The biggest bitch in cell block B by Kokoji

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A secret medical trial in a high security,  all womens penitentiary threatens to destabilise the balance of the prison ecosystem.  And maybe even the entire prison. 

Categories: Giantess, Young Adult 20-29, Adult 30-39, Breast Enlargement, Crush, Destruction, Feet, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Growing Woman, Humiliation, Muscle, Slow Size Change, Violent Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.), Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.), Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FF/f, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences, This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 107907 Read: 70325 Published: June 28 2022 Updated: January 14 2023
Alternate ending C - The darkest timeline by Kokoji
Author's Notes:

Sorry for the delay on this one. The holidays and my new story slowed me down!

This picks up somewhere in the middle of chapter 17

Cassandra was in a flow state, perfectly mixing chemicals and pipetting precise measurements like it was second nature. Truthfully, it was. She had mastered these skills a long while ago. Even with the fate of many lives on her shoulders, she was in the zone. She stuck the nib of a fresh needle into the potent, golden mixture and drew the plunger up, sucking the ambrosia into the plastic. Capping it, she sighed. She'd finished in record time.

Jennifer delicately placed a hand on her shoulder. "Is it done?" She asked. Cassandra nodded and turned to face the 6'4 woman. It was still so odd seeing someone that had rivalled her in size not long ago standing so far above her.

"Okay. This is it." She held the syringe up. "Last resort. Last shot. Do not use this on anyone else, alright? And if you don't think it's a good idea then don't use it at all. I don't want another death on my hands." chewing her lip, she pushed the golden mixture into Jennifer's hands. "It's a 50-50 shot. Honestly, if the odds were any worse I'd just say stab Amber with this shit and let it explode her heart."

Releasing her, Cassandra stepped back. She actually mustered up a smile. The fact that things had gone so smoothly gave her a good feeling about this. "You got this, alright. Go and save everyone."

The nod from Jennifer didn't look to have as much conviction. But that didn't stop the blonde from taking the syringe and heading out. She sprinted through the corridors, thankful for the compound in her system and her efforts working out. She didn't feel winded at all, navigating through the maze effortlessly. As she passed through medbay she encountered some inmates still scuffling, oblivious to the real threat. Weaving between them, she gracefully slipped through the gaps, doing everything to get to the holding cells as quickly as possible. As she drew closer her stomach fell. There was something big and metallic blocking the path, but more worryingly, the floor was rhythmically rumbling. Putting the needle between her teeth, Jennifer climbed the gangway that had been propped up over the door. The vibrations from Amber's massive stomps meant it was difficult to stay steady, but she scaled it. Landing on the other side, the colour drained from her face.

"You're fucking pathetic." Amber said, looking down at her feet. "Then again, everyone is when compared to perfection, I guess." She sighed. Jennifer looked at the crater she was talking to. Those legs poking out. A lump began to form in her throat. A metallic clang drew the aryan's attention to Trish. The injured woman had seen Jennifer, trying to quietly haul herself up using the bars. Unfortunately, her gaze drew Amber's attention to the door where Jennifer was stood. "Ohooo, perfect." the aryan cooed. "I was waiting for you so I could murder you in front of your bitch girlfriend."

Being in front of Amber - actually standing before someone blown up to this scale, the situation felt completely different. On the monitors Amber was big. In reality she was oppressively massive. Taller than the ceiling. Body covered in blood flecked mounds and heaps of muscle and flesh. Her psychotic glee made Jennifer feel heavy, unbroken stare making it hard to breath. Malicious blue daggers were stared down at her. The tiny woman was frozen in front of this predatory beast. Until Amber moved.

She took a step forwards and Jennifer's fight or flight kicked in. She spat the syringe into her hand, twisting, trying to run away from the aryan. She made it a few bounding steps before the floor trembled with Amber's one huge, long step. She'd stepped clean over Jennifer, blocking her path with a meaty calf and a colossal foot. Jennifer struggled to get the cap off of the syringe. This was the last chance. She needed to take it. Swinging her arm, trying to plunge it into her leg.

The attempt was interrupted, Amber swiped Jennifer from the ground, sending her syringe holding hand flailing against the force of the giant palm dragging her up. Her ears popped as she was taken up towards Amber's face. "Hmmm, or maybe I should have some fun with you first." She giggled. "I think Trish would just love to hear your bones snapping one by one."

Jennifer was being ragdolled around, desperately trying to stab herself with the syringe. The aryan noticed the odd movements and pinched her arm by the forearm, pulling it to the side. Jennifer's other arm was pinned down by the tendril like fingers clenched around her. Helplessly she wriggled, trying to break free. "What the fuck is that?" Rumbled the giant, moving her new toy closer to her face, trying to see what was hidden in her closed fist. Warm breath buffeted the 6'4 woman, and as the massive frost like eye came closer, she willed her arm free.

Squirming and pulling, she managed to slip her limb out from the oversized thumb and forefinger. In one swoop she buried the syringe into that circle of ice. Her original plan was to force a fist into that especially vulnerable section of Amber's face, then stab herself in the neck and dose herself with the golden miracle formula.

Best laid plans have a knack for going wrong though. The angle had been all wrong and the tip of the syringe had sunk into her eye, not just Jennifer's fist. Amber reared back immediately, taking the syringe with her. Jennifer felt her stomach plummet just moments before she was flung. The falling stomach went rocketing into her throat, as if she'd just jumped off of a house. Landing, she twisted her ankle but managed a half roll, crashing into a wall and bashing the back of her head. Spots and lights flickered in her vision as she tried to right herself.

Across the holding cells Amber was furious. "Why do you cunts keep stabbing me in the *fucking eye*?!" She raged. This was much smaller than the baton, harder to grip. Eventually she managed to pull the tiny object free. One eye closed she inspected the syringe. "Wait, what the fuck is this?" An empty syringe. It was Amber's turn to feel fear now. "What did you inject me with?" She asked, worried, rounding back to Jennifer. What could that little cunt have concocted with the scientist?

Jennifer's equilibrium was askew, making it difficult to stand. Making it difficult to even think. However once she realised what Amber had just said, her body pushed away the pain and confusion, slicing through them with a new terror. Amber had been injected with G38.

Purple and gold swirled in her veins, mixing. Both Cassandra and Jennifer watched, one in person and the other over a monitor, breath held in their lungs. They prayed for the same thing. That Amber's massive, black, evil heart would give out under the strain and explode the tar it contained into a fountain within her chest.

Amber stalked forwards, fingers closing, fists clenching, syringe turning into dust. Her foot steps made the building quake. But before she reached her target something went wrong. The aryans face flickered into pain and her advance halted. She hunched over, insides burning. Her advance reversed a step. Then another. She tripped on the bodies and debris and fell backwards onto her ass, falling into the wall, bringing down dust and even more of the gangway. She clutched at her chest, eyes squeezed shut and teeth barred.

When her eyes reopened a burning scorn was cast at Jennifer. Even as the aryan's body crushed in on itself, molecules collapsing like an imploding star, her fury was palpable. Jennifer edged backwards pressing herself against the far wall, trying to distance herself as much as possible. Amber pawed her chest, above the gargantuan tits, muscles contracting. She groaned, wriggling and writhing, veins risen to the surface of her skin. Glimmering an even more incandescent purple, a map of roads across the alabaster plains. "What... Theeeee f-f-f... Ffffaaaaaackkkk did... Yoooew give me?" She whined heart blasting, leaping faster in her chest as the chemicals metabolised, lines of purple and gold visibly throbbing. Anguished moans escaped her and she struggled, painfully fidgeting in a horrid way.

Cassandra, Jennifer and Trish all watched her agony. Her back arched so suddenly that her hand smashed the wall, swells of her fat breasts bouncing and jiggling against her arms. This was it. This was working. Her body couldn't handle the two chemicals in her system and her heart was giving out. Hope flooded the three women and they waited for the dreadful, huge woman to finally stop moving.

That wasn't to be though. Nothing was so simple. Amber twisted slamming a fist into the wall again. Then again and again. The entire place was wobbling, glass falling from the broken windows, clouds of dust and concrete coming down with it. She swung her body, thrashing, and sent one girthy, muscled leg crashing through the wall of the holding cell, foot erupting out into the rain. The foundations of the building were begining to give. In a spiteful, final act, she was trying to tear the building down around them. This massive bitch was about to bury them in together with her, in her tomb. There was no way out of the situation. The only unbarred doors were blocked by the huge beast and Trish wouldn't be able to climb in her battered condition. Jennifer rushed towards her friend. They had a better chance of surviving together. Frantically, she picked over the bodies and rubble, reaching her, helping her upright and attempting to haul them both somewhere sturdy. Glancing back at Amber, what Jennifer saw made her skin crawl.

The aryan's eyes were half slitted open, squinting in pain but still watching. The energy it had taken to compromise the structure around them coupled with the pain and her heart failing left her collapsed against the wall, shrivelled in on herself. Despite her fallen form hanging limply, those eyes were locked onto the pair, hatred burning hot. But the troubling thing wasn't the hate, it was the fact that one eye was blue... And the other, glowing golden, was an ageis. The injury to her eye had healed and it had changed, making her heterochromatic. For some reason that sent a sense of foreboding through Jennifer. It was like Amber was evolving. Then, to grind that thought home, Amber, still wracked with pain, began to smile.

There was no time to think about that though. Together she and Trish pinned themselves close to the barred door, hugging each other as concrete rained down in chunks around them. Jennifer felt a thick limb wrap around her. Trish pulled her head down, into her chest and her enlarged bosom. Even injured the giant woman refused to allow Jennifer to take the brunt of the dangers falling around them. The blonde attempted to wrestle free but couldn't. Reluctantly she hugged herself to Trish.

"Ohhh... Fuuuuuck." Bassy, heavy words came, drawing the eyes of the two cowering inmates. Amber's collapsed form, propped up against the wall was doing something unexpected. Her long legs were splayed open, abs erratically huffing and flexing up and down as her fingers furiously worked in and out between her thighs. Was this some unhinged last act of dominance? Wondered Jennifer. But then she continued, "I don't know what that shit was... But th-this f-feels fuckin' ggggReeaAaaaat."

Oh fuck.

That tremble in her voice, octones flitting up and down, made Jennifer's heart sink. She'd heard that before. In the labs. When Amber had first started growing...

That sagging, crumpled form pressed against the back wall suddenly had new life breathed into it. She was inching upwards towards the ceiling, inflating, surging outwards as power unjustly filled the biggest bitch in cell block B. Knowing she was growing again, Amber decided to enjoy the moment, sadistcally pleasuring herself, watching the mice helplessly squirm, potentially smushed even tinier. All while she billowed larger.

"AaaaAaahhhhHhnnn." She moaned, mouth open, corners tilted up just slightly as she enjoyed herself. Her legs stretched and lengthened and thickened absurdly larger. The leg hanging out of the holding cells went on decimating more and more of the wall as she grew, dragging through cells and steel bars and concrete as it extended. Amber pulled her appendage in, content with the destruction for now. She wanted to savor the two cunts' deaths, after all. Watching their hopes falling apart was the icing on the cake.

"What did you do?" Whined Trish as she straightened up, watching the swelling, growing behemoth, fear in her voice.

"I-I didn't mean to." Sobbed Jennifer, still clinging to the seven foot plus woman. Even at their sizes, they had to dodge as a foot larger than either of them bulldozed passed, taking broken tiles and bodies with it, still growing. Jennifer had had to push Trish to the ground to escape the incoming threat. Sudden movement had made Trish wail in pain and, quickly, Jennifer scrambled to get her up. When she did another moan quaked the world.

Amber, the source of the shaking, was sitting straight again now and the soul rending realisation that her almost bleached hair was nearly at the ceiling hit Jennifer. Even on her ass she was 25 foot tall...

Seeing Jennifer and Trish dive out of the way of her foot had been too much for the giantess. The idea that her growth alone could murder the two gnats was just too fucking hot. It reminded her of burning ants with a magnifying glass while they were trapped in a ring of salt. She'd orgasmed on the spot, cum spurting out of her in bursts like she was a broken fire hydrant, creating a river of thick nectar spreading between her legs. The climax had bolstered her growth, forcing it faster and wilder. Her jaw jutted out painfully, teeth widening in her skull before the rest of her head ballooned to catch up. Her neck thickened, bull like, before stretching. Boulder shaped shoulders creaked outwards, biceps following suit, exploding before her forearms swelled, everything stretching longer finally and forcing her fingers even deeper into herself. Her back arched as her tits and pecs burst forwards, abs popping more defined two at a time, like the growth was travelling downwards. It all happened so quickly, her head rocketing into the concrete and then through it.

The straw that broke the camel's back. The building couldn't handle anymore. It was collapsing in on itself.

Trish let out a cry and curled into a ball around Jennifer, but the blonde kept her eyes peeled wide open. Wide open to see Amber move like lightning. See her pivot and roll, off of her ass, onto her knees. Her hands thundered down each a few yards from the two women, chest centered above them, breasts hanging pendulously, swaying overhead. Amber shielded them from the sky falling to earth. The abrupt halt to the rain confused Trish and eventually she too looked up.

What she saw was worse than death.

It awed her and terrified her in equal measures. Breasts bigger than cars swung back and forth, gurgling heavier and closer, fat nipples stretching to match her head. There were only a few patches of ceiling visible around Amber's bulk from their vantage point and with every second they dwindled smaller and smaller. Amber was filling the space like water in a glass. Her abs heaved with quiet laughter as one blue and one golden eye watched from between the swells of tit. The grey concrete gave way to the now blue sky, but even that was slowly being dominated by the red streaked field of white which continued to grow.

Their lives were saved by Amber which, somehow, was more disturbing than her letting them die. The aryan's eyes twitched, pain still scorching and stabbing her body. Her back bent upwards, stomach concaving and breasts thrusting lower, forcing the two inmates below to huddle smaller out of fear of being crushed. Amber's head smashed the floor, the ache becoming too much. This was a big one.

The floor shook around Jennifer and Trish. Stood in the epicenter of the earthquake they struggled to stay on their feet as Amber growth made the world heave. She was growing all around them, body pulsing outwards and upwards. The tits above swelled at an astounding rate, groaning as they swayed lower and lower in fitful bursts. They needed to move. Now. But both were so injured and Amber was growing so fast. Trish took the weight of a boob on her shoulders at time ran out, kicking Jennifer away and out from under the pale moon.

The blonde rolled along the floor as Trish was swallowed completely. Jennifer sprang back up to her feet, limping, smashing against the tit. Tiny hands pounded on the rounded wall of breast. "No, no, no, NO, NOO!" She cried, pulling and scratching. She wasn't sure if Amber felt it or if it was pure luck, but the aryan shifted and lifted, pulling her body upright. Sunlight bathed Trish. She'd been slammed flat, the weight crushing her prone on her front. Relief made Jennifer weak and she fell forwards, scraping at the floor to drag herself over to Trish. Flipping her over, she listened for her breathing. It was difficult to hear over the groans of the growing beast behind her, but she was sure there was no sound and no breath.

Launching into CPR, Jennifer pushed down on Trish's chest over and over, pausing only to blow air into her lungs. She ignored Amber, refusing to look at the metaphorical elephant in the room. The metaphorical elephant that had clearly outgrown this room...

Her vision blurred. This wasn't working. God, she couldn't handle any of this. Everything had gone to shit. Everything. And it was all her fault.

The world dimmed again and Jennifer stopped, the natural reaction to glance up taking hold. Amber had leaned forwards again, inspect what was happening, leering down at the two of them. Her face and neck, to big to fathom, loomed above, she smirked down at the fallen woman and the frankly comedic struggle to save her. Something snapped in Jennifer's brain looking at that smug face, emotions bursting free. "FUCK OFF!" Her face was a mask of hatred and sadness and desolation. She cried out again, "JUST FUCK Off! LEAVE US ALONE." Her shoulders rocked up and down as she sobbed, returning to her attempts to save her partner. Amber's laughter echoed, bouncing off the orange rocks around the prison, rattling the chain link fences, spurning Jennifer to push down on Trish's chest even harder.

The body under her hands gasped to life, blood shot eyes flashing open as muscle fibers seized. One tiny ray of light returned to life in the world. She'd saved her. Jennifer wilted, drooping, strength running out of her like watercolours in the rain, her mission complete. She was done. Exhausted. Crushed. Trish was the same, body uselessly weak. Defeated.

"Awwww, isn't that cUte!" Cooed Amber, voice still subtly changing as her body refused to stop growing. She'd positioned herself above the two specks, leaning over them to watch their pitiful actions. "You saved her! You sAved your little friEnd. It's so beautiful." Amber's tone began to darken. "Really. It is. It's beautiful." It turned cruel. "It's beautiful that she's gonna get to see this."

The colossus repositioned, face disappearing, zeppelin tits rising and stretching, disappearing away. Abs flashed by like a train passing and then her ass struck the earth like a meteor, her quads flanked the two women like cliffs. They were both filled with panic and fear but it was too late for any kind of escape attempt.

Jennifer's screams curdled Trish's blood as she was snatched away, up and off of the ground, by the 88 foot tall woman. "I told yoU I wanted you to sEe this." Amber chuckled to Trish, scooting her ass forwards, leaking, pulsing sex heating the air as it drew closer.

"You threw up last time you tasted my pussy, right?" Amber pouted at Jennifer, brining her close to her face. In her massive fist only her head, that golden bob shining in the sunlight, and her feet were visible. "See, my bIg bad gUrl didn't like that!" She patted her cunt with a wet slap, a giddy, mad expression forming. "You huRt her feelings. But like I alWays say, don't get mad, get even!"

That golden mane of hair whipped in the air as the blonde was jerked lower, coming so very close to Trish. "Now my pUssy wants to tAste you." A demonic giggled followed that statement and Jennifer felt the blazing heat coming from the voracious slit twitching by her feet. She was held horizontally, face near her companion, lower half next to the cavernous maw. Amber used her free hand to rub at her soaked sex, smearing her fingers with ambrosia and sending a shiver through her form. She used two fingers to open her labia, the red, wet, hungry mouth greedily yawning wide, strings of goo stretching between the lips.

Her captive wriggled desperately, still screeching as the fist moved deeper into the valley of muscle. Slowly, she opened her fingers, starting at the pinky, to reveal the dainty feet encased within them. The tiny woman's legs were pinned at the knees by her ring finger,but she still tried to kick, to writhe against the soft skin of Amber's palm. The aryan's eyes sparkled. She'd played a similar game before with the other inmates but she was so much fucking bigger now. Her cunt was at least as long as Jennifer was tall and now she could really eat someone with her snatch. Amber's canines glinted in the sun before she moaned, feeding Jennifer's feet into the moist opening. Every movement, every desperate flail, the giantess could feel it all. She released her lips, letting her labia slam shut around the tiny woman's ankles. Heavy, wet walls of muscle hugged Jennifer's limbs, stopping any further kicking. Amber opened her ring finger and with a grunt, flexed her muscles. Her prey's screaming became hysterical now as the poor blonde felt herself be tugged deeper. Amber's eyes rolled, cum spurting out onto her hand. "OhhhHhhh." She moaned, body throbbing bigger, submerging more of the woman in her sex.

The screaming willed Trish to move. She rolled and wobbled and stumbled, not able to stand but inching closer. Amber pushed her new toy deeper, middle finger opening as she stuffed more inmate into herself. Her cunt greedily sucked at Jennifer, taking the blonde in down to her hips. Then her waist. Panick stricken, she thrashed helplessly, hoarsely yelling. Amber let go of her now and gave a short giggle. "LOok Trish, no hAnds." Nibbling on her lip, she showed a truly disturbing control of her inner muscles. The blonde moved in and out of the massive vagina, abs being slathered in juices. Jennifer pressed her hands into the massive pussy lips, desperate, trying to pull free. Her fingers sunk into the soft skin, coarse strands of thick hair entangling her. Amber's grip was much too strong and her constant growth just meant she was being pulled deeper by the second.

"Jen!" Trish shouted, forcing herself closer. That cut through the frantic survival instincts that drove the blondes dramatic attempts to free herself. She looked up to see Trish approaching, hands outstretched. They reached for each other.

Clasping hands, Trish felt the knot around her stomach loosen a smidge, the warmth of Jennifer's touch being a fractional reassurance. "I-I got you." She smiled. "I've go-"

"UuuuhHhhhHHhhHNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" came a sound from the structure that surrounded the two women.

Amber was leaned back, propping herself up on her palms, looking down the mountains and hills of her body at the truly pathetic pair. She'd been watching the touching reunion, a smirk curling the corner of her parted lips, shallow breaths leaving her. This was it. The perfect way to eviscerate the bitch that had broken her nose. That noise left her as she poured every ounce of effort into what came next.

Her whole body tensed, toes curling, calves bunching, quads swelling, abs crunching. Her pussy too. Inside, her vaginal walls clamped. Gripped. Sucked. Her whole body, fueled by all the spiteful anger in the vile woman, grew.

The joined hands were torn apart, milky, pale fingers ripped from the larger, darker set. The two lovers were sheared apart. Trish never took her eyes off of her partner as she was eaten. Devoured. Slurped away with a wet squelch. Pulled down into the murky depths. Gone.

The mahogany toned woman was pulled forwards to the ground. She burst into tears, on her knees between the legs of an almighty creature. Seeing it all unfold, watching her own pussy destroy a relationship, break apart a life, Amber orgasmed harder than she ever had done in her life. The surge of size that accompanied the climax was the largest yet, pushing Amber's frame into a truly unbelievable size. The pressure coming down on the insect inside of her meant she was crushed like an aluminium can in a fist. Amber's ass ploughed forwards, a snow coloured land slide of skin and muscle as she throbbed into triple digits of size. The insignificant dot of a woman between her legs was ground out of existence without so much as a thought.

Amber laid back, dissolving the holding cells that had once held her into nothing. Basking in the pleasure and satisfaction, she stayed like that for a while. This had gone even better than she'd planned...

"We're approaching the hot zone." Crackled Epsilon 1.

"Roger that. Do you have a visual?"

"We're just coming over the ridge now, should have a visual in... What the fuck?..." The comms died off.

"Epsilon 1? Epsilon 1, do you read?"

"Yes, sir. We have an issue. The hot zone has... Um, been destroyed."

"WHAT?! HOW?!" Came a distorted, irate reply.

"You're not going to believe this, sir. I think it's one of the inmates. She... Jesus, she's huge."

"How big?"

"It's hard to tell, she's laying down." Replied Epsilon 1.

"She must be well over 200 feet tall." Epsilon 2 said.

"That's... That shouldn't have been possible."

"She's noticed us." Said Epsilon 3, banking his black helicopter to the right.

"Do we have permission to engage?" A hint of nerves could be audible in Epsilon 2's voice.

"No, just observe. Try and get low, can you see any survivors?"

"Sir, she's... She's pleasuring herself with what's left of a watch tower. That's all that's left of the penitentiary. I don't think-"

"She's getting up!"

"No! No, do not engage. Ascend out of her reach and observe the situatio-" Screams pierced dispatch's ears and he pulled the headphone away from his ear, wincing. "What's going on?!" He barked.

"Epsilon 2 is down!" Shouted the third pilot. "She fucking... She fucking jumped! We're at 500 feet and she slapped him out of the fucking sky!" It was true. Amber had rocketed up and slapped the black military helicopter into a ball of flames.

"ASCEND FASTER THEN!" Bellowed dispatch.

"Oh fuck. OH FUCK!" Epsilon 1 veered to and fro, trying to get height as fast as possible. He'd dippd lowest of all the helicopters. Rapidly he hit 800 feet, slowing the gut churning rise. As he had gained height, he'd flown over Amber and was now struggling to see her behind him. "Can you see her?" He asked his Co-pilot in a hushed tone.

"No, she must be right behind us. Wait, I got her on a cam. She's just standing there. What is she doing? She's got her eyes closed."

They managed a neat, slicing turn to face Amber. By the time they did, her eyes were open again, mismatched eyes locked onto them. Something was wrong. She looked closer than before. "Is she...." It must have been a trick of the light, right? Epsilon One though. "Is she growing?" Asked the co-pilot.

"SHIT!" Screamed Epsilon one, jamming the stick to the left and back. With a gargantuan burst of size and a jump that defied human biology, Amber used a king Kong-esque swatting motion to still reach the helicopter, taking it out of the sky.

She held the whole thing in her hand, thick fingers being grazed and cut by the rotors before they yielded. With a light squeeze she shattered the glass and concave the metal. Carefully, she wriggled a finger into the cockpit and pinched at one of the pilots. She extracted him and crunched it into a metallic ball, disregarding the other pilot.

For the co-pilot reality came screeching to a halt. This couldn't be real. This just couldn't be. A face the size of a house grew closer. "Hey, little guy." Boomed her voice, making his ears ring. "Where did you and your lil' friends come from?" She asked with a predatory grin.

This story archived at