Date: January 04 2023 3:58 AM Title: Chapter 1
I like the language you’re using in chapter one so far, it seems authentic and really brings me into the story!
Date: November 30 2015 7:43 PM Title: Chapter 1
i really enjoyed this store. Very detailed and kept my reading for a few solid hour. Love your work so far, caan't wait to read more
Author's Response: Thanks! :-)
Date: August 10 2012 5:03 PM Title: Chapter 24
Truly a final real conclusion.
btw, speaking German, I can give you the noun for "the cat" is "die Katzen".
"Eine Katzen" works, if you want to modify the chapter.
Author's Response: Thanks for the correction. As you've no doubt guessed, the more modern half of the epilogue is meant to tie this story into D.O.A.N.A. and MORE THAN ONE CAN CHEW. Hopefully, I'll be able to post a new chapter to the latter after updating THE THIN LINE.
Date: August 10 2012 5:02 PM Title: Chapter 23
Another TWO chapters. You're really pumping these out at the moment. My writing fingers are still on holiday, unless you count my poetry on other sites.
Author's Response: Well, I wanted to strike while my Muses were hot. Plus, I've still got quite a few other incompletes languishing (I've ALWAYS wanted to use that word!).
Date: August 08 2012 3:55 PM Title: Chapter 22
I can see myself reading this aloud from a pulpit like the Old Testament bible readings in church, struggling over all these complex names... LOL.
Author's Response: I used genuine fokloric names, as often as possible, to give it that same pseudo-historical flavoring as when I first read BULLFINCH'S MYTHOLOGY.
Date: August 05 2012 8:05 PM Title: Chapter 21
I like these different-speed-of-time concepts.
Author's Response: Most _genuine_ medieval legends do have similar plot-twists.
Date: August 05 2012 8:05 PM Title: Chapter 20
Shrinking down to the size of a bug?
Was he ant-size roughly, or spider-size?
Author's Response: More like the size of a Chinese cricket, I'd say. ;-)
Date: June 09 2012 10:20 PM Title: Chapter 19
This tale reminds me of the Old Testament: A rich abundance of unpronouncable names LOL.
Author's Response: Like King Nebah-Kibitzer, for instance?* *An old 3 Stooges joke. Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk!
Date: May 17 2012 8:33 PM Title: Chapter 18
Burned. Och laddie, it's gruesome, and in a gts tale, she might grew some more.
Author's Response: Wait till you read the epilogue! Which, by necessity, I might have to split into two or three more chapters (as this website tends to auto-log off if a chapter exceeds a thousand words).
Date: May 04 2012 4:21 PM Title: Chapter 17
Well how about that! I haven't read a carycomic "arrrrggggghhhh" since the Dec 2010 hacker incidents.
Author's Response: Well, I was afraid my loyal lurkers might think it immature to phonetically depict the sound effects (like, say, any episode of the Adam West Bat-series). But, in this instance, I knew that it wouldn't tickle to have a spiked shield wound one in the calf of one's leg. So, I reverted to the Good Old Ways. If only for this once. ;-)
Date: April 23 2012 3:30 PM Title: Chapter 16
Then likewise didst mine eyes gaze yon 17th chapter and mine keyboard scribeth up a review
Author's Response: At least I'm not overdoing it with those thee's, thy's, and thou's.
Date: April 05 2012 10:13 PM Title: Chapter 15
I might have forgotten these from an earlier reference in the story, but what are a falchion and a buckler? Sounds interesting.
Author's Response: The falchion was a curved sword; sort of a European counterpart of the Near Eastern scimitar. While a buckler was a small shield usually held up by one's clenched fist, rather than sported on the forearm just above the elbow (like the bigger, more usual shield). In other words; if a swordsman was right-handed, the buckler would enable him to parry blows with his left. And, if there was a spike in the center of that buckler, it could be used as an eye-level, counter-offensive weapon!
Date: March 06 2012 12:25 AM Title: Chapter 14
"Lay down my arms? Why I doth believeth I would be left in a most uncomfortable position."
Author's Response: Haven't you ever heard of _unarmed_ combat? ;-)
Date: February 26 2012 3:54 AM Title: Chapter 13
And lo yonder Carycomic doth continue his tale amid hue and prey ... (and timescribe doth concludeth "2 ways towards 2 widows" with Chapter 23).
Author's Response: Chapter 15 is now up.
Date: February 07 2012 6:17 PM Title: Chapter 12
Does God have blood (other than when he was Jesus on earth ie God the Son)?
Author's Response: Well, it depends on whether you believe in trans-substantiation (as in Roman Catholic communion) or con-substantiation (as in most Protestant communions). Although, I confess, that's about all I remember from Lutheran Sunday school on the subject of literal vs. symbolic conversion of wine into blood.
Date: February 07 2012 6:16 PM Title: Chapter 11
I can visualize this as though I was watching a Filmation cartoon or one of Gerry Anderson's more outlandish puppet episodes.
Author's Response: You are too kind. :-)
Date: February 07 2012 6:15 PM Title: Chapter 10
Well they could always get their point across in Norse Code.
Author's Response: In the immortal words of Homer Simpson: "D'OHHHHHHHHHH!"
Date: February 07 2012 6:14 PM Title: Chapter 9
"All before suddenly engulfing my entire form with a swift kiss!"
Author's Response: I strive to please. ;-)
Date: February 07 2012 6:13 PM Title: Chapter 8
She giggled: "Fear not, little warrior. I shall re-enlarge you once we reach our destination. Though, I must admit; you are so cute in your present state, I am half-tempted to make you thus, again, after our mission is accomplished!"
Author's Response: I had hoped you might.
Date: February 07 2012 6:11 PM Title: Chapter 7
I must say, Carycomic, reading your chapter notes has improved my vocabulary ... err, a whole lot (paraphrasing Catwoman to Batman in 1967 Season 2).
Author's Response: "A typical B-student knows the facts about everything...and the truth about nothing." ---A wise old science fiction author whose name I forget.