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Meanwhile, Empress Zalaq was in her own quarters with the doors locked. She slipped out of her clothes as she entered the bathroom. She stood there, naked, and alone for a few minutes in front of the mirror thinking over all the evil she had done, and enjoying the writhing mass of shrunken people inside her stomach which was now becoming less intense.

Zalaq frowned as she realized there was no further movement inside her vagina. Carefully reaching inside herself, she extricated the limp body of her victim and looked her over. The tiny woman was covered in her vaginal fluid and did not respond to poking or prodding. With a shrug she dropped the lifeless body into the toilet and sat down to relieve herself.

Ensign Laril woke up with a jolt as she felt herself fall into cold water. She looked around and up but all she could see was darkness. There were not even any stars or moons in the sky of this strange world she had entered. A loud burst in the sky filled her nostrils with the most revolting smell she had ever known. "Where the hell am I?!" she screamed.

More sounds followed from above and she began to remember the giant Empress Zalaq who had done wicked horrible things to her and her crewmates. This was no lake or ocean she was into... "Oh my god, please god, no!" She screamed as she realized where she was. All at once a colossal mass from above crashed down onto her and pushed her under the water...

Empress Zalaq stood up and wiped herself clean. She looked down into the toilet and laughed to find no trace of the body... her massive log had buried it completely. "Too bad she was already dead", Zalaq thought to herself. "It would be far more entertaining to torture living victims in this way. Oh well, something to try in the future", she laughed as she flushed away her bodily waste.

"Bridge to Empress Zalaq, we are entering the Drogsawnian solar system as per your orders. The Drogsawnian Royal shuttlecraft is approaching asking to negotiate a peace treaty. What are your orders?" Came a voice over the intercom.

"Inform our friends that I will meet them personally, unarmed, in cargo bay 2." Zalaq answered.

"But Empress, cargo bay 2 is not large enough to accomodate the Drogsawnian's Shuttlecraft..." The voice replied.

"Is that so? Well, I think I have an idea..." Zalaq answered with a grin.

Queen Haalei II of the Drogsawnian kingdom could not believe that her mighty fleet under the command of renowned admiral Ashtek could have been defeated by the decadent forces of the inferior-Galactic Federation. Yet on her doorstep approached the IGF battlefleet which was for the most part intact. The Queen shook her head. It just did not make sense. But with her fleet gone or destroyed, her kingdom was in danger and so she now sent her beloved daughter of 26 years, Princess Sosha to negotiate an end to hostilities with the approaching enemy fleet.

Sosha was a skilled pilot and needed no assistance in making the flight to intercept the I.G.F. flagship. However, for security reasons several guards accompanied her, along with her friend and guardian, Xeuner. Xeuner was 8 feet tall and covered in green fur. He was immensely strong, but only spoke in grunts and yells. Sosha on the other hand was a petite 5'2" with blue eyes and golden hair.

The trip was for the most part uneventful, though Xeneur kept grunting and chewing on the seats. As the shuttlecraft approached the I.G.F. flagship, Sosha and her guards couldn't help but wonder how these inferior ships had managed to defeat their people in combat. "Drogsawnian vessel, prepare to be beamed into the cargo bay", said a female voice over the com system.

"Beam a whole ship into a cargo hold? How in the world could they manage to beam something so large?!" asked Sosha as a green light enveloped the shuttle.

Empress Zalaq entered the cargobay just as the shrunken alien shuttle was beamed inside. The shuttle was about the same size as the Drogsawnian flagship had been, and since the shuttle was much smaller to begin with this must mean the crew inside were much larger than the crew of the shrunken flagship had been. Zalaq knelt down in front of the shuttle for a closer look.

Meanwhile, inside the shuttlecraft there was chaos as the ground around them began to shake. Something dark and massive came into view in front of the viewscreen. It took a moment for Sosha to realize that she was now looking at an enormous black boot. She screamed as the shuttle was lifted up and up before coming to a stop in front of an enormous face with evil green eyes and a cruel smile. "Empress Zalaq!" one of the guards shouted. Xeneur roared loudly in anger.
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