1. Boundaries by CraftyLatin
2. Toe Boy by CraftyLatin
Juan sat at the narrow end of a dim, Starbucks hallway where the pair tables were located. He felt a little cramped and isolated from the rest of the store, but that level of privacy was needed for something he was already labeling as the scariest conversation of his life. With an iced mocha latte on his side, he checked his phone for the 50th time, feeling his throat tighten at the sight of the time.
5 more minutes until she arrived.
He looked outside the dark, cool windows that masked the real intensity of the afternoon heat baking the parking lot. He didn’t mean to choose the hottest day of the year, but the violet weather wasn’t much of a factor for this decision. It needed to be done. Enough was enough.
Juan never felt as cool or confident as he wanted in life. Every day, the world made him feel more and more like a loser who couldn’t get by without the pity of others. In fact, he probably would have given up a lot earlier if it wasn’t for his one and only friend, Andrea Costa.
The two of them met around freshman year of high school, at a point when Juan seemed his loneliest. Once she came into his life, the bullying got a little less frequent, he actually found himself at a table full of people, and his mind was no longer preoccupied with suicidal thoughts. Instead, they were more focused on way to keep this miraculous girl in his life.
10 years later, he now noticed just how bad it all was.
Somewhere along the way, the friendship he imagined between them slowly dissolved into an ugly truth he never wanted to believe, but the flags were there. They were always there, and it wasn’t until Juan actually started caring about himself that he could finally see them.
He was stuck in a one-sided relationship with this woman. All the kindness and love and gratitude he showed over the years, she was taking advantage of. He can’t recount a time when she actually sounded appreciative of his efforts or tried to reciprocate. Instead, she was quick to criticize his actions and micro-manage his behavior to suit her specific needs out of a loyal man-child.
You look ugly when you smile, so try and do it less often.
Those shoes make you gay. Do you really want to make Amanda walk around with some sad, gay-looking man?
She became more toxic and controlling once he started dating Amanda Chen. She was the older sister of Andrea’s just-as-toxic sister, Ashley, who despised Juan to an extreme degree. Every time he comes by to pick up Amanda, she’s always there to talk him down, explicitly listing the reasons why he was wrong for her sister, and made passive-aggressive comments when other people would walk into the room.
But the relentless shit-talk was at its worst when the two of them were together. Juan rarely felt like an actual person when they were together, having to rely on Amanda to stand up for him on too many occasions. However, he’s been noticing how annoyed she got by the fact that her boyfriend is a worm and can’t put any effort to grow a spine and set boundaries.
Well…today was the day.
Juan had finally had enough with all the toxicity in the group and needed to establish some boundaries. Wanting this conversation to be very private, he didn’t tell Amanda where he was going. He just lied and told her he was going to chill at the bookstore, which was within the same plaza as this Starbucks, and a movie theater Andrea was meeting Ashley at.
The timing of it all was perfect, but that didn’t make it less scary. He spent the last few days preparing the speech in his head, and what he wanted out of their relationship. He didn’t want to break up what they had, as that would make things extremely complicated between him and Amanda. All he really hoped for is that Andrea would see reason and agree to his boundaries.
That was a tall order for a stubborn girl like her, and she knew how to take control of the conversation, but Juan felt prepared. Whether or not it doesn’t go as he imagined, the two things he needed to make sure was that his voice was heard, and that their boundaries were clear.
The sound of the door chime alerted him to the sight of Andrea walking down the hall. The 5’5 Colombian brunette was wearing her usual attire that consisted of a stretched out t-shirt, black yoga pants, and a worn-out pair of brown, leather flats that she’s relied on since college.
Juan’s eyes lingered on those flats until the table hid them from view, and her bubble butt slammed on the open chair across from him. She impatiently exhaled and reached for his mocha latte until he beat her to it.
“What the hell, Juan?” She said. “It’s hot as balls out there, can’t you at least share?”
“Sorry, but this is mine.” He answered. If this was going to work, he needed to subtly set those boundaries right from the get-go, and her sour snarl seemed like he was on track.
“That’s not very nice of you. Are you all right? And what are we doing here? I’m trying to catch a movie with Ashley soon.”
“I know, I drove an hour just to meet y’all here…”
“Well, don’t get any ideas about inviting yourself. You know, because of…you know.”
“I-I know.” Juan felt his heart trembling, anger rising. He needed to get this over with. “I won’t waste your time. I just wanted to talk about…us.”
The second she sensed her involvement, Andrea pulled her eyes from her phone and stared Juan dead in the eyes, her button nose crinkling with disgust. “What about us?”
“Like, I mean, these days, I don’t feel like a friend to you.” When she leaned her head a little closer, Juan felt more courageous to keep going. “Before, we used to be so tight with one another, but now it’s starting to feel like I’m the group’s lap dog who just does whatever y’all want, and frankly, I’m getting a little sick of this.”
“Oh.” Andrea said. Juan was expecting a short period of reflection, but to his disappointment, she went back to scrolling through her phone. “I thought it was something serious.”
“W-What?” He gulped. “I am serious!”
“Did Amanda put you up to this?”
“Amanda doesn’t even know I’m here, and I don’t really need her to talk this out with you.” Juan leaned closer to try and meet Andrea’s bored gaze. “What happened between us, huh? Did I do something to you to be treated like this?”
“What?” She laughed. “As if you could ever do something. Quit being stupid, Juan. Are we done here?”
“No, we are not!” Juan slammed his fist on the table, expecting to make the situation serious, but Andrea didn’t even so much as flinch. “We need boundaries”
“Boundaries?” Andrea said. “Where did you get that toxic idea?”
“It’s not toxic at all. These days, it feels like I’m walking eggshells around you, and I know that this isn’t how friendships are supposed to feel. I’ve given you a lot of love and support over the years, but it’s been feeling one-sided lately, and you and Ashley taking it all for granted. I’m not gonna take it anymore!”
“Oh yeah?” She jeered. “You finally had enough, and you think boundaries are the answer? Who's gonna enforce them? You? You’re gonna need some balls for that, and I know damn well you never had them until I met you. I’ve been your balls for the both of us and suddenly, you think it’s a great idea to get rid of them?”
“I don’t need you to be my balls!” Juan shouted, feeling a little embarrassed by the statement and looked over her shoulder to see if they were causing a scene.
“Please, no one gives a shit about your problems.” Andrea said. “If you’re so worried about the opinions of others, how could you say that you could survive without me?”
“I’ll just have to take my chances.” Juan said.
“Who’s putting all these thoughts in your head? You been watching those stupid psych videos? Feeling a little confident now that you got the answers in your pockets?”
That was correct, Juan thought, but he remained stoic. “Doesn’t matter where I got it. What’s important is that now I know that I need to protect my boundaries.”
“And what about my boundaries, Juan?”
“Your boundaries?” Juan questioned, feeling real confused about what she could be referencing. “What are you talking about? I’ve always respected your boundaries.”
Fear clutched his chest at the sight of her devilish grin forming. “Oh, Juan…you know. Don’t pretend like it isn’t obvious…” Juan stayed silent, hoping that she isn’t insinuating what he thought she was. “You really gonna make me say it? Or, better yet…”
Andrea then proceeded to fold over for a couple of seconds while her right hand reached under the table, and came back with her steaming, right flat. She placed it at the center, where the cheesy, vinegar stench could reach his nostrils with ease, and keep his attention long enough for her amusement.
“God, so it is true!” She laughed. “You’re a dirty, little foot freak!”
Juan’s cheeks flushed red. He didn’t think that anyone knew, not even Amanda. He’s always felt ashamed of his kink, and thought that any of his toxic friends knowing his secret was a fate worse than death. Andrea knowing made this conversation a lot harder to stomach.
“How long have you’ve known?”
“Since we were roommates in college. I remember catching you with one of my old gym shoes that I used to wear for volleyball practice. I accidently forgot my phone on the counter, and when I came back, you weren’t on the couch anymore which felt strange because you were in the middle of some movie, and I’ve never seen you pause midway so I got worried. But what a surprise I found when I snuck around to the edge of your room, seeing you stick that big nose in the opening of my nasty-ass trainers and inhaling it like oxygen. ”
Juan was tongue-tied from hearing all this, and the worse part of all is that he can’t think of which time she caught him. He remember the first time seeing those dank sneakers sitting near the door right after she came back from an hour-long gym session. She was in the shower, he was in the kitchen heating up leftovers, and in the midst of waiting, with his ears tuned on the running water, he picked up her shoe and dug his nose around to pick up the deepest scents.
It took several other incidents for his brain to retain that musky, cheesy scent to memory, and he had to admit that his intimate sessions got more reckless due to his impatience to carefully wait out the room, which was now coming back at him at the worst possible time. The scent of her cheesy feet were reaching his nostrils once more, and it hard to quiet the boner growing in his pants.
Whatever outcome he expected from this conversation was thrown out the window, and replaced with a girl who knew what she was doing as she pushed her dirty flat closer to his latte.
“You know…I wouldn’t mind if you took a whiff.” She teased. “This brutal-ass heat worked up quite a sweat, and by the way you’ve been trying to pretend the shoe isn’t there, I bet you’re just dying to wonder how much they smell.” Juan caught her gaze, deepening that wicked smile even further. “Go on, Juan. This could be our little secret. Amanda doesn’t need to know…”
“That’s…fine, thank you.” Juan said, remembering Amanda and wondering if this would be considered cheating.
“Are you sure?” She said. “Maybe I’m not being clear on what I could offer here. Hold on.” Andrea scooted back in her seat and pressed the ball of her flat foot on the edge of the table. Juan was thankful the counter wasn’t see-through, because his boner was not pitching a tent from the exposure of her glistening, sweaty toes. No polish, bits of dirt, hair, and lint clinging against their will, and the slightest scrunch of her plump piggies that formed a dirty pool of sweat.
“This secret doesn’t have to be restricted to just the shoes. You say our relationship needs to be addressed, so why not arrange something so we can both enjoy ourselves? My life has gotten a lot more stressful, and I could use a loyal foot boy to massage them after games or paint my nails, and as a reward, you can have your weird little fun with them. No sex stuff, of course, but you can kiss, lick, and suck on them however much you want. Something Amanda would never be down for.”
“And how would you know?” Juan asked.
“Ashley figured it out for me. You’re welcome, by the way.”
Juan felt his heart drop. “W-Wait, Ashley knows??”
Andrea nodded. “Yup, I told her, and she thinks you’re even more disgusting for her sister. But I convinced her otherwise. However, after what you attempted to do today with this pathetic meeting…I’m starting to think she was right.”
Juan didn’t like the direction this was going. His confidence had completely drained in the span of 10 minutes, and it wasn’t even over yet. All he wanted to do now was to forget this ever happened.
“All right, Andrea, I’m sorry.” He said. “I didn’t realize how much you were doing for me, and that was my fault for not seeing it sooner. I promise never to do something like this again. Can we just forget this ever happened?”
Andrea smiled. “Of course, Juan. You were just an idiot who tried to think for himself. How could I punish someone like that?”
Juan gritted his teeth hard, but nodded at the insult. He could take anything she dished out, that wasn’t a problem. He knew he could do this another day, and the faster he got away from this cafe, the faster he could figure out how to go about it.
“But you still haven’t answered my question.” Andrea took her pinkie finger and slid it through the slimy, wet space between her pinky and ring toe. Juan watched with intense focus as she lubed her finger a couple of times with her own sweat and presented the glossed digit to him.
“The chance of a lifetime. Final offer here. If you want this to be a regular thing, taste my finger as a seal of approval.”
She slapped her sweaty, fat foot back on the ground and pushed her pinky at Juan’s face. It reeked of sour sweat and aged cheese. She kept a gentle look through this whole ordeal, as if she was serving him some kind of kindness to his small life, and that gesture was enough to make his boner shrink.
“No, thanks,” Juan said. “I’m good.”
“Oh…” She frowned. “Wrong answer.”
“Wrong answer?”
“You seriously didn’t see it as a test?” Andrea rolled her eyes. “Boy, you are really hard to defend. I can’t believe I actually called your dumbass a ‘friend’ at one point.”
“W-What are you talking about?” Juan asked.
“Really. You’re sitting here talking about boundaries when you didn’t even realize you crossed mine, you shoe-sniffing slut. I thought that was a one-time thing, but once I caught on, it just became disturbing to know that you were sticking that stupid face after every gym and practice session. Doing it behind my back and not even considering my feelings.”
“I…I didn’t..”
“That’s right, you didn’t. And here I was, trying to offer you some way to pay back those violations of privacy, but if you’re gonna act like a little bitch about it, then you give me no choice.”
Juan didn’t know what was happening, but still as a statue, he watched Andrea take her flat and drop it back on the floor. She then hunches over to the side and goes through her purse to look for something. His mind pounded with the many things she could possibly pull out. More dirt on him? Physical evidence of all the times she caught him smelling her shoes?
He never got the chance to see what it was, because as he was focused on her intense gaze, she pulled his attention away from her hands, which already got what she wanted. In a split second, he felt a stabbing, invisible pain fly through his stomach, and his eyes caught her sly smile once more before he was suddenly staring at the ceiling.
The world before him scaled itself to a gigantic size, with his chair supporting the weight of a 1-inch flea who couldn’t comprehend what had happened to him. His senses could only follow the sounds of a giant Andrea scooting out of her seat and stomping the tiled floor as she walked over to his side of the table, grabbing his mocha latte, and taking a long sip.
She then proceeded to lower her sweat-soaked pinkie towards Juan, who try as hard as he could to run from the massive digit. His fate was literally sealed as she slammed his back against the base of the chair, drenching all his clothes in her dank foot sweat and catching him like a gnat. He couldn’t move and was subjected to being lifted high in the air until she faced him against her dry, plump lips. Her long sip wasn’t enough to mask the terrible breath she exhaled over him.
“This must be heaven for you right now.” She laughed, scaring Juan by how close he was to those yellow-stained chompers that could crush him in a second. “Back to our proposition, you can either taste me, or I’ll taste you.”
“Andrea, please!” Juan cried. “I’m sorry for ever smelling your shoes. I promise that will never, never, NEVER, happen again, so please, PLEASE, turn me back to normal!”
Andrea looked at him with such a blank stare until she finally spoke. “You done? Sorry, but at your size, it’s just a lot of squeaks, but I’m guessing you’re trying to beg for your life, which is pretty expected. But, maybe if you tasted my finger…”
Without hesitation, Juan turned his head and licked some of the gross, sticky foot sweat off her finger. His tongue was met with a strong, salty taste, paired with a hint of stuffy leather. He looked back at Andrea. “There! HAPPY?!”
“I don’t know what you just said, but I can tell you really enjoyed it.” She took her other finger and poked at the tiny boner sticking out. With no gentleness, she practically pushed his dick inward, swirling it around with aggressive force.
Andrea sensed that his squeaks were urgent, so she stopped playing with him and brought him closer to eye level.
“That’s enough fun for now. I got a movie to catch, and it looks like I can sneak you in. Seriously, what would you do without me? I just hope you don’t drown.”
Drown? Juan didn’t understand what she meant until he felt his body being lowered to the smelly flat in her other hand. She took her pinky and rubbed him off at the toe end, where the smell was at its cheesiest, and a layer of heated musk was all around him. He was no longer bounded by the sweat and made a pointless attempt to run, but the further he ran towards the center, the bigger his fear became.
Andrea stood above him, raising her pudgy, fat foot and squeezing her toes, raining giant drops of sweat all around him. He felt like a chicken with its head cut off, avoiding the dangerous rainfall, tripping over himself, and watching in horror as she slowly began to put her foot back in.
The immense size of Andrea’s sweaty foot overwhelmed Juan’s emotions. His mind knew he had to run from cover, but for a fraction of a second, he wondered if his body could endure the blow. A giant, salty drop of her foot sweat drenched his face, and it snapped him back into a state of panic. He runs back towards the toe end of her flats, getting worried as the cafe’s ceiling lights are eclipsed by the descent of her size 7 foot.
Juan’s tiny legs could only take him so far as the ball of her slick feet collided with his back, and pinned him so hard that his body was squeezed forward and used the moist insole to slide towards the musky imprint of her second hammer toe.
“Now, Juan, I know how much you love this,” Andrea’s sickly-sweet tone boomed, “but if you’re not careful, you’ll end up a dirty little stain in my shoes, and I know neither of us want that…right?”
Juan sat up from his spot, trapped in enclosed darkness with the noxious stench of her aroma replacing all the fresh air he brought with him. Even though his eyes were useless, his nose was fully active, and his ears were tuned to the destructive sound of her short, meaty toes clawing their way to their place.
He tried to run towards an end to escape the mountain of flesh heading his way, but the darkness disoriented his sense of direction, leading him dead-on to Andrea’s toe adjustment. His whole body rushed against her second toe and carried him back to his previous spot with the addition of stamping him directly on the blackened imprint.
Juan’s face and torso were at the mercy of her hammer toe. All the sweat build-up her feet accumulated was pressed and squeezed on the submissive shrunkie. He tried his best to keep his mouth closed, but once Andrea’s toes felt his presence, she started to put pressure all over his body, including his dick hardened from the experience. The tiny pole caught her attention, and she repositioned her giant toe pad a little lower and pressed as hard as she could.
Juan moaned in response. The tiny pool of her foot sweat passed through his lips, and being the foot freak she knew so well, he accepted the situation and relaxed his body from her oncoming foot abuse. His mind focused on the pressure Andrea placed on his dick, the way she was purposely grinding it into her insole, and the playful teasing of her toe coming back to his greasy face with the same power.
He didn’t want to fight this. It was wrong, so incredibly messed up, but to call this a punishment was a lie. His fantasies of being at the mercy of a giantess were being called out and tested, and frankly, he didn’t care who it came from. From the second she shrunk him, Juan knew deep down that he belonged to her now, and the terrible realization might hit him later, but there was no point in sulking and crying during her so-called benefits. He might as well enjoy them, right?
Just as Juan was about to grind his pelvis against her toe, it suddenly rested on him for a couple of seconds and then commenced with the real dangers. Within the timespan of a blink, he felt the entire shoe skyrocket into the air and, almost immediately, crash-landed with explosive force. The toe he was currently stuck under smashed him like a hammer, and kept the pressure until it was ready to pound him again.
She was walking now, Juan thought. That was the only explanation, and the godly sound of the door chime was enough proof of that. The amount of sweat that coated her toe and his body made it harder for him to move away, and for the next couple of paces, His face got real acquainted with the right and fall of her dirty toe print threatening to squeeze him to a pulp.
Sometimes when she remembered his existence, Andrea would linger a bit and grind her slick toe grease to ground him into the insole until she used him as a launching pad once more. He could also feel the interior of the shoe heating faster because of the awful weather today. The tolerable reek of her cheese-scented toes rotted faster, engulfing him in a stench that assaulted his nostrils, and with his arms battered and mashed, all he could was endure it.
Eventually, he heard the sound of a car door opening, and a few seconds later, the walking had come to a full stop. Juan laid in defeat, thinking too much about the places where his body was sore until some light finally found its way back to him. It was dim at first, blocked by the entire flesh of her pudgy foot, but it started to creep through the side near her big toe, and there was enough space made for her thick fingers to reach him.
He was quickly pinched by her thumb and index finger, rubbing his body in between. He wondered what she wanted to talk about, or if she had another idea in mind for this car ride, but he was getting ahead of himself in thinking that she was going to give him a break. Hell, he never even left the flat.
Without even getting a glimpse of her face, Juan was simply being rearranged from his previous position. She hovered her foot just a bit so her fingers could make their way to the opposite side, where the fat, smaller digits resided. In front of him, he caught sight of her sweaty, meaty pinky toe, flexing as if it was giving a wave. There was no length to it like the other toes; just a sphere of flesh that held the foulest stench imaginable.
Andrea then proceeded to spread her toes and presented Juan with a greasy, yellow layer of toe jam, grime, and sock fuzz that must’ve been trapped there for some time. It released a putrid odor that didn’t sit right with his senses, but he wasn’t in a position to complain or fight about it. There was nothing he could do but accept his role as her finger pushed him deep into the crevice, massaging his face against a collected ball of dirt and sweat. Before he could have any time to readjust his position, Andrea was on a schedule, and simply scrunched her toes and locked her tiny in place for the long ride ahead of them.
Her chubby, little picky toe may not have looked like much, but it sure had an iron grip. No matter how much Juan pushed away from the crevice, it never made a difference, and his attempts were enough of a sensation for Andrea to scrunch and squeeze the life out of his narrow body. Eventually, he was able to turn his body little by little and poke his neck out to oversee the roof of her toes.
It was the best he could manage right before her foot started to press forward on the gas and begin heading her way towards the theater, which would relevantly be a short ride.
The fear began to sink into his mind, making him wonder how long he was expected to stay in this form. He didn’t have much going on in his regular life, but it was still a life, and Amanda would freak out if she knew what happened to him. He never told her about this side of his fetishes out of shame and embarrassment, and couldn’t even imagine how to start that conversation.
The one thing that really pained his chest now was Andrea speaking on his behalf, or even Ashley for that matter. If either one of those two took control of the narrative, he would never have a chance to tell his side of the story. Somehow, someway, he needed to reach Amanda’s ears before them.
Within his dank prison, he felt the vibrations of the car stop and Andrea beginning to step out. Since he was in a better position than before, Juan avoided the sweaty stomps and just rode the motions for a minute or two until she met with the other bitch in his life.
“Hey, girl!” Andrea’s muffled voice boomed from above. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
“You better!” The sound of Ashley’s soft, nasally voice responded. She was a little hard to hear, but he could spot her critical tone a mile away. “Can’t believe you actually met up with that loser.”
“Ugh, I know. Minutes of my life that I won’t be getting back.”
“What did he want, anyway?”
“Oh my god, it was the funniest thing. Can you believe that he was trying to break me up from our little group?”
“Nooooo!” Ashley gasped. “He. Did. NOT!”
“He did, the little worm.” Andrea scrunched her toes so hard, that Juan could feel his body unable to draw breath.
“Seriously, what is his problem? First, he tried to ruin my sister’s life, and now he thinks that he could come in and wreck our friendship, too? He’s got some nerve.”
“Neither that nor a spine.” Andrea laughed. “You should’ve seen him. He was struggling so hard to get a word out, I’m pretty sure he pissed himself.”
“Sounds just like him.”
The two evil giantesses shared a laugh at his overall weakness. They never made it a mystery how they felt about him, but to actually witness the degree of hate and disrespect they had towards him was something he wished he could stay ignorant about. Around them, he wasn’t even a person in their eyes, now more than ever.
“So how did it end?” Ashley asked. “I hope that insensitive jerk cried his way out of the store.”
“Actually…a little better than that.” Suddenly, there was a pocket of silence that Juan didn’t enjoy, along with an outburst of laughter coming from Ashley.
“NOOOOO!” She busted. “You didn’t!”
“I did!” Andrea laughed. “And it was so fucking easy, too.”
“Can I see him?”
Juan’s heart dropped, and he couldn’t fight it as this toxic titan’s foot began to slide its way out of the flat and into the burning sunlight. His eyes took a second to adjust before the gigantic world around him started to take the form of the familiar entrance of the movie theater, blocked by the familiar face of Amanda’s bratty sister, Ashley.
She was a very slim Asian with long, raven hair that curtained around Juan’s toe prison. She was wearing a small, black tee with the design of a chibi rabbit in the center, matched with some cut jean shorts that choked her narrow waist. As her face inched closer to spot the tiny cretin, her button nose winced at the cheesy scent of her friend’s foot, but that didn’t stop her from releasing a laugh with a bit of warm spit that smacked him in the face.
“Oh gosh, it’s so true!” Ashley said. “I would call him cute, but the fact that he chose to take a ride with your nasty feet makes him the creep we always knew he was.”
“I didn’t choose this!” Juan shouted, which just made Ashley melt with aww even more.
“Aww, listen to how he squeaks! Like a little, ugly mouse!”
“Yeah, suits him well.” Andrea said. She rested her foot on the cooked sidewalk, bringing an uncomfortable layer of heat to Juan’s trapped legs. His view followed Ashley’s long, thin legs to her white sandals that showed off her more manicured feet. Compared to Andrea’s chipped and crusty toenails with curled strains of black hair popping out her toe knuckles, Ashley’s were well-kept, a lot cleaner, and had more treatment with her slender toes coated in a cream-white nail polish.
“Ugh, I’m so jealous right now,” Ashley stated. “Can I have a turn with him?”
“Oh, you know it!” Andrea smiled. “But chill, girl. I just got him like 5 minutes ago. Still breaking him in.”
“Better you than me, honestly. If I had him like that right now, lord knows he wouldn’t be feeling rewarded for the misery he’s brought on my family.”
“I know, I know.”
“So, should we head in now? The previews are almost over.”
“Yep, just let me fix something real quick…” Juan could feel the shift in Andrea’s position as she kneeled closer to the ground. He stared up at the two giantesses, fearful of his current owner’s finger coming for him once again.
“I don’t know how you managed to prop yourself up like that, but I’m gonna need you someplace different while I relieve some stress.”
Like scooping out the disgusting gunk between her toes, Andrea used her index finger to push Juan out of his entrapment and pinch him in midair. He thought he was finally done with her feet, but her hand still hovered around the ground level, never once suggesting to fly above the ankles. Instead, his body was carried in front of her toes, which simultaneously flexed upwards to reveal their dirty underside.
Juan could see all the dirt and bits of asphalt her sweaty toes collected from a single step on the sidewalk, and how white the crevices were in comparison to the rest of her red sole. Knowing what to expect next, Juan braced himself as Andrea flipped his body horizontally, and stuffed his body face-first against the under cup of her pinky toe. The rest of him extended towards the middle toe, and she firmly locked his position with one, hard scrunch, coating him with an abundance of sweat.
“Oh, that’s so gross,” Ashley said. “I can’t believe he loves that stuff.”
“Me neither.” Andrea agreed. “But, you know me. I’m a giver. And this little foot slut was just begging to be my little stress toy. You should’ve seen his face.”
“I saw more than I needed to.” The two laughed. “Let’s head in.”
Andrea’s foot hovered back into the confinement of her worn flat, placing Juan back into the smelly darkness, with his whole body completely secured by her fat, heavy toes. There was little to no ventilation around him. Her entire foot was in control of his senses and did the occasional scrunch to remind him so.
She and Ashley walked around the theater, getting their snacks and finding their seats, right in time for the movie to begin. Juan thought that she would at least get a little comfortable and rest her feet out of the flats, but he wasn’t given the pleasure.
For the next 2 hours, he was subjected to her rancid toes squeezing the life out of his, drenching him in her salty foot sweat, and massaging the boner in his pants to the point of a blissful orgasm. He was trapped in heaven and hell, and she knew that so well that she didn’t even have to check.
To him, she was his sadistic goddess who could stomp and crush him with no complaints.
To her, he was just the boy toy.
Her obedient, little toe boy.