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Holly pulled off some toilet paper to wipe herself with, as her poop from last night's dinner fell into the toilet with a plop. It wasn't constipation, but it had been more than she had been expecting leaving her butthole a bit sore.

She emptied the remains of her bladder into the toilet as well before gingerly wiping her sore puckered butthole down and then flushing the toilet.

A growl from her stomach as she washed her hands let her know it was about time to have some breakfast.

"I guess I should have something a bit more substantial than a cereal bar today." she groaned to herself before drying her hands and heading to the kitchen.

In under 30 minutes, Holly had made a feast of eggs, bacon, toast, and a glass of orange juice.

Another rumble from her stomach alerted her it was there was no need to worry about appearing polite, and she began to stuff her face with the delicious food before her.


The fishermen's fleet swayed unsteadily in the acid sea as the walls around them vibrated hungrily. The hulls of their ships had been coated in special materials that wouldn't dissolve, such as the shells of the massive yellow boulders that would occasionally come raining down or the rare stretchy pink massive boulder that would arrive once every blue moon, however if the acid waves washed up on deck it could risk injuring or even killing the workers on board.

"The sea is hungry today." the captain of one ship pondered to himself as the waves roared around him.


No sooner had the captain said that then massive planet sized chunks of white and brown organic material rained down from the sky splashing into the ever rising acid sea.

The ships burst into action sailing towards the food that floated further from the splash zone as orange sticky rain began to pour down on top of them.

"Collect all you can!" the captain cried. "Every colony will be fed well tonight!"

As the ships approached the food, giant industrial drills emerged and began digging into the food. At the rate this haul was going, it was possible that the ocean would become full enough for the ships to run aground, however, the more the ships could gather now, the more chances they would have to offload and come back for more.

Near the edge of the acid sea, below the city buildings built into the thick walls of the cavern, there sat a large warehouse floating above the surface of the acid with a flexible pipe dangling below it. As the ships filled their hulls, they would dump their cargo into the pipe which would then travel through the tunnels at the base of the ocean towards a processing plant far further near the waste caverns. From there the food would be separated, packaged, and then shipped out to colonies across the planet delivered by submarines that navigated through the underground network of red rivers that tunneled through to every spot on the planet.

Even though the fleet of ships would have 6-8 hours to mine away at the bounty of food pouring in from above, they would barely be able to scratch the surface of just how much food would come into the ocean. Still, the food they did collect was enough to end world hunger.

The leftover food would eventually sink to the bottom of the acid lake and travel through the tunnels beneath where it would either end up being absorbed by the planet, or expelled from the waste cavern.

The wonders of this new home never ceased to amaze the citizens who lived here.

"GAS BUBBLE OFF THE STARBOARD BOW!" one sailor cried out as the entire ship heaved to avoid colliding.

Beside them, a massive bubble of acid rose out of the water before exploding in a rain of death.

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