And to be clear, we have only inhabited 30% of this planet, you can come as many as you want without fear or guilt in your hearts for occupying our planet. 

This space has been sponsored by the KJCMCF team, pioneers in establishing relationships with the Earth, and the Council on Foreign Affairs! Come to Acheron, we have plenty of wellness to share!

I'm going to take this opportunity and ask all the humans who read this if anyone understands the reference that my idiot wife used to give our team a name. I bet with her that she managed to discover the origin without help but I have not made a breakthrough for years ...

This will not be breaking any rules, right? 

Technically not because when we made the bet we only agreed that you could not ask my family for help ... so I agree to ask for help from strangers through this! You really wanna win, huh bitch?

Of course! I'll leave it up to you if it's worth it, okay? Fi bet with me on a vacation totally planned by her at the Deehaver. (A super important vacation island here in Acheron, I think it could be compared to Hawaii of your planet)

The reason this is so important is that FI HATES, HATES and HATES the beach! I love this woman so much that I need to see her try to organize a dream vacation in a place that represents her personal hell.

In my defense what I hate is the sand, I like the sea! And if anyone who is reading this is young and wonders what happens and changes after marriage, you have to know that nothing changes. If you love each other as much as we do, we will continue to be the same 2 idiots in love for a long, long time ... 

Consider it a goal in life, okay? Reaching the point where you love someone so much that you just want to be by their side no matter how terrible the situation is for them… and if you can enjoy a little seeing your loved one out of their comfort zone, well… extra points! We Akken love to see our loved ones challenged and see them overcome adversity with strength and ingenuity ... maybe that is the reason that Ace Attorney has sold so many games on this planet.

As you can see, couples relationships end up being basically the same no matter what species make up the couple ... in the end it all comes down to supporting, loving and supporting your partner. When did this become a consultation and course on interspecies relationships? I remember when this was about my memories, before all these idiots got involved in collaborating in one way or another ... 

TI didn't like that comment very much, okay? I have not wanted to get into your narration until you had-

Okay, I'm sorry… that was a really bad joke. Here you have another lesson: Know your partner well and anticipate what he or she thinks, each word you say has to be instantly accompanied by your partner's reaction to it. As soon as I finished with my joke attempt, I knew without looking that my comment had annoyed my huge huge wife, which has led me to openly admit my mistake and accept criticism for it. 

You're good at looking good, eh? I'm going to buy your apology for now... but now afterwards it's your turn to make up for the offense as you already know ... 

Damn this is too hard! I do not feel comfortable speaking or making references to ... that kind of thing ... 

Do not take offense or take this as an attack on your culture, humans. We Akken treat intimate moments with much more vehemence and privacy, making jokes about these things for others other than your partner is ... weird. I don't care if Fi tells you details of our privacy from time to time, but from me you won't see many comments, at least initiated by me.

Do any of you remember a few years ago the scandal that formed when HBO tried to make a remake for both Earth and Acheron of Sex and the City? Many Earthlings scoffed at how much the Akken rejected the very concept of the series and began calling Acheron the "Empire of prudish."

Technically we do not have the power to make official statements but take Vell's explanation as the reason for the rejection of that remake. And like Sex and the City, many other series that launch them on the other planet have had to be adapted for the other civilization, as we have the cases of the Earth series "How I met your mother" and all the controversy with the character of Ted (I never understood how Barney was what didn’t bring any complaints!) or the controversy with the Akken series "Middle Age" and the violent visual scenes in the middle of a family comedy.

See, I don't understand that either! Humans have absolutely insane and horrifying sports, and it turns out that we are the savages because of our Duels of Valor! We may use weapons unlike your wrestling and we may end up quite bloody… but it isn’t more violent or less controlled and normalized than your martial arts!

I have always believed that the controversy arose because the scene involved two 9-year-old Akken girls, not because of the sport of Dueling of Valor itself ...

If the controversy arose from that then let me call it bullshit! Humans have categories for children in Karate and Judo! Also, the earthly public always seems to forget when the topic of the Duel of Valor comes up that Akken are much more resistant to pain, bleeding wounds for us is the equivalent of skin scrapes for you!

We have had this discussion too many times and we always end up in circles, I agree with you and you complaining again…

Sorry to always turn on this topic, darling. Middle Age is… the pinnacle of the last millennium of Akken entertainment! I grew up watching the last seasons live and the first in reruns every 2nd day! The whole story arc of Charlotte learning to socialize and making her first friends until her end in the state tournament is tied to the Duels of Valor and seeing all that ... censored ... bothers me a lot more than it should.

Please keep doing that, don't ever stop.

Before your horny mind can get to work I'm patting my girl's forehead, sorry to ruin your party. 

Exactly, thanks for clarifying. So that you can see that there is not only hatred for all this censorship on our side, I am going to say that I have seen the original "How I met your mother" and I loved it, Ted is an idiot but no more idiot than most comedy characters. 

And Community is the absolute peak of human entertainment, I said.


Honestly, I don't think that is correct either, there are many earthly television series that I have not had the pleasure of watching yet and-

Here is one of Akken's most serious faults, the inability to make first meet value judgments about other cultures! It’s honestly a flaw that I am sure that if other civilizations adopted it it would lead to a better coexistence ... Or something like that, I am not a political scientist in the least! 

I'm going to change the subject before this conversation about the series goes on for a long time, to one with much more meaning for these memories: My love, do you remember our second meeting? Our… “first contact outside of work”? As dawn is beginning to… you know, dawn and we have to get up early tomorrow night, we can tell the story today until we find ourselves in the living room of the ship today and let for another day the rest!

Really? ... That particular story? ... We did not come out too well from that story, especially you and Austin ... 

So what if we don't look good? It is difficult to find a story in our beginnings that makes us look like responsible adults. We were two young, young adults, girls in love navigating one of the most tense moments for humanity and the Acheron empire, trying to establish a physical and emotional relationship despite our difference in size and the opinions around us ... If that isn’t a sufficient excuse for our discomfort and ridiculousness, let Ephion himself come here to stop me from telling it!

Bah, fuck it! Let's do it! How do we organize ourselves to tell it?

We have both perspectives so the best thing to do here would be... First one of us tells her perspective until the moment we meet and then the other tells hers, we can interrupt for small contributions but without interfering with the narrative. If we do it right we can leave the story right at the point where we meet and I almost caused myself to become a reddish paste under your beautiful and incredible feet ...

Your fetishes are taking control of your body again, honey. But yes, I agree but we should stop before we meet, that part is too intense to tell now that we're so exhausted. My terrifying prospect of making you uncomfortable and failing is a enough sign that it’s sure to bring joy and happiness to someone who is in a situation similar to ours… 

You know what, humans? I've been trying for a long time to speak more correctly, in a more humane and courteous way, trying to look better as Fiore's wife. 

I ... I'm not really like this, the only one in my family who speaks in a courteous way naturally is my older sister Maelana. I hope this doesn't make you think less of me or Fiore about marrying me.

That 's my girl, always worried about trifles... Do you understand now why I love her so much?



(Fiore continues to speak now on the left, Janivell's contributions continue to be on the right)

Okay, I'll start. To put us in context, it was the day after the first Acheron-Earth talks ended. Our leaders and the political leaders of Acheron had held almost 7 days of dialogues, negotiations, treaties… I don't know much about politics but even I can see why there are so many tensions. 

While the two worlds were sailing in a sea of r03;r03;decisions and consequences, I was still isolated from my family and friends as a consequence of being one of the main translators ... 

And with that context, I was placed in a private protected apartment in Austin, in a kind of sitcom that we will call "Living with the girl who has made all my work hell!".  Not my best week due to the fact that I was living in someone else's apartment without any of my usual means of training but it wasn't too bad either, Austin would spend the day and part of the night away and only came back to sleep, shower and go again.

That day was the first day Austin had to relax, so when he came home to find the military waiting for me at the door, you can imagine that he was not amused. 

Screaming like a possessed japanese spirit and with the peace of mind that the building had been evacuated from ordinary citizens and there were only them and the military from other countries, Austin pounced on me as soon as he walked through the door. "Tell me you're not thinking what I know you're thinking, you bloody asshole!" He yelled at me, letting go of his Mexican accent and some Spanish words, so nervous that even his eyes were bloodshot. 

My defense against his threats? 

"I'm meeting Janivell today, I'm going to spend the afternoon and have dinner with her on the ship. Don't wait for me awake!" 

As if he had just heard the news that his favorite actor had killed his favorite musician, Austin prepared to give me the most violent slap he had ever given to someone (I confess that he scared me a little, Austin was not exactly short but had a really good physical form that undoubtedly surpassed me in strength). Thank goodness his conscience took over just in time, braking completely and opting for a much less violent (for me at least) punch against the wall. "Do you realize, you fucking horny bastard ... that we are literally risking the fate of our planet ?!" 

"Why?! I'm just going to be with her and get to know her better, I really want to take this to the next level!" That was my next defense, which Austin misinterpreted as something else. 

"You just want to fuck an alien, Fiore! Have you lost your fucking mind?! Did you fall into your parents' arms at birth or are you just that retarded naturally?! THEY ARE ALIENS,IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT THEY LOOK LIKE US! ALIENS, FROM ANOTHER PLANET ON THE FUCKING OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING GALAXY! FUCK, FIORE!" 

That was the comment that made me lose control, and that is that you can mess with me all you want up to a certain point. The moment you choose to insult my parents, that is the moment when I will go for you ... this is not a threat to you, okay ?! Don't take it as a threat, please!

"AND?! DON'T BE RACIST ... Speciesist in this case!! You've already heard of Kalia, right? I have the right to see Janibell whenever possible, and I have access to the ship above all of you! It's not my fault that I fell in love or that Janivell had… that thing… the moment? It's not my fault that I made Janivell fall in love with me!”

Austin was on the verge of an anxiety attack (one above the one he was already having, evidently). “I'm going to repeat it slowly in case you haven't gotten it, Fiore. We are in negotiations with the Akken and the Acheron Empire, political negotiations! Do you know what not to do during political negotiations? Establish romantic relationships with the other party, spend time in their territory or just get close to them! AND THAT'S JUST WHAT YOU'RE DOING!”

“And I'm also going to repeat it one more time in case your brain is fried from so much politics and has not understood it. I AM GOING AS A PERSONAL VISIT, I AM NOT SUBJECT TO ANY LAW THAT PREVENTS ME FROM MEETING WITH A NON-VITAL MEMBER OF THE AKKEN, I KNOW BECAUSE I ASKED KALLIAH BEFORE-”

“Have you been… keeping in touch with them all this time?” To this day I don't understand why this part bothered Austin so much, if I can be honest. "How?!" 

As I didn’t intend or want to extend the discussion any longer, I decided to take out my “personal” phone (as personal as the phone that the army had assigned me during that time could be) and show him my second application tab. “The day after the first Earth-Acheron conference, I received a message from Kaliah saying that she had asked for my phone number, explaining what the moment is for the Akken and asking for my permission to install a private messaging application on my phone so that I could talk to Janivell or the others when I feel like it”

Perplexed and dumbfounded, Austin tore the phone out of my hands to open the app, skimming over the multiple conversations I had had with both Vell and the other crew, mostly just introductory conversations with them. From the expression of disgust and rage that Austin was having, it was easy to tell when my conversation with Vell was drifting on paths that were half too cloying and half too intimate-

I said I wasn't going to interrupt but I have to. The intimate topics were not of a sexual nature, I am not so open as to talk about sex before even being in a relationship! They were mainly questions about human intimate physiology, to know more than anything if our ways of obtaining pleasure were similar.

My sweet giantess was so innocent at the time ... Let's Continue. 

“I think your head is too full of… birds or whatever you young people like right now, Fiore, to understand how fucking fucked up we are with all this… Are you trying to get me to ignore that you are basically one step away from becoming a spy for them? And before you say anything, I honestly don't care what Kalliah has said, it's not legitimate that in the middle of such a tense situation you are forming so many emotional ties with them” For the record, Austin said Birds specifically. Not butterflies, birds. 

"Why is it so bad? Isn't this just the opposite of the message of unity that you have been repeating all week? Where is all that acceptance and trust that you have assured the Akken that reigns on Earth? Please, Austin… I really think I have feelings for Janivell… ” 

“How can you… ” Austin finally lost the strength to even scream, pacing the apartment until he fell prone on the couch. “How can you feel something and believe that it is remotely love? I'm really sorry but it doesn't enter my head, you are not of the same species! And don't make this a racist issue again! Brown, black, white, pink, yellow… we are all human in the end. That case doesn’t apply to the Akken, we have no idea even how they work at the genetic level, because we don't know we don't even know what they eat! You have to handle all of this very carefully, Fiore ... as far as we know they may only try to get close to us to enslave us using pretty messages as a cover ... "


I did the only thing I could, sit next to him and look him straight in the eyes. “I understand that you have to be careful, Austin… But I want to and I will believe in them. I believe that everything we have said about forming links between our species is real, I believe that the Absolute Genetic Collapse is a reality and that we can avoid it working together as one, Human and Akken side by side. I believe that despite not being human the Akken are good people ...

That is the world I want to live in, a world that can believe in others goodness"

"You want to believe, eh? Believe that you are really in love and that Janivell corresponds to you? You have no idea that the concept of love is the same for both races, do you realize?! All we know is that they don't have two different genders and that they are gigantic!" Austin finally yelled without a voice, hoarse from so many hours talking and now so much screaming. 

Deciding not to hide anything else (technically and in my defense I hadn't hidden anything up to that point, Austin never asked me why I was using my phone so much and I was too busy exchanging memes about our planets ... and having to explain and receive explanations about what make them funny) I reopened Kalliah's app and unhide the conversation that specifically asked me to hide.” Here is everything ..." I whispered, dropping my phone on his chest.

"Everything?" Austin asked as he watched the conversation. 

I nodded as I helped Austin sit up, scrolling up to the beginning of the conversation. "All your answers. Kalliah has been explaining to me… basically everything you said a moment ago: How they understand love, even their biology works, going through a summary of their society and their social and family values…” 

We sat there for a long 5 minutes, Austin skimming through the entire long conversation of nearly 14 hours spread over that week. This time her expression began to not degenerate into disgust or dislike, rather into an expression halfway between calm and relief. 

"Fiore ... it seems that right now you are the person who knows the most about Akken and Acheron on the entire planet ..." I admit that the comment made my cheeks blush, it might even make me moan with joy. "With all that you know, let me ask you a question: Are you going to try to establish a relationship with an alien ... that you may not see again?" 

The question left me completely knocked out, unable to answer or even think of an answer. 


The reality that I faced was clear, my heart wanted madly to chase Vell but denying the obvious was impossible. We are ... We were from two different worlds, we had different obligations to attend to and as Kalliah had told me and asked that our love be raised, it would only be something emotional, the physical barriers between us were unfathomable at that moment and what is even worse, the difference in our life expectancy meant that when the day came, Vell would have to bury me and according to Kalliah when an Akken loses its vital companion the pain is irreparable ... humans are not much different in this context, now that I think about it.

Kalliah said that…?

Kalliah wanted the best for you, and I honestly think for me too, at the time at least. The bets were against us, logic only served to find negative reasons, the people around us seeing the logistical impossibility that would await us in the future, the fucking last frontier dividing our nearest future! We were… We were an Akken and a Human! Our planets themselves will oppose our relationship.

With all of that in mind, I took the phone from Austin and started walking toward the door. "Won't you answer my question, Fiore?" Austin asked without making any effort to stop me. 

Without turning around to face, I took the strength to speak. “Austin, there is something you should know about me. I'm half Spanish and half Italian, do you know what that means? "


"IT MEANS THAT I AM THE ULTIMATE LIFEFORM!" To give you an idea of r03;r03;how loudly I yelled, the soldiers waiting for me downstairs were still laughing when I got into the escort van. “All the famous stubbornness of Spain and all the violence contained of Italy in the body of a 26-year-old lesbian translator, proguesist and born in the new millennium! There is virtually no being in this universe that comes close to making me change my mind, neither in this universe nor in the next! I want to fall in love with Janivell and I will force the hand of fate itself to live with her all my life, either here or in Acheron!"


"Are you an idiot or what's wrong with you ?!" Austin shouted hoarse, getting up as fast as he could trying to understand an iota of what was going through my head. A man like the one who in his day chose his job as his reality instead of pursuing his love, a man with so many years behind him solving conflicts all over the world, that it was impossible for a man like him to make me change my mind was something that he couldn't understand. 

“It happens to me that I am in love and I plan to go against heaven and tide to pursue my dreams, do you get it?! So while you do your job and get an alliance with the Akken, I plan to do my own job and woo that fucking giantess or die crushed between her thighs in the process! Who knows, maybe someday getting in her pants will save our worlds?!" 

"You've completely lost your mind, Fiore ..."

"That's what my parents have been telling me since I was 4 years old and I'm still here, man! See you later, I'm going to invite my girl to dinner at a good restaurant that represents the Earth well, like… McDonalds!" I yelled shutting the door behind me, leaving my key on the other side to stop Austin from continuing. Hearing him struggle and scream while running down the stairs was an extra rush of adrenaline that helped me a lot, to the point of reaching the parking lot without stopping to rest and getting into the van almost jumping through the window. 

Thank goodness the soldiers opened the backdoor for me. 

I think I'll never get tired of listening to that final part, it's too epic ...

That's your wife, Vell! Always on the edge, always bordering on madness, always following her dreams ... except that of riding in Bezzago. Since I discovered that they have a second mouth on their backs, I have not even thought to approach one or with a stick.

And even with that, I couldn't ask for someone better by my side. Well, it's my turn, right? Notice that my side of this story is not as exciting as Fi's, mainly because Kalliah was on my side from the beginning of our relationship.



(Janivell now speaks on the left and Fiore's comments occur on the right) 

While my future wife was arguing with Austin, I found myself arguing with someone even more stubborn than him. 


“No… I don't think it's appropriate…” I whispered as I tossed my fourth outfit onto my cabin bed, filled with the many garments discarded in the last 50 minutes. It should be noted that this process of discarding, repositioning and starting over had become a constant cycle that had already taken 8 repetitions. "Humans wear a lot of cleavage at this time of year, Should I? My cleavage is big enough to wear Fiore, maybe that ... maybe that's cool for her. Nah, too much for a first date, humans regard breasts as an intimate part and Fiore sure doesn't want to end up touching mine as early as the first date. It's my first date, I have to choose something more ... special"

Kalliah, who I had been with since I started preparing for our date the night before, began to bite his lip in a bad way when he saw how he put shirt after shirt all over in the closet. "Are you serious, Jani? How many more times are you going to repeat the words first date? No matter how many times you repeat it or look in the closet, there are no different clothes! Choose something simple and that's it, As long as you keep Fiore in a position where she can look at your face, the only thing that matters is that you keep your upper body well-groomed!”

"That is almost certainly offensive to humans, you know?! Just because her peripheral vision doesn't allow her to see my whole body in one glance doesn't mean I can wear something like pajama bottoms and a fancy shirt! I want to be able… ” The Akken only feels the moment for those who have real feelings, and normally that only happens once in a lifetime. So I hope you understand that I was stupidly nervous trying to impress Fiore in any way! "You know ... put on a show that her eyes won't forget ..."

Kalliah rubbed her face with both hands, flopping back onto my pillow. “I'm going to ask you to take your hands off your mental wheel for a second, Jani. This is the first date, you can't try to seduce her so soon! Not only because it isn’t acceptable within our culture, humans are not going to try to lie down sexually at the first opportunity! " 

Poor innocent Kalliah… 

Do you remember the first time we made her see 'Baywatch', dear? She was so young and naive at the time, not knowing that humans are a much more sexual species than us Akken.

Anyway, Kalliah had a point in her favor in all this: There were only 18 earthly minutes left until our date (That would later become 27 thanks to the fact that my wife here was late) and I had not made any progress in wardrobe matters in almost 7 hours. 

“I don't intend to seduce her, not so soon at least! I just want to look good for her… I want and need each date to be worth it if I want her to feel as much for me as I feel for her”” With a dancing twist, I fell onto the bed next to Kalliah, my hands clasped on my chest. "The counter plays against me, at the positive rate that the conversations and pacts between our planets are going, the safest thing is that they will make us return to Acheron in ..."

"35 earthly days"

"Exactly ... I have 35 days to go all out and get her so that I can stay on this planet with her-"

"No one would allow it and you know it, it is too great a logistical and administrative impossibility, the senate will never let you waste your life on a planet too small without the necessary infrastructure for us"

"Or to convince Fiore to ... quit her job ... lifestyle ... friends ... family ... and accompany me to Acheron ..."

"Simpler from an administrative point of view than Acheron, especially if we use it as an asset that you have felt the moment for her. The problem from that perspective is both the request that you are making to Fiore and convincing the human administrative bodies not to oppose bringing her with us"

Say what you want but the feeling in my heart was one of constant unease, the multiple variables where Fiore didn’t want to come with me, where the governments of the Earth would not accept to let her go or where ... or where she would not be by my side in the future were too heavy on the enormous weight that our diplomatic mission assumed. Have I come to tell you how very, very insistent, annoying and rude that some of your politicians were with us?

It was honestly something unpleasant, especially when after several times of repeating that we were only to control the transmission, they kept insisting and getting even closer ... a policy that I will not say the name ordered their security guards to get on my shoe to not let me go, with that I think everything is said. 

Kalliah noticed my emotional slump instantly, offering me her hand-

Hand-holding with another Akken just before our date ?! How could you, Janivell Mika!

I don't care how many years go by, I swear that one day I will understand that joke about hand-holding ... I swear. Kalliah took my hand as we both lay staring at the ceiling of my cabin, my clothes wrinkled underneath us and the projection that was serving as a countdown shining on the head of the bed. 

"Your fears have a logical basis but at the same time they are totally unfounded, you know?" Kalliah promised to roll up to meet our eyes. "I've been talking a lot more than I expected with Fiore this week and I have to say… you guys are made for each other. Somehow Ephion wanted two beings from two different worlds separated by the galaxy itself to be for each other. And if Ephion wanted it that way, we can only trust his judgment. Not always but in this I can assure you that we have to trust"

"Do you really think so?" 

I admit that my question was childish and somewhat stupid (Who am I kidding? It was totally stupid!), My bright eyes when excited did not serve to eliminate part of the dreamer aura that had emerged from me when I heard Kalliah's words. Seeing my best friend nod so convinced no matter how much she disliked the idea was all I needed to regain my energy and get out of bed. "You're right! Humans believe in the concept of miracle and in the power of love… and I will too! I'm going to keep dreaming and fighting because Fiore is with me and I by her side, I don't care how difficult it is going to be! " 

"If you want Fiore to fall in love with you, I advise you ..."

"No, calm down. I've also heard what just came out of my mouth and, honestly, I even feel nauseous about it”

I have nothing against the concept of a miracle, okay? To us, the idea of r03;r03;trusting something will happen to your advantage without trying it with all your might and strength… it's something really ridiculous.

I doubt they will be offended, if I remember correctly two years ago the balance was finally broken and the atheists outnumbered the religious. 

Which is both a shame, human religions are incredible in their mythologies! It’s true that relying on imaginary beings instead of real beings like Ephion doesn’t help the conservation of religion, at least you are of that type of species like us that tries to leave everything that happens recorded for the next generations and that helps the conservation.  

Going back to the end of the anecdote, when I turned to help Kalliah up I saw one of my favorite shirts under her, light blue with the neck tied by ropes back, the perfect combination of cute and sexy for my taste. Accompanying the shirt I decided to be a bit mischievous by wearing a not too long skirt, perfect to show Fiore what I consider my best extra in a quick hip movement.

I am a great defender of your breasts and your feet but it is impossible for me to deny it, your ass is too much to describe. 15/10. 

Thank you, you do know how to praise a lady, my love! With a bump of my fists I said goodbye to Kalliah as I made my way to the living room, ready to check that everything was in place before Fiore arrived. And… I think that's it, Kalliah left for the cargo deck of the ship where the rest of the girls were having a day of relaxation, using the heating to simulate a sauna and our latest pack of beer to entertain themselves while watching human entertainment shows. I didn’t get to drink any of those beers, only remaining for me the one I drank that night during my dinner with Fiore. I honestly don’t know how I managed to endure without committing suicide the next 35 days before returning to Acheron ...

Once again don’t be offended but getting drunk every night on Earth was the only thing that made me endure 16 hours a day standing in front of one of the screens that we had installed answering questions from your politician.

Nor do I think they are offended by it, humans are the first to complain and do nothing about our political representatives ... aaaaahhhhhh … We should then go to bed to sleep, right? We can leave the disaster that was taking our first date abroad for another day.

I agree, the story of why the monument of the broken chair there in Geneva ended… well… broken, it's too long and funny a story to tell now half asleep. Do you have any method of saying goodbye in mind, honey?

Not really, I usually say goodbye with the first thing that comes to my mind ... I think it's obvious that I don't sit down to plan what I'm going to tell before writing-dictating the chapter. But since I have you here, let's do that!

That? Seriously? ... Now? ...

Of course, don't flinch now! Here Fiore Mika and Janivell Mika-

Right now we are not at home but we would love to know what you want-

So say what you need after the beep, thank you very much!

Do it.

I hate you ... beeeep. This isn’t even an answering machine, it does not work in this context!

I don't care, I've been waiting my whole life for this moment and I plan to enjoy it! Goodbye everyone, see you here another day!

See you later, and good luck in your week!


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