Merry Glishmas by VivettaVenray

Some higher beings celebrate the winter holidays in their own special ways.

A short holiday story. This story is a little experimental/weird. It features some tera-scales, powers, vore, and lots of planet destruction. Content warnings inside. Comments and constructive criticism are more than welcome!

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: Vore, Giantess, Crush, Young Adult 20-29, Destruction, Feet, Lesbians Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FF/f, FF/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 3341 Read: 3402 Published: December 25 2020 Updated: December 25 2020
Story Notes:


1. Chapter 1 by VivettaVenray

Chapter 1 by VivettaVenray

Merry Glishmas

By VivettaVenray


(WARNING: Contains cruelty, vore, violence, and tentacles among other things


Without spoiling too much, some of the giant women in the story havemonster-like traits such as antennas. At least one giant has some amorphous qualities as well.

They are very human in design otherwise, but please keep that in mind.)


(NOTE: Happy Holidays!)




December 25th, 2525


The enigmatic CEO Eithne Snow called a press conference Christmas day.A stage was set up outside in the chill London air. The event would be held in front of a new and previously undisclosed building. The structure was made entirely of tinted blue glass, and it gave the appearance of a fancy cube of ice.


Media representatives waited, shivering, for Eithne to show up. Half an hour went by before a suited employee wheeled a covered object to the center of the previously empty stage. The burly bald figure tugged off the tarp to reveal a screen. Eithne’s visage was on it. Her hair was its trademark white and her eyes their trademark icy blue. Before she could speak, the reporters got themselves into a tizzy.


“We’ve been waiting outside in a December afternoon for thirty minutes and the CEO isn’t even here in person?” said one plucky reporter.


“What gives?!?” cried another.


Eithne nodded to one the recording crew members and the speakers on the screen gave out a loud buzz to silence the squabbles. Once they calmed down, the speakers did too, and the woman-of-the-hour spoke.


“Greetings everyone. My sincere apologies for the area of the press conference today, but the device I’m going to reveal is too delicate for a large group to crowd around.”

Her tone was clam yet cold, and she had a soft smile as she spoke.


“As you all know, our planet has long had an issue with its climate.Global temperatures have been rising out of control, and my company long worked on a solution spearheaded by yours truly. Along that pathI, Eithne Snow, discovered something even better than a fix for climate change.”


The cameras zoomed out to show Eithne alone in a transparent polycarbonate chamber. Her full outfit was now on display: namely, nothing. The white-haired woman was naked head to toe. That itself madefor a headline, let alone what was to come. Behind her was a strange looking piece of machinery. A central cylindrical tube of glass was surrounded by all sorts of supporting metal constructs. Pipes led to it from opaque black canisters. The only clue to the contents of the side containers was a label warning for “Extreme Cold”.


Eithne pressed a button on the machine’s side, the glass swung open, and she stepped inside. The machine started to whir, and before the glass closed her in, she spoke.


“Thanks to my ‘Snow Machine’, you will all witness history here today”: the birth of a god. With the power awaiting me, all humanity’s problems will be a thing of the past. I’d like to thank the good people of the UK in advance for their sacrifice.”


The press conference was abuzz with questions.


“What did you mean by that?”

“Are you intending to harm the people of London?”

“Ms. Snow, why are you naked?”


Even the CEO’s own studio team was confused, but they kept rolling. The glass of the machine became frosted to the extent that Eithne disappeared from view. The machine’s containment room doors opened and the contraption shifted. The glass tube at the device’s center tilted forward, and the crew realized there was a fan at the top behind a grate. The blades spun and white snow shot forth from the device in a frigid blast.


The visual feed cut out as the swarm of what appeared to be snow washed over a cameraman. The employee screamed out, which was heard via the still-functioning boom mic. The sound of rushing snow filled the room as the frosty mass engulfed everything in sight. The last sound picked up before the microphone turned to snow was that of the walls of the entire room shattering.


The press conference lit up with more speculation. The building they were in front of had its icy exterior fill up with snow. As the glass edifice cracked, that speculation turned to screams. It soon shattered, and a tidal wave of snow burst out to creep at the surrounding shrubbery and courtyard. As it approached the area of the press conference, the winter-mass grew an upwards protrusion that took the familiar shape of Eithne Snow’s upper body. Icy-blue pinpricks of light made for her eyes, and tendrils of thinner snow composited her hair.


“Behold!” she bellowed. “I have harnessed the powers of ‘cold’, of entropy itself. All of you media vultures along with every last slack-jawed plebeian in London will be converted into more of my being. Via endothermic reactions, I’ll absorb half the globe into my form. I’ll be unstoppable, unassailable. What’s left of the planet will listen to its new winter goddess. It’ll be a cold future, but one in good hands.”

Her announcement made, the press that gathered had no purpose. Their eye cams streamed their own demises. The edge of Eithne’s form came first as a puddling of snow. It touched the ankles of all the reporters and they screamed out. This ‘snow’ was cold enough to burn.


“It’s creeping in me!” cried one panicked news correspondent. She reached down to try to brush the snow off of her, but it only got her fingers caught with the fluff.


In any case, they all had only a scant few seconds before Eithne’s frosty bulk engulfed them entirely. By then, their flesh was as brittle and cold as ice.


The former CEO didn’t stop there. The shrubs, trees, concrete and everything else on the ground yielded to her mass. Even inorganic material was converted at least a bit.


She wanted more, and actually moved her mass off its central spot. The ground beneath her was frozen solid with a smooth icy sheen: she picked it clean.


As Eithne’s frosty mass moved, it grew up and out. She had a plan; she had to reach an unstoppable mass, and fast. Then, she could make demands of the world’s governments.


The building was in a more isolated spot of London, and she moved towards the denser center regions. Tides of snow fanned out to engulf Christmas goers in the fluff. The flurry pooled by building bottoms before creeping up the structures themselves. With every causality or collapse, she increased in size.


Buildings shattered like icicles. The streets were swarmed with pseudopods of snow. The military was quick to respond, but by then she towered thousands of feet tall. A bat of her hand obliterated oncoming jets. The flakes of her being were compacted tight enough that even the thinnest tendril of snow could cut through a tree. Armies had no chance against her.


Bits of her snowy mass bubbled at the surface before exploding in showers of flakes. This was far deadlier than a natural blizzard. Eithne was spreading herself far and wide, and a single crystallineflake of herself could convert any person it touched into more of her being. Soon, the entire city of London was beneath a “blanket” of Eithne Snow.

“An entire city consumed in less than an hour, and I’m just getting started~”, boasted the woman.


The edges of her towering, miles tall being surged outwards as she planned to take over the entire Great Britain isle. It was going swimmingly. Whatever military forces around were routed, weak, and defenseless. Towns and cities were swallowed by her snow. Her form reached the southern edge of the isle with ease, and the surrounding ocean froze at the surface. She wasn’t strong enough to take the vast body of water yet, but if all went according to plan nothing on Earth would be out of her reach.


A great rumble washed over the word. The planet darkened as something blocked a bit of light to the surface: something huge. Eithne looked up to see a giant red-irised eye staring down at the planet. It looked almost transparent past the sky. Ms. Snow was a scientist as much as she was a CEO, and she knew this meant whatever was out there was very, very big. The pupil alone would dwarf her several times over.

She froze up at the sight.


“This can’t be happening. This can’t be, whatever it is!”


All across the world, eyes moved from monitoring Eithne to monitoring this new celestial force. With their instruments, humans determined the anomaly was a red-skinned humanoid of a near unfathomable immensity.Satellites were limited, and they couldn’t make out the large object held snug by her arm now the one behind her back, but they made out long light-red hair complete with what seemed like antennas.


Worldwide people fell to their knees and begged or prayed to the image of an eye in their sky. Others ran in a panic or curled into a ball. Eithne herself was stunned for a moment, frozen, as the gigantic eye shifted out of a view. 

The megalithic being was adjusting her position floating in space. Now,the being’s lips filled the sky. She smiled, then spoke.


“Wow, this one’s perfect~”.


With just a sentence, this alien invader’s breath washed across the globe. Eithne Snow’s frosty form was no match for the hot and humid gale.


“No!” cried Eithne as her form turned to slush. She quickly felt herself fading, dissolving--dying.


“T-this planet was mine. I-”


Eithne Snow became a puddle faster than she thought. The entire world was in chaos. Buildings fell over from the hurricane-like gusts. People flew up into the air with the current before plummeting down in splats.


The world was ending, and that was before the whorls of the red woman’s fingers came into view.




Wri pinched up the marble sized planet between her fingers. With her powers, she stopped it from breaking in its entirety. It was a simple trick. Still, some damage was unavoidable with the fragment of attention she was willing to use. That was no matter; she had plenty more just like that one.


Wri lifted her shoulder and freed the big red stocking from under her forearm. She held its white-trimmed opening wide and stuffed the planet Earth inside. The world fell to the bottom atop a pile of hundreds of other little worlds.


Next, the enormous red woman grabbed another stocking from behind her back. There, it was floating to her closely. With both festive stockings in hand, she held them up side by side. Her eyes squinted and she gave the two a shake. The planets within, and the trillions of lives they held, all stumbled with the motion.


“Hmmm, they’re even enough I’d say. I think I’m done. Yote’s gonna love this~”

Wri giggled, then disappeared from the solar system. A moment later and her bare feet set themselves down on a smooth hardwood floor. An emptyfireplace was nearby with a small lush rug resting between it and a plush couch. She pivoted her head to her partner, who stared back with Green eyes.

“Wri!” she said.

“Yote!”, said Wri.


The two female beings looked a lot in common aside from a few key differences. Yote’s skin was a light green, as were the irises of her eyes. Her hair, too, was green, but a lighter shade than her skin. Yote was a tad taller yet more slender in her build. Her own hair was also shorter than Wri’s light-red locks: Yote’s only came down past her ears.


Still, the two naked beings were both beautiful in their own way. Each looked like a human woman in their early 20s aside from some obvious traits. Sans the colors would be the two sphere-topped antennas sprouting from their foreheads. When the two ran over to embrace, those appendages touched one another. The two cooed in delight, lips locked, as little flickers of electricity passed between the points of contact from the antennae. The kiss ended.


“Merry Glishmas” said Yote.

“Merry Glishmas babe. I got the stockings.”, said Wri.

“Me too~”, said Yote.

“Looks like you beat me to it again this year.”, replied Wri.


The two beings giggled, then sat on the couch. Wri’s stockings were still in hand, and Yote grabbed hers from beside the couch’s side.

“Which one do you want?” said Wri. She wiggled both the right and left stockings in front of Yote.

“Hmm, let’s do the left this year.”



The couple swapped their left stockings with one another, as was Glishmas tradition. In accordance with tradition, they started to slip the stockings on.


They started with the ‘gifted’ stocking. The upper most planets nestled within could, if advanced enough, comprehend through instruments what was heading their way. In one stocking came the light-red sole of Wri, and in another came the minty-green sole of Yote. Their feet came in and pushed against the worlds.


Whatever powers the beings used to keep the planets durable in transit faded on contact with their supple skin. Hundreds of worlds and trillions of lives met their ends against soft foot flesh. Structures broke against the outermost layer of their skin. The molten cores of ancient planets spilled out to fill the canyon-like wrinkles of theirsoles. People got stuck in the whorls of their toe prints till toe scrunches from happy feet crushed them out of existence.


Each of the beings gave their donned stockings a tug to really work their feet in. A wiggle of their toes took out the most of the last few straggling worlds. Yet, in each case, a few tinier planets survived by the edge of the pair’s pinky toes. There, they gasped in the humid environment and suffered a slower demise as what air the stockings contained gradually ran out.

The two beings giggled, then put the other stockings on much the same. With both their feet covered by the festive garbs, Yote leaned into Wri to share another kiss. She spoke.


“Wanna roast some planets?”
“Sure, let’s start the Holly Jolly Hellfire.”, replied Wri.


The two turned towards the empty fireplace and lurched their throats. Their mouths swung open, and from the black smoke filling their gulletscame a gale of fiery hot plasma-flames. The void-wood in the cubby began to crackle as the fire settled. Its myriad colors shifted, and were iridescent in nature.


Yote reached to the side of the couch again and pulled out two long wooden sticks. Planets adorned the sticks, evenly spaced and skewered right through their cores. Molten lava oozed out as a sort of ‘juice’, but the people on the worlds found no death yet.


The lovers giggled, then hoped off the couch to cozy up by the hellfire. Their eyes locked with mutual admiration, and they dipped their skewers into the kaleidoscopic flames.


Atop the impaled worlds, the civilizations were awash in the bright flame. Seas of burning colors roiled over their cities and engulfed them in fiery hot light. Yet, none died. Their skin cried out in agony and the heat was felt, but there wasn’t a single burn upon them. Their bodies were heated, but not dead. It was a fate as paradoxical as it was excruciating.


After a few seconds, the two beings pulled the sticks out. Wri and Yoteblew on their skewers own to cool the meals. Despite a strong desire, not a single one of the billion sapients on each planet could fly away with the gale. Instead, they just just got awash in the sweet festive scent of their breaths. It was chaos, confusion, and utter pandemonium.


“Say Aaah~”, said Wri.

“Ok, but you too.”, said Yote.




The skies went dark and the atmosphere humid for the first planets at the ends of the two sticks. Yote fed Wri and Wri fed Yote. At their scales, the people on the planets had no chance to comprehend the details of what was going on. A wall of taste-buds slammed at the surface of their world. Entire continents broke. Saliva inundated billions, and gulps sent them down into the gurgling guts of the strange and colossal beings. Their digestion was as slow as it was brutal. Still, in time the comparatively minuscule sapients finally got the deaths they desired. By then, their very dimensions were pried apart and processed by the strange digestive organs.


One by one, the lovers finished their meals. They alternated betweenchomping a planet from their own skewer and feeding one another from their own. Once finished, the two kissed and chucked the magma-stained sticks haphazardly across the floor.


“Love you Wri~”, said Yote.

“I love you too~”, said Wri.


The two smiled at one another in a silence only reluctantly broke.

“Let’s head to the Glishmas Love Pit.”, suggested Wri.

Yote nodded in reply, and off they went. Their bare feet pattered against the smooth hardwood towards an unassuming wood door with light and warm shades. Wri opened it up and waited for Yote to step in before she entered herself.


Before them was a big empty room empty save for one feature: a large pool-like indent was set at the room’s center. It was shallow, but still deep enough to contain thousands upon thousands of planets. All the worlds rested above a silky smooth sheeted floor that prevented the spheres from breaking idly.


“My favorite Glishmas tradition~” said the red female.

“Mine too~” said the green one.


The two beings jumped right in. Planets burst against their naked bodies, and the two wasted no time cuddling up to one another. Ages old worlds found themselves sandwiched between the two unfathomably gigantic lovers. Magma spilled out upon their naked tits. The warmth of countless apocalypses spurred them on.


In the midst of a tongue kiss, Wri reached into deep into the love pit and gathered a fist-full of planets. She moved her hand to Yote’s snatch and surprised her partner by nudging the worlds between her folds. Immediately the green-skinned woman buckled forward. Her thighs clenched to squeeze out the bliss of the sensation, and every world caught between the clench exploded like little eggs.


Yote moaned, Wri soon followed, and they continued in their world-ending passion. Their antenna never left contact, and every spark of ecstasy was shared as the appendages intertwined. They keep their bodies in as much contact as possible. Planets caught between their folds found themselves drowning in the femjuices that built.


An earth-like world bumped into their clits. The world vaporized on touch from the climatic heat it wrought in the area. The trigger orgasmed echoed between the two dozens of times. Nectar gushed out to inundate whatever planets still lingered between their snatches. The two behemoth bodies shuddered for a solid minute.


And then they got back to it. The lovers simply shifted upwards in the Glishmas Love Pit and started to repeat the gesture. Their love and libidos seemed unending on this joyous holiday. Such a powerful and pure romance brought a special visitor to the room. The two looked up from the pit of planets to see, hovering in a corner of the room, an inky black female silhouette roughly their size.


The visitor was stark naked as they were, but had no ‘lady bits’ to speak of. She did, however, have numerous tentacles writhing and wiggling from her back. Her feet were human enough, but her fingers ended in digit-tendrils. She looked at them with a featureless face. The two lover stared back at her, then to one another, then back at the visitor.


“Minaitlath!” they exclaimed with joy. “Lady of Glishmas!”


“That’s right.” warbled Minaitlath into their minds. “I have sent one of my infinite mind shards here. Your Glishmas passion shined bright. To celebrate your joyous elations, I bestow upon this reality the Cheer Aura.”


As the sentence finished, everything, even empty space, within the reality got awash in a yellow tint. Coming with it was an omnipresent buzz of pure holiday cheer. The two lovers cooed with one another at the additional sensation.

“I can’t believe we were the Cheer Spark this year, Yote”, said Wri.
“I know, it’s amazing.”, said Yote.

“I love you Yote!”
“I love you too Wri!”


The two turned back to Minaitlath. They spoke in unison.


“Please join us in the Glishmas Love Pit, oh jovial one.”


“Of course.” warbled Minaitlath. “It’s tradition when asked.”


The Lady of Glishmas hovered over the two then descended into the pile. Planets turned to Cheer Cores on contact with her multi-dimensional skin, which only added to the ecstasy of the intimacy.


Amid the festive threesome, Wri and Yote spoke again.


“Merry Glishmas Minaitlath.”
“Merry Glishmas to you two, and a Merry Glishmas to all!”



This story archived at