24 Hours; Part 1: Infestation by AEW

Zach, Daniel, Brett, Emily, and Adam must survive for 24 hours before the medicine in there body expires and they change back to normal size... the question is can they do it?

Authors Note: I will update the tags as the story continues. Each chapter will begin with what tags are used. 

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: Violent, Adventure, Feet, Unaware Characters: None
Growth: Mega (501 ft. to 5279 ft.)
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 1300 Read: 5674 Published: June 28 2023 Updated: June 28 2023

1. The Giantesses by AEW

2. Chapter 1: Mistakes Were Made by AEW

The Giantesses by AEW
Author's Notes:

Meet the Giantess. This will updated as more Giantesses show up in the story but for now we start with the four roommates. 

Name: Victoria (Vic) Reigns

Age: 26

Height: 5'4

Giantess Height: 4125 feet

Birthday: October 10, 1997

Bio: Victoria is a strange woman. Ever since she was a child she has loved to torture bugs. She finds it fascinating to see how they tick, how they act, how they squirm, and she would be lying if she didn't say that she didn't enjoy it on a sexual level. Even to this day she will bring a bug home and play with it for hours on end. Enjoying every last minute and seeing just how far she can drag it on before the bug gives out on her. Once done she tosses the bug to the side. No longer having a purpose for it. Other than that Victoria is a normal young lady. She maybe one of the nicest people you have ever met. Just don't be the size of an ant.

Name: Jade Leigh

Age: 24

Birthday: December 8, 1998

Height: 5'8

Giantess Height: 4250 feet

Bio: Jade played baseball throughout highschool and even got a college scholarship off of it. Smart, witty, and a joy to be around Jade is someone that most people would love to meet. She does have an anger problem though. Something her mom blamed her grandpa for her entire life. True or not she doesn’t know as she never met the guy. She has a giantess fetish. Something that she has worked to hide her entire life. Embarrassed of it but unable to stay away from it for very long. How could she? All it takes is to see a cute guy and she is imagining them shrunk before her. A skyscraper leads her to imagine what it would be like to hover over a city, destroying it. This could lead to trouble for the ant sized people that are now in her apartment. 

Name: Alice Maloy

Age: 30

Birthday: September, 12,1992

Height: 5’8

Giantess Height: 4250 feet

Bio: Alice Maloy grew up on the streets. Her mother and father were drug addicts; she never had a stable home. Bouncing from one state to the next. When she was eighteen she ran around and found a new life and it's one she has been building ever since. Alice has a lot of demons pent up that no one knows about and she deals with them by drinking pretty heavily. It isn’t uncommon to find Alice peeing on the carpet or not too far away from the toilet anyway. She is a mess but her roommates love her dearly. She has Victoria to thank for part of that. Alice joins in on Victoria’s games from time to time and finds herself more and more toying with bugs herself. They don’t last nearly as long with her however before they break as Alice can be particularly cruel. 

Name: Sarah Hart

Age: 31

Birthday: March 26,1993

Height: 5’2

Giantess Height: 3875

Bio: Sarah Hart is mean, cruel, and the last roommate. The other three girls hate her but they keep her around because she does help with a lot of things and she is handy as her dad taught her a great number of things so she would rely on herself. 

Chapter 1: Mistakes Were Made by AEW
Author's Notes:

Tags: Feet, Adventure, Unaware, Violent 

“Fuck. We made a huge fucking mistake,” Adam said as he sprinted forward.

He was in his mid 20’s. A good looking guy but one women usually dismissed anyway 

“24 hours. After that the medicine is out of our system and we revert to normal size,” Zach screamed.

He was in his mid 30’s. He had a small beard and was a decent looking guy.

“Fuck you,” Brett yelled behind him, “You just left him back there.”

Brett was in his late 20s’. Built like a linebacker it was no surprise to anyone that the guy hit the gym on a regular basis.

“I didn’t see you going back there for him. Besides, he is fine. The pill makes the user almost indestructible when they are at this size. If he is smart he will play dead and she will sweep him somewhere. At worst she throws him away. 24 hours.”

“You're a real piece of shit Zach,” The last member of the group said.

Her name was Emily. She was in her mid 20’s and had the textbook definition of a girl next door look about her. 

“Again,” I didn’t see you going after him. 

“I need to stop,” Adam said as he began to tire out. 

He stopped in his tracks.

“Are you fucking stupid. We are still out in the fucking open,” Zach said as he stopped as well.

Taking a breath.

Emily looked around.

“I think we have a bigger problem. We didn’t make it very far at all.”

It was true. To them it seemed like they had been running forever. About a solid four minutes actually. A good half a mile by their standards but in reality they had made it about a quarter of an inch. Still close to see the woman in front of them as she poked Daniel with her big toe causing him to fall over. The woman herself was tall. Taller then they could even comprehend. 

Shrinking to the size of an ant seemed like a smart idea at the time. A good way to spy on some ladies. Now Zach knew it was a massive mistake. 

“Aren’t you going to try to run,” The woman said in the voice one would use when you talk to a baby.

Thankfully the pill made it so the women’s voice wasn’t deafening to behold. Like the voice of god or something. They watched as Daniel pulled himself up only to find himself getting knocked over once more by the gargantuan toe.

“Doesn’t she realize he is human,” Adam snapped.

“Why would she,” Brett responded.

“I mean you can look at an ant and see an ant,” Adam declared.

“Sure and if I were in her shoes right now I would just think I found a weird looking bug,” Emily responded, “Unless she tries to get a good look at him she will never know what she did here today. She will never know that she tortured someone.”

“Why is she playing with him like that though,” Adam asked scared, “Why not just crush him and be done with it? Pick him up and put him outside? Anything?”

Daniel flipped onto his hands and knees instead and began to crawl as fast as he could. The woman lifted her leg and hovered her colossal foot over Daniel. Who stopped and tucked his head in. They watched horrified as huge chunks of debris rained down from her foot. The smallest being baseball sized and the biggest being about the size of a bowling bowl.

“Jesus christ,” Emily said as she watched as Daniel got pelted, “Crazy that I never registered that happened?”

“What,” Brett asked.

“The dirt and particles falling from your foot. Something so small.”

“Yes. Crawl,” She said with a smile. Oblivious to the fact that he had stopped.

“She is enjoying this,” Emily declared.

“Almost too much,” Zach responded.

“Crazy bitch,” Adam yelled.

The woman put her foot down right next to Daniel. She did it slowly, carefully even, so as not to hurt the bug at her feet, even then the force of it was enough to cause him to roll a good few inches. She turned her head as he rolled and she chuckled. Her eyes then lit up as she saw the four of them standing there. 

“Fuck,” Zach said, “Run.”

“To where,” Emily said, “At our size we clearly aren’t going to make it far. She only has to take a single step and she has us.”

“Do we have an infestation,” The woman said, “Have to talk to the girls about that later. For now I guess we can have some fun.”

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=13254