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Reviewer: Edgedej4 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 19 2022 12:43 AM Title: Back To Reality

Wow, this was amazing. I do hope to see more of your stories in the future. You have a knack for writing very detailed and descriptive stories which is something I personally struggle with, and only make me appreciate your works more. 

Looking forward to more.

Author's Response:

Apologies for not responding to this until now, but thank you so much!

Reviewer: teradonk Signed [Report This]
Date: January 07 2022 6:48 PM Title: All The Way Inside Lillian’s Giant Ass

This is like the 12 Days of Assmas!

Love these daily additions, and especially this one! Blaise all up in that phat giant farting ass sporting wood. Lillian all heated up = majormajor!


Author's Response:

Thank you very much, I'm glad you're enjoying it! It's going to be even longer than 12 days!

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