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In order that all of you understand my position on never returning to Earth again, we must emphasize for a moment one of the phrases that my brand-new wife wrote in her "first contact letter" to Earth (we will come back later because a soldier was chosen as the writer of such an important document). 

“And precisely you are that family, earthlings. The first in this galaxy that we know to have the same origin as us, a symbolic union that may one day make us genetically compatible, a union that all of us in the Acheron Empire swear to defend at all costs.” 

The genetic technology of the Acheron empire ... whom I want to deceive, the technology of the Acheron empire is measured between 800 and 950 years more advanced than ours, and as its message suggests, Akken's greatest wish as a species was to find their genetic family beyond Acheron. 

The reason is much less apocalyptic than you can imagine, I promise you. (But quite apocalyptic depending on the point of view you see it)

All species that come from From our common genetic point, that of creatures that evolve from water to dry land and from there to bipedal hominids ... all of us who share these characteristics are condemned to extension, to total genetic failure. Yep, I mean exactly what you have just read, our evolutionary process always ends in genetic failure and in losing the ability to reproduce, 100% truthful, with no way to avoid it individually. 

The Akken discovered it when they found a planet with the... “same” environmental conditions as Acheron and Earth (Although our planets are vastly different, certain points in common can be traced to the reason for our evolutionary origin such as the breathable atmosphere, the existence of unsalted or polluted waters and the earth capable of harboring nutrients), a planet where another member of our biological family ... had gone extinct after 5 million years of suffering trying to save its own genome. 

Their records were found by Akken scouts, totally chilling documents where they explained their attempts to save themselves by purifying their genome to ensure fertilization, the other planets with our evolutionary origin and how their civilizations had also met the same terrible end ... and a hope for the future as theories for those who found them. 

Theories on how to use two totally different genomes from a similar origin it would be possible to avoid the loss of reproductive capacity

The Akken learned terrified of the fate of our "great-grandparents" (since according to them the peak of that civilization occurred when the Akken ancestors began to recover from their last ice age and the human ancestors began to abandon the sea and breathe out of it). A terrible destiny that tormented the planet Acheron and propelled them to explore the entire Milky Way galaxy until they found us. 

All this brings us to the present, where this struggle to avoid the mistakes of our predecessors has brought together the scientific spheres of Acheron and Earth, and these have brought their research to the point where I am: Since I'm not a scientist I can't give you the details ... but roughly ... I'm going to become an Akken. 

Technically the correct term would be Akken of Human Origin or Akken-Human hybrid.

30 years with the best scientists on Earth and Acheron working together, matching technologies (Much of it being humans catching up with the Akken, only being the other way around in the field of evolutionary simulation that humans were more advanced in) has led to the first genetic treatment to purify our very different genomes ... and since I am still not a scientist, I am going to tell you exactly what they told me would happen: 

The process is similar to a pre-made disease ... more or less like a cancer with positive effects no matter how terrible that sounds. (And more for me, who lost my grandmother to kidney cancer). It sounds pretty bad, and according to the scientists who carry out the research, it will be a quite painful process in its first and last stages. 

Basically I will be injected with a mix of Akken gene cells and artificial cells which will enter my system and trick my body into accepting and starting to reproduce the Akken cells, expanding my entire body up to 90% the height of a normally-born Akken according to initial estimates). All while they injected me with a serum (daily in the first phase, weekly in the second and again daily in the third, that’s why I mean with first and third painful phases) that will desensitize my muscles / bones / skin / organs so that they can expand by accepting your new cells without killing me in the process. 

Until now the greatest fear they had was that the bone system would not accept it to expand correctly, a fear that after the latest physical-virtual tests have resulted in being totally unfounded. 

I will be the first person to receive the treatment ... Why would I do something like this? 

Love. True love, Baby 

I don’t care how childish or stupid it sounds, I already told you that I trust my instincts blindly. The Akken live on average 800 years, from which their bodies stop aging at 40/50. My wife is 34 right now ... and I don't plan to go to the other neighborhood leaving her behind, alone and heartbroken. 

I don’t plan that the fight against the governments of two fucking planets to marry her fall on deaf ears and only serve to leave her being the widow of a human. 

GOD, I cannot leave her knowing that I have 750 years of possible sex in perfect physical condition ahead!

(The latter is a joke ... a big part of it at least)


I guess I should mention that it is a bit late for any of you to try to stop me with arguments like that I was born as a human and should die as a human ... stupid argument because after so many years of movies we finally have cyborgs or artificial bodies.

Why will you ask? I guess that's something else I should have mentioned at first, but I wasn't planning on staying locked up that long. I am in a Spanish bar bathroom, a room with ceilings of 2 meters and about 15 centimeters ... and I am currently 2 meters and 70 centimeters tall. 

Boom! Surprise! I am already in treatment, and this is why this is my final visit to Earth ... in a month my body will hurt too much to get out of bed and in about 8/9 months it will be impossible for me to even enter my old house, or my old school ... I think you already caught what I mean but I will give myself one last comparison: 

In a year I will weigh almost as much as my entire old house.

Vell tried to rethink it for a couple of days, and my arguments for her led me to be on the same day that the treatment was available on the operating table. (This if I keep it to myself, I'm just going to mention that there is a great dream of both that needs me to become an Akken genetically). 

I have spent a week and a half in an almost permanent coma, with brief periods of lucidity that took place in rapid checks of my brain capacity; and after two and a half weeks I can move again without assistance for about 35 days until I enter the next phase of treatment. 

How do I feel? I couldn't feel better! I see perfectly without lenses, I almost never feel tired, I could fight with a bengal tiger and win without problems (Vell has forbidden me and the ground authorities have denied my proposal, unfortunately). According to the scientists most of this is psychosomatic since the improvements in my body are still only minimal ... the only real one is the increase in height, weight and the subsequent increase in the need for food and water intake... and waste disposal. (It's disgusting, I know, but I have to be honest. I would hate myself if someone wants to receive the treatment without understanding all that it entails)

I started the previous chapter by mentioning that I don't understand what I'm doing here on Earth ... And although the question is still valid thanks to the screams that I still hear with my improved ears (that I am under a window that overlooks a patio it has nothing to do with being able to listen to them, it is all thanks to my super-hearing), screams of rage full of insults against me, Acheron and others that are not worth mentioning ... 

I want to be honest with all of you. (A feeling that lately I have much more often, I suppose it must be part of being an Akken)

I know why I have come, I'm back to say goodbye to all these buildings and to see my family and friends face to face. (A little late for my current size but the difference between now with almost 3 meters and a future with 13 meters is important)

For this ... and to try to convince them to come to Acheron with me. Make no mistake,I am not going to try to convince any of them to follow in my footsteps! It will be at least 5 years before the next test.

The reality is that I am very sorry to see them on this planet suffering from the effects of pollution, global warming, senseless tug-of-war policies, cold wars between countries ... 

The treatment reached my ears about 5 years ago, and since that day I have been doing my extra jobs to get me the favor of the right people. If they agree to come to Acheron with me I have them ready jobs for my brothers, their wives and my best friend and her family; jobs in the professions they studied! (something that at the moment only my older brother Eric is doing)

I have managed to include my parents in my “Working-Living plan” (a term from Acheron, another day I will explain it) so that they can stop working and live from their pensions without problems. I have also made sure to get places in the educational system for all my nephews, both blood and my friend's children.

I can't even explain the difference in quality of life between Acheron and Earth, it would cost me several books of 300 pages each and perhaps I would not be close ... and I can’t bear the idea of  continuing to enjoy all that leaving others behind. Ahhh ... I hope everyone accepts my proposal, I really need to know that they will be fine when I cannot come to visit them without getting authorization from the local and regional government and I know that the best place where they will be is Acheron.

I'm going to stop thinking about tonight's conversation, for the moment I'm going to continue with the next part of my memories: The great night of the meeting.



The first time this wild difference between the two civilizations was made clear was during the second week of July, the day the third probe arrived this time at the UN headquarters in New York with a new message (this time fully translated): 

"Excuse our mistake with your words, our knowledge of the Earth's languages is based on the little that our satellites have been able to translate from your information waves. 

We will arrive at your planet on July 27, 23:50, at the place where we sent our first probe. We will update you with more information when our emissaries enter your solar system”

At that time we were still dragging behind us hundreds of thousands of movies, video games, series, books, songs and almost any unimaginable means fantasizing about the existence of aliens and that they would arrive to the earth. Billions of different theories of what the great event would be like when humanity made contact beyond the stars to end it all by bursting out to become reality. 

Do you remember the beginning of July of that year? It was impossible to look anywhere without encountering a debate on how to deal with the fact. Military men wanting to evacuate all of Geneva, diplomats and historians organizing the best summaries of our history as a species, presidents and high officials from all over the world trying to carve out a niche for themselves in the great moment ... Endless follies that saw no end to welcome our “Sidereal sisters”, from musicians around the world composing “hymns” for our planet to associations of ice sculptors trying to build a massive scale replica of our planet. 

In all this madness I was standing in my apartment, with my social media and internet accounts tapped until further notice. Reason? Because of Austin, who else! Not only does she take over my theory and become the most famous man on the planet (at least for that year), it was also necessary to “force my arm” to become one of the translators who would act in the background at the great ceremony in preparation. A role that would force me to be at the center of the world in those moments, technically hidden behind the big stage, whispering microphones to the main actors along with translators of much more renown than me.

Shit, to pretend otherwise. At least they let me call my parents to let me know I was fine.As you imagine, discovering that rejecting the offer was not an option did not make me feel anything pressured by the situation, not at all…. Sigh ...  

It was a difficult and rare week, both due to the arrival of information from the Acheron Empire (which was summarized in the fact that they sent a small cruise ship with the representative of the Empire and her team) and the degree of extreme isolation offsetting any illusion that the fact that I was going to attend the first contact between aliens and humans (Third grade, which means I would be in a room analyzing and translating any clear document or message). All I could do was either watch TV, or brush up on the Akken alphabet, or, my final choice, exercise. 

Be that as it may, the weeks passed much more quickly than I expected, my training together with the summer heat serving him to lose 2 kilos.

And in my slightly better-fitting dress, I was kidnapped again by the military on the 27th at 08:00 am, 16 hours before the big arrival. Without giving me time to ask anything, I was dispatched in a kind of technical room, again equipped with the latest technology to observe and listen to the smallest detail of the entire Ariana Park and the interior of the Palace of Nations. That was pretty cool, I spent all the free time I had to look for where there were couples too excited by the story situation enjoying their privacy. 


Returning to the “Welcome to Earth” gala, the tension was evident as night fell, every available gaze pointed at the sky. Thousands of the highest caste on the planet gathered, the most important celebrities from all over the globe, all equaled by the same intrinsic nervousness. "How would they get there? How would they be? Do they have hidden intentions?”

Unanswered questions, new theories emerging non-stop to be invalidated instantly. 

An endless loop that became silent as a new probe appeared (this time in the most scifi way possible, popping up out of nowhere surrounded by electronic… spatial distortion?) In the midst of the grand celebration. One whose message broke the patterns of almost every human in our world. 

"Greetings, humans. We are prepared in Earth orbit to land but we are at a small crossroads, if we are using that expression well.

The place you have designated in front of your planet's headquarters for us is… too small for our ship. We need a somewhat larger place, please inform us by this probe where we should go. ” 

An area of r03;r03;250 meters was insufficient for the spacecraft, which apparently was in Earth orbit even though all the telescopes they were searching for were unable to locate them. Management sped up a response for the Akken, signaling an area of r03;r03;nearly a square kilometer near the park that they launched to empty at full speed.

I suppose that by now everyone will have seen it, even so I think it is still easy to find the video of any of those present so I highly recommend seeing it again, never in my life had I seen operators empty and cut the trees from a place so fast, leaving the area almost untouched in just 10 minutes. 

And if that video is incredible, the next one is even more incredible. 

The sky lit electric blue despite being almost 00:00, the lights appearing in the sky slowly forming an absolutely titanic silhouette, the silhouette of what we later discovered to be the simplest model ship in the Acheron Empire. The air distorted around him as the camouflage faded, allowing us to see the ship that left in KO all the technology on our planet ... and see it begin to descend slowly and smoothly like a leaf falling swaying in the wind.

And if it hadn't been clear until now, seeing the ship up close was absolutely terrifying, both because of the intrinsic power in its design and the sheer size that made the Palais des Nations ... and almost every building in the city looked dwarf. compared to it. 

In still absolute silence (which the ship itself respected, not emitting a single noise when deploying its landing gear and landing), what many ventured to consider a kind of door opened laterally, relieving a soft white light coming from the interior accompanied for a gigantic silhouette and much more humanoid than everyone expected without saying it. 

In front of the 1800 reception guests and the diplomatic team who had moved her platform at full speed appears a future good friend of mine, the diplomat in charge of establishing relations and promoter of the plan to save the Earth sovereignty, Kalliah Kelhoe

At her glorious 14 meters and 11 centimeters in height, her majestic turquoise hair swayed by the light breeze of that summer night, her suit halfway between gala and work shone elegantly and tightly tightened her generous curves while also strengthening her firm musculature... her lightly shining blue eyes watching the crowd as her mouth outlined one of the most sincere smiles I had ever seen. 


And without wasting a second, four other Akkens appeared behind her, the two most direct behind Kalliah being soldiers, each dressed in a military-cut outfit and exhibiting nearly 18 meters in height and muscles that many earthly female bodybuilders only managed to reach. on steroids. If their size and muscles weren't threatening enough, they each carried a kind of assault rifle in their hands and a complex-looking "sword" at their waist. 

The two behind the soldiers were both slightly taller than the diplomat, dressed in far more work suits. What stood out most of them two were their "tools", threatening-looking hybrids between pistol and "scanner" on their hip and a device similar to the second probe hanging "bracelets" on their right hands. (What we later discovered were holographic projectors, the equivalent of an electronic tablet for humans)

The one on the left especially caught my eye, her sunset orange hair and her bright moon-colored eyes triggering slight nervousness. 

That, my friends, was my wife, Janivell Mika. And I would love to cut the chapter right here leaving my wife as the absolute protagonist … but it would not be fair for Kalliah, who had been preparing her first words to our world for almost 6 months. 

Raising a hand to her mouth in a gesture that caused many of our soldiers to raise their weapons in fear, Kalliah cleared his throat without losing his expression of kindness and trust towards us. 

“Greetings, humans and children of Earth. You are not alone in the universe ” 

… Yeeeep, that was the best thing Kalliah managed to think of all the time she had. I'm not going to blame her or laugh at her (more than I've already done…), I'm just going to say that seeing her other drafts the thing could have been much, much, much worse!


Chapter End Notes:

Glossary of terms:


Janivell Mika: 

The most beautiful, smart, beautiful, funny, cool, attractive, beautiful, strong, smart Akken the universe... you know. Among her many achievements are having saved relations between the Acheron Empire and Earth thanks to the power of love (and sex), being the writer of the 3 original messages between Acheron and Earth, being the little sister of Acheron Kaiser* Maelana Mika* and above all be married to me!


Kalliah Kelhoe: 

Legendary diplomat and promoter of the Land of the Free project, adviser and representative of the interests of Acheron during the purchase of the Aph solar system against the offer of the Torih for its subsequent interest-free delivery to the Earthlings.

Descendant of the first Akken to find Earth, Kaliah has been key during many of the first stages of the alliance negotiations between both civilizations, always treating humans with respect and trying to prevent some of their superiors from projecting ideas that Earthlings do not wish.


Akken of Human Origin or Akken-Human hybrid:

Project to clean the Akken-Human genome from its predestined collapse, mixing both adns in a single individual. While I am the first test subject and my goal is to become an Akken of human origin for genetic purposes, the idea is that in five years the process does not require any type of expansion or conversion obtaining the same results.

(The conversion would be subject to what the subject decides and only in the human-to-Akken direction since the decrease-condensation of matter is a much more complicated process than the expansion-multiplication of matter)


*Terms explained in future chapters


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