Summary: A VR-MMORPG's mentorship program gives certain max level players the opportunity to oversee entire game-worlds filled with newer players. One mentor decides to get interactive with her worlds at a level her minuscule mentees might not appreciate.
This story and was loosely inspired by an RP I did quite some time ago, and is very big on the theme of shrunken regions/worlds/realms. The story features extreme-scale size-differences, and themes of carelessness and malice. The main character is something of a tomboy, and has some cat-like traits such as ears and tail. This story features feet and vore among other size content, and the latter half of the story is very big on futa content as well. However, there is a warning at that point in the story. Content warnings inside. Comments and constructive criticism are more than welcome!
DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Categories: Giantess,
Young Adult 20-29,
Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Completed: Yes
Word count: 25868
Read: 35769
Published: November 17 2021
Updated: November 17 2021
1. Chapter 1: Couch by VivettaVenray
2. Chapter 2: Accidents by VivettaVenray
3. Chapter 3: Requests by VivettaVenray
4. Chapter 4: Mentorship by VivettaVenray
5. Chapter 5: Poke by VivettaVenray
6. Chapter 6: Bugs by VivettaVenray
7. Chapter 7: Playing by VivettaVenray
8. Chapter 8: Soaked by VivettaVenray
9. Chapter 9: Challenge by VivettaVenray
10. Chapter 10: Fun by VivettaVenray
11. Chapter 11: Owned by VivettaVenray
Chapter 1: Couch by VivettaVenray
By VivettaVenray
(WARNING: Contains
cruelty, cruel language, vore, digestion, monstergals, and violence
among other things.
This story also contains futa
content! It's a big feature in the story starting around the halfway
mark. There will be a warning in the chapter it first makes an
appearance as well.)
(NOTE: This story is
loosely inspired by an RP I did quite some time ago, among some other
inspirations perhaps.
Although this fictional story may
poke fun at certain features of MMORPGs and perhaps some
player-tropes, it isn't intended to offend. Any of that stuff was
just intended as good-fun jokes.)
Chapter 1: Couch
The strong ogfolk warrior heaved
up his mighty ax. As the long beaked raptor screeched, the tall, wide
man swung a deft blow clear into the great beast’s wing. It would
take more than that to stop a bird three times the size of a man, and
the creature jabbed the warrior’s side with a pointed thrust of its
beak. Thankfully the warrior, built to tank blows, withstood it
thanks to equal parts fortitude and good armor.
He countered with a cleaving blow
to the monster's outstretched neck. His ax struck a critical hit, and
the beast fell limp. Now a corpse, the raptor provided him with its
talons and 500 experience points before it slowly faded out of
existence, an act that made room for more of its kind to spawn soon.
The warrior flipped up his visor
and cheered. “Just 10 more of those and I’m level 12!”
“Nice.”, said a mage nearby.
She was clad in a bland oversized robe which shuffled as she readied
a spell towards a formidable looking ram foe of her own. As she was
about to let it lose, a great tremor wracked the land and a shadow
over it grew.
The two lost their balance and
fell to the ground.
“Dammit.”, said the warrior.
“Our mentor is putting her feet up again.”
The mage looked up to the sky,
now partially occluded by the light blue sole of their megaworld’s
supposed benefactor.
“Looks like it.”
She found herself staring at the
foot for a few good moments of contemplation. The myriad wrinkles of
it seemed to rival her world’s rivers in width. She wondered how
many thousands of feet the ped was. The appendage was so big she had
to fling her head up to see it all, and even then that was only
possible given the distance to the body-part.
It actually took the mage a bit
to notice the other foot behind the first one, resting atop the
ankle. A noise rung out over the landscape. It was the subtle sound
of one naked foot idly shifting against the other, albeit made
decidedly less subtle by the sheer magnitude of size difference
between her and the foot’s owner.
Ten towering toes softly
scrunched: another idle, thoughtless movement most likely. The mage
wondered how many of her world’s mountains could be shifted by such
a simple, thoughtless gesture.
It made the mage feel small. She
was very small, as a matter of fact. And, as she continued staring up
at that foot in a contemplative trance, she couldn’t help but
wonder if this was the best way to spend her time. She was in a
veritable bubble of a world, itself conjoined with a few others in a
slightly bigger bubble. All was under the careless gaze of the
powerful player whose feet were presently invading their sky-space,
yet even that gigantic blue brat was in a bubble of her own: the
normal game world.
The mage wondered if perhaps
she’d be better off logging out, taking off her headset, and doing
something more productive with her time. Maybe she could catch up on
some movies or something. Perhaps she could read a story: or even try
to write one.
A ferocious “baaa” broke her
trance. The mage’s little rectangular menu flashed into her view
briefly, and in red. One of the ram-beasts respawned and aggro’d
her on proximity: that is, she was close enough to the enemy that it
attacked automatically.
“Ah, only 4 more of these till
level up I think. Might as well...”, mumbled the mage to herself.
She raised her staff up in the air and started casting a fire spell
while the beast readied its next charging strike.
The purple-eyed nekojin woman sat
on her couch, her own menu opened in front of her as a bright blue
rectangle of interactable light. Her legs were bare up till the cuffs
of some loose, dark blue shorts. Past the waistline, her flat tummy
and more were bare until reaching the bottom of a gray and rather
short crop top with straps over her shoulders.
A lot of players complained about
outfits like that. Foremost Phantasia was a fantasy game, after all,
so casual and modern garbs might seem out of place. But, that ship
sailed long ago when the real-money store first sold that
bikini-outfit which was still a best seller. So, the owner of these
particular garbs didn’t feel the least bit guilty about wearing
something comfy in her own virtual home, especially since she brought
it with zril as opposed to real world money.
Despite the name of her kind, she
was far more human than cat. She mostly just had the cute features
like upright cat ears, a prehensile tail, and some striped, darker
blue facial markings which didn’t intrude into her actual face all
that much. If players wanted to be a fully furred, ferocious humanoid
then they could play the shishijin, or “lionfolk”. She didn’t
much care to be covered in fur. She just wanted those cute catlike
features like the ears and tail, and the sharp fangs in her mouth
among a few other subtle features she found very aesthetic and
She had deep blue hair on the
head and for her tail’s hair-fur as well. Her head hair was short.
Not so short that it was a boy’s cut, but not styled to anything
fancy. Just allowed to exist out of her way and not so atrocious that
it was an issue to any onlooker. Very much a tomboy sort of style and
approach to hair.
The cat-like ears on the top of
her head, too, were a shade of blue to match the head hair. Keeping
with the theme of blue, her skin was a shade of light blue: a few
shades past the safety point where gray becomes lighter blue.
Unambiguously blue, except when it wasn’t. In rare niche locations
of her own world, sometimes the shaders could glitch out and it could
seem the tiniest bit gray. Even a game as advanced as Foremost
Phantasia had a few bugs from time to time.
As with any skin complexion, the
shade varied at certain spots and her skin was no exception. For
example, it was a bit lighter blue at the palms of her hands and
soles of her feet; the latter of which were positioned precariously
close to M-Megaworld E1. The E stood for her first name in-game:
Euki hadn’t intended to loom
her feet over the minuscule megaworld in her care. On the other hand,
it wasn’t as though she didn’t know her feet were there; it was
in the back of her mind. The nekojin just wanted to kick up her feet
on her in-game coffee table in her in-game home. At the least, she
was aware enough of the sprawling landscapes rife with minuscule
players to not prop her peds atop them all.
With her menu open, she had
access to numerous features for that little megaworld. She could
access views from the ‘ground-level’, so to speak, and monitor
any public chat room going on down below. In this way she could take
great care of her assigned worlds.
Euki wasn’t doing any of that.
Her in-game menu was open so she
could do her daily scratch off mini-game. It awarded GP, gold points,
which could be used for exclusive rewards that Euki desired. You
could get GP lots of ways, but you couldn’t buy it with zril, which
meant Euki actually had to grind out the damn points. That didn’t
matter much, as she had both zril and time in excess.
Much as she wanted to ignore the
cries of protests from the multitudes at her feet, she couldn’t
entirely. As more people spammed the mentor-link chat, the more that
chat-box flashed and scrolled in its spot on her menu. With a curt
grunt she gave it a look and noticed the general trend seemed to be
people complaining about the proximity of her feet to the megaworld.
She gleamed this both from the rapidly scrolling chat and from the
most upvoted “sentiments”.
When the mentorship system was
designed, it was understood by developers that it might be hard for a
group of hundreds or more to gain the attention of their mentor. So,
certain chat messages could be sent as sentiments and if people liked
them they would upvote them and make them more visible: up to and
including the point where they would pop-up forcibly on the mentor’s
menu, as they did at that moment.
At the time, the most upvoted
sentiment was “move your feet please; it’s dark.” A rather
innocuous statement Euki nonetheless took offense to.
“The nerve of those
entitled runts. They don’t pay my game subscription...”, she
mumbled to herself.
Euki had half a mind to send that
message, verbatim, to the chat. However, then she’d get reported
for being rude, and she couldn't have that. She could of course say
whatever she wanted aloud. She figured it would be a booming,
poignant chastisement to all the tiny mite-sized players below. Vocal
communication wasn’t reportable or punished by the game’s terms
of service. This was because logging it would cost more server space
than the developers were willing to spend money on.
Still, Euki decided against that.
She thought it might offend all the players enough that some might
log-off or otherwise get bummed and be less productive. If her
mentees weren’t leveling, crafting, or harvesting as much, then she
wouldn’t gain benefits from the fruits of their labor as much.
So, she did what all players did
in times like this and settled for the good old-fashioned strategy of
passive aggression. Perfect for skirting the game’s terms of
service, or ‘ToS’ for short.
Euki turned away from the
mini-game to will a chat-field open on her menu screen. She tapped
the empty text box, and then thought up the message to send.
‘Oh wow sorry everyone. I
usually put my feet there and it’s not often an issue lol. Like,
people don’t usually complain they just do their own thing. I’ll
try and move them when I can ^-^’
Her thumb hit the send button
which, despite being made of light like the rest of her in-game menu,
offered a bit of resistance to her finger.
The message was sent as a special
“Mentor Message”, meaning it forcibly popped up on the main-menus
of everyone in M-Megaworld E1. This of course irked a few people,
some of whom were a minority that were passive aggressive towards the
people who originally complained. This sudden pop-up took them out of
their very busy mining patterns, or experience farming patterns, or
interrupted their story quest with an intrusive notification.
Others of course spammed the chat
asking Euki to just move her feet right away. Euki of course could,
but she didn’t no matter how much the mentees protested, and they
would protest quite a bit.
All the better for Euki, as the
polite, non-ToS violating seething in chat gave her time to finally
finish her mini-game.
She re-enlarged the mini-game
screen on the very dynamic menu of hers.
“Now where was I.”
series of squares were arranged in a 3 by 3 grid. You had 3
opportunities to pop the opaque squares to reveal numbers beneath.
Some numbers were pre-revealed so the player could strategize which
squares to pop. Euki was good at this mini-game, and most of the
others really.
“Let’s see, 7, 8...”
If the last number in the row was
a 9, she’d win the most amount of GP. The highest rewards of GP
came from consecutively increasing numbers, and the higher those
numbers, the higher that reward.
Euki popped the last number in
the row. This was her last chance today to win more than a meager
amount of Gold Points.
“6?!? Dammit!”
In her frustration at the cruel
wiles of RNG, the blue nekojin let out her tame expletive, uncrossed
her legs, lifted her right foot up, then quickly stomped it down. It
all happened fast in a fluid series of motions. Not too quickly
afterwords, Euki’s main menu flashed red with alerts. She sucked
her teeth and grumbled.
“Ah son of a...”
Chapter 2: Accidents by VivettaVenray
Chapter 2: Accidents
The northern lands of Hrisgar
compromised the leveling experience for players 50-60. It was the
main landmass for the second expansion of the game’s rich story
and, according to many, the first point where it actually got good.
Such northerly lands were
naturally filled with tundra and snow, but there also areas of
temperate forests, vast farmlands, and even a floating island or two
when the expansion’s story really kicked into gear. Settlements
dappled it, mostly of stone including the famous, sprawling, gray
city of Icksregard that was the capital in the region. The biggest
cities in an area were, of course, the player-hubs for an expansion.
Also, being at essentially the
north-west most part of the megaworld, it was closest to Euki’s
towering foot while she fiddled with her mini-game. As terrifying as
that potential threat was, it didn’t stop players from going about
their business for the most part. Watching cutscenes from the story,
harvesting rare minerals from the icy rocks to the far north: players
still did what they came to do, giant looming foot or not.
But it’s one thing for a foot
to loom and another for it to actually step. As everyone was
engrossed in their activities, things took a turn for the worse. It
started with a sheering-sort of tremor as Euki quickly shifted
forward from her couch sitting. Then, that great foot in the sky
lifted up and shifted forward. For the briefest moment, they had a
view of her sole from directly below. The land had a bit a shadow
before, but once actually underfoot the sudden darkening was
impossible to ignore. Though few had their heads craned upwards in
time to make out the fuller, closer view of Euki’s sole, none could
ignore that shadow.
Thankfully for those afraid of
the dark, it was fast. In less time it took to cast some of the
quickest spells, Euki’s gigantic foot fell and smothered all of
Hrisgar out of existence. No one stood a chance against the supple
blue flesh as it crashed down. Everyone’s HP went from 100% to 0
flat in a moment.
A few intelligent tank players
activated their class’s invulnerability abilities--which would
traditionally afford them immunity from death and, or, damage for
some time. Those only lasted so long, a few seconds at most, and it
took a bit longer than that for Euki to realize what she had done.
So, until then, their quick thinking and reflexes were rewarded with
eking out a few more seconds of crushing pain beneath the
indomitable, warm foot flesh. Soon as those signature skills of
theirs ran out, they were pancaked like the rest of the poor players
in the ped’s path.
If it was any consolation,
*nothing* and no one was safe
from the step. Roaming world bosses, powerful foes, were crushed with
ease. Friendly NPCs fell
as well, as they too had health-bars. Forests
filled with farm-able nodes and hunt-able monsters were brief tickles
against the ball of her unyielding foot.
Foremost Phantasia was a very
realistic game world when
it suited itself, the
settlements basically exploded against her foot fall, as they
realistically should.
Players in Icksregard--be
they questing, lollygagging, or shopping at the time--all
had a moment to huddle in panic as buildings crumbled around them.
That was, of course, only for
those that could react in time before they too met the fatal pressure
of Euki’s knee-jerk stomp.
on the floating islands were in the process of turning in their last
story quests for the region before moving on to other lands. That was
interrupted, of course. Euki’s middle toes clipped the levitating
little landmasses with her
foot’s descent. A reflexive
scrunch of her toes shattered the island to smithereens, mere crumbs
which drifted off her foot to ravage the lower-leveled area. The
rest of the ped came down shortly after to finish the job.
Those poor players at the
last area of Hrisgar would have to rewatch some cutscenes when they
got back or, even worse, do the forbidden and skip them out of
was some good news, though,
in that despite the complete
annihilation of that Hrisgar landscape, 2
thirds of the player at that
point of their character progression, within the megaworld, were
totally fine! It was only the
Hrisgar region in M-World E1 that was affected, thankfully.
megaworld was a term for
worlds joined together at a border: essentially pushed together
rather literally. That is,
entire worlds, back to back at the border to make a super landmass of
a game world--at least from a
mentor’s view. It
took three worlds to make a megaworld: no more and no less.
between worlds could be a pain and, for mentees, was borderline
impossible without a mentor’s help. Megaworlds
had special teleportation objects
one could interact with to
hop between worlds within a megaworld, though. In
other words, they had softer borders, but
these had longer delays than traditional teleportation.
Sadly this had a downside as
well. Although convenient for many reasons to meld worlds together
like this, the physical connectedness of the worlds was a detrimental
factor too. Though it was impractical for players to try and surpass
the towering borders from, say, M-World E1 to M-World E2, for Euki
such borders might as well not have existed. Even the tallest
mountains were dwarfed by her toes.
Some players in the level 20-30
area of M-World E2 were at work in the jungles of that region. They
were cutting vines, felling monsters, and gaining exp. Many were also
just relaxing in the rather scenic jungle settlement hub of that
region. It was a town, not a full city, but still had a teleportation
node with which to move to, which meant anyone who found it in that
world could get to if they wanted.
Such relaxation was short lived
as, unfortunately for everyone there, Euki’s foot was *slightly*
angled in her step. This put the
big toe of her right foot clear over the border of M-World
E1 and in a position to cover that
level 20-30
leveling area of
M-World E2. This was a much smaller area than all of Hrisgar, but it
was still a rather sprawling area. Alas, it was more-or-less
smaller than the pad of her
big toe, and thus smeared into the circling whorls of the digit’s
one survived the impact, and the entire jungle settlement was
flattened by just one of Euki’s toes. Those in the surrounding
jungles were either caught beneath the toe as well or, if farther
out, fell
between the space between the big and second toe. They survived a bit
longer till Euki carelessly twisted her foot in the process of
lifting it back off the table. That smeared those last few poor souls
out of their last point of hp.
Anyone near those poor regions
could witness the deed to an extent: if on a high enough mountain top
at least. The quakes were felt all over the megaworld as one would
expected. Before the foot actually lifted away, revealing the deep
unsurpassable craters in its wake, they could hear Euki’s voice
booming on high.
of a...”
Euki willed her menu to hover a
bit out of view and to her side. She couldn’t ignore it for long,
what with its red flashing and numerous warnings. She quite literally
couldn’t close it till she acknowledged the issues it was trying to
tell her about: as though they weren’t obvious.
Before that though, she lifted
her right foot up off the coffee table just a little bit. At the same
time, she slid her left leg off the piece of furniture entirely. It
landed against the floor with a thump, no doubt rattling her mentees
again. She gave that little concern.
Instead, she tilted her right
foot on its side to get an idea of what she had done. As expected,
her sole was covered with what looked at a glance to be dust and
crumbs, but she knew to be the smashed remains of at least one
world’s worth of an entire expansion’s landmasses. She wiggled
her toes, loosening some of the rubble while her left hand quickly
brushed against her sole to dust off more.
Back on M-World E1 and M-World
E2--the middle point of the megaworld--anyone with a high enough
vantage point could make out the horizontal wall that was Euki’s
sole. She had angled the foot towards the megaworld in its tilt, once
again not really thinking in her haste to do what she wanted.
Her titanic hand came down from
above, and the divine pillars that were her fingers brushed against
the sole for all able to see, and all in the megaworld to hear. As
the toes wiggled and her fingers stroked the skin, tons of rubble
rained down from the toes to assail even more players and
settlements. The rubble also rolled down the gentle slope of her
tilting foot, crushing more bits of forest and perhaps a scant few
players in the few safe-spots from her foot’s descent earlier:
typically just a bit too far south to be crushed outright while also
being safe from the earthquakes.
Euki let out another booming.
“Really? You’re telling me
that caused more damage? You fragile little...”
She stopped herself to check her
menu again, which was flashing even more now. Countless alerts popped
up all over the screen. Numerous settlement destruction warnings,
environmental destruction notifications, and more. She grunted,
ignoring them for the moment and clicking an option to clean her skin
as though she had taken a shower. It cost a paltry amount of zril for
her, a mere 3,000.
After doing that, what was left
of the rubble fell off her skin and tumbled back onto M-World E1,
with some rolling into the far western parts of M-World E2. This
caused a bit more damage, but nothing compared to what she did
already and, if given time, would actually be cleaned up on its own,
by the game itself, as once she opted to clean herself with the
feature said rubble entered the designation of “dirt”.
The rest of the damage wouldn’t
though, such as the many M-world-meters deep print the ball of her
foot had left. She had to handle that another way. She could put in a
work order to replant the forest--trees grew much faster in game
thankfully--and the cities and other settlements. Fixing cities also
took a trivial amount of time compared to fixing many buildings in
the real world. Still, that was only by comparison, and it would take
a bit of time regardless though. Hours instead of months or years,
yes, but hours and eve minutes were precious.
Instead, Euki settled her right
foot to the ground at last, sat further up on the couch, then tapped
a few buttons on her translucent menu of light. She clicked the
repair all button. It was there she saw the estimate.
“200,000 zril? Really?!?”
When the developers made the
mentorship program, they knew there would be a few accidents. Any
mentees killed by a mentor directly or indirectly-within-reason,
would get a special resurrection at their designated ‘home’
settlement. Respawning in game was always free, but normally players
would suffer durability damage to their gear which needed to be
repaired at a cost of zril. Deaths from mentors, though, caused no
durability damage.
So, the mentees were no worse off
financially aside from the minor teleportation fees to travel back to
where they needed to go: once fixed of course. Any mentee whose home
settlement was destroyed would simply respawn at the next nearest
settlement instead. This meant the areas south of Hrisgar,
central-south Anuzea, was a bit crowded for the moment.
Things were different for the
mentor though. The game developers didn’t want mentors regularly
destroying their worlds through carelessness or, even worse, on
purpose. So, repairing a world’s terrain cost a steep bit of zril.
Well, steep for most. Euki was a
bit frugal when it came to zril at times, but she had plenty of it.
When it came to her in-game finances, 200k zril was nothing. But, she
didn’t make as much zril as she did throwing it around willy-nilly,
so it still stung a bit. The only other alternative was putting in a
slew of work orders for the mentees to fix things. That would take
forever though, and until then no one was leveling 50-60, which ate
into her mentorship point gains that she valued much much more than
200k zril.
So, gritting her teeth, she paid
the price with a disgruntled grunt. Shortly after doing so,
everything she had just destroyed with a careless step slowly formed
back into place over the span of a few seconds. The NPCs and monster
mobs, who would’ve respawned in time anyways, came back much faster
as the towns did their little animation of erecting themselves once
more. Just like that, the two beleaguered worlds of Euki’s
three-world megaworld were good as new: back to their normal.
Euki leaned back in her couch and
sighed. Her menu had stopped nagging her and went back to its usual
cool blue shade. She eyed the chat box, full of players calling her
the worst mentor ever, a dangerous menace.
‘Blah blah blah’, she
thought. She ignored it all for the moment and typed a message to
send over the Mentor-Link.
“Whoops, sorry everyone ^-^.”
Chapter 3: Requests by VivettaVenray
Chapter 3: Requests
After that 200,000 zril mistake,
Euki popped open her menu and started perusing the markets. She
always had goods moving there on the in-game marketplace. That’s
where the big zril was made. The nekojin got to work trying to make
back that spent zril as fast as possible.
It didn’t take her long to find
some goods below their worth, and she idly swished her tail in
tempered delight. Early midday there was less demand for certain
goods than later in the day, so prices fell. She snatched up some
much used crafting mats and made a note to liquidate them all that
evening, when demand was higher as more people got home from work,
donned their headsets, and wanted to craft whatever stat food or
fancy clothes they desired that day.
While doing that, she sold
off a few items she was holding onto which usually peaked in value
around this time, and in doing so made back the zril then and there,
with more profit to come later atop those from her usual dealings.
Yet, it wasn’t long until her
blissful digital money-making was interrupted by a pop-up
notification. The players in M-World E3, the third and final world of
the coffee table bound megaworld, had sent a special Mentor Request.
A Mentor Request was a special
“sentiment” one could opt to make. With enough upvotes, it was
sent to the world's mentor to view like any other sentiment. The
difference is it asked the mentor to do something, and offered a
bonus of mentorship points to the mentor for helping. To prevent
abuse, it took a lot of upvotes--which each upvote for a request
costing zril--in order to get these requests to the level where a
mentor had to view them.
This request was for help
defeating a special world boss monster. Despite the name, they were
usually regional monsters rather than monsters that challenged an
entire game world’s worth of players. Still, the point was that
they were big and bad. Most players who hadn’t seen them before
simply thought them rather large normal monsters. They would rush in,
die, respawn, and then recruit others to try and beat it.
Most higher level players were
busy with other stuff though, and didn’t want to help. You still
needed a lot of players to take them down. The fights were long and
tedious too, but rewarded unique loot tokens. So, all this coupled
together made it so that these were by far the most common type of
Mentor Requests for a mentor to get.
Players knew such bosses were
easy for mentors to cull, and mentors knew that even the toughest foe
for the mentees was smaller than their finger. It was a symbiotic
exchange really: at least for most.
Euki liked mentorship points, as
she couldn’t outright buy them or farm them any way other than this
program. She didn’t really like helping others though, unless she
had to. In the moment, the catgal wanted to get those points, but
like many game players wanted to expend the least amount of effort
possible to do so. She still had pages of the market listings to
peruse, after all.
She had an idea.
Atop one of the many the eastern
isles making up the “Jima” region of the game’s third
expansion, players level 60-70 were all grouped up and staring down a
giant, 50ft tall spider woman. As they were waiting, the ground shook
with a fierce tremor. An all too familiar and troublesome sensation,
often the harbinger for something much worse.
Sure enough, Euki’s left foot
came into their view just about the time she slammed her heel down on
the coffee table. The foot pivoted, shadowing the sunny island. It
angled such that the pinky toe was hovering in the sky not too far
From the tremor, many of the
amassed group of players stumbled, and one unlucky fellow stumbled a
bit too far forward. This aggro’d the boss monster, who proceeded
to attack the group: starting by stamping out the instigating player
with her spider-like lower-body. As they were a humble knife wielding
dps, and not a more formidable tank, they were KO’d quite fast.
The rest of the group
either joined the sudden combat, tried to run from it, or just sort
of ran around in circles not doing much of anything: a usual modus
operandi even without a toe hanging overhead. As this was going on, a
message came over the Mentor-Link onto all the amassed adventurer’s
menus which, too, popped up suddenly.
“How’s it looking down there?
Is the boss beneath my toe?”
The dynamic requester chat
erupted with replies and other activity. There was general chatter on
trying to strategize handling the boss monster that was currently
attacking. “Please heal me” and “Please turn on your stance!”
abounded. However, most messages were in reply to Euki’s.
“Do not step down!!!”
no. Do not!!!”
“Can’t you just poke it with a finger?!?”
“No it’s too far south!”
it’s not don’t step please!”
“I just died to the crabs I
don’t wanna respawn again.”
But, there was one from a
particularly aloof player that read:
“Eh, kind of?”
Euki watched the messages roll
in. She was looking for confirmation, and eventually found it in that
message from the aloof player as well as one or two others.
“Good enough.”, she thought,
and moved her left foot down to try and snuff out the threat with
pinky toe. All the while, she didn’t even look at what she was
doing. Her eyes were on the market board listings still, having moved
her gaze from the chat part of her menu to that section to make some
more zril. Zril and mentorship points at the same time was her aim.
‘Always good to multitask’,
she thought.
From high in the sky, Euki’s
pinky toe came down. To her credit, she did angle her foot so that
only that little toe made contact with the micro game-world.
Unfortunately, there were two big problems nonetheless.
Firstly, that pinky toe of hers
still dwarfed in-game mountains in size to the mentees.
Secondly, her aim was off. It
wasn’t that bad considering she wasn’t even looking, but it was
too far south.
The pinky toe came down *behind*
the boss monster and the group fighting it. Those players, most of
which fell down from the shaking earth, could take a break from the
intense scuffle to turn
around. There, they could see
the big blue pinky toe burrowed deep into the island over what used
to be the region’s main settlement.
the players fighting the giant spider monster lady were spared
contact, those who had run from the world boss were crushed as the
pad of the pinky toe came down. Along with them were causalities in
the form of swaths of trees
and other flora, hundreds of monsters on the island, and many more
players just out and about at the time in the various bits of
and leveling areas the island offered.
the island’s settlement was gone as well. The small little town
was situated atop a hill on the island. Said hill was flattened
easier than
one could flatten a bulge on a rug. The
town itself obviously had no chance, and its wooden buildings
crumbled like sand
against the
might of
Euki littlest toe. It more or
less detonated on contact, yet was also instantly snuffed out as the
toe lightly settled after the descent.
message come over the Mentor Link from Euki to the requesters.
I get it? How far off was
I?”, it read.
was of course aware there was some damage, but that didn’t concern
her at the time. What did
concern her was that the Mentor Request objective had yet to be
completed, and those sweet sweet mentorship points had yet to be
The chat erupted with more
“You destroyed Hilltop
all gone. Just gone...”
no, you missed!!!”
“My partner was back at the town.”
is your stance still off?”
But, a few more messages caught her eye. More
useful ones, from players a
bit less afraid of a KO.
far south, you wrecked the forest.”
“No she was
a bit more
noticed them and had a brief “hmm”.
must be the giant spider lady. I think I remember her
spawn being a bit north. Checks out.”, she
thought to herself.
one sec.”, she said
aloud for all below to here. Shortly after, she slid her foot back
towards herself:
more ‘north’ in the game world.
in contact with the island, the monolithic pinky toe tore through the
terrain as it slipped northward. It
was heading right towards the boss monster this time, and the players
still fighting it. The ‘reinforcement’ they had begged from their
mentor didn’t discriminate between friend and foe as it slid
through the island’s grassy terrain, towards them.
through the players, the toe eventually come upon the world boss
which, like Euki’s mentees, didn’t last long. The world boss was
a rather big spider lady, but its formidable size was completely and
utterly trivialized next to even the smallest of Euki’s toes. The
nekojin mentor was simply that immense in comparison, and the spider
went splat with ease. The
boss monster fell under the
toe as it carved its path of destruction, and was summarily defeated
and destroyed.
Just to be thorough, Euki kept
dragging her toe all the way off the northern tip of the island. She
stopped when she felt a bit of wetness, which meant ocean of course.
It was rather shallow to her, but when her toe splashed into those
seas it brought up waves which wracked the surrounding islands as
well, causing a bit of damage to most players near the coasts.
Indeed, those too close to the coast were simply taken up by the
massive waves and drowned.
sad as many players were to be KO’d so inconsiderately, the world
boss monster
*was* defeated.
Euki herself smiled and let out a pleased “nice!” as she saw her
stock of mentorship points increase. All
the players involved with fighting the monster got their loot tokens
and some experience as well--provided, of course, that
they hit the enemy
at least once.
Euki moved her foot back to the
couch, quickly wiping it against the cushion to dry the pinky toe.
Her menu was red with all the damage warnings of course, but it was
nothing compared to before.
eyed the zril value to repair everything, and saw that it’d be 50k
zril. However, just repairing
the raw and rough terrain was a measly 25k zril. So, she did that.
That still left the matter of fixing the forest
and settlement her pinky toe had destroyed.
hit a few buttons and decided to make it a “Mentor Challenge”.
These were special tasks she could assign, with limitations, towards
her mentees. The one she
assigned was to replant the forest and rebuild the Hilltop Haven
zril cost to repair all that herself was trivial. She
debated just paying it. Making it a challenge made it so the mentee
crafters and material
harvesters could work
together to repair it themselves. They would be rewarded with
experience points and an amount of zril most would call decent but
Euki would call pathetic.
making it a challenge, Euki didn’t get any of that. However, she
didn’t need exp. Moreover,
she didn’t lose anything either. Cost no zril or, more importantly,
time on her part. In fact, she figured she’d gain some time as the
mentees would gleefully engage in the tasks for that sweet sweet exp.
While they did so, they’d leave her alone for a bit.
Euki wanted to finish her market
manipulations for the moment and, thankfully, managed to do so. That
done, she just relaxed. A loud sigh left her lips as she closed the
menu and half-lidded her eyes. She debated kicking her feet up on the
coffee table again. She didn’t, though not for consideration for
the micro-scale mentees so much as a desire to rest against the couch
cushions in full.
Her bare feet propped up on the
other end of the furniture, she shuffled her body against the
cushions and just took some time for herself. Head turned towards the
table, she took a few moments to reflect on just how huge she was
compared to them. There was a certain enticement to it she realized
she hadn’t quite appreciated in full. She’d been much too busy
chasing those mentorship points.
Euki didn’t get much chance to
think on that though. Her menu popped open, disturbing her from her
thoughts to grab her attention.
It was another Mentor Request.
This time, though, it came from another world in her care. M-World E8
this time.
Euki groaned, as this meant
she had to get up.
Chapter 4: Mentorship by VivettaVenray
Euki stood up from the couch and
planted her feet on the floor. M-Megaworld E1 shook. Some players
took a break from their tasks to see Euki stride off. Her steps
echoed as she moved away deeper into her in-game home.
There was a certain level of awe
in some, and plenty of envy in others. Yet, despite what they thought
of Euki, in many ways she was similar to them.
For starters, like them, Euki
wasn’t actually Euki. She controlled her in-game avatar, but was a
person out in the real world. She was a young woman on winter break
from her university studies. As she often did, she spent the bulk of
her break time playing the critically acclaimed VR-MMORPG Foremost
Phantasia, or “FP” for short.
all the mentees, this meant her real body had a special
headset on
top her
with her nervous system. With it,
she could immerse herself into the game until she either logged off,
or 7
hours had passed at which point she’d be forcibly logged off just
for health and safety reasons. Of course, the latter wasn’t much of
an issue, as aside from a 30 second “cooldown” she could just hop
right back into the game--assuming
there weren’t any queuing issues of
from that, Euki wasn’t the only catgal in FP. Quite the opposite,
in fact. The nekojin, or catfolk as they were interchangeably called,
were one of the most popular races among all player demographics.
were a large variety of races to choose from in the game. Players who
liked to be short could go with the gnomefolk, assuming they didn’t
mind being punted around a bit: Euki thought some probably liked
that, even. You also had
and scaled humanoids with the dragonfolk. There were also
and slender elffolk
their pointed ears and graceful limbs. If
you wanted fur on your chest, butt, and everywhere else then the
lionsfolk existed. If you truly wanted to be a big strong brute, then
the ogfolk were available as an option too with
their tall, wide, and strong physiques.
player almost made an ogfolk. They were the tallest and buffest race,
and that was a common mood for her. Alas, the females had a dearth of
nose options to her liking. Moreover,
blue skin tones.
worked out though, as she greatly enjoyed her character’s current
form and, well, she didn’t exactly need to worry about feeling
short when doing mentor things.
created their characters as they did for many reasons. Some wanted to
be something wild and different: fantastical.
wanted something pretty to look at, and thus they tried to make the
perfect eye-candy for when they looked at an in-game mirror.
Others wanted to create an idealized version of themselves.
figured that last reason contributed
why the
most popular race in the game were the jin:
basically. She found that a bit boring. She pondered why it
was more popular for players to make an idealized version of
themselves as opposed an
idealized version of themselves, but
with horns
or a tail too.
just seemed like an extra cool factor to her, not to mention the
utility. Euki’s player often
imagined how useful a prehensile tail could be in real life. She
she could
probably hold a soda with it, which
up her hands to play a handheld-game
while waiting for a meal to finish cooking or
there wasn’t
a single trait Euki had that her player wouldn’t also mind having
in the real world. That
said, she didn’t design her
character to be an ideal version of herself. Moreover,
as she enjoyed her in-game body, in many senses of the term, she
didn’t design her character just for lewd
she made a body she found attractive, she didn’t max out the boob
slider either.
mostly just made
a body that she
thought would
be great to play in. And,
she was right. Also, blue was one of her favorite colors.
said, the games collection of player characters was incredibly
diverse. Jin were a majority, but only slightly. There were still
plenty of the other races running around. Enough
that if you entered an
room and there were only, say, gnomefolk, then that was both a great
oddity and a sign the player should run from whatever cult meeting
may have been going on in there.
even if there were plenty of other catfolk, Euki was the only
character that looked like she did. For
starters there were subraces, and the other subrace of nekojin was
more popular as most
thought it
had cooler looking
pupils. Alas for
Euki’s player,
blue skin tones,
so she didn’t pick it.
game had an astonishing amount of character customization options.
odds that any character looked like another on accident, even with
many millions of players, was very small. Euki’s
Player in particular had fiddled with color sliders for at least 30
minutes to get her skin the perfect shade of blue that wasn’t too
light nor too dark for her tastes. The
precisely tuned tone alone probably made her unique, but fiddling
over ear angles,
tail length, and more definitely did.
player didn’t agonize over every choice like that though. For
instance, setting
height slider to max was a quick and easy decision. She
knew she personally didn’t want hair too long or in a bun or braid,
that cut off about half the hair options for her then and there.
was true that Euki
out from other
players in other ways. Most obvious, of course, was that as
a mentor she
was utterly
gigantic to
the entire program didn’t used to exist. It was rather new, in
did everything her mentees did at a point, she just did it out in the
game-world. She did it in World 1, in fact, the first world the game
ever made.
she knew the lands intimately and, in fact, still played in them!
1 still existed. It
was an entire game-world just like the ones the mentees were playing
in, only it was actually to her scale: the normal scale, as only
mentor worlds were shrunk. She had leveled in the areas the mentees
did, fought the mobs they did, and grinded out all the exp they were
trying to do now themselves. The
only difference is that she didn’t have some giant player
to beg for help now and then.
actual, non-mentor game worlds had some differences. They had the
latest expansion areas, for instance, and players could
earn another 10 levels and
finish the last parts of the current game story.
But, otherwise it was exactly the same, only bigger. Normal sized.
didn’t want to be a mentor at first. It
seemed like a lot of work, and she was the type of player to go out
of her way to avoid helping others whenever possible for
the entanglements and time-sinks those actions usually were.
that, she volunteered to mentor
for a very important reason most of all.
exclusivity of the role was nice, but that wasn’t the main reason.
It wasn’t to lord her sheer size, power, and progression over
others either, as nice as she found that to be when
she thought about it.
zril stipend
mentorship paid was trivial to her as well.
the reason most important
was simpler than all
that: a
were what players used to get around the wide open world. With them,
you could move faster over the landscapes.
At a certain point in
progression, with
enough grinding, you could even fly across the regions, moving
at the max speed the game would let you.
enough mentorship points you could buy, among other things, a special
of course didn't *need*
mount. She'd probably never use the mount more than once to make the
'new' indicator go away from
It was ugly, and she had rarer ones to
flaunt when
she felt like flexing on others.
However, she *could*
get the mount, and until she *did*
there was a slot in her mount collection where the mount could go.
So, simply put, she *had*
to have it and,
unfortunately for her and her mentees, the mount was exclusive to the
for that reason she put up with
Mentor Requests, questions, and general monitoring of the worlds and
megaworlds under her care.
all not mentioning
the occasional zril sink they were when she accidentally bumped one
off the table or
forgot to cover her face for a sneeze.
As to the mentees themselves,
well, many fully leveled players that knew of the system sometimes
wondered why anyone would put up with it as a mentee.
Why would anyone put up with
someone like Euki? Why spend a good chunk of the game’s story--the
majority of it, really--leveling and grinding at the literal feet of
a comparably titanic brat? A condescending, careless, self-centered
tomboy more interested in milking you for rewards than actually
helping you enjoy the game or figure out a problem.
The answer is quick and
satisfying to anyone who plays the game.
Double Exp.
That’s all it took for the
program to be one of the most popular player-based programs in the
games history. Speeding up the grind to level any and all classes by
double is just too good a reward for most players to pass up.
On top of that, if you haven’t
yet subscribed to the game, it’s the only way to play it for free.
The whole program started due to
a flood of players. Other VR-MMORPGs attempted to break into the
market, but none caught on. Though the headsets were compatible with
all, the other games integrated far less well with the player. The
game tech and design was worse, basically.
In some cases, it was even
dangerous. The only other serious competitor, a western VR-MMORPG,
lost the vast bulk of its players after a small subset of subscribers
suffered nerve damage due to an improperly tuned raid encounter. Of
course, it was transient and curable, but still scary enough to tank
the sub count.
Simply put, it was the only
VR-MMORPG of its kind. It simulated everything from pleasure to
temperature and even some pain. If focusing, you could even feel your
in-game heart beat. It was the only game of its kind where you really
felt like you were your character.
So, it exploded in
popularity. As players flooded in, customer support was swamped with
new players asking trivial questions. The major game worlds, too,
were utterly overloaded with players. Veteran players were
complaining about long queues to log in and stability issues once
inside, while new players were getting a bad experience due to all
the tech troubles and server strain themselves.
So, the developers made mentor
worlds, denoted with a leading “M-” prefix. By making it so free
trial players *must* use these worlds, and throwing in the exp
bonus, every new player was tripping all over themselves to get into
one. And, once they hit 70, they could head out into a real game
world to join all the other players. Mentors and mentees were bribed
with the in-game boons and rewards, and thus strain was taken off
game staff and servers in one fell swoop.
Alas, the problem was the
program’s own success. It wasn’t a technical problem: shrunken
worlds were just as detailed, but did take up less space in the game
itself. Moreover, the inside of a house was instanced: that is,
separate from the main game world. Its own mini environment, in a
sense, which, through complicated means like hardware and legacy code
reasons, meant it was far less effort to have mini worlds in it than
a normal world standing on its own.
No, the thing is, there were very
few qualified mentors.
To be a mentor you needed a few
strict criteria.
Firstly, you had to finish the
current story. There was a rather long story to get through, with
days worth of cutscenes. Any max level player has done this, though,
and Euki was no exception.
The game had many classes, and of
the combat classes there were those that could tank, heal, and do
damage. Tanks held the attention of an enemy, healers healed damage,
and so-called ‘dps’ did lots of damage to the enemy.
One other requirement for being a
mentor was having a max level class for all three of those roles.
Euki had *every* class max
level, including those that just crafted goods or harvested materials
to be made into said goods which were sold for zril at typically
irrational prices. This took a bit of time, but Euki was far from the
only player to achieve this feat. The amount of players who did this
was small percent wise, but still in the many thousands given the
millions and millions that played the game. Those who had a class for
every combat role were even more plentiful.
There was one last requirement
for being a mentor though. It was by far the hardest, and most
exclusive. In order to be a mentor, you needed to have an in-game
house. This is cause you needed furniture with a surface--tables
mostly--for mentor worlds to be placed on.
Getting a house in FP was very,
very difficult. Although the inside of a house was instanced, the
outside was not. It existed in a neighborhood, and neighborhoods were
limited. There were tens of neighborhoods in a game with millions of
subscribers, and each neighborhood only had about 30 houses of
varying sizes.
To actually get a house, you
typically had to wait outside a vacant house and compete with others
to try and buy it before anyone else. This process took hours, as the
exact time it would go on sale was unknown by design. Someone leaving
their house was very rare, too, so you could guarantee there’d be
entire mobs when a house freed up.
There was another way to get a
house and it was the one Euki used: simply be playing the game before
most everyone else. Back then, getting a house was as easy as just
walking up and outright buying it. Few had the zril at the time for a
house, as they were the big anti-inflation measure at the time of
Many players had the long-lasting
goal of getting a house. There were many reasons to get one. Not just
the mentorship program and its exclusive mount, but also the ability
to grow plants to sell in a backyard, or to decorate an interior to
match one’s personality or some desired theme or function.
Yes, a player could call
themselves very lucky to have a house in Foremost Phantasia.
had 12. Twelve houses, that is.
was a time when a character could have more than one house to
themselves, and it was a time
Euki played. The developers didn’t think it’d be an issue, as
houses were so expensive, but Euki had a surplus of zril to spend, so
she kept buying houses until cut off.
were once
talks to limit people to one house. That
meant Euki would
have to give up 11 of them,
but she and other multi-home-owners
complained till they got an exemption made for themselves. Though
they couldn’t buy more homes going
forward, they still
got to keep the excess they had.
Now, of her 12 homes, Euki
spent most of her time in just the one she ran the mentorship program
in. Two other houses were decorated, but the other 9 were essentially
empty, with only junk housing items the story quests threw at it
lining their halls.
She still kept them though, cause they
were special. Owning a house was rare, so it was special. And
anything, be it an item, a status, or a home, was made all the more
special, in her eyes, when others couldn’t get them. The harder it
was to get, the more special it felt to her.
So, with so few home owners, and
not all of them interested in the mentorship program, there was a
huge issue making sure every mentee could get into a mentored world.
the program first started,
mentors were limited to one world, and the worlds were big enough
that the mountains on the mini Anuzea landscapes
stretched inches in height.
The mentee players then were, too, much bigger in
comparison, even if still less than bugs overall.
the worlds were so big that they could
only be placed on large meeting tables. They often had entire rooms
dedicated to the table and the world. Accidents
and “accidents” were much fewer back then as a consequence.
still happened of course.
After all,
mentors back then still got curious if their thumb could move a
mountain: it could, it always
could. The real question was
could they avoid
their thumb too far forward and flatten that
nearby settlement or leveling
party as well: they seldom
that situation wouldn’t
do. There were far too many
mentees. So, the first thing the developers did was introduce
“megaworlds”, which was just a fancy term for putting three
worlds side by side. A megaworld “M-Megaworld
E1”, for instance, just meant
a megaworld where the first
world was “M-World E1”, and it contained “M-World E2” and
“M-World E3” as well.
This tripled the amount of people
who could get into a mentor world, but that helped for about a week
at most.
developers just upped the cap for the worlds a mentor could oversee.
Then, the mentors complained
they didn’t have enough table space for the worlds. If
they wanted more, then they had to buy or craft more tables. This
bugged them, even if it meant
more Mentor Points.
the developers
made it so you could shrink the worlds and megaworlds down further.
demand for mentors still continued while supply remained the same. As
time went on, the amount of worlds a
mentor could house
kept increasing, and the minimum size for worlds kept decreasing.
reached the point where Euki was: she had tens
of worlds under her ‘care’,
and the size she could shrink them made her seem like she was many,
miles tall.
many miles? Euki didn’t think of that too much. She figured she was
probably 10,
maybe 15
miles tall to them.
Maybe 100 miles or more.
It didn’t matter that much to her to know the exact amount.
Similarly, she didn’t know how small her mentees were in absolute
terms. She never cared too
much to math that out yet.
She didn’t care too much for math in general, which is part
of why she “mained” a
tank class: that
is, playing it more than any other combat class.
way Euki ran her worlds was that she always shrunk them as
much as the system would let her. That way, she could fit more on the
furniture about her
house, and thus fit more into her home overall. More worlds to mentor
meant more Mentor Points rolling in.
Euki knew she’d get that mount,
even if it cost 9,999,999 MP.
Chapter 5: Poke by VivettaVenray
walked towards her kitchen, passing a few small side tables with a
world or few each set atop the surfaces. If she checked her menu, she
might see the chats from them complaining about
the tremors of her footfalls, but
she didn’t care to do that.
she walked into the kitchen, the colder floor tiles there hit the
soles of her feet. It was interesting
to her sometimes how the game
could provide such vivid and detailed sensations at times. On
the other hand, she didn’t
want her feet to feel cold, so the
blue-skinned nekojin opened
her menu and quickly adjusted the ambient temperature of the floor to
be a degree or two higher. The
tiles would've warmed up in proximity to her soles just like in the
real world, but she was impatient on the matter.
done, she moved over to a circular piece of furniture in the corner
of the kitchen. It was a small table,
sitting only four max, designed for eating breakfast or the like.
Atop it was just one world,
M-World E8, the eighth world under her mentorship.
the table wasn’t huge, it wasn’t so small that it could fit just
one measly world. However, for immersion’s sake, Euki sometimes
fancied to eat her stat-boosting food there before she embarked on a
raid encounter. She wanted
the table to be mostly clear for that, so only one world dotted the
smooth light-blue surface of the furniture.
took a seat and pulled up the menu. It occurred to her she hadn’t
read the request before walking over. She would’ve walked over
anyways to do it, so that didn’t matter much. As
she pulled it up, she crossed her leg and bobbed a foot up and down
above the floor
while her blue tail swayed side to side.
that’s easy.”, Euki said.
world shook with vibration: not from her footfalls this time, but
from the chair sliding across the tiled floor below.
Euki pushed
it back and stood up out of
it almost as quickly as she sat down.
another world boss huh. Let’s see where they are.”
now standing, loomed over the
world as she leaned in. Squinting, tried to focus on the area where
the world boss monster was. It was in central Anuzea. Anuzea, of
course, was the main continent of the FP universe. The central and
southern region of it compromised the 1-50 leveling zone as well, and
that first zone was the game’s biggest time sink. Not that the
level of the region mattered
much to Euki, as a level 50 or
level 70 world boss each
fell just as easily when
pressed against even the
smallest parts of her body.
there, bit north of
the main city of Lormdah.
Of course.”
main city was a bit to the north. Since the miniature world was on
the farther edge of the table, that meant Euki had to lean in a *bit*
more to reach that area.
As she did so, the edge of the
crotch-high table pressed into her nethers just a bit more. She felt
the subtle tactile pressure of that, and shuddered lightly. Still,
mentorship points were more enticing than any lewd thoughts at that
moment. So, she reached over and shadowed the world boss with the tip
of her index finger.
fields north of Lormdah were a temperate region hosting some of the
more formidable foes of the game’s first expansion. It was rife
with people grinding out those last ten or
twenty levels before
moving off to Hrisgar. All of
them could all look up to the
sky and see Euki’s looming index finger. Blocking
up a majority of the game-world’s light, it
above them more threateningly than the mightiest mage’s meteor
They spammed the chat with pleas.
“Wait wait we’re not out of
the area yet!”
gimme like 10 seconds to tag
the boss c’mon”
covering about half of Lormdah with your finger!”
didn’t give her menu a single glance though. Her eyes were bearing
down at the game-world
as her finger tip did. The digit plummeted into the ground,
flattening the formidable 6 legged monstrosity alongside thousands of
other players who showed up
to help fight it, or just be
near it.
effortlessly popped the boss
monster like a bubble. She didn’t even feel it much among the other
sensations of
shearing earth and crumbling city. To her credit, she didn’t
destroy all of Lormdah with her finger: just a bit over half. Her aim
was a bit better than her
time with M-world E3’s Jima
moments ago. It would’ve
been even better if the blue-skinned nekojin had longer nails to more
strategically puncture the boss monster, as some mentors did for
these situations. She preferred her nails short though, and typically
to be extra thorough, Euki gave her finger a small twist side to
side. She wasn’t really sure why she did that; it was a thoughtless
gesture really, as in she didn’t think much about
it. In the real world, if she
flattened a bug, she would've done the time. That was probably why,
she reasoned.
any case, this ended up
shearing more of the terrain,
breaking a few more Lormdah buildings, and catching a few more
unlucky players beneath her index finger.
moved her hand away and eyed the rubble lining her finger print. She
could actually make out a lot
of the buildings of Lormdah, still mostly intact against her blue
skin there.
nekojin moved her menu closer to her face. It had opened
automatically by now, both to notify her of the mentorship points she
gained from the request fulfillment, and to flash red to notify her
about the damages. She didn’t much care for that, no, instead she
hit a few buttons to access the player cams.
Player cams could provide a
third-person view following a specific player, with the player’s
permission. It needed consent of course, but usually one player would
just mindlessly click yes. There were also ground level cams, and
those near the cities and buildings therein for mentors to watch
their mentees do stuff, or get a more ‘down to earth’ view of
someone they were chatting with.
never used it, as the last thing she typically wanted to do was
interact with a bunch of tiny newbs. Yet,
something compelled her to get a view. It
was an urge she, ironically, couldn’t quite put her finger on, so
to speak.
ended up getting a view above a player who was miraculously still
alive on her finger. He was a
healer, and was frantically
spamming spells on himself
to heal his
injuries. Euki figured he
probably gave her permission to view over them without knowing what
he agreed to, as he wanted to
close the menu pop-up so as to not distract himself from casting
those healing spells.
affixed her eyes to the virtual-cam screen section that popped on her
menu. She was entranced at
the sight.
were actually quite a few players still alive on her finger,
miraculously. They were mostly tanks and healers, but there
was also the occasional
crafty dps who managed to find some safer spot to huddle down in.
Plenty of people were still in the buildings, alive by luck as they
were affixed
to her finger on its re-assent. All
in all, Euki figured there were probably at least a thousand, if not
more, stuck to her finger.
of them were utterly invisible to her normally, but with the special
view, Euki
could see them all dusting themselves off, healing themselves and
each other, and in general trying to find footing on the slightly
sloped surface of her finger. Buildings
were buckling and players casted
shield spells to save others from death via rubble. Players helped
each other out of the trenches that were the whorls of Euki’s
finger print. There was a lot of uplifting sentiments to be found in
the ruins on her finger.
didn’t care for any of that though. There
was a certain appeal to seeing those players stumble about, but there
was something that really got
her attention. Something else was getting her body a bit warm,
getting her mouth to salivate a bit. Something prompted her to
lightly nibble at the corner of her lavender-blue
with one of those two fangs of hers. It
was another view. It was the view of herself.
“I’m huge!”, she whispered.
she did, she saw her purple lips move and shake the air around the
mentees. A few blew away
against her breath, bumping into each other or rubble, or just
falling over into a whorl of her print which
they may had just clambered
out of.
“How have I never used this
feature before? This is amazing.”
A smile stretched on her face.
From the view she had, it seemed like it went on for miles. She was
utterly megalithic. Unstoppable. The lives of hundreds were at her
fingertip and she had little consideration to spare. A feeling of
intense power tickled about in Euki’s body, and there built an urge
It was a sudden urge. Not the
most logical one, but in the heat of the moment she acted on it.
parted her lips, popped her
index finger into her mouth, and slurped everything and everyone on
her finger right off.
is she doing?”, asked a
martial artist to her wizardly friend.
not sure.”, said the fellow
as he clambered back up after Euki’s words near blew them
They looked
on the horizon as they saw their mentor’s teeth gently poke at
those light-purple lips. The
tip of her tongue snaked out, larger than any in-game leviathanian
beast, to quickly and coyly wet said lips ever so slightly.
Then, it wasn’t much longer
till she opened wide. The finger stirred, the ‘ground’ shook. All
the players atop the digit erupted in a scream. A scream that, even
if it could be heard, would surly be ignored.
confines of Euki’s mouth were so large as to be completely and
utterly disorienting like almost any other part of their careless
‘caretaker’. In normal
circumstances it’d be pitch dark, but the game developers knew
full darkness was rather scary to immersed players, and so lighting
was typically fudged a bit. The magical lights from the Lormdah
buildings turned on, and shined at once not bright enough to be
blinding yet somehow bright enough to light up
a good deal of the giant nekojin’s region-swallowing
to that, the players could see the rivers-wide strands of saliva
dangling from above. A brief warning for many as droplets of the
spittle rained down, drowning some and capturing many more players.
Buildings were washed away with ease in
the slightly vicious fluid.
could see, too, the reddish flesh of her inner cheeks. A sight more
disturbing than some
of more eldritch-inspired
foes the game could offer. A humanoid body was rather weird this
close up, and
standing within
such moist, humid confines with walls of dimly lit flesh on either
side had a certain scare factor to it, mundane as Euki’s mouth may
have been to the catgal
her slurping gesture, there wasn’t too much time to take in those
sights. The suction effect
created in her mouth ripped almost
everyone and everything off
her finger. The force itself was almost crushing, and a few players
without full health bars were simply torn apart in the tumult.
Buildings broke up a good deal more. Ironically,
the world boss’s body had despawned around
this time, so it wasn’t
even a part of the ongoing chaos that
it had catalyzed.
scant few players and rubble still on that finger were crushed
against the bottoms and tops
of Euki’s upper and lower lip, respectively, as she slid the finger
her lips tightly, Euki
assured the only thing staying on her finger once it was free was
naught more than a thin coating of her own saliva, quickly wiped off
on her gray crop-top to dry
not long after.
landed all over her mouth. Some landed on her teeth, wounded fatally
or near. Some landed beneath her tongue as it lightly wiggled, but
most landed atop the slick, squishy, and bumpy surface of
the muscle outright. A region
unto itself, the players wouldn’t have much time to explore.
Euki swallowed soon as her
finger was free. After a quick and satisfied smack of her lips, she
turned back to her menu to observe the sights going on inside her
was another intense suctional
force that many players didn’t survive. Yet, if they made it this
far, their odds were good. The tongue tilted at the same time,
chucking everyone inside Euki’s mouth down her throat. A quick
swish of her tongue near her teeth ensured that any stragglers were
also along for the ride or, perhaps, smeared beneath the
comparatively gigantic tongue’s bulk.
trip down the throat was lit up like some twisted in-game ride. Her
throat gently carted them down, pulsating, and dripping the normal
lubricating fluids all around them as they were brought deeper into
Euki’s form. The game
developers took a lot of body simulations very realistically, and
they could hear the rhythmic thooms of her earth-rattling heart.
Still, the most ominous sounds by
far, getting louder as they drew closer, were the gurgles of her
awaiting stomach.
through the sphincter into the catgal’s gut, the pitiful swallowed
mass plopped down into a spacious and mostly empty organ. Undulating
walls of mucus-lined
rugae dripped slick acids to
pool below. One boon for the swallowed mentees was that Euki hadn’t
ate yet, which meant her stomach wasn’t as gross as it could be. A
downside of that though was that her stomach was primed for ‘food’,
and they fit the bill far as Euki’s body was concerned.
actual amount of digestive fluids was only enough to cover just a bit
of the stomach floor. To the comparatively minuscule mentees, ‘just
a bit’ still meant a veritable sea of enzymes and acids. Even
the most subtle churn of Euki’s gut ripped up formidable waves that
inundated players. A few managed to clamber atop the buildings but
those, too, were not immune to the acids. The
lights of the dissolving
buildings still lit up the
nightmarish confines of an active stomach, though
many at this point would’ve preferred total
didn’t just burn on contact, but continued to damage the player
until cleaned or ‘dispelled’ off via magic. However, the acid was
constantly applying with every splash, and
there were splashes with every minor movement of the gut. Even
between churns, the settling of the ‘waves’ meant more splashing,
and by the time that was done another churn often came up.
meant there was no chance for
even the fastest casting mage or healer to keep themselves safe.
Those washed away by the fluids got quicker deaths while those
holding out suffered slower stinging pains as they dissolved.
Eventually, though, their hp hit
0 and they were granted the ‘mercy’ of respawning somewhere back
on M-World E8.
of course, was watching the whole time. The sight of her gut
breaking apart and melting
down entire buildings was awe inspiring to her. Thousands of players
were crying out, spamming the world chat, as they sizzled away in her
blue-haired, blue-skinned nekojin affixed her purple eyes to the buff
section on her main menu. Players could get buffs from doing certain
things in game or using certain items. She noticed she had an
experience buff that lasted about 10s and started counting down
before her eyes.
foods in Foremost Phantasia gave the consumer powerful stat boosts
for some time. However, any food in the game gave, at minimum,
a buff to experience. The
buff’s duration was proportional to
the amount consumed.
Euki couldn’t help but
chuckle. Then, thinking on it more, a rumble vibrated in her throat
as she more or less purred.
those lives she just ate, those mentees suffered and KO’d in the
stomach: it
all amounted to a measly 10s of a buff.
buff I
even need! I’m max level in
everything!’, she thought to herself, revealing in the notion.
moved her hand towards her taut stomach, giving it a few taps and
shaking the view for the last player still inside. Soon the cam cut
out, and her eyes drifted to the world chat. By
now all those players had respawned and she decided to deign to read
their messages on the events.
‘It could be amusing’, she
She of course saw a lot of
players complain that Lormdah wasn’t fixed yet.
if I could forget with the UI flashing red at me like this.”, she
of those she ate were complaining about the pain they felt. Pain
existed in FP, but it was reduced and
‘capped’ at a low threshold.
It existed just as a warning for players, really.
“Bunch of wimps.”, she
Euki was liking the descriptions
of her insides some gave. Her right hand trailed down towards her
crotch, gently nudging at the exterior of her shorts.
some more text caught her eyes. The conversation
had shifted.
guys I can’t log out.”
“Yeah me neither. I was ticked off
about the whole getting-eaten thing so
I was gonna break and cook,
but I get an error trying to log off.”
“You get an error?
The option doesn’t even do anything for me.”
that you mention it, yeah. I don’t even get a warning anymore.”
the heck is going on?”
Chapter 6: Bugs by VivettaVenray
Futa content starts up near
the end of this chapter, and
makes apperances
till the end of the story]
Even a game as advanced as
Foremost Phantasia had a few bugs from time to time.
Euki watched the chat messages.
Her catlike ears perked up on her tilted head. She, too, was confused
as to what they were talking about.
That menu of hers kept flashing
red though. It was getting to be too distracting and annoying so she
hit the “repair” button to assess the damages for M-World E8: the
world on the crotch-high kitchen table below. To her surprise, she
saw the estimate for repairs.
zril? Must be a glitch or something.”
Like any good game
player, the moment Euki saw an
exploit in her favor she seized it. She hit the confirmation button,
looked down, and saw M-World E8 completely repaired: Lormdah city and
all. She also saw her zril count not go down by a single zril.
she muttered.
It was at that point she got a
rare “purple message” on her in-game menu. Everyone got the
message, in fact, as their menus forcibly opened and changed to the
color of a dark purple.
Euki read it.
Authentication and Other
Fix Ongoing.
adventurers of Anuzea! An
issue with authentication servers is preventing willful logouts at
this time. Additionally,
customer support servers are down, which affects functionality such
as chat logging. Please be advised that no user reports or request to
customer support can be handled at this time, and
any chat logs while this issue is ongoing will not be stored by our
Normal status players are
encouraged to continue playing as usual. Mentees are encouraged to
bring up any concerns they have to the mentors overseeing their
In order to help entertain and
reassure mentees, costs for world repairs have been temporarily
disabled. Mentors have also been granted some new permissions, and
limitations on the quantity and nature of Mentor Challenges have been
We realize the trouble this may
cause, and apologize for any inconvenience. Please play safely and
respectfully during this emergency technology maintenance, and enjoy
your time in Foremost Phantasia!”
cocked a blue eyebrow. This was certainly unprecedented.
Authentication servers had issues sometimes, but chat logs and
customer support had never been down before, and they rarely if ever
even had issues.
not being able to log off is pretty spooky the first time it
happens to a player,
but the VR headsets had health monitoring features. Everyone would be
safe in the real world.
the real juicy tidbit from
the message was the lack of chat logging. This meant anyone could
send anything they wanted. Of course, people could always say what
they wanted aloud
and rude words, while technically against the ToS, were impossible to
really enforce. Speech wasn’t monitored.
a lot easier to type mean things than say them aloud though, even
when one is ‘typing’ with their mind, in a sense, as the players
in FP did.
“No chat logs with no
punishment. Everyone’s gonna be salty as shiz.”, said Euki to
Eager to see the seethe in
action, she closed out the purple message. Her menu was now blue, and
she turned her eyes to the chat.
It was exactly as she and anyone
who ever played an online game had predicted: everyone was letting
Curse words were flying
left and right. Some players were praising the lack of rules for the
sudden maintenance period. Others, much, much fewer, were lamenting
the state.
By far, the most common thing
players were doing across Euki’s little M-World E8 was using this
opportunity to give their mentor a piece of their mind:
“Fuck you, you giant fucking
digested me, you twisted cunt.”
the worst mentor ever.”
“I missed when you just forgot about
us most of the time.”
“Spoiled, lucky, jerk!”
you Euki!”
“Giant menace.”
watched it all, the pupils of her purple-irised eyes widened.
The smug smirk on her face
grew bigger and smug-er. Without warning, she moved her hips back an
inch and lightly thrusted into the circular kitchen table, shaking
the world.
“Ow what the fuck was that
“Clumsy cunt.”
player! Bumping into junk again.”
“Use those eyes.”
bet she gets hit by every aoe!”
mentor ever!”
you wait till I’m max level and never need to see you
“Absolute ass.”
did that on purpose!”
chuckled, and quickly typed up a message to send over the Mentor Link
to the world. It was just a fancy form of chat, after all. One-way.
read: “What
are you gonna do about it? ^-^”
messages flooded into the world chat.
“What? What the
“The heck?”
“Fuck you!”
nothing I guess...”
having a power trip guys. Just don't feed her attention.”
you for eating me earlier, loser!”
ate half of Lormdah and now is causing earthquakes? Lame.”
be a new breed of brain worms going around the mentors”
kind of mentor eats their mentees. That’s fucked up.”
crouched down and leaned
forward. She hovered her midriff above the M-World and tapped the
skin there. She sent out
another Mentor-Link message.
right, I ate you fucking
morsels right up. What are
you gonna do about it? Huh? ^-^”
laughed, then moved backed and un-crouched to her standing height.
Her eyes glazed back
over the chat.
only saying that cause you’re big!”
Euki drank in their animosity
like nectar. Her right hand moved towards the bulge of her shorts and
started fondling it. Her finger twirled, teasing the flesh just
behind a thin, loose layer of shorts-material.
messages flooded in as this sight filled the southern
skies of the
for all those mentees.
what the actual fuck?”
“Is she touching herself?”
is gross.”
“Is she
getting off on this? That’s twisted.”
“Fucking mentors
there’s not a single good one I swear.”
course it’s a catfolk doing this.”
right, there’s nothing you can do. Nothing but struggle.
Struggle, toil and suffer all
for me~”, she
spoke aloud, her voice booming over the world as a mentor’s voice
typically did. The bulge in
her shorts stirred on its own accord, though her fingers danced at it
now and then.
you!!! Unironically go fuck yourself in real life!”
absolute state of mentors.”
me, same size, cunt! We’ll see who is laughing then.”
get you one day, hopefully...”
know last time the giant crab
“This program
is fucked.”
“Eat dirt and die, bitch!”
simply laughed at it all. She wasn’t the least bit upset or
offended. All it did was egg her on.
her left hand, the free one, she
moved her thumb over a far corner of the world and pressed down,
crushing it. Similar to before, she moved her thumb to her mouth and
consumed whatever got stuck. Only this time, she gave the thumb a
slow lick to do so.
were very populated, so even such a remote bit of destruction got
a few dozen players at
the least. They complained in
the chat, with others joining in. The chat was alight with grievances
past and present about Euki, and overflowing with vulgar, anger-laced
Euki tapped her menu and sent
another message over the Mentor Link.
It read: “You can’t do
anything. I own you all. You’re mine ^-^”
she hit sent, the feeling building up in her crotch grew too much to
be confined. She tugged on her shorts, pulling
them down and letting her blue
cock flop free into the fresh air of her in-game home.
“What the fuuuuuuuuck”, read
one of the messages in the world chat.
Chapter 7: Playing by VivettaVenray
didn’t actually have a dick. Or rather, the player playing Euki
didn’t. She had normal lady parts in
the real world,
she enjoyed very much.
Foremost Phantasia offered a lot of character customization options.
day, she got curious and decided to try and see what having a penis
was like, and
edited the character option accordingly.
was an interesting sensation to be true. Different.
Better in some respects, worse in others. For one, was kind of hard
to wear panties with such a bulge. But, since she enjoyed it in some
respects, she
just started ignoring underwear altogether which was oddly common in
the game.
all’, she once thought to herself. ‘only in the game world could
I even try out this cock business. So, might as well milk the
sensation for what it’s worth.’
the time she thought that, she did
indeed chuckle
lightly at the unintentional pun she made at the end.
in-game, Euki had a dick more often than not: at least half the time,
she figured.
many players objected to genitalia being included at all. However,
the developers really needed the bodies to feel immersive so players
would be comfortable, and thus breasts and vaginas along
with dicks
and all that needed to be included.
People didn’t want to feel like featureless dolls when playing the
game: at least most
them didn’t. The
developers did
a line at not adding in any “toilet features”, but genitalia
themselves were fully functional otherwise.
from that, erotic play was allowed by
the terms
of service.
It originally wasn’t, but players did it anyways. Moreover,
the players that did ERP
usually brought the most outfits from the real-money
So, the developers kind of had to acknowledge and
accommodate its
existence. It
was totally allowed, so long as all parties consented.
Of course, it was
impossible for Euki to get the consent of every single mentee
cowering before her hairless, flaccid, femcock.
for her, chat logging was down, as was customer support, and no one
could log out at all.
were at her complete and utter mercy.
thought alone stirred the sleeping giant that was her dick, and
slowly the foreskin shifted back from the head
of the member to expose more of the differently-shaded--more
blue penis.
in M-World E8 found themselves
a heretofore
unfelt emotional state. It was a mixture of horror, repulse, anger,
bewilderment, and a pinch of exasperation. A
few players were into it of course, as with a large enough population
you could find some people who were into even the strangest things.
had let loose her cock onto the kitchen table. The tip of it hung
just barely outside the world’s border, yet the ‘ground’ of
the M-World quaked
as the
monolithic member
stirred and
shifted closer.
great blue bulb of a glans rested in the distance for
players elevated or otherwise close enough to see it. Many
players could even feel the warmth emanating from that
head of the dick.
Euki had kept her cock in her shorts while aroused, so the dick was
more than ready to let off some heat once released.
trailed her finger atop the shaft, further prompting the cock to grow
in its upcoming erection. All the players could hear her finger
stroke the skin, and they could see as that great big slit drew
closer to them as the cock stretched slightly forward
as the foreskin slipped
back father.
her touch, Euki’s cock stretched enough that it pressed against the
mini world of hers. The very southern border of it crumbled. Players
there found themselves crushed by collapsing mountains they knew
un-climbable. Many more in the region made contact with the cock
itself. The
sensual, balmy blue dick flesh touched them and they keeled over.
Defeated instantly and utterly to provide not even the fainest bit of
sensation for the insurmountable, unstoppable wall of blue flesh.
tore her gaze away from her own cock to look at the menu. She cycled
between cameras from the world below. She hopped between player cams,
building cams, and a few cams near landscape features in the
region--most regions had at least one such virtual ‘camera’ like
she’d need permission to view things from a player’s perspective,
but the loosening of limitations mentioned
the purple message earlier hinted
at how she didn’t need player consent at the moment to get a view
of them.
licentious catgal
saw her
dick break through mountains. She saw the sheer scale of it:
thousands of feet if not miles or more in circumference. From the
perspective of
players whose views she cycled between, it was an utterly invincible
foe hard to comprehend.
she savored the sights, her arousal grew, and so did her cock, sort
of, as it got more erect. This in turn meant more destruction, more
exciting views of her power, more of a power trip, and thus more
arousal and thus a cycle began.
glans started to really poke past the foreskin and drag its raw,
sensitive self across the ‘landscape’ of the micro world before
her. Her
cock was quite literally ripping the world apart.
dark blue
shorts were pulled down just enough to let her dick lose, but no
further. So, she had a
feeling of pressure the tight waistband
made against the bottom of her shaft. Between
that and the spiraling
cycle of delights going on, she figured she’d be fully erect real
fast, and might even be able to climax hands-free, though maybe still
needing a
bit of thrusting against the table.
wasn’t good enough for Euki though. It wasn’t fast enough and she
felt it wouldn’t eke out the level of pleasure she felt
she deserved.
was the mentor of this
world, and could level it
a swipe of her hand or an errant sneeze. Far as Euki concerned, that
power meant she was entitled
to more.
Without warning, Euki shifted
slightly back from the table, then moved her right hand from tapping
at her dick over towards the little world beneath her. The chat
erupted in panic and anger, and she scanned it out of the corner of
her eye. She managed to gleam a few messages out of the thousands
flooding by.
“You monster!”
hand is coming in!”
“This cunt is gonna crush us!”
“Actually that’s a penis
that’ll do that.”
“You knew what I meant.”
she really...”
“What the fuck is she doing?”
last message caught Euki’s eye for some reason. Smiling, she
quickly tapped the button to bring up her side of the Mentor Link and
sent out a message.
doing whatever I want ^-^”
flood of angry messages followed, as predicted. No one liked being at
the mercy of another, especially another player. They let lose a new
wave of vulgarity and mean-spirited whinging that got a purr out of
the gigantic blue nekojin.
Some messages were starting to
coordinate though.
“To the
“Just ride this out!”
noticed them, and responded with another Mentor Link message.
“You’re not going anywhere.
There’s nowhere to go other than where I want you. Just remain calm
and help me cum, idiots ^-^”
sent it, then plunged her fingers down at the outer edges of M-World
were teleporting
to the far edges of the world, trying to get away from the southern
edge or the center. The
latter was where
they believed her cock would plow through
After her messages came through, they
quickly realized they
wouldn’t be safe. Euki’s fingers came down and teared at the
world regions with
the ease one would crack corners from crackers.
titanic fingers, many
of feet across and many,
in length, ripped into the outer
circumference of the circular mentor world. They uprooted settlements
and entire regions as easily as one would dig through soft dirt.
who survived the destructive contact found themselves lurching
upwards among the inescapable bulk of world terrain and broken
wasn’t just destroying the outer edges of the world. She
was stealing it: carting
it somewhere. A few figured it out, managing to keep their cool, as
they were thrust
into their destination.
dragged her fingers about the world. Once she had a near-palm’s
full of the inhabited micro game world, she slapped
her right palm against the shaft of her dick. Her fingers worked
thousands of lives and numerous towns into her hardening shaft.
was impossible to really feel just one of the players die against her
cock. Even a small forest provided just a bit of sensation when her
cock plowed through it. However, by bringing the world to her dick,
the self-indulgent catgal actually felt it all in spades. She sensed
a granularity of sensations she could only attribute to the crumbling
of towns, or the mass
knock-outs of tens of thousands of players at once as
they were crushed between her hand and her rock hard dick.
grunted. Her throat rumbled as she started to purr. Purring was a
feature of the nekojin players could disable if they felt it weird,
but she liked it. She felt it enhanced her in-game orgasms in the
past, and now more than ever it did. She knew it would rumble across
the puny landscape below, further
her power,
her better-ness than
all those tiny mentees.
She wanted a lot of things in the
moment. A part of her wanted release then and there, but she had
patience. She had a plan to make the feeling seven better. The other
part of her wanted more. She wanted more lives to flatten against her
That, she took.
was a bit more space about the edges of her world. She slid her menu
out of the way a moment, then reached out with her free left hand
and, with two fingers, scooped up that last bit of uneven
world region sticking out at the northwest. It immediately found
itself placed atop her shaft, near the tip of
her glans. With one finger she rubbed it in, crushing the rocky
foundation of the terrain with ease and crumbling the various
settlements, forests and more against the
sensitive underside of the blue bulb making up the head of her cock.
was only a bit of the world left on the table. She was ignoring the
repair warnings about the rest of it. All that was left intact was
the central bit of Anuzea containing Lormdah. The very center of the
world. What was left was a bit bigger than a large coin in size.
“The perfect size.”, she
Chapter 8: Soaked by VivettaVenray
8: Soaked
on Euki’s cock was one of utter pandemonium. It was rather rare to
survive the trip to her member, but with so many players even 5% of
them living meant many
Euki’s shaft was a warm, shifting surface of light
flesh. Her fingers worked along it, sliding and even gripping for a
moment or two. Each pass of those titanic, town leveling
digits took out thousands of lives.
Monsters were caught up on the
surface as well, their AI still continuing their standard protocol of
attacking any mentees they saw. That their home forest was turned to
dust against the cock of a power mad catgal didn’t phase their
simplistic programming one bit.
twitch of the member shook a building to ruins. Every throb of some
vein bounced
a player atop it high enough to die from fall damage on the way back.
looser skin
of the shaft had a tendency to twist slightly as Euki teased herself,
and many a player found themselves crushed in those sudden movements
of femcock flesh.
latest batch of players brought up fared the worse. They were
deposited near the glans of Euki’s dick. Some of them scattered as
they fell, landing on that oh so sensitive flesh. The shaking slope
of it meant
they were likely to fall as the glans bobbed up and down. Falling
to the table meant certain death of course as the damage brought
their HP to 0 as expected.
most unlucky of that last batch of Euki’s ‘catch’ were those
who lived and went where she wanted them too. Euki had moved the
gathered mass in the space just beneath the head of her dick. Her
fingers mashed much against that sensitive glans region there, but
others got stuck. They were on the shaft, technically, just before
the bulb, but ahead of where her foreskin had stretched back to. It
was an especially humid, warm, and humiliating state to be in.
As Euki went on, it was about to
get even worse for them, and everyone else at the catgal’s mercy.
every player known, when they died in game, they went back to a
settlement of their own to spawn at. If
that settlement was unavailable--most frequently due to mentor
carelessness--then they went to the nearest settlement.
had gathered the chunks of
M-World E8 with precision, though. She
left the center, which contained exactly one settlement: Lormdah, the
great city. As
people died from her touch or that of her cock, they respawned at the
only spot they could. The
only settlement left.
city was getting crowded, much more crowded. The entire region around
Lormdah was packed with mentees with no where to go. The borders of
the world were destroyed, but as mentees they still couldn’t cross
those on their own. They couldn’t run off the
edge of the M-World to
live on Euki’s floor like mites. The game didn’t work like that.
The chat lit up more as players
respawned and realized what was going on.
“We’re being herded!”
“Good thing I farmed that
umbrella LOL”
“Fuck off.”
the worst Euki.”
she really gonna do this?”
no no.”
Euki chuckled between her grunts
and purrs.
of dude rage in the chat I see. Is it cause mine’s bigger than
chuckled again before uttering a deep, world vibrating purr.
right.”, she said aloud.
“You’re all mine. And right where I want you: the
impact zone~”
She shifted her body and pointed
her cock down at the micro world. The glans near shadowed the entire
hope at least some of you did the quest that
teaches swimming.”
had another self-serving laugh to herself before getting back to her
literal self-serving.
Her right hand gripped tight against her shaft and she started to
stroke again: fast. Her
left hand pulled her menu a little more in view. She wanted to see it
all from a
Euki’s cock, the sudden shift of her posture sent many more
tumbling to to their deaths. If they didn’t fall off the sides of
her cock, they fall down it towards that space between shaft and
things got a bit sticky. As Euki started to masturbate with more
conviction, bits of precum
started to slip out from her cock slit. The sticky fluid spread from
the glans to that space beneath the bulb. There, it easily covered
those poor
tens of thousands stuck in that humid, dark area.
make matters worse, as they choked on the slick fluid, Euki’s
strokes started moving the foreskin over them. Every stroke shrouded
them in darkness as that
loser, more flexible skin of her dick rolled over them. Many survived
by chance for a stroke or
as the skin passed
over them.
It was total darkness, toggling on and off with each stretch of the
skin. However, no one lasted more than few strokes. The foreskin made
contact with, and summarily squished, all of
them in time.
was Euki’s design. She wanted everyone
on her cock to die. In fact, via checking cock-wandering
views, which
she found via proximity
she was sure they had after just a few strokes. She wanted every
single mentee to be down below, stuck on the thin wafer of world she
had seen fit not to crumble up. She wanted them all in the upcoming
blast she was about to unleash.
the ground in M-World E8, players
were respawning with hardly any space to move without bumping into
anyone else. It
was a good time to be a gnomefolk, unless of course an ogfolk
over you trying to move.
The thin and graceful elffolk
were packed like pencils
next to each other. There
was a bit of room in the areas surrounding the city and, due to space
overload, eventually some people did start respawning on Lormdah’s
outskirts. However,
that happened
when the city was near absolutely packed due to how the game handled
an unforeseen situation such as this.
of M-World E8 craned their necks up towards the looming doom and
lamented. Her cock was massive beyond compare, and
they could hear her working it. Every slick stroke rumbled over their
pitiful, limited horizon. Every bit
flesh moving against flesh reached their ears. They heard the subtle
noise of precum
moving out of the slit. Every
utterance she made roared to them.
They could see that slick glans
up above, powerless to stop it or even evade it.
single bead of shiny, sticky pre formed at the tip of Euki’s slit.
Her unyielding strokes kept jostling her cock and rocked the bead
loose. It plummeted down over the south part
of Lormdah. Buildings
were soaked by it. People started to drown in it, unable to move.
Euki noticed on her screen.
can’t hold much longer. I want this city intact. Else,
the spawn might break.
Just a bit. More
A bit.”
She stroked. The table shook as her hips
thrusted into it. Her
voice roared louder than the thunder which occasionally hit the world
on a semi-random
mmnnf, aaaahnnnggaa”
had climaxed.
was upset she could only see in one place at once. She wanted to
capture the most of the moment, but couldn’t decide whether to look
at the menu or down at her
dick when the moment finally arrived.
toes curled, pressing against the tiles of her kitchen floor in her
standing position. That
blue tail of hers twisted, writhed,
and stiffed up in delight.
Her entire body shuddered with warmth and bliss.
though, was absolutely wracked with pleasure. The rock hard cock
shuddered in her tight grip. Every
subtle movement of its mass against her pre-slickened palm sent more
sparks of ecstasy coursing through her dick and her body as a whole.
had settled for rapidly looking between the menu
and her cock in that moment of bliss. However, that
of hers fell apart. The pleasure wracking her form was so great that
her eyelids couldn’t help but flutter. She still tried,
and caught some glimpses, but what she saw of the ‘money-shot’
was through half-lidded eyes and processed by a bliss-wracked mind.
didn’t mind much though, as she felt too good to be upset. She felt
the hot cum flow through her urethra, eager to be free and let loose
over the world at her mercy, eager
to coat
thousands in its wake.
felt the spurts gush out, one after another. Each carried with a
burst of residual pleasure and tingling warmth. Every
touch against her cock at this time was as though she had some
“sensitivity” buff which let her enjoy the feeling all the more
her blissful state.
From her glimpses at the menu,
she just saw the view screen go stark white. Her cum came as a flood
that covered every possible view. When she had looked at the actual
world before her dick, she was able to make out, even in that
lustful, ecstasy-laden state of hers just how one-sided things were.
Her load shot out and just ripped
through the world. It engulfed it. She couldn't even see the world
anymore under the thick load of white goop she just pelted it with.
It was like someone spilled too much icing over a tiny little cookie
and covered the whole thing.
Euki kept stroking. She wanted to
eke out every last drop. Through some deft movements of her finger,
she managed just that. One last bump into the table, and she spurted
out one more drop of the thick white goop. An extra bit of weight to
further suffer the poor souls trapped under a pile of her gal-spunk.
She loved it.
Although Euki couldn’t focus as
much as she liked during her moment of release, the players at her
mercy were another matter.
Down on M-World E8, there
was really no where else to look than Euki’s cock. Even if you
stubbornly faced the ground, you’d still hear she roaring, purring
bliss exit her mouth. You’d still feel the vibrations with every
slick stroke.
When the actual moment arrived,
though, no one was prepared. Some people had an idea how it might go.
They may have gotten ideas from a lewd video or from their own
experience with how dicks work. Many thought they’d drown. Others
figured they’d be crushed in a matter of seconds by the goop.
Euki roared out a tumultuous moan
as she came and... that was it. For all of them. The thing about
penile ejaculation was that most of the cum typically came out with
the first spurt, and Euki provided no exception. They saw, for the
briefest moment, a torrent of white coming their way. They heard it
for a perhaps a moment or two longer. Then, it was lights out.
The sheer white of the hot load
would’ve crushed them all if the cum-force didn’t just utterly
rip apart any player in its path. Indeed, the bits of Lormdah that
survived the first spurt immediately started collapsing from the
weight of all that thick, sticky cum. It filled the waterways,
flooded buildings, and burst through windows like cream escaping an
overstuffed pastry.
The devastation to Lormdah was
immense, and near immediate. It all happened in the first spurt. The
rest just rubbed it in really.
The broken world itself was a
little more resilient. The very edges of it survived that first
spurt, and a few players were lucky enough to dodge the raining
droplets of the cum which, if they didn’t crush someone outright,
pinned them in place, choking them.
Those players hit wouldn't choke
for long though, as Euki has another spurt, then again and again, and
again!. Each one managed to hit hard the areas the earlier ones had
missed. Her cum filled every river, overshadowing and more-or-less
absorbing the water that once flowed there. The forests fell, with
hot strands dangled between tree tops, softening them, till thick
loads just crushed all the flora outright.
What few monsters wandered the
region were crushed by the onslaught of catgal spunk that came from
above as unstoppable, inescapable, thick volleys. That was just the
splatters there, too. The actual bulk of the loads that spurted out
were as thick goopy blankets that shrouded much of the region and
spared no one and nothing caught beneath for long.
Her ejaculations ripped even the
strongest mountains to bit. The very foundation of the world was torn
apart. Euki’s cum shot into the micro world’s ‘earth’, ripped
it up, and splattered out farther along. The main, thick white bulk
of it was the most destructive, but the less viscous, still sticker,
more clear parts of her gal-spunk flooded and smothered as well.
A few spurts in and the world was
just gone. Every bit of it was ripped apart by, dissolved in, or
simply stuck in her regions’ worth of cum.
As players died to this thick,
white calamity, they would respawn as was expected. However, when
players came back, they did so right back into the cum. Though their
placement in the pile was seemingly randomized they, without fail,
spawned right back into the familiar feeling of piping-hot gal-cum
crushing them from all sides. The stuff filled their mouths, choking
them as they screamed. It crushed them from the outside while
suffocating them from within.
Some were lucky enough to spawn
near the top of the load though. Some could even swim, and they did
their best to move through the slime-monster like mass of white to
the top. A few even made it, and had a brief moment of cum-free
breaths. They poked their heads out just in time for Euki to eke out
that last drop of cum she desperately wanted.
Such a tiny little droplet, it
was still enough to flood a city settlement, and thus more than
enough to crush them back into the inescapable sticky white gal-goop
where they belonged.
With that last bit of cum eked
out from her orgasm, Euki gave her cock a bit more teasing. The
aftershocks of ecstasy tingled through her member, making it twitch
and, in turn, shaking off a bit more of the fluid stuck to the glans.
Euki felt warm. The afterglow was
great, pervasive from head to toe. After a bit more teasing she moved
her right hand from her dick. Slick as it was with her fluids, her
palm wasn’t nearly as drenched as the world below: if you could
even call it a world anymore.
Squinting, she couldn’t even
make out much of anything poking out of the cum pile. The cumulation
of her loads was simply that plentiful, and the world bits and its
inhabitants that small.
So, eager to rub the situation
in, and with embers of lust still sizzling in her body, Euki slide
her game menu closer. Since it was made of light, it didn’t matter
that she used her ‘wet’ hand to tap the buttons. She wanted to
send another message to the mentees.
“Hey dick mites, how does it
feel to drown in my cum? Let me know in the chat ^_^”
Euki hit send then watched the
chat messages. That’s when she say a bunch of interesting messages.
“Can’t, stop, dying.”
the only thing I can taste. Help!”
“Fuck this fuck this.”
“Euki deserves to rot.”
wanna log off help!!!”
“It’s a fucking loop!!”
Euki was curious. She decided to
cycle through some player view cams. Most were just stark white. The
players were stuck beneath so much of her cum that they couldn’t
really move or see anything. The only light they had was filtered
through layers of her spunk. It delighted her, but wasn’t useful to
know what was going on.
Other views showed more. People
more at the edges of her load, be it near the top or just outermost
bits of it, showed more info. They lived a bit longer, often in
little pockets of her cum. Areas where the viscosity of her spunk had
caused it to sort of create little tiny safe bubbles or little
cave-like areas. These were incredibly short lived, and they were
fewer and fewer as each spurt’s worth of spunk settled more and
more into each other.
However, the areas lasted long
enough for her to see them, which was good. She found one player in
such a tiny area. They immediately tried to move upon spawning, but
since they spawned about halfway up into the pile elevation wise,
their legs and arms started sinking into the floor as they tried to
It was very satisfying to watch
as they sunk into her cum, swallowed up by her load when it did
nothing other than simply exist. Simply by existing, one of her body
fluids could defeat players of this game.
Euki idly tickled herself again
for a few moments, but kept watching. She saw the player in a
question, a well armored warrior, respawn elsewhere in another little
pocket of safety in her cum. Hundreds of others were there. It was a
rather large pocket, comparatively, as a few buildings were in it
The warrior spawned in just as it
began to collapse. The thick white goop started plopping down from
the ceiling faster, covering dozens at a time as the ‘walls’ just
sort of fell forward and inwards to inundate them all. The view cam
went stark white as the upper layer of spunk atop the cavern finally
settled enough to cause the pocket of safety to be no more. All in it
were swallowed up. It was as though they were in the belly of some
white slime monster that finally noticed them. A cum-cave collapse of
Euki nibbled at her lower lip. It
was all her doing. She couldn't see anything on the view anymore, but
she could hear them gagging when she turned the volume sliding up.
She heard buildings ripped apart just by the sluggish movements of
her spunk settling. It must’ve been countless tons to them, she
‘They’re gagging on my
fucking jizz.’, she thought. That warmth still persisting in her
body flared up a moment.
As nice as the sight was, it was
also informative enough for her to piece together what was going on.
She decided to share her findings
with the mentees. She couldn’t pass up the chance to rub it in.
Euki stood up fully straight up
as she spoke. She decided to speak aloud, and pushed her flashing red
menu out of the way.
“I’m sure maybe one or two of
your figured it out by now, but I’ve made quite the find. I’ve
been peeking at the chat, like any good mentor should.”
She laughed.
“And, I’ve figured out what’s
going on. Without a settlement to spawn at anymore, the game has
probably set your spawn point to be the center of the world. That’s
around where Lormdah is. However, there is no more Lormdah. There’s
also no more game world. It’s all speckles, crushed beneath piles
of my cum just like all of you.”
She eyed her load again, thinking
of how it dwarfed in game seas had her spine tingle.
“So the game probably just
remembers the last spot the world was, or is, depending on your
definition. That’s my load right there, the thick warm goop you’re
all writhing in as I speak. So, when you die in my spunk, you are
respawning right back into it as that’s the only place the game can
think to spawn you. Isn’t that something neat? Funny how this game
works sometimes. Lots of quirks sometimes.”
The chat
erupted in its usual swears and curses towards Euki, though there was
a bigger theme of melancholy this time around.
Euki peeked at it and
“I wonder how long the loop
will last. You’ll keep dying and respawning back in my nice warm
load for a bit, sure, but eventually it’ll cool down. Harden. Then,
I’m not sure what’ll happen. Will you spawn impaled on the solid
jizz? Crushed beneath it? Will the game treat it as a solid object?
In that case, will it only spawn you in the little bubbles and
crevices that form naturally as your mentor Euki’s cum cools down,
settles, and solidifies?”
Euki could hear screams perk up
through the menu to her side. She moved the thing in front of her
face. A special message popped up: a sentiment. She laughed a little.
They had managed to upvote a message enough even as they kept dying
in her sex-fluids.
It read: “Please reset. Please.
Please please please. Also fuck you.”
Euki grinned, then continued
speaking aloud.
“You know, with just a few taps
I could put an end to this. Repairs are free right now. I could bring
this all to an end.”
With a smirk, the purple-eyed
nekojin dismissed the sentiment pop-up and the menu.
“But, then we’d never find
out how this will end up, right? What a waste of a good experiment
that would be. As mentees you should always be trying to learn about
the game. So, I think I’ll just check on you all in a few hours.
Until then, enjoy yourselves as much as you can in there. Though I’m
stepping away, I’m sure you’ll feel real close to me, flailing
about in my goo as you are. Enjoy your bath in it. As for me, I’ve
got a megaworld I want to paint a little white~”
Euki snorted out a chuckle, then
started walking out of the kitchen. The world chat was in a frenzied
uproar, but she had since closed out of it.
Chapter 9: Challenge by VivettaVenray
Chapter 9: Challenge
Euki wanted more fun. By all real
world understandings, she should want a break. There was something
called a refraction period after a penile orgasm: or at least there
was supposed to be.
In Foremost Phantasia, however,
there wasn’t one. Stamina worked differently in the game. For
instance, after fighting even one dragon, the average person might
become tired. But, the game wouldn’t be fun if you logged on,
killed one monster, then felt tired and needed an in-game nap.
Players would want to sit down maybe after a very long grind
sometimes, depending on the player, but they’d be ready for more
swings of a sword after mere moments of inaction. For the most part,
stamina only ended when you got logged out for playing too long.
Of course, physical and fighting
endurance was different than sexual endurance. Still, the game
developers took a similar approach to the latter as they did the
former. There was no physiological limitations to orgasming over and
They thought there didn’t need
to be. Most people got sexually tired after one or two orgasms. Male
players also often had a psychological component to their refraction
period as well. Euki, being a woman, didn’t have that to the same
So, the only thing that
would stop the nekojin from going again was her own mood. Considering
she had just leveled an in-game world with her cum, though, her mood
was still sky-high.
Euki intended to go back to her
coffee table to check up on her first and favorite megaworld. She had
a fun idea in mind for them. Yet, it wasn’t even two steps out of
her in-game kitchen that she realized she was still a bit messy.
Euki’s hand was slick with
precum still, and the tip of her dick was moistened from her climax.
It still stuck out of her shorts, with the waist band pressing at the
flesh just in front of her scrotum.
Immediately after leaving the
kitchen, there was a little small square side table near the open
entryway, back on the side towards her living room. It was a
nightstand more than a table, really, but it served its one and only
purpose of holding M-World E4.
M-World E4 was one of Euki’s
first worlds, in fact. She hardly remembered it, and when she stepped
up to it on its crotch high resting surface, she didn’t even bother
reading its mentor-linked world chat before grabbing her dick and
rubbing the tip of it into the micro world.
Her goal was to wipe her cock
free of the fluids coating its head, all while stimulating herself a
bit. The latter part of that impromptu plan worked, but the former
didn’t go so well. Yes, some lingering fluids fell from the glans
of her dick to ravage the world below. But, in swishing her femcock
about the world, she ended up getting more of the world stuck to her
dick then getting her fluids off her own dick’s head.
While the mentees newly stuck to
her cock drowned or fell or otherwise suffered and died, Euki just
pulled up her shorts and snapped them back about her waist. The
people her cock stole from M-World E4 would just have to suffer in
the dark humid confines of her shorts for a moment while she tried to
figure out what to do with her hand.
Her right hand, the one that most
touched herself, was essentially covered in her precum and other cock
fluids. She thought about washing the hand, which would certainly
work, but it seemed so low tech and well, in her mind, a waste. Why
do that when there was a chance to use the situation to rub in her
size and make others suffer? So, instead, she moved a few steps over
to another small square table. There rested M-World E6.
a word, Euki moved her palm over the micro world and slammed it down.
She twisted her hand and wiped her palm all over the world. She even
flipped her hand over once and twice to be extra thorough.
When she pulled her hand
away, of course it was coated with rubble, terrain, and tens of
thousands of mentees who until recently were going about their
business. Now, they were stuck like flies to syrup.
Euki grunted. In hindsight she
shouldn't have expected this to work, but now she felt a bit silly.
Using her free hand she opened the menu and just paid a trivial
amount of zril for a simulated shower. Everyone on her hand and dick
from M-worlds E4 and E6 where back on their devastated worlds and off
her body. She was squeaky clean, and they could perhaps figure out
what to do with all the cock shaped craters or, in E6’s case, the
utterly un-navigateable world.
Euki of course got a flashing red
menu about all the new damages. It was then she bothered to flip
through some of the camera views at the world level that showed it
“Such devastation... Welp, it
wasn’t exactly my intent. Let’s just make it a Mentor Request to
fix. I am busy after all. You tiny guys and gals can handle it on
your own. Enjoy the exp, parasites~”
With a paltry zril
reward as a lure, in addition to the exp, the players on world E4 and
E6 had an insurmountable task ahead of them. Many were stuck in the
sticky layer of precum coating a lot of the terrain, which meant a
slow demise till they could respawn and get started on any request:
which would entail cleaning up the same fluids that had just killed
Nonetheless, the Mentor Request
was perfect to buy her some more time to play.
When Euki walked back towards her
living room, she did so with full awareness of just how massive she
was to M-Megaworld E1. She reveled in it. She didn’t slow her
stride one bit, but rather accentuated her steps.
As she did so, she had her menu
summoned with the megaworld’s chat open, alongside some camera
views from random cities of the three conjoined worlds. The players
there had actually finished repairing the damage her pinky toe did
earlier, and thus everyone was back to their usual business--well,
till their mentor starting walking back over of course.
Euki saw the megaworld shake at
her footfall. Heard the screams, grumbles, and curses. She saw the
chat light up with salt and seethe. She could hear her steps from the
perspective of their tiny fragile perspectives on the tiny, fragile
little game-worlds.
Fun as that was though, she
wanted her imagination to fill in the blanks a bit, so she turned off
the camera view and moved her menu to the side.
Continuing with her smooth
motions, Euki stomped in front of her couch and took a seat. She
gripped the coffee table and tugged it close. Then, she reached out
towards the megaworld. Her fingers pierced the Hrisgar region of
M-World E1, the first and westernmost third of the megaworld before
her. Once again ruining it, she used her leverage to tug the
megaworld closer to the table’s edge. With just one corner’s
leverage the megaworld was crooked, though, so her other hand moved
in and pierced that northernmost region for M-world E3 as well.
With the megaworld inches away
from the near-edge of the coffee table. Euki grabbed her shorts and
slipped them free from her legs. Though she cleaned her body with
that earlier insta-shower feature, her shorts were still wet with
precum and the like. Euki took up her shorts, tugged the waistband
back tight, aimed at the table upon which rested M-World E12, then
flung her shorts that way. The moist garment landed right atop that
world, flattening much of it beneath the fabric as the wetness and
subtle odor of the her sex fluids further tormented the mentees there
as the garment settled.
Euki was thus stark naked from
the waist down. Her cock and balls were out, and she cupped her
flaccid shaft, lifted it forward, and moved it over the center of the
megaworld, which was mostly M-World E2.
The wrinkled blue skin of her
scrotum, and all the bulk behind it, settled on that world’s
Hrisgar. That world’s Icksregard city flattened in an instant
beneath one titanic testicle, while Euki’s right nut slammed down
over the leveling and harvesting area to the city’s west. Tens of
thousands of lives were snuffed out in mere moments.
The floating islands above the
main region of that world’s Hrisgar fell as Euki moved her hand.
With her hand out of the way, nothing stopped her shaft from falling
forward and settling. The islands in the path of her massive galcock
just exploded on impact.
It was certainly a bad time for
anyone in the megaworld to need to do anything in Hrisgar. At the
very least, they did all respawn to the south.
Euki swung her menu in front of
her face. A few taps and, thanks to the permissions relaxations from
the ongoing maintenance, she temporarily removed the teleportation
restrictions for the worlds in the Megaworld. Now the players could
travel between the worlds for an especially reduced small fee of zril
that, sadly, went into a black hole of inflation prevention instead
of to Euki herself.
The blue-skinned nekojin tapped a
couple more times. She was gonna make use of the loose restrictions
some more.
M-Worlds couldn’t communicate
with other M-Worlds unless they were part of the same Megaworld, and
even that had restrictions. So, the mentees below Euki didn’t know
much of what happened to M-World E8 other than what little they heard
Euki saying aloud while she was in the kitchen. Those mentees
M-Megaworld E1 just got a notification that those restrictions were
lowered by their mentor. They were also informed they could travel
between the three conjoined worlds of the megaworld freely till
further notice. Some cheers erupted, as this meant it was easier to
farm certain niche things, like rare monster spawns.
Most people didn’t cheer much,
though, as for reasons unknown to them, their mentor had taken off
her shorts and let her dick hang over the entire center region of the
Players filled the now shared
megaworld chat with sentiments on the matter, such as
“Uhhhhhh what’s going on.”,
“Is that her penis? She just...
whipped it out.”
All would become clear soon
enough. Everyone's menu flashed with a brand new mentor challenge.
The description of it shocked and befuddled all.
“Boss Battle Challenge: Fight
my dick, you pathetic fucks ^-^”
The description irked everyone.
One katana wielding fighter shook
his head side to side in disgust.
“This is why she’s doing
this? Some perverse fucking game? Well count me out”, he said aloud
to those around himself. Then, he moved his eyes downward to see the
reward description.
“900,000,000 Zril?!? Well, I
mean, I guess if it’s that much...”
When a mentor set a challenge,
they could set a bonus reward of zril as well. There was always the
reward of relevant experience, and a base reward of zril that didn’t
come out of the mentors wallet. However, a generous mentor could
throw in more at their own expense, and the amount would be split
across all participants based on success.
In a combat challenge, like the
one Euki just set, you usually couldn’t just hit the foe once, then
you wouldn’t get the full reward. Your portion of the reward was
based on how much effort you put in, and it was tier based rather
than scaling too directly.
In other words, they’d have to
actually try to defeat her cock, whatever that entailed only Euki
knew, and she knew indeed. She knew exactly what she was doing.
All across the megaworld, people
were traveling to the central M-World E2 and teleporting to the
settlement nearest Euki’s looming cock. There, they grouped up and
prepared to unleash their most powerful spells and attacks.
It would be futile. Euki knew
this. Deep down, a lot of the players knew it too. But, they would
try anything, cause what the heck else were you supposed to do with a
portion of 900,000,000 Zril on the line? Even a thousandth of that
would carry a mentee through the entire leveling process and then
some. Of course, with tens of thousands of participants the share
would be much less, but it was still enough to make players cast
aside common sense and pour all their efforts into attacking miles
and miles of sensitive dick flesh.
Euki played along, gripping her
cock and lowering it a bit more into the little game-world. The
ground shook, dealing a bit of damage to all in proximity to such a
quake and, of course, KO’ing any under the foreskin-sheltered glans
as it made landing with the ground.
With the target now in range, the
martial artists unleashed their strongest punches and kicks. Other
melee dps classes released their own most powerful blows with their
own weapons of choice.
Mages conjured powerful spells.
Over and over, they used up all their magic points for great flashes
of fire that could melt mithril. They summoned forth enormous meteors
which would crush a dozen monsters at once.
Yet, even the most powerful
strike wasn’t even a tickle to Euki’s cock. The most frigid frost
spell melted against the superior quantity of body heat her flesh
emitted on contact. The most powerful fire spells didn’t warm her
one bit, and the mightiest meteor a mage could conjure couldn’t
even compare to a crumb of the stat-food she might clumsily eat
before raid time.
Together, though, multiplied over
the hundreds of thousands of participating players in the
mini-megaworld at her dick...
Together, she felt...
Hardly anything still.
Faint tickles really from when
the mages happened to cast their powerful spells at the same time.
Occasionally, the moist minute bit of her foreskin was moved by the
combination of maximum power wind spells or a synchronized series of
blows from the melee dps classes. It would immediately resettle
Yes, for the most part though,
nothing. The entire megaworld was gathered against her cock, and she
couldn’t really even feel them. She was simply too gigantic. Too
huge beyond any hopes of success they had.
...and Euki loved it. She loved
every second of it. Her menu was open with a view camscreen with
which she lazily cycled through player perspectives randomly. They
were pathetic. At their size, they could see such a small portion of
her cock, that it was hard to even make-out it was her penis at all.
It was just a towering wall of blue or bluish-purple or the like,
depending on where they were. That’s what she inferred from the
over-the-shoulder player cams she had access to, which offered that
level of limited views.
But, it made her feel bigger. She
was bigger. Utterly gigantic. Her most minor movements shook their
world and, to prove it to herself again, Euki moved her cock the
smallest distance she could muster. She then broke out in delighted
laughter as she saw on the menu’s screen almost everyone fall over
with the ensuing tremor.
“Alright.”, she said. “I
think I’m going a bit easy on you. I should probably attack a bit
more back.”
Euki simply lifted her cock a tiny distance,
to her, off the world and then moved it to the side. She then pressed
it down, gently, and utterly wiped out a hundred thousand players
then and there. She saw healers desperately trying to resurrect some
players before they respawned, but resurrecting hundreds of thousands
would take far, far too long. It was quicker for them to just
respawn, teleport back, and get back into the fray.
Euki moved her cock again,
this time just leaning forward slightly towards the coffee table,
then shifting her hips side to side. The heft of her cock pressed
into the world as it shifted lightly from side to side in a small
waving motion.
Euki saw how the tank players
tried to resist it. They popped every mitigation ability they had.
All for naught. Even at its slow speed, Euki’s cock was so immense,
so powerful by virtue of its scale that it just obliterated them on
contact. Even blocking 99% of the damage wouldn’t be enough.
Invulnerability abilities brought them a scant few seconds of life
beneath the crushing mass of her foreskin-shrouded glans before it
wore off, and they KO’d instantly after.
The melee dps in its path,
along with all other classes too close, were KO’d immediately as
was the obvious expectation she had.
But it didn’t matter. They kept
coming much to Euki’s delight. The promise of zril was too much,
and they participated even as Euki pressed the offensive more and
more. She lifted up her cock and plopped it atop where she could tell
players were--thanks to the menu cam of course.
Her laughter turned to subtle
purrs as the fight wore on. She taunted them, which had the side
effect of teasing herself--in the good sense of the word for her.
“C’mon, you need to do
more than that to defeat my cock. Can't you do that at least? Defeat
a single gal’s penis? Aren’t you supposed to be the saviors of
Anuzea or something?”
Of course, the challenge of hers
was rigged. It didn’t even make sense. How could they defeat just
one body part of hers? Euki herself had the healthbar, not her dick,
and they had no chance of making even the tiniest dent in her HP. The
challenge normally wouldn’t even be possible, but the lifting of
limitations made arbitrary challenges possible to make, with success
or failure determined by the issuing mentor.
In other words, Euki quite
literally couldn’t lose: one of her favorite types of games.
Chapter 10: Fun by VivettaVenray
Chapter 10: Fun
the mentees kept fighting, dying, and respawning, Euki moved a bit
more from mockery with her game back towards self-stimulation. That
was her original goal, of course, and the memories of people dying
over and over in the
cum purgatory that was
M-World E8 kept
the fires of passion burning while her latest game stoked them
fingers gripped together against her shaft. She began stroking
herself over the mentees as they continued trying to ‘defeat’ her
dick. As she stroked, the knuckles of her right hand occasionally
crashed into the world below, shaking it and crushing a few
thousand mentees in the way.
cock grew erect, the glans breaking free from the foreskin as blood
flowed to the region, enhancing its rigidness.
“Ah, phase change coming up
everyone. You must be doing something right~”, she teased from on
chat mostly thought it
was nonsense.
she’s just jacking off.”
“I mean, the dick did change
“Who cares. 900,000,000 zril is almost a billion.
We’ll be rich if we win!”
“We can’t win idiots!”
“Could I get a res? I died near the slit when it
crashed down
a few seconds ago”
they continued. The
experience was novel,
strange, and had the faint hope of rewarding large amounts of zril in
addition to exp. It was the
perfect bait for players.
Euki started to purr more. She
looked over the megaworld, and those purrs turned quickly to pleased
grunts. She purposely nudged her hips into the table form time to
time, just to hear the megaworld shake some more.
wasn’t too long before pre started leaking. The sticky droplets
fell from above over the
mentees below. Using her menu, she cycled through views to aim them
best she could. She even spilled droplets over areas of forests or
random settlements for fun, wanting to punish those players that
dared to farm or relax instead of participating in her self-serving
chat erupted at this news.
“I’m soaked!”
twisted bih...”
“Whoa, new attack gang.”
“Watch those aoes!!! lol”
Euki herself spoke aloud between
her very obviously lust-driven utterances.
uh oh, better hurry up down there, you’re reaching the enrage
timer. Pretty soon I’m gonna fini-, the encounter will be over.
You’ll all be wiped
snickered, the mirth broken with a punctuating groan of delight as
her fingers find a nice spot on her dick in that exact
moment. She rubbed it, then resumed stroking. Her cock grew
harder, stretched more
over the horizon of M-Megaworld E1.
‘The entire center of this
megaworld is in the shadow of my cock. Hundreds of thousands of
lives.’, she thought.
for me~”, she taunted aloud
as the precum
kept dripping.
she moved a sticky finger of hers towards some random small
settlement. Pressing it down, she ensured the place stuck. She
brought it
to her lips, lapping it up before swallowing it quickly then resuming
her strokes as if nothing had happened.
She didn’t even bother to read
the chat messages regarding the agony in the acidic confines of her
stomach. It felt too good to touch herself. It felt too good to be
Euki was approaching climax, by
now all but ignoring the silly players who thought they could defeat
her formidable cock: who thought they could quell her uncompromising
focused on
the bigger picture: where
to aim. The climax was fast approaching, and she was ready, though
just barely.
felt the hot cum piping through her cock. She quickly moved her dick
to point
at the largest settlement she saw in M-world 2 that *wasn’t*
Lormdah, as she had ‘been there’ and ‘done that’ rather
recently. Instead, the massive blast of hot
crashed over the level 30-40 leveling area and the huge and popular
desert city at the center of
In M-World E2, that was. She did
still want to show the other parts of the megaworld some love.
ecstasy, she still had the willpower to aim her dick towards M-World
E1 next, the westernmost
part of the megaworld and the first world she came to own. What
was more fitting, she
thought, than to treat that first mentor world of hers to having the
starting coastal city of Flesmar drown in her warm spunk?
was a direct hit, with the spurt fanning out to engulf both the ocean
and, as expected, the
splatters and creeping tides of the white goop rained
and flooded outwards to
engulf all the poor lowbies leveling in the starting region.
spurt was on its way. Euki quickly aimed towards M-World E3 at the
eastern edge of the megaworld. The spurt fired and fanned out all
over Jima. Indeed,
the level 60-70 region
where her mentees had recently fixed damage from her pinky toe’s
impact was once again subject to destruction at her metaphorical
hand and
literal ejaculate.
main city there--with its beautiful pagodas, temples, and other
ornate architecture--washed
away in the stark white tide of Euki’s aromatic bliss. All the
surrounding islands too were so loaded up with her load that a few
started to sink a bit.
Euki could feel one more spurt
coming. One more burst of pleasure. And, she knew just how to use it.
She’d share it with every world in the megaworld, of course.
a great roaring moan, Euki aimed her cock
at the far
eastern edge of the megaworld, oriented towards the center, on
the forward-and-back axis that
is. Focusing, she could feel
the hot cum rushing through her urethra and, at the very moment it
first left her slit, she quickly jerked her cock from left to right:
east to west across the megaworld.
M-Megaworld E1, many players didn’t bother participating in the
absurd “defeat my dick” challenge their mentor had put out.
Instead, as the minority on the matter across the megaworld, they
exploited the lack of crowds to farm some monster mobs for exp all to
themselves. A few just harvested the
mining nodes and various bushes in
a bit more
peace and solitude than
Well, as much peace one could
have with a miles tall catgal moaning in ecstasy and thrusting the
coffee table, that is.
Still, they could tolerate
they heard it. The sound of something cutting
through the wind. Something
big. They looked up and could see a thick, white band stretching
greatly in width and farther than they could see in length.
Like a great, white serpent it
hovered in the sky. Sadly for them, it didn’t stay in the sky very
long before it plummeted down.
they tried to run, they couldn’t get out of its shadow before it
fell. Others tried to teleport, but the cast animation for it was too
long to evade the coming
white storm.
beneath that long strand of cum stayed
so as it fell. Forests were
coated beneath a canopy of sticky white ropes.
Strands branching off the
main rope of spunk dangled
between mountain tops, dripping on any
settlements or
players between the peaks. A
few players who grinded out the rather rare umbrella item found it
totally useless to even drops of the spunk as it broke off from that
central cum-rope
to drip upon them.
most of her spurts, anyone hit directly by it typically KO’d then
and there. However, this time, a few thousand
were positioned to just get partially hit, or pop their
invulnerability abilities in time: if they had them.
they weren’t crushed by the weight immediately,
they were pinned by it. This way, they slowly lost HP from the
pressure as the cum slowly
pooled a little outwards. An
even unluckier though
populous subgroup were
subject to the cum pooling to the extent that it covered them
completely as they were
pinned. Aside from the
humiliation it eventually caught up in their breaths and they began
to choke, suffocate, and die beneath the warm galjizz.
Chapter 11: Owned by VivettaVenray
Chapter 11: Owned
felt one last little spurt. A few droplets really. She decided to
squeeze them out over the gallant adventurers who showed up to try
and fight her dick.
Head craned up from the surviving
adventurers there. They knew their doom was coming.
even they
expected now, they had no chance against the white mega-meteor
hurtling their way.
“There.”, she said, her voice
still lusty as the aftershocks of pleasure coursed through her.
little gift, just for your efforts. A conciliation prize.”
then moved her attention from them, as they weren’t worthy, and
took a moment to admire the splattering of her spunk across the
megaworld. That long rope of cum, stretching across the entire three
landscapes, filled her not just with a great deal of arousal, but
also pride.
Euki felt she really left
her mark, and it kept her pleasure levels high enough for a few more
moments of post-climax teasing of her sex. The motions of which
splashed a bit more sex fluids haphazardly across the megaworld:
mostly M-World E2 as it was closest to her shaft.
That done, she gave her cock a
few more shakes to loosen a bit more of the fluids which were the
recent bane of every mentee down below.
she popped open the menu to check on her challenge. She
declared it over, as was her right, and got a prompt to mark it as a
success or a failure.
“Sorry everyone, but you didn’t
even do one point of damage to me so, yeah, definitely no 900,000,000
She taped the failure marker, and
a notification on the matter popped up to every player in the
megaworld. As the cum-conquered denizens respawned to the
disappointing news, they let loose their disappointment in the shared
megaworld chat.
“I guess I
expected this.”
“Perhaps if I used that potion
we would’ve had the dps.”
“Fucking heck. This whole
program's a fucking scam.”
messages kept coming in, getting
more and more aggressive.
Euki stamped her foot against the floor, hard.
the fuck was that?”
“Oh no that
quake jostled the cum above
me. Fuck fuck fuck.”
Euki laughed at it all, then
spoke aloud to them all.
“Focus and cheer up, wimps. I
think I still have a way to reward you for trying.”
menu was flashing red from all the damage. Her cum had leveled many
settlements. The long rope of the stuff took out quite a few, but it
also spread across a few of largest cities. Those were more
resilient, and rather than level those settlements outright, it often
made them an absolute mess instead. Her cum dangled between building
tops as thick white strands or thinner, though still sticky clearer
It flooded the streets. Piles of
the stuff prevented access to key buildings players needed to
progress their story quest progress. Some impatient players waded
through the smaller piles of it to get to their quest objectives
All of it would need to be fixed.
Euki could do it at a press of a button. Yet, she felt the landscape
looked so nice this way.
if you’re gonna get rid of this all, you’ve got to earn it.”,
she said.
tapped a few buttons and put up another Mentor Challenge in the
“repair” category. The repairs consisted of
cleaning up the countless tons of gal-spunk she splattered the
megaworld with while
fixing some broken terrain
and buildings too. Even with
the game speeding up cleaning efforts, the quantity of her spurts was
so much that this would take hours at the least.
she added an extra incentive. In addition to the base reward of zril
and some harvesting and crafting exp, she added
a bonus reward of 10,000,000 zril split across participants.
The chat erupted.
“10,000,000 zril? This
one we could actually do.”
“It’s so humiliating though.”
zril thou...”
“I’m gonna be using my abilities on cum
piles for the next 4 hours at least. What
has my life come to.”
if you don’t wanna help it’s a bigger split of the reward for the
rest of us.”
10,000,000 zril was a lot of in-game money.
However, it was nothing Euki didn’t make more in an hour on the
markets, more or less passively. It
would keep them nice and busy. They’d
be scrambling to clean up
her bliss. A show in its own right.
rolled her shoulders and let out a nice sigh. She could use a break
from the ‘excitement’, so she slipped her shorts back on, paid a
middling amount of zril for the insta-shower and insta-laundry
features of
the game, then reclined back
on the couch and crossed one foot over the other in
a relaxing lay.
eyed her toes as she bobbed a foot, marveling about how lax she had
been with the raw, intoxicating size and power she wielded over other
players. She
pledged to not neglect such a boon anymore.
with that theme, she turned
her head and grabbed M-World
E14 off of the nightstand wedged against the rightmost arm of her
comfy couch. Holding it in one hand, she flipped through her menu
with the other. She opened
one view on her menu for the markets to quickly make that 10 million
zril back. Another view, she opened towards one of the settlements of
the hand-held world, as well as the chat.
Lifting it up to her mouth, she
took a big chomp out of it. Leveling regions encompassing 1-40 ended
up in her mouth, and she savored the world briefly. Tilting it with
her tongue, she let the terrain soften and dissolve in her saliva for
a bit before gulping it all down with a satisfied and
indirectly-taunting sigh.
the chat for the world seethed, she saw on the view screen the inside
of her stomach as it got to work churning that chunk of world away.
Sticking out her tongue, she
gave the region of the world closest to her bite mark a nice, long
lick to send many more
thousands down to her stomach to stew.
‘I can’t believe they pay me
a stipend for this mentor stuff.’, she thought to herself.
‘I’d pay them to participate
if they made me.’
noticed she made a few million zril from her latest trade, and her
smile widened. Just then a
purple message came in. The developers stated the estimated
maintenance end time was in 5 hours, which was just about when she’d
be auto-logged out anyways.
would pass that time happily. Swapping
views between
the chaos in her stomach and the ego-boosting cleanup crew of
M-Megaworld E1 would be plenty of entertainment. She
also made a note to check on M-World E8’s state before logging out,
too. The result of that
little experiment of hers would be something to look forward to.
Another bite of game-world went
down her throat shortly after, and another few million zril entered
her in-game wallet.
nekojin didn’t need the
zril of course, but it felt good to see the number go up. It felt
good to be better than others, especially
in objective terms like
as a mentor, Euki
quietly reveled in the sheer magnitude of people she was above.
Very much above.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.