Sloth: Brobdingnagian Buddy by VivettaVenray

Acedia Lei makes a living streaming games to a Lilliputian audience. However, the character she shows her fans is far from her true self.

This is an entry in that loose series of mine: "Seven Sinful Size Stories". This story has to do with sloth. This also takes place in a Gulliver-style universe. Here, Brobdingnagians are one mile tall compare to Lilliputians who in turn are less than a tenth of an inch to Brobdingnagians. Content warnings inside. Comments and constructive criticism are more than welcome!

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: Giantess, Young Adult 20-29, Crush, Feet, Insertion, Violent, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.)
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: Seven Sinful Size Stories
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 7762 Read: 7628 Published: October 14 2020 Updated: October 14 2020
Chapter 1 by VivettaVenray


Sloth: Brobdingnagian Buddy

By VivettaVenray


(WARNING: Contains vore, some food play, digestion, and cruelty among other stuff.)


(NOTE: This story is part of the "Seven Sinful Size Stories" loose anthology thing I said I'd try to do. This story has a little to do with "Sloth".


I'd also like to state this story isn't intended as a critique or commentary at VTubers, VTubing/streaming in general, or people who enjoy that content. In this story, Acedia just happens to play a VTuber while being mean and lazy as her true personality. Her 'moral failings' are not because her character is a VTuber, nor was she intended to reflect on VTubers/VTubing as a whole.)




Hubert just got back from a long, grueling shift at the cracker factory: lots of broken crackers. At times like this, the young Lilliputian man loved nothing more than enjoying some microwave dinner in front of his computer screen.


Playing games was fun, but sometimes you just wanted to relax and watch them instead. That’s what “Spasm” was for: an online streaming platform for people to stream themselves playing games, cooking, singing and all sorts of things. As luck would have it, his favorite streamer was just about to begin. He tuned in.


In front of the blank screen sat a 3D avatar. Her hair was long and purple, and her eyes shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow on a cycle of sorts. The avatar wore a dress with a pattern of buildings and hearts on it.


“Hey every Lilli it’s me, your Brobdingnagian Buddy! How are all my tiny friends doing!”


The chat was alight with greetings and emojis of all sorts.


“Wow sounds like everyone’s having a good day. That makes my day even better! Anyways, today we’re gonna be playing Rabbit Rumble 2 again. One of my favorite games! Let’s see if we can score some more wins today.”


Rabbit Rumble 2 was the newest game fad. 50 or so players were randomly matched together and put on all sorts of challenging obstacle courses. For this game, Brobdingnagian Buddy (Or Brobby Buddy as she was called for short) used a controller, so the avatar had its own little 3D modeled controller which mimicked her actual hand movements. The audience liked that gimmick.


The game started and all the bunny-people game characters started running about and bopping into each other. They’d fly around when hit with giant hammers and in general it was just a wacky time.


Brobby Buddy’s face beamed as she crossed the finish line of the first challenge. “Oh wow we did it! It was the positivity of my Lilli friends that got me this far!”


That made Hubert smile. For most Lilliputians, nothing was more scarier than a Brobdingnagian. Even the most petite of that titanic people could crush a building beneath a foot. From the perspective of his own tiny people, a Brobdingnagian hovered about or over a mile tall. Lilliputian history was plagued by Brobdingnagian-wrought atrocities. Thankfully, Brobdingnagians were a sparser people, and Lilliputians were inventive and crafty enough to survive to the modern era where laws offered some protections.


Yet, even now they faced horrors. Every once in a while the news would have a story about some Brobdingnagian who got wasted and stumbled upon some Lilliputian town. Worse still, there were always reports of a black market that sold Lilliputians for ‘fun’ by the hundreds of thousands. Even entire cities would go missing now and again. Naturally, it was a huge point of contention between the two governments. Still, it was better for both their economies to work together and share innovations and such, even though their cities dwelt far apart.


Brobby Buddy was definitely one of the good ones though! She’d chime in as her viewers, mostly Lilliputians, would chat about their fears and concerns about having to share a planet with titans like her.


“Oh wow that’s so sad about your friend there PearlScream666. That’s why I always watch my step when I go out! I wouldn’t want to harm any of my tiny friends!” said the cute avatar on the topic. “And that’s really awful to hear PearSmash52. I couldn’t imagine eating a Lilli alive, let alone hundreds. Digesting alive sounds awful.” Her avatar frowned and the chat spammed their own sad emojis en masse.


“All this news makes me sad. Why can’t everyone out in the real world get along as well as we do here?” she said. Her avatar sighed.


Her entire stream was catered to the Lilliputian audience, and the idea that the two kinds of people could live in harmony. That imagery was everywhere. The subscription notification had a cartoon animation of her giving your ASCII name a pat. A donation had another of her blowing a kiss towards a Lilliputian skyscraper. Unity and peace was Brobby Buddy’s theme here.


As the game continued, Hubert felt generous and clicked the donate button. The avatar’s rainbow eyes glimmered.


“Oh wow thanks for the 5 dollars Coolbert789!” She smiled on his screen, and he smiled to himself in turn.


The show went on for hours. One of the later matches drew to a close, and it was a tough final challenge for Brobby Buddy. Her bunny character and another’s were neck and neck in some wacky obstacle course. It looked like she was about to lose, but Brobby Buddy lept in front of her opponent to cause them to trip. From there, she easily clinched victory.


“Ha, take that you scr-” she caught herself and cleared her throat.


“Ahem, wow that was a close game! I can’t believe I won another one. Alright that’s all for today’s stream. Thanks again for all your support! I love you all!”


She crossed her fingers to make a heart and the stream went blank. All the viewers either went to bed or entertained themselves in other ways for the rest of the day.


At her home, the Brobdingnagian woman, Acedia Lei, made sure her audio and camera equipment was off. Then, she breathed a sigh of relief.


“Wew, finally done with that bullshit.” she said. Acedia checked her donations for the day. “Not bad.” she mused to herself. “Simp-ier than usual but still not the best. Those little fucks are holding out on me. Ah well~”


Grinning to herself, she turned off her monitor, got out of of her chair, and walked into the adjacent room.


Overall, Acedia enjoyed being a VTuber. Always a fan of games, she always thought a career playing them was a dream come true! However, the prospect of putting on makeup and more ‘photogenic’ outfits seemed effortful and dull. Thankfully, the inventions of easy to make 3D avatars and body-capture software changed all that. She didn’t have to worry about physical appearance or prep anymore. She even had a naturally ‘cute’ voice. All she had to do was sit in front of a microphone and a couple cameras, play some games, pretend to be nice and let the revenue roll in.


Often, the young woman wondered what her fans would think if they saw the real woman behind the screen. For starters her hair was a mess. She cut it short to below her ears in a haphazard fashion. No colorful purple like the character she played: just a jet-black shade with brown eyes instead of rainbow. Contrasting Brobby Buddy’s colorful clothes was Acedia’s “stay at home Saturday” getup. She wore black shorts, white socks, and for a top she just lounged around in a black sports bra all day.


That isn’t to say she was ugly. The 22 year old had a fairly average, though attractively shaped body. She also had decent skin and looks, but without makeup she wouldn’t stand out much on a Brobdingnagian street. That was fine by her, since she held the attention when it mattered: on the Spasm stream of hers.


Oh, and her personal city of course. Now that’s something her fans would be peeved about.


The ground shook for the Lilliputians of “Acedia City”, as their captor oh so cleverly named it. In truth it was less of a city than a corral. The young woman had a spare coffee table for her setup: about her height in length and decently wide. Old cereal boxes hemmed the thousands and thousands of Lilliputians in. Mere cardboard for a Brobdingnagian, they formed an insurmountable wall for those tiny souls.


Her steps shook their meager dwellings: bits of printer paper, folded like tents. Each could house dozens and dozens of them, and they lived like paupers off whatever scraps Acedia fed them--when she remembered. They had only the clothes they were captured in, many of which were rags by now. Altogether, tens of thousands of the mite-sized people scurried about as she loomed upon them. Her grin was wide and toothy. The table came just up just past her shins.


“Hey every Lilli.” began Acedia Lei, her voice booming.


“It’s me, your Brobdingnagian buddy.”


She erupted into laughter.


“I’m gonna have some fun later today so I’ll need some of you.” Her brown eyes scanned the mass of fidgeting specks. “Well, you know the drill, get in a clump as usual while I think of how much.”


The Lilliputians had a plan today: a dumb one. Hundreds of Lilliputians arranged themselves in a pattern in a small clearing at the table’s center. They began to spell out letters.


Acedia raised her eyebrow, reading it letter by letter.


“M-E-R-C-Y. Mercy?”


Another eruption of laughter, twice as loud as before.


“Wow, that’s a good one. Don’t worry, I got your mercy right here~”


Acedia lifted her right leg up into her hand. She slipped her fingers into the cuff of her sock to peel it off.


“Ah~” she sighed. “Much better~”


Acedia dangled the sock above all those Lilliputians so brave and bold as to try and communicate. A lot of Brobdingnagians had headset systems, but Acedia wouldn’t bother to set one up even if she thought it worth the money. These tiny people had nothing worthwhile to say to her: as they just proved.


Hundreds of the poor fools looked up at the mass of cloth. To them, it was hundreds of feet in length. She had been wearing it since this morning, and when it fell on them and they were awash in its scent. Acedia wasn’t active enough to sweat thankfully, but her socks were still hugging her skin all day.


The mass of white fabric smashed the mass of Lilliputians to the ground as it fell. The heft of its weft pinned them in place. A few died, crushed as their bodies to weak too bear the weight. A few others were small enough to slip in the wider holes of the stitching. They got to dwell in the cloying interior of the sock as it folded atop them. For the most part though, everyone was simply smushed beneath the sock. There, they forced into place by the lowest garment of the young woman. Acedia treated them to more cruel laughter.


“’Mercy’, how pathetic.” She wiggled her newly freed toes. “You all need to learn your place clearly. I think chilling with my other sock too will help there.”


Another grin, then another boom as her naked foot slammed down and her other rose in its place. She tugged that sock off as well, then slammed that other foot back down too. She put extra weight to these steps to make their tiny paper tents flutter about.


“Let’s see, where to put this one hmm?~”


The raven-haired Brobby dangled the sock to-and-fro above them all. She dragged it this way and that, raised and lowered to in order to make it seem as though it’d come down and crush them. Once, she touched a cluster of Lilliputians with the downwards-facing tip of the garment. As luck would have it, a bit of stray string strung a dozen of them up. Now, as the garment passed overhead, the Lilliputians beneath could hear the screams of their fellow ‘citizens’ tangled above.

Acedia delighted as they scrambled and ran about like ants. The power trip sent shivers down her spine. In the end she, without warning, chucked it over a corner of the table. There, a bunch clumped themselves up thinking they’d be safe in the farthest spot from her. As more of the Lilliputians filtered in, it became harder to leave though. Thus, it was inevitable they’d draw her attention and make themselves a target.


Once again, a few were crushed, but most were stuck. She smiled seeing that sock just deflate over them to the tunes of tiny screams. She couldn’t normally hear the little things, but if they all wailed at the same time, it’d reach her ears as an almost ‘cute’ little peeping noise.


“Alright.” she clapped her hands together, another deafening noise to beleaguer their already weary souls. “Get in a circle in the center of the table.” She fished a little ceramic plate out of her pocket and placed it on the smooth wood surface. It clanged down across Acedia City: a familiar sound that had the masses covering their ears.


“I want that entire dish filled up with you all. Should take a couple hundred or so. I’ll eyeball it, and if I think it’s low I’ll sit down on the table or something. So, you might want to throw in a few dozen extra just to be safe~”


With a bit of pushing around they did what they were told, as usual. They had their own haphazard system for picking who’d go. It was mostly volunteers but, as usual, they were a little short on those so mobs just kind of grabbed whoever and stuffed them on the ‘platform’.


“Good.” Acedia thundered. “I’ve got a little game to play.”


She laughed again: that booming, deep chuckle of hers. Her fingers pinched at the ends of the dish and hoisted it up into her palm. She smirked down at them as she moved to her living room. Her steps rustled every folded-paper tent on the table as she slipped past the doorway.


It was a genius idea of Acedia to make a persona tuned towards a Lilliputian audience. So many Brobdingnagian streamers just appealed to their own kind, but she saw where the money is. A nice untapped market for those who wanted a big gal to say nice things about them and be a voice of caring and affection. All a farce; an act that had her laughing at the end of every show of hers.


Acedia didn’t know if any of her past fans lived in her ‘city’. She brought her Lilliputians in bulk from a black market supplier like any other Brobby with ‘urges’ did. She liked the idea of it though: that one day a loyal fan would get picked up by some ‘collector’, stuffed in a box, travel to who knows where only to finally end up hearing a familiar voice from a woman that now controlled their life and death. Just the idea of that level of sweet betrayal had her grinning as she walked over to the living-room couch and took a seat.


Acedia set the dish of Lilliputians down on the small table to her front. She had everything set up already: a bag of her favorite chips, a soda can, a couple of napkins and a controller. With a press of a nearby remote, she started her game.


The announcer’s voice blared from the TV speakers.


“Omega Gun 3: Bullet Baron’s Return.”


“Finally.” she said, taking up the controller. “I can play a real fucking video game.”


In truth, the biggest downside from her job wasn’t having to pretend to be nice, or pretending to like girly BS like dresses and shoes and who the fuck cares. It was not being able to play the kind of high-skilled, action-packed video games she actually enjoyed. Acedia instead got stuck playing whatever cutesy fad stuff was in demand.


Streaming on Spasm was always chasing one gaming trend after the next and, surprise, those trends tended to be less violent stuff sense that had more appeal to the Lilliputian market. Even when a more ‘visceral’ game started to trend, she’d have to skip over it to keep up her innocent character act.


Acedia looked to the ceramic dish and grinned.


“Oh, I bet you wonder what you all are gonna be doing during this huh?” she chuckled.


“Well here’s the deal.” she began, then kicked her legs up on the coffee table. Bare Brobdingnagian feet slammed down by the dish. The Lilliputians in that dense crowd lost their footing, stumbling over from the vibrations. To their left side now loomed the fair flesh of Acedia peds, one crossed over the other. Most of the tiny people have never seen a building that big before, let alone a foot. If any of them still had doubts about their insignificance even after living in Acedia’s city, they’d be dashed now.


“Every time I lose a match, I’m gonna crush a thumb’s worth of you. Or, a toe. Depends on if I feel like leaning forward or not. How’s that for a game huh? A game based on a game.”


Acedia chuckled, hoisted up the controller and selected multiplayer.


The sound system blared the sounds of guns, explosions and loud testosterone-filled voice lines like “Super Kill” and “Rampage”. The deafening volume of it all hurt their sense of hearing more than Acedia’s booming voice, even. Together, the hundreds of them covered their ears to try and block out the noise.


Each Lilliputian, less than a tenth of an inch, couldn’t really make out the full image on the widescreen TV. Though, it looked like Acedia was doing well enough. It was a first person game, so they saw her character rip another’s head off, then pump another full of lead. A shotgun blast turned one of her opponent’s into giblets. Each and every destructive finish had the young woman either chuckling or cheering. When she scored a triple kill on the enemy team, her barn-sized toes curled.


Staring at their capture, many noticed her attention was entirely absorbed in the game. She won a match, then queued up another without shooting them a glance. It gave them confidence. Maybe they could get out of here?


Though most stayed put, a few dozen of the Lilliputians made their way to the edge of the dish: pushing and shoving if need be. Once there, they braved the fall and jumped down to the table. The wood surface was perfectly smooth to Acedia, but at their scale they felt every little imperfection in the wooden top. Now and then one would trip, letting out a small yelp promptly shushed by the others. They didn’t want their capture to notice.


They underwent a long trek across the length of the surface towards the table legs on its right. If they could make it there, they could clamber down to the floor and run under the couch or something. A precious few hundred Lilliputian-feet away from the table’s edge and a small blonde woman had a sense of foreboding. She looked up to see the source: Acedia’s staring down at them all. The minuscule Lilli could tell from the look in those almond eyes that the Brobdingnagian noticed them for quite some time, or at least expected this.


A wry grin curved on the titaness’s lips as she uncrossed one of her legs. “You see, I never lose a match of Omega Gun, but every time I pull this stunt there’s always some plucky group of brave souls who think it’s smart to try and get away.”


Soon, Acedia’s naked heel hovered over the dozens of Lilliputians. The distance that took them many minutes to cross got swept over by her limb in seconds. Fear wracked the group and they ran about haphazardly. Her booming voice taunted them again.


“You see, that was the real game: staying put. And you all lost.”




The heel fell, crushing more than half the group underneath its bulk. Some of the group had run far enough to the table’s far-side to dodge though, so Acedia just tilted her foot forward. The warm, balmy flesh of her smooth sole took care of them, and another dozen or so perished beneath her foot’s ball. She chuckled aloud and startled the last of the runners. They ran to the table’s close-side, so she just pivoted the foot on its ball, slid it back, then mashed them under the bottom of her heel. All these movements happened in less than 30 seconds.


“Ha, bunch of cowards, running away.” Acedia glared down at the dish: still mostly full with Lilliputians. “Not like you all, you know to stay put. Like good little Lillis. Don’t worry, I’ve another game for us to play soon. Just one more match.”


The survivors shivered. Many were friends with those that left on the trek, and they got a full view of a single foot decimating them. The atmosphere for the Lilliputians was far from enthusiastic. Soon, that match of Acedia’s ended. She laughed aloud.


“Wow, the last one was the easiest one. You might even say it’s a stomp~” she chuckled again, eyes staring right at the dish. She set her controller on the hardwood floor and kick it towards the TV. It slid out of the way easily. Next, she flipped the channel to some dorky sci-fi show then tore open her bag of chips. The smell of onion and garlic flavored crisps inundated the air. She pinched up a single chip with her left hand and crunched it up in her mouth. Then, setting that bag on the table, she reached over and picked up the dish of Lilliputians again.


She only used one hand this time, so their journey was a bit more wobbly. Laying on the couch now, Acedia set the dish on her taut tummy: right by the waistband of her shorts. The terrain wobbled with her breaths, and through the ceramic plate those hundreds of Lilliputians heard a few ominous gurgles. Groans of trepidation rose.


“The next game is simple, don’t fall off the dish or I’ll pinch you up and eat you.” said Acedia.


Then, without further warning, the plate shifted as Acedia leaned forward to slide her fingers into her shorts. Laying down, she slid the garment down to her knees then, without deigning to sit up or stand, kicked them off with more shimmies of her lower body and some help from her feet. Once the shorts were gone, her lavender-purple panties were revealed.


On the dish it was madness. People fell to the ground and stayed prone to avoid tilting over. The absentminded flexes of the Brobdingnagian’s body had the small plate tilting and bobbing like a great big, horrific amusement park ride. After pinching up her shorts with her toes and chucking them across the room, their dark-haired tyrant looked down to see that a few dozen Lilliputians actually spilled out. She set her legs back down on the couch and clicked her tongue.


“Oh wow, that doesn’t usually happen believe it or not. Guess I gotta keep my word though.”


Her left hand reached into the bag of chips and pulled out a single one. She leaned forward to better reach her stomach. Holding the chip at the edge of her left side, she used her right hand to push up all the Lilliputians onto the crisp’s surface. It was a messy, imprecise affair. Most of the Lilliputians died beneath her fingers as they advanced like some big, great, steamrolling wall. In the end, only just ten or so were either fast enough to leap onto the chip or lucky enough to not get mangled by her 50ft-thick digits.


“Bon Appetit I guess.” said Acedia. Her white teeth shined in a grin, then she opened wide. Trails of drool dangled, each thicker than trees. Her breath was hot, humid, and from just that one chip earlier scented like that onion and garlic junk food. The light snuffed out with a seal of her lips.


Though unexpected, Acedia rolled with this development nonetheless. She over-emphasized the noises of eating: the savoring, slurping and the satisfying crunch of the chip. When she gulped, about half of those Lilliputians were drowned or crushed, but half yet lived all the way down to her stomach.


“Aaa~” she sighed. “Come to think of it, you guys add a bit of seasoning. I should eat you more often.” She tapped a bit of her taut tummy right by the dish. “Must be awful in there, all those acids and stuff.”


Indeed it was, the few that lived to reach her gut didn’t live much longer. Trapped beneath the weight of chewed-chip bolus, the Brobby’s digestive system made short work of them.

Acedia chuckled. Her chip-dust-free hand, the right one, grabbed at the dish. Her other hand trailed towards her panties after she quickly wiped it off on a napkin.


“Alright the next game, and final one for the evening is simple: help get me off.”


She tugged the waistband of her panties up. All the Lilliputian men and women on the dish watched on as they were slowly lowered in. They clung to each other or the ceramic ‘floor’ on their journey inside. Acedia didn’t shave down there, so hair strands one tenth of a Lilliputian-meter brushed against the dish’s edge. A few even hit some of the Lilliputians as their plate slid over that dense jungle. The hair had a scraggly feel to it as it bumped into them. Thankfully, it just knocked them over except for one poor soul who fell ‘overboard’ into that forest of pubes, never seen again once his screams faded.


Acedia was going by feel here more than sight. Once she felt the cool edge of that little dish touch at her vulva, she pried her lower lips open just a tad and tilted the dish forward.


“You should know what to do in there. I’m just like any other woman: but bigger. I’ll let you out once I climax... probably.” she chuckled, and without her hand holding the panties open, they settled back in place. All the Lilliputians left tumbled onto or, if unlucky, into her sex. She pulled out that little plate clean of every last one, set it on the table, and turned her head towards the TV screen.


The Lilliputians slowly got their bearings. Her panties let in a little bit of light due to their thinness, thankfully, but the only real source was the TV. Whatever sci-fi laser-fest she watched had the benefit of being rife with bright flashes. Still, that only helped the laborers on the outside of her folds. Those that fell in were stuck in the slick interior of Acedia’s sex. Very little, if any, light reached there. Although, what did revealed the expected pink tone of all the moist flesh.


Whether inside or on the exterior of her womanhood, the smell was overpowering. Just this natural, feminine odor that monopolized their senses. All of her did. The feeling of moistness to her folds took their touch, and the humid air within the confines of her panties even settled on their tiny taste buds in there. If they could see at all, it was mostly of her.


All the while Acedia just watched her show. She wasn’t even interacting with them now: her attention absorbed by the visuals of CGI robots bumping into one another. On rare occasion she’d let out a ‘mmf’ or something, but for the most part the only sounds from her mouth were the crunching of her crisps. It was clear they were on their own for now.


That was the Brobdingnagian gal’s design of course. Even hundreds of them teeming over her crotch would be hard to get her to climax. For now, they’d just titillate her for a nice sensual treat while she caught up with the newest episode of Robo Death 3000.


Whether they stubbornly refused to work at her flesh, or if they got down on their hands and knees to knead as much as they could, they were still moving around down there. They had to. Every light twitch of her nethers sent a splash of fem fluid or a ruffle of her folds that could kill the unprepared and unalert. Even the slight bit of excitement their efforts brought was worth their risk, she thought.


In time, her show ended and she finished the last chip in the bag. The sound of crumbling plastic rang out to the tired and soaked Lilliputians in her panties. She wiped her left hand free of chip dust, and then came her booming voice.


“Alright, seems you all suck at this as expected.” Though they couldn’t see it, she smiled. “Barely even titillating. Thankfully, your ‘Brobdingnagian Buddy’ will help you out with the task.”


She slipped her right hand down towards her snatch.


Inside her underwear, the Lilliputians were in a scramble. They could hear those enormous digits lightly tapping her flesh. Soon, they heard the rustle of her panties. The lavender colored fabric which made up their ‘sky’ stretched upwards to make way for those pale pillars snaking their way in.


Acedia got to work. Without any consideration for her little servants, she slipped her finger into her folds and rubbed it every which way. At her touch, the organ really started to react and anyone within her folds found themselves getting inundated by her body’s natural lubricant. Languid as she was at the start, the efforts of her own finger more than outshone everything the tiny people managed to accomplish. She felt them in there still, just a bit, and although they could throw their backs into her pleasure, none of it compared to that faint little pop they made when splattered against her sex.


She moaned. Her pace quickened. The finger took to circling and schlicking about the folds with nary a bit of sluggishness. Her finger-tip soon found her clit and once it did it never left. The few Lilliputians on that nub were pulped.


Her hips shuddered, toes curled. Lilliputians on the exterior of her sex started to stumble and fall: many straight into the chasm of her pussy. Even those that somehow hung on weren’t safe. Acedia was exerting herself here, and small beads of sweat formed on the outside of those outermost folds. Dozens more Lilliputians got washed away by the droplets of salty fluid. The beads even managed to choke a few.


Another moan: louder, longer. Every muscle of hers tensed. Her cries trailed to a purr. Her folds clamped down on and smeared the vast majority of the Lillis left inside. The survivors contended with the deluge of femcum that rushed out. Many drowned, others just got stuck in the cloying fluid like clear, aromatic tar.


Acedia dragged her finger out from her panties. With only the light of the TV, she pried her fingers apart and saw the result. Strings of her fluid stretched between the digits, and within her goop were at least 30 Lilliputians flailing and fussing about.


She chuckled, then grabbed a napkin and wiped her hands clean. Whoever didn’t drown in that glob now got smashed when she crumbled the napkin up and set it on the table.


The Brobdingnagian woman yawned. “Ah, fun stuff~”


Another sound: that of the TV powering off.


The Lilliputians in her panties did what they could to gather themselves back up. It was dark now, pitch dark. Of the 300 or so that made it into her panties, only about 60 or so still lived. As they wandered about her snatch in the dark, they often stumbled onto the crushed corpses of others like them. It could have easily been them, in fact, were not so lucky.


Though maybe they weren’t so lucky after all.


They waited. She had said she’d let them out once she climaxed right? They listened. Over the sounds of squelching femflesh and the rustle of Acedia’s clothes, they kept their ears peeled for some word from her on how to get out. They did what she said, after all.


Their hearts dropped when they finally heard something from her: snoring.


More lamenting, more wailing, and more hopelessness spreading through the few survivors. Those that found one another in the dark huddled together for comfort. Not the physical kind of comfort though: that wasn’t possible. Everywhere was wet with femfluids or nectar or sweat. The powerful scents would keep them awake even if the cloying wetness didn’t. So, that’s how they spent the night: awash in the environment of Acedia’s pussy.


Morning came. Thin slivers of light crept through the spaces between Acedia’s blinds. Despite being right on her face, the woman managed to sleep another two hours. Every once in awhile her body would turn or shift slightly, causing those Lilliputians in her panties to fear for their lives. They were starving, and those with the dignity to abstain from drinking her crotch fluids were thirsty as all hell too.


She yawned. “Mmf, shit I fell asleep on the couch again.” She stretched her arms and let out another, even bigger yawn. Her hands reached at the napkins and a crumbled up bag of chips.


“Ah fuck, I forgot to brush my teeth before passing out too.” Her tongue pried at a bit of mushy chip matter on a molar. It gave her an idea.


‘Time to put those tiny things to work.’, she though.


The Lilliputians in her panties heard it all; it’d seem they were forgotten. What other explanation could there be? Even after helping her cum they fell out of her mind’s consideration. They cried out and bounced around as she rose to her full height, walked into the kitchen, and washed up that plate they rode in on. After quickly drying it, Acedia made her way back to her ‘city’ in the other room.


These Lilliputians managed to get a good night’s rest: one disturbed when Acedia stomped in. Their mile-tall captor was back, and that grin on her face let them know she had some other horror planned and ready to go.


She set the little dish in the middle of the city.


“In. Should only need three dozen this time though.”


Remembering the events of last night, they obeyed. Her socks were still draped over the table. A few managed to crawl out, but for the most part the victims of those garbs were dead and their bodies stuck under the weight of those socks still. The other Lilliputians just moved around the giant articles of clothing best they could in order to keep some sense of ‘normalcy’.


Acedia soon had what she wanted and walked with the dish to the bathroom. Although, unbeknownst to her, some of her thooming steps shifted one of those wall-like cereal boxes just enough to make a small opening in ‘Acedia City’.


Once inside the bathroom, the dark-haired woman held the dish to her mouth. They could detect the faint smell of onion and garlic with each word she washed over them.


“Seems I forgot to brush my teeth last night. Whoops. Your job is cleaning them. Just throw the chip-matter down my throat or something: or anywhere really. I don’t care long as its off my teeth.”


With that, Acedia opened wide and tilted the dish in. She shivered at the pithy burst of screams ringing out. That noise was always priceless.


Those dozens of speck-scale people got blasted with Acedia’s morning breath once those lips swung all the way open. Her tongue widened out a bit so none would fall under it as they worked. The Lilliputians walked along the squishy, bumpy surface towards the nearest teeth. Lumps of mushy, chewed chip matter were stuck in the Brobdingnagian’s chompers. Steadying their courage, teams of Lilliputians hopped onto the teeth surfaces and hoisted up chunks of the stuff in their hands before chucking it off the tooth.


As they labored, Acedia watched them work via the mirror over her sink. Her mouth was open wide the whole time. Her breath rushed around them with every exhale and inhale, and her saliva still pooled.


It was a humiliating, arduous task but they finished at last. She could see them on the surface of her molars. The little specks waved about, trying to signal they were done. Acedia did her best to talk with her mouth open like this.


“Awre Yew Daun?”


She watched them jump in a tizzy, desperate to let her know. She saw a strand of her spittle clip a few on one of her more forward teeth. They pooled with the drool down below her tongue.


“Guud” she said.


Acedia lifted her tongue up and swept it across the surface of her teeth. Every Lilliputian in there was now either smashed by it or, as most were, stuck to it.


Then she swallowed. The gulping noise drowned the screams of the betrayed workers. Her through, a gargantuan tunnel of flesh, squeezed them down to her gut along with the chip mash from the other night. She chuckled and smacked her lips once. “Mmf, what fun. Thanks for the help!” she beamed, drumming her fingers against her stomach.


She turned on the shower and stripped out of her garbs. Her top and bra were tossed haphazardly on the floor. She slipped her panties down her legs. The Lilliputians still stuck inside her undergarments then finally got some fresh air. Their respite was cut short as Acedia placed her right foot on it to kick it away from the shower: crushing them all in the process. Hungry and tired beyond measure, the last thing they saw under those bright bathroom lights was her sole coming down faster than they could really process. Then, lights out as they were minute red stains on her foot--soon to be rinsed off.


As Acedia did her morning wash, the Lilliputians of her ‘city’ made their way to that hole in the cereal-box wall. This could be their only chance at freedom, but others feared Acedia’s retribution. In the end, they split roughly down the middle. Half the population stayed behind, and half went through past watchful eyes of cereal mascots to slip out of their corral.


They vastly underestimated the time it’d get to take anywhere. The shower shut off. Time was running out, and there were still thousands clinging to the table’s legs and shuffling themselves down. The runners started shoving each other to try and get to the floor quicker. Many fell to their deaths, or caused others to.


The audible, quaking thooms of her footsteps were upon them. From the bathroom door came Acedia, clad only in a towel wrapped around her body. She turned her head towards them and frowned.


“You little sneaks.”


Thoom Thoom


More steps as she started making her way other. Some of the Lilliputians tried to climb back up to the table to win her good graces, but the vibrations had them fall off regardless. Those already on the floor scattered.


The Brobdingnagian wasn’t messing around. She raised her foot and slammed it down on the densest pack of the tiny people that she could find.

“Fuckers.” she said. “You should be more grateful of my hospitality.”


Another step, then another. A droplet of water fell from her leg onto a small pack of six or so. It knocked them over, leaving them prone for her next stomp to snuff them out. Every step was a quake and the end of dozens if not hundreds of lives.


“Urgh I can’t have you little things thinking escaping is a-ok. Now I gotta replace all of you.”


Another step, then again. Each drop of the titaness’s foot drove in just how vulnerable and disposable they were. None of them were unique; they were just fodder she was more upset to replace rather than lose.


The deed was done. Not a single Lilliputian marred her floor. Just a bunch of red stains on her sole and the smooth hardwood. She wiped her peds clean with that towel.


“Now I gotta clean the floor too.” she sighed. “Eventually.”


That done, she chucked the towel over her shoulders and moved to loom over her city. Her legs were lightly spread, hands on hips. She didn’t care about being nude in front of them: if anything, Acedia enjoyed how godlike it made her feel in comparison.


“Alright, it’s clear you all need a reminder on your place in things.” She picked up the two socks and dragged them to the center of her makeshift city. “I know what you’re thinking, ‘but Acedia, we didn’t escape.’ and that’s true...”


Leaning forward, she held open the cuffs of her socks with fingers on each hand.


“...but you didn’t stop them either. One hundred per sock. It’s time for my Sunday Morning stream soon, and I think that’ll make some fine company while I’m forced to play Rabbit Rumble 2 for the second week in a row. Besides, wearing the same socks as a day before isn’t too bad don’t you think? Not like my audience can tell anyways.”


She laughed.


There was hesitation as always, but soon enough over a hundred Lillis per sock filed in. Suck in the cotton confines, they were jumbled around towards the toe section as Acedia slid her foot in. They huddled as far from those creeping toes as they could, and in the end were still snug against them. She set her feet to the floor and they tossed and turned while lurching and wailing all the while. Already a few were dead, burst against her toes as she wiggled them.


“It’ll be a fun day~”




Hubert tuned into the morning show. Brobdingnagian Buddy looked even cheerier today than usual.


“Hey everyone, I hope you’re ready for more Rabbit Rumble 2! I’m so excited!”


The avatar’s eyes shut and her smile went wide. Hubert joined the others in spamming happy emojis in the Spasm chat.


‘It’ll be a fun, relaxing day.’ he thought to himself.


A siren rang out across his village. That was strange, they only used that for drills before? Maybe it was a fire. He got off his chair to take a peek out a nearby window, but stumbled on the way there.




Once he made it to the window sill, his heart sank. Over on the hills of his idyllic Lilli town were a pair of two black leather heeled boots.


“Collectors? No no no.” he had heard the stories and the news. Those were the black market employees who harvest entire towns to sell to depraved Brobdingnagians.


He ran outside and noticed his neighbors had the same idea. There was no saving their homes: they’d be scooped up, shaken out, then sold along with the Lilliputians themselves. He turned up to face the woman. She had red hair, green eyes and black mascara. Her getup was pretty punk or goth: he didn’t know the difference. She had a big net in one hand and a cooler-sized box in the other. A few more booming steps and she was on them.


She draped the net over the whole town.




It had been a few days since Hubert was captured. He spent his time in a box, packed to the brim with hundreds of other Lilliputians. The only light came from whatever filtered through the tiny air holes up and to the side: far out of reach of any climbing.


There were also the brief moments a Brobby woman opened the lid and threw food in. At that point, the normal civility between them broke as they all scrambled for lumps of bread and to crowd the water dish. There was plenty for all, but the fear that there wasn’t turned them to monsters towards one another. Afterwards everyone would eat their fill, calm down, and go back to placid languishing.


Then one day there was movement and lots of it. The box was lifted and the lights went away. Their current box was stuffed in another that sounded and smelled like cardboard. They started bouncing around to the tune of Brobby footsteps. To try and get help, the Lilliputians screamed in unison but, in the end, were too small and insulated to be heard by anyone.


After much jostling, there was a pause. The sound of a door knock. No words were exchanged but it sounded like money was.


More foot steps. Softer. There was the sound of tape being torn. The cardboard was open. Light came back but that inner box tilted upside-down and they were dumped out onto a table. All around them were bits of folded paper and cereal boxes penning them in. A Brobdingnagian woman looked down at them. Dark hair, brown eyes. She had a disconcerting grin on her face.


“Welcome! You can call me your Brobdingnagian Buddy. Enjoy your new home.”


She grinned wider.


“Get yourselves settled. I’ve some games in mind for some of you tonight~”


Hubert recognized the voice.




This story archived at