A little problem in the neighborhood by ittybittyman

A workplace accident makes a man wish he had been a bit more neighborly 

I will be writing this one at the same time as my other story, but I am trying to make them have much different themes. 

Categories: Violent, Breasts, Adventure, Couples, Crush, Feet, Humiliation, Unaware, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No Word count: 10931 Read: 75109 Published: September 11 2021 Updated: May 02 2022

1. Chapter 1 by ittybittyman

2. Chapter 2 by ittybittyman

3. Chapter 3 by ittybittyman

4. Chapter 4 by ittybittyman

5. Chapter 5 by ittybittyman

6. Chapter 6 by ittybittyman

7. Chapter 7 by ittybittyman

8. Chapter 8 by ittybittyman

Chapter 1 by ittybittyman
Author's Notes:

Please let me know what you think and what you would like to see happen in the future. I want this story to be alot more "intense" than my previous works, so no request is off the table (unless it causes the story to end right away) Tags are just from a few ideas that I have so far. 

Dave peered through the slits in the blinds at his front yard and swore. 

"That dumb kid is on our yard again, tearing up the yard with her toy car" He complained to his wife, Kate. 

"Just leave the poor girl alone." Kate sighed as she read through her emails at the kitchen table. She spent most of her time working from home, but did have to go into the office a few times per week, with a work trip every few months. 

"No, if her good for nothing mom isn't gonna discipline her, I will." Dave said as he stomped out the front door. 

Kate just rolled her eyes at her husband. It seemed like ever since he hit his 30s, he started turning into a grumpy neighbor. It was starting to really bother her that he was no longer the carefree, happy guy she married. 

"Hey! Get that thing off my yard! Can't you see it's tearing up the grass?" Dave yelled at Tina, the neighbor's young daughter. 

Tina immediately froze and looked up at him. The sound of an angry man yelling at her made her immediately start to tear up. 

"Oh don't you think you can just cry your way out of this!" Dave yelled. That pushed little Tina over the edge and she started wailing. 

Dave didn't really know what to do at this point, but he wasn't about to apologize to her, so he just stood there for a moment before an even louder voice grabbed his attention. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing! Get away from my daughter!" Came his neighbor, Amanda's, voice. 

Dave looked up to see Amanda stomping towards him. They didn't get along and often got in arguments over various neighbor things. He wasn't sure what she did for a living, but the fact that she had clearly had a lot of plastic surgery, despite being young, giving herself enormous breasts implants, butt implants, and lip injections, plus being covered in tattoos, gave him a hint at what it could be. 

"How dare you yell at my daughter! What gives you the right to make her cry like that!?" She demanded. 

"Your little brat has been tearing up my yard! How about you do a little parenting and tell her not to destroy her neighbors property!" Dave yelled back. 

"Oh, so now you're calling me a bad parent? You can go fuck yourself, you piece of shit." She turned to her daughter and picked her up in one arm, while picking the car up with the other arm. "Let's go Trish, I don't want you to be around such a mean man"

"You're mean!" Trish said to Dave as they left. 

Dave bit his tongue, holding back a retort, and stomped back inside. 

"Proud of yourself?" Kate asked, as he walked into the kitchen. 

"What's that supposed to mean? Should I have just let her destroy the yard?" He snapped. 

"She's just a kid and Amanda's a single mom. Give them a break. She's actually really nice, I had her over for coffee last week. Tina is such a sweet little girl too." Kate replied. 

"Whatever, I'm late for work." Dave said as he got ready to leave. 

Kate just sighed to herself and went back to her emails. “I'm gonna have to go over there later and apologize…again”

Dave worked at a trash processing plant. He was one of the mechanics that kept the machines running. Their facility was one of the brand new trash shrinking plants that were getting popular among eco friendly types and politicians were starting to push for them. 

Trash was deposited under a large shrink ray, shrunk to 1/300th its normal size. The draw back to saving all that space was that the density of the material was denser than at normal size, so it did take longer to decompose. But the space saved more than made up for that.

“Hey Dave, machine 12 is busted again, can you go take a look? Oh, and bring the new kid with you.” Daves boss said over the walkie talkie. Dave sighed, stood up, and turned to the rookie sitting in the staff room with him.

“Come on Eileen, let's go.” Dave said, with a grin. It was the 5th time he had used the ‘come on eileen’ reference since she started working here and he still found it funny.

Eileen rolled her eyes, she had been hearing that song reference her entire life and was over it by now, but wasn't gonna say anything to her superior. “Ok, coming.”

They hopped on their buggie and drove over to machine 12. It was known for being a bit on the buggy side and needed almost constant attention. He walked over to the control pendent and put it in maintenance mode.

“So this one usually is a pretty simple fix, most of the time I just have to tighten up a couple loose wires and reset it. To reset it, you just have to press this green button right here, and it'll run through a cycle. You hangout here while I go check out the wires.” Dave explained.

“Ok, just yell if you need me to do anything.” She said, taking hold of the pendant and inspecting it. 

Dave walked over to the shrinking machine a few yards away from the pendant and started performing his routine checks. A few loose wires, tighten up some bolts, and clean off the lense that the rays came through. It wasn't more than 15 minutes before he was done.

“Alright, that should do it” He yelled over to Eileen. “Now we just gotta run it through a cycle.”

“Got it! Running it through” She said excitedly, it was the first time she got to actually push the buttons herself. She pushed the green button, just like he had told her and looked up with a smile.

Dave was grabbing his tools to get out of the area before they ran it through the shrinking cycle when he heard the whirling of the machine being fired up. His eyes went wide and he turned to see Eileen holding the pendant with a smile on her face.

“Fuck” He said as a blinding flash burst from the machine and he passed out. 

End Notes:

Thanks for reading, and please let me know what you think. 

Chapter 2 by ittybittyman
Author's Notes:

New chapter, things start getting interesting now. Let me know what you think and if you have any requests. If you want a better way to communicate with me, my email is ittybitty926@yahoo.com

Dave woke up in a white room on a bed. He was a bit groggy and it took a second for him to remember what happened. 

He let out a sigh of relief when he realized the bed he was on was normal sized. But his clothes were gone, and he was wearing what looked to be hospital scrubs.

"That was close." He mumbled to himself. "That dumb bitch almost shrank me. I'll make sure she gets fired for that fuck up." 

He sat up and looked around the room. It was very odd looking. A pure white room except for one wall that looked almost like a TV screen. And no doors. 

"Hello? Where am I?" He called out. 

There was silence for a few moments before the black wall was replaced by the image of a man in a doctor's coat. 

"Hello? Mr. Brown? Can you hear me?" The man asked. 

"Uh, yeah I can hear you. What's going on? Where am I?" Dave asked. 

"You are in the hospital right now. You had an accident at work. Do you remember what happened?" The doctor asked. 

"Yeah, the new girl at work turned the machine I was repairing on while I was still in front of it. It must have knocked me out." Dave answered. 

"That is correct. However, it did more than just knock you out. You have shrunk down to approximately ¼ of an inch." The doctor explained. 

"What? What do you mean? Look at me, in fine." Dave said agitated, was this some kind of prank? 

"I'm sorry sir, but you are in a special room designed precisely for things like this. While rare, it happens more often than you think with the recent applications of shrinking technology. We have found that waking up in a room that appears normal sized helps the patient adapt to the changes better." Said the doctor. 

"No fucking way. You're lying. This has gotta be a prank of something. Knock it off. It's not funny anymore." Dave yelled. 

"Please try to calm down. I assure you this is no prank. But it seems like now is a good time to introduce you to the outside world." He turned he head to look off camera and spoke to someone. "Dave? Your wife is here, we are going to send her in now." 

"Kate? Where?" He asked, looking around for a door. 

Instead, he felt a rumbling that shook the entire room and suddenly the ceiling was being lifted off. He fell to the ground in shock as he looked up at his wife. She was enormous. 

"Hey Dave. How are you doin?" She cooed softly at him. 

"I...uh.. no.." he stammered. "This can't be real."

"Mr. Brown? Your wife can't hear you there. But if you look under the bed you will find what looks like a collar. That will amplify your voice so that she can hear you." Came the doctors voice, snapping Dave out of his reverie. 

Dave felt around under the bed, still unable to take his eyes off of the massive face above him. His fingers closed around the collar and he hooked it up around his neck. 

"Kate?" He said. 

"Yes! I can hear you." Kate said down to him. "How are you feeling?" 

"I feel fine. But obviously I'm not." He said, his anger at the situation starting to build. 

"It's ok, they'll be able to fix you. But it'll take some time." Kate said. 

"Time? Why can't they fix this now?" He yelled up at her. 

"The size changing process is tough on your body. They have to let your cells heal before your size is changed again, or else it could kill you. Plus, the treatment is very expensive, and the insurance company is insisting on an investigation before they will agree to pay for it." She said. 

"An investigation? For what? That dumb bitch Eileen turned the machine on while I was right in front of it. What else do they need to investigate?" He yelled. 

"Well, she says you told her to turn it on. They need to make sure this isn't an insurance scam." She calmly explained. 

"She's a liar is what she is! I did not tell her to turn it on. I'm gonna kick her ass next time I see her!" Dave screamed in anger. 

Kate looked down at her angry ant sized husband and tried to imagine him beating anyone up. She couldn't help but release a giggle. 

"What's so fucking funny?" Dave yelled furiously. 

"Sorry, but I don't think you should be threatening to beat up anyone at that size." Kate said, trying to suppress her laugh. 

"I don't care. I'll let her have it." Dave yelled. 

Kate just rolled her eyes and stood up straight. When he got angry he was blind to any logic or reason. She turned to the doctor sitting at the computer in the opposite corner. 

"So what now?" She asked. 

"Well now you can take him home. If anything happens, give us a call. But luckily with his increased density, he should be pretty difficult to injure unintentionally." The doctor explained. "You should make another appointment in 3-4 weeks for a checkup and an assessment for when he'll be able to regrow." 

"3 weeks!" Dave's voice came from below. It was at the same volume as a whisper, so in the quiet room he was still able to be heard. 

Kate just ignored him as she replied. "Ok, thank you doctor." 

She turned back to the box holding her husband and leaned down to look inside. "Time to go Dave, now stay still." She reached inside and pinched him between her fingers. Dropping him on top of her other palm, she held him up to her face. 

"Time to go home." She said. 

"No way! I'm not leaving here until they grow me back! This is insane!" He started to rant. 

Kate wasn't in the mood to listen, so she just closed her fist and walked out. 

When she got to the car, she dropped him in the cup holder. He was still yelling so she turned up the radio to drown him out. 

"I'm gonna need a coffee." She said as she swung by a Starbucks on the way home.

Dave had given up on yelling, realizing the music was too loud for his wife to hear him. He couldn't believe what was happening to him. 

First he woke up the size of an ant, then he finds out they can't unshrink him right away, and they're investigating the incident as if it not anything but that dumb bitch Eileen's fault, and now his wife is ignoring him. 

He stood in the cupholder fuming as he watching his wife go through the drive thru. After grabbing the coffee, she took a sip and sighed in satisfaction. 

But Dave began to scream again, this time in fear, as she moved the coffee over him, about to place it in the cupholder he was in. 

"Kate! Kate! Noooo!" He screamed. The cup stopped and reversed direction away from him, to the second cup holder. Dave let out a sigh of relief. 

"Whoops, I was on autopilot there for a second. Sorry about that." She said with a laugh. 

Dave cursed her out, but again was unheard over the music. 

When they got back home, Dave was deposited on the kitchen table and Kate sat down right in front of him. She nurses her coffee as she looked down at him, thinking about the situation. 

"How can you be so calm! Call a lawyer! I'm gonna sue that stupid company for everything they got!" He yelled. 

"Calm down. You're alive and they can fix you. It'll just take time. And we'll hold off on the lawyer until we hear what the insurance company comes back with." Kate said calmly, taking another sip. 

"Don't you tell me to calm down, I'm the one this size, not you! Do you have any idea how hard this is gonna be on me?" He yelled. 

"It's gonna be hard on both of us. I'm gonna have to take care of you 24/7. While also working, to pay the bills that you aren't earning money to pay." She snapped back. 

"Well I.." *Ding Dong*, Dave was interrupted by the door bell ringing. 

Putting a hold on their conversation, Kate got up and went to answer the door. 

Standing on their doorstep was their neighbor Amanda. 

"Hey Kate, I got your text. There's no hard feelings between us. It's your husband I have a problem with." Amanda said. 

"Oh hey Amanda, and yeah he can be a hot head. But you don't have to worry, I'll keep him away from you for a while." Kate said. 

"Well that doesn't mean we can't still be friends. Speaking of which, I brought over some pie I baked. Your husbands still at work right? Lets eat before he gets home." She said, making her way inside. 

"Um well…" Kate said, following Amanda into the kitchen. 

"Oh don't give me any of that diet crap, you're already skinny. It's not gonna kill you to share a slice with me." Amanda said cheerfully. 

All the blood drained from Dave's face as he hears Amanda making his way inside. He froze as she entered the room. She was enormous, beautiful, and terrifying. He couldnt imagine the things she might do to him if she found him like this.

Her head was turned as she talked to Kate, so she didnt see him standing there as she set the plate down on the table. Dave had to dive out of the way to avoid being crushed, and managed to hide just under the lip of the plate.

Kate quickly scanned the table for Dave and to her relief didn't see him out in the open. She wasn't ready to put him on display just yet. 

But she didn't want to make Amanda think anything fishy was going on, so she sat down and dug into the pie with her. 

"Mmm this is so good." Kate said. 

Dave was out of eyesight of both Amanda and Kate, as he pressed himself under the edge of the plate. He was furious as he heard his wife eat with Amanda opposite of her, each time they dug into the pie, he felt the plate shake around him. But directly in front of him was Amanda's body, her fake tits on full display in her low cut shirt. He couldn't help but stare. At normal size, they were incredible, but at this size, they were worthy of worship. He was stuck in a limbo between terror and arousal. 

"Thanks! I've been trying to get better at baking recently, it's a fun little mother daughter activity." Amanda said. 

"Oh I bet, and how is Tina?" Kate asked. 

"Oh she's doing good. Her teachers say she's reading at an advanced level. But she is still a bit shaken up about this morning." Amanda said.

"And I can't apologize enough. You know how men can be with their yards. They just don't think." Kate said. 

"I don't know why you don't leave him. You could do so much better. The way he yelled at Tina, I swear I could just" she slammed her fist onto the table. "You know?" 

"Believe me, I know. But again, you won't even see him for awhile" Kate reassured. 

"Why? Is he going somewhere?" Amanda asked. 

"Um, he kinda has a thing with work." Kate said, trying to avoid giving out details, without outright lying either. 

"Hmm, well that's good." Amanda said. 

The two of them chatted for a bit longer before they finished the pie and Amanda got up to leave. 

"Well it was good to chat, I'll see you later." Amanda said as she left. 

"Yes, and thanks again for that delicious pie." Kate said as she waved goodbye and shut the door behind her. 

Sighing in relief, she went back to find Dave in the kitchen. When she sat down, he was already out in the middle of the table again. 

"What the fuck was that? Why did you let that bimbo in our house?" Dave yelled. 

"She's my friend, Dave, and I'm not just gonna kick her out. She would immediately think something was wrong. And I don't think you want me telling her what's wrong, do you?" Kate said. 

"Of course I don't. But that doesn't mean she can just come in here and make herself at home! I don't want her stepping foot in here ever again!" Dave ordered. 

"You know what Dave, I think I've had enough of you today." Kate said. She got up and grabbed an empty glass and stood over Dave, holding it above him. "You need to chill out for a bit."

Dave screamed as she slammed the glass around him. He was now trapped inside, and judging from her smile, his voice couldn't penetrate the glass walls. 


Kate smiled to herself and she watched him scream and bang on the glass for a while before going back to her work.

End Notes:

Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think.

Chapter 3 by ittybittyman
Author's Notes:

Please let me know what you think. If you have specific requests feel free to email me at ittybitty926@yahoo.com

also, please vote in this poll to decide what happens next:

“Are you ready to come out now?” Kate asked her tiny husband.

Dave had been sitting with his back to his glass prison, and looked up at the sound of his wife's voice.

“Yes, and I’m very hungry!” He yelled up to her.

“I can't hear you in there, but I'll assume that's a yes.” She said as she pulled the glass off the table, freeing Dave.

“I'm hungry!” Dave repeated.

“Oh, that's right, I have to feed you now too.” Kate said. She walked over to the counter and grabbed the plate Amanda and her had eaten the pie on, which was still full of crumbs.

“Here, you can have some of Amanda's pie too.” Kate said as she plucked him up and dropped him on the plate. She held the plate as she walked to her bedroom.

“I don't want to eat crumbs from that bitches pie!” Dave said incredulously.

“Fine, then don't eat. I'm not gonna make an entire meal for you when crumbs are more than enough to fill you.” She replied. She put the plate on the nightstand and walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Dave stood on the plate surrounded by crumbs. He hated the idea of having to eat something Amanda made, especially when it was just the leftover crumbs of what she ate. But his rumbling stomach had not been filled since this morning, so he reluctantly grabbed a handful and dug in.

It tasted very odd. Not bad, but odd. He couldn't tell if that was just because of his shrunken taste buds, or if it had gone slightly stale. But he continued to eat until he was full. He looked around the plate and realized he didn't even make a noticeable dent in the crumbs.

Kate walked out of the bathroom, her face washed and her teeth brushed. She walked over to the dresser and began to undress. Dave couldn't help but stare as his wife unleashed her mountainous breasts. At normal size, they were more than a handful, but now they were incredible. He was hypnotized by them bouncing around. But she quickly covered them up with a nightshirt, much to his disappointment.

“Damn” He said to himself, but Kate must have heard him because she turned around and noticed him staring.

“Like what you see, big man?” She said teasing.

“You know I do, sweet cheeks.” He flirted back.

“How about you try out some mountain climbing?” Kate said. She picked him up off the plate and laid down on the bed. Pulling down her shirt, she popped one of her tits out and placed him on top, next to her nipple.

Dave looked around on the mountain of breast that he stood on, and the pink tower next to him. It was already taller than he was, even without it being hard. He grabbed the pink nipple and began to stroke it. He started working himself up and soon couldn't control himself.

He hopped up on top, pulled out his cock, and began fucking her nipple. It felt incredible. After a few minutes, he finished all over the tip of her nipple.

Kate looked down at her husband as he fucked her boob with disappointment. He could barely feel him, and he couldn't even get her nipple hard. Maybe he could do some work down below.

“Now how about you return the favor?” Kate said as she picked him off her tit and brought him down to her pussy. She wasn't clean shaven, but she kept it tidy down there. She dropped him down right above her opening.

Dave was dropped into a jungle. He had to fight his way through a massive bush of thick cords before he stood before his wifes enormous vagina. At his size, it reminded him of the sarlacc pit from star wars. Which is an analogy he didn't think his wife would appreciate.

“Um, I dont think its safe for me to do this.” Dave called up to his wife.

“Oh, common, don't be a wuss. Are you really not gonna please your wife after you already got off?” Kate said down to him.

“Fine” He called back. Psyching himself up, he walked forward, climbing onto the top of her pussy and started rubbing around. He wasn't exactly sure what he was doing at this size, but he figured the more movement the better.

“Ok, you can start anytime,”  Kate said after a few minutes.

“What? I have been. You can't feel this?” Dave said, increasing his efforts. He heard her sigh right before he was plucked off of her and brought to the side table.

“Well, I guess that won't work, but I can take care of myself.” She said as she opened the table drawer and pulled out a massive dildo, 50 times larger than Dave.

He felt incredibly emasculated as he stood there, watching his wife pleasure herself because he was unable to even be felt by her. She closed her eyes as she worked, imagining some scenario that didn't involve him at this size, but he hoped it involved him at normal size.

The minutes ticked by as the mountain range he called his wife began to shake and shudder as she reached orgasm. She laid still for a few more minutes, catching her breath before getting up to go and clean up.

Dave didn't know what to say as she walked back in and placed the dildo back in the drawer beneath him. 

“Well, I don't know about you, but I'm worn out now. So goodnight.” Kate said as she got under the covers.

“Wait, aren't you going to bring me onto the bed?” Dave asked.

“Do you really think that's a good idea? All it would take is for me to roll over in my sleep and you would suffocate underneath me.” Kate explained.

“I'll be fine. That's my bed too.” Dave demanded. He wasn't about to get kicked out of his own bed after the humiliation he just went through. 

“No Dave, its not gonna happen.” Kate stated.

“I'm putting my foot down Kate. Now put me on the bed.” Dave yelled up at her.

Kate just looked at him with utter annoyance. Like he was just a pest.

Dave smiled, thinking he had won, as she reached over and picked him up. But his smile quickly disappeared as she opened up the drawer and dropped him inside.

“You can just stay in there tonight.” Kate said before shutting him in and silencing his screaming.

Dave yelled for a while, which Kate either couldn't hear, or ignored, before tiring himself out. He looked around the cabinet and saw he was standing right next to the monolithic dildo. Not only did he have to watch this thing pleasure his wife, but now he had to sleep next to it. He couldn't believe that this was the size of a dick now, and shuddered at the thought of it. 


He scavenged around for some tissues they kept in there and made himself a little bed before curling up and muttering curses as he fell asleep on the worst day of his life.

End Notes:

Thanks for reading, and again, please review and let me know what you think and if i should keep going

Chapter 4 by ittybittyman
Author's Notes:

Please comment and let me know what you think. Thanks

Dave was thrown back against the giant dildo as the drawer opened up, causing him to lose his balance. 

Up above Kate looked down at him leaning against her dildo and smiled. "You ready to come out now?" She asked. 

"How dare you leave me in here! I'm your husband goddammit!" Dave yelled up at her. 

The smile disappeared from her face and she looked coldly down at him. "Seems not."

Kate then walked away, leaving Dave in the opened drawer.

"Hey! Get back here! You can't leave me like this!" Dave yelled after her. "I'm gonna give that bitch a piece of my mind." He fumed. 

Dave looked around for a way to escape. The large dildo was up against the side of the drawer, and if he was able to get on top, he could probably climb his way out. 

Climbing the massive thing was alot easier than he thought because of all the ridges. He soon stood on top of the large beast and couldn't help but imagine this thing being used to pleasure his wife. 

Shaking his head, he continued on his journey to get to his wife. 

Meanwhile, Kate was making her morning coffee, thinking about how weird her life had become recently. She was deep in thought when the doorbell snapped her out those thoughts. 

"Who could that be?" She asked herself as she went to answer the door. Outside was Amanda holding Trish's hand. 

"Hey Kate, you're still good to watch Trish today, right?" Amanda asked. 

Kate had completely forgot that she had promised to babysit today, but quickly recovered from her surprise. "Oh, yes yes, of course. Come on in Trish." 

"Thanks so much, I'll be back this afternoon to get her. You're a lifesaver." Amanda said as she handed off Trish and left. 

Kate looked down at Trish, who was looking up at her expectantly. 

"Um, do you wanna watch cartoons." Kate asked hopefully. 

"I wanna play!" Trish said. 

Kates mind raced as she tried to think of what she had that would keep a kid occupied. 

"Oh, I know" Kate went into her hallway closet and dug through some boxes in the back until she pulled out a small box. 

"Do you want some dolls to play with?" Kate said as she handed a box of Polly pockets to Trish. Luckily Kate's mom was a pack rat and had kept her toys from when she was young. 

The little girl's eyes lit up with the presentation of new toys and she quickly grabbed the box and went to sit down in the living room. 

Pleased that she was able to find a way to occupy the child, she grabbed her laptop out of the kitchen and set herself up on the coach so she could work and watch Trish at the same time. 

Scott had made it down off the side table and was jogging out of the bedroom so he could head downstairs. As he went, he imagined an argument with his wife in his head. Telling her off, making her feel bad about her treatment of him, and then him laying down the law. 

He grinned to himself as he won several arguments in his head. His journey took over an hour to get to the top of the stairs and look over the edge. 

It was a long way down, but luckily it was carpeted, so it would be easy to climb, and a soft landing if he fell. Fueled by rage, he started to climb down. 

After about two hours of alternating between work and Trish, there was another interruption by the doorbell. 

"Is she back already?" Kate asked herself thinking that it must be Amanda. But she was surprised to see Megan, another neighbor, standing there. Megan was in her late 50s and was known as the neighborhood gossip. Despite her age, she always looked very well put together, and clearly spent alot of time on her appearance. 

"Hello dear, how is he doing?" Megan asked with a worried look in her eyes. 

"Um, hello Megan, how's who doing?" She replied, a bit caught off guard. 

"Dave! I heard what happened to him at work. Remember Karen from the block over? Her nephew works at the same place as Dave, and told her about it." Megan explained. "I just had to rush over here and check on you as soon as I heard."

"Oh, yeah, he's doing ok, all things considered. But can I ask you to try and keep it a secret? I don't want everyone gawking at him." Kate said. 

"Oh if course dear. Privacy is very important." Megan said as she pushed her way into the house past Kate. "Now is there anything I can do to help? It must be difficult with a husband so small now." 

Kate sighed as she turned around and closed the door behind her. It seemed like there was no way of getting Megan to leave without being rude. She was like a bloodhound when it came to gossip. 

"Oh, Trish is here! Hello sweetie, are you helping Kate with her tiny husband?" Megan asked the young girl. 

Trish just looked up at Megan confused. 

"Oh um, how about we go into the kitchen to talk." Kate said, leading her away from Trish. She leaned over to Megan and whispered "She doesn't know about Dave." 

Trish looked after them, a bit confused, before returning to her dolls. 

Scott had made it down the stairs when he heard the doorbell ring again. He watched as Kate open the door and listen as Megan talked about him. 

"Great, if she knows, it's only a matter of time before the whole world knows." Dave grumbled. 

"Kate! Dow here!" He yelled to her, but he was still too far away for her to hear. His heart dropped as he saw her and Mega walk into the kitchen, making his journey even longer. 

He continued his jog down the hallway into the kitchen. Suddenly a pink wall slammed in front of him, knocking him back. 

"A buggy!" Trish said looking down at him. She had slapped the ground right in front of him, barely missing him. 

"No Trish! I'm not a bug! It's me! Dave!" He yelled up to her, trying to not get crushed. 

"Dave?" Looking at him in confusion. "You're the mean man!" 

"No, I'm not mean. I'm a good person." Dave pleaded. 

"You yelled at me!" She replied. 

"Ok, I'm sorry Trish, can we be friends?" Dave asked. 

"Hmm, ok, but only if you play with me." She said with a smile. 

"I can't right now, I have to go talk to Kate." Dave tried to explain. 

*Slam* Trish's hand came down next to him again. "Play with me now!" She demanded. 

"Ok ok, umm, what do you wanna play?" Dave said, terrified of the emotional child. 

"Dollies!" Trish said as she grabbed her Polly pockets and spread them around Dave. 

He looked up at the doll that Trish was making walk around him. Even such a small doll was 12 times his size. 

"You can be the baby." Trish stated. 

"I'm too old to be the baby." Dave tried explaining. 

"You're little. Little like a baby." Trish stated as if it were the law. 

"But I don't want to be the baby." Dave argued. 

"Bad baby." Trish said. She made the doll walk over to Dave and slap him on the butt. The dolls hand was huge compared to him, and it really hurt. 

"Ow! Hey! Don't do that!" Dave yelled. 

"No yelling at me. Bad." She said as she spanked him again. 

Dave tried to run away, but he was snatched up and brought in front of Trish's face. "You said you would play with me! Now you're being bad!" 

"No more playing Trish. Put me down!" He commanded. 

"You bad. You go in time out." Trish said. Dave tried to struggle out, but it was useless. He couldn't stop her as she carries him over to her shoes near the front door and dropped him in one of them. 

"Let me out you dumb bitch!" He screamed up at the child as the rank stench filled his nostrils and make his eyes water. 

"You said a bad word! I'm telling on you." Trish said and stomped off. 

He was stuck in there for a few minutes before he felt the rumble of several footsteps and heard his wife's voice. 

"Ok, where is he Trish?" Kate asked. 

"Mean man is in timeout. He said a bad word." Trish said as she pointed to her shoe. 

Kate walked over and picked up the shoe. She looked inside and saw her tiny, furious, husband. 

"Really Dave? Picking fights with children?" Kate said, exhausted at how much trouble he was causing, and how pathetic is was to see her husband treated like a toy by a child. 

She dumped him out of the shoe onto her waiting palm. And as soon as he got his bearings, he went into another tirade. 

"How dare she treat me like that in my own home! I want her out, right now!" Dave yelled. 

"Say hi to Megan" Kate said, ignoring him. 

Dave turned around to see that he was chest high with the older woman. He had always thought she looked like Jennifer Tilly, and certainly wasn't lacking in the breast department. 

He peeled his eyes away from her imposing chest and looked up at her wide eyes as she studied him. 

"Oh my, you are so tiny!" She said with glee. "I almost didn't believe it when I heard." 

"Yeah, yeah, but it's only temporary. So don't go around spreading rumors" Dave said to her. 

"Oh I heard from Michelle, who heard from Phil, the lawyer, that this could turn into a big legal battle. Have you talked to a lawyer yet?" Megan asked. 

"No, my wife, in her infinite wisdom, said we shouldn't yet." Dave said as he turned to his wife. 

Kate just glared down at him and closed her fist, silencing him. "Maybe I'll call a lawyer now. Great idea Megan." She said as she lead her to the door, all but kicking her out. 

"Ok good. Let me know if you need anything at all." She said before Kate shut the door on her. 

Kate turned to Trish, still clutching Dave in her fist. 

"I'm gonna go put the mean little man in time out. Can you play with your dolls until I get back?" Kate asked the little girl. 

Trish looked up at her and nodded, smiling, before going back to her toys. 

Kate went into the kitchen and dropped Dave onto the table. She loomed above him with a disappointed look on her face. 

Dave stood up and was furious. "How dare you treat me like that! First you lock me in a drawer all night, then you leave me in it this morning! And then you trap me in your fist while I was talking to Megan!" 

"What were you doing down here?" She asked coldly. 

"I climbed out and came down here to tell you off!" He yelled at her. 

"So you came down here to yell at me, then you get man handled by a child, then you swear at that child. Does that sum it up?" Kate stated. 

"I'm sick of your attitude, you need to.." he started before being cut off. 

"My attitude? Really? Even before you shrank you have been acting insufferable. You snapped at everything and tried to bully everyone. But guess what? You can't anymore. You're as small as an ant. You can't even pleasure your own wife." Kate ranted, letting loose alot she had been holding in. 

"You're going to need alot of help from people so you better start rethinking how you act." Kate scolded. 

"But I.." Dave said. 

"No buts. I'm done with you. I think Trish had the right idea." Kate lifted up her foot and slid her sock off. 

"No! You can't!" Dave said as he tried to run.

"I can do whatever I want." She said as she picked him up and dropped him in her sock. 

Dave couldn't believe things could get any worse than being trapped in a sock, until his wife's foot slid back inside, trapping him between her toes. 


"There, now I can keep track of you." Kate said as she went back to babysitting and working. She could barely feel the tiny struggles of Dave flailing around between her toes.

Chapter 5 by ittybittyman
Author's Notes:

Another chapter with Dave pushing people alot bigger than him. Next chapter someone who wont put up with that shows up. Let me know what you think and how you think Dave should be punished. 

Kate sat in front of Dave's boss, Mike, in his office as he pulled up some files on his computer. 

She had gotten a call from him early in the morning to come in to discuss the incident. She had locked Dave in the drawer again overnight after Trish left, but now he was sitting on top of the desk waiting to hear from his boss. 

Mike turned to them with fake compassion in his eyes and looked down at Dave. 

"After reviewing the incident, we have found that it was due to negligence on your part, Dave." Mike said. "And therefore the company is not liable." 

"What!? How the fuck do you think this is my fault?" Dave yelled. 

"You gave Eileen, a trainee who was unqualified to operate the machine, the control pendant, and you told her to turn it on while you were still in front of the machine." Mike explained calmly. 

"No I fucking didn't! I said that's what comes next! I didnt tell her to hit the fucking button!" Dave hollered. 

Kate just sat there shaking her head silently. This was a nightmare. Now this is gonna get dragged out into a legal battle. 

She focused on her husband who was going off on another tirade. For someone so small, he sure was a big headache. She remembered him wiggling against her toes and it made her smile. 

A knock on the door interrupted them. Mike called out for whoever it was to come in. 

The door opened and Eileen walked in looking sheepish. 

"Hey everyone, um, I just wanted to stop in and say I'm sorry for what happened." She said to the room, her eyes darting around, not making eye contact with anyone. 

"Why did you tell them that I told you to shrink me?" Dave yelled from the desk. 

Eileen jumped at the sound of Dave's voice. She looked around trying to find the source of his voice before Mike pointed him out to her. 

"Oh, um, well you told me to run it through the cycle, so I did." She answered. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you meant later and, and not then." 

Mike interjected before Dave could respond. "Thank you Eileen, but like I told you earlier, it's not your fault. You shouldn't have been giving the controls in the first place." 

"So what now?" Dave yelled. "This bitch plays dumb and you throw the blame on me? Who's gonna pay to fix this?!" 

"Bitch? Dumb? Me?" Eileen mumbled, looking hurt. 

"Thank you for coming in Eileen, but I can handle it from here." Mike said. 

"Oh ok." She said as she left. 

"Now Dave, I understand that tempers are high, but there's no need to attack her like that." Mike said. 

"She turned me into a fucking ant!" Dave countered. "And again, who's going to pay for this?" 

"There are plenty of medical facilities that can reverse this." Mike said. 

"And they cost a fortune without insurance! And without you saying it was the company's fault, insurance won't pay for it!" Dave said. 

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to sort that out with them." Mike said before turning to Kate. "Thank you for coming out here today, but there is nothing left to talk about." 

Kate just sighed to herself and stood up. Dave kept yelling at his boss, but Kate just snatched him up and dropped him in her coin purse. 

"Thanks Mike." Kate said as she left. 

"God, I need a drink." Kate said as she walked inside. She threw off her shoes and walked into the kitchen. She looked out the back window at their small pool that she rarely used. 

"Margaritas by the pool. Yes. That's what I need." She said to herself. 

The buzzing sound of Dave's voice came from her pocket. She sighed and fished him out of her pocket and dumped him on the counter. 

"You gotta stop doing shit like that!" He yelled up to her. "You need to call a goddamn lawyer right now!" 

"No, I think I'm gonna have a drink and relax by the pool. Maybe have a girl's day and call Amanda over." 

"What?! I told you I don't want the bitch here!" Dave yelled. 

"Sucks." She responded and walked away to go change into her bikini and text Amanda. She knew that Trish was with Amanda's ex this weekend so she would be free. 

Dave was pissed. One thing after another and now his wife is gonna get drunk instead of working on fixing this. 

He watched as she walked back into the kitchen wearing a bikini. He was momentarily thrown off guard as he watched her massive breasts jiggle around with each step. And the massive planet sized ass as she bent over to take a blender out from the cabinet. 

He shook his head to snap himself out of it. "Kate, you have to call a lawyer now!" 


"I can do whatever I want. And right now, I want to get drunk." With that, she turned on the blender to mix up a big batch of margaritas. She left Dave on the counter as she grabbed two glasses and walked outside to wait for Amanda.

Chapter 6 by ittybittyman
Author's Notes:

Let me know what you think and what youd like to see happen going forward. 


Dave climbed up onto the window sill and peered out the window at his wife sitting on the lawn chair. 

"Fucking bitch. I'm less than an inch tall, but everything is about her." He scoffed. 

A few minutes after Kate went outside with her margaritas, Amanda walked into the backyard wearing her bikini. Her body was incredible. An hourglass figure with unnaturally huge breasts and ass. She sauntered over to where Kate was sitting in a lawn chair and the two hugged and started chatting. Kate handed her one of the margaritas and the two laid down to soak up the sun while they drank and talked.

“At least she knows better than to tell Allison about me. But what am I supposed to do now?” Dave said to himself. He hopped off the sill and walked along the counter to look over the edge. It was too far to try jumping onto the tile, even with his ability to survive longer falls due to his smaller mass. And he couldn't see any path to climb down.

“Fuck” He said aloud. He was stuck here until Kate came back for him. Reluctantly, he went back to the window to watch the girls. 

His wife and neighbor sat in the sun drinking their margaritas and chatting with each other. The more they drank, the more animated their conversation became with their arms waving around and loud laughs barking out.

As Dave sat on the windowsill, the combination of the heat from the sun and the boredom of nothing to do caused him to drift off to sleep.


Dave was jolted awake by a loud bang on the counter near him. He shot up and looked around for its source. He focused on a monolith near him on the counter and recognized it as an empty margarita pitcher. Above it was Amanda, standing in his kitchen and talking to his wife, who was digging through their liquor cabinet.

Kate turned her head at the noise of the pitcher slamming down. “Careful, dont smush Dave.” She said with a slight drunken slur.

Fuck. Dave thought. That bitch is about to blow his cover.

“Haha, what are you talking about?” Amanda asked, sounding a bit buzzed.

“Oh, whoops, it's a secret.” Kate said with a laugh.

“What secret? Common, you can't tease me with a secret!” Amanda playfully begged.

Kate leaned towards Amanda and whispered loudly to her. “Well, you know how Dave worked at a place where they shrunk trash? Well he got shrunk too. I left him on the counter there.” 

Amanda's eyes went wide at the news and turned to scan the counter. “What? No way! How small is he? I don't see him.”

“Oh, he's like a small ant now. He's pretty hard to see, but he should be around there. He can't really get around without help.” Kate said before turning back to the liquor cabinet.

Dave started to run for cover behind the toaster on the counter as Amanda scanned the area looking for him. The last thing he wanted was for Amanda to find him.

“Oh, my, god.” Gasped Amanda above him. This caused Dave to push himself harder in an attempt to reach the toaster and dive underneath.

He laid there panting in safety under the metal machine. Until it was lifted off the ground.

“Are you trying to hide from me, little guy?”Amanda said with a wicked grin. She pinched him between her fingers and lifted him up in front of her face. “I can't believe how small you are. I guess this is karma for being such a prick.”

“Put me down and get out of my house!” Dave yelled at his massive neighbor.

“A pathetic bug like you should watch his tone.” Amanda whispered menacingly.

They were interrupted when Kate turned around from the cabinet holding a bottle of tequila. “How about some shots?”

Amanda perked up and hastily agreed. She carried Dave over to the table and sat down as Kate poured two shots for them. 

"Cheers to happy accidents." Amanda said with a laugh. 

Kate rolled her eyes but took the shot anyway. 

"So what's it like being married to a bug now?" Amanda teased. 

In response to the question, Kate picked up the tequila bottle and took a swig. 

"Oh, it's so much fun having a husband too small to even feel on my clit." Kate slurred after her swig. 

Amanda burst out laughing. "Really? Well I guess he does have the smallest dick in the world now." 

Dave turned red from humiliation. "Fuck you!" He yelled up at them. 

"Fuck me? I'd like to see you try, little man." Amanda slammed her bikini covered tits on the table in front of Dave, causing him to fall over from the gust of wind. 

"Come on, how about a tit fuck?" Amanda said laughing. Kate couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her husband cowering in fear of her friend's tits. 

"He tried to fuck my tits yesterday, and I couldn't feel it. Had to finish the job myself." Kate laughed. 

"Aww, does Dave not know how to please his wife?" Amanda laughed. She grabbed the bottle of tequila and poured another round of shots. 

"Cheers to big dildos!' Amanda said and clinked her glass with Kate before downing it. 

"I made him sleep next to my dildo. He looked so small next to it." Kate said, her intoxication was becoming more apparent as she slurred and giggled more and more. 

"We need to find you a real dick." Amanda offered. "Unless Dave wants me to teach him how to please a lady." 

"What do you mean?" Kate asked, clearly intrigued.

Amanda flashed an evil grin towards Dave as she picked him up in one hand while extending her other hand towards Kate.

“Come on, I'll show you.”

Chapter 7 by ittybittyman
Author's Notes:

A pretty spicy chapter, all thanks to Blazingchicken, who basically came up with all of it. 
Let me know what you think, and what you think should happen next. 

Dave stood on his bed looking up at the two drunk women. They were both facing him, with Amanda pressed up against Kate's back, whispering in her ear.

“Now that your husband is so small, you have to imagine a big guy pinning you down and touching your body.” Amanda said. Kate closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as she imagined it. While Amanda talked, she moved her hands around to Kate's front, and slowly began to caress her breast.

"I shouldn't, I’m married” Kate said quietly, without much conviction as Amanda's other hand moved south towards her pussy.


Seeing this made Dave angry and he shouted up at Amanda. “Hey! Knock it off! Get your hands off her!”

"Why don't you make us stop, big man? Or are you just not man enough? Just admit you can't please her anymore, she needs one of these to do your job." Amanda said as she reached into the nightstand and pulled out the dildo that Kate had told her about. Dave was intimidated by the massive dick shaped object that had emasculated him the other night.

“I can still please her! She's my wife, so back off!” He yelled. Amanda smiled at his claim, and guided Kate onto the bed.

“Let's see if your husband is man enough.” Amanda whispered to Kate as she began to help Kate undress.

“Ok, Dave, let's see what you got.” Kate said as she picked him up and dropped him onto her clitoris.

Dave began rubbing and hitting her clitoris as hard as he could. At first he was pleased by the ground below him getting wetter and wetter, until he looked up and saw that Kate was staring at Amanda as she also began to undress. 


Kate was pretty well endowed, but she was nothing compared to Amanda. Her massive breasts, which were clearly enhanced, were absolutely perfect. She was using Kate's dildo and massaging her tits as she stared into Kate's eyes with lust. 


Despite his attempts, it was clear Dave wasn't accomplishing anything, and he began to get frustrated.

“Can you feel him Kate?” Amanda asked.

Kate shook her head, eyes still locked onto Amanda. “No”

“Do you want this? It feels so good.” Amanda said as she held up the dildo.

Kate just bit her lip and nodded.

Amanda grinned wickedly down at Dave and brought her face within inches of Kates pussy to get a better look at him. “Looks like you failed, Dave. Now its time to show you how to really please a woman.”

Dave's eyes went wide as Amandas tongue lashed out and licked him up. He was thrown around her mouth, a mix of spit and Kate's pussy juices covering him as she ate out his wife. For several minutes he listened to the woman moan from inside Amanda's mouth until he was suddenly rocked out of her mouth and landed onto the tip of the dildo.

"Amanda, I can't hold anymore longer, I need it in me NOW!"

Amanda looked down at Dave with a sly grin. "You wanted to make her cum so much, then enjoy the ride.

Dave cursed at Amanda one last time before the huge dildo penetrated Kate's pussy and got covered in her love juice.

Kate grunts, clenching her bedsheets as she withstood the pounding Amanda was giving her with the dildo. She moaned in ecstasy as it went deeper and deeper.


The walls around Dave pulsed with pleasure. He tried to hold on, but was thrown off, deep within his wife. He hit a wall and realized he was at her cervix. Ironically, he realized that this was the deepest he had ever been in his wife. His thoughts were interrupted as he realised he was trapped in the dark fleshy cave. 

“I'm gonna cum!” Kate gasped. The walls around Dave began to clench and pulse more rapidly. Just as Kate began to moan, a wave of her cum swept him up and propelled him out.

Amanda smiled down as she saw Dave shoot out of his wife as she orgasmed. The view was spectacular. Kate's beautiful body sprawled out under her, her expression changing with each thrust of the dildo was wonderful. She had always had a thing for women who acted obedient in bed like her. And getting revenge on her asshole husband made it perfect. 


Amanda lifted Kate's chin, and pulled her face up towards her. “Don't forget about me.” She said as they locked lips and began to passionately make out. Kate, lost in the moment, began to rub Amanda's body and fondle her hefty breasts. 


“Seemed like I was better than that bug you call a husband.” Amanda said as she pulled away.

At the mention of her husband, Kate snapped out of her post orgasm mindset and looked around for him. Seeing him laying in front of her vagina, she picked him up and noticed he wasn't moving.

“Dave? Dave! Wake up!” Kate said, worried that he might be seriously hurt. They definitely had their problems, but she didn't want him dead. Had she gotten too carried away while drunk?


The loud voice of his wife pulled him out of his unconsciousness. He opened his eyes and saw the worried face of his wife. “I'm awake, stop yelling.”


"I'm surprised he's not dead yet after all that." Said Amanda, causing both of them to look up at her. Amanda had gotten up and was putting her clothes back on.

Dave released another barrage of insults towards Amanda but she just laughed at him. 


"You see this, Kate? He nags more than any crazy bitch I've known. You're way better off single, than with a man like him. Heck, any man would be better, and maybe any woman as well." she said with a playful wink, flustering Kate's rosy cheeks.


"What's that supposed to mean, bitch?" Dave yelled. Amanda rolled her eyes, annoyed by the tiny man, but she slowly walked towards him. Dave watched as the monumental woman swayed her wide hips and her huge breasts jiggled upon every step.

"It means your wife has the softest set of lips I've ever kissed, and the tastiest pussy too, its a shame that they are wasted on you." She glared at him before turning around and exiting the room. 


"Kate, did you just cheat on me with that piece of shit? She doesn't even have a dick!" Dave yelled up at his wife.


 "It's not what you think it is, it's just I've had a rough day, and I was drunk, and its been awhile since I've been physical with you.” Kate was both ashamed by her actions and annoyed that Dave was calling her out for it. It's not like this would have happened if he had been able to pleasure her. Kate left him on the bed as she quickly put on her clothes, trying to forget what had happened. 


"Oh so you're the only one having a rough day? Well try being shrunk to the size of an ant and see how it feels. Ever since I got like this, you have only acted as you like and never listened to anything I say. What's next? You're gonna bring someone else in and fuck their brains out? Are you the neighborhood slut now!?" 


"ENOUGH!" She slammed her fist against the wall. “Even before you shrank, you have been insulting and bullying everyone. What happened to you? Where is the Dave that I married? When did you become a cranky old man?” Tears welled up in her eyes. “Ive been patient with you. I thought this was just some midlife crisis that would pass. Do you know how many times Ive had to apologize to people for your behavior? If it wasn't for me, you'd still be stuck in the hospital. Here I am caring for you because I loved you, but this is what I get? Being called a slut?”

Dave tried to interject but was cut off by his scorned wife.

"Maybe Amanda was right, maybe I am better off with anyone other than you!" She said as tears rolled down her cheeks. She quickly went into their closet and started packing a duffel bag.

“Where are you going?” Dave yelled up to her. Was she really leaving him?

“I'm going to spend some time at my family's house. I need some time away from you. And you need to learn what it's like without me taking care of you all the time.” Kate said. She finished packing and walked out the door, looking back one last time before leaving Dave all alone on the bed. 


Dave sat on the massive bed, looking at the doorway Kate had just walked out of. Did he cross the line? She just cheated on him, but he was supposed to be the bad guy? She never used to act like this.

It must be that bitch, Amanda. It made sense that Kate would only act this way after Amanda brainwashed her. 


“When I get back to normal, that bitch is gonna pay.” Dave promised. He continued to rage and plot revenge on everyone that wronged him until he fell asleep, alone in his house.

Chapter 8 by ittybittyman
Author's Notes:

Sorry for the delay. Let me know what you think in the comments and if you have any suggestions for what happens next.

Dave stood on the edge of his windowsill, psyching himself up to follow through with his plan. He had made himself a little parachute out of scrap paper and string to secure it around his waist, and was planning on sailing down to her car in the driveway, and using the cars phone feature to call for help. It had taken him a very long time and alot of physical effort to get to the windowsill, but it wasnt like he had many options. 

He took a running start and jumped. He had no problem floating through the air with his parachute at his small size, in fact, he floated a bit more than he expected. He tried to steer himself towards the car, but he was able to do very little to overcome the very slight breeze and was thrown off course. 

“Fuck fuck fuck” He yelled as he saw his car drift farther away. It would take weeks for him to walk to his car now. He twisted around to look in the direction he was floating and cursed to himself again.

“Shit, not Trish again. Why is she always outside my fucking house!” Dave yelled as the wind seemed to push him directly towards the neighbor girl as she played on the sidewalk. 

Trish was busy playing on the sidewalk, skipping between shapes she had drawn with chalk. She saw something floating in the air that caught her eye, and snatched it out of the air to inspect. 

"Hey! You're the mean little man! When did you learn how to fly?" She said as she dangled Dave by his parachute in front of her face. 

"Hey Trish," Dave said, trying to sound as nice as possible. "I made a parachute and tried to fly to my car, can you bring me over there?" 

"Hmmm, no. You said bad words to me. I don't wanna help you." Trish said. 

"Trish, I'm older than you, you have to do what I say." Dave demanded. 

"No! You're mean. I don't wanna talk to you anymore." She said. 

Dave was about to yell at her when she suddenly opened her mouth wide and dangled him over it. His demanding yell quickly turned into a scream of terror. 

"Trish! No! Stop right now! Don't eat me!" He screamed. 

"Ahhhh" she said as she lowered him to get tongue. 

Just as he was about to enter her mouth, he was saved by an adult voice. 

"Trish! Are you eating bugs?" Said a womans voice that Dave recognized as Megan. 

Being caught red handed, Trish pulled him away from her mouth and covered his entire body in her first, hiding him from Megan. 

"No I wasn't." She said, not making eye contact with Megan. 

"Hand it over Trish, you know you aren't supposed to eat bugs." Megan said, holding out her hand. 

Knowing she would get in trouble, she quickly dropped Dave into Megan's hand and sprinted back towards her house to hide from being yelled at. 

Dave was disoriented from being thrown from hand to hand, but was able to look up into Megan's face as she inspected what Trish was about to eat. 

"Dave? Is that you? That was a pretty dangerous game to play with Trish." Megan chided him. 

"I wasn't playing! I was trying to get to my car when she caught me!" He yelled up to her. 

"Your car?" She asked with a laugh. "I don't think you'd be able to see over the steering wheel." 

"I was gonna use the phone to call for help. Kate left me all alone." Dave explained. 

"Oh well lucky for you I showed up! I can help you out until she gets home." Megan said with a happy smile. "I'll leave Kate a message letting her know I took you home with me." 

Dave started to protest, but he was quickly dropped into Megan's breast pocket. She was a very well endowed woman, so he was squished tightly between fabric and tit. 

As she walked back home, he was bounced around wildly along with her bouncy boobs. He felt like he was going to be sick. 

Eventually the bouncing stopped and Megan's fingers pulled him out of her pocket. She placed him down on a table and stood over him, looking down.

“Here we are. You can stay with me until Kate comes home.” Megan said.

“I was fine on my own! I need to get to my car so I can call someone else!” Dave shouted up to her.

“Nonsense, a little girl was just about to eat you when I rescued you. And who knows what else is out there that could hurt you. Animals, bugs, even a passing rain cloud could wash you away.” Megan said to him like she was talking to a child. “Now, I have to get ready for my yoga class. But you will be safe here while I am gone. I keep it very clean, no bugs to worry about.”

Before Dave could continue his attempt at convincing her to bring him to his car, she walked off to go change. Left alone on the table, Dave walked to the edge and looked down. He didnt want to have to go through another ordeal of climbing down and walking out of the house. After his last attempt, he didnt have much energy left. 

A few minutes later, Megan came back wearing a tight sports bra, which struggled to contain her tits, as well as yoga pants that showed off her shapely rear. Dave couldnt help but think she had a nice body for her age.

She walked back over to Dave. “Now Ill be back in about an hour. Just wait here until then.”

As she turned around to leave, she noticed her shoelace was untied, and bent over to tie them. Unfortunately for Dave, as she bent over, her ass bumped the table, which sent him tumbling over the edge and landing on her lower back.

Before he could get back on his feet and reorient himself, Megan stood back up, sending him sliding down her back and under her yoga pants. He screamed as he slid into her ass crack before becoming wedged between her cheeks.

“Bye Dave.” Megan said as she left for class, unaware of her little hitchhiker.

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=10894