Angel's Delight by Lexilicious

An angel is sent down to smite an evil succubus corrupting mortals with thoughts of lust and sin. However, the biblical fight between good and evil that she was expecting does not go as planned, instead the demon's special powers put her in a comprimising position. 


Each chapter is between 1500-3000 words.

Categories: Breasts, Butt, Entrapment, Fantasy, Futanari, Giant, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Growing Woman, Humiliation, Insertion, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 12425 Read: 24139 Published: February 28 2021 Updated: February 28 2021
Chapter 1 - Angelica and Lexi by Lexilicious
Author's Notes:

This chapter introduces the two main characters, Angelica an innocent angel and Lexi a deplorable demon. 

Illustrations by the amazing Delexible. Check them out here:

This chapter includes: blowjobs, futanari, cum, and choking



Angelica was an angel. She was a somewhat young angel, being created by the Lord almighty around two thousand years ago. As such, she was a little under the average height of most angels, only being 5’1”. Her wings had also only just matured, but still allowed her to present the overpowering white glow that left mortals in awe. Her silky blonde hair came down to her chest, though seemed to float as if it were in water, while leaving her face completely unobstructed. Her halo glowed with the sacred golden light of the Lord who bestowed it upon her and matched her perfect crystal-clear blue eyes that marked the purity of an innocent soul.  

Angelica stood at the bottom of a gigantic pair of golden heels, looking up at her creator, her idol, her Lord. She felt so intimidated by such a grand and powerful figure, but needed to put on a brave face as she had been summoned for an important mission, her first mission in the mortal world and away from her home in heaven.

“Angelica! Your time has come,” came a booming voice down from high above the deity’s heels, “you are to purify the world of the sins that infest it.”

Angelica had heard the world was full of sin, which was a difficult and frightening concept to comprehend for one so pure, nevertheless she believed in the Lord and wished for nothing more than to do their bidding.

“Where must I go my Lord?” Angelica asked.

“There is a demon, a succubus,” distaste could be felt in the Lord’s mere utterance of the word, “they are corrupting my children with their vile lustful ways. Go to this succubus’ lair and cleanse all it has tainted with the grace I have bestowed upon you, Angelica.”

Succubae were known in heaven to be one of the strongest and most evil demons. Their powers have cost many angels their sanity, leaving them catatonic at the horrors they have seen, or worse, corrupted them to the point they are no longer angels. For Angelica’s first mission this was quite the challenge and left her to wonder if she could really handle it, but she thought with her Lord’s guidance she could not be overcome by such evil.

“As you command my Lord,” Angelica replied as she turned around and unfurled her glorious wings.

Before she flew, the Lord spoke one last time, “you have five days, Angelica. Do not disappoint me.”

And with that she had taken off and gone below the cloud layer to find the succubus that lurked within the mortal realm and embark on the greatest mission of her life.


Lexi artwork by the amazing Delexible


Lexi was a scary, masochistic, fearsome demon who had climbed the ranks from the darkest pits of hell to become one of the most renowned succubae to grace both mortal and immortal kind. She stood tall at a height of 6’6”, though with the addition of her black leather platform heels she wore with practically every outfit, she reached 7ft. The intimidation of her height was only amplified by her piecing red eyes outlined with deep black eye liner, producing a stare that could strike a dangerous combination of fear and lust inside any individual it penetrated. Her lips were naturally a voluptuous red that enticed anyone to linger on her mouth and imagine what pleasures it could perform. She had a long middle stripe of voluminous jet-black hair while the sides were shaved, revealing subtle indications of where her horns would appear, but of course being in the mortal world she had to hide them. This was the same for her hidden demonic wings and her regular succubus outfit. The power those wings would emanate and the sultry features her outfit would accentuate would be far too much for any mortal to bear witness without dying. Of course, she still dressed as close to a demon as possible and no clothing could possibly dampen her demonic beauty.

Her regular mortal outfit consisted of a black leather corset engraved with demonic symbols mistaken by mortals to be a trivial artistic design. In actuality, Lexi used these symbols to imbue the corset with a unique magical property. The more the wearer of this corset became aroused, the tighter the corset would become. For succubae like Lexi, this felt like a titillating hug that would tame her body to become a perfect figure. Her breasts would be forced to generate cleavage one could lose a finger in and a waist that would align with a perfect ratio to her hips. However, below her corset was something that could not be tamed. Her magnificent, carnal, ungodly, ass. No individual could stand behind her without being fixated on Lexi’s flawless demonic ass, forcing them into a hypnotic eroticism as she walked. Despite being so untameable though, Lexi would often cover her ass with some tight black jeans, which did nothing to hide its entrancing effects.

Lexi had recently been given the task to taint a girl’s college with lust and sin through any means possible. For Lexi this was child’s play. It seemed Luci had given her a vacation after all the hard work she had been doing on the torturing grounds. Now she had a temporary stay at an air bnb, and a school full of horny 18- to 25-year-old girls to gorge her delights on. Little did she know it was about to get a whole lot sweeter.


Lexi artwork by the amazing Delexible  


Angelica flew down to where she felt a vile depravity that festered within a succubus’ lair. It was slightly harder than she first thought, she could feel the sins that lingered around her but the feeling of disgust she expected was lesser than she was initially led to believe. Following the aroma of lust in the air though, she made her way down the street of sin. She noted that the mortals around her were staring at her oddly but believed it to be the normal reaction to witnessing an angelic being. Eventually, she found the doorway that exuded a strong sense of lust and filth, tantalising Angelica’s senses with unholy poisons. Angelica raised her hand to announce her presence at the doorway and with a slight tremor in her voice she whispered to herself, “you can do this Angelica,” and with that she knocked on the door.

Lexi opened the door to see a short blonde woman in white silk panties and bra perfectly fit to her breast size, adorned with golden embellishments.

“Well hello. This is a surprise,” Lexi said as she stared at this mystery woman while forming an approving sultry smile at her lack of clothing.

Angelica was not prepared for the demon that stood before her. Her towering figure alone made Angelica tremble with fear but combined with the perverted aura coming off her alluring features made Angelica realise the extent of this degenerate threat.

“I...I am Angelica, royal guardian of Heaven. The time has come for y…y…you…to face th…the…Lord’s justice,” Angelica whimpered.

It was only then Lexi noticed the Halo floating above this sad little girl’s head.

“I see, so you’re an angel,” Lexi said, “I never knew you dressed so provocatively.”

“Provocative! These are the Lord’s royal garbs” Angelica retorted, mustering up the courage to defend her Lord’s honour, “such lewdness lies with your kind demon!”

“Your lord must be a pervert if they’re keeping you dressed like that all day,” Lexi mocked and laughed, “put a fur coat on it all and you’re practically a pimp’s arm candy.”

Angelica’s rage broke through her fear, “your foul mouth won’t stop me from my duties, disgusting succubus. I will remove you from this world and send you back to the depths of depravity you crawled out of!”

She used the full force of her body to push Lexi back into her temporary home, attempting to keep their fight away from the mortals. Her push did catch Lexi slightly off guard, causing her to stumble backwards a little but the force the little pip squeak exerted was barely enough to push her back two steps into the hallway.

Lexi laughed at her feeble attempt and even walked past the little angel to close the door.

“You know if you wanted to come in you could have just asked.”

“Y…You resisted that? B...b…but that was a head on attack.” Angelica realised the extent of the enemy she faced, “no, I will not let you make a fool out of me.”

Angelica put her fists up preparing herself for her first real fight with a demon, but she could not help but be distracted by the disgusting wreck of a state the demon’s lair was in. Pizza boxes laid about everywhere, the paintings were graffitied with satanic or lewd imagery, and furniture had been broken by being overstrained somehow. It was not quite the battle site she thought her first fight would take place, but that wasn’t important now.

Lexi on the other hand, was chilling on the hallway wall, smiling at Angelica, not bothering to put up any sort of defence.

“You’re so adorable thinking this is going to be your biblical battle between good and evil,” Lexi taunted, “I assure you that’s not how this is gonna end up.”

Tired of her mockery, Angelica went in to strike first and put all her energy into a punch at Lexi’s left cheek. It was the weakest attempt Lexi had ever experience. She didn’t even react with a head jerk or ripples from where the fist hit the skin. Angelica might as well as blown in her face. At this, Lexi’s smile faded into disappointment.

“Ugh, do they really think I’m so weak that they send a pathetic little runt like you to try and hurt me?” Lexi didn’t even bother looking Angelica’s way, “I thought this at least may have been somewhat exciting. Honestly, it’s insulting the first angel they send me is the shittiest for sure.”

“You can’t degrade me that easily, vile temptress. My Lord sent me here to defeat you and by their grace I…”

Lexi had put a finger on Angelica’s mouth, “well if you’re not gonna give me a good fight I guess I’ll have to make some fun myself.”

Angelica batted away Lexi’s finger, “Excuse me, I am…”

Suddenly, without warning Angelica felt a tight grip across her neck, choking out any words she was about to say. She realised Lexi had managed to lift her off the ground with just one arm.

Lexi slammed Angelica’s dainty body against the wall. She enjoyed the feeling of Angelica’s throat twitching as she tried to squeal. With her prey pinned in position, she leaned into Angelica’s ear to whisper, “I’m Lexi, a Mistress of Lust, and I’m gonna make sure I have plenty of fun with you.”

Lexi leaned back out and faced Angelica straight on. Angelica was waiting in fearful anticipation, thinking of what Lexi might do next and how she could avoid it. They paused for a few seconds and stared deep into each other’s eyes. Despite her terror, Angelica found herself becoming hypnotised by the seductress’s charms, losing herself for just a moment in the demon’s sultry gaze. But when she came back to her senses, she barely had time to react as her body was thrown to the floor. She was sent down at such great speed it blurred her vision for a few seconds, but she still heard the unmistakable noise of a zipper being opened. Once her vision returned, she managed to glace up at a cursed sight.

Sticking out from Lexi’s crotch was a huge, throbbing cock that was pointed directly at Angelica.

It seemed Lexi had used the time the angel was confused to loosen her jeans, pull them down her immaculate ass, and hardened her cock enough without Angelica even realising what she was in for before it was too late.

Angelica stared, shocked at the demonic mass that laid before her.

“You don’t think I’ll su…,” but Angelica’s words were quickly quieted by the force of Lexi’s cock being shoved down her throat. Lexi had grabbed the back of Angelica’s head, gripping at her holy blonde hair, then forced the angel’s face deep onto her personal throat gag.

Angelica couldn’t even process how her face and throat were being so unspeakably violated by this demon’s cock. She could feel it sliding in and out of her untainted throat, corrupting her very insides as it lubed up with her own saliva to deliver a more devastating blow deeper into her oesophagus.

The look of fear and confusion in Angelica’s eyes as Lexi proceeded to shove herself within the delicate angel’s mouth only drove Lexi to greater heights of ecstasy. Her corset began to constrict around her body, fully stimulating her while morphing her figure into a more demonic beauty.

“FUCK! You better keep that fucking throat open you angelic little bitch! I’m gonna stuff my cock so far down your pathetic little body that it’ll fuck the heaven right out of you!”

Angelica had finally come to grips with what was happening, but still had no control over the situation. Lexi’s grip was far too strong for her to move her head away from this demon’s depravity. She tried to fight it but that only drove Lexi to push her face down further, until it reached the maximum extent of her shaft.

“gchh…spl…g…g…spl,” Angelica tried to speak but only began to gag and splutter instead. Her spit was no long just being used to lube cock, it was dripping down the sides of her mouth as well, making a mess on the floor and creating an even more enjoyable sight to watch.

At the sight of Angelica’s salivary mess beneath her, Lexi’s pleasure could no longer contain itself. A blast of hot cum seeped deep into Angelica’s throat and down into her stomach. Lexi let go of her head and like an explosive reaction, cum burst out of Angelica’s mouth, propelling her away from the demon cock that did this to her. Lexi fell to the floor to recover from such a demonic enactment of pure lust. Meanwhile, Angelica laid against a wall unsure of how to comprehend any of what just happened.


Lexi and Angelica artwork by the amazing Delexible


This story archived at