Dust in the Wind by Firestone

Two girls take some pills with extraordinary effects!

Categories: Futanari, Butt, Young Adult 20-29, Crush, Feet, Growing Woman, Humiliation, Toilet, Violent Characters: None
Growth: Mega (501 ft. to 5279 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: FF/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 9917 Read: 34143 Published: May 21 2013 Updated: May 21 2013
Chapter 1 by Firestone
Author's Notes:

This story was a commission! I hope you enjoy it!

Erika awoke to the sound of a persistent buzzing. Her cell phone, resting on top of her dresser, whirred insistently until she gripped the side, blearily staring at the screen which alerted her that her friend Hannah was calling. She dragged her finger across the screen and held the phone to her ear.


“Hey! Where are you?”

Erika blinked. “In bed. You?”

“At your house, silly!” Erika heard three sharp raps come from the front door downstairs. “Come on, come let me in! I have something I'm way excited to show you.”

“What time is it?”

“Umm... sssssix. Or seven. Or something. I don't know, early. Come on. Get up and let me in.” Three raps again. Erika groaned.

“Can't you go away for another hour?”

“No! Come on, let me in, you're going to want to see this.”

Erika stared at her ceiling, wishing she didn't have such psychotic friends. “Fine.” She muttered, slowly rolling out of bed. “Be down in a second, bye.” She set the phone down without waiting for a response, and hurriedly pulled on some pants, a bra and a shirt. She made her way downstairs, opening the door to her enthusiastic friend.

“Erika!” Hannah exclaimed, practically bouncing into the redhead's arms. The two women hugged, Erika swinging the door closed with her leg. “How've you been?”

“Absolutely fantastic.” Erika deadpanned. “What do you have that's so important?”

“Oh my gosh, I can't wait to try this with you. Come on, let's go to your living room.”

“Why there?” Erika questioned as Hannah dragged her by the wrist.

“I don't really know. It just seems like we should be in a room with some space when we do this.”

“And what exactly is 'this'?” Erika grumbled. Hannah led them to the center of her living room, a sparse location with a couch on one wall and a television opposite it. She released Erika's wrist and produced two small jade pills from her pocket. She held her hand out, offering one to her friend.

“Erika... they're growth pills.”

The redhead was silent. “What does that even mean?”

“It means we can become fuckin' monsters! Like Godzilla!”

Erika stared hard at her friend. Hannah was a shorter, livelier woman with long flowing brown hair. Both women shared a slender figure with wide hips, a fact that did not go unnoticed when they went out together. At the moment, however, Erika was wondering if she should stop being seen with Hannah in public, for her reputation's sake.

“Hannah... honey, what are you talking about?”

“I can't explain it to you, it's just something you have to see. Come on, I promise this will be amazing.” She shoved her hand closer to Erika, who stared down at the pills with trepidation.

“You promise these aren't poison?”

“I promise.”

Erika hesitantly took one, looking it over in her fingers. She couldn't feel a seal in the middle; it felt like a solid cylinder of material. She was incredibly uneasy about this situation, but Hannah seemed excited. Erika assumed that it was some sort of hallucinogen that would make the two feel as though they towered over the Earth. Hannah looked into Erika's eyes.

“Are you ready?”

With a sigh, Erika nodded. “I am.”

“Great! Okay, on the count of three: One... two... three!” She popped the pill into her mouth and swallowed almost instantly, having prepared a mouthful of spit beforehand to make the process easier. Erika did the same with hers, having only slightly more trouble getting it down. The two women looked at each other for a long moment afterwords. Hannah blushed slightly.

“W-well... the man did say they can take up to an hour to take effect.” Hannah admitted. The two stood in silence a while longer, both of them waiting for something to happen, though neither was sure what exactly would.

Erika sat down on the couch, letting out a small but unmistakable puff of gas from her rear. She blushed, and Hannah laughed. “I guess the pill had some effect.” Erika said jokingly. Hannah smiled at first, but shortly nodded in agreement.

“Jeez, yeah, I'm feeling a little something myself.” She laid her hand on her stomach.

“So, what, that's what the pills were? Fart capsules?”

“No!” Hannah was getting frustrated at the pills' lack of symptoms. “They're suppo-” She was cut off by a sudden spurt of growth. Erika experienced one almost simultaneously, the force of the two women growing so quickly cracking the ceiling above them. “It's here! It's happening!” Hannah shouted, giddy as a schoolgirl. Erika, on the other hand, was freaked out.

“What's happening!?” She screamed, her voice carrying easily beyond the ever-shrinking walls around her. It seemed as though the building was collapsing in on them, and Erika put her hands up defensively, covering her face. She easily tore through the ceiling as she grew, causing a minor torrent of her things from the second floor to pour down onto the growing ladies. They shrugged off the debris, shooting through the building.

The speed of their growth increased with time, and in under a minute the two women were towering over the city on their hands and knees. Both had long since torn out of their clothes, and they were as naked as the day they were born. Their breasts hung ominously over the tiny population, but it was something else hanging from Erika that caught Hannah's eye.

“Y-you have a... a, um...”

“A dick.” Erika said flatly. She looked down at it, then back to Hannah. “Yes, I do.”

Hannah stared at it, internalizing the new truth. She decided it didn't really change anything about their relationship, and nodded. “All right!” Her eyes scanned the city below them. “So, what do you think we should do first?”

“First? What do you mean? Don't we just sit here, enjoy the view, and wait for the trip to end?”

Hannah laughed, then looked into Erika's eyes and realized she wasn't kidding. “Erika, sweetie, we're not tripping. This is real. Look! Look at the little people!” She pointed down, indicating the streets packed with tiny lives. Erika had noticed them, but assumed it was just part of the hallucination. “Pick a few up, see how delicately they squish in your fingers.”

Erika rested on her haunches, which rested on what used to be several hundred humans, but were now nothing more than dark smears. She knelt low, her stale morning breath quickly becoming all the tiny people beneath her could breathe. Reaching out, Erika gripped a small car by the ends between her finger and thumb, and tried to lift it as gingerly as she could. The thin metal crumpled easily in her grasp and she bent the car in half, mangling anyone unfortunate enough to be inside. She thought she could hear the short scream from within.

“Pretty neat, right?” Hannah said, prompting Erika to look back up, wide-eyed.

“How is this happening?”

“I told you, it was those pills. They made us grow.” As if on cue, Hannah felt another wave of pressure in her bowels. “And gassy. I hope these squirts don't mind if I just...” She let the sentence trail off, applying mild pressure to her ass. A long note issued from it, surrounding the tiny people beneath her massive ass in a foul-smelling fart. Several passed out from the stench, many more falling to their knees, incapacitated by disgust. People in their homes fared no better, as the blast shattered windows and pervaded walls. Those who could still stand started to run, but a second later her bulbous ass descended and ended their flight. She only felt the buildings crunch beneath her, but hundreds more were snuffed out by her ass.

“This is unreal...” Erika said to herself, failing to appreciate what her friend had just done. “I mean, this can't be real, right? This isn't real.”

“This is definitely real, Erika.” Hannah assured the redhead. “And if it isn't, what's the harm in having a little fun? Go on, fart on 'em too, they love that shit.” Hannah giggled to herself. “That shit?”

Erika was still amazed at the turn her day had taken. "How are you so comfortable with all this?"

“Well... I guess the secret doesn't matter much anymore. I'm part of a group who shrinks and plays with people.” Her eyes briefly scanned the city below, as if she would be able to somehow spot members of the group. “Or, I guess I was part of their group. One of the guys showed up a few days ago with those pills and gave them to me, said I could take a friend along for the best ride of my life.”

“I just can't believe this.” Erika was staring down at the city. She maneuvered herself onto her front, heedless of the damage her massive body caused. She was as wide as an entire block and used her size to clear a spot, demolishing the buildings in her way without a second thought. She folded her arms and rested her chin on top of them, getting as close as she could to the little people below. It was obvious the regular gusts of wind issuing from her nose were causing havoc below her, and those who weren't running away from her were staring up in what she could only imagine was horror.

BROO! The noise was quick, unexpected, and followed shortly by a pungent stench. Hannah's ass hung directly above the space in front of Erika's face. The other woman wrinkled her nose, turning her head to the side and waving her hand through the air.

“Oh, god Hannah, that smells terrible!” She said, although once she had a chance to consider it she realized it had a sweet undertone she hadn't initially noticed. Despite herself, she began to grow hard from the scent, her slowly-swelling dick plowing through what remained beneath her like a fleshy bulldozer.

Hannah just laughed, then knelt to observe the effect her fart had had on the people below. Many were on their hands and knees, drawing in deep breaths in a desperate attempt for oxygen, filling their lungs with the giant woman's acrid scent. They choked and gagged on the fumes, perishing one by one underneath her delighted gaze. Erika herself snuck a few more whiffs, being as subtle as she could about her growing arousal.

“So, you shrink these people, do you? Then what?” Hannah considered the question for a moment before responding.

“Nothing we could replicate, I think. Usually they're still a few inches tall to us. These little folks here...” She giggled, pressing her index finger down onto a crowd of fleeing people to demonstrate their insignificance. “They're just mites.”

People fled from the two giantesses in droves, abandoning their cars as they realized the gridlock would never dissipate. One such crowd moved slowly down a wide street, crammed shoulder-to-shoulder against one another. Hannah rose up to her full height, staring down at the fleeing crowd, feeling a little frisky herself as she thought about the power she wielded. “Watch this,” She said, drawing Erika's attention. The brunette positioned her head directly above the mass of people and concentrated for a moment, her mouth twitching randomly. Those who were paying attention to what she was doing wondered what was in store, even though there was already not enough time to save themselves.

A wad of spit came down with a wet SPLAT! The force of the saliva crushed those directly beneath it, sparing them from the horrors to come for the others, those who were caught alive in the viscous mess like flies in honey. They struggled and squirmed in her saliva, fighting for survival, but they were just too small. Only a lucky few were on the edge of the mess and were able to paddle to safety as the liquid began to slowly spread out across the streets. The rest drowned, choking on Hannah's warm spit.

“Oh god, that's fucked up.” Erika said, her voice something of a whisper as she watched the black spots that resembled people slowly go still in her friend's translucent saliva. She was cognizant of the lives that had already been ended beneath her, estimating the totals in the several hundreds, but somehow Hannah's actions seemed much worse – although this didn't stop her from being turned on by them. “You're being so nasty to these poor little folks.”

“Who cares? We can do whatever we want now. If I want to make people choke to death on my farts, so be it.” She said smiling from ear to ear. Erika nodded and slowly began to pick herself up. Her fully-grown erection now loomed menacingly over the city, a drop of precum as big as a garage being left behind as she rose.

“Looks like you're having a good time.” Hannah laughed. Erika blushed, annoyed that her aberrant physiology betrayed her ardor so readily. Still, she couldn't ignore the obvious truth: She wanted to fuck something. She began to move through the city, walking somewhat carefully to stay on the streets. A couple dozen stragglers died beneath her footfalls, one or two bursting beneath her with every step. Erika didn't have to try to crush them, nor did she notice. She was intent on one of the taller buildings in the city, rising above the rest invitingly. It tapered into a rounded, glassy tip, the early morning sun shining off of it like a beacon.

“Hello, little ones.” She called down to the building's inhabitants once she was beside it. The tower came up only to the bottom of her knee, and she had to resist the impulse to kick it over with a soft tap. Such a simple action would result in the monument to human ingenuity, evolution and strength being gone, replaced by a void that a single woman had decided would suit the space better. The giant woman squatted down, holding her face close to the building. She could see through the windows, although she was looking at multiple floors at once. Tiny people stared back at her monstrous eye in shock. Some of them scrambled over chairs and tables and desks, while a few walked closer to the glass. One or two of those even pressed their palms against the glass, as if reaching out to Erika and asking to be taken away from their banal lives.

Erika was more than happy to oblige.

She curled her fist around the base of the tower, gently rocking it off of its foundations. Her other hand held the top lightly, acting as a brace more than anything. With a final tug Erika pulled the building free of the ground, and she stood up again, peering into the building once more. Everything was in complete disarray, with people and objects strewn haphazardly across the floor. Again a delightful, destructively simple idea occurred to her. She imagined herself shaking the tower like a snow globe, sending the people inside smashing into one wall and the next. She was sure the action would jettison people out of the windows, dooming them to a death far, far below at the giantess' feet. She knew she would enjoy doing that, but she could do it with just about any building around her. This one, with its curved top, was specially designed for what she had in mind.

First Erika brought the tower to her lips, wetting them briefly and then sliding the smooth glass along them. Her tongue rubbed against the walls of the building, leaving a sheen of semi-slippery saliva coating the skyscraper. She brought it back out of her mouth and lowered it between her legs, pushing the tip against her anus. Just that little contact sent a shiver of pleasure through her, and she wondered if the pill she'd taken had anything to do with her heightened passion. After thinking about the pill's effects, as if on cue, a gust of wind passed through her sphincter, wafting over the building. It was slight and didn't cause major damage, but the windows were far from air-tight, especially after the tower was coaxed from the Earth. The stench of her fart quickly made its way through the building, making an unpleasant situation for the tiny people inside that much worse. Erika just giggled a quick, insincere apology and pressed on.

The building creaked and groaned as it was pressed inside her ass. The people in the top floors were the first exposed to the terrifying view as they watched themselves be engulfed by the pink sphincter. More and more of the building was thrust into darkness as she slid it inside herself. From somewhere around them, the occupants could hear Erika's soft moans. The tower was hard and unmoving, nothing like her toys at home, but there was something special about this one. This one was filled with hundreds of tiny people being fucked along with the building. She could just clench her asshole and doom a portion of those inside to dying inside her gassy rear, choking on the noxious fumes or drowning in her shit from within her bowels. The thought that so many people were that close to such a humiliating, inhumane death fueled her lust, and she started to pump faster, letting herself sink slowly to her knees. From somewhere not terribly close she registered hearing Hannah's voice, but she knew she wasn't being addressed despite the fact that she didn't listen to the words. She disregarded it, choosing instead to focus on her new toy.

“Oh my God, yessss...” She whispered to herself, using one hand to support herself as she pitched forward. The tower was now in so deep it was brushing against her prostate. Her dick twitched excitedly in response, and she lowered her pelvis to the ground. She laid it on top of a strip mall that was almost as long as her own erection, and let the weak concrete support a small fraction of the weight on her penis for a moment. It cracked and buckled, straining underneath it. Then, with another thrust, she brought her penis through the roof, tearing through the entire mall all at once.

Many huddled inside the mall, praying that the building's small size and general lack of flashiness would serve as a sort of camouflage, and the giantesses would pass them up. Some stood at the windows in the front of various stores, watching Erika's feet as she ripped up the nearby skyscraper, but many more huddled as families in the aisles of the stores. Those with children hugged their heads, hoping beyond hope for nothing more than their offspring's well-being. When Erika began to lay her erection on the ceiling, the entire structure groaned, causing hysteria within. The people by the windows knew what was happening and began to flee the structure, clogging the doors almost immediately. Some hurriedly smashed windows, creating a dangerous portal in which several people cut themselves open. Everyone was screaming and crying, many of these huddled families being trampled by other shoppers' desperate attempts to escape.

It was mostly all for naught. Her dick crushed the building like it would a dry leaf. Erika's manhood became covered in viscera and debris, and she giggled as she watched a small swarm of the little bugs below issue from the sides of the buildings. Still pumping the skyscraper inside herself, she licked the tip of the index finger of her free hand and gently slid it along the ground in front of the crowd. They were caught by surprise, stuck fast in her saliva as she lifted her finger up to her eye, inspecting the small mass of life on her fingertip.

“You guys are so tiny... this so fucking rocks.” She breathed. She had never known the extent to which power could be an aphrodisiac, but now with countless lives crushed beneath her and many more under her complete control she started to appreciate its allure. Erika gripped her soft breast, still grinding her dick into the Earth, unintentionally digging a trench where the strip mall used to be. The people stuck to her finger were crushed within seconds as Erika made a point to mash her index finger hard into the supple flesh. When she drew her hand away, all that was left of the dozen people were twin stains on her breast and finger. She dragged both down her breast until there wasn't enough material to smear, then licked whatever remained on her finger off. She kneaded her tit, closing her eyes and losing herself in lust.

Deep within her bowels screamed a hundred tiny lives, slowly suffocating in the stale fog of Erika's gas. She couldn't hear them, of course, but they screamed nonetheless. The air was constantly shifting near the middle of the tower, the pressure going back and forth as they were pumped in and out, but for those closer to the tip, it was a painful, choking hell. They were smashed back and forth against walls, scrabbling desperately for purchase on anything they could find. Some were bludgeoned to death and some had already gone unconscious from breathing the offensive odor for too long, both groups of whom were spared further suffering. But many more were still alive, still very much aware of not only how they were being used, but how they were going to die.

Erika's hand dug into the soft ground as she curled her fist, crushing a piece of Earth into a hard ball. She was turned on, but she didn't want to cum just yet. She looked around madly, wondering what further stimulation she could have. Her head whipped around and she saw Hannah squatting over another patch of the city, a sadistic grin on her face as a fart issued from her ass. She remembered the sickly-sweet scent of the first one, and knew she had to have more. Hannah moved on from that patch quickly, and Erika knew if she was quick she could probably still catch a whiff of the lingering odor. She picked herself up and began to move towards the site of her friend's last fart.

When Erika had wandered away from Hannah in search of somewhere to satisfy her erection, Hannah had briefly considered following, but figured the redhead wanted some time to herself to get acclimated with her new reality. Hannah let her go, although the two were big enough that the entire city was visible from end-to-end to them.

She looked down at the wad of saliva, still harboring squirming little bugs inside. “What a terrible way to go...” Hannah murmured to herself, imagining clawing for purchase in the thick wet mess. It was a terrifying thought, and she remembered again how grateful she was to have been the one to receive the pills. She moved on, letting those reaching up to her go unaided, drowning in her spit.

She found another sizable crowd fleeing down a street, and decided to have a bit more fun with these ones. She dragged her foot across the houses at the end of the block ahead of the crowd, obliterating them and shifting their debris into the street, creating an impromptu barricade. The crowd stopped, the people in front trying to turn around and push past those formerly behind them, who still thought the way ahead was clear. Hannah smiled down at them. “Stupid bugs.” She mused. She did the same thing to the buildings on the other side of the crowd, trapping them in a single segment of street. She stood now with a foot on either side of the crowd, looking down with her hands on her hips and a wide grin on her face.

“You little things are so vulnerable all the way down there.” She taunted. She loved that she had the attention of an entire crowd of people, all of whom were scared for their lives because of her. She was the embodiment of power, a living titaness, and she wouldn't be stopped by anything. “Any part of me could kill you. My farts could kill you, you know that? Isn't it embarrassing to be so weak?”

Most people had backed themselves against the barricade she was facing. A few tried to cross it, but it was piled fairly high, and full of drops – not to mention jagged wood, metal and glass. For the most part, the people at her feet stayed in their pen, too scared to really try to save themselves. Hannah sniffed and felt something in her nose. She was about to take another, bigger sniff when a wicked idea occurred to her.

“Oh...” She was snickering, lowering her face to the crowd. “Oh this is gonna be funny.” Exhaling softly through her nose just to get a feel for its position, she placed a finger to the side of her nose and then breathed out sharply. A wad of snot shot out, landing beside the crowd, striking a third of them as it splatted against the street.

The tiny people recoiled in fear and disgust. Slowly, a few unfortunate souls crawled from the sticky mess, many vomiting just as their heads cleared the surface. Many more were stuck fast, the snot even thicker than her saliva, and they began to perish inside the green mess. Hannah just watched with enthusiasm as real people died in one of the most indignant fashions she could imagine.

“You all!” Hannah said, addressing them with a point of her finger. “How can you stand there and watch your fellow men die in there? Help them out!” The crowd stayed conspicuously still. This bothered the giant woman, and she pressed her finger into the crowd. Half of them vanished beneath the enormous digit, their lives snuffed out in a grisly instant. She wiped her finger off on the street beside her, staring intently at the survivors. “Help. Them. Out.” She repeated.

The remaining people quickly rushed towards the snot wad, pulling the people crawling out free of the sticky mess. It clung tightly to their clothes and skin, and in some cases had become so viscous that people were immobilized by it. Still, the rescue efforts continued, pulling those on the edge of the mass free. Hannah smiled, nodding. “Now the people inside.” She could see many of the rescuers look up at her. “What? They could still be alive. Go! You've got seconds, not minutes!” A few of them approached the snot, but they were unsure how to proceed. Hannah giggled.

“Go on. Eat them out.”

The command rolled over them. Most of them knew what she was getting at, at least subconsciously, but hearing it aloud was terrifying. They knew the giant sociopath would think nothing of culling another percentage of their numbers to motivate them to action.

“Come on!” One guy on the ground said, calling to his fellow men. “She's just going to kill us anyway! Stand your ground and show her that pride cannot be crushed with a finger, no matter the scale!” A few others nodded their assent and crowded around him. The small group stood in an impromptu formation, looking up at Hannah defiantly. She couldn't hear what was said, but she thought she understood the sentiment. She leaned in incredibly close, maintaining a low, soft breath to keep from blowing them away.

Without saying a word, she plucked one up from the middle of the crowd, using the long fingernails of her forefinger and thumb. She just happened to get the man who had called to his peers moments ago. The hard nails pressed powerfully against his midsection, and only his wildly-kicking legs were visible to the people below. Hannah reached over with her other hand and, again using her fingernails, pinched his foot. It tore away messily, and Hannah let it drop over the crowd, who recoiled in fear.

The man's screams were audible to the people below. Hannah pinched at his shin, tearing it away with similar brutality. The man's screams only got louder, and he started to sound like a squealing pig to the people below. She repeated this process until she had ripped one of his legs clean off, then did the same for the other. By now, a few people in the crowd had run to the snot, and were hesitantly scooping handfuls of the substance into their mouths, choking it down as best they could. Most threw up after every swallow; the rest threw up before swallowing.

Hannah looked down at the obedient little people, debasing themselves for her pleasure. She dropped the legless man into the top of the snot and watched him sink into it, his pathetic thrashing only serving to pull him further underneath. He begged and pleaded with her, promising to do anything to be spared this fate. He squirmed like a maggot until his face was completely submerged and he stared up at her through the green-tinted substance. He had been right, though; Hannah had not crushed his pride. She had drowned it.

She watched the little ants alternate between eating at her snot and throwing it back up. They were making no progress, and after a while even this horrid debasement became boring to her. She wanted a new crowd to play with, but wasn't about to let these things live. Hannah contemplated how she was going to finish them off. She hadn't relieved the pressure in her ass for some time, and it was such a satisfying way to kill. She moved herself such that her ass was aimed directly at the snot. Only one man looked up, the rest too busy screwing their eyes shut or throwing their stomachs up to notice. The blast from the fart hit dead-on, blowing the remaining few off their feet. Several were lodged into the snot and began sinking in, but many more just writhed on the street, choking on the malodorous gas that surrounded them. She admired her handiwork for a brief moment before wandering further into the city in search of another crowd to terrorize.

Erika crawled on all fours towards the site of Hannah's last fart, her dick still quivering with excitement. Hannah had pretty thoroughly flattened the area, but there was still one building that stood almost completely intact, almost as if defying the women to crush it. Erika thrust her dick through a wall, easily demolishing any resistance. It was a long apartment building, and her member plowed through home after home, smashing half a dozen people between its own engorged head and their walls as it went. Several more watched the giant cock from beside it, lucky enough to be out of the way when it came through.

Erika braced herself up with one hand again, moving the other behind herself to manipulate the toy still in her ass while she pumped her dick through the building again and again, widening the hole somewhat after her dynamic entry. She leaned forward, closing her eyes and taking a strong whiff of Hannah's lingering fart. Each time she smelled them, she grew more fond of the piquant odor, and this one spurred her arousal like nothing before.

Inside the apartment a couple stood with their backs against the wall, watching the head of the massive dick pump in and out of their home. It had destroyed everything they owned, and left them with only a few feet of floorspace to stand on and watch as it continued to violate their former living room. As they watched it, they realized they could make out smears of blood across the skin, along with various other bits of viscera. The woman sank to her knees, feeling sick. The man continued to watch, his back pressed against a window.

Grinding her fingers into the ground, Erika took a final smell, inhaling deep and holding the breath, instantly overcome with arousal. She pressed the tower inside herself as far as it would go, and after a single twitch of warning her dick erupted in a geyser of cum, shooting out through the rest of the building and flooding the street below. The couple by the head who had believed themselves to be safe were caught by the blast and smashed against the wall of their home, obliterated by Erika's seed. Many more were washed out into the street or caught in the slowly-spreading flood, and were quickly overwhelmed by the thick mess. Erika laid down on the apartment complex, crushing what she hadn't already destroyed. She absently pulled the skyscraper from her ass, setting it down on the ground as she recovered her breath.

On the street, people fled in terror from the spreading warmth. It had been flung up to several blocks away and was flooding down streets, absorbing people into itself. Those within had no chance of escape; they had no sense of which way was up, much less the strength to swim through the cum. Moments later, Erika's massive body descended, crushing those who had been fortunate enough to avoid the wave of jism.

“Worn out already?” Hannah's voice asked in a laughing tone. Erika opened her eyes, seeing her friend's feet in front of her. She lifted herself off the ground, wiping the debris-filled cum off her chest and onto the ground. She shook her head.

“No, just enjoying it a little.” She said. She looked into Hannah's face from her knees. “Hannah, I should probably say...”

“Yeah?” Hannah prompted after a small delay.

“You were right. This is really fun.”

Hannah laughed, helping Erika to her feet. The two looked down at the building Erika had been using as a dildo. “Resilient piece of architecture, isn't it?” Hannah mused.

“It really is. I'm surprised it held up as well as it did.” Erika said as she crouched to peer inside. “But I think I killed just about everyone in there. I guess the pumping probably did that.”

“And being inside your ass probably isn't good for anybody's health.”

“Yeah, probably not.” The redhead admitted. She raised her foot up and brought it down hard on the tiny tower. It exploded from the force of the impact, shattering out in all directions. A few more stomps completely destroyed it, and the two women regarded each other again.

“So... what should we do now?” For the moment Erika's lust was sated, and diminished with her sex drive was her bloodlust. Hannah on the other hand still had many things she wanted to try. She looked down at the city, opening her mouth to speak, when something caught her eye.

“Look at that!” She pointed a short distance away. Both women looked down, and noticed a gathering of police cars, all with their lights twinkling like Christmas lights. The two giantesses walked over to the assembly and knelt down, getting a better look. The police officers scurried around their cars like ants, and Erika noticed a few of them were firing up with their tiny guns.

“I think... I think that they're trying to fight us.” Erika said, smiling. Hannah nodded.

“Look at this one, big man's got a shotgun!” She extended her index finger and brought it down on one of the men, crushing him into the pavement. The policemen around the finger scattered in all directions, and the girls giggled at their reaction.

“They clearly didn't think this through. What do you things think you can do to us at that size?”

“Here, back up, I have an idea.” Hannah said. They stood and Erika took a few steps back. Hannah used her big toe to carve a trench around the police officers. The ground yielded easily to her when she applied a decent amount of force, and the trench itself was almost twenty-five feet deep. She completed a circle around the small force, trapping them on an island of pavement. Those outside the circle fled, having lost all will to fight the feminine forces of nature that were tearing their city apart.

The two women stood looking down at their prey, possibilities running through their minds. Erika was picturing smashing the entirety of them underneath one of her tits when she thought she heard a faint noise coming from below. She leaned down to hear it better.

“-o will to fight. This is a message of surrender, please state your terms and we will do our best to comply. I repeat, we have no will to fight. This is a m-” Erika stood up, the faint noise from the megaphone leaving her ears. She turned to Hannah, grinning.

“They're surrendering.” She announced. Hannah looked disappointed.

“Already?” She frowned down at the policemen. “You guys are supposed to defend your city.” She lifted her foot and settled it down behind herself, crushing a home beneath her heel. “You're already just saying 'Do whatever the fuck you want, we're too weak to stop you'?” Hannah smeared her heel across the ground. She considered for a moment farting on them again, but that didn't wholly represent how disgusted she was with them. A new idea quickly followed, and changed her frown into a grin. Hannah nodded. “Fine. If you guys want to be lazy pieces of shit, I'll show you just how to do that.”

“Oh no, you're not gonna-” Erika began, a disbelieving laugh in her voice. She watched as Hannah turned around, squatting over the officers. She turned around, blowing them a kiss, then began to push. For a moment there was complete silence. The people on the ground knew what was coming, but they had a hard time accepting it. As much as they had been forced to accept new truths about their world today, they didn't want to believe this one.

They didn't want to believe they were about to be shit on.

The only warning was a soft grunt from Hannah. A small noise that, when it reached the crowds below, solidified their fate in their own minds. There was no pretending or disbelieving anymore. A second later, Hannah pushed a large piece of shit out of her ass. It fell onto the dug-out area below, crushing cars and people beneath it as it settled down. Erika let out a shocked laugh, bringing her hands up to her mouth.

“Oh my god, I can't believe you just did that!” She exclaimed. Both girls were smiling, and Hannah turned around, surveying the damage. Most of the people who had been beneath her were dead, crushed by the weight of her shit. The remaining few all crowded around the edges of the platform on which they were on, intimidated by the long drop. Using her fingernails, Erika started scooping those around the edges up and depositing them onto the turd. They watched the little people squirm in the brown pile, laughing to themselves.

“Eat it, you useless fucks!” Hannah shouted. “Eat it and we'll pull you out!” They watched intently – while keeping what distance they could from the foul-smelling turd – to see if any of the tiny people would obey. To their surprise, each girl noticed a different police officer who was slowly bringing handfuls to their mouths.

“Oh my god!” They exclaimed almost in unison, then pointed out the little saps they had found out to each other.

“Did you really think we were going to get you out of there?” Erika asked.

“Seriously. Like I'm going to fucking play around in my shit.” She scoffed and stood up. “Get real.” She spat down at them, her spittle landing off to the side, in the trench. When she looked down at it, she noticed there were many more people in there than she had expected.

“Erika, look at this. I think they were trying to stage a rescue!” She pointed at the trench, which was filled all around with tiny police officers. They laughed as the miniscule people started climbing back up the ropes they had secured to various things. Hannah and Erika quickly started knocking the ropes into the pit, disrupting all the things to which their lifelines were anchored. A few escaped, but the girls made short work of them beneath their fingers. The rest stared up at the monumental women who looked down at them like prey.

“What do you want to do with these ones?” Erika asked, licking her lips. She had swiftly developed a taste for killing little people, and she enjoyed watching her friend do it as much as she enjoyed doing it herself. “Gonna shit on them, too?”

Hannah shook her head. “No, but close.” She smiled down at the trapped, helpless crowd. Adjusting herself, she squatted over one side of the trench, and let loose a torrent of piss. It flooded into the trench, obliterating the few who were directly in its path. While it was a powerful stream to the tiny people, Hannah was restraining herself from letting it all out. She controlled how much she released, paying attention to the piss-level in the trench. Fortunately, her stream died down right about where she wanted it to be. There was still about six feet of space between the top of the urine and the top of the trench.

Those in the trench helplessly suffered their indignation. The piss flooded around them, the strong scent overpowering their senses as they were swept off their feet. A few of the officers had their mouths open when it slammed into them, causing them to choke and sputter on Hannah's piss. As the level of urine rose they slowly sank, trying to void their lungs of fluid but fighting a losing battle. Those furthest from the point of impact had little trouble keeping themselves afloat, treading urine to keep their heads above the foul liquid.

The girls watched the tiny people floating in Hannah's pee, looking back up at them. Erika waved down playfully. “Hey, little guys! Having fun in there? I bet it's like a jacuzzi.”

Hannah laughed. “Probably. Of course, the ones that drowned aren't having so much fun. I bet they wish they'd just run away instead of trying to be stupid and resist our will.”

Erika looked down one of the roads and pointed. “You mean like them?” She asked. Hannah turned, and saw a small group of police officers running on foot for their lives. She got up and slowly began to walk towards them, placing each foot directly in front of the other. The panic of the crowd grew as people shoved others out of the way to escape the looming giantess behind them. She was smiling down at them as she walked, each footfall crushing half a dozen cars into thin piles of scrap metal.

A few fired haphazardly up at her, just aiming their guns behind themselves and pulling the trigger. Of course, with how big Hannah was, their accuracy wasn't very important. Most of the shots hit, but the giant woman didn't even notice them. And despite her slow speed, she was easily gaining on the mass of people beneath her, who were running with everything they had. A few people had been knocked to the ground, and Hannah was close enough to cause that to be a death sentence. They were smashed into the pavement with the cars. Hannah noticed one or two of them, but their deaths didn't excite her. They were just meaningless ends to those peoples' lives. What Hannah really wanted was to slaughter the group in one big go.

Erika walked up to her friend at a normal pace. “You're so mean. Why don't you just squish them outright? They know they can't outrun you.”

“Yeah, they know that, but they're still trying. I want to see how long they'll make themselves suffer before they die. Hey, little bugs, you know you could just stop and let me squish you, right? It won't even be that hard. I'll just step on you and you'll burst because you're all so fucking small.” She taunted, her foot steps getting slower and slower, but still quickly approaching the fleeing crowd.

Erika spun around and let herself drop right in front of Hannah. Her ass came down on the crowd of people, smashing them all in an instant, as well as collapsing nearby buildings. Hannah put her hands on her hips, breathing out a long sigh. “What'd you do that for?” She asked, clearly annoyed. “I was having fun with them!”

“I know.” Erika giggled. “But I just wanted to experience my ass killing that many people at once.”

“You already did that with that skyscraper over there!” Hannah pointed at the ruined mess a small distance away. Erika blushed.

“Oh, yeah, I guess I did, didn't I?” She shrugged. “Oh well. It's not like there aren't more people around, you know?”

“Yeah, that's true.” Suddenly, a small black shape appeared just at the edge of her vision. Without thinking she swatted at it with the back of her hand, and felt it connect with something. She turned and watched the helicopter she had smacked out of the air go careening into the ground dozens of blocks away.

“Whoops.” Hannah said sheepishly. “I thought that was a fly.”

“A giant fly?”

“Well, I mean, I just did it out of reflex!” Her eyes focused on the sky around the two women, and she noticed several more helicopters, all of which were pulling further away from them. “Oh my gosh, there's more of them!” She pointed at one near Erika's head, and the redhead reached out, carefully taking it by the tail and peering into the cockpit.

“God, these people really are fuckin' tiny, aren't they?” She said, marveling at the two terrified pilots in her grip. Her eye dominated most of their forward vision, and they were so close they could see her pupil making small adjustments to account for light. “I mean they look like specks when they're on the ground, but seeing them up close... it's still a little unreal.”

Hannah had begun pinching them out of the sky with her forefinger and thumb, just bringing the two digits down on them one by one, then wiping the debris away and finding another. She didn't care if they were military helicopters or news ones, she just enjoyed the sensation of destroying people so easily.

“This is so fucked... we are so fucked!” One of the men inside the helicopter that Erika was holding shouted into his radio. “The giant with the red hair has us by the tail! There's no way we're gonna stay in the air if she lets us go! We're at this psychopath's mercy!” He was clutching the edges of his seat in complete panic, staring into the massive blue eye.

“I think they're screaming at me.” Erika said, her voice a deafening roar to the pilots inside the helicopter. “One of them looks like he's just yelling, but the other one, I think he's saying something.” She shook her head, addressing the pilot directly. “I can't hear you! You're so small. Hang on, let me put you in my ear.” She moved the helicopter into her ear, straining to make out what they were saying. She could definitely hear that it was making noise, but if they were saying something, it was indiscernible to her. She pouted and brought the helicopter back to her eye.

“Sorry. You're just really really little. I can't help you.” She looked at the pilots pitifully.

“Well now who's playing with their little lives?” Hannah said, looking down at her friend still sitting in the middle of the road. “Just flatten them. Like this.” She snatched another helicopter, crushing it in an instant between her fingers. “Easy-peasy.”

“Maybe I don't wanna squish these guys.” Erika said, not taking her eye off them. “Maybe I wanna make these two guys my pets.”

Hannah rolled her eyes. “You can't make pets out of fleas.” She said. “Come on, just trash them already.”

“No! Please! Put us down! Let us go!” The pilots had been able to make out the jist of the conversation. They heard the redheaded woman say she didn't want to be violent towards them, and it filled them with hope. They both screamed and pounded on the windshield, trying to make her hear them. It was useless, though. Erika assumed they were just screaming out of fear, and she finally nodded.

“Yeah, I guess not. Sorry little guys, maybe in another life.” She tossed the helicopter over her shoulder and it crashed into the ground, immediately killing both people inside. Erika wiped her fingers off and looked around. “Why are there so many helicopters all of a sudden?” She wondered out loud.

“I don't know, but they really are fuckin' everywhere. Shoo! Shoo!” She swatted a few more out of the sky. “I mean, I know they look like bugs to us but aren't they supposed to still be people? They should be smarter than this.” She crushed another one.

Erika frowned, pinching another out of the sky. “You know, most don't look like that first one I grabbed.” She tore the back end off of the new one, peering inside the newly-made hole, and discovered a crowd of people staring back at her. Her eyes widened in delight. “It's a transport helicopter! They're probably getting people out of the city!”

“Wow, quick response times.” Hannah mused, carelessly crushing another one. She delighted a bit more in its pathetic tailspin this time.

“You know what this means. There's got to be somewhere they're congregating people.” Paying attention to the helicopters, she noticed there was a thin stream of them through the air. When she stood up and looked out over the city, she could clearly see where they were going. “There's a stadium over there! Come on!” Erika let the helicopter she was holding fall to the ground, dismissing it completely from her mind.

Hannah and Erika made their way towards the stadium, carelessly walking into helicopters and crushing hundreds beneath their feet. They approached the massive arena from the side, such that the parking lot was between the giantesses and the building. Cars were parked heedless of the white lines on the ground, having been abandoned for the safety the stadium offered. There was a huge crowd outside the stadium doors that was clearly in a complete panic as the two giant women stared hungrily down at them.

“Oh my god, look at them all. So many little lives and they're all scared of us, Hannah. Can you believe it?”

“It's pretty flattering.” She agreed. “Just listen to them. You can actually hear them screaming.” The two women were quiet, listening intently to the people below, and sure enough there was a clear sound of fear coming from the crowd. It was low and quiet, but it was there.

“How do you want to do it?” Erika asked. “Should we smash 'em into the ground with our hands?” She hovered her hand over the group, picturing what it must look like to have such an impossibly large hand overhead. Hannah shook her head.

“Nah, we've been letting the little ones off light recently. All these quick deaths. Sure, they make sense given how small they are, but I think we should stick to the basics.” She aimed her ass at the crowd. Erika laughed.

“You have a problem.” She said, despite the fact that she was watching with interest. Hannah stuck her tongue out at Erika, and after a small push she had covered the crowd in another one of her farts.

The crowd below had little interest in remaining where they were. People were quickly fleeing through the parking lot the second the two giant women had arrived, and this flight was only fueled when Erika held her hand above them, threatening to snuff the miniscule audience out just by setting it down. When Hannah held her ass over the crowd, they knew there would be no escape. The fart erupted noisily from her ass, and the people directly below her sphincter could feel the blast of putrid air. They began to choke and gag on the fart as many had earlier, the fecal mist replacing the area's oxygen. Those who choked to death on their backs were given one last look at Hannah towering above them, a satisfied smirk on her face.

Erika quietly breathed deep through her nose, enjoying her friend's scent once more. She was starting to become aroused again, and tried to position herself such that it wouldn't be completely obvious to Hannah. Unfortunately, the brunette was perceptive and quick.

“Do you need to take care of that?” She asked playfully, pointing at Erika's erection.

“N-no...” Erika said, looking away.

“It's okay if you want to. I'd like to watch you do it. I missed the first time.”

“Really?” Erika said, disbelieving.

“Of course!”

The redhead looked into the stadium. People were piling hurriedly into helicopters which took off before they were even full. “You want me to do it to them?” She asked. Hannah looked at the teeming mass of people in the stadium. The turf was barely visible through the number of people on the field, not to mention those in the stands. She shook her head.

“No, let's save that for last.” She gingerly stepped over the tiny stadium, indicating a new crowd on the other side. “There's more over here, trying to get in. Use them.”

Erika joined her, looking down at the tiny people. “Okay. And you're sure you want to watch me just... jerk off onto them?” She asked, her face still red. She wasn't accustomed to having people be so okay with the way she was.

“Hell yeah! Go crazy, I wanna see 'em squirm in your cum.”

“Ew, gross.”

Hannah laughed. “Just do it.” She sat down off to the side, crushing a few buildings beneath her ass. Erika sighed, looking down at the people. She was still hard from the single whiff of Hannah's fart, and thinking about how much bigger her dick was than a group of hundreds of people started to get her in the mood again. She knelt beside them, making sure Hannah still had an angle on the scene.

“Do you little guys want to get covered in my cum?” She asked, trying to be playfully sexy for Hannah. She wasn't sure if it was working, but after a quick glance over at Hannah she saw that her friend was still looking on with interest. She started stroking her shaft, leaning over the little crowd to better aim her dick at them.

The tiny people didn't know where to run. The stadium was packed full of people; it was clear they wouldn't be getting in in time. Opposite the stadium was the brown-haired woman who seemed to want to watch them die, and then on the last two remaining sides loomed the dickgirl, stretched out above them like a massive bridge. People scattered in every direction, but thanks to the cars, other people, and their own size, they didn't make much progress compared to Erika.

Her orgasm came over her much more quickly than she'd anticipated. Something about that many people living their whole lives just to end it drowning in her cum spurred her on, and made her want to make it a reality. She closed her eyes as it rolled over her, and a second later another burst of cum issued from her dick, staining the roads below. It crushed dozens on impact, and left many more struggling in the milky mixture.

Hannah leaned over, smiling down at the writhing spots in Erika's cum, while the latter took her time to recover. “That's awesome, Erika. Seriously, really fucking cool.”

Erika smiled, still panting lightly. “Thanks.” She had always been somewhat embarrassed of herself, and it was nice to hear Hannah appreciated it, even if it was only for its murderous capabilities. After a brief moment, the two girls stood and straddled the stadium on opposite ends. A few helicopters were still flying out, but they were quickly caught and smashed by Hannah and Erika, who discarded the refuse off to the side.

“A whole bowl full of little lives, all for us to play with, Hannah.”

“It really was nice of them to congregate here. And so quickly, too! We didn't have to wait very long at all!”

“It's like they wanted us to have fun with them.”

“So what do you think? How should we do it?” The girls stared down at the thousands of lives beneath them, overcome with the possibilities. Suddenly, one idea stood out to Hannah.

“Well, it's like you said, Erika. They are all trapped in a bowl.” She grinned, looking knowingly at her friend, whose eyes widened.

“You think we both should?”

“I don't think I could do it alone.” The women smiled, turning around and bending over, wiggling their giant asses over the helpless crowds below.

“Should we give them some parting words? Something to give their lives meaning?”

“What, like 'Your whole lives are going down the shitter'?” Hannah giggled.

“No, that's cheesy as fuck. Like... I don't know. Fuck it.” She squeezed and a giant turd started descending from her ass. It was thick and solid, hanging over the crowd like a sword of Damaclese. The people beneath her tried to run, but the stadium was packed. There was nowhere to go. They were trapped and helpless to save themselves from their disgusting fate.

With a wet plop, the thick shit landed on the herd of people beneath her, claiming hundreds of lives with a single bit of effort.

“No fair! I didn't realize we'd started!” Hannah said, playfully pouting. She pushed, and a piece of shit quickly flew from her ass, splatting into the center of the stadium, where the impromptu helipad had been. Many more died from the impact.

The thunderous roar of the crowd was deafening to the tiny people. Everyone pushed this way and that, trampling and kicking and punching to escape their deaths underneath the shit of these sociopathic giantesses. The turds continued to fall, each girl aiming them such that they covered a new, undisturbed patch of people. Some sought refuge beneath the giant shits, and the earliest adopters of these hiding places were lethally forced into the soft poop as many more tried to cram underneath them, willing to do anything to survive.

After about five minutes, both Hannah and Erika were done. The stadium was mostly finished off, the turf almost completely covered in their shit now. They kicked down the bleachers, sending hundreds more careening to their deaths as the giantesses tried to cover up their turds. They looked down at the steaming pile of destruction, satisfied with what they'd done.

“Jeez...” Erika said, looking over the swath of destruction they'd carved through the city in one morning. Nearly every building had been destroyed in some way, and after the destruction of the stadium and all its inhabitants, she was sure most of the people were dead now, too. Still, as she looked towards the horizon, she saw more cities.

Hannah followed her friend's gaze, smiling. “You wanna go fuck 'em up?” She asked. Erika smiled, laughing absently.

“Yeah, actually. I really do.”


This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=3554