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Acheron, also known as the Violent Blue from the solar system BnaV, also known and previously categorized by humans as planet LZV 82b from the 82 G. Eridani solar system. 

Let me tell you a little bit about the sky from Acheron, okay? Acheron owns by its gravitational mass two moons orbiting around it with an angle of 270 degrees between them, which means that part of the end of the day one of the moons is present and at the beginning of the new day the other is present.

Acheron's first moon is known as Lady Maera in honor of one of the first to attempt to unify Acheron, the pale queen of Wubes, the second moon is known as the Eternal Blue for its bluish surface and its ability to retain sunlight becoming a second sun for part of your night ... a blue mini-sun as its name suggests. 

As I already mentioned, time flows almost the same in the whole "universe" (I think), so technically I have been living less years in Acheron than I have spent outside of Earth, although for me the time has been the same. That said, the day in Acheron is measured the same as the earth by the time it takes for Acheron to rotate around BnaV, which leaves us with the average length of day in Acheron being 24 hours or the equivalent of 51 Earth hours. 

Going down to a further level on the surface, Acheron is made up of 61% water mass and 39% land mass of 8 large continents and 7 large island groupings forming the central zones of this habitable surface. 

And of this habitable surface the Akken control and dominate 8.1%. Yep, only 10.1%, less in proportion to the surface that humans dominate on Earth.

The territory forms the so-called Empire Acheron and controls and operates mainly on the Acceria continent, the continental Wubes and the great archipelago Cobour, together with multiple colonies on other continents. The capital of Acheron is located in the southeast of Acceria and facing the Great Blue of Calefield (Great blue is the equivalent of ocean in Acheron), known as Saemir Province. 

As a reference to continue I have to ask you a question. Have you seen any image that represents a future solar-punk theme? If so, you can partially imagine what cities look like (I should mention that the concept of human city-metropolis does not exist as such, the closest thing in Akken culture is the provinces that have nothing to do with our concept of provinces, often a mess ...), Akken villages and colonies. Now keep in mind that in 20 Earth years I have lived in Acheron I have only seen 3 provinces and a couple of islands, so this information may not be entirely accurate for all Provinces. 

The way to design an Akken "city" is really curious. You will see, the Akken cities are built around a circular central base, the main district where all the management and commercial centers of the city take place. 

From this first point 8 roads are usually opened in each cardinal direction, each of these "sub cities" or Communities as they know it connected to the main and the neighboring ones by a "magnetic tram" that crosses the city by air and I am sure that it does not float thanks to magnetism. Each Community houses all the basic and cultural services that you can imagine, in addition to a special structure that serves to make a difference with the other Communities.

I do not know if it will be understood as explained but with an example I am sure it will be easier to understand: 

My wife Vell and I live in the capital, remember that it is the Province of Saemir, which has 16 communities due to its status as the capital of the continent and the Acheron Empire (capital until within 420 years or so where the new capital will be chosen, Akken custom). We live in community # 7, the Heacac Side Community where the High Acheron Rain Army headquarters is located.

Gigantic buildings even taking into account the size of its inhabitants, clean and elegant figures full of as much vegetation as possible, artificial rivers running through the streets achieving a permanent sensation of freshness even at the peak of the hottest summer, not a single vehicle inside from the provinces beyond certain transports as a kind of hybrid between tram and super cool bus! Stores everywhere of all kinds open with almost no security, trusting that customer honor will make them do the right thing! 

The Akken culture highly respects the nature of Acheron that shaped them and made them who they are now, caring for and maintaining the ecosystem that they do not need to mold as intact as possible. This in case it has not been clear means that in Acheron you will not find farmers with 30 hectares of land and private farms ... or buildings without official or controlled use in the middle of nowhere. 

The Akken population centers are the Provinces, Communities or Retreats that act similarly to the tourist cities on earth. Everything else is stunningly beautiful natural scenery, validating a number of deviantart drawings that I'm sure the reason so many artists want to go on vacation is to seek inspiration from both landscapes and animals from Acheron.

Speaking of animals and how this chapter is about Acheron, I consider it a good idea to mention an example of why the Akken had to evolve to be the powerhouse that they are today, so let's play a game:

Imagine an eagle, okay? A golden eagle, in all its majesty. Well, now imagine that same eagle but with claws with 3 front and 3 rear nails all fully articulated. Now imagine that same eagle with a longer and more flexible neck with another set of legs emerging from the base of that neck, thus turning it into a quadruped animal.

Add a much more powerful peak up to the level of being able to chew stones, a digestive system capable of digesting bark, earth and even rocks, wings so large and powerful that it allows them to provoke powerful currents of wind and fly an animal like this to almost 100 kilometers per hour ... and all this in a size frame that puts them in size and weights equal to or greater than most monster trucks.

Yep, I said it correctly and without mistake, monster trucks.

All this together results in the equivalent of terrestrial wolves, pack predators that harass and dominate older prey in long-running races. A good equivalent except for the part that the Varacoveras (this is the equivalent of the scientific terrestrial names, the common name of this species on the continent is Wild Covero) 

I suppose many will remember that a few years ago, a human millionaire bought 75 elephants Africans during one of the worst cases of overpopulation in reserves, a case that raised a lot of controversy both here on Earth and in Acheron.

Why in Acheron do you wonder? Because that was the elephants' final destination, part of an experiment to compare the faunas of both planets. 

75 adult African elephants were faced with 15 wild Coveros in an enclosure with a certain advantage designed for elephants. If the result does not come to mind, I remind you: Not a single Covero received fatal injuries during the hunt, all the elephants were completely devoured. Acheron is a really, really screwed up site.

Well, I think this is enough as an introduction to the planet Acheron and, honestly, as the role of documentary writer I am worse than I thought I am going to go directly to the subject that if I dominate, my own life!




The minutes following Kalliah Kelhoe's first words of Kalliah Kelhoe were tense for all present, including the Akken who kept the smile, although the most perceptive were able to see that the lack of response was making her feel much more nervous than expected. (Honestly, it was not necessary to be the most perceptive person in the world, when one is so big and is illuminated by all the lights of the party it is easy to notice the smallest drop of sweat)

I am going to sound cheesy for a moment, but please don't Please close the page immediately:

That night the first thing that united the Akken and humans was not our genetic ties or our goodwill, no. The first thing that united us was the fear of taking the first step, inherent in who or what you are. 

If you have stayed, thanks. Breaking the ice was the next step in the meeting, carried out by nothing more and less than the man who took over my idea, Austin Muñoz, who took the microphone and proceeded to read the speech that the presenters assigned for the moment could not narrate.

Greetings, representatives of the Akken and the Acheron Empire, humanity welcomes you with open arms as a symbol of peace! Welcome to our planet! ” The damned Mexican recited between applauses of relief and many sighs of relief even among the Akken soldiers. Okay, I think I should calm my envy a little ... Austin was as scared as the rest of us at Akken's physical appearance and it was a great step on his part to take the microphone, a great step that I honestly don't know if there was dice. 

You will see ... it is true that my eyes never left the beauty behind Kalliah. It is true that my heart was beating like never before in my life, much more than for any of my two attempts at relationships in high school and university respectively. 

All this is true ... but it is also true that my legs trembled with terror and my instincts wanted me to run away from there. 

I don't need to justify myself but I still feel like I must, and of course the justification is obvious! The Akken were a challenge of nature as we humans knew it in every way ... I still remember in my youth when I began to investigate to make sense of my macrophile tendencies that I spent many days reading why it would be impossible for human beings to exist. Akken size… unconsciously trying to feel bad about those feelings. Seeing them in real life was a mixture of satisfaction and terror for everything I had read about violent giantesses and vore ... and especially seeing the soldiers so muscular but feminine at the same time did nothing to reassure me. 

Aggg, I'm drowning in a glass of water by myself. Let's go back to the scene, okay? 

Austin's intervention was crucial in unlocking the situation, and his words and actions advancing without apparent fear towards the Akken guests served to remind Kalliah of his previous strategy. 

The Akken took a deep breath before taking the first step away from the distance that many years later we discovered was the scope of the invisible barrier projected by the ship, continuing to advance with two other steps trying to ignore how fragile the sinking ground was. slightly (at least for your prospects) until you begin to kneel on the floor.

Austin, on the other hand, tried to ignore the slight vibrations that each Kalliah step caused, trying to keep the guy for when the giantess was ready to offer his hand in a historic grip. The gesture or action of a handshake between two people is not unknown to the Akken culture and its meaning is almost identical to the terrestrial, which meant that the giantess knew perfectly Austin's intentions and intended to follow them knowing all the symbolic value behind it. 

And right now I must implore, what do I say ?! I beg you to look for the video of the moment, one that begins before the squeeze. Austin and Kalliah's tension is simply delightful, seeing the glaring problem between the two that Austin's hand was slightly larger than Kalliah's fingertip. 

And it is that the protocols for interactions between Humans and Akken would take years to arrive, which led us to the solution on the fly of our two uncomfortable representatives!

Kalliah first clenched his fist with his outstretched thumb and forefinger to try to offer the tip of his forefinger to the grip, quickly shifting to close the thumb as the Akken saw that the position of her hand might resemble a pistol. Austin meanwhile silently studied the proper way to grip the Akken's finger, assessing whether it would be more respectful on the inside, on the side, or on the fingernail. 

Ahhh ... pure comedy before the first human-Akken comedy duo existed ... every time Austin visits me for my birthday I make sure to put the video on to laugh a little at his expense. 

The situation was unleashed again when, with a quick glance between the two, the mediators performed the famous hand-finger shake that was received with applause from around the world ... including applause from Acheron who was following everything live and even mine as well. 

The celebration did not last much more than an hour after the arrival that night, unfortunately, Kalliah's words expressing the long duration of the trip and the preparations led the organizers to call the rest for the long, long, long day that he expected tomorrow. with the first virtual meeting between the leaders of Earth and the leaders of the Acheron Empire. A disappointment for many but no one in their right mind raised a complaint so as not to disturb our guests from beyond the stars. 

Do you know for whom the celebration lasted the longest? For me and the other translators, of course! Guess who came running to ask us to stay? Austin, who else!

I am going to save you a little of the details so that it is not as tedious to understand for you as it was for me. Envoy Akken Kalliah had asked Austin if the team of translators who had deciphered and sent the confirmation message could help with the final touches on the program that Akken translators had designed for the conference the following day. 

Basically they wanted to check that they had the correct translations and interpretations from English to Aekun so that there was no room for confusion some morning in the conversations. The request was logical and the chance to be the first humans on the Akken ship was too cool to be true, so I introduced myself to the first volunteer followed quickly by the rest of my companions. 


Chapter End Notes:


I'm listening to police sirens in the distance so I'm going to cut the chapter in two and tonight I'm finally going to keep it quiet, wish me luck although technically this will go up after the idiots were dispersed, arrested or whatever fate awaits them!

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