Reviews For Dividing Brother
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Reviewer: Edmond Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 21 2021 12:56 AM Title: Chapter 1

To see this story you need to log out. It's a weird bug on the site that's affecting some stories I had read. Some authors reuploaded the stories to correct it but others didn't.

Btw, promissing story. While waiting for you to continue 'A board game not for the family', I read this one, expecting a great story like the latter.

Author's Response:

Hopefully that fixed that bug. That would be a problem. Thank you for the review. I have been keeping this in my back pocket for a little bit. I am going to be very busy for a couple weeks so I have something to fill in that time. So somethings are going to be delayed. I am working on finishing the stories so I can start on new projects.

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