Reviews For Emergency Usage
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Reviewer: MDLKami Signed [Report This]
Date: May 13 2021 2:18 AM Title: More useful then emergency food

11/10 Expectations just kept getting surpassed, especially after Klee appeared. As far as futanari goes at this size role I haven't read any EL that comes close. Familiar as I am with Genshin the epilogue is awesome too, would love to see it escalate to a foursome or however many Paimon can take, or even just more of the same with different cast. "To be continued?" I had to make an account just to say "Yes please!" xD

Author's Response:

I'm glad you enjoyed the story! I got a lot of mixed results on it even though it was the voted story for my monthly poll. I'm not sure if there will be anoher one or not, but there's always a possibility. A lot of stories I thought I wouldn't do more of I've made sequals for. 

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