Summary: Life is hard for shrinking virus victims, but Evan has managed to not only maintain his independence, he's thriving. The problem is, now he's bored. Eve is an office worker looking for a new place to live when she shows up to rent a room from Evan, unaware of his tiny size. When she realizes his situation, she decides she'd rather have a tiny slave than a new landlord. Evan isn't upset by this, in fact he's... happy? Maybe a giant woman trying to capture him is just the excitement he needs.
A story about the battle of wits and wills between a tiny man and the giantess trying to capture him, and the relationship between the two that blossoms along the way.
8/5/22: I see the story got a blue ribbon, not sure who decides what gets featured, but thank you it's an honor! Don't feel shy about leaving a comment on an older story, I'll see it and I love them all!
Categories: Giantess,
Instant Size Change,
Mouth Play,
New World Order,
Odor Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: One Year Lease
Chapters: 12
Completed: Yes
Word count: 60928
Read: 178873
Published: June 18 2022
Updated: June 29 2022
1. August by Greenanon
2. September by Greenanon
3. October by Greenanon
4. November by Greenanon
5. December by Greenanon
6. January by Greenanon
7. February by Greenanon
8. March by Greenanon
9. April by Greenanon
10. May by Greenanon
11. June by Greenanon
12. July (End) by Greenanon
Eve sighed, bored out of her mind as she watched the clock
tick down towards the end of the work day. Spreadsheets and insurance claims weren’t
exactly what she’d had in mind for her life, but it paid the bills… or had
anyway. Rent was going up, she needed a new place to live, and the options in
town were growing hard to find and harder to pay for.
“Psst, Evie!” Amber called, she was in the cubicle across
from Evelyn, a redhead with curls who had a mean streak a mile wide. Eve kept
off her radar by playing along with her, one thing she’d learned was that no
matter where you were, you always had to back the strongest person in the room.
It had gotten her through high school, and it got her through this office.
“Yeah?” Eve said with a grin.
“Phone!” Amber mouthed at her, pointing to her own.
Eve giggled as she fished hers out of her purse. Unlocking
it she saw that Amber had sent her a video, “Shrunken guy tries to cross the
sidewalk.” She hit play, making sure the sound was muted. On the screen a tiny
man, a few inches tall and naked, hesitantly looked both ways before sprinting
across a concrete sidewalk. A jogger noticed him, and with a smug grin,
diverted her path. The tiny guy saw her coming, panicking as he picked up
speed. The camera zoomed in, giving Eve a good look at his terrified face as
the shoe came down. The Jogger bit her lip, stopping to grind her running shoe
in place a moment before continuing on her way. The tiny man twitched on the
sidewalk, struggling to recover after what had to be a painful experience.
“Fucking crazy that there are still wild ones when that kind
of stuff happens,” Eve laughed, “seriously what was that guy thinking?”
“They get really tough when they get small,” Amber said, “he’s
probably fine, but I’ll bet that still hurts like hell.” She looked around a
moment and then leaned in close, “I “accidentally” got one on my bike the other
“You bitch!” Eve laughed, “you know you can get fined for
that now?”
Amber just rolled her eyes, “what’s a tiny going to do? Walk
over to the police station and report me? Unless you mess with one that has an
owner it’s almost impossible to actually get in trouble.”
“You know we’re not supposed to call them owners now?” Eve
said, scooting back to her desk, “guardians, caretakers, it’s just a bunch of
PC crap, like a four-inch guy can be anything but your pet.”
“You know why they sent that email out, right?” Amber said
with a conspiratorial grin. “Charles has it!”
“The shrinking virus!?” Eve said, covering her mouth, “oh my
god, that’s hilarious! How long does he have?”
“I don’t know, a month or two maybe?” Amber said, “you want
to go fuck with him?”
“You know it!” Eve said, smiling as she stood up to follow
her friend.
The two walked through the office, the clack of their heels
against the floor echoing down the hall as they searched out Charles. They
found their prey in the break room, glumly pouring himself a cup of coffee. He
was a middle-aged man, slightly balding, maybe a little too thin for a man his
size. Still, he’d apparently found someone to marry him, and everyone in the
office had seen pictures of his kids.
“Oh my god Eve,” Amber said loudly as she walked to the
coffee machine, “did you hear about those shrinkees that got caught living in
the department store downtown?”
“No!” Eve replied with faux surprise. Looking over Amber’s
shoulder she could see Charles’s attention pique.
“They say the overnight cleaning crew caught them, sucked
their little asses right up with a shopvac!”
“Oh my god!” Eve laughed, “what are they going to do with
“Auction them off I guess,” Amber replied, filling her
coffee cup. “Maybe one of those cleaning ladies might want to keep one? I know
I would.” She turned around and made eye contact with Charles, “I think it’d be
fun to have a little pet like that.” She sipped the steaming beverage, her eyes
flashing, “Yeah… I’d keep that little shit naked; he’d greet me when I came
home by calling me Miss Amber, and if he showed even the slightest disrespect?”
She stomped her heel hard on the floor, causing a *clack* that made Charles
jump. She shrugged, “or maybe I’d get bored and just flush him? I mean imagine
if your husband shrank, you’d probably want to get rid of him, play the field,
“Oh yeah,” Eve laughed, “just say he ran away or something.”
Giggling the two of them walked out of the break room
together. Eve shot a look back and saw Charles’ hands shaking, his coffee
spilling slightly on the floor. She felt a slight pang of pity, but then with a
look back at Amber she forced it down. She’d learned the hard way enough times
that the people on top had to push others down to stay there, and shrinkees
made an easy target, even if they weren’t small yet.
Evan stalked through what had been his front yard. It was
wildly overgrown these days, at four inches tall he couldn’t exactly mow it
easily, and the service he’d arranged before becoming small only came by once a
month. Parting the green jungle of grass stalks he spotted his prey, a large
green grasshopper idly chewing on a leaf. He hefted his small crossbow, taking
his time with the shot. With a quick *twang* a toothpick shot out, nailing the
grasshopper in the head. With a muffled thump it fell, twitching, to the
With a sigh Evan approached it, trying to determine what, if
anything, he’d do with his kill. Nothing, he decided, turning away. Grasshopper
wasn’t a bad meal at this size, once you got past the idea of eating a bug, but
he didn’t see the point when he had more than enough normal food to last him
several lifetimes. He’d toyed with the idea of keeping a collection of pinned
bugs he’d killed, but taxidermy for arthropods apparently involved a lot of
nail polish remover, a terribly noxious substance at this size.
Mostly he hunted grasshoppers and other bugs for sport, to
stave off boredom and the beginnings of what he was sure was depression. There
wasn’t much challenge to it, he’d worried about his place in the food chain post-shrinking,
but he’d rapidly found that the insect kingdom just wasn’t ready for a human at
this size, the first spider had been terrifying, then he’d found out that he
was so much stronger than them that he might as well have been beating up a
Higher animals weren’t much of a worry either, and Evan
waved to his cat Marshmallow, a fat grey tabby, as he walked through the pet
door to his house.
“MROW!” Marshmallow cried angrily.
Evan sighed, glancing at the gargantuan food bowl in the
kitchen, “In a minute!” he cried. The cat gave a long whining meow in response.
Feeding him was harder now, but Evan still managed. A bag of kibble and a small
shovel waited next to it, and he’d be spending at least a half hour of his
evening refilling the cat’s bowl. He’d thought about rehoming Marshmallow once
he found out he was shrinking, but he’d quickly found another utility for the
“Hey!” he called, snapping his fingers, “you want your dinner?
Get your fat ass over here and earn it.” With the closest thing to a sigh a cat
could manage the lumbering feline got up and walked over to him. Gripping the
cat’s fur he climbed quickly up to the top of his back, grasping the collar as
the cat carried him rapidly up the stairs.
Laurie pulled up to the old Armstrong place and stepped out
of her truck. In the back she had several bags of groceries, along with a large
box that contained doll furniture. Slamming the door shut she carried the goods
up to the porch and rang the doorbell. The blonde hummed a tune as she adjusted
her wide brimmed straw hat against the sun. It was hot this time of year, and
the humidity of the wetlands the house was built amidst meant that you were
always sweating out here.
“Hello?” the intercom buzzed.
“It’s me,” Laurie said, smiling for the camera, “who the
hell else would come visit you?”
“Tiny hunters?” he replied, “well-wishers? Fangirls?”
“Open the door you jackass,” Laurie laughed, and with a
click the electronic lock disengaged. Laurie stepped inside, walking to the
kitchen as the fat grey cat meowed and swished itself against her legs. Evan
was waiting for her on the counter, lounging in a sky-blue doll shirt and khaki
“Hey Laurie,” the shrunken man said, standing up to greet
her. “How’s tricks?”
“My car’s transmission is shot so I’m driving one of my
uncle’s trucks,” she replied, “what about you?”
“I successfully lassoed a field mouse,” he said with a grin,
“yippee kay aye.”
“Why didn’t you just ask it to come over?” She asked,
unloading his groceries.
“I keep telling you, I can’t talk to animals,” he said,
rolling his eyes, “they just sort of naturally like me, Marshmallow listens to
me but otherwise they just treat me as a friend and not much else.”
“That’s good,” she muttered, looking out the front window at
the undeveloped swampland, “seeing as how you insist on living all the way out
“I like my freedom,” he replied, “tiny guy in town? I’d be
in a hamster cage by the end of the day.”
“About that,” Laurie said, laying a bank receipt on the
table, “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re running out of cash.”
She gestured around, “this whole lifestyle of yours is neat and all, but it’s
not exactly sustainable.”
“What am I supposed to do?” he asked, “get a job? I don’t
know shit about computers Laurie, I always worked with my hands and the army
isn’t exactly looking to re-enlist guys who shrank.”
“My offer is still on the table,” she said, crossing her
arms. “Move in with me, we’ll do all the paperwork and you’ll never worry about
any of this tiny-hunter stuff and hiding ever again.”
“No,” he said firmly, “I’m my own man Laurie, I don’t want
to move in to your old dollhouse.”
“That’s what people who shrink do,” she said with
exasperation, “do you not trust me or-“
“Trust has nothing to do with it,” he said, cutting her off,
“I trust you with my life Laurie, but I just…” He sighed, “I’m not going to be
happy living like that, even with a friend. I need to be in charge of my own
life, you know?”
“Well, you need to figure out a way to bring in some money,”
she said, rolling her eyes, “you’ve got property taxes on this place coming up,
and you might be able to evade a tiny hunter but good luck hiding the house
from the county assessor.”
She thought a moment, “I don’t suppose your uncle hid any
gold or anything in the basement before he died?”
“My uncle wasn’t in the mafia!” Evan said angrily. The rumor
had been something he and his family had been teased about for years, going
back to when he was in elementary school. “He went to jail for tax evasion!”
“Just like Al Capone,” Laurie countered.
“He worked in waste management!” Evan protested.
“Oh my god, do you hear yourself?” Laurie laughed, “he
probably lived out here so he could dump bodies in the marsh!”
“I’m done with this conversation,” he said, “and I’ll have
you know, I’ve been thinking about the money problem.”
“Oh?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m thinking of renting the place out,” he explained.
“Wow,” Laurie muttered in an offended tone, “you won’t come
live with me, but you’re going to let some rando move in and probably enslave
“Like hell they will,” he growled, “I’ve got this sort of
plan worked out. The thing is, a lot of people don’t respect shrinkees, but
I’ll get the right one in here, put the fear of God into them a little… then
they’ll accept that they get to live here, at a nice cheap price… in exchange
for doing a few things for me now and then.”
Laurie balked, “my god,” she breathed, “you’re going to try
to tame a big person? You know that is the opposite of how this scenario
usually plays out?”
“They won’t see it coming,” he said with a grin, “most
people shrink and just give up, but I’m not one of those woe is me types.”
“No,” Laurie sighed, “you’re certainly not that.”
“And besides, I’m not looking to tame someone,” he
explained, “I just want a roommate, a tenant really, the arrangement is
mutually beneficial and if the other party is reasonable, it’ll be like any
other lease.”
“And if they decide they’d rather play catch the shrinkee?”
Laurie asked.
“Then I’ll have to kick a little ass until they realize who
they’re dealing with,” he said with a grin.
“I don’t even want to know what you have in mind,” Laurie
said, rolling her eyes, “I’m pretty sure this is going to end with me racing
down to the courthouse to file a claim on you before someone else does.”
“You said you’d do anything I needed when I shrank, right?”
he said.
“I owe you that much,” she replied with a sigh.
“Okay, I need you to put out the following ad for me…”
Eve reread the housing ad again, sure she was missing
something. Five-bedroom house, comes furnished, internet and utilities include…
at THAT price? Seeking single tenant, no others currently living on premises,
minimum lease one year. It was out in the sticks, sure, but the commute
wouldn’t be too bad. No, she reasoned, there had to be something wrong with it.
Full of rats, or destroyed on the inside? The pictures on the website seemed to
show a house in decent repair, if with somewhat antiquated décor. The only
thing that looked new was the television, a glistening flat screen amid furniture
that belonged in the 1980s.
“Looking at places to live?” Amber asked over her shoulder.
“Yeah,” Eve muttered, “this place looks too good to be true
Amber glanced at the listing, “maybe it’s some rich old
bastard who just wants someone in it? You know, to keep squatters out or
“I guess… I’m swinging by this place after work tomorrow, if
it’s the real deal I’m moving in as soon as I can.”
Evan peered down at the living room from the ceiling vent.
His prospective tenant would be coming in soon, and he wanted to make the right
first impression. The old house had plenty of vents, but before shrinking he’d
made some home improvements with the aim of making it easier to move around
once he’d shrunk. The walls were riddled with tunnels, strings of Christmas
lights snaked through them, providing lighting.
Eve stepped up to the door, purse under her arm. She frowned
as she looked around the porch, she saw at least two security cameras, and from
what she could tell the door was electronically locked. Well, she reasoned, it
was a few miles away from the rest of town, and although the city could be
reached with a fifteen-minute drive, from looking around at the surrounding
terrain an observer could confuse it for a much more rural plot than it really
Taped to the front door was a key, with a handwritten note,
“let yourself in.” That was odd too, what kind of landlord didn’t want to be
there with the tenant when she walked through the property? She patted her
purse unconsciously, feeling the bulge of the pepper spray in the side pocket.
With a sigh she ripped the key off and put it into the lock.
Evan watched, hidden, as the woman stepped into the living
room. Eve O’Mara, that was what the application had said, she worked in an
office in town. No kids, no pets, she was ideal. Her brown hair shimmered slightly
as she shut the door behind her, and she smoothed her office skirt a moment
before looking around. She was good looking, that was for sure, with long legs
and hint of muscle that suggested regular exercise.
He heard a meow and a
thud as Marshmallow leapt off his perch on the living room bookshelf.
“Why hello,” Eve said with a smile, watching the cat rub
against her with a purr, “do you come with the house?”
She picked up the cat, who didn’t seem to mind, and
continued her exploration. Most of the house appeared long unused, and a thin
layer of dust covered many of the shelves. The bedrooms in particular had the
slightly musty smell of a long unopened closet, and she left the doors open as
she walked, hoping to air them out a little. Overall, the house was fantastic,
she wasn’t able to find a single faucet or light switch that didn’t work, and
she wondered again why the owner would be willing to rent it out at a price
that wasn’t even half what she’d paid for her two-bedroom in town.
“Mrow,” the cat muttered.
“Let’s see if there’s any food for you,” Eve muttered,
carrying the chubby feline down to the house’s kitchen. She wasn’t sure why
there was a cat living here, but judging by the flab he wasn’t an outdoorsy one.
Evan had been spying on her during the entirety of her home
inspection, and now he raced through the house hoping to beat her down to the
kitchen. Marshmallow liked her at least, although in Evan’s opinion his cat was
something of an idiot, even by cat standards. Smart cats didn’t get stuck in
the trash can, or so he figured.
He had a bow slung across his back, toothpick arrows in a
makeshift tinfoil quiver. His chest was bare, exposing his chiseled physique.
Evan had always been in shape, but according to the experts on TV shrinking was
great for the body, and his constant running and climbing around the property
probably helped too.
He lifted a chunk of tile out of the way, quietly stepping
out into the kitchen as he slid the cover back in place. From a big person’s perspective,
it would be unnoticeable, Laurie always joked that he appeared like a ghost
wherever he wanted. He had another entrance up on the counter of course, but he
wanted to creep up on her.
He crept along the edge of the counter where it met the
floor. He froze as the gigantic footsteps echoed through the kitchen, and he
held his breath as a high heeled shoe as tall as he was clicked down on the
tile in front of him. He could smell the mix of her sweaty nylons and the stale
leather odor of the shoe, and for a moment he was in awe of the giant’s
movements. Laurie came by often enough, but he’d known her forever, her size
never really registered even when she literally picked him up in the palm of
her hand. This woman though, this unknown, it left an impact.
When he was sure she didn’t notice him, he continued along
the floor, reaching a small knotted twine rope that he hung at the very corner
of the counter for easy access. It didn’t take him long to reach the
countertop, where the giantess was humming to herself as she poured the waiting
cat food from the bag of kibble.
“What do you think of the house?” he said boldly.
Eve froze, almost dropping the bag of cat food. She looked
around for the source of the voice, her vision finally landing on the doll
sized man waiting on the counter. Her first thought was that he was a looker,
he had chiseled face and abs that she’d love to run her fingers over at any
size. The second was that he was dressed like an action movie character, and
she fought a giggle when she saw he even had a little headband to go with his
camo pants and bow.
“Did you get that outfit from a GI Joe?” She asked
teasingly, “do you have an owner around here somewhere little guy? She left her
cat here too.”
“This is my house and that’s my cat,” Evan said, “seriously,
do you like the place?”
“It’s great,” she said in an amused tone, “it’s your house?
“Tiny, yeah,” he said, keeping a close eye on her, “so
here’s the deal, I need a little cash flow to keep this place running. If you
live here, you pay a nice low rent for a nice big house, also I want you to feed
the cat, and maybe take care of a few things I can’t. Sound fair?”
“That sounds great,” she said with a predatory grin as she
leaned over the counter, “but… if I’m understanding this, you don’t have a… oh
what the hell do you people like them called… caretaker?”
“No,” he said, edging back nervously.
“Okay, here’s my counter offer,” she giggled, “you’re
fucking mine now, your house is fucking mine. You can call me Miss O’Mara, and
I don’t want to ever hear you use my first name without the appropriate prefix.”
“Prefix?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Goddess, your majesty, whatever you want,” Eve said,
shrugging, “my friend is really into the whole shrinkee thing, in all the
videos she sends me you guys are being appropriately respectful.”
“Hmm, okay, how’s this?” he flipped her his middle finger,
defiantly staring down the giantess even as her blue eyes filled with rage.
“You little fucker!” she snarled, reaching for him with a
darting motion that upset the catfood. Marshmallow yowled loudly, leaping to the
floor and scampering for a hiding place.
Evan leapt out of the way, watching the bullet train of her
arm go by him as her manicured hands gripped at the air. In one smooth motion
he drew one of the toothpicks from his quiver, taking aim and firing the
projectile up into her cheek with his bow.
“SON OF A BITCH!” she shouted, slapping her hand to her
cheek in surprise. He grinned as he saw a drop of blood seep from between her
fingers, and the fire in her eyes became an inferno.
He ran for the edge of the counter, leaping off of it just
as her hand swiped by where he’d been. He felt the wind in his hair from the
attempt to grasp him, and he laughed as he tucked and rolled on the floor.
Falls from the counter were no problem for a shrinkee, particularly if you knew
how to take them. He sprinted for a moment, sparing a glance back to gauge
Eve’s reaction.
“Fuck!” she snarled, pulling the toothpick out of her cheek.
It was a small wound, but it stung like a bitch. She saw Evan running for the
living room, and with a sneer headed after him. She paused a moment, and then
kicked off her heels to move faster.
Evan dove under an ottoman, and a moment later light filled
the dark space as Eve hurled it over. He reached for his arrows again, but she
loomed up over him, her nyloned foot darting out and pinning him easily.
The smell of her stale sweat overwhelmed his as the pressure
rose, and he grunted as her toes flexed through the thin material.
“I hope you like the way that feels you little shit!” Eve
sneered, “you’re going to fucking lick that foot clean every night this week to
make up for that!” she gingerly touched her cheek, scowling as her finger came
away with a small drop of blood. This felt… good, having someone completely at
her mercy, literally under her foot. “You done playing hero?” She muttered
darkly, pressing down a little.
“N-NNOT YET-“ he rasped, trying to twist his body against
the pressure of her sole.
“I don’t know what you thought you were doing,” Eve snapped,
“you’re tiny, you’re not a person anymore so-“ Pain shot through the side of
her foot, and she screamed in pain as she stumbled backwards.
Evan stood up, a slightly bloody toothpick in his hand and a
triumphant grin on his face. The thunderous sound of the giant hopping on one
foot and screaming a torrent of swears echoed through the living room.
“Oh you little bastard!” Eve screamed, steadying herself to
resume the chase, “I am going to torture the shit out of-“
“Marshmallow!” he shouted, and with a meow the chubby grey
cat bounded towards him. He leapt up, catching the cat’s collar and letting the
feline bound up the stairs with him in tow. Eve pounded up the stairs after
them, rage on her face every step of the way.
“Where the hell are-“ she stopped, seeing the cat sitting
and licking it’s paw in the middle of an otherwise empty room. She glanced
around, frowning. He was hiding again, no doubt about it, and with an angry
sigh she realized she’d probably lost him. The cat meowed curiously, looking up
at her and flicking it’s tail back and forth. She knelt down and scratched it
behind the ears, “Oh I’m not mad at you kitty…” she muttered.
Evan had already hidden himself back in the vents, and he
watched as Eve swore angrily one final time, and left the room. His heart was
pounding as he listened to her footsteps going down the hall. He felt
terrified, and at the same time… good? He grinned, fighting the urge to jump
for joy. That had been the most alive he’d felt since shrinking! He’d taken on
a full-sized woman out to get him, and he’d won.
He allowed himself a laugh as he heard the door downstairs
swing shut. His senses were starting to return to normal now, the pounding in
his ears going away first. He sniffed suddenly, and he realized he smelled
overwhelmingly like the woman’s sweaty feet… he also realized he was hard,
harder than he’d been in a long time. He lightly gripped his erection in
puzzlement, what was THAT about? Just the excitement of the fight, he reasoned.
“What the hell,” Laurie said, crossing her arms as he washed
himself in the sink. “She tried to step on you?”
“Chased me around too, threatened to torture me!” he
laughed. “God damn Laurie, I haven’t felt this good in…” he sighed, “I don’t
even know.” He beamed, “I’m moving her in!”
“You’re out of your mind!” Laurie snapped, “this woman wants
you to be her slave, Evan!”
“Yeah, that’s why this is going to be so satisfying!” he
explained, “she’s going to pay my bills, take care of my house, feed my cat,
and all I’ve got to do is stay ahead of her.”
“Do you really think you can?” Laurie asked.
“I think…” he thought a moment, “I think I can but… I really
need this Laurie; I need to beat this girl. This whole shrinking thing stripped
away everything.”
“It didn’t,” Laurie muttered quietly.
“I can’t protect people, I can’t help anyone,” he said angrily,
“I can’t even take care of myself, or at least that’s what everyone seems to
think. If I can’t handle some office barbie, then what the hell is the point of
going on?”
“Fine,” Laurie said, defeated, “let me get my laptop and you
can dictate an email to her…”
“So, you’re saying there’s a wild shrinkee, with a huge
house out in the sticks?” Amber said excitedly.
“Yeah, but he’s not exactly a pushover,” Eve said, nursing
her bandaged cheek. “He’s like, some kind of super-shrinkee or something.”
The two of them were in the break room, talking quietly over
coffee. She’d filled Amber in on the surprise that her housing search had
brought her. Her coworker seemed thrilled with the idea, and kept pressing her
for more details.
“Do you think he has someone who helps him with stuff?” the
redhead asked, “he’s got to, there’s no other way…” Her eyes lit up, “was he
“What?” Eve asked, a bit surprised.
“Was he hot, you know, if you’re going to keep a pet man,
you want him easy on the eyes, right?”
“Yeah,” Eve admitted, “he definitely wouldn’t have trouble
finding a girlfriend if he was full size, he looked like a moviestar or
“You’ve got to go back for him!” Amber said eagerly, “a
super sexy shrinkee who has a house?” She lowered her voice, looking around,
“don’t let the word get out though, there aren’t a lot of shrinkees left
unclaimed these days, and one with a big valuable asset like that? You know you
get all of their stuff when you claim them!? Tiny hunters will be on him like
flies on shit, the only reason I’m not driving out that way now is because
you’re my friend.”
“Gee, thanks,” Eve chuckled, “but he’s got the whole place
pretty secure, electronic locks, alarms, if I just start raising hell over there,
I’ll bet he could get the cops on me and then I’m just some girl breaking and
entering and ranting about a rogue shrinkee.”
Her phone beeped suddenly, and she pulled it out of her
pocket to see what it was. Her eyes narrowed as she saw she’d received a new
email, with a swipe of her finger she opened it, her eyes going wider with each
“What is it?” Amber asked curiously.
“To Ms. Eve O’Mara,” she read aloud, “I’m sorry I didn’t get
the chance to properly introduce myself yesterday, my name is Evan Armstrong,
and I greatly enjoyed our meeting at my property.” She looked at Amber, who
seemed as confused as her, “you seem like an ideal tenant, and I think that
signing a twelve-month lease would be mutually beneficial. As discussed, in
addition to rent payments due on the first of the month I will also require the
occasional home maintenance and also assistance in feeding my cat, Marshmallow,
who has taken quite a liking to you. All the best, Evan Armstrong.”
“What the fuck,” Amber whispered, “he’s offering to let you
rent the place after all that?” She stifled a giggle, “he’s calling you out!”
“What!?” Eve almost shouted, “that bastard…” she snarled and
started typing an email back, “what the fuck did you just say about me you
little-“ she breathed out and stopped herself, deleting the message. “I’m glad
to see that you’ve selected me to be your new tenant,” she said through gritted
teeth, “I’ll move in this weekend, thank you for this opportunity!”
“Ooh, smooth,” Amber said with a smirk, “when you catch that
guy you should rename him something really embarrassing.” She thought a moment,
“Princess!” she laughed, “name him Princess!”
“I just might,” Eve growled.
Eve dropped her suitcases in the living room of her new
home. Marshmallow purred and curled around her legs, welcoming her in. She
sighed, glancing around at the vents, the furniture, the cupboards… so many
hiding places.
“I know you’re watching,” she said, “and I want you to know,
before this lease is up, I’m going to own everything here, including you.”
“Fat chance!” a voice echoed through the vent, “you couldn’t
catch a cold!”
The game was on.
End Notes:
I'm trying things a little differently in this story, rather than various story arcs and episodic stuff like most of my work this is going to be a single narrative throughout. This is also my attempt at a cruel-to-gentle giantess story, so expect that to be the direction the relationship develops in. As far as structure each chapter is going to represent one month of the lease, with August being the first and the story concluding at the lease's end.
Eve lounged in the living room on the easy chair, her legs
up on the ottoman and Marshmallow purring happily in her lap. The cat had taken
to her easily, and she wondered if his tiny master was jealous. Evan had mad
himself scarce since she’d moved in, and though she’d spent the first few days
checking for hidden hiding spots and stashes, she’d concluded that most of his
movement and resources had to be in the walls, out of her reach.
The tiny man spoke to her occasionally, and they’d managed a
handful of conversations since she moved in. Usually, she’d hear his voice
echoing from a vent, and maybe once a week he’d appear, like a ghost, on a
table or countertop to talk with her. Mostly he’d been filling her in on things
like the cat’s needs, ordering her to replace a lightbulb, and their
conversation always ended with her making a run at him and trying to grapple
the shrinkee. It irked her how quickly he managed to disappear, clearly despite
his bravado he wasn’t eager for another direct confrontation like on the day
they’d met.
That was fine, she decided. She had all the time in the
world, if he wanted to play mouse for the opening moves, it didn’t matter. Moving
in had been fairly routine, with the most mostly already furnished she didn’t
need a lot, and she’d ended up leaving some of her own things on the curb
rather than bring them here. She was going to get this whole house, and
everything in it after all, why would she need her worn down old couch?
A knock at the door startled her. She pushed the protesting
cat off her lap and went to answer it, wondering who could have any business
all the way out here. She undid the locks and cracked the doorway, peering out
to see a blonde woman in a straw hat and a pair of daisy dukes.
“You must be Eve,” she said with a smile, “I’m Laurie, could
you let me in?”
“Look lady, I don’t know who you are-“ she began.
“Hi Laurie!” a voice called from her ankle.
Eve started, looking down and noticing Evan for the first
time. He was wearing more normal clothes than the last time, and with a smile
he waved to the visitor. Laurie leaned down to pick him up, and then walked by
a stunned Eve. She followed the pair numbly to the kitchen.
“Uh,” She cleared her throat, “Laurie, right?”
The blonde woman paused, setting a grocery bag on the table,
“Give me that tiny now!” she demanded.
Evan looked up at Laurie, and then the two of them burst out
laughing, “Uh, no?” Laurie chuckled, placing the tiny man on the counter. “Okay
Evan, here’s the stuff you wanted,” she placed some cans of cat food on the
counter, along with a few other unmarked boxes and one conspicuous bag of old-fashioned
spiced gumdrops
“Seriously, give him to me or I’ll…”
Laurie rolled her eyes, squaring up with the other woman.
Eve wasn’t in bad shape, she had a gym membership and she’d moved her well-used
treadmill into the master bedroom, but Laurie was half a head taller than her
and had some noticeable muscle even underneath her loose shirt.
“Looky here Eve,” Laurie explained, “I wholeheartedly
disapprove of this stupid game Evan has decided to play with you, but while I’m
here? Consider me the ref, and it’s time out. Understand?”
“Uh, sure,” Eve muttered meekly.
Evan walked to the edge of the counter, smugly regarding
her, “Eve,” he began, “could you open this bag of gumdrops for me?” he pointed
to them. Numbly Eve reached for the bag, easily tearing it open and placing it
back on the counter.
“Oh, that’s good,” Evan muttered, picking up a black licorice
flavor. He took a huge bite out of it, holding it in front of himself like a
“Don’t let him eat too many of those,” Laurie told Eve, “Seriously,
him eating a whole one of those things is like your or me eating an entire
birthday cake.”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Eve said, regaining some of her fire,
“once I catch him he’s going on nutri-pellets for the rest of his life. I don’t
want him losing that body-“ she stopped herself, blushing slightly.
“My body?” Evan chuckled, “wow, really?”
“You ain’t ugly,” Laurie said with a shrug, “Do you want
anything else or should I get going?”
“Did you make an appointment for Marshmallow at the vet?”
Evan asked.
“Yeah, Thursday at four,” Laurie said.
“Great,” Evan turned to Eve, “you’ll have to take him in.”
“What!?” Eve said, “listen here shrimp, I’m not your errand
“Yeah, you are,” Evan laughed, “unless you want me to evict
you. I mean seriously, that’s half of why I wanted to move you in in the first
Eve fumed a moment, looking at the fat grey cat watching
them curiously, “Fine,” she muttered, “but every time you make me do this kind
of thing, that’s another punishment you’re earning yourself at the end!”
“I’ll take my chances,” Evan said, crossing his arms,
“besides, don’t you want to help Marshmallow?” The cat meowed for emphasis.
“He’s a sweetie, and I love him,” Eve said, “but you can’t
seriously think you’re going to be able to order me around forever, I’m big and
you’re just a shrinkee.” She looked at the cat a moment, “what’s wrong with him
“He’s a fat fuck,” Laurie said, rolling her eyes, “also he
needs shots.” She turned to leave, “Evan and I sometimes hang out on weekends,”
she called, “so whatever horrible bitch things you have planned for him, make
sure you’re not doing them while I’m here, or I’ll beat your ass.”
“Horrible bitch things?” Eve asked angrily, “where do you
get off-“
“I just assume you’re a sociopath, seeing as how you think
someone who shrinks should be your slave or whatever,” Laurie said, “personally
I’d love nothing more than to throw you out right now, but Evan made me promise
I wouldn’t.”
“Laurie please,” Evan said with an amused grin, “don’t
threaten my tenant, she’s rough around the edges but she’s still learning her
place in our relationship.”
“My place?” Eve snapped, “oh… someone’s definitely going to
learn their place all right!”
“I’m so glad you’re coming around to my point of view,” Evan
teased, causing the woman’s face to go red with fury.
“Look, I’ve got to run, I’ll come by and hang out on Saturday,”
Laurie said, looking at the two of them, “you two have fun… or whatever.” With
that she turned to leave, and a moment later they heard the front door slam.
Her gaze drifted down to Evan, still on the counter. He
returned her look for a moment, a smile quirking at the corner of his mouth.
With a snarl she bolted for him, but all she did was knock the gumdrops to the
floor as he leapt away. With a shout he jumped off the counter, and by the time
she moved around to the side he was gone. She swore angrily, tracing her finger
along the baseboard, looking for a secret entrance. She didn’t find one, and as
Even listened to her from his hiding spot below the tile, he fought a chuckle.
“Was that your girlfriend or something?” She shouted into a
“Laurie!?” his laugh echoed back, “she’s a friend, more like
a sister than anything, but she helps me out.”
“Why don’t you live with her?” Eve asked with a frown.
“What, and miss out on all the fun I have with you every
day?” he mocked.
Her knuckles went white as she clenched her fists, “you
know, I would have gotten you a nice doll house to live in, but now? Hamster
cage, if you’re lucky!”
“Just pick me out a nice exercise wheel!” he laughed. The
sound of his scampering feet through the vent told her that he was gone.
“Traps,” Amber said, tapping her desk with her fingers in
thought, “you should put out traps for him.”
“I don’t think he’s stupid enough to take peanuts off a
mousetrap,” Eve muttered, clicking away at her keyboard, “and even if he did,
if he can live through getting stepped on, he can probably live through that.”
“Use sticky traps,” Amber said suddenly, “they’re perfect!
Just put them out on places you think he goes a lot, eventually he’ll step in
one and then boom! He’s yours.”
Eve grunted, pulling the glue traps apart and sticking them
in rows along the baseboards of the floor. She figured he had to be hugging the
walls, and his entrances to the labyrinth of tunnels and vents were probably
near the edges of the room too.
“You need to cut that out,” a male voice echoed out of the
floor vent.
She paused, leaning over it. She grinned wickedly as she saw
him down there, beyond the grated bars. She could pull the grate off of course,
but he’d be long gone by the time she did. Instead, she decided she’d have a
“What’s wrong Evan?” she teased, “worried about getting
trapped like the little rat you are?”
“No,” he laughed, “I’m never going to get caught by those
things… you need to stop because… well, go down to the kitchen.”
She frowned, standing up and hurrying down the stairs. As
she approached, she heard the cat’s mournful cry, a long low meow that made her
pick up her pace.
“Marshmallow!” she cried. The cat was covered in the sticky
traps, laying pathetically on the floor and giving soft said meows.
“You’re going to want to use olive oil to get those off,”
Evan’s voice called from the vents, “also wear oven mitts, because he’s going
to scratch the shit out of you.”
“How do you know that?” she snapped angrily.
“I actually put glue traps out myself back when I was scared
of getting eaten by bugs,” he called back, “Same thing happened.” The cat mowed
mournfully as Eve lifted him up to the sink.
“Whoa, did the tiny do that?” Amber asked, seeing the
scratches up Eve’s arm.
“No,” Eve muttered, sitting down at her desk, “it was the
cat… the whole glue traps thing didn’t work out.”
“Why are you taking care of his cat anyways?” Amber asked.
“I like Marshmallow,” she said defensively, “and if I’m
taking all his stuff, I’m taking his cat too.”
Amber just rolled her eyes, “personally I’d have that thing
crated up first thing, but if traps are out you need to try something else.”
Amber bit her lip, stifling a giggle as she looked around, making sure none of
their coworkers were nearby, “sex!” she whispered.
Eve blinked, “what!?” she hissed.
“You said he’s hot, right?”
Eve stuttered a moment, flustered, “I mean, he is, but I
don’t think he’s going to jump into my pants if I offer it, he knows I’m trying
to catch him!”
“Shrinkees are super vulnerable to pheromones,” Amber
explained with a sigh, “you know how sharks can smell blood in the water from
miles away? Shrinkees can smell if you’re turned on, it turns them on, it
totally brainwashes them!”
“So, you’re saying if Evan gets a whiff of my…” she looked
down at her skirt, “you know, he’ll do what I want?”
Amber shrugged, “the internet says so.”
“I don’t know about this,” Eve muttered.
“Look, you were going to keep him as a pet anyway, right?”
Amber said with a grin, “what do you think people do with their shrinkees?” She
shrugged, “you’re just skipping ahead a few steps.”
Eve felt like an idiot, stripping down to her underwear. She
glanced around her bedroom, she hadn’t really thought about it until now, but
Evan had probably been able to watch her changing whenever he wanted… She
sighed and tried to push the thought away as she stepped into the hallway.
She didn’t have to look for him long, Evan was brazenly in
the middle of the living room floor, scratching his enormous cat’s belly while
the animal purred. He glanced over his shoulder when he heard her echoing
footsteps, his body going loose as he prepared to sprint for one of his hiding
He blinked, doing a double take, “Uh, hi Eve, y-you’re in
your underwear?” With a soft meow Marshmallow leapt up, abandoning him with the
half-naked giantess as he scurried out of the room. The cat liked them both of
course, but he’d learned there was a lot of yelling and chasing whenever the
two were in the room together.
Eve smirked, pleased that she’d thrown the up until now
unflappable tiny man off his game. She walked forward, enjoying the stunned
look on his face. He wasn’t fleeing, it seemed that his mind had shut down. She
fought to keep the sultry expression on her face as excitement built inwardly,
she was so close to him now… if she jumped- No, she forced the notion aside, he
was too quick and any sudden movement would cause him to scatter.
“Hi Evan,” she said in a husky tone, “it’s just so humid,
fall’s just not quite here yet, you know?” She stretched, letting the tiny man
at her feet get a good look at her breasts, straining against the black bra.
“Yeah,” he said slowly, “really humid.”
he was suddenly very
aware of how close he’d let her get. He debated bolting for one of his
mouseholes, but he didn’t want her knowing where the one in the living room
was… and besides, she was gorgeous. For obvious reasons Evan’s dating life had
been nonexistent since shrinking, and he felt arousal stir within him.
“I’ve been thinking,” Eve said, biting her lip, “have you
been watching me? Up in my bedroom?”
“No,” he said without hesitation, and it was true, enemy or
not it hadn’t felt right to peek in on her in private like that.
“That’s too bad,” Eve said, “I’ve been so pent up lately,
you know?” her hand drifted down to the hem of her panties, and her fingers
slowly dipped inside. She was surprised at just how wet she actually was, and
as her fingers traced a slow rhythm, she gave a low moan. “I’d kind of hoped
you were watching,” she lied, “I figure a tiny guy like you, all alone up here
for so long… you’ve got to be pent up too, right?”
Rational parts of his mind were in the backseat screaming
bloody murder, alarm klaxons were sounding as his libido took the wheel. He
gulped, wondering if she could see his erection from all the way up there, he
could certainly smell her arousal from his spot on the floor…
“I uh…” he shifted nervously, “I mean I wouldn’t mind if you
wanted to… if you’re proposing we-“ he tried to find the words, he’d planned
for a dozen scenarios to deal with anything Eve could throw at him, he had
contingencies for her flooding him out, using drones, even poison gas, none of
his plans involved the giant woman propositioning him in her underwear though…
She giggled, slowly sliding her panties down. She caught the
leg hole on the end of her toe, gripping the fabric and holding it over Evan’s
tiny form like a massive black tarp.
“Oops,” she said, letting it fall onto him.
The slightly damp panties enveloped him easily, crashing
over him like a wave and smothering him with the rich silky scent of her aroma.
Instinctively he hugged them to him, taking a deep breath and feeling himself
becoming rock hard.
He heard a soft thudding sound, and he pulled the giant pair
of panties away from his face and saw Eve kneeling down, looming over him with
a lustful look on her face. His heart skipped a beat, was this it? She was
right on top of him, there wouldn’t be any escaping this time if she-
Her hand shout out, grabbing him before he could finish the
thought. Eve’s breathing picked up, she was unbelievably turned on herself, and
the feeling of her arousal mixed with the excitement of finally having Evan in
her grasp. The two stared at each other for a moment, both of their faces
“Bedroom?” Eve asked, licking her lips.
“Yeah,” Evan agreed, mouth dry.
The two of them were silent as Eve plodded up the stairs,
her tiny prisoner in her hand. Both of their minds were racing over the
insanity of the situation, this could be it, the end of their entire tug of war
right here and now, but what had started as a lure had suddenly become a very
genuine desire.
Eve lay on her bed, loosening her grip on Evan so she could
pull his tiny pair of pants off. His cock sprang free, and her mouth watered as
she took in his naked body for the first time. She had to have him!
“Have you done anything with normal size people since
shrinking?” she asked eagerly.
“Uh, no,” he said, fighting down a wave of pleasure as her
soft fingers traced over his erection, “did you ever do anything with tiny
“Nope,” Eve replied, “I uh… watched some videos.”
He was about to inquire further, when her tongue came out,
licking up his body. He coughed and sputtered as her saliva coated him, but the
tongue came again, relentlessly coating him in her slobber and easily
overpowering any attempt to push it away. It snaked between his legs briefly,
and his eyes almost rolled back in his head as she teased him slightly, the
powerful appendage swirling back and forth over him.
“There we go,” she said, pulling away with a smile, “I think
you’re nice and lubed up enough to go in.”
“Go in-“ he started, but the world blurred as she brought
him down to face the massive and waiting lips of her pussy, the slick pink
opening almost inviting him in with it’s intoxicating smell. He didn’t have a
chance to ask any more questions, he was thrust inside her, easily sliding into
her grip as he was enveloped by the warm wet walls.
“Oh yeah,” Eve breathed, touching herself slightly as she
continued forcing him in, “that’s it, fight me, Evan!”
He thrashed inside her, the powerful walls squeezing him in
a powerful grip that overwhelmed is entire body. The silky juices soaked his
skin, letting him slide deeper and providing a jolt of pleasure every time the
slick flesh contracted around him.
Outside Eve moaned loudly, picking up her speed and causing
the pressure on Evan to increase so much that for one wild moment he worried he
would be crushed. As the contractions of her orgasm continued, the motion of
her pussy against him rocked his body, causing his own orgasm as the soft and
silky walls compressed and rubbed Evan’s tiny form.
Eve cried out one final time, leaning back on the bed as the
movement below subsided. A moment later a drenched and dazed Evan slipped his
way out, landing with a wet *plop* on the bed. The bedsprings creaked as Eve
sat up, looking at the object of her pleasure laying surrounded on all sides by
her thighs.
“Evan,” she said in a commanding voice, “you are now my
He blinked, “What?”
She bit her lip, “I order you, crawl into my hand!” she
lowered her palm next to him.
He sat up, “No?” he said curiously.
“Damnit!” she muttered, “I knew the internet was full of
“Hold on,” Evan laughed, “you believed that stupid rumor
that your pussy would hypnotize me or whatever?”
“I mean, it kind of looked like it was working at first!” she
“I wasn’t hypnotized, I’m just an idiot,” he muttered.
“Well that makes two of us I guess,” Eve said, rolling her
“Eh, I had fun,” Evan said, standing up.
“It was pretty great,” Eve agreed with a smile, “we’ll have
to do that all the time, NOW THAT YOU’RE MINE!” her hand dove for him, but with
a quick leap he was over the barrier of her crossed legs and sprinting for the
edge of the bed.
“Too slow!” he shouted. The naked man took a leap off the
edge of the bed, and Eve just collapsed backwards angrily, not even bothering
to pursue him.
“Well, someone’s glowing,” Amber said with a smile as Eve
sat down at her desk. “Get laid?”
“Kind of,” Eve admitted.
“The shrinkee?” Amber whispered excitedly. “Was it as fun as
it looks online?”
“And then some,” Eve murmured, “when I get him, I know just
what I’m putting him to work doing.”
“When you get him?” Amber asked, “are you saying you
literally had him up your…” she gestured at Eve’s skirt, “and he STILL managed
to get away from you?”
“Yeah?” Eve said, embarrassed.
Amber sighed angrily and rolled her eyes, “Eve, I love you
girl, but you’re an idiot.”
Eve saw Evan on the kitchen counter as she came home from
work, shoveling food down into the cat’s bowl while the feline waited below. He
glanced up at her, but kept up his task, simply watching her warily. She
stopped at a respectable distance, making sure she wasn’t getting too close for
his comfort.
“Are we going to talk about what happened?” she asked,
crossing her arms.
“Do we have to?” He asked, leaning on the tiny shovel. “We
both had some fun, and now we’re back to you making an idiot of yourself trying
to catch me.”
“I WILL catch you one of these days,” she growled, “so maybe
you could try being nicer?”
“I could,” he said with a cocky grin that made her blood
boil, “but I don’t think you’re ever going to manage it.” He left the shovel
and started walking backwards towards the counter edge, no doubt preparing for
another of his disappearing acts, “finish filling Marshmallow’s bowl!” he
called, letting himself fall backwards off the edge.
She stood there, seething a moment, then with a sigh went to
refill the food bowl. Marshmallow meowed happily at her feet as she worked. She
was going to have to step up her efforts, she decided.
End Notes:
The struggle continues! The first battle as a mutual loss, or victory, depending on your point of view.
“Okay, so you wanted candy corn,” Laurie said, placing a bag
on the counter, “then a cat Halloween costume for Marshmallow…” she showed the
feline pirate outfit to Evan, who nodded as she laid it on the counter next to
“I assume I’m supposed to put that on him?” Eve asked, her
arms crossed. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do during Laurie’s
visits, it irked her that Evan used the other woman’s presence to brazenly move
around in the open like this.
“Yeah, but just for Halloween,” Evan said with a smile.
“Also, you need to replace the air conditioning filter.”
“Why can’t you have her do it?” Eve asked, pointing at
The blonde rolled her eyes, “The reason that Evan here puts
up with a sociopath like you trying to turn him into a pet is that you’re
supposed to do that kind of thing. If I do it, we won’t have any need for you
now, will we?”
“Fine,” Eve muttered, eyeing the large replacement filter
Laurie had left on the table, “I guess it’s a good idea to get used to
maintaining the house, after all I’m going to own it pretty soon.”
“That’s the spirit,” Laurie said, “between us big people
though? I’m pretty sure half the reason you’re here is because Evan gets off on
the idea of making a full-size person do all his grunt work.”
“Sure do,” Evan laughed, causing Eve’s face to go crimson.
“I am going to spit in your water bottle every day,” Eve
seethed, “then we’ll see who thinks it’s funny to make big people do their
grunt work!”
“Eve,” Evan said, doing a faux thoughtful stroke of his
chin, “if I bought a cocktail kit, would you mix drinks for me?”
“Mix drinks for you-“ She scowled, “you are just digging the
hole deeper tiny!”
“Would you two fuck and get it over with already!” Laurie
laughed. The two of them froze, silence filling the room. Laurie’s face went
pale, “oh my god, you did,” she muttered.
“I-It was an elaborate ruse to catch him,” Eve said quickly.
“It didn’t quite pan out, but-“
“I saw through it from the start,” Evan said, “I just uh…”
“You two both need therapy,” Laurie muttered, turning to
leave, “I’ll see you next week Evan, try not to fall for any more honey traps.”
The door slammed a moment later.
Eve’s gaze drifted back over to Evan, who was eyeing the
candy corn bag, “hey,” he said slowly, “uh, Laurie forgot to open this.”
Eve rolled her eyes and walked over to the bag. Evan backed
away from it, making sure to stay out of arm’s reach from her as she tore it
open. She popped a few pieces of the candy into her mouth, chewing them
thoughtfully as he waited. She smiled and grabbed a few more.
“Hey save some of those for me,” he said.
“Oh, you want these?” she mocked, holding the candy corn bag
towards him slightly, “come get them!” She paused, “you know, if I had a tiny
man, he could eat all the candy corn he wanted.”
“Bullshit, you threaten to put me on nutri-pellets like
every other day,” he said.
“For your health though, I’m going to hold on to these,” she
said with a smirk.
“How thoughtful of you,” he muttered.
Eve laughed as she took his candy and walked away, the click
of her heels along the tiled floor accentuating her small victory.
Evan grunted, slamming the thumb tack into the bark of the
tree as he adjusted his twine harness. Climbing a tree was a more herculean
effort than it had been, but much more rewarding too. The oak in the front yard
was full of the red and yellows of fall, a few leaves falling here and there
across the yard. He looked down over the landscape with a grin, forcing himself
The autumn sun hung low in the sky, giving the long shadows
of the tree and house a somewhat ominous look over the swampy wetlands
surrounding the property. Although the days still managed to be muggy, there
was a hint of a chill on the breeze as it ruffled the leaves around him.
Evan took off the climbing harness and walked out onto one
of the branches, wiping sweat from his forehead and enjoying the view. He
smiled with satisfaction, shrinking took a lot away from him, but it had
brought its own share of small pleasures, no pun intended.
“Enjoying yourself?” Eve called up to him.
He glanced down to see her, standing at the tree’s trunk.
She had a smug grin on her face, and a carrying terrarium at her side like one
would use to transport a small animal. In her other hand she had a hockey mask,
and as he peered down at her in confusion, she slipped it on, covering her
“Hi Eve, nice afternoon, isn’t it?” he called.
“I’ve been watching you,” she said, her voice muffled by the
hockey mask. “You like to come out and play in the yard… So I figured I’d just
wait.” She spread her arms triumphantly, “no secret hidey holes out here!” She
pointed up at the branch he was on, “and you’re up in a tree, with no way
He gently reached back for his bow and quiver, then paused.
He grinned as he realized why she’d put on the hockey mask, and he noticed it
even had a pair of plastic inserts to protect her eyes. He’d started to worry
that she wouldn’t ever try anything but grabbing at him when he was in the
open. His heartbeat picked up, excitement coursing through him as he began to
think about ways to escape.
Eve seemed to notice his hesitation, “That’s right tiny,”
she called up, “I realized I was going to have to really think for this one!”
“A new experience, I’m sure!” he called down with a smile.
He ignored her fuming and stood up on the branch, trying to calculate how far
he could leap. He frowned as he realized that the grass and weeds around the
tree were cut a lot shorter than the rest of the lawn, he wouldn’t be scurrying
through the undergrowth.
“That’s right,” Eve shouted up at him, “no ground cover! You
made me handle all the lawn care stuff, so I decided to make a little request
when the landscaper came by this week! Extra short everything around the tree!”
“Damnit,” he muttered, she’d planned ahead… this was a lot
more than he’d given her credit for.
“Starting to regret making me do all your grunt work?” Eve
crowed triumphantly.
“Not at all, you’re doing a great job!” he teased.
Mentally he was calculating a landing, shrinkees were pretty
durable, but a fall from this height could still break a bone. Not that broken
bones were a huge hassle for him of course, tiny people healed so fast that he
would be walking right after a few hours, but he certainly wouldn’t be running
from a giantess after snapping his fibula. He thought over the bow again, her
face was protected, and his “arrows” were too weak to penetrate most clothing,
but she had some exposed skin on her arm… No, that would just piss her off, and
not in the right way either.
His thoughts were interrupted by the branch suddenly
shaking, and he hurriedly steadied himself. His heart sank as he saw a massive
butterfly net poking at the branch, trying to work its way around the tree’s
leaves and get at him.
“Come here you!” Eve shouted. She pushed again, causing the
leaves to rustle and some of the colored foliage to fall around her as she
tried to force Evan into the net.
He quickly looked around, hoping to see anything that would
cushion his fall. Briefly his gaze lingered over Eve, although the temperature
was dropping she was still wearing an open topped shirt, her cleaving bouncing
slightly as she poked at the branch with the net. A wild thought crossed his
mind, and he stifled a giggle as he prepared to leap.
With a cry he flew through the air, his arms and legs
flailing. Eve’s eyes went wide with shock as she saw where he was aiming, but
it was too late for her to move. She squealed in surprise as his body landed in
her cleavage with a light slapping sound, and she dropped her tools, going for
him even as he squirmed lower.
Her breasts had definitely provided the soft landing he
needed, and he took a deep breath of her lilac scented skin, the lingering
smell of her soap mixing with the slight tinge of her sweat. Her skin was just
oily enough that he could force his way down, fighting through the squeezing
soft globes around him even as she fumbled with her top, trying to grip his
foot. He felt himself wriggle free, sliding down through the fabric of her
shirt. Light met his eyes and he did his best to flip himself, landing if not
on his feet, then at least not on his head.
“What the hell!?” Eve muttered, her head darting down. With
a growl she lifted a foot over him, trying to stomp him into the grass and pin
him in place, but he was already moving even when her tennis shoe slammed into
the ground behind him, causing a brief gust of wind through his hair and
shaking the ground slightly.
He sprinted with all his might towards the porch. He could
slip underneath it; he had an entrance underneath the front steps and if he
could reach it-
The butterfly net slammed down around him, and he was swept
off his feet as Eve quickly twirled the handle, sweeping him up in it. He
quickly became tangled, and with surprising speed her hands snaked up the pole
and gripped the bottom part of the net, cutting off the top as an option to
“Yes!” She said, fighting the urge to jump up and down, “YES
YES YES!” She laughed for a minute, savoring the feeling of the tiny man caught
up in the net. With a happy sigh she brought the net over to the open carrying
terrarium, dumping Evan in unceremoniously and then quickly clicking the lid
latch closed. Discarding the net, she almost skipped back to the house,
jostling her tiny captive in the plastic container.
Marshmallow meowed a happy greeting as she strutted into the
house, collapsing in the armchair to view her prize. She held the plastic
container up to her face, her grinning face filling his field of vision. Evan
stared at her defiantly, forcing himself to remain calm. He’d always expected
to be trapped at some point, and he reminded himself of that as his heart rate
picked up, this was nothing to be scared of, he just had to wait for the
opportunity to get out again. It wasn’t over until she had him at the vet and
Her fingers tapped the plastic walls of his prison,
interrupting his thought, “So what now tiny? Got a little saw in there?”
“Nope,” he admitted, crossing his arms. “I’m just going to
wait for you to fuck up.”
“You know, our little… encounter last month has really has
me rethinking this whole tiny slave thing,” Eve mused, her breath fogging the
glass slightly. “I think that maybe it could be… mutually enjoyable?”
“You’re constantly threatening to torture me,” he said with
a smirk, “that sounds kind of one-sided.”
“You are just the cockiest little shit,” she muttered,
biting her lip, “take the clothes off.”
He blinked, “what?”
“When your goddess says take the clothes off, you take the
clothes off!” she said, her voice raising a bit. She shook the cage slightly,
giggling as the tiny man was tossed around inside of it, his head hitting the
side with a *thunk*.
He growled, rubbing his head as he stood up, but he reached
down to the hem of his shirt. Eve’s eyes lit up excitedly as he pulled it off,
letting her see his bare chest. A slight sheen of sweat covered his abs, and
Eve’s mouth went dry as she leaned in closer, enjoying the show. He tossed his
bow and quiver down too, the wooden toothpick-arrows rattling slightly.
“The pants,” she rasped. He reached for his waist, making
eye contact and trying to decide whether to be annoyed or flattered. She rolled
her eyes, “come on, it’s not like I haven’t seen it already!”
“Oh, so do I have permission to spy on you changing then?”
he teased.
“You’ll never get the chance ever again,” Eve spat, watching
his pants fall. “Mmm… nice,” she whispered, seeing his naked body in full. She
lowered the cage, glaring down at him through the plastic air slats in the top.
“You know Evan, they say all tiny guys eventually develop a thing for feet.”
She shrugged, “some combination of being around them so much, and all the
pheromones and stuff just overwhelming your tiny senses.”
“Yeah, just like your amazing pussy was going to turn me
into a hypnotized slave,” he said.
“Let’s test it then,” Eve replied with a sultry grin.
She placed the carrying container on the ground, unbuckling
the top with one smooth motion. Evan peered up at the smooth plastic sides, he
could definitely jump higher than he could before he’d shrunk, relatively
anyway, but it looked too high to clear. He watched inside the container as Eve
kicked off her tennis shoes, then peeled her socks off with a hooked finger,
letting them tumble to the carpet with a pair of muffled *thumps* he could feel
at this size. She flexed her toes, and even from here he could smell the stale
odor of sweat.
“It’s starting to get colder; you can definitely feel it at
night,” she chuckled, “but out here? With all these wetlands?” She hovered her
enormous foot over the top of the terrarium, “it still gets pretty muggy.”
For a moment Evan thought about diving for the bow,
discarded on the far side of the terrarium, but he found himself watching her
flexing toes, awestruck. The smell washed over him, the stale and almost
vinegary odor of a foot that had spent all day in a sock… why did it smell
“What’s that I see?” Eve giggled.
He looked down in shock and realized he had a raging
erection, “I…” his heart was racing, that stupid foot thing couldn’t possibly
be true, could it? Slowly, deliberately, her foot started moving lower, filling
the terrarium. She was moving at a speed that would easily let him dodge it, if
he wanted to… but he didn’t move or fight back as her sole made contact with
him, forcing his body down and eventually onto his back. The ripe odor filled
his nostrils, and his skin was immediately coated by the thin sheen of oily
sweat as the massive fleshy foot ground him into the hard plastic floor of the
“Let’s go ahead and assume the foot one was true then,” Eve
giggled, “or… well, did you like feet before you shrank?”
“No!” he wheezed, “b-but maybe I just never- maybe it’s not
related to shrinking?”
“Nature vs nurture, I get it,” Eve mused, slowly rubbing her
sweaty foot up and down along his body, “at this point though, does it matter?”
He groaned in pleasure as the soft skin of her foot rubbed against his manhood,
lubricated by the pungent grime. She paused her motion, and he looked up at her
“Well?” he demanded, gripping her toes eagerly.
She laughed and rolled her eyes, “I’m not going to keep
going unless you admit you love being at my feet.”
“Fine, I love being at your feet,” he said, teeth gritted.
“You didn’t mean it!” she said with a laugh, “beg to cum on
your goddess’s soles!”
Evan gripped the two toes surrounding his head tighter,
almost hard enough to make Eve cry out in surprise. He thought it over a
moment, he hated it, but he really wanted this… It was just for fun, he
reasoned, he should have fun with it.
“Please goddess,” he shouted, “please keep going, let me cum
on your feet!”
“Fuck yes,” she said eagerly. She started moving her foot
again, in a forceful slow rhythm that caused her tiny captive to spasm. “This
is life for shrinkees, begging for favors beneath your owner’s feet!” She
laughed as he moaned in pleasure, “don’t worry Evan, we’ve had our ups and
downs, but I’m going to treat you as my special little pet.” She picked up her
speed, and Evan’s eyes rolled back in his head as the pungent foot dominated
his senses. He went limp as her toes seemed to clench around his head, and he
came a moment later in a spray that seemed to last an eternity. His vision went
white, his senses erased by the overwhelming beauty and power of Eve’s foot.
He blinked a moment later as the pressure on his body
released. His ears had popped, and he took a breath and forced himself to focus
as he saw her foot lifting off him. That had been… that had been something,
that was for sure. He forced his mind to stop asking himself questions, he
could sort out his issues, and he certainly DID have issues, when he was safely
back in the walls.
“Wow,” Eve said, looking at the small wet spot on her sole,
“that is a large load for a small guy.” She licked her thumb, running across
the sole of her foot and easily scooping up what he’d left there. With a
sucking noise she stuck it into her mouth, sucking his orgasm away in less than
a second. She sighed happily and stood up, “You have no idea how happy I am to
finally have this over,” she beamed. She leaned over and picked up one of her
balled socks, tossing it into the terrarium before snapping the lid back shut.
“Just a little treat for you,” she giggled, “since we both know you’re a foot
guy now.”
Evan’s face wrinkled as the smell of the worn sock washed
over him, adding insult to injury it rolled in his direction, knocking him off
his feet as she picked up the carrying case and brought it to the kitchen. She
placed him on the counter triumphantly, and with a giggle reached over to the
bag of candy corn.
“A little treat for my good pet,” she taunted, opening the
cage and letting a few of the sugary kernels drop in. “Now you just wait here,
I’m going to call the vet and we’ll make an appointment to get you chipped.”
She hummed as she left the room.
Evan grabbed one of the candy corn pieces, taking a large
bite and savoring the flavor as he thought over his situation.
“Mrow,” Marshmallow leapt onto the counter, and Evan
“Hey,” he said, “come on kitty, don’t you want a belly rub?”
he waved towards himself, and the cat stared at him dumbly. He rolled his eyes,
“come on, you’ve knocked over literally everything I’ve ever put on this
counter.” He fought a shout of triumph as the cat began pawing at the corner of
the container. It didn’t’ take long before half the container was edged over
the side of the counter, and he braced himself as the curious tabby gave it the
final push.
“Yes I’ve caught a tiny,” Eve said to the vet, “I’m looking
for a standard chipping, and maybe some disciplinary supplies-“ She heard a
crash and froze, “I’ll call you back!” she breathed, hanging up the phone. She
ran towards the kitchen, and fought down a shout of rage as she saw the
shattered plastic remains of her terrarium on the floor. Worse yet the candy
corn bag was gone too, how the hell had he managed that? Her gaze drifted to
the cat, his tail stupidly swishing behind him as he looked up at her.
“Meow?” Marshmallow intoned.
“Motherfucker,” she whispered angrily.
“Can you really blame the cat?” Evan called from the floor
vent, “I mean he’s knocked so much of your stuff over; you should have expected
“You begged to cum on my foot!” she fired back, “you took a
step towards being mine, and you know it!” She grinned with satisfaction as he
didn’t answer, the pitter patter of his footsteps through the vent telling her
he’d fled rather than have THAT conversation.
“What’s up losers?” Laurie said, barging in through the
front door. “Evan, you still a free man?”
“For now,” Eve muttered, looking up from her phone, “I’m
wearing him down, any day now he’ll-“
“I’m trying to get Eve to fix the roof,” he said, appearing
from nowhere. “Seriously, I think she’d be great at it if she’d just watch
these youtube videos I sent her-“
“She has your number?” Laurie asked curiously. “You know she
could track you with that.”
“The phone company just tells me he’s at this property,” Eve
muttered, “and now he texts me all the time to be an asshole.” She looked
around briefly, wondering where Evan’s phone was hidden.
“Yeah, he does that,” Laurie said with a chuckle, “Okay
Evan, you ready for the yearly Halloween movie feature?”
“Night of the Living Dead!” he said excitedly, pumping his
fist as he walked towards his giant friend.
“Isn’t that movie ancient?” Eve asked, putting her phone
“Sure is,” Laurie said, producing a blue-ray as she walked
to the TV. “Evan can tell you the whole history of this piece of shit movie.”
“Don’t call Night that ever again,” Evan growled up at her.
“If you hate it, why are you here to watch it with him?” Eve
asked, crossing her arms.
“My dad and I watched this movie every Halloween together
for years,” Evan explained, “and Laurie watched it with me every year after he
passed away.”
“Oh,” Eve said, shifting uncomfortably, “well, I’ve never
seen it… and once you’re my slave I guess I’ll probably let you keep watching
it…” she walked over and sat down on the couch. She glanced at the setting sun
outside a moment, “will we get any trick or treaters out here?”
“Pfft,” Evan muttered walking along the floor, “the nearest
house is over a mile away, we won’t see anyone.”
“I brought candy anyway,” Laurie said, walking to the
kitchen with a bag of microwave popcorn. A box of something flew through the
air and hit Eve in the face, causing the brunette to cry out in surprise and
nearly fall over. “Milk duds!” she called.
“Hey, Eve,” Evan shouted from the floor, “pick me up and
give me some of those.”
Eve froze, “you want me to… pick you up?” she asked
He shrugged, “Laurie’s here, and besides it’s a holiday,
let’s call a truce.”
Eve hesitated, looking down at him. He simply held his arms
up expectantly. With a frown she leaned over, sliding her thumb and forefinger
under his armpits, half expecting him to bolt for the wall at any given moment.
He didn’t, and in a slow, confused, movement, she drew him up to her lap and
sat him down.
“The milk duds?” he said expectantly. She slid one out of
the box, and handed it down to him, where he bit into like a ripe melon.
“How do you stay in shape eating this kind of crap all the
time?” she asked, looking at the milk duds. “I swear you eat your body weight
in candy every time you come out of hiding.”
“I spend half my day running away from you,” he retorted,
“also I’ve got a bunch of jerky and nuts and stuff hidden in my stashes.”
“Stashes?” she asked.
“Yeah, what did you think I ate most of the time?”
“My leftovers,” she said slowly, “I even left them out
deliberately so you wouldn’t go hungry…” she thought a moment, “if it hasn’t
been you eating those then who-“
“Mrow!” the obese grey cat landed in Eve’s lap, causing her
to exhale loudly from the force of the impact.
“Consider the mystery of why Marshmallow’s diet isn’t
working solved,” Evan muttered.
“Who wants popcorn?” Laurie called.
“Just set it over here,” Evan shouted, his friend lowered
the bowl, setting it on the couch next to Eve as the opening credits started to
roll. He leapt out of her hands, causing her to start as he dove into the
popcorn bowl. His face surfaced a moment later, butter marring his face as he
took a bite of a huge piece. He saw Eve’s judgmental face and scowled, “Look,”
he said, “nine out of ten things about shrinking suck, diving into a bowl of
popcorn like a swimming pool is one of the tenth things.”
The movie started in full, and Eve found herself drawn in.
The old black and white horror flick was one she’d never seen before; in fact,
she hadn’t seen many horror movies at all. As the climax of the film approached
and the zombies began tearing the rural farmhouse apart Eve couldn’t help but
look around at their own house’s walls… how sturdy were they? She suddenly
wondered. Evan’s tunnels couldn’t be helping the structural integrity. A sound
behind them thumped and she jerked around, her heart pounding and then slowing
as she saw Marshmallow hopping off the kitchen counter.
The movie came to an end, the ominous theme playing over the
farmhouse as the credits rolled. Eve found herself shivering slightly, how
could it have ended that way? What kind of movie told a story like that! She
gulped slightly, listening to the wind whistling outside.
“Well guys, it’s been fun,” Laurie said. She stood up and
stretched, pausing a moment, “Eve, before I head out, let Evan go.”
She gulped, not realizing she’d been holding the tiny man
rather closely to her, “R-Right,” she muttered, “just seems fair.” Hesitantly,
she lowered Evan down to the floor. The shrunken man almost casually walked
towards the walls.
Eve suddenly felt oddly alone, “Uh, hey Laurie!” she said
suddenly, “want to stick around for a few? Maybe watch something else?”
Laurie paused, an odd smile on her face, “Eve, you’re not… scared,
are you?”
“No!” she said quickly, “I uh…” she shot a look at Evan, “I
just want Evan to know I’m not going to grab him, because it’s a holiday and
all, truces and all that.”
“Go for it,” Evan said with a smirk, “Look at me, I’m right
out here in the open.”
Eve gulped, “Er…”
“Look, you don’t have to worry about zombies,” Laurie
laughed, “you need to worry about the ghosts of all the dead guys Evan’s uncle
killed when he was in the mob. He buried them all in the basement here.”
Eve’s face went white, “W-what?”
“It’s not true!” Evan shouted suddenly, “Eve, she’s full of
“They say he chopped them up so they’d all fit,” Laurie said
in a low voice, “and when you hear the steps in the walls?” She whispered, “the
ghosts of the rats he fed them to!”
“That’s ME in the walls!” Evan insisted, “and there is
nothing paranormal going on here!”
“I’ll leave you guys to figure this one out,” Laurie
chuckled, “good night!” she closed the door, leaving them alone with the sound
of the cold autumn wind and the groaning of the old house.
Eve looked around, suddenly noticing all the dark corners.
Marshmallow curled against her, seeming to sense her nervousness as sharp dry
leaves clattered across the driveway. She gulped, trying to assure herself that
her fears were ridiculous.
“Evan?” she said quietly, but the tiny man was already gone.
She fought the urge to call for him again, and stood up. The wind howled again,
and she took the steps one at a time, more aware of their creaking than usual.
On some level she knew this was all ridiculous, but the thought of what might
be lurking around in the darkness of the house was at the forefront.
She stopped at her door, and blinked a moment, her heart
racing in fear of nothing, “Evan?” she repeated. She took a breath, “EVAN!?”
she said louder.
“What?” his voice echoed out of the vent, “it’s kind of late
Eve, I don’t really want to be chased-“
“Just come hang out in my room for a little while!” she
There was silence a moment, “What?” he said finally, “why?”
“I’m just a little… on edge,” she admitted, shifting slightly
as she looked around the hallway for a sign of his hiding spot.
“Scared?” Evan taunted, “it was just a movie, Eve.”
“I’m not used to that kind of movie, and I’m not used to
living all the way out here in the middle of nowhere, alone!” she snapped.
Evan was quiet a minute, “fine, just a second.”
She walked into her room, sliding under the covers and
fighting a squeal as something thudded ominously. She breathed a sigh of relief
when she saw it was just the cat, leaping up to the edge of her bed to curl up.
“Okay, go to sleep,” Evan muttered. She peered through the
dark room and spotted him on a dresser on the far side. He hefted his little
bow, rolling his eyes, “I’ll keep all the ghosts and ghoulies away.”
“Uh…” she gulped, “thanks, I know it’s silly but-“
“Go to sleep, I’m not hanging out here all night,” he
Eve blinked awake, the rays of sun coming in through her
window. With a stretch she glanced over at the dresser, and her heart leapt
when she saw the tiny man had fallen asleep, leaning against the mirror. He
looked so cute, sleeping there like that… had he just drifted off by accident?
She looked down at the carpet and wondered if she could creep up on him before
he woke up.
No, she decided, she’d let this one pass, it just didn’t
seem right to capture him after begging him to be her security blanket like
that. Evan stirred slightly, and Eve put her head back on the pillow,
pretending to be asleep. Evan swore under his breath at his carelessness,
falling asleep in his enemy’s bedroom like this, then she heard the scampering
sound of his little feet as he fled.
She sat back up, looking at the now empty room and sighed.
Right thing or not, she already regretted letting him go, now she wanted him
more than ever!
End Notes:
Happy early Halloween! Thanks for all the reviews and comments so far, keep them coming I love reading them!
The last lingering vestiges of summer were gone, traded for
the sounds and scents of autumn ruling the day as they fought the encroaching
silence of winter by night. The trees on the property were bare, and Evan
didn’t feel like going outside much this time of year anyway, while he wasn’t
in any danger of freezing in a stiff breeze, shrinkees couldn’t hold body quite
as effectively as full-sized people, no matter how much they bundled up.
He sat on the windowsill, watching the first flakes of an
early snow falling outside. They probably wouldn’t stick, but it was still nice
to watch them. The cat was curled up on the couch, having made a makeshift nest
on one of Eve’s blankets. Evan glanced out at the driveway, wondering when Eve
would be home… and what a weird think to look forward to? He couldn’t help but
laugh at himself.
“So you’re still doing this cat and mouse bullshit with
him?” Amber asked angrily, “you’re fucking killing me with this Eve.”
“He’s a lot smarter than you think,” Eve said, “tough too.”
“Are you writing him a dating profile?” Amber snapped, “come
on girl, get your head back in the game! This is a shrinkee we’re talking
about!” The other woman angrily clacked keys in her own cubicle for a few
minutes, an awkward silence passing between them.
“You know they say Charles is due to shrink sometime over
the holiday,” Amber said, “they’re pretty good at predicting what day it’ll hit
you now.”
“Uh, good for him I guess, shrinking at home…” Eve said.
“I was hoping it would happen while he was here,” Amber said
with a wicked grin, “he would have ridden out the rest of the day at the bottom
of my shoe, then we’d go home and have a little fun.” She looked around,
leaning in conspiratorially, “Between you and me? I still might get to have a
little fun.” She whispered.
Eve frowned, “what do you mean?” she asked warily.
“I’m getting promoted after Thanksgiving,” Amber said, “and
apparently our future bug of a coworker still wants to work here when he’s
tiny. Corporate thinks it’s great, his wife is set up as his caretaker or
“I mean, he’s got a wife and kids to support,” Eve said
Amber snorted, “the sooner they move on, the happier they’re
going to be. A fucking shrinkee, working here… You know we’re going to have to
hire him his own assistant to type for him and shit?”
“Evan just types using a phone I think,” Eve said without
“I don’t care what Mr. Super Shrinkee is doing,” Amber said,
rolling her eyes, “his expenses won’t be coming out of my future budget.” She
shot a glance across the office at the still full-sized Charles, “him though? I
need to think of a way to make him quit…” she grinned evilly, “I’ve got some
Eve felt an odd pang of guilt, wondering if she should say
something, DO something… Amber glanced at her, and the redhead seemed to guess
her thought process. A grimace came over her friend’s face.
“Listen Eve, I’m going to be making a lot of tough calls
when I’m in charge around here, and I’m not going to have a lot of room in my
inner circle for bleeding hearts, got it?” She sighed, going back to her work,
“I don’t know what’s with you lately, you need to get it together!”
Eve didn’t respond, just nodding meekly as she turned back
to her own monitor. In life you had to stay behind the sharks, you didn’t get
in front of them.
Eve shook off the light mixture of snow that had collected
in her hair, giving a tired sigh as she entered the house. She did a quick scan
for Evan, she’d made a couple of attempts to get him throughout the months, and
she’d even finally found and sealed up some of his entrances on the first
floor. Evan hadn’t commented on it, but she knew had to know. She’d also chosen
a few that she very deliberately HADN’T sealed up, if Evan thought she always
sealed holes she knew about, then he wouldn’t know that she knew about the
still opened ones… or so she figured anyway.
She peered into the kitchen, starting slightly as she saw
Evan standing on the counter. One of the cupboards was open, and he was looking
through the cans thoughtfully. She Smiled as she walked in, letting the click
of her heels announce her presence. With a casual, yet very deliberate, motion,
she placed her purse against the wall where she knew one of his exits was,
kicking her heels off as she approached him.
“Hi Evan,” she said sweetly, “what are you doing?”
She bundled up her coat and placed in the counter, just to
the left of the light switch where she knew the tile was removable. Another
exit blocked, but the one he’d probably go for was the one on the floor, as she
smiled her mind raced, trying to think of how she could get between him and it.
“Just checking the pantry,” he mused, “I was hoping to make…
well I guess I was hoping you would make something for Thanksgiving. Laurie’s
taking me to her place, I haven’t exactly been out in a while…”
“What dish did you have in mind?” she asked. She cursed as
she noticed his body go tense as she moved around the counter. Too helpful, she
realized, too disarming… His eyes glanced at the purse and the coat, and a
smile curled at the corner of his mouth as he realized that she hadn’t just
haphazardly tossed them randomly.
“Yams,” he said, edging backwards, “with the toasted
marshmallows on top.”
“Mrow?” the cat’s head lifted at the mention of his name,
but seeing the two humans ignoring him he lay back down and closed his eyes
again, returning to his nap.
“That sounds great,” Eve said, eyes glancing at the corner
of the room. Evan’s heart skipped a beat, she knew where his exit was! “I’ll
just go to the grocery store… on the way back from the vet!” She dove with a
scream, and Evan leapt off the counter, but Eve hadn’t gone for him. She
grunted as she hit the floor, sliding into the wall, but cutting off Evan’s
access to his exit. “HA!” she shouted, a triumphant smile lighting up her face.
Evan turned on his heel, scrambling for the living room. Eve
scuttled after him, her nyloned feet struggling for purchase against the tiled
floor as she pursued him on all fours. He felt powerful fingers as thick as his
legs curl around him, sweeping him off his feet and ending his flight.
“Ha!” Eve shouted, “gotcha!”
“Shit,” Evan wheezed as her grip tightened. He was drawn to
her grinning face as she stood up, her brown hair mussed and draped over her
eyes from the chase giving her a slightly wild look.
“Just in time for the holidays!” she said. She glanced
around at the room, “It took forever to find all of your little hidey holes,
but it was worth it, without them you’re not that hard to catch at all…”
“I’ll have to make some new ones,” he grunted, struggling in
her grip.
“I think we’re going to have you spend the next few months…
contained,” she said with a smile, “when I know you’re going to be a good boy
you can have free reign of the house again.” She used her free hand to bend
down and pick up her purse. Pulling her phone out, she unlocked it and showed
him a page she had saved, “Look at this! Standard opened back dollhouse, but
with a nice tiny-proof plastic covering on the open part, all the comfort of a
dollhouse and all the inescapability of a cage!”
“So thoughtful,” he said with a smile, “I really like my own
bed though.”
“Where do you sleep anyway?” she asked, looking around at
the walls.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he retorted.
“Whatever,” she giggled, “now you sleep on my nightstand… or
with me, if you promise not to run away.”
He blushed, the warm smell of her floral shampoo washing
over him briefly as she fixed her hair. Sleeping in the bed with Eve, cuddled
up next to her on a cold night… that didn’t sound bad at all. He fought away
the intrusive thought and gave her a cocky grin.
“You know me better than that,” he laughed.
“I can feel the little boner you got at the idea,” she said,
squeezing him just a bit harder and causing him to grunt. “You can have that;
you just have to stop fighting and let me have you…”
“You can have it too,” he replied, “you’ve just got to stop
trying to catch me.”
The two of them glared at each other a moment, then Eve
sighed, “whatever Evan, I think I’ve won for real this time.” She tossed him down
into her purse, zipping it closed before he could protest. She tapped it once
for emphasis, then slipped her shoes back on. A moment later she was forcing
her coat back on and going back out to the car, the slow fall of snowflakes
having picked up slightly.
Evan was jostled in the darkness of the purse, spare change
colliding with him as he bounced upon a bed of receipts and bobby pins. He
heard the car start and he grimaced, trying to think of a way out. Eve’s phone
was in here with him, and he knew from watching her how to unlock it. Briefly
he thought of messaging Laurie to intercept her, but… that was a nuclear
option, one he wouldn’t be able to easily walk back from.
The purse unzipped slightly, and he saw her amused gaze peer
in at him, “Hi Evan, comfy?”
“You need to clean this thing out!” he shouted defiantly.
She giggled, “that might be a fun chore to assign you, we’ll
talk all about it when we get back.” She paused, giving him an evil grin, “I’ll
get a checkup for you too, you know, get your vitals, temperature…” She bit her
lip, “those thermometers don’t go in your mouth…”
He gulped, his face going white, and she laughed at his
expression as she zipped the purse closed again. It was complete bullshit of
course, they took shrinkee temperatures with a contactless wand, but she was
willing to bet Evan didn’t know that.
She thought over the time they’d shared together so far,
laughing a bit at the memories. Her smile faltered a bit as she remembered how
he’d stayed overnight with her when she was scared… it was a small thing, why
did she keep coming back to it? She shook her head, she couldn’t let nerves get
to her now, if she kept thinking of every nice thing about Evan, she’d talk
herself right out of this!
She pulled up to the vet, then frowned as she saw the
parking lot was empty. There was a large ad in the window proclaiming the
location had all the necessary amenities for shrinkees, but the office was
dark. She pulled around to the front window and scowled at a sign explaining
they were closed until the Monday following Thanksgiving. The next office that
offered shrinkee services like she wanted was a good hour away at least, and
would probably close for the holiday by the time she got there too…
“Shit,” she muttered. There was no way she’d be able to keep
Evan contained through the holiday weekend, and Laurie would be by to take him
to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow and would undoubtedly force her to release him
from any prison she could devise anyway… No, through no fault of her own, she’d
lost again.
She sighed, leaning back in the seat and trying to decide
her next move. A part of her was a little relieved, she could just take Evan
home and maybe relax, enjoy spending Thanksgiving and the next few days with
him as one of their “holiday truces.” She didn’t have to make this decision,
whether to get Evan chipped and registered or not had been conveniently decided
for her… for now. Another part of her told her she had to salvage SOMETHING
from this… A smile crept back over her features.
Inside the purse Evan was typing a hurried message to Laurie
on Eve’s phone, the threat of the “checkup” had spurred him to make a decision,
but he paused as the purse unzipped.
“Uh, hey,” Eve said slowly, “Evan, I’ve been thinking… maybe
we should just call it an early holiday?”
His eyes narrowed, and he stepped away from the phone, “What
do you mean?”
“We call this capture a fluke, do another holiday truce, and
we start back up on Monday,” she said hesitantly, “but… you do whatever I want
for the weekend, no running away, no hiding in the walls, just being a good
obedient tiny.”
“No deal,” he called up.
“Fine!” she said, “I’ll just take you right into the vet,
get you chipped and collared, and we’ll get a head start on-“
“No cages,” he said, “no leashes, none of that stuff, I want
a guarantee that you won’t just keep me on Monday.”
“Oh please,” she said, rolling her eyes, “Every time we’ve
made one of these agreements, I’ve held up my end.” She smiled, “I do want my
tiny man to trust me, after all! I’ve got all the time in the world to catch
you, call this one a… preview.”
He rubbed his chin in thought. It was true, despite
everything he was surprised at just how much he did trust her, if she said
she’d let him go on Monday and they’d be back to their usual routine… she was
probably telling the truth. That would give him time to make new entrances,
rework his tunnel network, get the edge again.
The alternatives were letting Eve win by taking him in to
the vet now, a non-option really, or calling in Laurie and ending the whole
game completely in something that could at its most generous be described as a
draw… no, he didn’t want to do that either. If Laurie found out she’d come this
close to getting him… well, it wouldn’t matter what he said, his old friend
would chase Eve out of his house and life and would probably never let him
around any other big people again. Bizarrely, the thought of never seeing Eve again
really upset him… almost as much as the thought of losing his freedom in their
bizarre game.
“Fine,” he said, crossing his arms and smiling, “I’m your
good little pet man until Monday morning, and not a moment longer.”
“Yes!” Eve squealed, “Now no takesies backsies, for real,
“Okay…” he said slowly, raising an eyebrow.
Giggling she reached into the purse, slowly drawing him up
so he could see out the car’s window. As the light snow continued to fall he
read the “closed until Monday” sign. His eyes went wide as he went through the
entire same thought process Eve had moments ago.
“Son of a bitch!” he swore, “it was fucking closed?”
“Yeah,” Eve said with a sigh, “like I said though, no
“A deal’s a deal,” he muttered, “that was one hell of a
bluff…” he looked at her curiously, “were you really going to…”
“Uh, yeah!” she said defensively, “and if I catch you and it’s
open next time, that’s game over, you’re mine!” The two of them were quiet a
moment. Part of Evan wanted to prod her on that, she sounded pretty unsure… or
was it just his imagination?
“Right,” he muttered, breaking the silence, “well my
benevolent and beautiful goddess, now that I’m yours for the weekend, can I
still go to Laurie’s for Thanksgiving tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” she said, blinking and returning to the matter at
hand, “we’ll go get the stuff to make those yams you wanted…” she cleared her
throat, glancing around the deserted parking lot again, “but first…” She fought
down a giggle, “strip!” she commanded, setting him on the dashboard.
Rolling his eyes, he began to pull his shirt off, balling it
up and tossing it into her purse. His pants followed a moment later, and he
shivered slightly as he looked at the snowfall outside, the click of the window
wipers pushing it away.
“Aw,” Eve teased, “cold?”
“Y-Yeah,” he said, his teeth starting to chatter. The car
was warm, but at his size… well, he wouldn’t have minded going back in her
“Don’t worry,” she said with a wink, “I’ll take care of
you.” She reached to take his body, pleased to feel his hardness as she drew
him closer to her. She paused at her chest, considering stuffing him in her
bra, that would certainly keep him warm and out of sight… but there was another
place that would do the job just as well. She gave a high-pitched giggle as she
unbuttoned her pants, shooting a quick look around to make sure the parking lot
was still abandoned.
Evan seemed to guess her intentions, and his face went red
as she pulled the hem of her panties back, revealing the dark curls of her
pubic hair. He could smell the familiar tang of her arousal as she stuffed him
in, the back of her panties pressing him into her like a tight hammock. Her
powerful fingers pressed against his back, shoving him down as the coarse hair
rubbed against his face. His legs, then his torso, and finally his face, were
directly in front of a pussy that seemed to emanate heat and humidity, like a
portal to some far-off jungle waiting to consume him.
“Goodbye,” she said with a playful wave, letting the panties
snap back into place. She buttoned up her pants next, completely cutting off
his light.
Eve drove out of the parking lot, struggling to keep a
straight face as her tiny captive squirmed inside her underwear. Evan was being
embraced by her outer lips, the warmth driving away the brief chill the outside
air had given him as the oily juices began to coat his body. He could hear the
soft thump of her heartbeat as she shifted in her seat, forcing him tighter
into that wet and pungent crevice.
“Oh yeah,” Eve whispered, biting her lip as she pulled into
the grocery store parking lot. She cupped the crotch of her pants, grinding
Evan against her in his hidden prison. She took a moment to calm herself down.
“Hey,” she said with a grin, “try to keep still for the next fifteen minutes or
so, I’m going in the store.”
Evan could hear her muffled voice, and coated in her juices
he could tell exactly how much she was enjoying even his smallest movements in
here. He was rock hard, the powerful pheromones causing his mind to get
slightly hazy. Unconsciously he started humping against her, the feeling of her
warm wet flesh like heaven against him.
Eve could feel what he was doing, and while his thrusts were
too small to really pleasure her on their own, the motion did turn her on a
little. She bit her lip and stifled a giggle as she placed a few cans of yams
into a shopping basket, along with a bag of marshmallows.
Evan was close to orgasm, the tight warmth and aroma of her
womanhood overwhelming all of his senses as he fought against her. Some part of
him wanted to rebel against her still though, and so with a grin he reached up,
fumbling around the wet folds of flesh until he found a nub of flesh near the
top that just a bit smaller than his head. He started rubbing it in a slow
circular wax-on motion…
Eve grunted as a jolt of pleasure rocked up her body, and
she knocked over a display of green beans by accident. Muttering a quick
apology to an annoyed looking store clerk she stumbled towards the front of the
“Fuck,” she muttered under her breath, he wasn’t stopping…
She took a deep breath and forced herself to focus, she could do this! Another
wave of pleasure almost caused her to fall to her knees, and with a pleading
look she glanced at a row of cash registers that now looked perilously far
Evan felt the warmth from the mammoth opening above him
increase, and from his hammock in her panties he could feel the tremors shaking
across her body. In the dark he grinned, and reached up another hand, slowly
massaging that tender orb like a crystal ball.
“Did you find everything okay?” the bored cashier asked,
scanning the yams.
“Yep!” Eve squeaked, glancing to her car in the parking lot.
Her body quaked again and she worried that she’d scream. The cashier frowned,
slowly running the second can of yams again over the scanner, then again, and
again… “COULD YOU HURRY UP!?” Eve almost shouted, drawing the attention of
everyone in the store.
“Label looks broken,” he muttered, “I’d better just call a
manager or something-“
“Forget that one!” Eve shouted, “J-Just -ohgod- just get the
The clerk shrugged, and Eve sighed and almost collapsed onto
the kiosk as he finished bagging up her groceries. She bolted for the car as
fast as she could, fighting the urge to drop to her knees and grind her tiny
tormenter into herself. She slammed the door just in time, and she shouted a
series of swears as she collapsed into her seat, pleasure rocking her body as
her orgasm came in full. Evan’s arrived at the same time, the motion of her
quaking body driving him over the edge, his pleasure muffled and concealed from
the outside world by the giant woman’s underwear.
“Fuck me,” she panted, looking in the rear-view mirror she
saw how flushed she was, and scowled. She patted the crotch of her pants, “hey!
You in there! I’m driving now, so if you do that again, you could kill us!”
Evan laughed almost the rest of the way home, enjoying the
warmth and softness of her most intimate body heat. As he let himself go limp,
falling back into the now very pungent panties, he decided that his holiday as
Eve’s slave was off to a good start.
“Look at you,” Eve muttered, holding the still naked and
glistening man up to her face. She sniffed him idly and pulled away with a
giggle, “you smell like sex,” she teased. She dangled him back and forth from
one arm, letting the scent waft slightly through the kitchen.
“Just put me on the counter so I can go wash up,” he said.
“No way!” she said, poking his stomach and causing him to
sway back and forth, “you are going to stay smelling like my cunt until your
goddess deigns to wash you!”
“Deigns to wash me?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Seriously Eve, I promise I’ll come right back, I’ve got a little shower set up
in the walls and-“
“Tiny pet men do not wash themselves,” she said with an
imperious sniff, “you get scrubbed off in the sink with nice girly hand soap
and ice-cold tap water.”
“Looking forward to it,” he muttered as she lowered him down
to the counter. “Can I have my clothes?”
“Tomorrow? Sure. Today? Not a chance,” she giggled. “Now, tell
me the recipe for these yams you wanted to make…”
Laurie pulled up to Evan’s house, idling in the driveway as
Eve brought Evan out. The other woman was carrying a covered tray of
Thanksgiving yams. Evan was in her gloved hand, shielded from the chilly fall
wind by the thick wool. Laurie opened the car door, letting Eve put the dish in
and depositing the tiny man in the cupholder.
“Hey Evan,” Laurie said with a smirk, “nice duds!”
“Thanks,” he muttered, a little embarrassed. He was wearing
a small tuxedo, and his normally wild hair was styled and combed, courtesy of a
shrinkee grooming kit Eve had purchased and insisted he use.
“I picked it out, isn’t it just adorable!?” Eve said,
clasping her hands together excitedly.
“Adorable,” Laurie mused, “yeah Evan, you’re adorable…” She
sniffed the air a moment, then frowned. She picked up Evan, who protested
feebly, and held him up to her nose. “What is that?” she laughed, “you smell
like a girl on prom night!”
“It’s Lady Delilah’s peach smoothie deluxe bodywash and
shampoo,” Eve said with a giggle, “from their store down at the mall. I picked
it out for him.”
“Peach smoothie deluxe,” Laurie repeated, “Evan… is
everything okay? Did she… did she get you?”
“Not yet,” Eve muttered.
“I’m letting her have a little fun for the weekend,” Evan
said, “Don’t worry about it.”
Laurie’s mouth was a tight line, then she turned to Eve,
“well, are you coming?”
Eve blinked, “Am I invited?”
“If you don’t have anyone to spend Thanksgiving with, then
yeah, get in,” Laurie said impatiently.
Laurie’s house was a single-story ranch style, and from the
cars in the driveway Eve guessed she wasn’t the only guest. As they got out of
the car, Evan held in Lauri’s hand and Eve carrying the dish, Laurie stopped.
“Hey Eve,” she said offhandedly, “I know this might not be
your kind of crowd, but my family is very pro-tiny rights, so I’m going to
introduce you as Evan’s girlfriend, and you should just go with that.”
“Girlfriend!?” Evan and Eve both said at the same time.
“You live together, you’re apparently bumping uglies, I
don’t know what else you’d call that,” Laurie muttered.
“I uh-“ Evan began, “we’re not like-“
“He’s not my-“ Eve started.
“Guys,” Laurie chuckled, “you’re giving me second hand
embarrassment. Come on, let’s go inside.”
Laurie had what seemed like a dozen family members over,
cousins, a mess of brothers, sisters, and cousins, all as blond as she was.
Most of them were crowded around a TV, watching a football game eagerly. Several
shouted greetings at Evan, and Laurie dumped him off on a couch armrest to
catch up with a crowd that didn’t seem to notice or care that he was four
inches tall, though as she followed Laurie into the kitchen Eve did hear a lot
of teasing about the tuxedo… She felt her face go red, and suddenly felt bad
about making him wear it.
She placed the dish in the kitchen with the rest of Laurie’s
Thanksgiving Day feast, she turned to go, but Laurie caught her arm. The other
woman handed her a beer and a bottle opener, and while Eve didn’t particularly
care for the stuff, she popped the cap as Laurie did the same.
“I felt like we should have a little chat,” Laurie said
quietly, “While Evan is off catching up with my family.”
“Uh, okay,” Eve said, confused.
“I’m curious, why the hell are you still around?” Laurie asked,
taking a sip.
“I haven’t got Evan yet,” she said uncertainly.
“You think that’s an okay thing to do to someone?” Laurie
asked, “just… kidnap them I guess, and take their stuff?” She chewed her lip,
fighting a smile and enjoying how uncomfortable she was making Eve, “Evan’s
been pretty nice to you, all things considered. You think he deserves that?
Because a law said you could?”
“You know it’s fucked up,” Laurie continued, “you know it’s
wrong, just like all the other people doing this, but you’re trying to do it
“That’s how it is,” Eve said angrily, “if you’re in a
position where people can take from you, they will, it’s not fair but-“
“I’m going to assume you had a pretty shitty childhood if
that’s how you think,” Laurie said darkly. Eve started to say something, but
Laurie cut her off, “I don’t need to hear about it, things weren’t great for
most of us here today. Evan in there?” She gestured to the living room, and the
sound of cheering came as the local team scored. Laurie allowed herself a brief
smile before turning back to Eve, “Evan is the guy who brought us food when we
didn’t have any, and when my mom’s second husband put hands on my brothers, or
me?” She smirked at the memory, “he was seventeen then, but he gave a grown ass
man with fifty pounds on him the beating of a lifetime.”
The two of them were quiet a moment, and Eve felt an
overwhelming sense of guilt, like she hadn’t felt in a long time. She thought
of Evan, in there with people who loved him, and she’d dressed him like a Ken
doll and used that stupid shampoo on him… Why? To mess with his head? To
humiliate him? And he’d just laughed it off…
“I…” she paused, not sure what to say.
“Don’t give me one more line about how everyone’s out for
themselves and we’ve got to kick people when they’re down,” Laurie said,
“because that guy in there that you’re kicking? He only ever tried to help
people back up.”
“What should I do then?” Eve asked quietly, “you’re right,
I’ve known you’re right for a while now, but…” she sighed, not sure what else
to say.
“Do you care about him?” Laurie asked quietly, “Do you…” she
didn’t mention the L word, letting the question hang in the air.
Eve took way longer than she’d expected to answer, “I… maybe
I do, I don’t know…”
“Then keep doing what you’re doing,” Laurie said finally,
“keep trying to catch him. He was not in a good place before you moved in, and
nothing I could give him was helping.” She drained the last of the beer,
slamming it on the counter, “Now though? He’s his old self. He no longer thinks
being tiny means he’s useless, he’s confident he can stand toe to toe with full
sized people. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have come here today if he hadn’t
been playing this back-and-forth thing with you.” She paused, “Just maybe…
don’t plan on the finishing move, if you get me? No chipping, no vet, none of
that shrinkee guardian take-his-shit stuff.”
“Yeah,” Eve said, sipping her own drink, “I guess that makes
sense… we’ll leave the law out of it.”
“Not quite what I wanted, but it’s a start,” Laurie growled.
“I’m still going to get him,” Eve insisted, “but… no, he’s
not going to be my slave, okay? Not really anyway…” She thought a moment,
“Laurie, did you ever have feelings for-“
“Overstepping,” Laurie growled, “Go tell everyone in there
the turkey is almost ready.”
Eve held Evan in her hand, watching Laurie’s truck drive
away. She’d dropped them off back at home, it was suitably late and after
eating an expertly prepared Thanksgiving meal with Laurie and her family both
of them were ready to crash.
“It was great to see some of those guys again,” Evan muttered,
“I’ve been kind of avoiding gatherings since shrinking… just felt kind of
“They all seem to care a lot about you,” Eve said, setting
him on the ground, “I’ll just uh, get out of here, so you can go in one of your
hidey holes…”
He frowned, looking up at her, “I’m yours until Monday,
“Let’s just forget about it,” she said, yawning, “I feel
like I sort of cheated to get you to agree to that…”
“Nope, a deal’s a deal,” Evan said, crossing his arms,
“besides, if we start breaking promises to each other, then this game is just a
free for all, isn’t it?”
“Yeah…” Eve said, shifting slightly, “Well uh, your goddess
orders you to go put on your regular clothes.”
“I usually sleep in the nude,” he said, “they don’t really
make good pajamas in doll size.”
Eve fought a blush as she reached for him, “Uh, well then,
since you’re sleeping with me... Just let me get those clothes off you then…”
It might still be a fun weekend after all, she decided.
End Notes:
Hope everyone enjoyed so far, we've reached what you might call the end of Act 1. Thanks for all the reviews and interest, it means a lot!
The office Christmas party was almost always a dull affair,
and with it being overseen by Amber this year, Eve almost found herself
dreading it. Amber’s promotion had come as something of a surprise to the
office, a lot of other people apparently thought it was more office politics
than merit, something Eve knew for sure was true. The redheaded woman was
laughing around the snack table, a new group of cronies around her following
her every word. Amber definitely had a way with gathering people around her, and
the way she’d deliberately excluded Eve from her conversation was felt.
Eve listened to the laughter, feeling a chill and a bit of
anger as the four women glanced in her direction, giggling to themselves again.
She was out the outs with Amber now, no doubt about it, for whatever reason the
woman had taken Eve’s “failure” with Evan as an almost personal slight. After
years of making sure she was in the cool kid’s circle, Eve was suddenly cast
out. She took a sip of her punch with a sigh.
“Hey Eve,” Charles called. She glanced down at the table
where the tiny man was standing. He had an adorable little suit on, one of the
perks of working for a shrinkee-friendly company she supposed, and a small
crumb of the holiday cake in one hand. He’d only taken an extra few days off
from work after shrinking, impressive all things considered.
“Hey,” she said uncomfortably. She didn’t know how to start
a conversation with a man she’d spent so much time tormenting with Amber…
“How’s uh, how are things?”
He seemed to notice how she felt, and he gave her a quick
smile, “You know it’s funny, I was so scared of being small… now that it’s
happened, it’s just a thing, like when I lost my hair.” He brushed his head
over his balding head and laughed, Eve joined in.
“Is everyone being nice?” Eve asked quietly.
Charles scowled, “Amber ‘accidentally’ stepped on me after
‘accidentally’ knocking me off my desk this morning. I can’t believe they
promoted her, this branch is spiraling, I tell you…”
“Sorry about that,” Eve said quietly.
He rolled his eyes, “work is hell, and hell has some
demons.” He gave her a quick grin, “it hasn’t been all bad, some things with my
wife have been… interesting.” He gulped and looked away; red faced. “Anyway,”
he continued, “try to relax over the holidays Eve, I know it might sound silly
coming from someone who’s tiny, but you’ve seemed a little out of it lately.”
He took a bite of the cake crumb, “you know the doctors say I can eat as much
of this kind of stuff as I want now, silver linings, right?”
“I’d almost take shrinking if it meant no more counting
calories,” Eve agreed, looking at her own slice with a frown. She paused, not
sure if she’d offended Charles, but he laughed at the joke, and she joined in a
moment later.
The sky was a dark grey as she pulled into the driveway of
Evan’s house, the snow quickly collecting on her coat as she walked inside. She
sighed and dusted herself off, in theory she had one more day of work before
she took her holiday leave, but looking at weather report on her phone, she
would be taking that vacation a day early.
She kicked off her shoes with a sigh, the slush of the
melting snow dripping on the towel she kept by the door for that purpose.
“Welcome home!” Evan said, dangling off the mantle above the
fireplace. He had a Christmas cookie half the size of his body sitting next to
him, a surprising amount eaten off of it.
“I can already see how this is going to end,” Eve said with
a smirk, “you’ll keep snacking on sweets, and then one day you’ll be too fat to
run away.”
“Marshmallow will
ferry me to safety,” he declared. With a flourish he leapt off the mantle,
landing in a crouch next to the cat who jerked awake, looking at him curiously.
Stretching the cat let Evan climb on his back, and the tiny man gave her a smug
glance as the cat bounded away into the next room.
Eve sighed and rolled her eyes, not bothering to pursue him.
He’d spent most of the month making new secret entrances, sealing up some of
his old ones with what she was pretty sure was hot glue. How the hell did he
manage THAT she wondered? The energy bill was always suspiciously high, what
did he get up to behind the drywall?
“Evan!” she called.
“What?” his voice replied from up in the vent.
“Do you want to go get a Christmas tree?” She glanced out at
the falling snow, “there’s a lot a few miles up the road, we could get there
and back before the storm hits-“
“Christmas truce doesn’t kick in for two days,” he called
back, “So… go get a spruce, they last longer than pine.”
“I don’t know the difference,” she said, crossing her arms,
“I’ve only had like two Christmas trees in my life.”
“They label them,” Evan shouted, “and… only two Christmas
trees? Did your parents just hate holidays?”
“I…” she pushed down a quick surge of emotion, “I didn’t spend
a lot of Christmases with them.” There was an awkward silence, and she cleared
her throat, “Anyways… could you just come with me?”
“No,” Evan replied, “truce is in two days.”
Eve sighed angrily and went to the kitchen. She quickly
pulled a box from a storage drawer that she had been saving for a special
occasion. Quickly unwrapping the flypaper, she carried it to the garage,
flipping on the light and looking for her sporting equipment. She hadn’t played
tennis in years, but she still had the racket, and she slowly wrapped the
flypaper around it, sticking the end. She waved it through the air a few
moments approvingly, the flypaper stayed in place, and as she tapped a finger
against it she was pleased with how sticky it was.
She walked back into the living room, seeing that
Marshmallow had resumed his usual spot lounging in front of the fireplace. She
bent down and gently stroked his head, hearing him purr happily as she
positioned herself between him and the vent, cutting off line of sight.
“OH NO, MARSHMALLOW!” she cried in her best terrified voice.
The cat looked at her quizzically, his tail swishing back
and forth.
“What!?” Evan called in panic from the vent.
“It’s horrible!” Eve said in faux horror, “h-he’s bad Evan,
real bad he’s-“
Evan’s tiny form came running, seemingly from nowhere as
usual, all but ignoring Eve as he ran to the cat’s side. Evan’s panic turned to
confusion, as Marshmallow meowed at him curiously, then at Eve’s movement the
cat darted away, leaving Evan to realize he’d been duped.
“Oof!” he grunted as the wind was knocked out of him as the
wide tennis racket came down, pinning him to the floor. There was a ripping
sound like a sticker being peeled off a shirt as Eve’s makeshift sticky-racket
came up, and with it Evan’s body. He was stuck in a T-shaped pose, his legs
below him and his arms out at his sides. He struggled against the flypaper
feebly, but the gooey material easily held him as Eve lifted the racket to her
“Evan,” she giggled, “I was thinking, I REALLY want to start
our truce early, yeah Christmas eve isn’t for another two days… but I think we
should just forget about that whole tiny-catching thing and enjoy the extra time,
what do you think?”
“That was a low blow, telling me the cat was hurt,” Evan
Eve giggled and spun the racket in her hand, rotating his
body and making him dizzy, “come on Evan,” she pouted, “go with me to the
Christmas tree lot! I’ll let you go afterwards!”
“F-FINE!” he said, trying to keep his lunch down. Her
spinning the racket was just a slight movement of her hands, for him it was
like a theme park ride, and he’d never really liked them.
“That’s the spirit, now hold still.”
She reached for him, her fingers squishing against the gooey
flypaper as they curled around him. He grimaced as she started to pull.
“Uh, Eve, wait a sec-“
The sound of his clothing tearing away echoed through the
room. He shouted in pain as some of his leghairs came away too, thankfully what
was on his head held, but it felt like having someone take a fistful of it and
pull as hard as they could.
“FUCK!” he shouted.
“Ah,” Eve muttered, looking at the remains of his clothing
on the racket, “sorry…” she brought him over to the sink and turned the water
to warm, quickly washing the rest of the goop of his naked body. Evan just
looked at her crossly, and her face went red. “I didn’t think it would be THAT
sticky… if you want to stay here-“
“You already caught me and destroyed my clothes,” he said,
rolling his eyes, “let’s just go to the tree lot…”
She frowned, “do you have a little coat or something?”
“Yeah, but it’s not any good in this kind of weather,” he
said, looking out at the falling snowflakes, “at this size you’ve just got to
stay inside when it’s cold.”
A smile crossed Eve’s face, and she giggled slightly as she
lifted him up higher. She was wearing a festive dark green turtleneck sweater,
and with one finger she pulled the neck aside, opening up the chasm inside to
Evan. He looked down and his eyes went wide as he saw her waiting breasts, held
up by a neat white pushup bra.
“Try to stay warm!” she laughed, dropping him in.
He bounced on the warm flesh, sliding easily into her
cleavage. There was just the slightest amount of sweat, brought on by Eve’s
trip home wearing both the thick sweater and her winter coat, and also the
floral smell of the rose body wash she loved.
With a small snapping sound her turtleneck high above him
closed up again, sealing him in darkness as he drifted further down into the
space between her breasts, the warm flesh sliding against his naked body.
Eve hummed the tune to “Beginning to look a lot like
Christmas” as she slipped her coat on. She zipped it up quickly, squeezing Evan
even further into his fleshy prison. From outside she felt him squirming
against her, and as she started the car, she couldn’t help but reaching up to
her chest and giving it a quick shake.
Evan’s world shook, and just as he was finding purchase, he
was thrown down, headfirst into the depths of Eve’s cleavage. Between the push
up bra and the thick layers of clothing she was wearing, he had little chance
of escape. As he felt himself grow hard from the motion of the soft flesh
against him, he decided that wasn’t such a bad thing. He settled in, relaxing
as the tender embrace of her soft bosom shielded him from the cold outside,
with the drumbeat of her heartbeat in his ear he began to feel oddly calm,
sleepy even.
Eve drove through the falling snow, wipers clicking in time
to Jingle Bells on the radio. Snow wasn’t coming down fast enough to be
dangerous yet, and according to the weather reports interspersed with the
Christmas songs she probably had a good hour before she really needed to get
back home. Eve couldn’t help but rock back and forth, dancing slightly in her
seat to the festive music.
For the tiny man stuck deep between her breasts it was a
somewhat surreal experience, with the world cut off his senses were dominated
by the lingering smell of Eve’s soap mixed with the day’s worth of sweat worked
up from wearing layered clothing. The muffled Christmas songs seemed to
reverberate along her skin as he fell deeper, almost into a trance as he slid
along the soft skin that was molding around him, embracing him. With every one
of Eve’s playful movements, she was unknowingly giving him a jolt of pleasure
as her breasts slide up and around him, her skin making contact with his most
intimate places almost like the deliberate touch of a lover.
Eve had no idea her innocent motions were causing Evan’s
world to melt. She felt him squirming, trying to climb out maybe? No, she
thought with a chuckle as “Frosty the Snowman” started playing, he wasn’t going
Evan felt himself nearing a peak, and powerless to escape
the grip of Eve’s boobs or reach for his own manhood, he decided to go limp,
surrendering himself to the ravages of the bouncing flesh around him. It had to
be his imagination, but his surrender almost seemed to be known by the soft
pillows that held him captive, and he smiled as they eagerly pressed in around
him, and a moment later he sprayed his seed, unable to see it swallowed up in
the darkness of Eve’s cleavage.
Eve froze as she pulled into the tree lot. She felt a small
wet spot beneath her sweater and fought down a giggle. Had he really…? She
unzipped the front of her coat and reached down the neck of her sweater,
fumbling in the confines of her bra for Evan. She found his leg a moment later,
and slowly pulled him up. His hair was mussed and he had a slightly dazed look
in his eyes, hanging upside down limply from her fingers.
“Evan,” she asked in a playful tone, “did you cum in my
“Yeah,” he rasped, blinking, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
“Us big girls can be kind of overwhelming, huh,” Eve said
with a grin, “it’s okay, call it an early Christmas gift.”
Evan blinked and shook his head, collecting himself as she
righted him, “Can you stick me in your purse or something? It’s really cold out
here,” he shivered a bit, even in her open palm inside the warmed car.
“Don’t you want to see the trees?” she asked with a frown.
“I’m a shrinkee Eve, cold is not my friend,” he explained,
“also… there could be people I know out here, I don’t really want to be carried
around naked.”
“Oh,” She bit her lip, “give me a minute…” She looked
through her purse for a tissue or something. She felt another quick pang of
guilt for ruining his clothes. Shrinkees were, in a manner of speaking, always
“clothing optional” anyway, a sort of legal leftover from the early days of the
shrinking virus when tiny clothes weren’t widespread. Now, years into things,
it was hardly a secret that some people kept shrinkees naked as a humiliation
tactic, enforcing their status…
She sighed, she was mentally still slotting him as a
“shrinkee” rather than a person in spite of her best efforts apparently. She
pulled the turtleneck sweater away from her skin, sliding him down until only
his head was sticking out, then releasing the tight fabric and letting it
contort around her again. Evan’s head stuck out just below her chin, the
sweater’s neck covering him while giving him a good view and keeping him warm.
“Comfy?” She asked.
“Very,” he called up. The sweater itself was a bit scratchy,
but it was thick, and the warmth from her neck kept the cold from biting him
too much as she stepped out of the car.
Eve finished setting up the Christmas tree in the living
room, taking a moment to admire it. She’d put Evan back on the ground with
another apology about the clothes, but he didn’t seem to mind as he did his
usual disappearing act. A few moments later he reappeared, a fresh set of doll
clothing on as he watched her place a series of store-bought ornaments on the
Marshmallow meowed softly, and gently batted at a few of the
bright plastic bulbs. Eve picked him up and then opened another box, a small
star shaped ornament that said “first Christmas together!” and had a slot below
where a picture could be inserted.
“Evan,” she called, “come over here and take a picture with
me and that cat for this.”
“First Christmas together?” He asked, raising an eyebrow,
“that’s awfully optimistic, don’t you think?”
She frowned, “What do you mean?”
“Well, the implication is that you’re going to catch me, and
we’ll spend every Christmas together,” he said, moving closer.
“Maybe I just renew the lease at the end of the year, and
even if I never catch you, we spend every Christmas together anyway?” She said,
lowering her hand.
“I don’t know,” Evan said, stepping into her palm, “your
capture efforts have been kind of lazy lately, I might need to up my game by
letting a crack team of tiny hunting special forces supermodels move in next
“Lazy?” she asked, fighting a laugh, “I got you like a
couple hours ago!” She lifted him up on her shoulder and let him grab a strand
of her hair for balance.
“By telling me the cat was in trouble!” he protested, “which
is cheating!”
“Do you think your elite team of tiny hunting supermodels
are going to play by the same silly set of rules I do?” She asked, angling the
phone to take the photo.
He smiled with her, listening to the click of the camera, “I
guess you’ve got me there,” he joked, “I’ll keep you around until I work my
skills up enough to beat the best.”
“Those look great,” Eve said, looking at the photos with a
smile. She quickly texted one to him, “I’ll print it off later for the
ornament.” She let Marshmallow drop to the floor, and the cat returned to
continue his examination of the tree. She looked at it again too, “it really is
a nice tree,” she said quietly.
She glanced back at the tiny man on her shoulder, “So Evan,
are we officially on early truce?” she asked with a grin.
“I guess,” he said with a shrug, “why?”
“Just a thought I was having,” she laughed, “like, if you
were still trying to get away from me, I’d have to keep you somewhere…” She
walked towards the door, next to her usual office heels were a pair of winter
boots. They had a fuzzy interior, designed to keep the wearer’s feet padded and
Evan thought about leaping off her shoulder and running. She
was too slow to grab him if he did, he was pretty sure anyway, but at the same
time he felt his manhood stir, and wondered where she was going with this. He
shot a glance out the window, seeing the road now fully covered by a thick
sheet of snow. She wasn’t going anywhere, he reasoned, even if she did decide
to break their truce there wouldn’t be a vet visit today… He was safe to play
with her, he decided.
“Where did you have in mind?” he said slowly.
Eve picked up one of the boots, “well that’s the thing Evan,
I couldn’t just leave you in a container or something, you’re too smart, you’d
figure a way out.” She held the boot up closer to his spot on her shoulder,
letting the slight sweaty smell wash over him slightly as the mouth loomed
below him.
“Uh, thanks,” he said, fighting the urge to leap into the
boot. Damn, that foot thing about shrinkees has GOT to be true…
“Now obviously it’s pretty fun keeping you in my panties,”
she giggled, “but then you can pretty easily set me off too… won’t work if I’m
stealing you, now will it?”
“Probably not,” he rasped.
“The bra works, it’ll keep you nice and busy, cumming your
little brains out,” she joked, shaking her breasts slightly, “but… still, kind
of easy to escape, once you get to that post-nut clarity, huh?”
“Probably would be,” he agreed, looking to the boot again.
“I think I’d probably stuff you in the bottom of some
footwear, something like this,” she giggled, wiggling the boot back and forth
and letting the smell hit him again. “I’ve actually got to shovel the steps, so
I guess I’ll need these for that…” she said, looking outside. She shifted her
shoulder slightly, and Evan cried out in surprise as he tumbled down the long
tunnel of her winter boot. He landed with a grunt on the faux fur interior, the
soft fibers cushioning the blow as the smell of Eve’s sweat grew stronger. “Oh
no!” Eve said, covering her mouth, “Evan, you fell in!”
“Okay, I get what you’re doing,” he laughed, very aware of
how aroused he’d become.
Eve shrugged, “you should take advantage of this, you might
have to escape from this boot someday, try to figure out a strategy!” She
laughed at his expression as she lowered the boot back to the ground.
Evan watched, awestruck, as her socked foot crowded out the
light of the hole above, slipping into the furred boot with a slow deliberate
movement that forced him towards the darkness of the toe. From behind her sock
her toes cradled his head, pushing him down into the soft furred interior as
she started lacing the winter footwear up.
Eve placed a pair of earbuds in, smiling to herself as she
felt Evan squirm against her foot. She lifted her phone, taking a quick look at
the picture of her, Evan, and Marshmallow, and after setting it as her
background, she started playing another round of Christmas music. The tune of Good
King Wenceslas followed her to the garage as she went for the snow shovel.
Evan felt the pressure of her foot pressing down on him, the
heat and scent of her socked sole permeating his world as his skin and clothing
were marinated in the odor of the well-worn boots. Even through the fabric of
the sock and his own pants, ever press and movement was kneading him in just
the right way, and he gave a muffled groan of pleasure that never left the
confines of the fake fur and foot surrounding him.
Eve shoveled the snow, scrunching her toes playfully around
Evan’s head as her head bobbed back and forth to the music. She felt him begin
grinding against her through the sock, and she smirked, certain that she’d have
to wash the pair, and get her tiny friend a new change of clothes. She pressed
down on the freshly shoveled concrete, gently grinding her boot back and forth,
really upping the pressure on Evan’s body.
He gasped, the mix of sensations too much as he found
himself brought to orgasm for the second time by the smallest movements of
Eve’s body. He leaned back, panting, fighting for air as her socked toes came
down again, muffling his cries of pleasure. Shrinkees didn’t need much air,
he’d never tested quite how long he could go without it, but he was sure that
he was in no danger… still, the overwhelming essence of Eve’s feet was making
him lightheaded.
Fuck, he thought, exhausted, she really is a
goddess… He laughed, the sound unheard by anyone but him and Eve’s sock.
“Merry Christmas to my favorite little stocking stuffer,”
Eve said with a smile as she saw Evan appear in the living room on Christmas
“No elf jokes?” he called, “missed opportunity.”
She shrugged, a steaming cup of hot cocoa in her hand and a
sleeping grey cat in her lap, “For next year,” she said with a smirk. “Go on,
open a present.”
He frowned, looking at a series of boxes that had appeared
under the tree, “Where did those come from?” he asked.
“Santa came,” Eve giggled, “seriously, go open one!”
He shrugged, walking over to the space beneath the tree and
selecting a box that looked manageable, and by manageable he meant only twice as
large as he was. He started ripping the rapping paper off, and his eyes went
wide as he saw a series of outfits in his size, sealed in clamshell plastic
“These look great,” he murmured, looking over a leather
jacket and jeans combo, “these aren’t doll clothes, are they?”
“There are a few companies that make real, quality, clothes
for people your size,” Eve explained, “kind of pricey, but I figured after all
of your doll outfits I’ve ruined you deserved something nice.”
“Thanks,” he said, a smile lighting up his face, “I uh… I
got you something too. Or Laurie did, I told her what to get and she went to
the mall for me. Go check the empty room upstairs.”
Eve gave a curious smile, and setting her cup down and
causing the cat to scamper off, she walked up the stairs. The empty bedroom
didn’t have anything in it, and she was pretty sure she hadn’t been inside
since the first day she’d been here, trying to catch Evan. In the center of the
room, she saw a pair of wrapped gifts. She picked them up, carrying them down
to where Evan and Marshmallow were waiting.
“I’d have put them under the tree,” he explained, “but…” he
gestured to his body, “you know, tiny…”
“It’s fine,” she said, tearing the wrapping paper off her
first gift. She frowned as she realized it was a book, a woman in camo fatigues
on the cover held a squirming half naked man in her hand. “Tiny Hunting, A
Pro’s Guide?” Eve laughed, “you bought a tiny hunting guide for a woman who is
actively trying to capture you?”
“It’s the ultimate flex,” he said, hands on his hips,
“consider yourself on notice.” She started laughing, a tirade that went so long
she was fighting to catch her breath.
“Okay,” she wheezed finally, “let’s see what else we have
here…” she unwrapped her next gift, a box of expensive soaps from Lady
Delilah’s. She beamed with excitement as she lifted one of the bottles out of
the box, opening the cap and sniffing the fragrance. “I love it! How’d you know
what store I like?”
“You uh, washed me down with some of that stuff last month,”
he said, his face red.
“Oh,” she said with an embarrassed chuckle, “uh, right…” She
pursed her lips, “well, if you wanted to try some of this… maybe we could take
a bath together later?” She smiled at his reaction, “I mean, if you could stand
to be scrubbed down with Lady Delilah’s again.”
“A bath together?” he said, a lustful grin on his face, “if
the cost of admission is letting you go to town on me with that stuff, then
“Goody,” she giggled. “Open your next one!”
Evan was surprised at just how much Eve had gotten him, and
his eyes went wide as he saw a condo bedroom in his size, advertising itself as
complete with a bed and flushing toilet. He walked around it, amazed at all the
features the unit supposedly contained.
“This thing looks pretty nice,” he mused, “is this my cage
for if you ever get me?”
“That thing has no security features on it at all,” she said
with a chuckle, “there’s a retractable roof if you want me to look in on you,
but the switch for it is tiny sized and on the inside.”
“That’s not going to be great at keeping me from escaping,”
he said quietly.
“Nope,” she said with a small smile. “If you want to hide it
in the attic or something, I can go out for a day and Laurie can do it for you…
or if you want, I could just put it on my dresser.”
“Thanks,” he said awkwardly. He stepped away from it, and he
didn’t flee as she reached down to pick him up.
“Let’s watch something,” Eve said, turning to the TV and
hoping to fill the awkward silence. She clicked the remote, and the opening
credits of “It’s a Wonderful Life,” began to play.
What am I doing? Evan wondered, this woman wants
to own me… He felt her warm fingers curl around him as he sat in her lap,
and as smell of her hand soap wafted up to him, comforting him as he squeezed
further into her grip. Does she though? He’d been very sloppy the last
few weeks, some of it on purpose, testing what she’d do… He wasn’t sure she was
really trying to capture him anymore, at least not like she had been at the
start. He felt an odd shame about the fact that he missed it, even if he
enjoyed the intimacy brought on in its absence.
How would she react, he wondered, if we just…
called it off? Only ever played cat and mouse for fun? It would be a risk,
risking everything really… If this was all an act, or she changed her mind…
Eve reached up and stroked his hear with her thumb, enjoying
the silky softness as her own thoughts troubled her.
It could just be like this all the time, she thought,
this truce thing should just be how we always are… She sighed inwardly, What
would he say if I told him I was the one giving up? She smirked
slightly, imagining the jokes and the cocky laughter she’d have to endure from
him, but it would be worth it.
She would commit to the game a little while longer, she
decided, if only because she thought Laurie was right, Evan seemed so happy
when he was eluding her. What more was there to do but enjoy the next few days
when he’d let her hold him, play with him, and be with him to her heart’s
content? Once the holidays were over, she’d have to work for it again… for a
little while anyway.
The two sat together as the snow continued to fall outside,
sealing them off from the world as they curled together on the couch, washed by
the warm glow of the fireplace and the black and white motion picture
End Notes:
Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope this entry gave you a little holiday cheer, no matter what time of year you're reading it. Thanks for the reviews and comments, I love reading them!
“Okay, last call on drinks,” Laurie called, the raucous
sounds of the New Year’s party echoed through her small house. Eve and Evan
were present, Evan hanging drunkenly out of a red party cup filled with cheap
“You taste so sweet,” Eve giggled, taking another sip.
“Fuck, getting a little shallow in here,” Evan slurred, “L-Laurie,
fill up my pool!”
She sighed, topping off Eve’s drink and letting Evan’s legs
float behind him, “you two are seriously cut off after this one,” Laurie
Laurie’s friends and family gathered around the TV, chanting
as the sphere in Times Square began to fall.
“Happy new year!” Evan and Eve shouted to each other, and
her giant lips pressed down into his face, the pillowy pink flesh covering his
entire head as he drunkenly tried to return the kiss.
Eve separated a moment, her face flushed from more than just
lust, “time to finish my drink,” she giggled. She tipped back the red party
cup, and Evan cried out in surprise, laughing as the flow of the cheap drink
swept him towards Eve’s waiting mouth. Her tongue darted out into the flow,
tickling around his legs briefly and pressing against the outside of his pants.
He groaned as the strong muscle briefly massaged him, and as his legs went limp,
he wondered if he would be swept right down her throat…
Eve pulled the cup away empty, wiping her lips. She laughed
again, looking down at the empty cup, thinking a moment. Something was wrong
there… Suddenly it clicked.
“Evan?” She squeaked in panic.
Laurie turned away from a conversation she was having with
one of her cousins and frowned, “Where is he?”
“H-He was in the cup,” Eve muttered, “and then I chugged the
Laurie’s eyes went wide, and she closed the distance between
herself and Eve instantly, “Come here!” she shouted, trying to force her finger
down Eve’s throat, “you’ve got to-“
Eve just gagged in response, fighting feebly against
Laurie’s finger as the other woman tried to save her friend.
“Guys,” Evan’s voice called. The two women paused their
struggle, looking down into the cleavage of Eve’s party dress. Her skin was
just slightly damp with spilled champagne, and Evan drunkenly waved from his
spot atop her breasts. “I fell out of the cup!” he laughed.
“Okay,” Laurie sighed, “Eve, Evan, you’re cut off and you’re
staying here tonight.”
“Groovy,” Eve giggled, dangling Evan in front of her. Her
tongue darted out and licked its way up his body, savoring the lingering taste
of the champagne.
Evan blinked himself awake; his vision blurry as he tried to
figure out where he was. The room was unfamiliar, and he was held tightly in
Eve’s grip. He groaned a bit, shifting and letting the hazy memories of the
night before drift back to him. He was naked, but he almost always was when he
slept, and the slightly grimy skin of her palm smeared against him as he turned
to look at the giant woman who had fallen asleep cuddling him like a stuffed
animal. Laurie’s guest room, he remembered, the two of them had crashed here
last night…
“Happy New Year,” Eve muttered with a smile. Before he could
return the greeting, she brought him up to her cheek, snuggling him against her
warm skin and just keeping him there a moment. “Ugh,” he muttered, “I still
smell like champagne.”
“It’s a good flavor for you,” she giggled, “you were
marinating in it all night…” her grip tightened on him a moment, feeling something
small and hard poking against her palm. “Hmm…” she said, drawing him up over
her face, “what’s that?” She released her fingers slightly, keeping her thumb
and forefinger under his armpits so he dangled over her face.
“It’s the morning,” he replied noncommittally, “sometimes
you just wake up… ready to go.”
“I know what morning wood is,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“Now, hold still!” She opened her mouth wide, slowly lowering him in.
“W-wait a minute,” he called, “I’m not sure I like where
this is going!”
She just giggled, letting him drop. Her mouth quickly closed
around him, and the top of his head just barely managed to stick out from her
lips as her tongue arced up to play with its new toy. He grunted in surprise,
then in pleasure, as it found its way between his legs and began working itself
against his erection, the slow powerful movements of the wet muscle holding him
in place as it worked on him.
He gasped in surprise as Eve’s finger came up, and a low
throaty giggle echoed all around him as her finger made contact with the top of
his head. With a slow, yet powerful, push, she forced him down, all the way
into her mouth as the lips sealed above him, blocking out the light.
Evan felt a brief moment of instinctive panic, but it was
driven away as her tongue returned again, seemingly happy to have him
completely as it’s prisoner. Her spit was dripping all around him, and he was
soaked as Eve casually tumbled him in her mouth, pressing him into the stretchy
flesh of her cheeks playfully, then back behind her teeth as she closed them
with a *click,* sealing him in like a cage.
Eve fought to keep her mouth’s prisoner in place as his tiny
hands traced along the back of her teeth. With a grunt she used her tongue to
force him against the roof of her mouth, determined to finish him off. With a
series of quick licks that caused his entire body to spasm in pleasure, her
tongue won the contest of wills, quickly reminding the tiny man of just how
powerful his giant lover was as he sprayed his seed across the inside of her
mouth. Evan’s world suddenly compressed as Eve sucked what little he had to
give down her dark maw, and he listened in awe as she swallowed, a powerful
contraction of muscle that could be felt even if she was keeping him from going
down with it.
Light returned to the world as her mouth opened, and a pair
of fingers gripped his arm, slowly slipping him back through those same lips.
He panted a moment, dripping with spit and limp as the smiling goddess held him
over her face, admiring her handiwork.
“Great way to ring in the new year,” he said weakly, smiling
down at her.
As always, January began with a mix of bitter cold that hit
all the harder with the holidays behind and forgotten. Eve quickly found
herself dreading her morning commute, for the icy winds that chafed her skin
and chapped her lips, and the misery of sitting in her car and dreading the
fact that she’d be going in to work with, or rather for, Amber.
“Uh oh, look who’s late,” The redhead sniggered, coffee cup
in hand as she watched Eve plod to her cubicle.
“It’s not even ten minutes past the hour!” Eve protested,
“there’s still some ice on the roads and-“
“Business begins at nine Eve,” Amber said with a smirk,
“I’ll have to make a note you were tardy today. I’m sure HR can deduct an
appropriate amount of your PTO.” The other woman’s heels clicked on the ground
as she walked away. Eve scowled angrily, logging in to her workstation as she
began looking over her accounts for the day.
She’d been working for a few hours, still fuming over Amber,
when she heard giggling from somewhere in the office. She sighed, trying to
ignore it. People had their social groups in the office, she didn’t usually
begrudge them some talk and laughing, after all she’d used to spend a lot of
the day gossiping with… She furiously refused to even think the name, typing
faster angrily.
“Just do it!” a woman’s voice whispered.
“L-Ladies, come on,” a panicked voice called.
She froze, her head shooting up. Was that-
“Charles, just come over here,” another voice giggled.
Eve stood up, looking over her cubicle towards the break
room. A group of women, most of whom she recognized from Amber’s new circle of
friends, were gathered around one of the tables. With her heart in her throat
Eve started walking towards them, the click of her own heels announcing her
The other office women turned around, parting slightly and
revealing a very stressed looking Charles on the table next to a shoe. The poor
tiny looked like hell, his remaining hair on the side of his bald head mussed,
and his glasses askew. She’d known he wasn’t taking well to Amber’s tenure as
boss, seeing it laid out here like this… it hurt. On either side of him were a
pair of women’s shoes, why were those on the table?
“Uh, hey guys, what’s going on?” she asked uncomfortably.
“Diane and I have a little wager,” a dirty blonde named
Sandy said with a grin, “we think that since Charles is tiny now, he’s sort of
an expert on women’s shoes, so we figured we’d see if he could tell which one
was mine-“
“Or which one was mine,” Diane butted in.
“Just by looking at them,” Sandy finished.
“We were just helping him a bit, putting him in there,
letting him really sniff around and see if he could figure it out,” Diane said,
winking down to the tiny man.
Eve felt something welling up inside her, she was always a
follower in these kinds of situations, and even a few months ago she’d have
joined right in, sliding her shoe off to help torment the tiny man… Now though?
Fuck me, she thought miserably.
“Uh guys, we should probably all get back to work,” she said
“Oh really?” Sandy asked, glaring at her, “I’ll just call
Amber out of her office, see if she’s okay with us having a little team
building time?”
Eve’s legs almost turned to jelly, there was no way she had
the courage to confront Amber in front of the group like this. She tried to
think, mind racing. Charles looked at her pleadingly.
An evil smile traced across her features, “Charles is
probably filthy from playing in your shoes Sandy,” she swiped him up before they
could say anything else, “I’ll go scrub the little guy off in the ladies room.”
Charles had a betrayed look on his face that almost broke her heart, but she
kept going. “He’ll need to get out of these clothes of course.”
The ladies howled with laughter, dispersing and letting her
take the tiny man off to what they assumed would be another torment. Charles
almost had tears in his eyes by the time the ladies room door closed behind
her, and Eve sighed, setting him on the sink so she could clear her head for a
“E-Eve,” Charles began nervously, “I thought we-“
“I’m not going to do it,” she said in a tired voice, “I
just… needed to get you away from them.”
“Oh,” he smiled and slunk back against the faucet in relief,
“thanks…” he breathed out slowly, “I’m moving my workstation downstairs tomorrow,”
he said finally, “I’ve got a few friends down there, I don’t know if you know
Bob and Mary, but they’ll keep Amber and her harpies off me… she’ll still be my
boss I guess, but I won’t have to see her as much.”
“That’s great!” Eve said with a smile, “I wish I could
follow you…”
He snorted, “I wish I could just leave this whole job.” He
sighed and looked down a minute, “this company is the only one I know of that
actually lets shrinkees keep working once we… you know.” He sighed, “nobody in
my contacts list would even return my emails. Corporate is tiny-friendly at
“Could they help out with Amber?” she asked eagerly.
He rolled his eyes, “I’m going to complain to HR, but I’m
sure it’ll amount to nothing. They’ll say it’s anonymous, but her little
friends will ferret it out for her, and the best outcome will be sending her to
a sensitivity training.”
“I’m sorry,” she said softly.
“Don’t be,” he said, standing up again, “I’m not going to
just live in fear of her… well, maybe I am, I’m not a brave guy Eve… but I’m
just going to have to tough it out, for the people I care about.”
“Yeah,” Eve muttered. “I get it.” She smirked, “you know,
I’ve got a friend of mine I need to introduce you to sometime.”
“The tiny guy you live with?” Charles asked.
Eve frowned, “yeah, how did you-“
“Hearing Amber rant about how he was kicking your ass was
pretty fun,” he admitted.
“He didn’t kick my ass!” she said defensively, “we uh… came
to an arrangement.”
“But he’s still running around, no chip?” Charles teased.
“Well, did your wife get YOU chipped?” Eve asked, already
regretting it as the words left her mouth.
To her relief Charles just rolled his eyes, “she refused, so
I hired someone off a food delivery app to take me in and get it done myself.”
“She refused?” Eve asked, confused.
“She said I was her husband at any size, and she wouldn’t do
it,” he said with a fond smile, “and let me tell you it sucked, that needle is
huge.” Unconsciously he rubbed his bottom, “but I wanted it so someone like
Amber couldn’t run off with me.” He shrugged, “still though, it really meant a
lot to me that she said that… when you’re this size, respect and love like that
goes a long way.”
“Y-Yeah,” Eve said, blinking away a quick tear. “Uh, listen,
Charles, I think I’m going to call it a half day. Seeing as how you’re moving
your desk tomorrow; I think you should too. If you want, I could drive you
He thought a minute, “Yeah, that sounds nice, are your
cupholders clean?”
She blinked, “Uh, I guess?”
“It’s where I ride in most cars,” he explained, “this
country is suffering from an epidemic of sticky and disgusting cupholders.”
Eve stormed into the house, throwing her purse on the ground
and kicking her shoes off. She took a deep breath, steeling herself.
Marshmallow looked at her curiously, surprised to see her home early.
“Evan,” she called, “we need to talk!”
“You’re home early,” his voice called from one of the floor
vents, “everything okay?”
“Just get out here,” she said impatiently.
“Wow, I know I said your attempts to catch me were losing
steam, but ‘just get out here’ is a new low Eve.”
She rolled her eyes, “Evan, I’m giving up.”
There was a stunned silence, “Eve…” he said slowly, not sure
where to begin.
“No, I Eve O’Mara, officially surrender,” She said, throwing
her hands up in mock defeat, “Evan the Tiny has beaten me, I have no more fight
in me.”
“Eve do you have a fever or something?” Evan had suddenly
appeared next to her ankle, startling her a bit, in the moment she managed to
notice there was a small section of the baseboard with a hidden door he must
have used, and he had to be in a bit of shock too since he’d left it open and
exposed behind him. He put a hand to her ankle, frowning as he tried to check
for a temperature.
She sighed and stood her ground, “No, I’m fine Evan, in fact
I spent twenty minutes out in the car trying to decide what I wanted to say.”
She took a deep breath, “I don’t want to do our game anymore, I want to take
the loss… I want to just be with you, like we were a normal…” she swallowed,
“girlfriend and boyfriend.”
He blinked, “I uh…” he cleared his throat, “I refuse!”
“What!?” she exclaimed.
“I refuse your surrender!” he said, gesturing up at her,
“the game continues!”
“You can’t refuse my surrender,” she said, growing
irritated, “how would that even work? You can’t force me to chase you!”
He looked like he was about to say something, then stopped.
“Shit,” he muttered, “yeah… I think we’re at an impasse or
something here.”
“I don’t want to chip you, or register you as mine, or any
of that,” Eve said, “I just want…” She gulped, “I just want to…”
“What?” he asked, looking up at her, “Like, do you want to
wager the house, Vegas style or-“
“No!” she said, exasperated, “I want you, like I want to BE
with you Evan.” She sighed, “I want us to date for real, no more only being a
couple on holidays, or around Laurie and her family, I want to call you my
boyfriend every single day of the year.”
He was quiet a minute, and she heard the steady beat of her
heart as she waited for an answer. The tiny man looked up at her, his mouth a thin
line. Finally, the smallest smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.
“Okay then,” He said slowly, “I… I’ve got to admit, I’ve
felt the same way for a while now.” He laughed suddenly, “I’m going to really
rub it in Laurie’s face next time I see her, I won!” He jumped up in the air,
“in your face Eve! I am the baddest bad ass of all time, shrinking? Didn’t even
slow me down!”
“Okay tiger, calm down,” she said chuckling.
“No way,” he said, grinning broadly, “you came here to make
me your pet, and now you’re my girlfriend, and I got a good six months
of home maintenance and rent money out of you!” He puffed his chest out
proudly, “I’d say I’m a model for tiny guys everywhere!”
“Oh god, I knew you were going to be like this,” she
chuckled, rubbing her temples. “Okay king tiny, I took the rest of the
afternoon off, so how should we spend it?”
“Upstairs,” he said, a grin stretching across his face,
“That’s what I was thinking too!” she said with a smile. She
reached down for him, closing her fingers around him softly as she kicked off
her shoes and began walking up the stairs. “This is another reason I needed to…
well, give up,” she giggled, making her way down the hall, “I couldn’t keep
waiting until holidays for this!”
“Oh man, there were nights Eve,” he laughed as they entered
the bedroom, “there were nights when I had to talk myself out of letting you
catch me, I’d say to myself ‘come on Evan, you can get away from her after you
get off’ then I’d get all the way to one of my exits before my common sense
would kick in.”
“In fairness, you always did escape after you got off,” Eve
said demurely, laying back in the bed and laying him between her legs. She began
unbuttoning her shirt, “I really should have just sealed the deal and played
with you after… but…” She giggled as she started undoing her skirt, “well, you
were always too much to resist.”
She froze a moment, “hey,” she said slowly, “You never DID
let me catch you on purpose, did you?”
“Uh,” he chuckled nervously even as he started taking his
own clothes off. “One time,” he admitted.
“Which time?” Eve asked, amused. “Was it when I left that
bag of M&Ms out as bait?”
“No,” he admitted, red faced, “Uh, do you remember that time
I was in your nylon?”
Her eyes went wide, and she sat up looming over him with an
excited grin, “Oh god, I knew it!” she giggled, “I know a lot of stuff can be
overwhelming at that size, but there’s no way you ‘got lost’ in my nylons! They’re
one way in and out Evan!”
“I went inside them because you left them on the floor,” he
admitted, “I was horny and they smelled nice, I’m not proud of it, but I
decided it was better to let you think I was stupid rather than-“
“Naughty,” Eve said, fighting the urge to laugh. “Okay,
we’ll revisit that later… for now?” She walked her fingers down her stomach,
over her belly button, and then stopped at her patch of rich brown pubic hair,
twirling it slightly as she spread herself open.
Evan didn’t need to be told twice, the waiting pink entrance
invited him in, glistening and filling the air around him with the heavy rich
musk of her arousal. He let her other hand come around, helping him position
himself as the tight tunnel enveloped him, covering his body with the silky
fluids as he easily slipped inside.
Eve breathed out slowly, savoring the sensation as the tiny
man positioned himself inside her. This was always her favorite part, right at
the beginning when he was completely inside her. She began to finger herself
slowly, and as expected Evan began to fight against her contracting muscles.
She grinned, picking up speed.
Evan noticed every slight change in her pace, her powerful
walls squeezing against him as he did his best to move deeper. As always, the
slick and powerful womanhood easily overpowered him, the merest hint of her
ecstasy overwhelming his body and rendering him powerless. It was all he could
do to try to please her, even as the movements rubbed her against him sent
jolts up his own spine.
“Not yet!” she giggled, bringing her hand down and catching
his tiny feet as he was starting to slip out. She gently pushed him back in, filling
his nose and mouth with her taste as he was forced forward against the tight
wetness. She crossed her legs, hoping to keep him from slipping out again, and
she was rewarded with a powerful twitch as his body slid deeper into her.
Evan gasped, his hair stuck to his face, and every inch of
him was soaked as the pressure around him increased. He fought to move forward
again, even as the pillowy insides molded around him, preparing for Eve’s final
orgasm, a flood that would wash him and his seed away. He cried out in the
darkness of her pussy as he came, the earthquake of Eve’s orgasm followed him a
moment later.
In the cold of January the upper levels of the house
sometimes had trouble staying warm. It didn’t matter, Eve still had a slight
sheen of sweat on her forehead as she laid back against her pillow, content.
She gently twirled her finger around Evan’s head, toying with him as he lay,
soaked, between her breasts. She might have lost their game, but she felt like
a winner.
“I’m in the mood for pizza,” Evan said finally, “that’s what
you eat when you’ve won something.”
“I suppose it’s fair that the big winner picks dinner,” Eve
said with a grin. “Do you want to come with me to pick it up, or stay here?”
“With you,” he said, sitting up, “I mean…” he sniffed, the
smell of her pussy filling his nostrils still, “I might need to wash up first.”
“I could put you somewhere… out of sight,” she said with a
small smirk.
He thought a moment, then grinned, “sure, just rinse me off
in the sink before dinner, I guess. Where am I riding, panties or bra?”
She placed him on the nightstand as she walked to her piled
clothes. She picked up her discarded nylons thoughtfully, then walked back to
“I usually don’t like to wear these when I’m not at the
office,” she said in a sultry voice, “but… since you liked them enough to risk
your freedom for them, I think they’re a fair reward.”
“Uh, yeah,” Evan rasped excitedly, “okay!”
Her hand cradled behind him, ushering him towards the edge
of the table, and then finally pushing him over. He tumbled down into the
nylons, the slight scent of her sweat surrounding him as she slipped on the
rest of her clothing. She shook them a bit, grinning through the material at
him as he settled down into the toe. He looked up the long tunnel of the
legging to see the familiar sight of her toes, leading the rest of her foot
down towards him.
The office’s unpleasantness seemed to double for Eve, made
all the more potent by knowing that Evan was waiting at home for her now.
Charles had managed to get himself to another floor at least, Eve still saw him
at lunch sometimes, and she was happy that he’d managed to escape most of
Amber’s torments… most.
“Eve,” the redheaded woman said coolly, walking to the
entrance of the cubicle. Eve glared at her, fighting to remain pleasant as her
boss sipped a steaming cup of coffee.
“Can I help you with something?” Eve asked as politely as
she could, “I’m just finishing up for the day and-“
“Oh, don’t give me that!” Amber said with a grin, “I finally
caught up with that little rodent Charles, and we had ourselves a chat about
Her blood ran cold, “A-About me?” Eve asked.
“See, I heard you grabbed him when some friends of mine were
having a little fun,” Amber continued, “and I was… curious.” She stared into
her coffee cup a smug grin on her face, “I really can’t believe you-“
Eve wilted under Amber’s gaze, part of her desperately
wanted to tell the woman to fuck off, but she just stayed silent.
Amber raised an eyebrow, and continued, “bug boy told me you
stepped on his ass, then threatened to drop him in the toilet!” Amber laughed.
Eve’s mouth fell open in shock, “that’s so fucking sick, I love it!” She
stopped laughing after a few minutes, oblivious to Eve’s surprise, “Oh wow,”
she breathed, “I really was worried about you Eve. I’m making some budget cuts,
and I’ve got to admit, you were on the line.”
“Uh,” Eve gulped, “yeah well, I…” she didn’t know what to
say next, this was uncharted territory.
“I’ve really missed our little talks,” Amber said, finishing
her coffee, “hey, there’s a sort of corporate team building thing coming up
next month, I’m supposed to pick a few of my best people for it. What do you
“Sure!” Eve said without thinking. She almost clasped her
hands over her mouth, this wasn’t what she wanted at all, but she also didn’t
want to lose her job…
“Hell yeah!” Amber said, doing a fist pump, “welcome back to
the winner’s circle Eve! You’ll have to fill me in on the rat living in your
walls, I’m sure you’re going to get him any time now.”
“Oh uh, sure,” Eve said, giving a weak grin, “I’ll tell you
all about it…”
Amber winked, then left to continue her rounds. Eve clacked
away at her keyboard numbly. So, Charles had lied, covered for her in a way,
probably to spare her from bullying after she’d helped him… She was back in the
winner’s circle apparently, but did she want to be?
End Notes:
Well, Evan is our winner for now. Hard to believe we're here at the halfway point, what awaits our new couple in the new year?
“So, you two are official now?” Laurie asked, opening a can
of Marshmallow’s food.
“Yeah,” Evan said with a shrug, walking along the counter. “I’m
the winner.”
“Congratulations,” Laurie said sarcastically, lowering the
dish for the cat, who meowed happily. “I have to admit, she turned out to not
be as much of an evil bitch as I expected.”
“As much?” Evan asked, raising an eyebrow.
Laurie rolled her eyes, laying her palm for Evan to walk
onto, “I’ve made some peace with the fact that you want a woman who is a
little evil.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked as she lowered him
towards her purse.
Laurie looked down at him for a long moment, Here I am, she
thought, about to go help the only guy who I ever gave a shit about buy a
Valentine’s Day gift for another woman… She closed her eyes and forced a
“Nothing Evan,” Laurie said. “So, what store are we
“So I was over at the steakhouse with this guy, right?”
Amber laughed, “and there’s some fucking tiny dude at the table over from us.”
The redhead stirred her coffee, savoring the attention from the women around
her. “So I took a straw, curled up some of the paper wrapper and…” She giggled,
pausing for effect, “I shot a fucking spitball at him!”
“Oh my god!” Sandy laughed, “what did he do?”
“He fell over the side after I nailed him in the face,”
Amber continued as the girls around her roared with laughter, “his date or
girlfriend or whatever was scrambling on the floor looking for him, and they
didn’t see who did it!”
“What did your date say?” Diane asked eagerly.
“He thought it was hilarious,” Amber said dismissively, “he
loved it so much he’s taking me to his cabin next weekend.”
Because you’re easy, Eve thought bitterly. She smiled
in spite of her thoughts, stirring her own coffee and feigning amusement at
Amber’s anecdote. She was at the edge of the group in the break room, and while
she hated herself for it, she had found life at the office in Amber’s circle
far preferable to life outside it.
“So Eve,” Amber said, disturbing her thoughts, “What’s the
update on your tiny guy?”
“I’ve got him pretty well housebroken,” Eve lied, “the other
day I had a little fun with him…”
“Oh shit,” Diane laughed, “give us details girl!”
“I uh…” Eve stammered. She decided the best move was the
truth, or something close to it, “I put him in my underwear while I went to the
store, to show him his place!”
“Kinky,” Amber giggled, “front or back?”
“Uh, front,” Eve said quickly, and the women laughed around
her, Sandy slapped her back playfully.
“So, when are you getting that little shit chipped?” Amber
asked, leaning against the counter.
“Whenever,” Eve said with a smile that didn’t reach her
eyes, “I’m still sort of… easing him in to things. He’s mine now, that’s what
matters, right?”
“I guess,” Amber said, rolling her eyes, “Personally I’d
take him in for it first day, hell I might get my name tattooed on him!” She
waved her hand in the air dramatically, “Property of Amber! Or maybe Amber’s
Bitch Boy!”
The laughter went on a little longer, then Amber waved for
them to be quiet, “Okay gals, our team building retreat is at a mountain spa a
couple hours north of here, I think you’re really going to like it.”
“Anything interesting about it?” Diane asked, “skiing or
something maybe?”
“It’s got ski rental,” Amber said with a shrug, “but the
real special feature is… well it’s a surprise.”
Eve really didn’t like the look on her face when she said
that, but giggled along with the rest anyways.
Tell her you don’t want to go, her conscience said, tell
her you’re sick or something… But as much as she wanted to say something,
she couldn’t. She sighed as she walked back to her desk, cursing herself for
being a coward.
Eve walked inside the house, grinning as Marshmallow bounded
up to greet her. She gave a quizzical smile as she saw the cat had a pair of
red ribbons with heart patterns tied behind his ears. As the cat purred and
rubbed against her legs, she took quick photo of him with her phone.
“Are you sure you can’t talk to animals?” Eve called to
nowhere in particular.
“I keep telling you, no,” Evan laughed, appearing from
behind the easy chair, “Marshmallow listens to me because he’s the best cat
there is, I told him to let me put bows in his hair because I thought you’d
like it, and so here we are.”
“Seriously, you should train dogs or something,” Eve said,
watching the cat scratch at the bow irritably.
“That’s nothing,” Evan said, “I rode on a snake’s back once,”
he did a quick surfing pose, pretending to balance on nonexistent waves.
“Animals just love us tinies for some reason, all things considered it’s pretty
Her eyes went wide, “Evan, what the fuck?”
“Please, that’s not even the scariest thing I’ve ever done,”
Evan said, “one time, I wasn’t looking where I was going and stumbled into this
spider web-“
“No more,” Eve said weakly, “I think I’m gonna puke…”
“Spiders are pussycats,” he said, and Marshmallow meowed for
emphasis, “they’re really less scary at this size than-“
“Enough creepy crawlies!” Eve exclaimed, “It’s Valentine’s
Day! I want to do a romantic dinner!” She quickly pulled out her phone and
showed him a web advertisement she’d found, “Look, King Albert’s steakhouse, it
says here they have special dishes for guys your size, there’s even a tiny
“Well, all right,” he said with a shrug. “I’ve been excavating
a new tunnel system out back, so I need to get cleaned up first-“ He grunted as
she swept him off his feet, her warm fingers curling around him as she lifted
him to her face. She frowned slightly as she saw just how covered in dirt he
“Tunnel system?” She asked, “why do you need a tunnel system
if we’re done playing chase?”
He shrugged, “you never know,” he said noncommittally,
“besides, I can’t sit around here eating and sleeping all day like chubsy wubsy
over there,” he jerked a finger at Marshmallow, who was already heading back to
the kitchen for food.
“Hmm…,” Eve muttered, rotating him slightly and grimacing as
she saw the mud soaking through his clothes, “Hold still!”
“Hey!” he protested as she pulled his shirt off in one
smooth motion. Her hand turned, holding him upside down as her powerful fingers
easily stripped the pants off in spite of his kicking legs. He was righted
again, fully naked and gripped in Eve’s palm as she walked towards the kitchen,
the imperious *click* *clack* of her heels on the tile complimenting her
mischievous smile. He was already growing hard just from that, there was just
something spectacular about how easily she could take control when she wanted.
“Okay,” Eve mused, “does my tiny boyfriend want…” She looked
at the hand soaps by the sink, “Field of Roses?” she held him up to a red hand
soap dispenser, and he could already smell the floral scent coming off the
dried bits of it crusted around it.
“Uh, what else have you got?” he asked uncertainly.
She rolled her eyes, then reached under the sink, holding
him in place as she bent over and withdrew a caramelly brown looking hand soap
that seemed to catch the light. His eyes went wide as he read the label, and he
couldn’t help but grin, fighting down laughter.
“Dr. Lumberjack’s Manly Soap: Untamed Frontier Scent,” Eve
read, “Or as men secure in their masculinity call it, cedar. I got it after you
kept complaining about me scrubbing you down with girly soap.”
“I love it!” he said, “now if you’ll let me have the warm
tap water my life will be complete.”
“One time,” she said rolling her eyes, “I did the cold tap
ONE TIME!” she flipped it on, holding a finger under the stream until she was
satisfied the temperature was appropriate. “And for the record,” she said, shoving
him under the warm waterfall, “I thought it was adorable how it made you
snuggle up in that little towel.”
He tried to answer, but his head was thrust under the
faucet, the stream of warm water quickly silencing him. Eve hummed happily to
herself as she squirted a few drops of the cedar scented hand soap into her
Her slick and powerful fingers ran up his body, forcefully
driving the dirt and grime away as she scrubbed him. She giggled, taking extra
time to rub the suds into his hair, then down his back. He yelped as she
pinched his bottom, and she fought a laugh at his reaction as she continued
lathering the suds into him.
It wasn’t long before those powerful fingers found their way
between his legs, and she gave him a smug look as her enormous thumb traced
against the side of his erection.
“Hmm…” She playfully mused, “this part here seems like it
needs a little extra attention.”
She began rotating her thumb in a slow circular motion, and
as Evan gasped and spasmed backwards, she brought her forefinger around,
gripping his manhood and slowly picking up speed. The suds of the soap rose
higher around him, covering his body as her hand pressed into him, squeezing
along his slick skin as her other slowly and powerfully jerked him off.
He came in her hand, all of his cum quickly and easily being
scrubbed away as she brought him back under the warm rushing water again. He
gritted his teeth as the pleasure became overwhelming, and she mercilessly kept
going, causing his eyes to roll back in his head as she finished cleaning him.
The world almost seemed to blur as the mixed sensations of orgasm and the warm
water flowing over him flooded his mind.
He blinked, the world coming back into focus as Eve
delicately toweled him off with a small washcloth. She wrapped him up in it,
keeping him warm as she held him up to her nose, taking a big whiff of the
cedarwood scent she’d permeated his body with.
“There we go, nice and clean,” she said with a smile.
“Do I get to wash you?” He joked.
“Our reservations are in an hour,” Eve said with a smile,
“unless you’ve got a tiny fire hose or something, I don’t think you have time.
She bit her lip a moment, “I uh, have one other request.”
“What?” he asked, hugging the washcloth around him tightly.
“The tuxedo?” she asked weakly.
Eve hugged her coat around her, the bitter wind of February
nipping at her skin as she walked up to the restaurant. Evan was snuggled deep
in her purse, as tempting as the cleavage-carry had been, this was a more
upscale place, and Evan was wearing a tuxedo that, while adorable, didn’t
provide the best protection from the cold weather.
“Reservation for Eve O’Mara!” she said eagerly, pulling Evan
out of her purse.
“Wonderful,” the receptionist said, “I assume you’d like
shrinkee accommodations?”
“Yes please,” Eve said. The receptionist smiled, and led
them to a circular booth style table. The rest of the restaurant had a
shockingly high number of mixed-size couples as well, and as she placed Evan
down on their table, he was amused to see an even smaller table and chair had
been set up on it, complete with a tiny candle. It was still half as tall as he
was, but the gesture was nice.
“Hey,” look over there,” Evan said quietly, pointing to
another booth across from them. “Is that a tiny woman?”
“Don’t stare, that’s rude!” Eve hissed, but she spared a
glance herself. A full-sized man was pushing a small thimble sized drink of
something over to a giggling blonde woman Evan’s size, who picked it up with
both hands to take a drink. “I’ve never even seen a tiny woman before,” she said
after a moment “we’re a lot more resilient to the virus than you guys are…”
“Yeah,” Evan mused, looking at the thimble sized cup next to
his own table. With a grunt he heft it up, drinking the ice water from it as
best he could. “I think it’s like two percent of us can get it, and only like
one in a thousand for you?” He froze a moment, “Eve!” he said quickly, “you’re
tested right-“
“Last doctor’s appointment, I requested it specifically
because I was trying to catch you at the time,” she said, stifling a laugh, “I
had greasy skin all through high school, but I won the genetic lottery on that
one at least, I’m totally immune to shrinking.” She gave him a wry grin, “even
women who can get it can’t get the airborne one, so women who know they
might shrink just avoid prolonged contact with tiny guys.” She shrugged, “I
didn’t even think women could get it for a long time, I don’t think most
women even think about it.”
“Lucky them,” Evan muttered, “you get that positive result,
then you say ‘this time next year I’ll be tiny’ then it’s next month, then next
week…” He chuckled and shook his head, “the last few days are the worst, you’re
itchy as hell, and you get all feverish and a little crazy.” He smirked,
“Laurie took care of me for my last few hours being big, she told me I was
ranting about my plans for a new type of car that would run on manure.”
“Sounds cool,” Eve teased, “ever build it?”
He laughed, “no, once I woke up in Laurie’s hand the whole
idea seemed a little silly.”
“Oh, come on,” she said reassuringly, “it’s not all bad,
your immune system and everything is supercharged now, right?”
“I’ll never get sick again, or so they say,” he said with a
shrug as he lifted his tiny menu, “also it’s nice to have shredded abs and
never have to do any crunches, like I was always in good shape but I never had
a six pack at full size.”
“Are you ready to order?” a waitress asked, walking over to
“Uh, I think there’s some kind of mistake,” Evan said,
looking up at her, “this menu seems to have full sized prices on it?”
“Oh yes,” The waitress beamed, “the owner was actually a
chef before he shrank, and he and his wife decided that this restaurant would
be all about equality, so the menus are identical.”
“An interesting take on equality,” Evan muttered.
“Evan just relax and
enjoy yourself,” Eve said, “you’re paying for the experience, not the portion.”
“Maybe I’ll just eat off your plate-“ he started.
“Absolutely not!” she laughed, scooting it away from the
tiny man.
The two returned to a darkened house after dinner,
Marshmallow briefly looked at them as they came in, then scampered off to sleep
somewhere else. Eve walked into the living room, setting him down on the easy
chair as she winked at him, kicking her shoes off. She’d worn nylons beneath a
dark red dress to dinner, and she sauntered her hips, knowing he was watching
as she walked to the kitchen to get him his present.
She returned a moment later with a small box and a heart
shaped box of chocolates. She set them down on the ground next to him, and
hefted another box curiously.
“I don’t remember buying this one,” she said with a sly
“That one’s for you,” he said, walking around his own gift
curiously. His eyes lit up, and he laughed, “a chocolate fountain?”
“I’m going to dip you in it later,” she promised, opening
her own gift. Her eyes went wide as she saw a gold locket with a heart shaped
design. She clicked it open, revealing a small photo from Christmas of her
holding him and Marshmallow.
“Well?” He asked, grinning up at her eagerly, “what do you
“I love it,” she breathed, “no one’s ever gotten me anything
like this before…” She blinked a tear out of her eye, then leaned down to pick
him up. She brought the tuxedo clad tiny up to her face, giving him a kiss that
smothered his entire head, staining him with her red lipstick.
Eve twirled her locket casually in her fingers as she drove
her car to the team building exercise location. She wondered if she should hide
it, but decided against it. It’s not like Amber would know it had a picture of
her and a tiny man in a decidedly equal looking relationship in it, she’d just
make up something about a new boyfriend if someone asked.
The resort was a massive building with an exterior façade
meant to make it look like an enormous log cabin, and the ski hills loomed
behind it. She pulled into a parking space and got out, her bag trailing behind
her as she looked up at the extravagant accommodations. She wasn’t thrilled
about spending the weekend here pretending to be Amber’s friend, but… maybe it
wouldn’t be so bad? The resort looked nice at least.
“Eve!” Amber shouted, noticing her from the check in. Eve
put on her best smile, and went to greet the other woman as they were assigned
“Okay,” Amber said with a sigh as they reached the last
powerpoint, “I think that’s the last of the stuff corporate wants us to get
“It says here on the handout there’s one about tiny-employee
relations?” Sandy asked, looking up.
Amber rolled her eyes, “It’s just a bunch of bullshit about
how this is a tiny-friendly company and we’re supposed to treat them like our
equals or whatever.” The other girls laughed, and Eve gave a forced chuckle.
Amber’s face suddenly lit up in a wicked grin, “Tell you what, in order to
properly appreciate how we should treat tinies… let’s go to the next part of
our retreat, everyone meet up at the spa in about a half hour.”
Eve frowned, not sure what to make of that, but she followed
the tide of giggling office ladies out the conference room door anyway.
“Oh my god they’re so cute!” Diane squealed, seeing the
spa’s tiny workforce. The resort had engaged a large number of tiny men, who
were all busy working in teams, pampering the feet of the guests. Pedicures
seemed to be the most popular option, with one tiny man working on sanding
calluses, while another pair painted toenails.
“Corporate party for seven,” Amber said, sliding the
company’s expense card to a bored looking full sized attendant.
“If you could all just sign the waiver,” the attendant said,
passing them around. The other girls eagerly signed their names, but Eve
“Uh, why does a spa need a waiver?” Eve asked.
“It’s probably just tiny protection stuff,” Amber said
Eve quickly scanned the document, “participant states by
signing that they have had appropriate medical counseling prior to exposure to
“Eve,” Amber snapped, “stop wasting time reading that.” Eve
shrugged and quickly scrawled her name, handing the form to the attendant.
The attendant smiled as the card cleared, “right this way,
please stay on the designated path to avoid stepping on any of the workers, and
once in your chairs, please remain seated until asked to rise.” As the women
were assigned spa chairs one by one crews of tiny men, wearing small versions
of the hotel’s uniform, appeared, hefting large bottles of nail polish, scented
lotion, and other supplies.
Amber frowned as the last of the chairs was filled, leaving
just her and Eve, “hey,” she called, “what gives, I thought you could
accommodate my whole party?”
“My mistake,” the attendant said demurely, “please follow me
to our VIP area, there aren’t any other appointments scheduled there right now,
so we’ll place you there for overflow.”
“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Amber laughed, “come on
“Uh, okay!” she said, letting the redhead lead her. She
spared a glance at the tiny workers, some of them didn’t seem all that upset to
be here, others had worn down look to them, refusing to look up and meet her
passing gaze.
Amber and Eve were brought to a small circular room with
stone walls and a pool of water around the edge. A low ambient lighting gave
the room a more relaxed feel, and Amber sighed happily as she sat down and
kicked off her shoes and socks, a moment later Eve followed suit.
The two women watched as a line six shrinkees appeared from
a small doorway in the wall, three each separating off for them. Eve felt
slightly guilty as the tinies propped her feet up on spongy blocks and began
their work.
“I’d like red,” Amber said imperiously, “and paint a nice
little design down there in gold.”
“Yes Ma’am,” the tiny man with the nail polish bottle said.
“Look at them go,” Amber laughed, “I change my mind,
shrinkees should totally get jobs! This should be what every salon in the world
is like, tiny guys earning a living in their proper place…” If the tiny men
noticed the slight, they didn’t give any sign, continuing their work in silence
and refusing to look up at the two women.
“What color would you like Miss?” one of them asked,
startling Eve out of her thoughts.
“I uh, pink?” She said, “with… a yellow design?”
“I’ll do my best,” he said with a small smile. She felt the
delicate motions as the brush was applied to her big toe, and then she leaned
back and sighed as another tiny man began applying a tingling lotion.
“I made sure to wear the same socks a few days in a row to
get ready for this,” Amber teased, “does it smell nice tiny?”
“Wonderful ma’am,” the tiny man painting her toenails said,
though from the grimace on his face he didn’t think so.
“This is probably like heaven for these guys,” Amber said,
smiling at Eve, “do you ever make your tiny guy do stuff like this?”
“Yeah,” Eve said, forcing a smile. That was sort of true,
Evan certainly spent a lot of time around her feet, though he’d never painted
her toes…
Something to bring up, she decided, turning back to
“So Eve,” Amber said, leaning back and closing her eyes,
“since we’re here alone, I wanted to let you in on something.”
“Oh?” she asked.
“Our CEO, Deandra Clarkson, is coming to tour our branch in
April,” Amber said with a grin, “I haven’t been in charge long, but some
friends of mine near the top say it’s time for me to move all the way to
corporate HQ, can you believe that?” She shrugged, “I’d need someone to take
over for me if I moved up the ladder though, and let’s be real, Sandy, Diane,
and the rest aren’t up to it.”
Eve started, almost knocking over one of the tiny workers at
her feet, “I er-“ she cleared her throat, “You’d recommend me?”
“Bingo,” Amber laughed.
If Amber left for corporate, and I was in charge… She
fought a swelling of hope in her chest, it was everything she wanted! More
money, a better job, and Amber gone!
“Wow,” she said with a smile, “I uh, I don’t know what to
“I like you Eve,” Amber said with a smile, “you’re always
someone a girl like me can count on, the wing woman that makes it all
The wing girl that makes it all possible, she thought
with a sour feeling in her stomach, whatever, soon you’ll be gone and I can
do what I want… She thought of Charles and smiled, he’d definitely be
moving back up to the main floor, and god help any of those harpies that harassed
“Someone’s in a good mood,” Amber chuckled, “but enough
business.” She took out her phone, eagerly recording the tiny men working on
her feet, “I fucking love watching these guys work, when are you going to bring
your tiny guy in to meet us?”
“Oh any time now,” Eve lied, yeah right like I’d
ever let YOU near Evan, “I’m just working on building up his trust a
little more.”
“That’s a weird way to go about it,” Amber said, “but if
he’s really as smart as you say, I guess you’ve got to do what you’ve got to
“Tiny guys just need some… guidance,” Eve said, thinking
quickly, “he doesn’t even realize how much he’s already mine, seriously!”
“Sounds like you’re pretty attached,” Amber commented,
giggling as the tiny artist began painting her next toe, “don’t go soft on me
again Eve!”
She gulped, “He’s just a tiny Amber! He’s feisty but it’s
going to end with him as my slave, I’m just letting him walk into it instead of
chasing him!” Even as she said it she cursed herself for being so weak. If
Amber gets promoted again… WHEN Amber gets promoted again, then this will all
just be a bad dream, she promised herself.
“Hey, whatever works!” Amber laughed, stopping the recording
on her phone as the tiny men finished her pedicure.
“All done miss,” one of the tiny men said, bowing
“Hmm…” Amber peered down and gripped his head with her toes,
surprising him and causing his eyes to bulge. “I don’t like floral patterns,”
she said with a cruel giggle, “No tip I’m afraid-“
“M-Miss, we make almost all of our earnings on tips-“ one of
the tiny men said feebly.
Amber glared down at him coldly, shut up! shut up! shut
up! Eve thought in panic.
Eve released the first tiny man, standing up and walking
barefoot towards the second, “I don’t know,” she mused, “let’s see how nice and
silky smooth my feet feel.” He shouted in shock as Amber lowered her foot on
him, and the familiar *crunch* of a tiny man being crushed echoed throughout
the small room. The other five tinies looked on in shock. Amber lifted her foot
again, flexing it playfully as the crumpled form of the shrinkee struggled back
to his knees.
“Uh, Amber,” Eve said, “maybe you shouldn’t do that-“ Amber
looked at her with a frown, “They’re hotel employees!” she said, thinking
quickly, “you don’t want to get kicked out-“
“Eve, tinies get stepped on all the time,” she said, rolling
her eyes, “they bounce right back, watch.” The tiny men scattered as her foot
came down again, pinning another member of the salon crew under it. With a
sadistic grin Eve pressed down, producing another loud crunching noise. After a
moment of grinding her bare foot against the floor, she stepped back, letting
the coughing tiny man recover as his body’s rapid regeneration took effect.
“See? Just fine.”
“It uh, still hurts quite a lot miss,” another tiny shouted.
Eve’s heart sunk as Amber looked over him with a smile, “Oh?
Did you not adequately moisturize my feet? My skin should be so soft that stepping
on you should be like a gentle massage…” She playfully tapped her finger to her
chin, “why don’t you come over here and check.”
The man hesitantly walked forward, putting a palm on the
foot he’d just finished pampering, “Feels nice,” he said with a forced smile,
“very soft!”
“Hm… I don’t know,” Amber said, “maybe, give it a kiss? Just
to check.” He looked up at her pleadingly. “You boys want your tip, don’t you?”
With one final sigh the man leaned forward, planting a short kiss on the side
of Amber’s foot. “Good boy,” she said with a giggle, “I’ll be sure to give you
every penny you’re worth!”
With that she started slipping on her shoes again, and Eve
did the same. She confidently strode out of the small room, and as she put her
own shoes back on, Eve followed her. She gave the tiny men one last apologetic
look, but they were just helping up the man Amber had stepped on, and picking
up their supplies.
Don’t get in front of the sharks, she reminded
herself, swim behind them, this one’s about to swim away…
When the receptionist produced their receipts, Eve watched
as Amber put a one cent tip down, “Don’t’ spend it all in one place boys,” she
giggled, handing it back to the receptionist, who gave her an angry glare. The
other girls saw her, giggled, and also put insultingly low tips. Eve glanced at
them as they walked away, then quickly scrawled an outrageously large amount on
her own, sighing as she handed it to the receptionist.
“I’m sorry about them,” she murmured quietly.
“It’s not me who deserves an apology,” the receptionist said
curtly, refusing to look Eve in the eye.
Eve felt like shit as she hurried down the hallway to meet
the others. Suddenly there was nothing she wanted more than to be back home
with Evan, and she touched the locket unconsciously, even as the women gossiped
and laughed.
End Notes:
February made me shiver, with every paper I'd deliver, bad news on the doorstep, I couldn't take one more step
Thanks for all the reads and reviews, this is on track to become my most popular story so far it looks like!
Evan walked through the still brown grass of the front hard,
his bow slung over his back. Spring was taking it’s time getting here, but it
was warm enough that he could move around outside with a thick coat on. He
glanced up at the first buds forming on the trees, and smiled. He’d hoped to
shoot his bow at a few early bugs, but it didn’t look like many were out yet.
He trudged back towards the front porch, enjoying the brisk
early spring air. A crunch of tires against the dirt road leading up to the
property gave him pause, and he turned to see Laurie’s truck rolling up. He
waved as the blonde got out, a box of clinking bottles under her arm.
“Did someone order a Saint Patrick’s Day party to go?”
Laurie grinned.
“Hell yeah!” he shouted as she walked up to him, leaning
over so he could hop into her palm.
“You sure you feel okay hosting a party?” Laurie asked,
carrying him in through the front door. “I mean, coming to mine is one thing,
“I’m ready!” he insisted, “Look, it’s just going to be you, some
of your family, and Eve, it’s not like I’m letting strangers in.” He grinned,
“besides, I feel way more secure out here at my uncle’s house.”
“Yeah…” Laurie muttered, looking up at the high ceilings,
“about that, I know you have some crazy traps and stuff you built for
tiny-hunters, but could you maybe…” She shifted slightly, “I don’t know… disarm
the lethal ones at least? For the party anyway.”
“I don’t leave dangerous booby traps armed,” Evan said, “I
have an extremely stupid cat you understand. Nothing I have has any chance of
going off accidentally either,” He grinned, “I did learn from some of the
“The army?” she asked uncertainly.
He shrugged, “people I met on my tour, sure.”
“The army?” Laurie repeated, uncomfortably.
“Overstepping,” Evan said calmly.
“What about your uncle?” She asked, “did he maybe have any
old mobster hidey holes around here full of guns, gold, and dead bodies?”
“You’ve been asking that for a decade now and the answer is
still no!”
Eve pulled her car into the driveway, frowning at the line
of other vehicles on the lot. Being tiny, Evan didn’t really have a lot of
visitors, other than Laurie of course. A pair of blonde men were on the porch,
smoking cigarettes, beers in hand. They waved at her, and she waved back, recognizing
them as a pair of Laurie’s cousins who’s names she couldn’t quite place. She
got out of the car and walked up to the door, hearing the loud sound of Celtic
rock music echoing from inside.
“EVE!” a dozen voices shouted as she walked in.
“Uh, hi!” she said awkwardly. “What’s all this?”
“Saint Patrick’s Day!” Laurie shouted, appearing with a
whisky bottle in hand, “here you go!” she held out a cocktail glass and quickly
poured Eve a shot.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Eve muttered, “I’m not much of a fan of
hard liquor…”
“You’re the only one here who’s actually Irish,” Laurie
explained, “kind of, O’Mara is Irish right?”
“I think so,” Eve muttered.
“Look, if you take the shot, I’ll go get Evan for you, we
put him in a leprechaun outfit,” Laurie said with a wink.
Eve’s eyes lit up with excitement, and she grabbed the glass
and downed it instantly. Fire lit up her throat, and she fought a cough as she
swallowed. The warmth traced down to her stomach, and a moment later she was
fanning her mouth as though she’d just eaten something spicy.
“Okay,” Eve said, the alcohol starting to hit her, “where’s my
lucky charm?”
Laurie giggled, stepping away, and with her several of her
family members, letting Eve see Evan, leaning against a small shot glass that
was full of pennies. He was dressed in a bright green outfit leprechaun suit,
complete with a top hat and a wig full of fake red hair.
“Eve!” he shouted, walking up to her. “People keep asking
for tips on how to catch me and get my pot of gold, I told them to ask you!”
“I didn’t catch you though,” she laughed, reaching down to
pick him up. “Where did you get that costume?”
“Leprechaun outfits for tinies are all over the big chain
stores,” Laurie said, swaying slightly as she joined them, “it’s offensive to
tinies, the Irish, and the University of Notre Dame, but I just had to
buy one!”
“I love it!” Eve giggled, taking her phone out to snap a
quick picture.
Evan just rolled his eyes, “It’s a little scratchy,” he
said, “but I do like the little boots, not a lot of boots made for guys my
The party went on all evening, with groups being led out a
few at a time by the designated drivers. As the crowd thinned it was soon down
to just Laurie, Eve, and Evan, looking around at the mess that would need to be
cleaned up the next day.
“Guys, I’m still feeling a little tipsy,” Laurie muttered,
“mind if I crash? I’ll help pick up tomorrow.”
“Go for it,” Evan said, waiving her towards the stairs. “This
place is huge, just pick one of the bedrooms.”
With the crowd gone Marshmallow appeared, having spent most
of the day hiding from the raucous noise. The cat glanced around, seemingly
disapproving of the cups left on tables, and the peanut shells and green
confetti littering the floor. With the feline equivalent of a shrug, he leapt
onto an easy chair that was mostly clean, and curled up to sleep.
“So,” Eve said with a grin as she picked Evan off the
counter, “about that pot of gold…”
“You can have all the change in the couch,” Evan laughed,
“I’ve only ever spent money on a card since shrinking anyway, hard to carry
bills and coins, you know?”
Eve giggled as she walked up the stairs with him, “since he
doesn’t have a pot of gold, my little leprechaun will have to trade something
else for his freedom…”
She carried him into the bedroom, and with a playful
flourish tossed him through the air to the bed. He flailed, bouncing on the
soft comforter slightly as Eve started pulling her shirt off. As Evan began
taking off the leprechaun costume Eve plucked it up, tossing it over to the
miniature condo unit she’d gotten him for Christmas. It sat on her dresser now,
although Evan mostly used it for storage and occasionally to use the fully functioning
tiny sized bathroom. These days he almost always slept with her in the bed, her
warm fingers curled around him.
It didn’t take long before they were both naked, and Evan
lay back against the blanket looking up at the colossus sized woman looming
over him. She giggled as her finger extended, playing with his manhood and
pressing him slightly into the mattress as she considered what to do with him.
“Evan,” she whispered in a low voice, “do you want to try
something new?”
“Uhh…” he gulped. Evan liked to think of himself as a brave
guy, and shrinkees were resilient enough that they could survive and quickly
recover from some truly insane injuries, hell Evan had come to terms with the
fact that he kind of liked being crushed under Eve’s feet… but at four inches
tall? With a giant woman leering at you? You didn’t just immediately say yes to
a question like that. “What did you have in mind?”
“Anal!” Eve said, her eyes flashing.
“Whoa,” he murmured, the implication hitting him, “I umm… it
sounds a little-“
“What’s the problem?” Eve teased, “guys are always asking
their girlfriends to try it-“
“I-It’s not the same and you know it!” he stammered.
“Chicken,” Eve said with a giggle. She saw his face and
softened a bit, “another time maybe… Don’t worry, I have another fun idea,” she
winked at him and stood up. He watched her walk towards the bathroom curiously,
and he raised an eyebrow as she returned with a cue tip, a small bottle, and a
roll of scotch tape.
“What’s all that for?” he asked.
“There’s this sort of funny theory going around,” Eve said
with a mischievous grin, “that…” she bit her lip, stifling a laugh, “emissions,
from tiny guys have healing properties, extend your lifespan, remove wrinkles,
all that good stuff.” She leaned down, the plastic ripping sound filling the
air as she pulled pieces of tape off the roll. Despite his apprehension Evan
didn’t run or fight it when she taped each of his limbs to the bed, the sticky
bonds holding him in a spread-eagle position. He tested it slightly, while he was
pretty sure he could get out with some effort, for now he was held in place.
“Okay, well you can have as many of my ‘emissions’ as you
want Eve, just ask,” he joked.
“Not everyone is so lucky to have their own dispenser in
their home!” Eve said, squirting the lube over the cue tip. She swirled it in
her fingers, moistening them and coating the cue-tip in the slimy material. She
leaned down, giggling at him as her massive face filled his field of vision.
“Obviously a certain… harvesting technique needed to be developed.”
“What kind of-“ he began, but he was cut off as the cue tip
began brushing around his erection. The soaked cotton tip felt amazing, and he
felt his head lolling back as Eve casually teased him with it.
“You know when I was younger, I wanted to be a scientist,”
she mused, “subject appears to enjoy stimulation, experiment in tiny man
milking procedure number one appears to be going well.”
“Number one?” he asked, grinning a little.
“Test subjects don’t talk,” Eve said with a wink, “hold still…”
The cue tip picked up it’s pace, and he grunted as the silky
wet material continued to stroke up and down along his manhood, accentuated by
the playful giggles of the giant woman overhead. She slowed down, and he looked
at her pleadingly.
“Eve!” he begged.
She put a finger over her lips, smirking at his reaction, “No
talking! Subject is uncooperative, decreasing speed.”
He looked at her, just barely stopping himself from saying
something. She gave him a smug smile, then picked up speed again. He felt
shivers going through his body, and he strained against his scotch-tape bonds.
He desperately wanted to reach down and finish himself, and Eve could see it in
his eyes as he writhed. She twirled the cue tip, rotating it around him and
continuing to hold him at the very edge of orgasm.
“Would you like to finish?” She asked, leaning in so close
he could feel her warm breath.
“Y-“ he caught himself, she was trying to get him to slip up
and break her “rule.” He smiled as pleasantly as he could, then nodded eagerly.
“Good boy,” she chuckled.
The cue tip assaulted him one final time, circling his
erection even as it slipped up and down, rising up to tease his head while Eve
covered her mouth in mock surprise. The brunette licked her lips as the first
of his cum came out, and her massive fingers darted out, stroking him eagerly
as he screamed in pleasure. Each spurt was collected on the cue tip, soaking in
with the existing lube and cotton.
“Come on,” she muttered, “get it all out, excellent work
test subject!”
“Fuck yeah,” he muttered, collapsing in a heap.
“Test subjects don’t-“
“Experiment’s over,” he replied.
Eve rolled her eyes, then lifted the cue tip to her mouth
and stuck it in. She sucked on it for a second, making sure that anything of
his that was on it disappeared into her dark throat. She smacked her lips
playfully as she pulled the cue tip out, and with a flourish she flicked it into
a small trash can next to her night stand.
“I feel younger and more beautiful already!” she said with a
“So, people really want shrinkee jizz?” Evan asked as Eve
leaned down to rip the tape off him.
“Yeah,” Eve said with a chuckle, “I don’t know if it
actually does anything, but some tiny guys sell it to cosmetic companies I
Evan frowned, “how much do they pay?”
Eve shrugged, “probably not a lot? And they don’t use a cue
tip anymore, they strap you guys in to these harnesses and slip these little
hose things over your parts.” She bit her lip and gripped the blankets a
moment, “I could uh… probably find one for sale online if you wanted to-“
“I don’t know about that,” Evan laughed. He paused, “you
sure seem to know a lot about this harvesting procedure…”
“Just curious!” Eve said quickly, “I mean… it’s kind of fun
to play scientist with me, right?”
“You missed your calling,” he said with a grin, “but for the
next round I want to be a guy that explores caves, a geologist!”
“I think they’re called spelunkers,” Eve corrected with a
laugh, “now come here!”
“So, our numbers aren’t great this quarter,” Amber said from
the front of the conference room, “but we’re doing better.” She grinned at the
assembled team, “Does anyone have any questions?”
Eve remained silent. Truthfully, she was a little bored, she
was sure most of her coworkers were as well. These meetings were mostly about
Amber’s ego, and the worst part of it was that she actually had something to be
proud of, she’d turned around the branch’s finances and had actually proven an
effective manager for most of the employees.
Amber’s surprising ability in the leadership role was a
double-edged sword. On the one hand, it made it that much likelier that she
really would get promoted off into corporate next month when the CEO visited.
On the other… well, there was no chance of HR intervening on Charles behalf. He
was sitting on top of a pink tissue box now, his tiny sized chair having been
“misplaced.” Amber had offered him the tissues in a condescending manner in
front of everyone, a little reminder of his stature. She seemed to be sneezing
a lot, and she always made a show of reaching for the box, knocking Charles
over, at one point she’d “accidentally” tossed a balled tissue his way,
giggling when he’d scurried quickly to dodge it.
“Sorry Charles, spring allergies I think.” She sneezed again
for emphasis, sniffing slightly, “Okay, I think we can wrap things up then,”
Amber said with a smile, “we can probably expect a performance bonus this
year…” her gaze lingered on Charles, a glint in her eye, “those of us that made
a sizeable effort anyway…”
From the look on Charles face, he knew the implication, and
he sighed and looked down at his feet. For the millionth time since Amber had
welcomed her back in, Eve wanted to say something. Amber had looped her into
more and more management activity since they’d returned from the retreat the
previous month. She’d seen Charles’ file, he was doing the work of three people
and had top marks from all of their clients, to cut him off from a bonus was
borderline criminal.
She knew all that, and she said nothing, laughing as Amber
made a joke about hating Mondays.
Evan was walking through his wall tunnels, inspecting them.
He didn’t use them much these days, there didn’t seem to be a point with Eve no
longer trying to become his guardian against his will. Still, he liked to be
prepared, and he had little else to do during the days besides watch TV or surf
the internet.
He frowned as he noticed a Christmas light burned out,
“cheap pieces of shit,” he muttered. The long string lights had seemed the most
obvious choice for his interior lighting, they were cheap, lengthy, and not
much of a fire hazard. They were still Christmas lights though, and many of
them had stopped working for seemingly no reason at all.
At full size they were cheap and disposable enough that he
had always just thrown them away and bought new ones. At tiny size? Replacing a
string of those lights would be at least a day of work, and there were burned
out bulbs in almost all parts of his network. It was time to finally figure out
how to change a Christmas light, he decided.
When he’d been diagnosed with the shrinking virus, he’d had
months before getting tiny, and he’d used that time to make a lot of what he’d
need when he was small. He thought back to that doctor’s appointment
sourly, he’d have never gone in for the mild cold symptoms normally, but with
the virus going around he’d wanted to be cautious… He pushed the memory out of
his head, turning back to the matter at hand.
His original “bedroom” was in a hollowed-out part of house’s
front wall which he’d constructed by tearing down the drywall and equipping it
with power, running water, and a few hidden viewports to the street outside.
After placing his phone and some furniture for himself inside, he’d sealed it
up again, painting the new drywall until only the most well-trained eye would
be able to tell there was anything unusual about that patch of the room.
He climbed up into his old living space, walking over to his
bank of phones. Three of them were just used as mechanisms to control various
features of the house, mostly things like the smart thermostat, the internet
router, and a few less mundane things he hoped to never use. At the far end was
a smartphone as large as he was that served as his personal device and which he
used to surf the internet. He quickly pulled up a youtube tutorial on changing
Christmas lights, and after a few minutes he decided it seemed simple enough.
He pulled up his texts, “can u find me Christmas lights at
the store?” he texted Eve, “any kind of holiday lights should work need 2
change bulbs”
“So this guy I’ve been seeing,” Amber said, “turns out he
actually moonlights as a Tiny-Hunter,” she laughed to the girls around her.
They were talking about their love lives, Sandy and Diane were talking about
how hard it was to find good guys around their area, and Amber was discussing
the man she’d been seeing, evidently the same one as the previous month. “I
guess there aren’t enough tinies around unclaimed anymore to do it full time,”
Amber said, sipping her coffee, “so he just works at a warehouse mostly.” She
sneezed again, wrinkling her nose slightly and sniffing, “sorry, anyways-“
Eve’s phone beeped, and she picked it up, checking the text.
She frowned, not sure where he expected her to find Christmas lights this time
of year, but she sent back a promise to check on her way home.
“Ooh,” Amber said, peering over her shoulder, “and who is
Miss O’Mara texting?” Eve practically squealed with terror, hugging her phone
to her chest.
“It’s got to be a guy!” Sandy giggled, “come on Eve, spill!”
Diane’s hand darted over her other shoulder, and before she
could protest her phone was slipped out of her hand. Diane frowned, looking at
the conversation about Christmas lights.
“Who’s Evan?”
“I know who Evan is,” Amber giggled, “you let him have a
phone?” She reached over and took Eve’s phone from Diane. Amber quickly read
the conversation, “Christmas lights?”
“He uh, gets scared at night,” Eve lied, “he’s just a poor
tiny little guy, so I gave him some so he wouldn’t be scared!”
“You’re being too nice with him,” Amber muttered. She
quickly hovered her thumb over Evan’s contact information, forwarding it to her
own device. With a shrug she handed the phone back to a nearly hyperventilating
“Hey, tiny bitch,” a text appeared on Evan’s phone.
Even frowned, the message came from an unknown number. He
had been looking up videos on a few other topics when it had come in. He
reached up, using his whole hand to bring up the phone’s touch screen keyboard.
“Excuse me?” he tapped back.
“I work with your owner tiny, I just wanted to introduce
myself, I’m Amber.”
A picture of a redhead giving him a smug grin and flipping
the bird came with it.
He frowned, confused, “You know Eve?” he typed back.
“Yes, I know all about you, I’ve been talking to Eve about
having you brought in sometime for us girls to play with.”
Evan read and felt his confusion deepen; Eve didn’t talk
about work much… Was this some coworker? Why would Eve give out his contact
info? Whoever Amber was, he didn’t care for her.
“You seem confused, don’t contact me again,” he typed. He
reached up to block the number, but another message made him pause. It was a
video attachment…
“Learn to do this shrinkee, this is what you’re going to be doing
for me when Eve starts loaning you out.”
He clicked “play,” starting a short video of a series of
tiny men providing pedicure services to a woman’s feet. He rolled his eyes,
preparing to close it out, when he heard a conversation on the audio, the first
voice he didn’t recognize, the second…
“When are you going to bring your tiny guy in to meet us?” a
woman’s voice asked.
“Oh, any time now,” Eve’s voice responded, “I’m just working
on building up his trust a little more.”
Evan suddenly felt hollow, and he wanted nothing more than
to close that video, but his hands shook too much to do so.
“That’s a weird way to go about it,” Amber said, “but if
he’s really as smart as you say, I guess you’ve got to do what you’ve got to
“Tiny guys just need some… guidance,” Eve said, “he doesn’t
even realize how much he’s already mine, seriously!”
Evan’s mouth was dry as he looked for the date on the video,
and it was like another blow as he saw it had come at the end of February, just
a few weeks ago…
“Sounds like you’re pretty attached,” Amber said, “don’t go
soft on me again Eve!”
“Soft?” he mouthed numbly.
“He’s just a tiny Amber! He’s feisty but it’s going to end
with him as my slave, I’m just letting him walk into it instead of chasing
Just a tiny
He felt sadness and fury battle within him, a swirling
vortex of emotions that he felt would tear him apart even as he sat there,
outwardly calm on his old bed.
“Just a tiny?” he repeated again, blinking a tear out of his
eye. Maybe that’s all you’ll ever be to these people, he thought with a
sigh. Maybe it’s time to stop this pretending and accept it.
No, he blinked tears out of his eyes, feeling sadness
give way to rage, no, I’m a man, always was, always will be.
He stood up; his hands clenched in fists of rage that almost
turned his knuckles white. At any size he was still a man, still human. He had
work to do before Eve got home.
Eve turned the key to the house, humming to herself as she
entered, “Evan?” she called, “what do you want for dinner?” Silence. That was
odd. She brushed it off, he was probably just in his tunnels somewhere. She
hung up her coat, kicking off her shoes as she entered the house.
“Mrow?” she turned to see Marshmallow, peering out of his
carrying kennel curiously.
“Hey buddy,” she said with a smile, “did Evan tell you to go
in there? Is it time for another vet visit already?”
She looked around again, half expecting Evan to appear,
telling her what was wrong with the cat and what she needed to ask about when
she got to the vet’s office. Still nothing. She frowned, was he out with Laurie
She shrugged; she’d text the other woman in a minute. She
walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling a large pitcher of iced
tea out. She poured herself a glass, replacing the pitcher and walking into the
living room as she sipped it.
She took a long drink as she sat down, the frowned.
Something was a bit off about it. She blinked, realizing the walls were growing
blurry, the ceiling looking farther and farther away… She looked down in shock
as her hand went limp, her glass of tea clattering to the floor as her vision
left her and the world went white.
Eve groaned, blinking awake. She was still on the floor of
the living room, and she sat up, looking around in shock at the spilled drink.
She glanced at the clock in shock, realizing she’d been out for hours.
“I thought about tying you up,” Evan’s voice came, “but it
felt a little too Gulliver’s Travels, and it wasn’t necessary anyway.”
He was on the floor in front of her, wearing the same camo
pants and headband as the day she’d met him. His bow was in hand, but the
arrows in the small quiver on his back glinted in the light, metal instead of
toothpicks, with disturbingly large heads that Eve was sure would do far more
damage than his usual wooden projectiles.
“E-Evan?” she asked groggily, “somethings wrong, I think I
passed out-“
“I drugged you,” he said angrily.
She froze, “W-What?” she asked disbelievingly.
“Yeah, you never secure any of your food or drink, it’s
something I could have done to you at any time if you got out of hand,” he said
“Why?” she exclaimed, anger rising.
“I saw the video,” he said in a low voice, “I heard the
things you said about me… just a tiny, letting me walk into it.”
“Oh god,” she said in a hushed tone, “Evan, that was just
something I said to… to fit in-“ she reached for him pleadingly, but like
lightning his hands had an arrow nocked and ready, aimed at her face.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” he snarled, “reach for me again
and I’ll put one of these through your eye!”
Please don’t Eve, he pleaded internally, I can’t…
I can’t do it. He blinked away another tear, hoping she wouldn’t notice how
much his hands were shaking.
She recoiled, “you’re scaring me,” she whispered.
“Good!” he screamed, spittle flying from his mouth, “I’m a
scary person Eve! Bad people were, ARE, afraid of me!” he chuckled, the light
never reaching his eyes, “I’ve got to thank you Eve, I didn’t believe I could
be the person I was after shrinking, it was really tearing me apart… You really
reminded me of who I am.” A crazed grin crossed his features, “pick up that glass
there, check your reflection.”
Shakily she reached for the glass, holding it up so she
could see herself in the glass. She gulped as she saw a red line traced across
her neck.
“That was done with a sharpie,” Evan said bitterly, “it
could have easily been done with a knife.” He looked up and met her eyes, “any
time Eve, I could have pulled the trigger on all this any time.” He laughed, a
mad tittering sound betraying his voice about to break into sobs, “still think
I’m just some tiny?”
“No,” she sniffed, fighting back tears, “I don’t… Evan,
please, I didn’t mean those things!”
“How can I know that?” he asked, his shoulders slumping.
“You seem nice, you seem like you’re my friend, but that Amber woman sure seems
to think you’re her friend too, which one of us knows the real Eve?”
“You!” she insisted, bursting into tears at last, “please
The door opened, and Laurie walked in. She had a grim look
on her face, and she refused to look Eve in the eye. Without a word she picked
up Marshmallow’s crate, and through the door Eve could see the battered truck
idling in the driveway.
“W-why’s she here?” Eve asked quietly.
“I’m going to stay with her for a while,” Evan said, walking
towards the door. “You wanted the house so badly? Enjoy it.”
Laurie returned, stooping down to pick him up. The blonde
glanced at Eve, watching from the doorway, she and Evan exchanged a few words
that Eve couldn’t hear, and then Laurie carried him to her truck. Eve wanted to
run after it as it crunched out onto the gravel road, but she was frozen, numb.
Eve staggered to the couch and sat alone in an empty house,
tears built in her eyes, and she wept, unheard and unseen by anyone.
End Notes:
You can call this one the end of Act II.
Thanks to everyone who's read and left reviews so far, this one now has more reviews than any of my other stories! We've got four months left on the lease, and we're entering into the final phase of the story. As a note, I'm trying to release a month every day, the story is outlined to completion and a lot of the important scenes are written, but if I miss a day don't freak out, I'm probably okay lol. That said I'm going to do my best to keep to this pace until we finish this thing. Thanks again for reading!
Eve’s world was empty, she got up, she made breakfast, she
went to work. She talked to people there, and she didn’t remember any of it by
the time she got home. The days seemed to pass one after another, and one
Saturday morning she found herself in her car, idling a moment in the rain
before remembering she didn’t work that day. She blinked and it was Monday
again, had she even moved all weekend?
“Eve?” Amber asked. “EVE!” she shouted.
Eve blinked, “Oh, sorry,” she muttered, taking the file from
her boss.
“Try to focus on this one,” Amber said in a low voice, “Deandra
is coming in a couple weeks, I want to show her how well we’ve been doing with
some of the bigger clients.” She squeezed Eve’s shoulder, “I know you’re a
little stressed with the extra workload, but don’t worry girl, you’re a shark!”
You’re a shark, she thought numbly, don’t swim in
front of the sharks, swim with them… because you are one.
“Sure,” she said, “I’ll hop right on it.”
“By the way, sorry I was teasing your tiny a while back,”
Amber said with a giggle, “the little guy seems pretty flighty, I hope you’re
keeping him under control.” A bit of fire burned at the bottom of Eve’s numb
heart, and Amber saw it. Rather than an apology, there was just the slightest
quirk at the corner of Amber’s mouth. “It was for the best though,” Amber continued,
seeming to savor Eve’s discomfort, “you two were in a holding pattern, I broke
it so you could move forward.”
She wanted to leap across her desk and strangle the other
woman, but she just nodded meekly.
Evan walked across the television remote, using his feet to
step down on the channel button. He growled in annoyance as he couldn’t find
anything he wanted to watch, again. He threw on a sitcom rerun and walked back
to the end of the armrest, resting against the edge of the couch.
“Mrow?” Marshmallow nudged him with his nose, eager to see
his master do something, anything, but he waved the cat away. With a somewhat
annoyed meow the cat leapt to the ground, waddling away to find a more
receptive audience.
“Evan, I’m home,” Laurie said, stepping into the house. “Do
anything interesting today?”
“You’re looking at it,” he muttered.
Laurie frowned, “Evan… you’ve done nothing but watch TV for
a week, you need to snap out of it!”
“Why?” he demanded, “what’s the point? I can just stay here
on the chair forever, and you can bring me kibbles just like Marshmallow.”
Laurie stared at him a moment, then sighed, feeling her body
go relaxed, almost limp. She walked over to him, gently scooping her hand
underneath him. He looked at her curiously, but didn’t resist as she clicked
the television off. She walked to the kitchen, setting him on the counter and
forcing him to stand upright.
“I don’t really want to do this today,” Laurie muttered, “I
had a terrible time at work, I’ve got an asshole contractor claiming he laid the
back patio concrete right when he sure as fuck didn’t, some lady at the store
dinged my car door, it’s been a shit day Evan, but I really don’t think there’s
any other time to do it.”
“Do what?” Evan asked.
Laurie breathed in, then out slowly, “Evan,” she said
quietly, forcing her voice to remain even, “is there any way that you
and I could ever be together?”
“W-What?” he asked, thrown off balance.
“Don’t make me do this,” she said, blinking away a tear,
“don’t make me fucking lay it all out for you, just give me a yes or no.”
“Laurie,” he began uncomfortably, “you’re my best friend, do
“Oh goddammit,” she sniffed, wiping her eyes a moment,
“Evan, yeah, I’ve always loved you, like a brother, and maybe like something
more, or at least I wanted to.”
“I don’t know what to say,” he said, stunned, “I always
thought we were…”
“We are best friends,” Laurie said firmly, “but… come
on Evan, whenever someone picked on one of my brothers, you kicked his ass,
when our stepdad went over the line, who came riding in to save the day?” Tears
were trailing down her cheeks, “who always listened when I needed to cry
because girls at school called me white trash, or when I couldn’t afford to go
to college.” She wiped her face with a sniff, “it was you Evan, you were
always the person that would ride in to save me.”
“Laurie,” he said slowly, “I… I wanted to do those things,
because I cared about you, because it was right.” He was quiet a moment,
letting her blink a few more tears away, “I… you’re my best friend Laurie, I
came to you when I found out I would shrink because I knew I could count on
“I know,” Laurie said quietly, “and I’ll always be here for
you Evan, I’m going to be your best friend until the day I die.” She gave one
final sniff, “but I need that answer, I need to know before I go any further,
can we ever be more than friends?”
The house was quiet, and finally Evan looked at his feet,
“No,” he said softly, “I’m sorry…”
Laurie wiped her nose a final time and smiled, blinking her
teary eyes, “Okay then,” she said. “It’s… liberating to have it all out there
like this.” She chuckled, “whew! Fucking emotions, am I right?”
“Uh, yeah,” he said uncertainly. “I’m glad we cleared all
that up… are we going to be okay?”
“I told you, I’m always going to be your best friend,” She
said, walking towards the door, “I just… had to be sure we couldn’t be more
before I… did some stuff,” She laughed again and rolled her eyes, “Evan, I’ll
be back later, play with your fucking cat, he won’t leave me alone.”
With that she slammed the door, leaving Evan on the counter.
He blinked, thinking over the conversation they’d just had. He shook his head,
chuckling softly.
Laurie… he thought, you’re a better friend than an
asshole like me deserves.
“Marshmallow!” he called.
“Mrow?” the grey cat bounded up to the counter, leaping up
to it and scrabbling to get onto the tiled surface. He reached over and stroked
the cat’s fur, finally climbing up on his back.
“Come on boy, I think Laurie left a laser pointer around
here somewhere, let’s burn off some of that chub.”
Eve lay on the couch, debating whether she wanted to watch
TV, or even surf the internet on her phone. A half-eaten bag of chips lay next
to her, she didn’t have much energy for cooking lately. A knock came from the
door. Eve didn’t bother getting up, sighing and staring at the ceiling. A
moment later the door’s lock turned.
“Eve?” Laurie’s voice called. She spotted the brunette on
the couch and sighed, rolling her eyes. She walked over to her, standing over
the other woman with her arms crossed.
“Hey Laurie,” Eve muttered.
“Hey,” Laurie said, “you uh… look good.”
“Fuck you,” Eve said bitterly, “you’re probably loving this,
you finally have your chance at Evan and-“
Eve clutched her stinging cheek, stunned.
“Fuck,” Laurie said with a smile, “I’ve been wanting to do
that since September.”
“Y-You hit me-“
“Two is twice as good!” Laurie laughed, shaking her stinging
Eve growled and stood up, an open hand flying at the blonde.
Eve savored the look of surprise in Laurie’s eyes.
“Okay,” Laurie muttered, rubbing her red cheek, “that’s
fair, but if we’re not done, the next one comes with a closed fist.”
“I’m good,” Eve said bitterly, “so, why are you here?
“Evan and I aren’t an item,” Laurie said, her face flat, “we
never will be…” She looked like she wanted to say more, but she just shrugged,
“I’m here to talk to you.”
Not an item? Never will be? Eve didn’t know how to
respond to that, but she felt a flutter of hope.
“Give me the god’s honest truth girl, that shit you said on
that video, was any of it true?” Laurie glared at her, boring into her as their
eyes made contact.
“No,” Eve said firmly, “It’s just… I needed Amber to think I
was with her!” she said, her voice almost cracking. “You have to swim behind
the sharks!” she said weakly, “if you swim in front of them-“
“They eat you,” Laurie said, “I get it, how’s that worked
out for you?”
Eve’s face burned red, “My family didn’t give a fuck about
me!” she hissed, “every time I see you you’ve got a fucking army of brothers,
sisters, cousins, whatever around you, you don’t know what it’s like to have nobody!”
She collected herself’, “When I got to school, I looked for the people running
things, and I got behind them,” she said bitterly, “when the nerdy girl was
getting pelted with shit? I showed up and offered my apple from lunch to the
people throwing stuff” She laughed, “that was the only time anyone ever wanted
me around Laurie, so don’t lean on your goddamn Brady Bunch and tell me I
should have just stood up to people!”
“Wow,” Laurie chuckled, “Well, despite all common sense and
the advice of his best friend, Evan wanted you around, he liked you so much he
wanted you around even when you were trying to make him the next thing to a
slave.” Laurie took a deep breath and sighed, “honestly, I don’t mind having
you around either.” She grinned, “you’ve got friends that aren’t sharks, so
it’s time to drop this follow or be eaten shit.”
“That’s nice to hear,” Eve said, sitting back down, “but why
are you really here Laurie? You didn’t come to give me a pep talk.”
“I’m here to see if there’s any chance you and Evan can get
through this,” Laurie said, crossing her arms, “if you’re being honest with me
now, I think you can.”
“So what?” she asked with a sigh, “do I just throw myself in
front of him? Say I’m sorry?”
“Nope,” Laurie said with a smirk, “Evan’s kind of… prideful.
He’s not going to take an apology unless you’ve got some substance behind it.”
She flopped down on the couch next to Eve, “you keep talking about swimming
behind the sharks… I think you’ve got to bring one in.”
Eve snorted, “we’re going to need a bigger boat.”
“Call me the marina,” Laurie said with a smile, “I’ve got
many for sale! Tell me about this Amber…”
Eve felt a little better about things after talking with
Laurie, and as she went to work the next day she felt more alert, alive, than
she had at any time since Evan had left.
“Now that’s more like it!” Amber laughed, hovering outside
her cubicle, “Deandra Clarkson herself emailed me the other night Eve, she’s
asking me to meet her personally when she comes to tour the branch.” Amber
practically shook with excitement, “I want you there Eve, I want to point out
the person who helped make all this possible.”
“I’ll be there,” Eve said with a smile that didn’t reach her
Eve stepped into Laurie’s pick up truck, idling outside of
her office. There wasn’t anything wrong with her own car, but the blonde woman
had insisted on carpooling with her a few days a week. Eve appreciated it, and
she smiled at Laurie as she buckled her seat belt.
“How’s Evan?” she asked quietly.
Laurie shrugged, “still a little mopey, but he’s thinking about
what he wants to do next. I think he knows I’ve been talking to you.”
“Has he said anything about me?” Eve asked.
“Yeah,” Laurie said, “a lot actually, but I don’t know if I
should go into it...”
“Do you think I have any chance at all?” she asked.
“I think so,” Laurie said with a small smile, “like I said,
he’s hurting, but… well, when Evan hates people, like really hates them,
he just kind of blanks them out… you? He keeps talking about things you two did
together, then cursing himself for being stupid.”
“You’re sure that Amber is the key to all of this?” Eve
asked, leaning against the seat with a sigh.
“Evan really likes taking down bullies,” Laurie explained, “and
from what you’ve told me this woman deserves it. You’re practically writing him
a sonnet or something with this, if this doesn’t work then you’re done.”
“Sure,” Eve muttered, “So, do you have any idea on how I
could go about doing that?”
“I do actually,” Laurie said, “you’re not doing anything
today, are you?”
“Hey Laurie!” a tiny Asian woman called eagerly from a place
on a check in table. She was wearing a pink suit as she hefted a giant pen and
walked over to an attendance sheet, checking the blonde in.
“Hey Kimmy,” Laurie said, waving and returning the greeting.
“What is this?” Eve asked, sticking close to Laurie as they
walked into the hotel conference center.
“Tiny rights organization meeting,” Laurie explained.
There were rows of folding chairs in front of a small stage.
Most of them were filled with full sized people, and tinies, mostly men, were
in their laps, hands, and a few on shoulders. Eve even noticed another tiny
woman, peering out of the pocket of a man’s plaid shirt, her husband judging by
the ringed finger on the hand that came up to stroke her hair gently.
“Does Evan ever come to these?” Eve asked quietly.
“Once,” Laurie said with a shrug, “he doesn’t really like
politics, and he thinks the other tinies get way too into tiny issues.”
“What, like fair employment and getting rid of the guardian
system?” Eve asked.
“Mostly,” Laurie said uncomfortably, “I mean… ninety nine
percent of what these guys do is great, but then there’s stuff like the
campaign to get Ant-Man 3 pulled from theaters…”
Eve stifled a giggle, “what?”
“Keep your voice down!” Laurie hissed, “they also wanted
Evan to be some kind of media figure for them, and he was pretty determined to
turn that one down.”
“So what, are we going to talk to these guys about Amber?”
Eve asked.
“They most they would do would be to picket your office or
something,” Laurie said with a shrug, “but that’s not what we’re here for… just
watch tonight’s speaker.”
Eve frowned, and watched the meeting unfold. The first few
speakers were tinies, carried up by friends, spouses, and family. They gave
speeches on various topics, tiny accessible buildings, workplace rights, one
particularly interesting one, an older tiny man a clean-cut suit stood on top
of the podium explaining that congress was now within just one vote of
repealing the Shrinkee Protection Act, and restoring full legal rights to
tinies. That caused widespread applause, cheers, and whistling.
“Just one vote away?” Eve whispered eagerly, “then it’s
almost over?”
“Nah,” Laurie said dismissively, “Senator Fredericks will
never budge, and after the next election things are going to be so tossed
around that all these pro-shrinkee lobbyists will have to start back at square
one.” She smiled, “It’s nice that they got so close, it does give me hope that
we can go back to normal one of these days…”
The final speaker approached the podium, and Eve gasped. She
was a late middle aged African American woman, with well styled hair neck
length hair complimenting a sharp cut red and black pantsuit that let her
easily stand out among the rest of the crowd. On one of her shoulders a tiny
man in a black business suit and red tie matching her outfit rode, holding his
hand to her neck for support. They were a somewhat mismatched pair, he seemed a
bit younger than her, an almost boyish face really…
“Deandra Clarkson?” Eve breathed, “Laurie, that’s our
company’s CEO!”
“Good evening, everyone,” Deandra said, giving them a
winning smile that had graced the cover of Fortune, “I’m in town to visit one
of my company’s branches later this week, and I thought I’d stop by the local
chapter of one of my favorite organizations!” the crowd laughed politely, “in
fact, I’d like my husband Warren to say a few things.” The tiny man on her
shoulder seemed to wave “no!” in a panicked motion, but the business woman just
smirked, pushing him up to a microphone longer than his entire body.
“Uh, good evening,” Warren stammered, collecting himself. “I
uhh…” he cleared his throat, “I guess I’ll say that we’ve all had our share of
troubles with this whole… being tiny thing.” There were polite murmurs of
agreement, “for me it wasn’t much of a change,” he chuckled nervously, “Deandra
was older than me, she was richer than me, she was this amazing and powerful
woman who had everything… I was some guy who fixed her car.” Deandra smiled,
reaching down and stroking his hair. He smiled up at her and continued, “I
guess my point is, I always felt small next to her. The virus just made me look
the part.” He chuckled, biting his lip and looking up at the black sphere of
the microphone, trying to collect his thoughts. “Deandra though… no matter how
far above me she was, she always treated me like a person, like I was someone
she wanted to know, someone she cared about.” He beamed, “I never worried for a
moment that she’d take care of me when I shrank, and I never will.”
The auditorium erupted in applause, and Eve found herself
joining a standing ovation. Deandra reached down, letting the tiny man hop back
into her hand, cradling him back up to her shoulder. After a few whispered
words to him and a shared smile, she reached for the microphone.
“Warren thinks he can’t talk to crowds,” she said with a
chuckle, “I have a paid speechwriter who hasn’t ever given me anything that
good…” She smiled, “when the shrinking virus happened, I made a pledge to
Warren, and to everyone else that shrank, that I’d do everything in my power to
make sure they’d never be treated as anything less than the men and women they
The crowd applauded again. Deandra’s speech went on,
interspersed with anecdotes on how she and Warren had met, the various hurdles
in their relationship leading up to his shrinking, and finally how they’d
married a few weeks after he’d become tiny. Her speech ended with another round
of applause, and Deandra waved as she walked off the stage.
“Okay,” Laurie said eagerly, “now’s your chance! Go talk to
her, tell her you work for her, and your boss is being an asshole to your tiny
“No,” Eve said, a small smile forming on her face, “Not
here… I want to do it in front of her.”
“Uh, okay,” Laurie said slowly, “you sure about that one?”
“Yes,” Eve said, clenching her fists until her knuckles
turned white. “This is a long time coming.”
Eve was so giddy that she could barely sit in her chair all
morning, and it had nothing to do with the four cups of coffee she’d had. She
was practically humming as she filled out a client report, tapping her heeled
shoes on the floor.
“Sup loser,” Laurie said, leaning against her cubicle entrance.
“Laurie!” Eve said, stifling something between a gasp and a
giggle, “what are you doing here?”
“Moral support,” Laurie said with a shrug, “I took the day
off, and look what I’ve got!” she showed Eve a bag with the label of a local
sandwich place on it.
“Oh, lunch,” Eve said with a weak smile, “uh, thanks.”
“No,” Laurie rolled her eyes, she reached into it, rooting
around the napkins and plasticwear a moment, then her hand fished out Evan’s
annoyed looking form.
“EVAN!” Eve squeaked, involuntarily scooting backward.
“Hi Eve,” he said neutrally, “Laurie said we had to come see
you at work. Personally, I could have done without it.”
“Evan,” she whispered, “I…” she gulped, “Evan, I’m sorry I
said those things, I’m sorry I was… I was trying to have it all, I should have
always picked you, you’re all I want.”
“I…” he sighed as Laurie set him down on Eve’s desk. “I’ve
missed you,” he said quietly. “I… I shouldn’t have done the things I did to
you, threatened you I mean…” he sighed and looked up to her with a weak smile,
“I couldn’t have done any of it… if you’d reached for me then, I’d have thrown
down my bow, you could have marched me right off to the vet for chipping and I
don’t think I’d have had any fight left in me.”
“It’s okay,” she said softly, “I…”
“Look,” Laurie said, glancing around, “Evan, Eve, I’m glad
you two are feeling a little better, but Eve, didn’t you have something you
wanted to show our little buddy here?”
“R-right,” Eve said nervously, “Evan, could I put you in my
pocket?” she padded the lapel pocket on her button up shirt.
He frowned, “uh, sure, but I’m still not sure what this is
all about.”
“We’re ruining that bitch Amber’s life,” Laurie said with a
shrug, “trust me, it’s going to be a blast.”
Evan blinked, and he looked up at Eve who smiled and nodded.
“Well, hell,” Evan chuckled, “if this is your
get-back-together gift, it really beats the box of chocolates I was going to
get you!”
“Hey,” Sandy called, marching up to Laurie, “who are you?
You don’t work here!”
“Sandwich delivery girl,” Laurie said, holding up the bag,
“just looking for the person who ordered this, I think this is the wrong floor
though,” she hefted the bag, turning to leave. She paused, looking back at Eve,
giving her a quick wink as she headed towards the office exit.
The elevator dinged a few minutes later, and Eve peered up
to see Deandra and a pair of assistants walk out. Amber was already hurrying up
to her, and with a sigh Eve steeled herself, slipping Evan into her pocket. He
looked up at her and gave a thumbs up, and she patted it for good luck.
“Eve,” Amber said in a hushed voice as she approached, “I’m
glad you’re here, do you have that presentation ready?”
“Oh yeah,” Eve said with a smile, “conference room?”
“In five,” Amber said, sighing and running fingers through
her hair, “this day is already off to a rocky start, I ordered a sandwich for
lunch and someone met the delivery girl in the lobby and claimed it! Can you
believe that?”
“Crazy,” Eve said, fighting to keep from bursting out
Deandra took a seat at the head of the conference table,
smiling as Amber explained the changes she’d made in the branch. Several of the
other members of Ambers office social circle were joining them, and they waited
as Eve went to the front of the room and loaded her presentation on the
“Good afternoon, everyone,” Eve said, smiling. “Amber has
asked me to give a quick presentation on how things are done here that makes
this branch different from everywhere else.” She sighed, “I have to warn you
though, some of it maybe shocking.”
“Shocking?” Deandra asked with a frown, “I’m afraid I don’t
“Eve,” Amber said, her face white, “what are you-“
“This company prides itself in how it treats people,” Eve
continued, “but in this branch… we don’t treat some members of our team well at
“You’ll have to forgive Eve,” Amber said, standing up,
“she’s been very overworked lately and-“
“I’d like to hear more,” Deandra said coolly, “please
Amber gulped and sat down as Eve loaded screenshots of her
texts and groupchats. Endless pages of Amber, Eve, Diane, Sandy, and others in
the office mocking tinies, mocking Charles, talking about ways to get him
fired. With a defeated sigh, Eve clicked the final page, and the video of her
conversation with Amber at the spa played, the two of them discussing Evan’s
enslavement. She shot a glance down at Evan, hoping she hadn’t torn the wound
open again, but he just quietly gave her a thumbs up, hidden in her pocket.
“This is disgraceful,” Deandra snarled as the presentation
ended, “I’m… I’m appalled that this has happened at one of my branches,” she
looked at Amber in disgust, “that someone I was considering for advancement
would say and do these kinds of things.”
“H-Hey!” Amber stammered quickly, “it’s just stuff about
shrinkees, do you really want to shut down a whole branch over fucking
shrinkees? Who the hell cares?” She tittered nervously, “I mean, come on
Deandra! They have that whole shrinkee protection act for a reason, they
shouldn’t be here in the office to begin with! They’re not people!” The other
women in the room nodded hesitantly, some shooting shocked looks at Eve.
Deandra looked like she was about to explode, and Eve edged
back nervously, but the business woman just sighed. She gestured to one of her
assistants, who handed her a briefcase. She opened it, displaying a tiny man
who blinked in confusion at the sudden light. He appeared to have a portable
gaming system going to entertain himself, but he paused it when he saw Deandra
looking at him.
“Hey,” Warren said, standing up, “Uh, what’s going on?”
“Amber,” Deandra said in a voice like glass, “have you met
my husband, Warren?”
“Oh,” Amber said in a soft voice, the realization hitting
her, “Oh no…”
“Leave now, or I’ll have security help you out,” Deandra
said, fighting down a snarl.
Amber spared a hateful glance at Eve, then scurried out of
the office, the click of her heals on the floor echoing down the hall as she
all but sprinted to the elevator.
“I want her fired by the end of the day,” Deandra said to an
assistant. She looked around the other women at the table, then at Eve. “The
rest of you should consider yourselves on administrative leave, I will be
heading up the investigation into this entire branch personally.” She
rubbed her temples and sighed, “go,” she muttered, waving them out.
All of the other women left, filing out and giving Eve looks
just as hateful as Amber had. She paused, then folded up her laptop and
followed them, the silence in the conference room weighing on her.
“There’s a tiny man in your front pocket,” Deandra said, not
looking at her. “I carry mine enough to spot them right away.”
“Uh, yeah,” Eve said, reaching down for Evan.
“Hi,” Evan said, waving as Eve held her palm out.
“I don’t suppose he works here?” Deandra asked, pointing to
“Nope,” Evan admitted, “just visiting my girlfriend.”
“That’s another rule broken,” she muttered, “but what’s one
more for you Miss O’Mara?”
“Not a lot ma’am,” she said quietly. “Am I… Am I fired too?”
“You’re in all of those messages,” Deandra said, “and it’s
you in that video with Amber…”
“Well yeah,” Evan protested, “but she also ratted on
everyone, plus she loves tiny guys, I can personally attest that she loves the
way we feel-“
“Spare me the details,” Deandra said gloomily.
“Oh come on Dee,” Warren laughed, “I guarantee you we’ve
done crazier stuff than those two.”
“Wanna bet tough guy?” Evan asked, crossing his arms.
“Have you been in the back door?” Warren said with a sly
grin. When Evan didn’t respond the other shrinkee just chuckled.
“Warren!” Deandra snapped in a flustered tone. Her
assistants just giggled. She cleared her throat, “Miss O’Mara, my decision
stands, you are on administrative leave.”
Eve shrugged, “Okay then,” she said. Somehow, she didn’t
really care anymore, the presence of Evan in her palm was rapidly erasing any
other feelings she had about anything.
The pair left through the lobby, spotting Amber angrily
shouting at a security guard, “Let me back up there! I just need to grab a few
“Miss, say what you’re missing and it will be brought down
to you,” the guard said firmly.
“Hey guys,” Laurie said, waving to them from the waiting
area. She was taking bites out of a sub sandwich, Amber’s gaze drifted over to
them, and she sneered when she saw Eve, then her eyes went nuclear as she saw
what Laurie was eating.
“T-That’s my lunch!” she screeched.
“Oh my god,” Laurie said in mock horror, “she’s unhinged!
You guys better get her out of here.”
“Miss, you need to leave now,” the guard said firmly
gripping the struggling woman by her shoulders.
“It was a setup! They framed me and ate my lunch!” Amber ranted
as the guard pushed her out of the glass doors.
“So, should I bring Marshmallow by your house later?” Laurie
asked, finishing the last of the sandwich.
“Keep him overnight,” Eve said with a grin as she walked
out the door with Evan.
“Yeah,” Evan said, “he has a tendency to scratch at the
bedroom door if it’s… closed for too long.”
“Now Evan,” Eve said as she unlocked the door to the house,
“I know we just got back together, so if you want to just go in your tunnels
for the night, I’ll understand-“
“No,” he said as she started up the stairs, gripping him
tightly, “Look Eve, we’ve got a lot of stuff to work through, and maybe it’ll
take us some time to get back to one hundred percent but-”
“You’re horny?” Eve asked with a smirk.
“Yeah,” he said, laughing.
“Me too,” Eve admitted, “and I know just where we’re going
to start.”
Her fingers came down, tearing at his clothes and easily
forcing his shirt off. His pants went next, and she balled them up casually,
tossing them over her shoulder as she entered the bedroom. She gently laid Evan
on the pillow, letting him watch as she undid the buttons on her shirt one by
one, looming over him like a mountain as she watched him grow hard in her
She undid her skirt next, letting it fall to the floor. She
grinned and made eye contact with him as she slid her nylons off, briefly
holding them to her nose. She took a quick whiff, grimacing slightly at the
ripe smell.
“Ugh,” she muttered, “I was pretty nervous all day,” she
said with a giggle, “I sweated right through these…”
She balled them up and tossed them onto a surprised Evan,
who went wide eyed with shock as the ball of nylon landed on him. His senses
were immediately bombarded with the rich, ripe smell of Eve, the nylons having
absorbed her mix of sweat and just a hint of the floral soap she wore. He felt
the silky material rub against his skin, driving him to new heights of arousal
as he fought to escape from it. He blinked as he finally escaped, looking up,
dazed at the giant woman about to make him her plaything.
“You almost came just crawling out from under those,” Eve
giggled, “you are pent up…” She walked, now naked, over to her
nightstand and opened the drawer. A bottle of translucent purple lubricant and
a pair of pink ribbons were in her hand as she walked back to the bed and sat
down next to him.
“What’s the lube for?” he asked hesitantly, “I-I’m not ready
to go up your a-“
“So nervous!” she chuckled, “It’s not for my butt, I
promise. Hands above your head.”
He slowly obeyed, raising his eyebrow as she tied a small
knot, holding his arms above his head. She gently reached down and poked him in
the chest, tumbling him onto his bottom. With a smile she pinched his feet
together, tying a matching pink ribbon around his ankles. When she was
satisfied the silky pink material had bound his hands and feet, she picked up
the one attached to his hands, dangling her bound captive.
“So uh,” he asked, looking up at his silky pink bonds, “what
did you have in mind?”
“Just relax,” She said with a smile, “let me do all the work
for this one.”
“I hope that’s your plan,” he muttered, struggling feebly
for a moment, “any reason for the pink?”
“It looks cute,” she said, unscrewing the bottle of purple
lubricant. Evan watched, spellbound, as she squirted the sticky material
between her breasts. She licked her lips, making eye contact with him as she
set down the bottle. Her free hand came up, slowly kneading her breasts,
spreading the lubricant all over them and giving them an oily sheen. She moaned
loudly, running a thumb over her nipple in a show for the dangling man.
Suddenly, she lay down on the bed, gripping the ribbon tied
to his ankles and pulling it, forcing his body straight and taught. Slowly, she
slipped him through the valley of her breasts, using the ribbons tied to his
wrists and ankles to rub him through her cleavage in a flossing motion.
The lubrication let him slip cleanly through them, the
motion of her slick skin rubbed against his body, causing him to shudder with
“In,” Eve said, giggling as she pulled him up through the
gap between her breasts, “and out!” she laughed as his gasping face appeared,
“and down again!” she said, and just as quickly as he’d come up, he was pulled
back down between the pillowy mounds, the sticky surface molding around him as
though it were trying to grab and hold him as he was pulled steadily back and
Evan lost track of time as he was shifted up and down
through her bosom, the warmth permeating him as the lubrication covered his
skin, mussing his hair and electrifying his manhood each time Eve flossed him
through the soft valley.
“In,” she repeated in a low voice, “and out,” she giggled,
“say it with me Evan!”
“In-“ he began, but his voice was cut off as his world was
smothered by her jiggling flesh again, “out!” he rasped, trying to follow her
“Hmm… might be a little too much,” she giggled, continuing
the motion and submerging him in her chest again, “just let me talk, now let’s
pick up the pace!” She twirled the ribbons around her fingers, tightening her
grip on them.
She fought a cackle as Evan’s face blurred, and each time
his head came up he had a dazed look on his face, she could swear his eyes wee
rolling back in his head.
“Oh god,” he moaned, cumming hard enough to make Eve’s
ribbons twang as she flossed him through a few more times, finishing out his
orgasm between a pair of pillowy breasts that towered over him.
“Whew,” she whistled, “just rest there, take a minute to
catch your breath.
“Yeah,” Evan wheezed, shifting himself and laying between
Eve’s mountains. He couldn’t help but grin as he heard the steady beat of her
heart behind him. He felt her finger come down and gently stroke his hair, wild
and mussed from the lubricant. “So, what’s next?” he asked with a smile.
“Well, since you’re not ready for…” she shifted her butt
back and forth suggestively and giggled at his reaction, “we’ll have to discuss
it, but I’ve got some ideas.”
She took a moment to just enjoy him, laying on her. She’d
torched her social circle, she’d probably lost her job, but in the end, she’d
gotten back the one thing that really mattered to her.
End Notes:
Wouldn't it have been messed up if the previous chapter was the last one? Anyways our couple has come out on the other side of the storm, though we're not quite at the end yet. Get ready for the final few months!
Laurie drove up to the Armstrong house, the wetlands were
alive with the activity of spring, and dragonflies flew alongside her truck as
she pulled in to Evan’s driveway. She stretched slightly, enjoying the warm air
and the sun as she walked up to the door, letting herself in.
“Evan?” She called.
“He’s out hunting,” Eve said, looking up from a book she was
reading. “He says the bugs are finally out and he wants to go nail some of the
big ones with his bow.” She shuddered, “it’s so creepy, I hate bugs.”
“Well, he can’t exactly hunt deer anymore,” Laurie said with
a shrug, “any word on your job?”
“Nope, but they’re still sending my paycheck, so that’s a
good sign,” she smirked slightly, “I checked the social media pages of some of
my former coworkers, and they haven’t been so lucky.”
“They’re probably still debating on you,” Laurie said with a
shrug, “I mean, you weren’t exactly nice to tinies for a long time there.”
“Yeah,” Eve muttered, looking back to her book. She closed
it with a sigh, she couldn’t focus on it, it was some trashy western of Evan’s
from before he’d shrunk and she’d had trouble getting into it anyway.
“Aw, don’t get down,” Laurie said with a smile, “hey, Evan’s
going to be out in the yard for a while, right?”
Eve frowned, “I guess?”
Laurie grinned, “Come on, let’s go check out the basement.”
“Why?” Eve asked with a confused grin.
“I want to see if Evan’s uncle had anything hidden down
there!” Laurie exclaimed.
Eve rolled her eyes and followed the other woman down to the
basement. The stairs creaked as she went down, Eve hadn’t spent a lot of time
down here, mostly just doing quick maintenance on the furnace and air
conditioner at Evan’s direction. There were a few boxes of odds and ends,
Laurie eagerly opened one, shifting through it.
“Look at this!” she said, holding up a framed photo of a full-sized
Evan, maybe a few years younger, standing next to an elderly man in a
wheelchair, blankets over his legs. “Uncle Armstrong,” Laurie whispered.
“I feel a little dirty going through this stuff,” Eve
muttered, “I mean, it’s down here for a reason, right? He never had any problem
putting up pictures of him and his dad.”
“Oh, Evan has mixed feelings about his uncle,” Laurie
explained, “but he got out of federal prison around the same time that Evan got
out of the army, so Evan moved in and took care of him and the house, in
exchange Uncle Armstrong left him the house in the will when he died a couple
years later.” She shivered, “he could barely move, but he used to stare at me
when I came to visit, in a way that really pissed Evan off…”
“Wow,” Eve said, pulling another photo out, “Who are these
guys?” the picture was a much younger Uncle Armstrong, surrounded by men in
long coats and fedora hats, shaking hands and smiling.
“Take a picture on your phone, we can look those guys up
later,” Laurie giggled. “Oh man, this is the big break in this I’ve been
needing, I’ll bet they’re all teamsters and mob dons!”
“Why do you care so much about proving this guy was a
gangster?” Eve asked, putting the framed photo back.
Laurie shrugged, “mostly because Evan insists he wasn’t,
like when we were kids it was just playground banter, but it’s gone on so long
that I feel like proving this would be such a huge win.”
She walked around the walls, rapping on them slowly,
suddenly her face lit up as she found a hollow section, “Eve!” she hissed,
“over here!”
Eve ran her finger along the wall and realized there was a
seam. Making eye contact with Laurie, the two pressed it, swinging a small
compartment open.
“Hey guys,” Evan said, waving from a small chair.
“E-Evan!” Laurie stammered, backing away quickly, “hey!
How’s it going?”
Pretty good,” he said with a wry grin. He had a peanut under
his arm, and his bow slung over his shoulder, “I was just stopping down here at
one of my stashes for a snack before joining you guys. Someone want to give me
a lift?” He walked out of the small hiding hole and jumped onto Eve’s waiting
palm, a smug grin on his face.
As they walked out Eve shot a quick glance back at the hole,
that… didn’t look like one of Evan’s, it was too neatly cut, and Evan never
left exterior signs like that seam.
Probably one from when he was first starting out, she
“So,” Laurie said, petting the purring Marshmallow as they
sat in the living room. “You guys want to go on a vacation together?”
“Just a few days,” Evan said, “after everything that’s
happened… I think we need it.”
“Agreed,” Eve said in a tired voice, “it’s not like I’m
working right now anyway.”
“And you’re not worried about flying or traveling or
whatever with an unregistered shrinkee?” Laurie asked.
“I’ll be with Eve the entire time,” Evan said dismissively,
“and it’s not like tiny hunters are thick on the ground anymore.”
“Yeah, anyone’s just going to assume he’s mine,” Eve said
with a shrug. She ran a finger over his head, ruffling his hair, “which he is,
of course.”
“Okay,” Laurie said with a shrug, “you want me to take the
cat again?”
“Water the grass, watch the house, that kind of thing,” Evan
Laurie’s phone beeped suddenly, “hold on,” she said with a
sigh. She opened her alerts, then her eyes bulged, she almost dropped the
“What?” Evan asked, “Laurie, is everything okay?”
“T-Turn on the TV,” she said, a goofy grin breaking across
her face.
The three of them watched, stunned, as the news ticker
“Holy shit,” Evan breathed, “I never thought I’d see the
“What does this mean?” Eve asked in a low voice.
“For us?” Evan chuckled, “pretty much nothing, I’m guessing
the lawyers are going to be pretty busy in the next few weeks though.”
“You’ve got that right,” Laurie muttered, “every shrinkee
that ever got stepped on is going to be looking to sue people.” She quickly
scanned her phone again, reading the jubilant messages on social media, “says
here it doesn’t go into effect until July 4th, so they should have
some time to get ready.”
“July 4th,” Evan said, rolling his eyes, “that is
such pandering. The only reason they repealed it at all is that Senator
Fredericks found out he had the virus.”
“Yeah,” Laurie giggled, “funny how quickly that changed his
opinion on what the law should be.” Her face had a sour look suddenly, “oh god,
that asshole’s going to be the first tiny senator…”
“I might have to go to one of those political meetings to
see their faces when they realize that,” Evan laughed.
“Well, this is going to make this vacation even better,”
Laurie said with a smile, “thanks for coming by Laurie, but Evan and I have to
go pack!”
“Eve, we should probably get going to the airport,” Evan
shouted. He was sitting on the bed, watching her jog in place on her treadmill.
It wasn’t a bad view at all, she had a sheen of sweat on her, and her breasts
bobbed back and forth behind her hot pink sports bra in a way that easily
pulled his eye.
“Just a second,” she breathed, a mischievous grin on her
face. She stepped off the treadmill, dripping just a bit of sweat.
“Seriously, you decided you needed some cardio right before
we left?” he asked, walking around her suitcase.
“It’ll help me relax on the plane,” she said defensively,
“and you too!”
“Oh?” he asked with a grin, “I figured I’d spend most of the
flight… pretty close to you.”
“I know right?” Eve giggled, “but… the airport says tinies
have to ride in a carryon bag, and there are like ten warnings on the TSA
website about not trying to sneak tinies in in your underwear.”
“Fine, I’ll just go in your purse,” he said, crossing his
Eve peeled off the sports bra, her skin positively shining
from the sweat of her workout. She sniffed it teasingly, waving her hand.
“Wow, this thing is soaked,” she giggled.
“Yeah,” Evan muttered, feeling something stir in him as the
smell of the well-used sports bra drifted down to him. She kicked off her shoes
next, and the ripe smell wafted up to the bed and he felt the sick urge to leap
off the bed and land in them. He blinked and took a quick breath, at least
some of that shit about tiny guys and pheromones has got to be true, he
thought for the millionth time. Would he turn into a brainwashed zombie? Nope,
but he definitely felt drawn to Eve in some ways that he wasn’t sure he would
have been at full size.
Eve slipped her running pants down next, then a set of
bright pink panties that matched the sweaty sports bra. She reached down and
collected her underwear and socks, one by one stuffing each item into a freezer
bag she’d left next to her suitcase. He looked at her curiously.
“This is some of my favorite workout stuff,” Eve giggled,
“I’m probably going to want to use the hotel fitness center, so I think I’ll
bring it.” She looked at Evan, a gleam in her eye, “hey Evan, how often do tiny
guys need to breathe again?”
“Uh, like once every twelve hours,” he muttered uncertainly.
“Oh good,” she giggled, “our flight is only about two and
half,” her hand reached down for him, her sweaty fingers wrapping around him.
He was held over the freezer bag full of her sweaty underwear and socks, freshly
soaked from a workout he’d just watched.
“So Evan,” Eve said, “do you want to go in my purse? Or… in
my suitcase, with the rest of the clothing?” She giggled as she lowered him
towards the freezer bag full of her clothes again, the rich intoxicating aroma
of her sweat wafting up and clouding his senses.
“Uh,” he gulped, “two and a half hour flight?”
“That’s right,” she said with a giggle.
“Clothes please.”
“I thought so,” she dropped him in, and he heard the crisp
long *zip* as she sealed the freezer bag, trapping him in with her workout
clothes. “Can’t have these dirty ones getting all my stuff all stinky,” she
said, looking in at Evan with a wink. She shook the bag suddenly, tossing the
panties, sports bra, socks, and Evan, around. When the clothing settled, she
couldn’t see Evan, just a slight lump moving beneath her workout attire.
With a happy hum Eve placed the sealed bag inside her
suitcase along with the other things she’d packed for her and Evan. She pressed
it down with her other things, increasing the soft pressure on the tiny man
that was no doubt being overwhelmed with lust. She zipped the suitcase closed
slowly, the sound echoing through the room with a certain finality as she
sealed Evan away in the dark confines of the suitcase.
“There we go,” she said with a grin, patting the top of the
suitcase-prison, “see you at the hotel Evan.” She sniffed her armpit and
grimaced, “whew, I’m going to go shower before heading to the airport…”
Evan’s world was dark, and he was hugged from all sides by
the slick sweaty material of Eve’s clothes. The rich and overpowering scent
filled his mouth and nostrils, and as he struggled and swam through her cast
off underwear, he felt the silky wet material press against his sensitive
member, causing him to gasp with pleasure every time he moved.
His world lurched, and he realized she had to be carrying
her suitcase to the car. Tumbling through the underwear, he felt the slick
material running against his skin and fought not to cum then and there,
gritting his teeth as things settled and he managed to hold himself together.
It was a statement to how overwhelming Eve was that simply being tossed with
her underwear like this was almost enough to bring him off… probably would be enough by the time they got to their destination, would be enough
several times over in fact…
Eve lay back in the
airline seat, headphones in and daydreaming about the sand and the beach. She
smirked to herself, imagining how Evan’s flight was going. Idly she looked down
to a well worn book she’d bought months ago when Amber had first suggested
using sex to lure Evan out, “100 things to do with your tiny lover: Tenderness
and Domination and Everything In-Between!”
Number 37, she read with a small smile, Domination idea: seal him in with your dirty
clothes! She reached into her
purse for a pen, quickly putting a red checkmark on that page.
Eve lay on the
beach, letting the sun soak into her. Evan was down on her stomach, laying
against her bellybutton as they listened to the waves.
Vacation, she decided, was just what we needed. From
the happy murmurs of the tiny man below, he agreed. Idly she wondered if she’d
have an Evan shaped spot on her stomach from the sun. She smirked and decided
she didn’t want to move him, whether it was an outline in a sunburn or a tan,
she’d let it happen.
Her phone rang from
her beach bag and she groaned, “let it ring,” Evan muttered, not even opening
his eyes.
“I should get it,”
she said with a grimace.
“But I don’t want
to get up,” Evan protested in a whiny voice.
Eve spared one last
glance at the peaceful rolling waves of the ocean, then sighed as she reached
into the beach bag. Evan gave her a grouchy look, but she managed to reach her
phone without tossing him off her belly, and he simply folded his arms behind
his head and watched the sea as she answered.
“Hello?” she asked.
“Eve,” Charles said
in a cheerful tone, “I’m glad I got ahold of you, I wanted to let you know, you
can come back to work on Monday!”
She sat up, sending
Evan sprawling into the sand with a cry of surprise, “Really?” she said
eagerly, “Deandra finished her investigation?”
“Yeah,” Charles
said with a sigh, “I spent a lot of time talking to her about you, I think I
convinced her of your good intentions, with the shrinking act being repealed I
think she was in a good mood. We’ve been talking a lot actually; I’m going to
be the new branch manager!”
“That’s great!” Eve
said, “you deserve it.”
“I deserve all the
work of picking up after Amber? I’m not sure if you’re being nice or not!” Charles
laughed, “look, we’re going to have to hire a lot of new staff, so when you do
get in we might have some late nights.”
“I’m up for it,”
she said, relief filling her, “I’m glad things finally worked out for you.”
“That’s not even
the best part!” Charles said excitedly, “the shrinking made my hair come back!”
Eve frowned,
“I’m not bald
anymore!” Charles exclaimed, “I guess the shrinking virus kickstarted the
follicles or something.”
“Uh, good for you!”
Eve said with a laugh, “I’ll see you on Monday!” she ended the call, looking
down at the tiny man splayed in the sand between her legs. “I got my job back!”
she said excitedly.
“Awesome!” Evan
said with a grin, “we should celebrate.”
“Let’s get some
margaritas from the hotel bar,” Eve said, “or just one I guess, how do you feel
about going for a swim?”
“Sounds good to
me,” Evan laughed, “a little tequila might get me ready to give you that thing
you’ve been wanting.”
She bit her lip,
“Oh really?” she giggled, “butt stuff? You’re serious?”
“Yes Eve,” he said,
rolling his eyes and chuckling, “butt stuff.”
“Let’s ride out
this vacation with a bang!” Eve laughed, scooping him up out of the sand.
“So, you’re sure
you know what you’re doing?” Evan asked nervously as Eve slipped her hands over
him, rubbing the tingling lubricant into his skin.
“It’s going to be
great!” Eve said with a mischievous giggle, “trust me, I’ve taken every
precaution to make it as nice for you as possible.”
He breathed out
slowly, “right, come on Evan, head in the game…” he muttered.
“Your head is going
somewhere, that’s for sure,” Eve said, her grin broadening.
They were naked
already, the curtains of their hotel room drawn as Eve prepared for the
experience she’d been nagging him over for months now. Evan had expected she’d
want to do something like this on the trip, and he’d mentally been preparing
“Ready to visit the
land where the sun never shines?” Eve teased.
“Whenever you are,”
he said.
Eve squeezed one
last drop of lubricant onto her outstretched fingers, reaching behind herself
to rub her puckered hole slowly. She hissed suddenly; the tingling surprising
her as she stuck a finger in. She pulled it out with a sigh, then got on all
fours on the bed and reached for Evan, her ass sticking almost comically in the
Evan watched as her
hand slowly brought him around, and his eyes seemed to latch on to her asshole
as she righted him against it, moving him closer. She certainly had gotten
herself clean, and the familiar flowery scent of her soap came off her skin. He
felt the top of his hair, then his head, making contact, and he took one last
breath as the hole opened, slowly welcoming him in.
He felt an almost
familiar warmth as his world went dark, the lube letting him easily slide into
the dark cavern inside Eve. The walls pressed around him, but not as tightly as
her womanhood would, and as his legs slipped through the tight opening it
sealed shut, trapping him inside as he felt the walls gingerly.
“Whew!” Eve said,
clenching her cheeks involuntarily as she felt the tiny hands probing her
insides, “there we go Evan!” she giggled. She reached into her suitcase and
drew out a simple plastic vibrator, leaning back against the bed and flicking
it on. She rubbed it over her clit, giggling in pleasure as she felt her tiny
boyfriend struggle inside her.
Evan’s world was a
soft darkness, the walls around him convulsed as he heard the vibrator begin,
and every movement he made seemed to cause them to shake again. He leaned into
the walls in the direction that seemed to be causing the most reaction, and he
grinned as, even from inside her, he heard Eve scream with pleasure. He leaned
into the wall, doing his best to hug it, stimulating it as much as possible.
“O-Oh wow,” Eve
breathed, her first orgasm rocking her body. She arched her back, her muscles
tensing as she grunted loudly, gritting her teeth for a moment before falling
back to the mattress, limp.
She panted for a
moment, feeling a tiny pair of hands scrabbling at the inside of her sphincter.
She thought about reaching down for him, but… She grinned wickedly, clenching
herself shut tightly. It was a lot
easier to keep him in the back,
and she wanted to keep him there, if only for a little bit. The attempt to
escape seemed to stop as he realized her intentions.
“Evan,” Eve said,
stepping into a pair of panties, “I don’t know if you can hear this, but…” she
giggled, “you’re going to stay in there for a bit.”
Evan could hear her, muffled and fair away. He sighed and smiled, rolling his eyes
in the darkness.
Should have expected
this, he thought. Eve had a
tendency to go a little power mad with teasing him, and it was something he
both looked forward to and dreaded. I
like to be played with he
reasoned, and… that’s okay. He shrugged and made himself comfortable.
“Yes Evan, I think
I’ll go order a drink down at the bar,” Eve laughed, “maybe watch the band a
little… all with my tiny toy hidden where nobody can ever find him.” She
finished pulling up her pants, buttoning them and then slapping her ass for
emphasis, shaking Evan inside his dark prison.
He’s such a good
sport, she giggled internally, I’m going to have to really make it up to
him for letting me do this…
Like returning home
from any vacation, there was a subdued air as Eve pulled the car into the
driveway. The sun was already down, and Eve stretched and reached to pull a
tired looking Evan from the cupholder as she stepped out and looked at the
“Home sweet home,”
she said with a smile.
“No place I’d
rather be,” Evan grinned up at her. “Come on, let’s turn in… someone’s got work
“It’s like a
dream,” Eve said wistfully, “everything turned out so well…”
“It’s been a hell
of a year,” Evan agreed happily as she carried him towards the door.
In a dingy bar Bernard
Cargill ordered another round of beers for the table. He was a muscled man,
with a body sculpted by manual labor and some off the books work for less
reputable bosses. Tiny hunting had been a nice windfall, before it had dried
up. A nice semi-legal way to “match tinies to guardians” in exchange for some
small “placement fees.” In reality it was catching and selling the virus
victims to the kind of people interested in the quasi-slavery the Shrinkee
Protection Act had created.
“Hey, Bern,”
Mohawk, a pink haired woman who’s style matched her moniker, “when’s this
squeeze of yours supposed to get here?”
“She’s coming,” he
muttered, sipping his own drink. He glanced around at the three women who’d
joined him. For whatever reason Tiny Hunting was a mostly female profession,
and he’d rounded up a group that had similar methods and ethics to his own. The
women were a rough bunch, with a mix of hairstyles that one didn’t wear to job
interviews, wearing a mix of denim and leather, and tattoos that would turn heads
in a biker bar.
Despite having been
dating her for a few months Bern didn’t really care for Amber much, but she was
hot, easy, and she always loved hearing stories about how he’d captured
shrinkees. He knew the type, she wanted to feel better than everyone, and
having a portion of the population literally put under her feet was an
invitation to act the way she did. For Bern it was a job, nothing more.
“Hey guys!” Amber
said cheerfully, sitting down at the table with them, “sorry, I had some
trouble finding the place… I don’t uh, normally hang out in spots like this.”
“No kidding
Barbie,” Mohawk said with a nod, “Bern says you’ve got a job?”
“Yeah,” Amber
muttered, a thin sheen of sweat on her forehead, “Just a sec,” she grunted,
itching her bare arm vigorously. There were scratch marks down her legs too,
not too deep, but more like a rash.
“You okay?” Bern
“I think the
company that makes my fabric softener must have changed the recipe,” Amber
muttered angrily, “I’ve been itching all day.”
“Fabric softener,”
Bern muttered, shooting Mohawk a knowing glance, “right.”
“Anyway,” Amber
continued, oblivious to the looks the four Tiny Hunters gave her, “I’ve got
this sort of, proposition for you four.”
“The Shrinkee
Protection Act is out in July,” one of the other women said, “Tiny Hunting is
over, we’re probably all going to get fucked in lawsuits on top of it.”
“Well, the Shrinkee
Protection Act is getting repealed here,”
Amber said with a sly grin. “I was
thinking, you guys probably want to get out of the country, right?”
“Wouldn’t mind it,”
Mohawk muttered, “they’re offering most tiny hunters clemency for everything
that happened, but…” she chuckled and glanced around the table, “us here? We
always had some pretty aggressive methods; we’re not getting the pardon.”
“That’s perfect!”
Amber said, wiping the sweat off her forehead. She stared at it numbly a moment,
“It’s so fucking hot in here,” she muttered. She cleared her throat and
continued, “anyways, I know where there’s a tiny guy, super good looking one
too, and he’s got a big house.” The interest was piqued around the table, and
she grinned as she continued, “I’m thinking you four roll up, grab him, then we
get that house transferred to us and liquidated, we all take a share and then
we take the tiny on to the international market.”
“It’s illegal to
take shrinkees out of the country for… rehoming,” Bern said with a small smile.
“Do you guys really
care at this point?” Amber asked, exasperated, “come on, you’ll all probably
end up in jail if you stay here! What’s a tiny worth overseas anyway?”
“Oh wow,” Mohawk
chuckled, “well, Caucasian-American tiny, good looking, yeah there are a lot of
surprisingly wealthy foreigners who would love one like that, I’m sure we could
unload him for half a mill in one of the gulf states to some spoiled princess.”
“There are a few
places in East Asia where we could find a buyer for one like that too,” Bern
muttered, “he’d be an exotic item…”
“Great!” Amber
said, standing up, “then we’re all in agreement!” She scowled, itching her arms
like crazy again and muttering a comment about fabric softener. “I know when
the girl he’s with will be at work,” Amber said with a wicked grin, “next week
we’ll meet at his house and get it done.”
“Sounds great,”
Bern said with a smile, “see you later babe.”
Amber beamed,
practically skipping out of the dimly lit bar at the thought of getting revenge
on Eve. The three women turned back to Bern, smug grins on their faces.
“Mohawk,” he said
casually, reaching for his beer, “go ahead and start inquiring for foreign
buyers for two shrinkees, a male and female set.” He smiled, “a couple like
that should fetch enough to keep us all living comfortably somewhere that
doesn’t have an extradition treaty.”
“Isn’t that your
girlfriend?” one of the women asked with a laugh, “that’s ice-cold Bern!”
“I was meaning to
break up with her anyway,” he said with a shrug, “and besides, she was always
going on about how shrinkees need to learn their place.” The others at the
table laughed, clinking their glasses together before finishing their beers.
End Notes:
They're okay, the last days of May, but I'll be breathing dry air, I'm leaving soon, the others are already there...
We're very nearly at the end of this, just two months (chapters) remain. Thanks to everyone that's been following!
“It is soooo hot,” Eve muttered, fanning herself.
“Mrow,” Marshmallow agreed, tail swishing as he lay across
the floor.
“It’s not even that hot,” Evan disagreed, walking along the
floor. Despite his assertion Eve couldn’t help but notice he was both shirtless
and carried a slight sheen of sweat. “It’s just the humidity, this house’s plot
is practically on an island with all these wetlands around.”
“You’re a shrinkee,” Eve murmured, “you’d live under a
goddamn heat lamp if you could.”
“Could you get me one next winter?” he asked with a playful
grin, “I mean, I know you’re joking, but just get like a lizard terrarium and-“
They heard the crunch of gravel out on the road and the slam
of a car door. A moment later Laurie pushed her way in, a large box in hand.
“I’ve got it!” she said excitedly.
“Oh, thank god,” Eve muttered, wiping a sweaty lock of hair
out of her face.
“What?” Evan asked with a confused grin. Laurie and Eve
evidently had gotten to a level of friendship where their conversations didn’t
always involve him. He wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
“Inflatable above-ground pool,” Laurie said with a grin,
holding the large box up, “every redneck’s best friend!”
“Let’s set it up in the back!” Eve said excitedly.
Some time later Eve and Laurie were in bikinis, lounging
against the side of the inflatable pool, sunglasses on and drinks in hand. Evan
dove in off the side, swimming through a pool large enough to be a lake to him
as he spied the expanse of the women’s legs under the water. He surfaced with a
gasp, smiling and wiping water out of his eyes as he bobbed in the cool water.
“Oh, this is just what I needed,” Eve muttered, “Evan, when
is that guy coming to fix the air conditioner?”
“He’s supposed to be by around five,” Evan said, floating
gently on his back, “do you think you can survive until then?”
“I could stay here all day,” Eve muttered, sipping a lemon-flavored
soda and looking at the puffy clouds overhead.
“Not me,” Laurie muttered, standing up and letting the water
run off her. “they’re repouring my back patio, and I’m going to watch them do
it this time…” She stretched, her empty bottle of cola glinting in the summer
sun. “You two take care!” she said with a grin.
Eve’s hand circled under Evan and scooped him up, lifting
him so he could wave goodbye to Laurie. The two watched her towel off before
tossing a t-shirt and shorts on over her swimwear. The crunch of the gravel
road and a tall trail of dust trailed after her marked her departure.
“We’re lucky to have her,” Eve murmured with a smile.
“I’d be in a cage or a dollhouse somewhere without her,”
Evan chuckled, “I’m sure of it.”
“Enough of that pet talk,” Eve laughed, “that’s only a thing
for another few weeks, after that it officially becomes illegal to keep a tiny
against their will.”
“I’m sure there will be people that will try anyway,” Evan
“Hey, no more serious talk,” Eve giggled, “We’ve got an
inflatable pool and a few hours to kill before the air conditioning guy arrives
to make the house livable again.” She bumped the edge playfully, causing it to
compress and Evan to fall backwards into the water with a splash.
“Hey!” he sputtered, splashing to the surface.
“Badum,” Eve said, doing her best Jaws theme, “badum badum
badum…” she lowered herself into the water down to her nose, moving through the
water and continuing to hum under the surface as she approached him.
“Oh shit,” he laughed, paddling as quickly as he could. In
his head he heard the dramatic spike in the music as Eve’s mouth opened, and a
shadow fell over him as her lips overtook him. He heard a click as her teeth
closed around him, sending him into darkness. He felt her tongue reaching for
him, cradling his body and forcing him into a tight position against the top of
her mouth. He felt her probing around his waistband, and with slow delicate
motions, her tongue worked his swim trunks down.
“Oh yeah,” he muttered, kicking them free as her tongue
force them down. His manhood sprang free, and he felt her tongue take that as a
sign to get to work. He groaned, hugging the powerful muscle like a lover as it
ravaged his body, dancing against his manhood and teasing it, up and down, back
and forth.
Eve leaned against the inflatable edge, relaxing as she
toyed with her tiny man. She looked over the edge at her soda, propped in the
grass. She suddenly had an idea…
Evan’s world brightened suddenly, and he looked up,
squinting as he saw something approach Eve’s lips. His eyes went wide as he
recognized the soda can. Lemon-lime flavor cascaded over him like a waterfall,
tingling his skin and causing him to thrash as the bubbles of the soda burst
against him.
Eve couldn’t help but giggle, feeling his reaction to the
fizzy drink. Against her better judgment, she took another long sip, letting
Evan thrash and squirm as the soda stung him just ever so slightly, but when it
happened all over his body at once… the effect was quite stimulating.
She licked against him faster, her tongue quickly seeking to
add another flavor to the lemon sweetness that filled her mouth. A moment later
Evan began spurting his seed down into her throat, and his orgasm reached new
heights as another wave of the soda came, tingling his body and washing his
seed away with like the tide.
Eve pressed her lips together and made one last sucking motion,
creating a tight vacuum around Evan and slurping every last drops of the soda
off him. With a smile she cupped her hands and spat him out loudly, letting the
soaked and naked tiny flop into her palms. Slowly she lowered him back down
into the water, letting him float in front of her.
“Ugg…” he muttered, running his hands over his arms, “that
felt weird.”
“But good, right?” Eve asked, shaking the can back and forth
and causing what little remained to slosh back and forth.
“Maybe next time try it with a cola,” he laughed, “but yeah,
it felt nice.” He looked down at his nakedness as he treaded water and frowned,
“hey, I had a set of swim trunks.”
Eve burped suddenly, covering her mouth with her free hand.
Her cheeks went rosy, and she giggled at Evan’s reaction.
“I think I swallowed them!”
“See you later!” Eve said with a smile, waving to Evan and
“Have fun at work,” Evan said, directing the cat to carry
him up the stairs. He heard the door close, and he leapt of Marshmallow’s back
and walked along the hallway wall. He intended to spend most of the time inside
the walls today, he had an interesting western e-book he wanted to read on one
of his phones. He would have liked to have it in hand as a real book, but
reading the old-fashioned way was too much of a hassle at this size.
He'd been at it a few hours, relaxing and scrolling the
words on a screen larger than he was, when he heard an approaching car. Odd
this far out, and in the middle of the day when Laurie and Eve were both busy…
His heart skipped a beat when he heard the car, no cars, he was sure of it,
stop making noise on the gravel road as they turned onto his paved driveway.
He leapt up, quickly activating his exterior cameras to get
an idea of what he was looking at. His eyes went wide as he saw a large
windowless van, followed by a smaller car driven by… Amber, she stood down
there, looking up at the house with a madness in her eyes that could be seen
even on the blurry camera screen.
“He’s in there,” Amber said, tittering madly to herself,
“we’re going to get him, squish him good!” She stomped the concrete for
emphasis. “Then I’ll get my job back, and it’ll all be like it was!”
“Fuck,” Mohawk chuckled, leaning over to Bern, “she’s far
into it huh?”
“Yeah, they all get real crazy in the last few hours before
it happens,” Bern muttered.
“Hours?” Mohawk laughed, “she looks like she could go tiny
any minute!”
“Okay Amber,” Bern said with a smile as the three women
fanned out from the van, “why don’t you tell me where he stays, in a dollhouse
“In the walls,” Amber said, a slightly glazed look in her
eye, “he’s in the walls…”
“Okay, we’ve got a tunneler,” Bern told the women,
“Charlotte,” he gestured to a heavyset woman in a leather vest, “get the gopher
stick and start poking around the edge of the property for escape routes,
collapse any of them that you find.” He glanced at Amber, “Bethany,” the fourth
member of their crew, a wiry dirty blonde in sunglasses, looked up, “Go keep
Amber company.” The woman smiled and walked over to Amber, helping steady her
Evan swore angrily as he saw the group circling the
property, collapsing his outlying escape tunnels. These people were
professionals, and they looked rough. They were all carrying guns too, not just
the glue ball shooters tiny-hunters usually wore, but full-sized firearms.
Where the fuck did you find these people Amber? He
thought miserably. At the very edges of the property, they started hammering
stakes into the ground, motion detectors. These people aren’t kidding
around, he thought with a sigh.
Running wasn’t an option.
He texted Laurie their emergency code, then pulled up Eve’s
contact info.
“Tiny hunters at house, armed,” he texted, not sure what
else to say. He paused a moment, and felt like he was going to cry. Everything
had gone so well, for it to end here… like this? “I love you.” He messaged,
blinking a single tear away.
He breathed out slowly and thought over his next move.
Police? No, in theory police were supposed to assist “protection” of shrinkees,
at least until the act expired next month… The last thing he needed was for the
wrong cop to show up and start helping these people. By the time they were done
here, there would be plenty of cops and firefighters anyway.
“All right Unkie Armstrong,” he said, “let’s see how much of
that shit you hid in the basement still works.” He sighed as he realized that,
if he made it out of this alive, he’d have to admit to Laurie that his uncle
was, in fact, a gangster.
Somewhere in heaven, or more likely hell, an old mobster
“Six tunnels,” Bern laughed, “man, this guy sure likes
digging.” The group met back up at the van, slipping on gloves as they prepared
to enter the house. They had a number of tools designed to detect hidden areas,
heat signatures, and the like. If the tiny guy was in the wall, they’d root him
“Try not to tear the place up too much,” Mohawk warned,
“we’re going to need to flip this place fast once it’s in our name.”
Laurie was watching her brother Gerald and her cousin
Dominic smooth the concrete on her back patio. This was the third attempt to
get the job done right, and she took a swig of coffee and swore angrily. After
the second botched job, she’d just decided to sue the contractor and pay a few
of her family members to do it. If they fucked it up? Well, she could always
chase them down and kick their asses over the family barbecue.
She growled in annoyance as she got a text alert, then
froze, almost dropping her drink as she read the message.
“Excitable Boy”
It was a code phrase, a silly idea when she’d always thought
“help” would convey the message just as well, but Evan had always insisted they
use them. They had several, mostly silly references they’d come up with over
drinks in the weeks following his shrinking, some just meant unknown person on
the property, others meant Tiny-Hunters with the implication that they could be
dissuaded by a full-size person. This one though… this one meant shit had truly
hit the fan, this was the call for rescue.
“Confirm?” she texted back, hands shaking
Dominic and Gerald looked up at her, noticing her mood,
“Laurie, everything okay?” Gerald asked hesitantly.
“Evan,” she said, looking up, “h-he-“ She swallowed and took
a breath, “He just sent out the call for lawyers, guns, and money, and… this
family’s really only got one of those.”
Eve was enjoying her return to work. Things were busier, to
be sure, but Charles was hiring new people as fast as he could. For now she was
back to most of her old clients, along with some of the managerial duties
Amber, and now Charles, would occasionally delegate to her.
She clicked away at her keyboard, filling out a quick
report, when her phone buzzed. She frowned and reached for it. She almost
dropped it when she read Evan’s texts, shakily she got up and walked, then ran
towards the Elevator.
“Hey Eve, where’s the fire?” Charles joked from the palm of
his assistant. He had lengthy hair now, looking like a metal fan, having been
without hair for so long apparently the tiny man was beginning to
overcompensate now that he had it back.
“Home,” she said feebly, “Evan’s in trouble!”
Charles eyes went wide, “Just go Eve, I’ll take care of
She nodded, and as the elevator dinged, she stepped in, her
heart pounding like mad as it began it’s descent.
“So, two at the front, one at the back,” Bern said, readying
his glue shooter.
“W-Why not two at the back?” Amber muttered, beads of sweat
on her forehead, “t-there are four of you-“ she suddenly had to lean against
the van for support.
“Bethany here is going to stay out here with you,” Bern said
in a patronizing voice, “In case… of space aliens.”
The four of them laughed, but Amber just blinked, confusion
setting in, “d-do you think they have those out here?”
“Yeah,” Mohawk giggled, “just stay real close to one
of us.”
“Man, she’s fucking clueless,” Charlotte whispered.
“Easy to guess how she picked it up,” Bern chuckled, “she was
probably stepping on tinies for fun and never bothered to see if it was safe
for her to do that.”
“Idiot,” Mohawk said in a low voice, “you want to play with
the world’s best toys, you’ve got to get a doctor’s note.”
Bern just nodded, checking his equipment one final time. The
rate of shrinking virus vulnerability was a lot lower for women, and a lot
harder to catch, but they’d all heard stories or in some cases seen their
fellow hunters learn the hard way that they were in that group. He smirked,
there was something funny about someone going from seller to merchandise
Music suddenly played through external speakers on the
house. Bern paused, looking for the source of the noise.
I went home with a waitress, the song began, the
way I always do
“He’s playing music?” Mohawk asked with a chuckle.
“He’s sending a message,” Bern said quietly, scanning the
house, “he’s saying he’s here, and he doesn’t intend to run away.”
“Fine,” the pink haired woman muttered, “makes our job
The crackle of gunfire filled the air, and Bern
instinctively grabbed Mohawk, diving with the woman to the ground. Sparks flew
as bullets peppered the driveway, and he heard someone scream.
Automatics? Bern thought in a panic, who the hell
is this guy!?
Evan peered out through what would have been a pinhole sized
viewport to anyone else. Evan had used to love guns, but realistically for
someone at four inches tall even a pistol was a crew operated weapon, useless
for defending the home. Still, when he was big, he’d managed to rig a few of
his Uncle’s off the books weapons up behind some thin aluminum siding. They
were on pull strings and already pointed at random spots on the driveway and
entryway, he couldn’t really aim any of them, and reloading was out of the
question, but they made a good opening salvo.
“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!” Mohawk shouted, staggering to her
Bern blinked, realizing the music was still playing over
those damned speakers
“I was gambling in Havana, I took a little risk-“
He pulled is pistol, and with a snarl fired three shots into
the black box next to the doorbell. There were some sparks and the song went
“Sound off!” he shouted.
“I’m winged,” Charlotte shouted, clutching her bleeding
“Fuck this!” Bethany said angrily. She pulled her own
handgun, and her glue shooter in the other hand. She barreled towards the front
door, a snarl on her face.
“Wait!” Bern shouted, but it was too late, as soon as
Bethany made contact the door exploded outwards off its hinges, smoke and a
gout of flame following it as the woman was tossed backwards into the yard.
Bern’s heart raced as he sprinted over to her, quickly checking the limp woman
for a pulse.
“She’s alive,” Bern said with a swear. He looked at the
still smoking doorway, “Nobody else go near the house!”
“WHAT!?” Amber screeched. Her clothes were almost soaked
through with sweat now, and she staggered as she walked up to Bern angrily.
“You get your asses in there and get that tiny fucker-“
“Fuck no, this is like if Rambo watched Home Alone,” Mohawk
muttered, “Bern, I say we torch the place.”
“Agreed,” he muttered, walking back to their van. “He either
comes out, or he cooks, at this point I don’t care which one he picks.”
Bern opened up a storage locker built into the side of the
vehicle and began rifling through it. A moment later he produced a can of
gasoline and several rags and bottles. Burning tinies out of hiding places
wasn’t a new thing to him, you just had to make sure nobody was around to see
you start the fire, and at this point Bern was beyond caring about collateral
Evan watched through the camera as the first bottle burst
open against the roof, spreading flames. He swore under his breath and slung
his quiver of steel arrows over his back as he took his bow. He cursed himself
again for never finding a viable method of poisoning them, he’d just have to
make every shot count if it came to that.
One of them is down, he thought to himself, another
wounded… they’ve got the house surrounded, motion detectors…
His best bet was to get into the wetlands, he could go under
the surface of that murky water for hours, and he didn’t need to worry about
snakes or any other wildlife they way they would. That would be it, he decided,
he’d have to make a run for it.
“MROW!” Marshmallow cried pitifully as he entered the
hallway. The gunfire had terrified the poor cat, and he was scrunched as close
to the wall as he could go, his ears flat against his back.
“Hey buddy,” Evan said with a smile, “it’s okay.”
Marshmallow seemed to relax, nudging him slightly with his
nose, climb on, the cat seemed to say, let me carry you someplace
“Not this time Marshmallow,” he said, stroking up the cat’s
nose. “Go out the back, run into the swamp and wait for Laurie or Eve to come
“Mew?” the grey tabby looked at him curiously.
“Go man,” he laughed, wiping a quick tear away, “I’ll feed
you at the end of this, I promise.”
With that Marshmallow bounded down the stairs. Evan breathed
out slowly, and then slipped another of his entrances open, one that would lead
him down under the porch. He blinked another tear away and forced himself to
Look at you, crying over a goddamn cat, he sighed and
started running.
“I’ve got motion, rear,” Bern said as his phone gave him an
alert from their equipment circling the house.
“Just a cat,” Charlotte said over the walkie talkie.
Bern kept scanning the base of the house, come out you
little rat, he thought, you’ve got no tunnels left, your nest is on
fire, you’ve got to come out…
“THERE!” Amber screamed excitedly.
Bern and Mohawk both spotted the fleeing shrunken man at the
same time, he was sprinting as fast as his tiny legs could carry him, bare
chested and with something slung over his back. Bern closed the distance first,
glue shooter in his hand. Suddenly there was flash of steel, and pain shot
through his head as half his vision went dark. The big man tumbled to the
“My eye!” he screamed, holding a hand to his face, “little
fucker got my eye!”
Evan readied another arrow for the pink haired woman, but with
a sneer she brought a combat boot up over him, and stomped down mercilessly.
Even heard a series of snaps, then a flash of agonizing pain as the woman rose
her boot again to repeat the action.
“He’s down,” Mohawk panted, leaning down to grab the small
weapons away while Evan’s body recovered. Once he seemed like he was breathing
normally again, she reached down and scooped up his fingers.
Evan struggled when he realized what was happening, the
woman’s greasy fingers curled around him like pythons. He grunted as she
squeezed him, and he wondered if she would try to crack his ribs a few times,
they’d heal up right away, that just meant she could do it again…
“You have been such a pain the ass,” Mohawk said with a smug
Bern hissed with pain as he pulled the small steel
projectile out of his eye, with a grimace he reached for a bandanna on his belt
and tied it around his head, masking the injury. He walked over to Mohawk, a
look of pure fury on his face.
“This little fucker better be worth every penny,” he hissed,
“Mohawk, I know I tell you not to play with the merchandise too much, but… for
this guy, go ahead.”
“Oooh, fun,” the pink haired woman laughed. “Want to know
something cool about shrinkees?” she said, leaning close and letting Evan smell
her tobacco scented breath.
“I’m all ears,” Evan said tersely, meeting her gaze with one
of steely determination.
“Pretty much everything on you guys grows back, if it gets…
broken,” she said in a low voice, “except your heads, you gotta keep those on…
Medical miracle though, cutting edge stuff.” She had a wild grin, “everything
still hurts you just the way it does to full sized people though, but I’ll bet
you knew that.”
“Let’s wrap this shit up,” Charlotte said, coming around the
side of the house, “That’s a pretty clear-cut case of arson we just committed.
We’re not going to be able to do the whole flip the house thing, we’re going to
need to get over the border ASAP.” As if on cue there were sirens in the
distance, but out here in the country that could mean they were still miles
“Agreed,” Bern muttered, holding the soaked bandanna to his
eye, “someone help me carry Bethany and-“
The group froze as they heard the sound of tires crunching
gravel, a column of dust appeared at the end of the road as a battered blue
truck approached, doing speed that was doubly unsafe with the young man in the
truckbed. There was a screech of tires as the truck skidded to a halt, blocking
the property’s long paved driveway.
“Oh shit,” Bern shouted as the three people in the vehicle stepped
out, rifles drawn, “take cover!” the next round of gunfire peppered the van as
the three tiny hunters dove behind it.
“This is beyond fucked!” Charlotte shouted, “he called a
redneck roundup or something!”
“Listen up,” Laurie shouted as the rifle fire stopped. “You
guys give us Evan; everyone walks out of here alive!”
“I’m guessing you’re Evan?” Mohawk asked bitterly, looking
at the tiny man in her clenched fist.
“Pleased to meet you,” he chuckled, “you might say I get by
with a little help from my friends.”
“I say we give up,” Charlotte said, peering around the corner
of the van. She grimaced as she saw a blonde in a straw hat slamming another
magazine into a deadly looking black rifle. The two men behind her, taking
cover behind the truck’s doors, were doing the same.
“Bern?” Mohawk asked, reaching towards her pistol with her
free hand.
The man growled a moment, “Okay!” he shouted, “we’re coming
“WHAT!?” Amber screeched. Bern blinked his remaining eye; in
the chaos he hadn’t even noticed her dive behind the van with them. She truly
looked ill now, with her hair frazzled and her eyes bloodshot, a crazed look in
them amplified by the madness of a late stage shrinking virus infection.
“It’s over,” Bern said calmly, not sure why he was
bothering, “We’re giving this guy to those hicks, then we’re going to try to
get out of here before the cops come.”
“It’s over when I say it’s over!” Amber moved with
lightning speed, pulling Bern’s pistol from its holster and suddenly holding
the three tiny hunters at gunpoint.
“Lady, you need to put that down,” Mohawk said angrily.
“Give me the fucking tiny or I put you down!” Amber
hissed, “best tiny hunters there are,” she mocked, “fucking worthless!” she
held out her hand, and Mohawk grudgingly put Evan into it. Amber peered around
the side of the van, then at the three former allies and smirked.
Without another word Amber dove around the car, firing the
gun wildly in the direction of Laurie’s truck. She, Dominic, and Gerald dove
for cover, but all of Amber’s shots were going wide anyway. She didn’t have any
idea how to use a firearm beyond what she’d seen in movies, but it was enough
to let her get to her car.
“Just you and me now Tiny!” Amber tittered, tossing him to
the passenger’s seat.
“You don’t look well Amber,” Evan said slowly, noticing the
scratch marks up and down her legs.
“I’m fucking peachy!” Amber said with a wide smile as she
leveled the gun at Evan, “now, you can survive all kinds of crazy stuff, but
I’ll bet this will still splat you good, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Evan said cautiously. I remember this part of the
virus, he groaned mentally she’s in lala land.
“S-So just stay put,” Amber stammered, blinking rapidly,
“We’re going to drive to the scrapyard, and I’m going to build us a helicopter
to get out of here.”
Evan swallowed nervously, in her state Amber really
shouldn’t be driving, he thought, on the upside… I’d probably survive a
car crash.
“Look out!” Laurie shouted as Amber’s car barreled towards
them. She tried to ready her rifle, but Amber just banged into the side of the beat-up
truck, bumping it out of the way and letting her escape onto the gravel
Laurie leapt into the driver’s seat and turned the key, but
the engine just whined in protest. She looked with dismay at the engine block,
now billowing steam and smoke.
“HA!” Amber crowed as dust rose behind them. “I did it!” she
cackled, “fuck you Eve!”
There was a crash, and then the world spun. Evan flew
through the air, and a moment later felt his body crunch as he collided with
the dashboard. His world went black.
Eve fought against the airbag, stumbling out of her own
vehicle in a daze. She’d knocked Amber’s car clear into the ditch on the side
of the road, and the marshy water had enveloped the front hood, stopping just
at the cabin. Eve’s car hadn’t fared much better, with a good chunk of the
front hood caved in.
“Amber!” She screamed angrily, stumbling out of the door.
Sirens raged in the distance, and the column of black smoke
rising from Evan’s house pierced the blue summer sky. Eve could smell it again,
Evan’s home, their home, burning. When she’d spotted the redhead behind
the wheel of her car fury had welled within her. There was no question in her
mind who was responsible for this, and she’d only needed a second’s thought
before she steered right into it. She grimaced as she walked, aches and pains
beginning to surface with the adrenaline of the crash gone.
The redhead flopped out of her own vehicle, bobbing and
weaving as she stood, a gun in one hand and Evan in the other. Amber blinked a
moment, her eyes adjusting as her vision came back into focus.
“Eve,” she giggled, “oh good, once I get rid of you, I can
have my job back!”
Eve froze, seeing the weapon her eyes went wide, “Your job?
Amber what are you-“
“She’s infected!” Evan shouted, “she’s nuts, run!”
“No,” Amber said, blinking sweat out of her eyes, “you both
fucked me over, and once I get rid of you, I’ll be back to the top, in a
helicopter I’m gonna build myself!” She put the gun against Evan’s tiny form,
and Eve sprinted at her, knowing it was too late.
A grey blur flew up out of the marsh, and the cat was
clawing at Amber’s face with a fury Eve didn’t know he could even possess. Evan
fell to the marsh with a shout of surprise, and the gun splashed into a puddle
as the redhead screamed, trying to pry Marshmallow off her. A moment later
there was a squeal of feline pain, then the grey tabby was thrown bodily to the
road with a thud.
Amber looked like a demon, blood streaming down her face and
her red hair fluttering wildly in the wind, and Evan felt a moment of true fear
as she snarled, looking down at him. He braced himself as she raised a heeled
foot over him, the marshy soil made a sucking sound as she did so.
Eve was on her then, and while she’d never been in a fight,
a physical one anyway, her clenched fist made contact with Amber’s jaw in a way
that would make a boxer proud. Amber staggered backwards, collapsing onto a
raised pile of soil and plants.
“What a fucking hit!” Evan called excitedly, “Eve, you
should do MMA!”
“Ow,” Eve muttered, shaking her hand back and forth as she
delicately picked up the gun, “I don’t think so…” She glanced up at the road,
Marshmallow was struggling shakily to his feet, one of his legs hung limply
behind him and she grimaced.
“Mew,” he managed, slowly dragging himself back to them.
“Good cat!” Evan said, bounding over to him and reaching up
to hug the tabby’s face, “no more kibble, wet food for you every night, I don’t
care what the doctor says.”
Eve took a moment to breathe, glancing over at the house,
she saw a series of firetrucks and police cars around it. There were several
people being arrested, and Laurie and what looked like two of her family
members were talking to officers who were taking statements.
“We should probably go get the cops so they can take the
wicked witch over there in,” Eve muttered.
“Uh, I don’t think that’ll be necessary,” Evan said,
pointing to where Amber had fallen.
Eve turned to follow his gaze, then started as she saw
Amber’s rumpled clothes laying on the patch of raised soil. Inside her button
up shirt a small lump moved.
Amber sobbed, naked and wet, as she crawled towards the neck
of her own shirt. As soon as she’d shrank her mind had cleared almost
instantly, and the last week of bad decisions made in a haze had come flooding
back to her. There was no point in denying it now, she had the shrinking virus.
She squealed in surprise as someone lifted up her shirt,
shaking it and causing her to tumble free through the air. She landed with a
grunt, the soft marshland soil cushioning her somewhat. Shakily she tried to
stand up, covering her breasts with one arm and her crotch with the other as
the warm summer wind blew her hair slightly. She noticed that all the scratches
up and down her arm had healed almost instantly, as had the stinging ones on
her face.
“Hi Amber,” Eve’s voice called from overhead.
Amber’s eyes went wide as her head met Eve’s heels, the mud
and filth of the marsh fouling them. Her head traced higher, up her nyloned
legs, her skirt, shirt, and finally to that smug face, so far away. Amber’s
heart skipped a beat, and she stumbled backwards, forgetting modesty and
letting her breasts and fiery red pubic hair be seen as she held her hands up
in front of her self feebly.
“H-Hey Eve!” Amber said with a weak grin, “Uh, I uh… I’m a
tiny! Wild huh!”
“Wild,” Eve agreed, her grin widening.
“Maybe don’t make it too rough on her,” Evan whispered from
his spot on her shoulder. “I know she’s done a lot to us… but this whole thing
is really hard on you mentally when it first happens.”
“Evan,” Eve said calmly as she lifted her shoe over Amber,
“Tinies get stepped on all the time, as someone used to tell me, they bounce
right back.” The hard sole slammed down on Amber, who’s scream of terror was
cut off by the familiar *crunch* of a shrinkee’s body being compressed under a
high heeled shoe. Eve took a moment to grind her heel back and forth, a
pointless gesture in the soft soil, but it made her feel good.
“Now, tell me that wasn’t satisfying?” She asked Evan with a
Evan fought to keep the grin off his face, “Okay, maybe it
was a little, but let’s not get carried away with this.” He looked wistful a
moment, then chuckled, “you know, you never forget the first time you get
stepped on.”
“Who was yours?” Eve asked curiously.
“Laurie actually,” Evan said with a laugh, “she was coming
in from doing yardwork and had her headphones in, I was on the floor and
neither of us were really paying attention and… crunch.” He shrugged, “she
still feels bad about it.”
It took hours, but eventually the police had arrested the
four tiny hunters, and the fire department had managed to put out the blaze the
group had started trying to flush Evan out. Gerald and Dominic had called a
friend of theirs who owned a tow truck company, and the wrecked vehicles had
been carted off one by one, a sure windfall for whatever body shop they were
all being brought to. Soon the only ones left were Eve, Laurie and Evan,
staring at the burned upper floor of the Armstrong house.
“Well,” Eve said, “the Fire Chief said it can probably be
rebuilt, and the lower story is almost untouched.”
“That’s going to take a while,” Laurie said with a sigh,
“you guys want to come crash at my place? My brother loaned me his shitbox over
there,” she jerked a thumb at an older looking sedan.
“Sounds good,” Evan said in a tired voice. “We need to bring
Marshmallow by the vet too, I think his leg is broken.”
“Mrow,” the cat agreed weakly from inside his carrying
“I guess I’ll just address the elephant in the room,” Laurie
said with a sigh, “what are you going to do with her?”
Eve looked down at the mason jar in her hand, tightly
screwed shut. She held it up to her face, looking at the despondent looking
redhead trapped, naked, inside it.
“Well, the police wouldn’t take a tiny, but I’ve got some
ideas,” Eve said with a cruel grin, Amber shivered inside the jar, a fearful
expression on her face.
“Look, I understand everyone wants some payback-“ Laurie
began slowly.
“I get it, I get it, jeez,” Eve said irritably.
“Let’s just worry about her later,” Evan insisted, “we’ve
all been through hell, let’s go pick up some food and go crash.”
“Sounds good,” Eve said, holding up Amber’s credit card,
“you guys won’t go all tiny rights on me if I use Amber’s credit card to pay for
dinner, will you?”
Nobody had any objections.
End Notes:
I hope the climactic showdown met everyone's expectations, as did the long foreshadowed Amber shrinking. There is one final chapter (July) which will round out and complete the story, special thanks to everyone who made it this far!
“He looks like he’s healing nicely,” Dr. Connors, Evan’s vet
of choice, said of Marshmallow’s leg. She stroked the grey tabby, who purred.
Dr. Connors was a middle aged woman with light brown hair, with a slightly
clinical air, “I would like him to lose some weight.”
“Oh come on doc,” Evan protested from his spot on Eve’s
shoulder, “I’ve been trying to get him to lose weight since before I was tiny!”
“I am well aware,” Connors muttered. She paused, her
enormous face leering at Evan a moment, “I must say Mr. Armstrong, given your…
condition, I would think you would find giving a cat orders easier, simply
command him to eat less!”
“Look, we tinies have a connection with animals, and it’s
true he does a lot of stuff I ask,” Evan chuckled, “but if I tried that?
He’d never listen.”
“Hmm…” the vet said, eyeing Eve, “I don’t suppose I can
trust you to put this cat on a diet that sticks?”
“I’ll uh, do my best,” Eve muttered.
“While you are here, would you like me to perform a check up
on Evan?” Dr. Connors asked, causing him to gulp. The vet seemed to chuckle at
his reaction, “I’ve wondered why you’ve avoided coming to see me yourself Evan,
worried about getting chipped?”
“Uh, yeah,” Evan muttered, “a lot actually.”
“Well, the Shrinkee Protection Act is out in a few days,”
Dr. Connors said with a sigh, putting her hands in her pockets. “I’ve never
much approved of it, nor the way that veterinarians suddenly became medical
providers for you… supposedly we have more appropriate equipment for small
bodies.” Connors shrugged, “Not that you little people have much in the way of
health problems, even your worst injuries seem to heal before I can even get
you in. Still, taking some vitals would be good.”
“Uh…” Evan looked up at Eve, who smiled. “Okay, sure.”
Doctor Connors smiled and took Evan in a gloved hand. As he
was set down on the table he flinched as the cold stethoscope touched his
chest, covering it easily. All things considered it wasn’t much different from
any other checkup, he was weighed, reflexes tested, temperature taken, with a
no-contact thermometer no less.
“I told you,” Eve giggled, “I’d get you to the vet by the
end of the lease! When do you sign the house over?”
“No chip, no win,” Evan said, crossing his arms. “Also, you
wouldn’t have ever gotten the house.”
Eve frowned, “what do you mean?”
“Oh,” Evan said, laughing, “I actually had the house put
into a trust with me as the beneficiary, Laurie’s been the trustee since I
shrank, anyone who captured me wouldn’t have been able to touch it. We’re
actually going over to the courthouse next week to put me back on the deed.”
Eve’s mouth fell open, “so all this time-“
“Game was rigged from the start,” Evan laughed, “chip or no
“I won’t be chipping Mr. Armstrong anyways,” Connors said
coldly, “unless…” she looked at him quizzically, “I do provide it at the tiny’s
request… if that’s something you want.”
“No!” Evan said quickly, “I’ll uh, I’ll pass.” He frowned,
“why would anyone want one?”
“It can be an uncertain world for tinies,” Dr. Connors said,
finishing up the checkup and writing down his information, “many trust a friend
or family member with the code for theirs, so that if anything should ever happen,
they can easily be found. It’s quite dehumanizing I’m sure, but not everyone is
as brave and capable as you are.” She smirked, “the story of what happened at your
uncle’s house is spreading through the community like wildfire, I’ve got to say
you sent those thugs packing better than most full-sized men would have.”
“He’s my hero,” Eve said with a smile, “he’s one of the best
people you could have in your corner.”
Evan beamed, he could be tiny, he could be getting an
examination in the vet’s office, but in that moment? He felt ten miles tall.
Eve set Evan down in
the cupholder as she got into the car, “if I’d told you a year ago that you’d
be leaving the vet with a girl, what would you think?” Eve asked with a giggle.
She set Marshmallow’s crate on the floor of the front seat, and the cat meowed
in protest of his captivity.
“I’d guess I was fucked,” he said with a shrug. “It has been
almost a year, hasn’t it?” He laughed a moment, “Where did the time go? Do you
want to renew the lease?”
It was a pointless question, she mostly just paid for
utilities and upkeep on the house these days, the monthly rent transfer was
little more than a formality for the couple.
“Can I flirt with the landlord for a lower rate?” she joked
with a smile. “Also, seeing as how it’s going to be a few months for the top
floor to be repaired… I think I should get a discount.”
“Sure, we should negotiate that later,” he chuckled, leaning
over the side of the cupholder. “Okay, where are we off to now?”
“Well…” Eve drawled with a smile, “we’ve got another vet to
visit, one a little less… ethical.”
Amber squeaked as she was dumped onto the reception desk of
Dr. Nicole’s Shrinkee Clinic and Spa. While technically a licensed vet, Dr.
Nicole was infamous in Shrinkee communities nearby for her “shrinkee focused”
practice. From the look on Amber’s face she recognized it from the advertisements.
While the clinic was far from the worst place a tiny could end up, many of the
virus victims found their treatment there... patronizing, was the polite way to
put it. Dr. Nicole herself was relatively young a tanned and bleached blonde
woman who had only barely passed veterinary school, and she giggled as she
chewed a pen, looking over the tiny woman.
“We’d like a standard freshly adopted shrinkee package,” Eve
said with a grin.
“Oh my,” Dr. Nicole giggled, “she is a cute one. I wish more
women shrank,” she glanced at Evan and winked, “no offense to the boys of
course, you’re super fun to play with too.”
“H-Hey!” Amber protested as a gloved hand came down and
fondled her naked form, “quit it!”
“Ooh! And so feisty too!” Her fingers wrapped around Amber,
quickly trapping the squirming tiny in her grip. She glanced over at Evan, who
was watching from Eve’s palm, “what about that one?” she asked, pointing at
“Oh,” Eve muttered, “He’s uh, already processed.”
Dr. Nicole shrugged, carrying the thrashing and screaming
Amber into a room behind the lobby. The “treatment room” was a large sterile
looking white room with a glass wall that allowed persons in the lobby to see
the tiny being “worked on.”
“Okay, let’s start by getting you cleaned up!” Dr. Nicole
said in a bubbly voice. She brought Amber over to a sink, and while her back
was to the glass, Eve and Evan could hear Amber’s screeching as the vet
squirted some hand soap into her palm and began to scrub the tiny woman all over.
A moment later she reached for a roll of paper towels, pulling one off and then
ruffling the still protesting Amber dry.
“S-Stop!” Amber wailed as she was brought over to the exam
Dr. Nicole hummed to herself as she pinned the tiny woman to
the mat, a small iodine swab appeared in her hand and she swished it over
Amber’s left buttcheek. The tiny redhead’s eyes bulged, and she seemed to
realize what that meant as she thrashed angrily. A moment later the syringe gun
came down, and with a pneumatic hiss, and then a loud *click* the chip was
injected into Amber. She flinched once, then she seemed to go limp as the
realization set in.
“Oh no,” Amber wailed. It’s in… oh god it’s in… the
tracking chip would forever let her “guardian” easily find her, it could even
monitor her vitals. It was a small thing really, but as she felt the lingering
sting in her bottom it felt like something of her had been stripped away.
“Oh, cheer up,” Dr. Nicole beamed, “we’re going to make you
so pretty!”
Before Amber could react, Dr. Nicole swept her naked form up
off the table, carrying her over to a small cylinder with a series of
electronic dials and displays on the side. Amber looked around like a trapped
rat as she was lowered, feet kicking, into it. The doctor reached down,
delicately forcing her into the steel cylinder, taking care to make sure her
long hair remained outside of it, dangling down the side. It looked like it was
just tall enough that her head peeked out, and narrow enough that she had to
keep her hands at her sides.
“And one quick sting,” the doctor said cheerfully, flicking
a switch.
There was a *zap* and a quick smell of ozone as the inside
of the cylinder flashed, Amber’s eyes went wide and she screamed once, like
she’d been stung. The doctor quickly reached in, pulling her out of the
cylinder, revealing tender red skin that was rapidly turning pink again as the
shrinkee healing factor kicked in.
“Instant all-over hair removal!” the doctor said with a
giggle. Amber looked down in shock at her now hairless skin, it was like the
perfect wax job. “Don’t get too excited,” Dr. Nicole said, waggling a finger
playfully, “your little bodies are just so good at fixing themselves, you’ll
need to repeat the treatment once every six months if you want it to last.”
“Like hell I will,” Amber muttered. She shivered slightly,
everything felt a little colder since being small, and having her body hair
zapped away just made the feel of the building’s air conditioning against her
skin feel all the more potent.
“Now let’s end on a nice one,” Dr. Nicole said, ignoring
Amber’s discomfort. She dangled Amber by one arm, bringing her over to a table
with a long row of squirt bottles. She beamed and looked over to the glass,
where Eve and Evan were watching. “Which scent did you want?” Dr. Nicole
called, “Sorry, I forgot to check the form!”
“Peach Smoothie!” Eve shouted with a grin.
The doctor pressed down on the nozzle of one of the bottles,
squirting a few globs into each hand. The gloved fingers descended on Amber,
rubbing the fruit-scented lotion into her skin. She couldn’t help but gasp as
it tingled up and down her spine, at this size, and after the hair treatment,
her skin was extra sensitive. It was all she could do to stay lucid as those
powerful fingers massaged every nook and cranny, pressing into her muscles and…
“Oh god,” Amber moaned as the gloved finger went a little too
“Oh,” Dr. Nicole giggled, “sorry about that, if it happens
just let it all out, you little cuties just can’t handle your lotion massages,
usually it’s the guys that have this happen though.” She shrugged, finishing up
the lotion application and gently dabbing the dazed Amber off with a tissue.
With a snap she pulled her gloves off, tossing them in a nearby waste basket.
“I-Is it over?” Amber whimpered, trying to cover herself
“Almost,” Dr. Nicole said with a smile.
Her thumb and forefinger hooked under Amber’s armpits,
drawing her over to another table with a pair of large cabinets on it. Dr.
Nicole flipped them open, revealing row upon row of identical doll’s clothing.
She settled on an aisle of red dresses with white polka dots, fashioned with a
belt in the center like something out of a 1950s garden party. She held several
of them up to Amber, gauging her size, then she slipped one on. The fabric was
scratchy, not at all like the tailored suits, skirts, and dresses Amber was
used to, but at the same time she almost felt happy just to have clothes again.
A moment later a pair of ill-fitting plastic shoes were slipped onto her feet,
and she was set on the desk to try to delicately balance in them. A massive, to
her anyway, brush went through her hair, quickly straightening and parting the
red mess that had become mussed and tangled during her ordeal. The final touch
was a small ribbon tied into a bow in her hair, tightening slightly as the good
doctor expertly tied the tiny knot.
“There we go, super pretty, don’t you think?” Dr. Nicole
said, leaning down and beaming at her. A small makeup mirror was on the desk,
and Amber caught sight of herself. The powerful business woman with the
fashionable taste and the steely eyes was gone, in her place stood… a doll.
Amber was stunned as Dr. Nicole gently picked her up,
carrying her back out to the lobby where Eve and Evan were waiting.
“Oh Amber, you look so good!” Eve said with a smug smirk.
“So how was it?” Evan asked, arms crossed, “did you enjoy
the Shrinkee experience?”
“Okay,” Dr. Nicole said, handing the tiny woman over to Eve,
“here she is, chipped, cleaned, and ready for a nice garden party or evening at
home!” next she handed Eve a stack of papers, “and here’s her certificates,
guardian registration, all that. I have to say, it’s odd that you wanted all
this given that the Shrinkee Protection Act expires in a few days, but you’re
the customer,” she shrugged.
“What do you suppose is going to happen to this place?” Evan
asked, a slight edge to his voice, “given that Shrinkees are going to have full
legal rights again in a few days…”
“Aww, you’re so sweet to worry!” Dr. Nicole said. There
wasn’t any sarcasm there, and Evan blinked, confused as she patted his head in
a patronizing manner. “A lot of little guys and a few girls actually contacted
me and told me they want to keep up their regular appointments!”
“Weird,” Evan muttered, thinking over the humiliating
“procedure” they’d just watched Amber subjected to. Who’s paying to have that
done to them?
“Interested Evan?” Eve teased.
“No thanks,” he said with a grimace.
The vet for her part seemed oblivious to Evan’s distaste for
her practice, “will that be cash or card?”
“Card,” Eve said with a grin, handing the vet Amber’s credit
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Amber.
She’d been handled like an unruly pet, stripped of her dignity, her body hair,
her autonomy, and then gussied up like a Stepford wife… and she’d paid for
all of it. She felt her knees turn to jelly, and she fell into Eve’s palm,
A few minutes later the three of them were in Eve’s car, and
she laid the two tinies on the dashboard. Evan distanced himself slightly from
the near-catatonic Amber, letting Eve speak to her.
“See these papers Amber?” Eve said harshly, holding up the
guardian forms, “for the next three days I literally own you, did you have fun
at the vet’s office?”
“NO!” she wailed, “I’m so sorry!”
“Eve,” Evan said quietly, “I think she’s had enough…”
Eve fumed a moment, “I’m going to run all these documents through
the shredder as soon as we get home,” she said quietly, “I already talked with
Dr. Connors, and you’ll get the chip taken this time next week, should be
pretty quick and clean.”
“R-Really?” Amber sniffed, standing up slightly. She cleared
her throat, “uh, thanks…”
“Now,” Eve said with a sigh, “is there anyone we can leave
you with? Friends, family? Charles told me your emergency contacts were your
parents, and they hung up on me when I called about you.”
Amber looked at them, her lip quivering a moment.
“Oh, you’re fucking kidding me,” Eve muttered, “nobody? An
old roommate? A barber? Come on you always had people around you at work!”
“Do you think I want to be around them!?” Amber
squealed, “after all the shit we said about tinies? That I said about tinies?”
“Oh, goddamn it,” Evan said, chuckling as he kicked his foot
against the car’s dashboard. “Eve, I think we’ve got to take her home with us.”
“Who’s ready to party!” Laurie shouted, bursting through the
door of Evan’s house. The top floor was still being rebuilt, but the fire
marshal had apparently declared the bottom floor safe for habitation. In one
hand the blonde had a box of fireworks, and in the other a bottle of bourbon.
“Fourth of July baby! Independence Day!” She whooped happily, “it’s gotta feel
good being a citizen again, huh Evan?”
“It’ll be nice to be recognized by government branches other
than the IRS,” he said with a shrug, “but sure, I’ll shoot off some bottle
rockets with you!”
“I’ll watch from the porch,” Eve said with a smirk. She
frowned a moment, “hold on, Evan, are you saying they made you pay taxes after
you shrank?”
“Isn’t that fucked up?” Evan laughed.
“Uh, hi, Miss Laurie?” a meek voice called. Laurie looked
down at her feet, where a tiny Amber in a red and white polka dotted dress was
looking up at her nervously.
Laurie frowned, “What’s she doing here?”
“I’m asking myself that same question every day,” Eve
“She doesn’t really have anywhere else to go,” Evan
“Uh yeah, I’m just kind of crashing here, until I get back
on my feet,” Amber said shakily. She gulped; she still wasn’t used to talking
to big people…
Normal sized people Amber realized with a start, I’m
the one who’s small, they’re normal sized…
“Well, spit it out,” Laurie said testily.
“Evan and Eve said you volunteer with a lot of… people like
“Tinies,” Laurie said impatiently, “yeah.”
“Could you maybe… help me find a job or something?” she
asked, biting her lip.
Laurie leaned down to pick her up, causing the tiny woman to
squeak in surprise as her feet left the ground.
The blonde held her up and regarded her casually, “There aren’t
a ton of good employers for tinies in this area,” Laurie said finally, “one is
the company Eve works for, and I’d say your bridges there are pretty well
“Yeah,” Amber said sullenly, looking down.
“Funny thing Amber,” Eve said, “all those emails they sent
when Charles shrank? They actually recommended all the women in the office get
tested for vulnerability to the virus, the company even offered it for free.”
She shrugged, “guess you shouldn’t have ignored all those tiny-rights
presentations and emails…”
Amber clenched her fists, her face burning red, “I-Is there
another place you know that hires people… my size?”
Laurie thought a moment, “The other one is a spa a little
ways north of here, they have a full tiny staff, and-“
“That one’s also out,” Eve said, rolling her eyes, “she
pissed them off too.”
“Wow, little miss popularity, aren’t you?” Laurie mused. “Okay,
well let’s worry about that another time. For now, I want to shoot off illegal
The group watched the flowers burst in the dark summer sky,
in the near countryside of the Armstrong estate they could see the distant
reds, whites, and blues as far-flung fireworks displays and individuals fired
their own salvos, celebrating the holiday.
Eve lay on the grass, Evan nestled in her cleavage as she
looked up. Laurie lay a few feet away, having exhausted her own supply of
fireworks, and even Amber was sitting in grass that was now almost as tall as
she was, looking up in silence.
The only sound was the distant booms of the sky flowers.
Each of them was consumed by their own thoughts, thinking of pasts, presents,
futures... mistakes made, successes, losses. A sense of subdued peace had
fallen over them, marinated in the muggy summer evening as the smokey smell of
the fireworks wafted over the countryside.
Somehow, all four of them could sense that the others were
in a similar emotional state, and when the final red bloom in the distant sky
burst, the silence persisted. Gradually the sound of insects returned, and the
smell of the smoke was carried away on the summer wind as the stars covered the
Finally, Laurie sat up, the only remaining light coming from
the porch and the stars above.
“I’m going to head out,” she said with a smile, tipping her
straw hat. “Evan, Eve, it’s been wild. Come by and see me on Sunday, we’ll cook
burgers.” She glanced down to Amber, “I’m going to go meet with some tiny rights
types tomorrow, there’s a lot of work to do… Do you want to come stay with me
and head over and meet them tomorrow morning? You might find some friends
there, even given your… history.”
“Uh,” Amber said slowly, “sure.” She stood up, and Laurie
bent down to grasp her around the waist and lift her up. Laurie nodded at Evan and Eve again, turning
to leave. “Wait!” Amber shouted suddenly, “I… I know it doesn’t mean anything
now,” she said quietly, “but… I’m sorry.” She blinked away a quick tear, and
Laurie waited another moment. When it was clear the tiny woman had nothing left
to say Laurie smiled and waved at them, leaving for her truck without another
“You know,” Evan mused, “a little therapy, maybe some time
to figure herself out… she might turn into a halfway decent person someday.”
Eve snorted, “maybe, until then I’d rather not hang out with
She sighed, picking up Evan and walking up to the driveway.
She paused, looking up at the still half destroyed house. The stars twinkled
through the rafters, the signs of new construction over the old frame evident
even in the low light.
“I love you Evan,” she said softly.
“I love you too Eve,” he said leaning against her palm.
Somewhere on the distant horizon, a few final fireworks
The End
End Notes:
I’d like to say a few things at the end here, as I’ve noted
before this was in response to people requesting I try a cruel-to-gentle or
“enemies to lovers” type story. I’ve also wanted to write a “proper novel,” as
a lot of people who follow my stuff have seen I tend to take an episodic
approach to stories, usually doing 2-3 part story arcs or one shots. This is
the first one I’ve plotted and outlined out as a full novel-length story like
this, I hope the pacing and overall narrative held up for everyone. The other
thing I was trying to do was really give a sense for the passage of time, hence
the focus on the weather and the holidays of each section. Finally I hope the
story left you on a positive note, I try to make most of mine feel-good
As far as what’s next here, I personally consider the story
of these characters to be complete, you might say they lived happily ever after.
A spinoff or a one shot in this universe is possible, maybe with some cameos
from these characters, but I probably won’t do a true sequel. If you really
like the universe and themes my other stories “A Caught Shrinkee” and “We Help
Each Other Get By” take place in very similar (though not identical) settings,
and a lot of ideas from those carried over to this one.
Anyways it’s probably a comment you’re used to seeing, but a
final thanks to everyone who read and for all the reviews, this has become my most
popular story as of this writing and it’s really been great to see so many
people eagerly following the updates and giving reviews and comments. If you’re
new to my stuff I’ve got a decent catalog of other stories, if you like them
and leave a review I’ll see it, even if the story is older. Goodbye for now,
see you next time!
EDIT 8/5/22: I see the story has been added as a featured one, and has seen some extra interest! To those of you who made it here to the end, congrats and thanks! Maybe you didn't see it during the initial posting period, or you're rereading it, but I'll just repeat that I absolutely love reviews and thoughts on the whole thing. Not sure what else to say so here's to your good health and fortune!
EDIT 11/4/22: To anyone reaching the end for the first time I have a collection of one shots with the side characters and other aspects of this world which you can find here if you need more One Year Lease, it's linked in the series page as well.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.