Summary: A toy meets a woman who sees him for what he is, and asks him where he came from.
Categories: Unaware,
Young Adult 20-29,
Adult 30-39,
Body Exploration,
Insertion Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Completed: No
Word count: 8318
Read: 34639
Published: May 08 2010
Updated: December 27 2013
1. Meeting Diana by DX Machina
2. Amy by DX Machina
3. Melody by DX Machina
Meeting Diana by DX Machina
Author's Notes:
Each chapter in this story is really a stand-alone story in its own right -- although each chapter also contains a part of an overarching story. We'll see how this works.
She pulled me out of her sex, and I dripped with her juices. It was three days straight now, but I wasn’t surprised. I was a new toy. She was still interested in me.
With time, she’d grow bored. I knew this, and it did not concern me. Well, it did – but not for the reasons you may think. My size would be an issue. My heart would not. I knew this. I had been through it all before.
There had been others before. So many others.
She was maybe thirty years old. Maybe older. Maybe younger. She was not too young; when she looked down at me her skin showed just the barest hint of aging. A few lines around her eyes. A few more at the upturned corners of her mouth.
Not too old. Not too young.
I had been pulled out of many women, pulled by their massive fingers, some fumbling, some assured. Pulled from women who were indifferent, pulled from women who were pleased, pulled from women who were angry. It was my purpose.
It had ever been.
This night was a good night. At least there was a woman. At least she used me. I would not grow smaller tonight. I was already at my full size, so I could not grow larger, but I would not dwindle down to a speck, to the point where I would have to seek out a giantess.
But while this night was a good night, it was no different from many other good nights.
The woman looked down at me, and her contented smile changed as she regarded me. Her face fell, and her mouth turned down. My heart sank. She was growing tired of me already. Well, this would not be the first time. Hopefully, she would do as her friend had done – make a gift of me to another woman.
But she did something that surprised me, after all these years. She lifted me up past her mammoth breasts, and carried me up to her face. Leaning back against the wall, she looked at me, and finally, at long last, she spoke.
“Did you enjoy that, little toy?”
I tried to smile. They like it when I smile. “Yes,” I answered.
She looked at me carefully, and frowned slightly at that answer. At first, I feared that she was going to be sadistic, like Julia had been. That my declaration of pleasure would displease her. But that was not it.
“You didn’t really like that, did you?” she said. It was not really a question.
“My feelings are not important,” I said. “I am here for you, mistress.”
Her frown deepened. I had displeased her. Blast! I did not dislike this woman. I could find pleasure in her loins, but…well, I had experienced this so much. In truth, she was kinder than most. It was not her fault. It was mine.
“What is your name?”
Her voice was booming, but all the voices were booming. It was pretty, though; I imagined that were I her size, I would have found it soothing, warming like hot apple cider on a cold day.
But that was not the important thing. She had asked me a question. I should address her.
I stopped. For it had been a very long time since I had been asked anything personal. Anything that required an honest answer. They would ask the rules, sometimes. And I would tell them, tell them all about the rules that governed my existence. She had asked me, after I’d been given to her.
But it had been a long time since I had been asked anything about me.
“I do not know.”
“You don’t know?”
“No. I used to know, but….” I shrugged.
“Did you have a name?”
I sat, cross-legged, in the palm of her hand. I looked at her, and told the truth.
“Yes. I did.”
“What made you forget?”
I looked at the pretty woman. The prettiest I’d ever seen? I would say so now, but I would not have then. One of the prettier, yes, but there had been women whose physical beauty was….
But I digress.
I looked at the pretty woman, and I answered her truly.
“It was a punishment.”
Her eyes widened at that, and the hand that did not hold me covered her mouth. I did not recognize the emotion at first; I had not witnessed it in this life.
“Oh, my God,” she said. “What have I done?”
“I am grateful to you,” I said. “You’ve kept me whole for another day.” I’m sure I blushed. “I apologize,” I added, hastily. “I did not mean to speak out of turn.”
She looked at me, and seemed to recompose herself. “You don’t have to apologize. Not to me,” she said. “You…you can always talk to me. I want you to.”
I was nonplussed. Talk to her? She wanted me to talk to her?
They never wanted me to talk to them.
I was a toy. A servant. I was here for her amusement. I was not one of the giants. I was being punished.
“Diana,” she said. “My name is Diana. And you…you will have to have a name. But not right now,” she said, as much to herself as to me. “Were you human? Like me? How did you get like this? Were you always this small?”
“I was once as large as you,” I said. “But I was punished.”
“You said. But for what?”
“I was unfaithful. She told me.”
“Who told you?”
“Mala. Mala told me.”
The woman looked at me, and said, finally, “Tell me what Mala told you.”
And so I did.
* * *
It was the first thing I could remember.
She was standing there, taller than me. So much taller. She was kneeling down by me, and I was at the size I was now. Just short of thirteen centimeters, or so I’d been told.
She was beautiful. Dark hair, dark eyes, olive skin. Her eyes twinkled with mirth and blazed with hatred. I was sore afraid.
“Perfect,” she said, brushing her long black hair out of her eyes. “So, worm, do you know me?”
“Mala?” I ventured. She was familiar. I had loved her. I thought. Maybe.
“Hmm. And do you know yourself? What is your name, bug?” she said, pounding her fist down next to me so hard that I bounced.
“My name is…it’s….”
I started to panic. I knew my name. It was on the tip of my tongue. But I couldn’t force it to come out, and the more I struggled with my name, the more I knew that it was all slipping away. Images of family and friends seemed to dance just out of reach, until they scattered like leaves in the wind.
She smiled as she looked at me, as if reading my mind. Smiled a twisted, beautiful smile.
“You pig. You could have had so much happiness with me. But you liked other women too much. Well,” she said, smiling wider now, “you’ll get all the women you want. So much pussy! You’ll like that, won’t you?”
“I…yes?” I said, trying to figure out what this meant.
She laughed, a bitter laugh. “We’ll see.”
She grabbed me around the waist. I was naked; at the time, I found that somewhat surprising, though I don’t know why. I suppose I used to wear clothes all the time – not just when my mistresses want me to.
She brought me to her face, and licked me from toe to head, up and down. In spite of the strangeness of the world, this woman, me, I found myself growing aroused. She flashed her cleavage below me, and lowered me toward it, the promise of her inviting bosom mere feet from me.
And then the flicked me in my sex, so that I was doubling over in pain.
“I suppose you thought you were going to get something, huh? No, no, no. Not from me. Never again. You forfeited that right when you cheated on me.
“Now, you are a toy. A plaything. And let’s hope you’re a good one for your sake. You will need women to want to play with you – or at least tolerate you – if you hope to stay larger than a bit of dust.”
“What do you mean?” I gasped. “What have you done to me?”
“It’s an old spell. It’s been in my family generations. I modified it a bit for the present circumstances, of course. Added my own personal touch.
“Worm, you will lose half your height every day that you do not touch a woman for at least an hour. You won’t shrink to less than a millimeter – I want you to never shrink so far that humanity is beyond you. You might start to think yourself free of us. Oh, and don’t worry – my protection is on you. You will neither age nor die nor suffer grievous injury so long as you live.”
“But I will slowly shrink, and then what? Certainly, there will be days no woman will have me. Am I to shrink to…to dust sized? To nothing?”
She laughed, a bitter laugh. “No, no. Little nothing, you just need convince a woman to sleep with your shrunken, pathetic, lilliputian self. And by ‘sleep with,’ I mean ‘fuck.’ Get her into bed, and you double in size – but bad news, shrimp. You’re already as big as you’re going to get. Tough luck, that.”
I stared at the goddess who stared down at me, and swallowed hard. Echoes of memories told me that this would be hard, that few women would choose to sleep with me, that I would be tiny beyond tiny soon enough. Maybe, if I was lucky, I would be found by a woman who knew me.
Although Mala knew me, and she had done this to me.
“Am I condemned to this forever?” I asked.
Mala smiled. “No,” she said. “But you may as well be. The spell is broken by something that will never happen for you. So don’t get yourself any ideas. You’re going to be stuck like this for a long, long time.
“Now,” she said, sweetly, “it’s been fun and all, but I’ve developed a really good love potion that I’m going to put to use tonight. I’m going to seduce a real man, with a cock that’s bigger than your whole body. As for you, well, I’ll be good to you. I’ll dump you on the sidewalk outside the hotel. Give you a fighting chance to find a girl.”
And that is precisely what she did.
* * *
Diana was silent for a good long time after I finished, and I finally felt compelled to say, “I’m sorry if I have displeased you, mistress. Do you wish me to leave?”
She looked down at me with her big, beautiful eyes, which I saw were brimming with tears. “Leave? What? No! No, not unless you want to. You…you’ve done nothing wrong.”
“I cheated on Mala.”
“Long ago, from what you’ve told me. And if you did? Maybe she should have dumped you. But what she did to you? It’s horrible. And I’m horrible for treating you like a toy.”
At that, she began to cry in earnest, and I found myself at a loss. She was crying…for me.
Never in my memory had anyone cried on my behalf.
Somewhere, deep inside me, something broke open, just a bit. Not completely. But enough that I found myself climbing up her long, bare arms, until I reached her shoulder. When I reached it, I sad down, and stroked the giantess gently.
I don’t know why I did it, but it caused a reaction. She stopped, and looked over at me.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“I just…you didn’t do anything wrong,” I said. “All you did was care for me and give me what I need to not shrink. I’ve been a millimeter tall. It’s…awful. Horrible.”
“I can’t imagine,” she said.
She frowned for a bit, and then gave me a little half-grin. “Well, little…little one. I have to get to sleep. And you do, too. But not in the drawer, okay? You’re not a sex toy. You’re a person. And I’m going to treat you like one.”
“As you wish, mistress.”
“That’s another thing,” she said, gently plucking me from her shoulder and setting me upon her nightstand. “I am not your mistress. If you’re a person, so am I. I’m Diana. I want you to call me Diana.”
She smiled at that, smiled really and truly. “Annabelle said she was giving me something that would make me forget Jeff. Well, she’s done that, all right. Tomorrow, little one, we’ll find you a name. And you can tell me how you came to be with me.”
“As you wish,” I said, as she plucked a pair of panties from her dresser, and set them on the stand for me to sleep in.
I lay down, and watched Diana fall asleep, my heart racing. It had been so long since I had been anything but a toy that the emotions I felt were overwhelming. I fought the part of me that said I loved her. She could betray me, I knew. So many had, so many times. And no doubt she thought of me like a pet.
But at least I was her pet. It was better than being a vibrator. Better by far.
The start of the next day was not like the start of any day I could remember. The fact that I slept as late as I desired was not the unusual part; more days than not had I been put away at night, to awaken alone, long after my mistress had departed.
But even though this was not an unusual occurrence, there was something different about it. Usually, my sleep was punctuated by the sounds of my owner getting dressed, getting ready to go to work or to school or watching television. But this sleep was blissful and uninterrupted. My owner, Diana, was not in the bed next to the table on which I slept; clearly, she must have woken some time before. I knew she must have crept from the room quietly indeed. Giants were noisy. They couldnt help it. There was so much of them. It was impossible for them to move silently. And yet, somehow my mistress had managed. And though years and years of terror caused me to momentarily panic that Diana had abandoned me, somehow I knew that she had done so not out of malice, but out of kindness. She had let me sleep, had gone out of her way to make sure I could. She had shown care toward me.
I was nonplussed by it.
I rose from a bed of panties that she had arranged for me, folded into a small bed. She had even arranged a small thimble of water for me, when I admitted that I liked to drink and eat, even if I didnt have to. Mala had seen to that. I had starved, I had thirsted, I had even wanted for air; none of it could kill me or even harm me. All disconcerted me now; all had terrified me in turn as Id endured each the first time. But none frightened me as much as being without a mistress to keep me whole.
A sound of soft thuds announced Dianas presence at the door to her bedroom, peeking in toward me. Seeing me standing, she smiled, and crossed the distance quickly.
She wore sweatpants and an old t-shirt, and as she dropped to a knee to get closer to me, her breasts swung impressively. She ran a hand through her unkempt hair, and my stomach lurched. I had seen many women made up far more than her at that moment -- and many made up a good deal less. But Im not sure I had ever before felt what I felt then. Many months later, I would tell Diana about it. But not yet.
I see were awake, she said, smiling. Did you sleep okay?
It was the best night of sleep I can remember, mistr...I mean, Diana.
Old habits die hard, huh? I took the day off. I didnt want you to wake up on your first day here all by yourself.
But this is my fourth day with you, I said, then flinched, awaiting her correction.
She was right. Old habits do die hard.
Her correction did come, but not in the way I feared. Instead, her smile faded for a minute, as a cloud passing over the sun. I know. And Im sorry. I wish Id done this for you the first night. Wish Id seen you for what you are the moment I opened the box from Annabelle. Can you ever forgive me for that? I promise, Im going to make up for it, starting today.
It is my first day here if you say it is, I said.
No. No! No, its the fourth day. Damn it, will it mean anything if I tell you to disagree with me? Or will you disagree with me because you think youre supposed to? Youve been treated very badly, havent you?
Not by you, I said, and somehow, somewhere in me, a long-buried pathway in my mind reawakened, if only for a moment, and the words came tumbling out. You were kind even before last night. In the first few days, you were gentle with me. You didnt force me into you. Thats what most women do, you know, they just spread their legs and shove me inside, or else hold me hard against their clits, making me struggle for freedom while they enjoy themselves. And I know its the price I pay, but its hard.
But you...even before you talked to me last night, you took your time with me. You offered yourself, you didnt force me to do anything. You set me there. You let me move at my own pace. You even tried to make me feel good. You touched
The words halted abruptly, as I felt myself blushing deeply, as if Diana cared whether I had enjoyed myself when shed rubbed her pinky gently over my penis, back and forth, idly, until I burst forth.
But Diana didnt seem put off by my diatribe. Instead, her smile had widened. It did look like you were enjoying yourself. But come on. Dont tell me nobody ever did that for you before?
Not in a long time. One girl...who hadnt been with a boy...and was curious.... I shuddered, involuntarily. But she wasnt interested in making me happy. She just wanted to see what would happen. I...I know that its not important that I enjoyed it. But it was kind of you.
I mean, you were already one of the kindest mistresses ever to own me, Diana. You dont need to apologize for anything as far as Im concerned. dont even have to do this for me.
Treat me like one of you. Like a person.
Diana sighed. You are a person. You deserve to be treated like one. God. If me being not a total rapist and jacking you off once makes me one of the better women to meet you...youve met a lot of bad women.
I sighed myself. I dont think most of the women Ive met are bad. They just...youre the first one to tell me Im a person. I dont even know if youre right. But most women just treated me like other sex toys, like their dildos or vibrators. And they were doing me the favor. If not for them, Id be tiny.
Which reminds me, Diana said. You have to be on my person for an hour today, or you shrink, right? How do you want to do that? Im not making you dive into my pussy anymore. But Ill definitely hold you for an hour each day to keep you whole. Thats the least I can do.
I was shocked by the sudden turn of the conversation, so much so that I couldnt even respond for a moment.
I mean, you dont have to decide right this instant, Diana said. Frankly, Im not even sure where exactly is best. But you know, whatever works for you. Just let me know.
Do...did I displease you last night? I asked.
Did I do a poor job stimulating you?
No! Not at all. You were quite...stimulating. But I dont want to rape you every night. You werent happy doing it. And if you dont want to be my sex toy, thats fine. I dont mind. You dont owe me your body.
And you dont owe me yours, I countered, in a voice that was not quite my own, but which seemed to come from a long-lost part of me.
Youre right, Diana said. But Im happy to give an hour a day to you to keep you healthy and full-sized. Im giving it by choice. But if you dont want to be around me, if you dont want that, then you can leave. I dont want you to go, she said, seeing my face, but you always can go. Youre free.
My stomach lurched again, the same as it had when shed first descended to my eye level.
Diana, I said, I...I dont know as Ive ever chosen to be what I am. are very kind. Youre pretty. You even keep your, uh...well, you are pleasant to be around,. And you are giving me more than Ive ever been given. If...if you still want to use me...I would be happy to...continue to do other things than just sit in your pocket.
Diana smiled as brightly as I had seen her to that point. Little man, if I hadnt been shoving you in my vaginal canal over the past few days, Id think you were trying to talk your way into my panties.
I struggled for words; I didnt know how to explain what I wanted. I didnt know what I wanted myself. What I said next surprised me and her alike.
Im happy, I said, just to be with you. To talk to you. If you didnt touch me again, if you just...just talked to me as I shrunk to nothing...I would stay with you. If you wish to hold me and talk to me to keep me whole, I would be grateful and happy. If you wish to use me to pleasure yourself, I would be honored...and I would....
I trailed off, as I choked off the last part of what the long-buried part of myself was trying to say. For good or ill, Diana forced the issue.
Youd what?
Id enjoy it, too. I said, quietly. Its never been a question of my enjoying it, but...if Im given the choice, I think I would.
Diana leaned closer to me. For a second, I thought Id said something horribly wrong, but she moved in until she was right on top of me, and she kissed me.
I fell backward with the force of her lips, and landed on my butt; she backed off quickly, her face lined with concern, but I was already laughing as I tried to right myself. That was some kiss, I said, chuckling.
She sighed in relief. I guess I dont know my own strength, she said.
* * *
The day was heavenly. There were many such days like it to come -- not every day, of course, though it seemed every day to come had a part of that day within it. But it was the first day in my memory I could remember that I spent with someone. Not adjacent to someone or in service to someone, but with them.
Diana had showered soon after our conversation, and then gave me a bath in her bathroom sink while she combed her hair. The issue of my shrinking was soon resolved for the day; I spent the rest of the morning perched on her shoulder, holding on to the spaghetti strap of her top, while we talked about her life and about making arrangements for my life with her. She told me about her family, about her ex-fiance, Jeff, about her job in the front office of a local toaster manufacturer. She decided that wed go shopping that evening and buy me a doll bed, and maybe some doll clothes, so that I didnt have to be naked if I didnt want to. She even fixed us both breakfast -- well, she fixed herself pancakes and made one enormous one for me. We lounged on the couch and watched television, with me lying on her stomach; she showed me her computer (she sent a letter on it to her friend Annabelle, thanking her for me; she had to rewrite it several times to eliminate phrases like How could you not see he was a person? and What kind of monster are you? Am I? Are all of us?).
And in the early afternoon, to make sure I wouldnt shrink, we made love.
Id never used that term to describe sex, not in this life. Id heard it. But love had little to do with what I did, and what was expected of me. But this time...Diana had licked me first, had carefully manipulated me so that I had come before she even let me explore her. And I found myself exploring far more completely than I ever had.
I had seen many women up close -- young, old, fat, skinny -- and I had become hardened to what I was seeing. But on that day, it was as if Id stumbled into a different land. Every inch of skin was amazing, the soft hairs on her stomach swayed gently with each breath. Her coarser hairs surrounding her vagina were not just rough handholds, but still-soft branches that bore her unmistakable scent. I lavished attention on her clit, while she simply lay back, letting me do the work, not forcing me, not directing me. Indeed, for the first time I could remember, I worked on her until she spasmed, and rather than hoping that she was done with me, I took the opportunity to slide inside her slickened sex, a place I usually tried to avoid. And though it was hot and dank and claustrophobia-inducing, I took advantage of the fact that I did not need to breathe, and I explored her as thoroughly as I could. Indeed, bizarre thoughts escaped me, as I wondered if I could take advantage of this, if we could not touch for a few days, if I could explore her more if I was smaller. And though I doubted I would propose it, I knew that Diana would consider it if I suggested it, if I explained why.
Because more of her wouldnt be a bad thing.
* * *
After some time, laying on the bed, Diana turned to me and sighed. That was incredible. Those other women didnt know what they were missing. Did you enjoy it?
It was wonderful, I said. I...thank you.
So tell me, she said, languidly, how many other women have there been? Dont worry. I wont be jealous. The more thereve been, the more lucky I am that you ended up here with me.
I dont know, I said. Dozens. Maybe hundreds. I dont remember all of them. A few...well, Im not proud of it, but when I was at my smallest, a few times I hid in the panties of a woman for a few days. I tried not to bother her, but it was so hard to contact women at that size. Usually I just tried to grow large enough to present myself to them without being squashed like a bug. But more than a few times, I got lost.
I suppose I gave them no choice. Maybe I deserve....
No, you dont, Diana cut me off. Did you try to make them come? Try to get them to orgasm?
No, I said. It happened accidentally a couple of times...but it wasnt on purpose.
Well then. Ill forgive you for that; given the way youve been treated, I think youve had the worse of the bargain. So Im guessing those are the shortest times you were with a woman. Whats the longest?
The longest...was with Julia. It was years. It was horrible. She did things....
What did she do to you?
I shuddered. I dont want to talk about it.
You dont have to, said Diana. So whats the oldest woman youve been with?
I think Elizabeth said she was sixty.
Was she horrible?
Eh? No. Pretty decent. Better than most. Her daughter Kara gave me to her, then Elizabeth kept me for a while, and eventually gave me to her daughter Jennifer. That was a few years ago; it was along the chain of women that eventually brought me to you. Maybe twenty women ago.
Is that how you met most women? As a gift?
Mostly. Most women use me until they get tired of me, and pass me on. A few times Ive been lost, usually left in hotels. A few times I actually escaped. But that left me alone, and put me at risk of shrinking. I escaped from Julia.
I didnt want to talk about Julia, but the escape wasnt that bad. And so I told Diana of it.
* * *
I waited and waited for my chance, and one night, she forgot to lock my cage. She was tired. I snuck out of her room, and I hid behind her refrigerator for five days, letting myself get smaller and smaller. I had to get small enough so that she wouldnt see me. Finally, when I was a little less than a centimeter tall, I snuck to her front door during the night. When she opened it, she let me out -- didnt even see me. My heart was beating so fast that if I hadnt been taught by Julia that nothing could kill me, I would have thought it would burst.
I threw myself off the steps at the front of her house; the fall hurt like sin but I knew the pain would soon subside. When I felt whole again I got up, and headed through the forest of grass in the front of her house.
It took me a week to get through it. I saw her pass a dozen times, each time looming larger than the last. I was lucky that it was fall; the bugs had died off. When youre a millimeter tall, ants are really frightening. But for once, I didnt care how small I got. I couldnt go back with Julia. And no, I dont want to talk about it now. Ill tell you someday. But...not today.
Anyhow, by the time I reached the sidewalk, I was despairing that it could be months at this size. I had the misfortune of getting this tiny before, and it was always difficult to get near enough to a woman to hitch a ride with them. I mean, think about how tiny I am now. Im more than a hundred times bigger than I was when I got out of the lawn.
Now, people would pass by, and I was willing to hitch a ride with any of them. Hitch a ride home with a little boy or girl and you might have a shot at getting their mom to help grow you; hitch a ride with a guy and if he doesnt have a girlfriend or any girl friends he probably at least works somewhere with women.
But its not easy hitching a ride with someone when theyre the size of a mountain. If the guy out for a walk ties his shoe halfway down the block, if the friends out for a jog decide to sit down even a few feet away, if two kids are playing in the yard in the house next door, its still impossible to reach them. You need someone to stop dead right by you.Or you need to get lucky.
I got lucky. I thought I had gotten lucky when the overweight jogger stopped and put his hands on his knees on the sidewalk square next to my hideout in the grass; I ran as fast as I could toward him. But he didnt stay put for long, and he took off again at full speed, with his foot landing next to me, blasting me into the air.
When youre a millimeter tall, youre pretty light, and I didnt fall back to earth right away; I floated about knee high for a minute. That would have been the end of it -- I would have landed, swore at myself, and tried again. But when I started to drift lower, from behind me two college students out for a jog blasted by me, and the eddies the left in their wake blew me out unpredictably.
I danced sideways and upward, now high enough in the air that the prevailing wind could get me. This had the effect of pushing me out into the street, just as a car was flying by at light speed.
Fortunately, it just passed near me. But after that, the energy that propelled me was such that I could barely even register what was going on. I was simply tossed on the wind, buffeted by other cars, thrown high up into the sky, until even my durable self nearly blacked out.
And then came the miracle. It was a cool fall day, but not cold; occasionally, someone would roll their window down while driving. Thats how I met Amy, who was on her way to work out; she had her window cracked, and the current of wind I was on was sucked into her window. Before I could even register what had happened, I was crashing into a mass of white fabric, and then tumbling down the front of her shirt until I fell right between two legs that were slightly askew, working the pedals on her car.
After a look skyward to confirm that the person I hit had breasts, I scampered inside her shorts, just in time for her to go in to the gym. I made it into her panties in time for her to climb on an excercycle for an hour. If not for Malas spell, I would have been goo.
But it worked. I revisited her panties for two nights, then hung out in her bed, trying to get her attention. I did, eventually, and while I was small, I was able to explain what I wanted. She was amused, and she kept me in her panties for a few hours the next few days. After that, she kept me bigger, but not too big -- shed let me sleep with her every four days, then stow me in her panty drawer, so that I was about the size of her fingernail when she pulled me out. But she wasnt rough. And after Julia, it seemed like heaven.
* * *
So when I hear about Julia, Im going to have to kill her, arent I?
Today has been a wonderful day, I said. I dont want to think about her again today.
Diana smiled. Okay. Besides, we have other business to attend to. You need a name.
I do?
Yes. I mean, what, am I supposed to call you Dildo Jones? I think not. No, while you were sleeping, I googled a few names, and I found one I like. But its your name. So you have to like it too.
Im going to like any name you give me, I said.
Well, after that little story, I think it fits. Youre tough, little one. Feisty. I think the name Leo fits my little lion. What do you think?
Leo, I murmured. I think I would have been happy with Idiot, frankly, had it come from her. This was much better. I like it, I said.
Okay, Leo, said Diana, happily. So do you want to watch television? Or would you like to explore me some more?
She didnt have to ask twice.
Author's Notes:
What, me, update a story? Yes, me update a story. Believe it or not, there are big things on the horizon for 2014. Very big things. Because I'm a macrophile writer. It's a pun.
For now, though.....
Over the next two weeks, Diana and I fell into a routine. Routines were good. I had always liked routines. If I knew my mistress would want to use me every other night, it gave me solace on the nights I slept alone in her drawer, next to her vibrator and her Harlequin novel and some foot ointment and hemorrhoid cream. It would be tomorrow. I would not shrink to nothing, or be forgotten in a drawer. That had only happened once, and it had been horrific. She had been drunk the night she got me, and used me only once; I think she forgot I existed. When her boyfriend opened the drawer looking for some lubricant, I was able to hitch a ride with him, and…well, I was able to spend enough time with the two of them to regain some of my height. Enough to flee with her to her office, where I found a new mistress.
My routine with Diana was different. On days when she was home, we would spend the day together; on days she worked, she would leave for work in the morning, allowing me to sleep in my small doll bed on her nightstand. She left me food and water, and her television remote control. When she came home, she would scoop me up and place me on her person for an hour as she cooked dinner. Sometimes I perched on her shoulder, sometimes she held me; the last few nights, she’d tucked me between her soft and yielding breasts, Diana surrounding me on three sides, soft and firm, deliciously shaking with every breath.
I liked that perch the best.
And in the evenings, we would make love. I told her that she did not have to carry me for the hour, that making love was enough, but she was insistent.
“I will never let you be just my fuck toy,” she’d said. “I want to talk to you, to hold you. I like it. Besides,” she’d added with a sigh, “I’m not going to be able to use you every night.”
“Am…did I do something wrong?” I said, as her breasts bounced.
“Not at all,” she said with a slight giggle. “Not at all, Leo. But…well, you’ve been with enough women to know that there are times when…um….”
“Ah, your period. Yes, women are odd about them,” I said. “Either they do not want to use me…or they use me all the more.”
“Hm. I’m going to guess that those who use you more haven’t been your most considerate mistresses?”
“It is never a bad thing to be used,” I said, quietly.
“Did you enjoy it? I…I’m a bit self-conscious, is all,” she said.
I rubbed the skin of her breasts; I had found she liked to have her skin stroked. And to my surprise, I was finding I quite liked doing it.
“It…it was less pleasant,” I said after a while. “But for you…I would do whatever you wanted.”
Diana tousled my hair, and her chest shook with her laugh.
“Little Leo, I would rather not force you to endure that…if only because I don’t want to have to clean you up after. But if you want, I can do things for you.”
This was something that still confused me about Diana. There would be times when she did not want to make love a third or fourth time in the evening, and I always respected that, but she would always offer to play with me more, to bring me pleasure. I did enjoy it, and allowed her to often…but what I enjoyed was not so much the act itself as feeling cared for, feeling as if she cared about my feelings as much as her own.
Two nights after that conversation, Diana began her period, and true to her word, she offered to help, but she clearly did not feel well, and I did not need her to do anything for me but be with me. She lay on the bed, and allowed me to rub her ear, which she said made her feel better, though I believe she was just trying to make me feel as if I could do something to comfort her.
“So Leo,” she murmured, eyes closed, “there has to be some mistress of yours who wasn’t awful.”
“Few of them were awful,” I said.
“You know what I mean. Someone had to show some kindness to you other than me. Right?”
“None have ever shown me the kindness you have,” I said. “But there were some who at least treated me with care.”
“Tell me about one of them,” Diana said. “Please.”
“Okay,” I said, thinking back. “There was one I remember. Melody.”
* * *
I was first introduced to Melody as I was to many girls – when she unwrapped the box I had been placed in.
As she lifted the lid away, I put my hand up to shield my eyes against the sudden bright. When my vision returned, I saw she was pretty. She wore her long, blonde hair straight, and her blue eyes went wide when she saw me.
“What – what is this?” she said, as she stared at me; her voice was soft and calm, at least for someone your size. It aligned nicely with her name.
“This is going to be your new favorite toy,” another woman said; I knew her. It was Joanna. She was in her second year at college, and I would learn that she had become friends with Melody through a class they shared. Joanna was not a bad person – she used me regularly, and even gave me scraps of food when she ate in her dorm room.
Melody reached in with her hand shaking, just a bit. “It’s okay, little toy,” she giggled nervously, scooping me up in her soft palm.
She drew me near enough to her face that I would have been daunted, had I not been so grateful to be held. I was a quarter of the size I am now – a bit more than half the size of her thumb. She was chewing a minty gum, I remember – it seemed as if all the world was her and that scent.
“Is he a person?” Melody asked.
“No, he’s a toy. A magic toy.”
“A tool of Satan?” Melody gasped.
“No, magic. Mel, are you ever going to get over that church?”
Melody giggled again, just as nervously. “I…yeah, given how they treated my sister….”
“Exactly. Anyhow, I know you were saying you weren’t…you know….”
Melody bit her lip; I think it would have been cute, had I been your size. She looked back at me; I was naked, as usual.
“So…he’s like a person, kind of?”
“He can talk and stuff. And do other things…lots of other things. I’m dating Bobby, I don’t really need him anymore, but I thought…well, you can get some hands on experience. Oh! And if you let him play with your pussy, he grows the next day, at least a bit – in the end, he gets about the size of a cock,” Joanna said, smiling wickedly. She knew that well; she had enjoyed placing me in a condom and using me that way. I did not mind; Mala’s magic took into account the use of protection, apparently.
“So how did he get smaller?”
“Oh, if you don’t fuck him or hold him for an hour a day, he shrinks. So if you like him this size, just leave him alone for a bit. Anyhow, Happy Birthday – and hopefully, once you’ve had some time with him, you’ll be ready to have some time with some other folks….”
Melody’s nervous laugh came again, and went, and she placed me gently in her nightstand drawer, before she and Joanna left for a while.
When she returned, she pulled me carefully out of the drawer, and looked me over.
“So,” she said, “you can talk?”
“Yes, mistress,” I said.
She giggled. “You know,” she said, “I’ve never actually been alone with a naked man before. My parents would have disowned me. Hmmm….”
She walked over to her desk, carrying me in her soft palm, and she set me down easily – she clearly did not want me to break. I stood up, and she got down at eye level, gazing at me with eyes almost as tall as I.
“Wow,” she said, softly. “I never knew…guys are pretty naked.”
She stroked my body with the tip of her finger, until she came across my manhood; she was gentle, again, in examining it. With the tip of her finger, she lifted it up inspecting as best she could. I suspect she may have resorted to a magnifying glass, but the tip of her finger was soft and warm, and her breath smelled of mint and just a bit of alcohol, and she was pretty and kinder thus far than any mistress I’d been fortunate enough to have.
This allowed her to see my manhood somewhat better soon enough.
“Oh…oh wow,” she said, seeing that she was having an effect on me. “That’s…you’re…you’re getting…um….”
She dropped her voice a little. “You’re getting a boner,” she whispered, and giggled. “Oh, this is kind of fun.”
She worked on me carefully, the ridges of her fingers sliding along it, until I found that she was bringing me to orgasm. She laughed as she saw me spasm. “Oh, God,” she said. “I jerked you off! Oh, that’s…that’s very cool. Now…you know how to play with my…um…me?” she asked. There was more than a hint of anticipation in her voice.
“I do,” I said.
“Cool,” she said. “Let’s go over to my bed.”
She carried me over, and set me down; again, she bit her lip, and undressed completely. She was quite lovely, really, and had no need to be nervous. I had seen far worse women than her.
She pulled on a sleep shirt and hiked it up past her hips, so she could see her womanhood and me. “So…I’ve played with myself a bit. My mom always told me that was a sin, but…but it felt awfully nice. But I don’t…I’m nineteen, little toy. I’ve never had anyone but me touch that. And nobody ever told me what I should do. I…I don’t know if you know, but Joanna said girls…girls could have orgasms like guys. Is that…can you show me how?”
“I will do my best, mistress,” I said, and climbed into the hair surrounding her sex. I had quite a lot of experience with women, and knew that different women liked different things. But one thing most all enjoyed was for me to massage their clitoris.
I was surprised at how briefly I had to do this before Melody lost control of her body; she convulsed with a joyous shout, and bucked me off of her, landing her bottom firmly on top of me. Had I not known she could not kill me, I might have been concerned. As it was, she finished, and fished me out from underneath her, and with a look of hunger in her eye, said, “Well. I’m gonna like owning you. Can we try that again?”
She was a good mistress. She used me to learn. She didn’t force me to do anything I didn’t want to do. I was disappointed when she found a boyfriend of her own size, and found that she enjoyed jerking him off a lot more than me, and found that his tongue was quite as effective as my hands were. But I was only a little disappointed. I did not expect her to keep me, not for long. None ever had. Besides, she gave me to another girl in the college, who was not as kind but who used me often. I spent several years there. It was really a very good place for me to be.”
* * *
“So you ended up sleeping with half a college? Well, I must look run-down compared to all that,” Diana said.
“I…you have no need to be jealous,” I said. “You have been kinder by far than all of them put together. And given the choice between being with you and being there…there is no choice. None.”
Diana smiled at that. “You’re sweet, little Leo. And I’m glad you had that time. It must have been a relief, not to have to worry about finding a horny girl.”
“It was,” I said, though I did not tell her the ending of that tale. For Melody was six women away from the college senior who would take me away from that school after her graduation. For Julia would never give me up. Not willingly.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.