Journey's end by amanda

Something to tease the mind.

Categories: Adult 30-39, Mouth Play Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 3154 Read: 7263 Published: March 21 2010 Updated: March 21 2010

1. Chapter 1 by amanda

Chapter 1 by amanda
It’s not what it seems…it’s feeling the moment captured here whilst alone, my emotions in control of my words, I care not what you all think I needed to write this, there are no answers so please do not question me they are words on a page, yes they are deep and difficult to decipher some might most shall not, you must feel the passion to understand the meanings.

Journey’s end.

The road ahead went on forever Paul felt tired his eyes burned from the tedious journey, the day light fading fast the sun already starting to blend into the foot hills ahead. He desperately needed some where to stay for the night the long drive now starting to affect his moods his eye lids felt like lead weights pulling down on to his eye sockets.

Six hours driving was not pleasant he was sure he had taken a wrong turn somewhere his sat nav sending him in all directions no sign posts for miles adding to his predicament. The scenery although pleasant stretched as far the eye could see, America is a vast land filled with hidden dangers, Paul being a resident was very aware of this fact.

Night soon took control of the light its blackness invading every corner snuffing out the dim light of day a multi coloured sky now replacing the deep blue, he felt ill tired hunger now starting to effect his physical condition he decided to find a safe place to pull over and settle down to an uncomfortable night on the back seat of his hire car, something he was hoping to avoid. He noticed a picnic area ahead he found this strange being so desolate an area, but at least these places catered for tourists needs the American tourist board took care of its visitors.

He was awoken by the violent shaking his car being moved about violently he stared out into the blackness, nothing … the sound of infectious laughter filled his ears it was loud it tickled the hairs hidden away inside his inner ear. He pushed his fingers into each one trying to scratch the irritation; he was confused his car was being pushed along the side windows were being held by what looked like fingers the finger prints visible on the dirty glass. The nails were visible long and shapely, they tapped against the glass playing a tune to him.

Silence the night was still once more, he rubbed his eyes and pinched his skin just as he would when a child. He was afraid he peered out into the darkness; the tall grass now appeared higher than the cars roof…this was strange. His logic now took control of the situation his brain already coming up with different scenarios, none made any real sense after all he knew what a finger nail looked like…but where was it now…and what about the laughter, It was female and it did sound childlike and the tall grass now surrounding his vehicle he knew the picnic area was clear of any shrubbery.

After all what was the point of it being a picnic area if you were not able to stop and sit to eat such a treat, the more he thought about the strange occurrence the more intriguing the mystery became.

His mind now focused he decided to open the door and venture outside after all how else was he going to resolve this strange phenomenon, Paul cautiously opened the passenger door and ventured outside.


He darted back inside the voice came from nowhere he was afraid he peered through the glass trying to see who the child like voice belonged to.
Tap, tap.

He fell back against his seat the large finger nail painted in red hovered in front of his car’s windscreen; this was really scary I mean how on earth this person had got to be so large it tapped against the windscreen.

“Hey you in there come out I want to see how big you are.”

Paul shook his fear rising up inside him his tummy churned his heart beat loudly in his chest, how could this be, where was she from.

She giggled loudly.

“Oh come along little man my name is Alice I’m not going to hurt you please come out, I want to see what you look like it’s our destiny you know”.

Paul felt a little braver her voice was very soothing his fear subsided although still rather nervous he decided to trust her and so proceeded to open the car door.

"Aaah there you are my you are little aren’t you… would it be ok if I picked you up I shall be gently with you I promise, I have never seen such a small man as you before where have you come from?”

Paul stared in amazement her big blues eyes sparkled innocence shining through, her skin soft untouched by makeup, her jet black hair shimmered in the sunlight , the deep red of her full lips. He could not help but stare at her mouth. Her tongue darting in and out the spittle dripping from her lips, he felt aroused by what lay before him she was a dream come true.

“How old are you.”

She held him close to her lips and smiled.

“It’s ok I’m seventeen so its fine if we spend some time with each other little man my mum is very strict about who am allowed to talk to, do you think I am pretty?’s okay if you say no I shant be offended it’s just that…I am always being told how pretty I am so If you said I wasn’t it would be a welcome change.”

Paul was bemused by her loaded question did she want him to lie to her or be honest, it really did not matter she was a very attractive girl so his answer was not difficult, if he was wrong then he was sure she would not hurt him.

She smiled at him his answer accepted Alice sat on her bed Paul looked around the room his little car below nestled in the deep pile of her bedroom carpet, his logic once again asking questions Her room dressed in lilac the smell of perfume lingering in the air.

She sat open legged before him her pink cotton panties in full view the musky aroma from her sex teasing his nostrils her dark pubic hairs pushing against the material, She giggled at him Alice moved him nearer to her crutch. Paul couldn’t help but stare at her young flesh his penis reacting to her naughty teasing, he touched the soft skin of her inner thighs Alice giggled loudly .

“That tickles your little hand feels weird against my skin, would you mind touching my underwear I know I shouldn’t but no one will find out it shall be our secret ok.”

Paul did as she asked her smells were intoxicating her vagina leaking fluids the aroma filled the still air the soft cotton of her pink panties soaking up her discharge, staining her underwear. Alice moaned with delight at the attention she was receiving from her little guest.

“Do you like being in between my legs little man?, do you enjoy touching my knickers? …I have worn them all day so I guess they must be a bit smelly although I must say you are making them even smellier, It feels nice having you between my legs. Don’t worry I am not rude I do not intend showing you my personal bits, I hope that’s ok touching me through my underwear does feel nice though.”

Paul although aroused nodded to her his mind in turmoil he pinched his arm once again trying see if this was really happening to him he felt daring her lips were so inviting , he longed to feel the soft touch of her tongue against his skin.

“Alice could I ask a favour of you…it may sound a bit strange to you after all we have only just met…would you pick me up and lick my skin with your delightful tongue.”

Alice frowned at him after all this was a strange thing to ask of her.

“Why on earth would you want me to lick you …mmm i suppose it could be fun licking a little man’s body hehe the thought of such a thing is making me all tingly below, I do not mind but if I were to lick your skin you would need to be naked, I’m not sure that would be appropriate after all I am only seventeen.”

She sighed Paul stood between her open legs his little heartbeat excitedly in anticipation, Alice pushed his body against the soft material of her cotton underwear, she moaned loudly her warm fluid making a large damp patch in her knickers.

“Mmm that was nice my knickers are really messy now, thank you I shall now strip you and then I shall lick your little body with my tongue I am quite excited about it after all I have already had a few orgasms, it did feel very nice I have to try a lot harder normally to make myself come that much.”

She lifted Paul up and removed his clothing until he was completely naked, his penis stood erect Alice felt uncomfortable by this but did as she had promised, her soft tongue caressed his skin sending electric signals racing through his body, his penis throbbed her tongue teasing the hairs on his skin. She kissed his naked form her lips soft and warm her saliva covering every exposed part of his torso. Alice moaned obviously enjoying herself Paul a toy to tease she had another orgasm Paul ejaculated onto her silky tongue Alice taking his seed and swallowed it. She did not rush Paul was treated to a long tongue massage Alice enjoying the experience after all its not every day she got to taste the salty flesh of a little man in between your lips.

“Mmm that was nice you are very tasty I have never done this before am any good at it Paul, I feel all tingly inside my tummy I shall need to wash myself,I feel all sticky below I hope it was as nice for you little man.”

Bang bang the noise was deafening day light filled the car’s interior the noise now all around him he rubbed his eyes the sleepies gluing his lids closed, the noise now becoming familiar to him.

“Bloody jackdaws they must be on the roof”

He sat up trying to make sense of his dream it felt so real to him and yet…it was so surreal the damp patch below evidence of its realism, he opened the car door allowing the world inside. He inhaled natures perfumes filled the air the warmth of the early morning sun bathed his skin…skin where were his clothes, he was naked he looked around franticly searching …nothing.

He stepped outside his trousers were hanging from a small bush his shirt and underwear strewn over the grassed area beyond ,he picked up his clothes it was lucky he was visiting friends his hold all contained fresh clothing for his stay.
He needed to leave this place his night’s adventure lost to his past the knowledge locked away deep inside him, the door locked the key hidden from view. His head hurt the dream played back to him still real…so real why what did it mean the sun’s rays were blinding making driving difficult the air conditioning kept the temperature under control and yet the perspiration covered his body, his shirt clung to his body .His mind a mass of jumbled imagery teasing his libido concentration becoming more difficult he needed to stop his body racked with emotional messages, it must be the heat his brain struggling to come to terms with his situation.

“Sleep Paul you’re safe”

The words were soothing his mind slipped away floating above the mystical landscape below, ships in bottles bobbed on the sea of red a blue moon hung in the night sky the fairies danced with the stars.

He could feel the energy it was warm the gently humming tickled the hairs on his skin, he walked among the fragrant flowers nymphs sat atop the elegant petals the sound of spring played a tune the sound carried by an invisible hand to tease the ear drums.
Paul stopped walking a woman’s foot blocking his path he tried to walk around but being so small he found it difficult five inches is not so good when confronted by such a large object …being so small whilst trying to navigate his way around, he accidently touched the sensitive skin of the ladies foot, she giggled at him.

“Hello Paul do you remember me?.

Paul stared at her she was older but he was sure it was her, he smiled.

“Hello Alice my you have grown you must be in your twenties you are even more beautiful now than you were when we first met.”

She smiled at him.

“May I pick you up Paul I will be gentle with you I promise.”

He nodded his approval after all they were old friends?

He remembered their first encounter the memory still real to him, he scratched his skin was this a dream or reality his thoughts drifted backwards in time memories of past moments shared with loved ones filled his head tears fell from his eyes, Alice wiped them away her touch gentle she kissed him her minty breathe washed over his exposed skin, she wrapped her warm tongue around his body teasingly.
He lay on the wet surface Alice curled her tongue around him and took his warm pulsating body inside her mouth, she sucked gently on his meaty torso teasing him tasting his warm flesh, Paul held onto the soft surface rubbing his body against it the thick saliva covering the him.
He ejaculated onto her tongue Alice moaned loudly her taste organ immediately reacting to the new experience her memories came flooding back to her, Paul’s thick sweet seed a welcomed gift she rubbed herself discreetly her warm fluid leaking into her underwear.

She pushed him out onto her open palm unharmed his body red his skin warmed from his confined space her saliva covering his exposed skin, she giggled her tongue eager to clean away her bodily fluids, Paul squirmed about in her hands enjoying the exquisite attention she was now administering to him. Alice taking her time the knowledge hers Paul’s needs catered for he had her undivided attention ,his pleasure her goal, the needs of another more important to her than her own deep rooted desire to be fed.

She took what was needed the survival of both paramount lost souls left to wander a disjointed creature with no purpose, two needed the bond of love the only connection holding a soul in place, a binding contract built from love the needs of others in place of your own.

“Paul would you mind if I placed you in between my legs, I am much older now I have experienced the pleasures from a man’s body. I would like to rub you against my panties if that’s ok, I am very aroused by your little game I’m afraid licking your body has made me very wet below.”

Paul nodded to her after all she was a very attractive woman her aroma was very strong, he looked down the white cotton of her knickers was very inviting.
Alice placed his five inch frame between her thighs he walked towards the wall of white cotton her dark pubic hairs poked out at the seamed edge; her sexual discharge filled his nostrils.

“It’s ok Paul please if you would rub yourself against me I’m sure it will make my orgasm come even quicker for me “

She moaned loudly as the first wave of pleasure rippled through her body..

“Can I put you inside my knickers ?is that ok with you I know I am a little smelly again but you always arrive late in the day so my underwear gets a bit messy, I am sorry about that.”

Paul smiled his approval given Alice pulled her panties to one side allowing her to put Paul’s body against her open labia, she closed the cotton seam around his body, her sticky sex smelt intoxicating he rubbed her soft flesh his tiny hands finding her erect clitoris. Alice squealed out in surprise the electric signals rippled through her being her body reacting to this new sensation. Her orgasm flooded her underwear Paul’s body now covered in her fluids, Alice encouraged him to continue until she was satisfied.

Dreams are wonderful things reality come to call facts hidden among the fantasies Alice the only thing that made sense to this world of make believe the hum of a machine soothing the mind.

For better or for worse Hollow words in a ceremony of love, meaningless if alone a beating heart filled with happy memories the only connection to hold the past together no futures to be had life is a precious gift to be enjoyed and shared with another, loneliness can become a prison heartache your companion.
Sleep in control memories danced in his head Alice smiled his warm skin smelt of sex the aroma filled the room, teasing her she lay beside him hope still in her heart, miracles do happen sometimes.

The sun warmed his skin the grass felt damp he was naked the clouds danced above him he watched them intently his world filled with dreamy scenes realities mixing together fictitious moments in a dream filled state blending into one all hope gone.

He walked into the field a multi coloured sky filled his view Alice dominating the scene Paul walked towards her his heart beat wildly, he felt despair Alice his savior she was his world his soul lost allowed to wander in the vast emptiness off space Alice his only lifeline, Paul struggled against the pressures of living, a life buoy thrown to aid his recovery a friend in need words of comfort taken away the sanctuary of others a safe harbor.

A machine to keep death at bay the love of a woman waiting patiently until the burden of sleep releases you from your world of dreams, memories of a love in limbo keeping you from leaving this world.

Enough… a soul purged of guilt a life to rebuild a future to secure new memories to be created life must continue on its new path it’s gods way…

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