Reviews For Dynamax Maniac
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Reviewer: Franchise Writer Signed [Report This]
Date: July 02 2019 7:29 AM Title: Dynamax Maniac

I definitely loved this story. Hex Maniac from the Pokemon series is one of my personal favorite poke-girl's, to begin with, and It depresses me we don't see more of her, both in artwork and literature when it comes to GTS.

I will admit, I was a little disappointed with some of the interactions, but that's due to preference more than anything. I think the personality you chose for her was spot on though, and I can understand why you had her do certain things, along with the way she spoke and acted accordingly.

I'll also admit, I'm truly impressed with your knowledge of the pokemon world. I remember reading your story and seeing certain people portrayed a certain way and it struck me as odd that I could recall that. After a quick google search figured out why, lol. It was like I was seeing this in the game and not in fanfic.

Please continue to write with credibility like you did for this story. I actively encourage people to get things right when it comes to media-related stories. Emotions, plot, scenery, language, the emersion is one hundred percent that way, and your story really did that for me with how many details you added in, to not just the MC but to the other girl's as well.

Thank you for writing this. I hope you have plans to write more in the future. And while I won't ask you to step out of your comfort zones, wherever they may lie, I do hope you have more interactions with giantess and or shrunken people to. ^,^

I look forward to what you come up with next.

Author's Response:

Fear not, I'll take the mantle of writing Hex Maniac giantess stories. It is both a curse and a gift to be in this position... but anything for Hex Maniac!

It's great to see you enjoyed the story~ I'm glad that it was worth it to remind myself a bit of the Kalos region with a little research! I'm rusty with X/Y but it was important I captured the right elements from the setting. Although I didn't stick strictly to the source material, I felt what little expansions I gave to the world only helped flesh it out. Video game worlds, as it turns out, aren't a lot like real worlds! So I hoped to find a good balance between the two to best immerse readers.

Thank you for reading and thank you for the review~ I'm happy to keep pumping out giantess stories, so keep an eye out!

Reviewer: Nothingness Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 01 2019 5:57 PM Title: Dynamax Maniac

First off, I loved your Endless Story. It's pretty clear you're a incredible writer. As a avid Pokemon fan, this was a really well read pokemon giantess story and who better to choose for a dynamaxing than tge Pokedere herself, Hex Maniac.


Everything about how you wrote her was spot on, I felt like I was watching a episode of Pokemon itself in my head. Her morbid curiosity was there. Her excitement at being a giantess was there. Her insecurities when downgrading herself compared the Furisode Girls and calling herself a "gross giant monster" was there.


You went as far as nailing Valerie's personality perfectly, getting her Sylveon's gender right, adding that female ranger and her Arbok, even the Hex Maniac's Gourgeist was a nice touch. You didn't make her go rampagy-mode, just a curious woman who's probably just socially awkward.


This was really good. Even if it was a one-shot.

Author's Response:

Thank you for so many kind words! There's so many in here, just kind words all over the place, bouncing around. Just going out of your way to leave a review is so nice, and to be so kind about it, ha!

I'm glad so many of these small details were picked up on! I was afraid I'd look like an idiot, googling which pokemon trainers were actually in those areas and actually using their pokemon. But even the details of her being self-deprecating and her curiosity, I'm happy to see those subtle details didn't go to waste, and were actually a beloved part of it!

I'm sure this won't be the last time I write something involving Hex, fortunately! Thank you again for this review~

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