A Jarring Event by TheSoleSurvivorII

When a salesman returns from a long day of business meetings, he decides to enjoy some sexual size-based escapades with his wife and a jar.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events is purely coincidental. Also, be mindful of the tags. If one or more of the tags causes you some degree of discomfort, proceed with caution.  Be aware of heavily sexual themes. 

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Categories: Couples, Gentle, Giant, Humiliation Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.)
Size Roles: M/f
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1230 Read: 5656 Published: August 04 2021 Updated: August 04 2021

1. A Night Away by TheSoleSurvivorII

A Night Away by TheSoleSurvivorII
Author's Notes:


Zach opened the door to the hotel room and threw his tie to the corner.  The beleaguered salesman hadn’t come for leisure.  His cross-country trip to New York was for a series of business presentations with some of the higher-ups in his company.  The meetings were long and arduous, but he was finally finished hashing out plans for his proposal.  The long nights of planning and practice hadn’t really left him with any time to see the sights.  But just because he didn’t come for pleasure didn’t mean he couldn’t have a little fun once his day was done.  


As Zach approached, his wife Gwen looked up from inside the jar.  Gwen held her exposed breasts, hunched up so that she looked even smaller than she was.


“Hello, honey.  I’m back.  God, all those meetings were exhausting.  Thankfully, I have a beautiful little woman to tease.  How has my itty-bitty wife been holding up in that jar?  It’s not too cold is it?  I’d let you bundle up, but then how would I get to peak at every miniscule curve of your puny body?”


Gwen looked up at her husband.  The curved glass of the masonry made him look even more massive and monstrous than usual.  As the titanic businessman unbuttoned his shirt one button at a time, Gwen couldn’t tear her eyes away.  As more of his muscular, hairy chest came into view, she could tell that her significant other was ready to enjoy himself, whether she was willing or not.


“Sweetie!  Why did you trap me in here?  What are you going to do to me?  Please, don’t get any closer!  You’re scaring me!”


Zach instead laughed and took another step forward.  His imposing figure towering above the glass prison.  Her husband was an incredibly attractive man, but a man who likes playing rough when he gets in a horny mood.  This was certainly not an ideal situation for a woman only a few inches tall to be in, but it didn’t quell the quivering of Gwen’s lip, nor did it dry the faint trickle coming from between her legs.


“Oh Gwen.  You’re right to be scared.  After all, I’m pretty stressed out, and it looks like I have just the outlet to let loose on!”


“No Zach, please!  I’m your wife!  Don’t do this!”


Zach just laughed again, fiddling with the zipper of his pants.  She saw the lust in his eyes, and could only imagine what the mammoth brute had in mind for her.


“Who ever heard of a human with a bug for a wife?  You’re a small, pathetic little thing.  You should feel honored I didn’t throw you out when you shrunk.  So … use … how … er …”


“Zach, you’re cutting out.  I think … con … on … bad”


Zach looked down at the jar and could see the video feed of his wife lagging hard.  He figured it must be a problem with the wifi in the hotel.  He wormed his hand through the mouth of the glass container and tried to see if he was properly connected.  Gwen heard loud clanking as the phone clinked against the glass.


Gwen stared at the computer screen, watching as her husband tried to fiddle with the phone in the jar.  She sat on the towel draped across the seat of her chair naked in the comfort of her own home in Idaho. She had her hand hovered eagerly over her clit, with a bottle of lube on the side table in case she wanted to use some toys later on.  While Zach was trying to check what the connection issue was about, Gwen adjusted her web-cam to make sure it caught her in the most attractive light.


Gwen missed having her husband around.  He had been gone for almost five days now, and wouldn’t be getting back until late the next day.  Gwen had let her husband know that she would be interested in a little roleplay, and Zach jumped at the chance.  Giant-tiny roleplay was always one of her favorite ways to get in the mood, and they were both pretty pent-up from being away from each other for so long.


Zach got the hotel’s complimentary wifi set up properly again and gently returned his phone to the jar.


“There, now where were we?  Oh, yes.  Looks like it’s time for me to blow off a bit of steam.  And it looks like I have a captive audience to really show off what I’m made of.”


His pants slid to his ankles as he kicked them to the side.  As his underwear slid down, his penis, already partially erect, flopped out into view.  Gwen was so used to being together for roleplay, that she could practically smell the musk emanating from it.  Her finger pressed into her sensitive clitoris.  She started by tracing her finger in a circle around her clit and hood, but as the action got more intense, she rubbed it vigorously to get herself closer and closer to climax.


“Here, come on out for me!  I’d love to show you my cumshot up close and personal!”


In reality, Zach didn’t want to have to clean the jizz off his screen, but wanted Gwen to watch every second of his climax.  His finger hooked his phone case as he lifted the phone out, not letting go of his penis for even a second.  The phone’s camera was so close to the erect dick that it looked practically enormous.  It made the naked woman feel small and powerless.  And with that relinquishment of power came arousement and ecstasy.


Zach watched as his love panted and moaned.  He didn’t quite understand why, but Gwen had loved the idea of being small in his presence even since the beginning of their relationship.  It took a bit of getting used to, but the sheer joy and arousal it gave her was unparalleled.  If she liked being the size of an insect near him, then he would be the best giant he could be.


Zach and Gwen enjoyed each other’s bodies from opposite sides of the video call.  Their breathing sped up.  Gwen’s vaginal muscles twitched in sync with the throbbing of Zach’s cock.  The pair masturbated to each other for minutes before finally Gwen’s fluids soaked the towel beneath her and Zach’s seed spread itself on the carpet of the hotel room.


Basking in the afterglow of their night of debauchery, Zach comforted his spouse and made sure she felt loved.  And likewise, Gwen let her other half know how much she  appreciated that he was receptive to her desires and fetishes.  They discussed their days, and made plans to reunite the next day.


“I can’t wait to have my big man back here by my side.  We definitely have some catching up to do.  Maybe if we’re really in the mood, you can show me what its like to get splattered by a giant’s cum.  Looks like you had a lot built up.”


Zach just laughed.


“Goodnight, honey.  I love you!”


“I love you too sweetie!  I’ll see you tomorrow.”


They blew air kisses to each other, then the video feed ended.





End Notes:

Thank you all for reading.  I wanted to write a story about giant roleplay, and this is what I came up with.  I hope you all enjoyed, and look forward to hearing feedback.  Let me know if you want more stories like this in the future.  Take care, everybody!

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=10762