Avrilnapped by asukafan2001, littletoy

This story was written about 3 years after the completion of the finale. This story was originally never posted to my knowledge. It continues the story showing what happened after hilary went to college and introduces a few new characters. This is one of three never posted stories in this series. 

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Body Exploration, Entrapment, Humiliation, Young Adult 20-29 Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: DigiDowner Universe
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 7584 Read: 9309 Published: October 06 2012 Updated: October 06 2012
Story Notes:

This story was co-authored by a good friend of mine of many years who some of you may know as littletoy around the gts community. He actually person I wrote much of this series for and has been a inspiration for many years. 

1. Chapter 1 by asukafan2001

Chapter 1 by asukafan2001

Avrilnapped: A Pinky and Scamper Adventure

Written and Fantasized by,

Littletoy and AsukaFan2001

©Giantess Planet 2007-2008. All Rights Reserved.



I peek out from the middle dresser drawer and see that Hilary is already gone. I sigh as I duck my head back beneath the rim of the drawer and start rolling a couple of her balled up socks up to the edge of the drawer. I carefully climb them and clamber over the edge of drawer when I hear a loud snort fill the air.

                “Hayley” I say to no one in particular.

                Hayley is Hilary’s roommate and the bane of my existence. All because of her I can’t live the kind of life that I’m supposed to be living. When I initially shrunk myself I pictured life once I settled down lounging around some beautiful girl’s room, and playing some videogames, watching a little television, munching on some food she had set out for me. You know, the good life, however just when I’m about to get all that. The university has a scheduling error and Hilary ends up with a roommate. So instead of my ideal fantasy life, I get to sleep in a sock drawer and sneak about the room. Which Hilary really doesn’t prefer saying it’s too dangerous.

                I slip down to the floor relative easy from having done this for the past few weeks. I look out at the familiar gigantic surroundings. I peek over to see Hayley still sleeping. I can only see her orange hair popping out from beneath the comforter, but it’s enough to tell me that the coast is clear. I sprint across the open floor to Hayley’s half of the room. I double over as I lean against a white chest with clear plastic drawers.

                As I catch my breath I walk around to the back of the drawer and drag a box of matches to the front of the drawer and pull it out about an inch. I drag the box of matches back behind the drawer and then dash back out to the front of chest. I take a few steps back run as fast as I can and leap for the edge. I grasp the top with my fingers and pull myself over the edge and drop into the plastic drawer. As soon as I touch down a box of cherry pop tarts are right in front of me, but behind them I spot some Oreo granola bars. My stomach rumbles a bit and I make my way over to the box.

                As I lift up the flap I hear a loud obnoxious ringing blaring throughout the room.  I curse to myself as I rush over to the front of the plastic drawer and see Hayley getting out of bed. I nervously look on as her bare feet slap against the floor.

                “Come on, take a shower” I mumble as I spy her walk over to her closet and start tossing on some clothes.

                “Just great, Hilary is going to kill me if Hayley discovers me. I can just see it now. So pinky how did Hayley find you? Oh it wasn’t my fault Hilary. I was trying to steal food from her breakfast drawer and she found me halfway into a box of granola bars. Yeah, that won’t go over well.”

                I find myself only able to watch as Hayley strips down tossing her clothes on the floor. My heart starts racing as I watch her near nude body. It makes me realize how long it’s been since I have seen someone besides Hilary naked. It was that time with Ashley when I was full sized.  My mind drifts back to that day for but a moment as I watch Hayley wiggle into a pair of grey jeans and a dark blue tank top.

                “well it can’t be much longer before she leaves for class. Then I can sneak back before Hilary comes back” I say with a smile as I peer out as Hayley starts walking back towards the bed, however at the last moment she veers off heads towards the drawers. I gulp as I start to crawl towards the back of the drawers.

                “Okay there are five drawers here; what are the odds that she is going for the one I’m in.” I grab a yellow cotton arm band and crawl inside it, and just poke my head out as I feel the drawer start to shake.

                “Of course it’s this drawer. Where else would she be going, well I guess in her defense she might want breakfast too, and it is her food”

                Nervously I hold my breath as I peek out from the armband and see orange locks of hair and Hayley’s face way to close for comfort. I close my eyes as I hear her rustling around and pulling something out. I just crack my eyes open and see her other hand reaching back into the drawer.   I stare at her gigantic face, and huge eyes, they seem to see everything, I duck my head beneath the armband with my heart racing.

                “Did she see me?  Here it comes!” Just then I hear the door open up.

                “Hey Hilary, are you…..Hilary?” Ashley yells

                “She’s not here Barbie, and don’t you knock?” Hayley snaps back

                “Barbie?  Who you calling Barbie cabbage patch?” Ashley quips

                “Shut it Slut” Hayley says while standing up and walking towards Ashley.


                “Bra Stuffer!”

                “Well I guess you’d know being the expert! Just tell Hilary I stopped by.” Orders Ashley

                “Oh I will get right on that.”

                I had used this time to get out of the drawer; unfortunately I hadn’t planned on Ashley storming out.  I froze practically in the middle of the room as Hayley huffed and dug into her pocket pulling out her cell phone.

                “Hey, yeah she just left what’s her deal anyway? I can’t believe you call her a friend.”

                “Yeah I have seen him around a few times, I don’t think he does.”

                “I know, I know, anyway, I’m skipping accounting can you get the notes for me? Thanks, wait what? No I haven’t told her I’m stupid. Just cause she’s my friend doesn’t mean I’m gonna tell. Okay cya”

                I nervously stared up at Hayley trying not to move. I was afraid if I moved I would draw more attention to myself.  As Hayley turned and started walking towards her bed I dashed towards the drawers. Right beside the drawers was a cloth rack full of pockets, each pocket holding some kind of hair product.  I ran for the cloth rack and made quick work of the rack as I climbed it daily. I leapt over to the top of the drawer and started sucking in air furiously. I struggled to catch my breath as I heard a knock at the door.

                “Shit, how can this get any worse? Its like the world wants Hilary to get pissed at me.” I mumble to myself as I crawl to the edge of the dresser top so I can drop into the safety of Hilary’s sock drawer. As I peek over the edge of I see it closed tightly.

                “The bane strikes again” I curse as I turn towards the door and see Hayley’s friend Samantha at the door. I looked for a place to hide but I could find none. I headed back a bit and crouched down next to some of Hilary’s textbooks.

                “Hey Hayley, are you ready for Three Days Grace tonight?”

                “Hell Yeah Sam”

                My stomach was in knots as I watched Samantha walked by. She had on heavy boots that made a loud thud on the floor. Each thud was about ten times worse than Hilary scolding me. The steps rang thud, thud, thud, but they sounded more like Pinky, I told you so, Pinky, you’re in trouble. Run little man!

                “So where’s the prep?”

                “You mean Hilary, I think she’s in class. I don’t know what you have against her, she’s pretty cool.”

                “She dresses like she wants to be in seventeen. I hate people like that.”

                “Oh she’s just obsessed with being Jessica Alba fantastic Sam.” Hayley says while sitting down on her desk.


As they continued to chat I inched my way closer and closer to the edge. I felt like I was a kid again and was listening in on a conversation I wasn’t supposed to hear.  I felt excited. I realized that this is what my life had been missing. A little excitement, the thought of being discovered was exhilarating. It brought back those old feelings.

“Anyway, so what’s going on?  It’s not like you to stop by this early in the day.” Hayley asks as I see her glance over in my direction causing me to duck back down.

                “Well I know you have class soon, but my laptop is on the fritz, so I was hoping I could borrow yours to write up a paper?”

                “Sure, I don’t mind. I have to work after class anyway, so I won’t be around till later on. Just lock the door on your way out and TRY not to kill my roommate.”

                “I knew there was going to be a catch” Sam teased as Hayley slid off the desk and grabbed her book bag while heading towards the door.  I slunk back as far as I could as she walked by praying she wouldn’t see me.

                “Good luck” Hayley mumbled as she walked by where I was standing.

                “What?” Sam shouted as Hayley opened the door.

                “oh, I ah just said good luck, with the paper ya know.”


                As the door shut I let out a sigh of relief as I stood up forgetting Sam was still in the room.  This caused me to jerk back down, but as I did so I lost my balance and found myself tumbling towards the floor. I closed my eyes as I hit the green carpet mat with a thud.

                “Uggghhhh” I let out as I slammed against the floor.  I twitched my limbs and rolled over onto my back in pain.

                “Hilary, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” I say to myself.  As I roll over onto my back. I blink a few times trying to get my vision to focus. As it comes back to me I find two large grey shafts on either side of me.  Seemingly hundreds of feet in the air I see the face of Samantha staring down at me with a inquisitive look spread across her face. I crawl backwards with a great deal of pain from my great fall.

                “Holy fuck, you’re moving. What the shit are you?” Sam says as she bends down her hand slamming down behind me and her hand seemingly poised to grab me at any second.

                “I’m not the little man you are looking for!”

                “What in the world?”

                “Move along” A split second later I felt her finger explode against my body as I roll over onto my stomach.

                “What are you? It feels like your almost a person, but that’s not possible. That would make you the world’s smallest man”  

                “Actually I’m the worlds second smallest man, I am three quarters of an inch taller then Zack and don’t you forget it.”

                “So there are more you? Where are your little people?”

                “No wait, I mean I’m like tigger, I’m the only one.”

                Everything seems to be happening in slow motion, I turn my head from left to right, Sam’s body seems to take up my entire field of vision.  This is bad, I think to myself as I start to stand up, but as I get to my knees a wall of flesh slams against my back and I am shoved back to the ground, Sam’s pointer finger slams into my side causing me to roll right into her sweaty grip.

                “Hey lemme go! I have rights!” I shout as I feel the familiar ascent, but this time in a unfamiliar hand. Sam’s hand is much more rough and not as gentle as Hilary and Ashley. I am jerked to a stop in front of her face.

                “So where are the rest of these little people you were talking about. Show me!” Sam shouts while shaking me in her fist.

                “I’m the only one really. Now please.”

                “Not wanting to talk aye, We will see about that.” In one swift motion I saw her black and white checkered bag and me falling towards it, her bag waiting with open arms.

                “Well enjoy the ride little man, maybe when we get back you have had time to realize what’s best for you, and tell me where the rest of you are. “


                I cracked my head hard against a blunt plastic object as I plummeted  to the bottom of the purse, my rear sinking in between a packet of Kleenex and her cell phone. A shaft of light from the opening above illuminated my prison. I felt the purse rock abruptly back and forth in rhythm to the clacking of her boots on the floor. I knew from the sounds outside the purse that we were moving swiftly down the hall of the dorm. I could hear laughter and talking from giant people as they passed by Samantha in the hall.

                I stared upward at the opening at least thirty feet overhead, if I could just climb high enough  to make it to the top maybe I could escape unnoticed and make it back to Hilary’s room. I began to wish I had never strayed so far from the safety of my drawer. Before it had seemed like a prison almost but now I was afraid I was about to find out what prison actually is.

                I grabbed a tube of lip gloss the size of a small log and threw it out of the way. I tried moving the large flat objects like her cell phone and makeup case on top of each other, stacking her stuff higher and higher. It was tough getting stuff to stay put, considering the pounding of her feet against the floor that felt like bombs going off. I was almost halfway to the top when the whole purse lurched forward and the pounding took on a new ferocity as she started climbing up stairs.

                The pile of her stuff I had so carefully stacked fell over and scattered everywhere.

                ‘NO!’ I screamed as her sunglasses case fell on top of me, trapping me against the bottom of her purse. I felt the pressure of several objects buried on top of me. I was yelling at the top of my lungs but it was obvious nobody could hear me deep in the dark depths of Samantha’s purse.

                The swaying of the bag back and forth continued for several more minutes as she                                                                              exited the stairwell and headed down another hallway. I heard the jingling of keys and a door creaking open, then the snap of a light switch and a door slam shut. I braced myself for the inevitable hand swooping in to extricate myself from the bad, or else the bad being upended and the contents, including myself, dumped out in the open. But instead I felt the bag drop into a free fall. I felt the loss of gravity as I dropped down with the rest of her stuff. This is the end, I thought, squashed by a cell phone at the bottom of some freshman girl’s handbag.

                Then suddenly the purse stopped falling, causing its contents (including me) to halt with a jerk. I grimaced as all the stuff on top of me bounced up and then back down as the purse stopped falling, swung side to side for a bit and then stopped moving.

                “Hey let me out of here! Samantha please be reasonable dammit I will not be held captive in some handbag”

                I got no answer as I heard her move around the room, opening drawers and closing them and then I heard her getting closer to the purse I was in.

                “You better be good in there little man. I will return in a bit, and I expect you to be in that purse when I get back. See ‘ya.”  I then heard  her snap off the light switch and slam the door behind her, leaving me in limbo to sit here and ponder my fate.


                “Hey cosmo girl what’s the matter?” taunts Hayley as she enters the room to the sight of Hilary tearing everything apart, throwing stuff everywhere.

                “Not now Punky Brewster, can’t you see I’m looking for something?”

                “Did you lose your virginity down there?”

                “I can’t find my gold hoop earrings! I need those to go with my black strapless outfit. I’ve been looking everywhere!”

                “Everywhere huh? Aren’t those them on your dresser?”

                “Oh yeah…well where are my Jimmy Choo’s?”

                “Oh I don’t know maybe Samantha took them when she was here”, mumbles Hayley.

                “Did you say something grunge queen?”

                “I said I have to go to class, later Princess, and stay out of my stuff” retorts Hayley as she quickly hurries out of the room.

                As soon as Hayley leaves Hilary rushes over to her cell phone and speed dials 2. She is in tears as Ashley picks up.

                “Ashley…it’s…it’s Pinky…he’s missing I’ve looked everywhere in the room for him and he isn’t here! Please get over here quick I don’t know what to do.” A despondent Hilary throws down the phone and falls down on the bed face first, bursting into tears.


                I hung helplessly trapped in Samantha’s handbag waiting for her to return. I thought about what I could tell her. I had no idea where Zack was, he might be lost forever for all I know. I had to think of something  to tell her that she would believe or face the consequences. I shifted uncomfortably on top of her hairbrush; it smelled like vanilla strawberries.

                Just then I heard the sound of a key in the door, then it opened up and the light snapped on. My prison was suddenly lifted upward with a jerk. It felt like an elevator falling out of control. The bag began to spin around and suddenly was turned upside down. The opening that was at the top was now at the bottom. I screamed as the contents of the bag came rushing down on top of me but the bottom of the bag parted and I fell out the bottom with the rest of her stuff. I hit a soft surface and bounced several times before coming to a stop next to a box of tic tacs and some Kleenex.

Looking around I could see the bed stretch out away from me in all directions. I heard giggling and saw Samantha’s hand coming down toward me. I screamed as I was about to be roughly picked up but her hand merely pushed me out of the way as she scooped the contents of her purse back inside and then carried the purse back to her desk chair and hung it over the back. That must have been where I was before I thought but I had little time to contemplate as Samantha stood over the edge of the bed, looking down at me.

                “Who are you?”

                “I’m Pinky, er, Dave”

                “Dave? I don’t like that name. I’m calling you Speck.”


                “So where are the rest of you, Speck?”

                “I don’t know what you mean? There aren’t any others I swear. And stop calling me that.”

                “Don’t lie, you don’t make a very good liar Speck.”

                “I’m not lying there aren’t any more little people.”

                “OK then down the toilet it is”

                “Duff, Zach, SSN 385-89-7415, phone number 613-555-8965. Do you need his mailing address too?”

                “Now why are you so tiny, and why where you in Hilary and Hayley’s room?”

                “I’m not saying anything else without a lawyer present”

                “Fine, Speck, have it your way. Strip.”

                “What? You cant be serious”

                “I don’t think you heard me Speck. I don’t think pets should wear clothes its weird. Or do you want to take a swim in the tollet?”

                I sighed as I had no choice but to obey this overgrown girl until I could find a way to escape or Hilary found me. I slowly removed my clothes, letting them drop to the bed until I was in my boxers.  I moved to remove my boxers when her hand came down to pluck me from the bed by one ankle. I was raised up into the air until I was upside down in front of her face. Her pink streaked hair cascaded down over her shoulders, filling up my field of view.

                “That’s enough, I have the perfect home for you” she sneered as she moved over to her desk. I looked down to see a small opening on a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew coming closer and closer. I kicked back and forth but she easily got my feet through the opening and pushed the rest of me through. I slid down to the bottom of the green  bottle into a shallow pool of sticky soda that covered me from head to toe. I beat my fists against the green plastic as she peered in at me.

                “Let me out of here dammit. People are expecting me to be somewhere! I have midterms! I have commitments! I haven’t set my fantasy football lineups for Sunday yet!”

                “There that ought to hold you for a while. You can sit in there while you think about what you are going to tell me. I have all the time in the world, Speck.”

                I fell back down into the syrupy mess at the bottom of the bottle as Samantha turned away and reached over to her boom box. The Goo Goo Dolls “Iris” blared loudly as she picked up her cell phone.

                Just then there was a knock on the door. I expected her to hide my bottle but she walked over to the door not even paying attention to me and opened it up. I was elated to see Hayley walk into the room. Surely my plight would soon be over.

                “Hey Sam, what’s up?”

                “Not much H.”


                “Sam did you hear something?”

                “Oh that’s just Speck. Check him out.” I cringed as Samantha picked up my bottle and tossed it across the room in the direction of Hayley. I slammed into the side of the bottle as Hayley cought it in one hand. I could see her eyes peering in at me as she held the bottle up to her face.

                “OMG, what is this? Where did you find it?”

                “I was going to ask you the same thing considering I found it in YOUR ROOM”

                “I didn’t know, that bitch Hilary must have been hiding him from me.”

                “Samantha she’s lying! She knows me!”

                “What did he say?”

                “He said he doesn’t know me. I told you.”

                I was suddenly upended as Hayley turned the 2 liter bottle upside down. I tried to stop my decent but I was hurtling downward toward the opening of the bottle. I tried to hold on but there wasn’t anything to hold on to at I fell out the bottom of the bottle. I plunged down onto the bed as Hayley lay on her stomach, her head propped up in her hands as she looked down at me.

                “Hayley it’s me! Pinky!”

                “Pinky? Who’s Pinky? I don’t know any Pinky. Your name is Speck and you belong to Samantha.”

                I ran up to Hayley forearm and kicked it as hard as I could. I was angry and frustrated. I know we had never been friends but I couldn’t believe she would leave me out to dry like this. So she had gotten some blame for eating Hilary’s pop tarts. What’s a few strawberry pop tarts among friends?

                “Hayley can you do me a favor. I need to take a shower, can you watch Speck for me? I should be back in a few minutes.”

                “Hey I resent that, I don’t need a babysitter I can watch myself-HEY PUT ME DOWN!” I screamed as Hayley quickly grabbed me in her fist as Samantha walked over to the door. Hayley smirked at my helplessness as Samantha said goodbye and left. No sooner had Samantha left when Hayley had rudely dropped me on the bed and began dialing her cell phone.

                “Hey it’s me Hayley, we need to talk can I come over in a few? You sure she’s not around?  Great. See you in a bit, bye.”

                “What’s going on here?” I demanded.

                “Pinky you have been under my skin this entire semester. Its bad enough I have to live with Hilary but now I’m getting rid of you Mr. Smartass. It will be nice not to have to share the room with a man for a little while.”

                “Not fair! I want to go back to my drawer!”

                “I’m sure you will get used to being Samantha’s, but its going to take time.”

                “You BITCH!”

                I cringed as she raised her hand to smack me flat against the mattress when the door opened and Samantha came back from her shower, her hair wrapped in a towel and wearing a terrycloth robe.

                “I got to get going Sam. Talk to you later, k?”

                “Ok Hayley. Take care and not a word about Speck.”

                “I got to get going too.”

                “Shut up Speck, you aren’t going anywhere.”

                As the door closed behind her I watched Samantha approach the bed, she had an all knowing smirk as she moved closer and closer…







                Hayley pulls her black Honda Accord around to the back of the building as she grabs her purse which has fallen between a couple of old McDonald’s bags. After retrieving her pure she dashes into the apartment building. As Hayley enters the lobby she does a quick scan to make sure no one has observed her coming and then curses the lack of an elevator as she trudges up the stairs. Hayley has just finishes going up the third flight and then pushes the stairwell door open.  She quickly scurries down the hallway stopping at door 308, knocks once and then opens the door revealing a rather nice two bedroom condo sparsely decorated with European artwork. Hayley flings her purse down on the marble kitchen counter as she walks into the living room.

                “Hey Hales” Ashlee says as Hayley plops down onto the sofa kicking off her checked vans.

                “Huge news, pinky has been stolen.” Hayley says while stretching her feet out and resting them on the edge of the oak coffee table.

                “I know that, I got a frantic voice mail from Hilary.” Ashlee says while playing with her blonde hair.

                “Okay, however here’s the thing. I know where he is, do you remember my friend Samantha? She has him. Pinky messed up somehow, and she took him.”

                “Okay slow down. Tell me everything that happened”


* * * *

“There is no way you are going to get away with this!” Pinky shouts as he struggles to move his limbs which are tied behind back with a couple of small elastic hair ties.

“Oh are your little friends going to come and rescue you? Well when they do I will be more than willing to extend the same accommodations to them. Now if you excuse me, I have a few errands to run speck, oh I almost forgot.”

Samantha quickly approached me once again. She looked down at me with a smile as she dug into the desk drawer below me. She ripped off a small piece of scotch tape and pressed it against my mouth leaving me with just my nose to breathe out of.

“Well that should take care of you” Samantha taunted as she poked me in the stomach.

As soon as Samantha left I took up trying to scream for help but the tape was too sticky and to strong for me to get off myself.  I struggled to fight back tears as I try fruitlessly to wiggle out of my bonds.  I never realized how good I had it with Hilary until now.

One hour and forty seven minutes pass by as unfortunately Samantha left me facing a digital clock, so I can do nothing but keep track of the time. I hear the keys start jingle on the other side of the door. I nervously wait Samantha’s arrival.

“No Kristi, I’m pretty sure the study group with Kelley is at seven tonight. No I am positive, No I am, you can show up but no one’s going to be there.”

I fight furiously as I hear the unfamiliar voice enter the room. I manage to turn my head partially around as a maroon polo fills the sky and crashes down on top of me. The smell of McDonalds surrounds me as I hear Samantha’s roommate stomp around the room.

“Whatever, I got to go Kristi. I’m meeting Bobby in the quad.”

I screamed, well tried to scream but fell hopelessly short as Samantha’s roommate waltzed in and out without even noticing me. It made start to wonder if she could really get away with this; was I going to be stuck spending my life with Samantha because of that traitor Hayley.  The door swung open once again, I knew that it had to be Samantha this time. Especially after I heard her laugh as she lifted off her roommates work shirt off of me.

“I see you must have met Gina. Don’t worry she’s hardly here. She spends her time with her boyfriend. So speck, I think it’s time to have some fun, unless you want to direct me to your little people.”
                “I already gave you Zack’s phone number.”

“I’m not stupid. It’s not like you little people have phones and homes; so unless you are ready to give out the location of your little people towns.

“I really am the only one! There is nothing to give.”

“That is unfortunate for you speck.”

I cringed as Samantha’s hand moved towards me. I wanted to back away or to run but I was basically hogtied via hair accessories.  The picture was something out of a horror film. The look on her face struck fear in me, as her hand spread open I could see the black leather studded arm bands around her wrists. I desperately tried to move but I was still rendered helpless.

I closed my eyes tightly as her grubby paws wrapped around my body like a child reaching for that first present Christmas morning.  I felt my body jerk forward as she roughly grabbed onto me and lifted me up from her dresser. Samantha used her free hand to rip the tape from my body and undo the elastic bindings which held my limbs in place.

“You know speck, as great a find as you are, some things in life are just a bit better you know.  Things like French Fries. I bet being a little person you have never had such a treat as piping hot French fries.” Samantha gloats as she dips a french fry into a pool of ketchup and then curls her tongue around the fry and pulls it into her mouth.

“Based off that look on your face, maybe you have. Does that mean Speck wants one.” Samantha teases while eating another.

“Yes please, If you just put me down, I will..”

“What a great idea!” Samantha exclaims as she grabs the fries, ketchup and carries them along with pinky over to her bed. As she plops down stretching out she sets Pinky on her stomach along with box of fries propped up against her abs, and the ketchup dish next to Pinky.

                “Okay Speck, you can feed me the fries, and if you do it well you MIGHT be able to have one.”

                “Hey! This not what I had in mind. I envisioned me getting to eat all the fries.”

                “Oh you are so silly speck.  Just grab a French fry, dip it into the ketchup and then carry it up to my mouth and if you get a drop of ketchup on me you will be meeting the wrong end of my combat boots.

                Begrudgingly I grab a French fry and swirls it around in the ketchup before lifting the hot French fry above my head and carefully walking up Samantha stomach.

                “It’s a good thing I’m in shape, or else this would be a lot harder for you Speck.” Gloats Samantha

                “It’s a good thing your boobs are small too, this way I can just step right over them.” Whoa Pinky screams as Samantha pushes her stomach outward causing pinky to fall onto his back and the French fry falling on top of him.

                “You got ketchup all over me you buffooo…erm let me re-dip this in ketchup and try to re-navigate those massive Samantha’s of yours.”

                “That’s what I thought you said speck. Now hurry up before those fries get cold. Cold fries means a unhappy Samantha, and a unhappy Samantha means a very miserable speck.”

                I walk back towards the pool of ketchup and grab a second French fry and swirls both fries in the ketchup and starts heading back up the length of Samantha’s stomach.  I carefully step around the folds in her hoodie as I make my way towards her mouth. One wrong step could send me tripping and ketchup splattering on Samantha and the last thing I want is to find out if she was serious about the combat boots, or if her evil little mind would devise something much worse.

                As I reach her breasts, I find that I have to shimmy between them. Even though they look small in comparison to others they still prevent enough of a hassle. As I squirm through her boobs Samantha lowers head so her chin rests on her breast bone and opens her mouth.

                “Those breasts aren’t so small now are they.”

                “No mam” Pinky exclaims as he pushes both French fries in her mouth. “do you want me to chew those for you as well?”

                “Shut it smart ass and get me another. I’m feeling hungry today.” Pinky makes several trips with his arms getting more and more tired after each trip. Not to mention the constant verbal abuse of Samantha.

                “Man I’m stuffed. Nothing like junk food.” Samantha says between burps.

                “finally” I mumble to myself as I head over to the fry box. I’m about to grab some of the leftovers when I’m lifted up into the air.

                “What do you think you are doing speck? I didn’t say you could have any.”  I watch helplessly as she drops the paper ketchup cup into the fry box and tosses it into the trashcan beside the bed.  

                “Maybe once you show me some respect. I saved you, and all you do is whine and complain. You were scrounging for scraps in Hayley’s room and now you have a home. I’m just gonna put you on the television, take you on the circuit. We do some interviews. People will pay big bucks to see you. Now if you produce another little person, or a handful of little people. I would be willing to let you stay behind.”

                “I told you there are no other little people. Really! Just please let me go.” Pinky begs

                “Oh well, at least I have one little cash cow. People will pay a lot of money to see the world’s smallest man. Eventually, more of you little specks will come. This is just like king kong, when they bring him back to civilization and they put him on display.  Only instead of a giant ape, I have a pocket sized person.”  

                “We are not called specks! I have a name and secondly, there is no way I’m going to let you put me on show like this. I wont do it.”

                “That’s true, since I found your race of people, I think I’m gonna call your people Samanthians! It just rolls of the tongue. I could be on the biography channel. I can see it now.  Samantha Sterling discovered a race of tiny people in late 2007; this is when man first became aware of the Samanthians. Or I could just watch and laugh as Hilary finds your clothes mixed in with part of squished rat and thanks your dead.”

                “What! There is no way she is going to believe that. I mean rats are hairy, so even if you managed to crush a rat, and remove most of it, she’s gonna see all the hairs”

                “Normally yes, she would, but that’s why I shaved it. Then I crushed it, dropped part your little shirt and pants on it stepped on the pile myself a few times and walked away. So when Hilary comes looking for you, all she will see is a crushed little man. Leaving you all to me.”

                “You mean you were messing with me all this time? How? Why? I don’t even know you.”

                “Oh you don’t know me, but I know about you. Your little friend Zack, he liked to talk too. Zack ended up with this girl named Lindsay, who doesn’t really like Hilary. Well her sister and my sister ‘Chelle are friends. So I heard all about the amazing little man. Then when Hayley told me she was rooming with Hilary, I knew it was almost as if fate was telling me to steal you.  So I devised the perfect plan and now your all mine.”

                “Hilary’s not as dumb as she looks. She won’t fall for your plan!” Pinky shouts defiantly

                “Big talk from a man knee high to a grasshopper, besides I have a feeling you will be sticking around for quite some time speck. So you better get use the scenery.” Samantha taunted as she knocking pinky over as she stood up.

                I nervously eyed her as I watched Samantha walk across the room towards the bags I assume she brought in from when she was out. I watched in horror as I saw her pull out a neon orange plastic cage. My heart leapt as Samantha smiled ear to ear.

                “I’m not going in there! No way, no how! You are more psycho then I ever imagined if you think you are going to get me in there!” I shout as she sets the cage down in the middle of the bed as I start backing away towards the edge of the bed.

                “Poor little speck, he doesn’t realize his days of freedom are gone. As now that your mine, I just can’t trust you here alone.” Samantha snaps back as her hand shoots out towards me; easily wrapping around my body before I even get a chance to run.

                “Put me down, Put me down right now! You won’t get away with this. When my friends find me you are gonna be sorry.”

                I punch against Samantha’s fist as she lifts me towards the cage.  I start to beat my knees against the bottom side of her fist but she shows no sign of caring, with her free hand she opens up the latch on top of the cage and slides the door open. A moment later I fall helplessly through the top latch and crumple on the floor. I leap up and try to jump at the still open latch to pull myself shut, but as I jump Samantha slides the top latch shut forcing me to crash head first into the closed latch. Samantha’s laughter echoes down as she points and laughs at my crumpled body on the floor..

                “That was a smooth move. I guess that proves your brain is as small as your body.” Samantha taunts between laughs.

                 I roll over smarting from head to toe from an admittedly dumb move. I look at the now orange tinted face of Samantha as I roll over onto my back before sitting up. As I start to stand up I see her hands grasp each end of the cage. I gulp as she lifts the cage up and I stutter step from side to side a bit as Samantha peers in at me.

                “This speck is amazing. You have no idea what it’s like to peer in at a tiny person to helpless to escape something as simple as a hamster cage. It makes a person feel empowered.”

                “I can’t stay in here! I don’t even have a bed!” I shout while stomping and yelling.  Samantha then sets the cage down on the floor next to her bed and sits down next to it. She pulls off her combat boot looking shoes and glares down at me. She pulls her left sock off and opens up the latch again then drops it down. I scamper out of the way as it crashes into the floor.

                “There, instant bed. Now you can’t say I never do anything for you. Well, I have things to do, people to make fun of, concerts to go too.  Have fun in there.” Samantha says then shoves the cage deep beneath her bed between a couple of stacked shoe boxes which block one entire wall and a messenger bag which blocks the other, leaving me with only the ability to see out either side of the bed.

* * * *

                “Okay so you are sure Samantha won’t do anything to him?” Ashlee asks again.

                “Positive, if I did. I wouldn’t have left him there. She will probably, well she will tease him, berate him probably do something mean to Hilary as they get along about as well as Me and Ashley, but she won’t hurt pinky.”

                “Okay, then we can proceed as planned.”

                “if it goes well I get my digi right?” Hayley asks.

                “The more you ask you the more I think you’re gonna go on a rampage with that thing.”

                “Well I have this history professor and I really want to knock him down a couple notches.”

                “Whatever, if that’s all I will just shrink him for you. Now just go to your concert with Samantha, and make sure you get yourself invited back to her room.”

* * * *

                “So tell me exactly what happened Hilary?” Ashley asks as she sits down on the bed.

                “Okay so I got up, and pinky was begging me for Cheetoes. Of course I told him no, especially after Hayley blamed me for stealing her granola bars. So that means pinky hasn’t been eating the cheerios I have been leaving for him. So we got into a fight about that. Then I had to go to class and I told him not to leave the drawer. Pinky said,

                “You’re not the boss of me. If I want to stroll across the room in my boxers then I can. I need to roam a little.”

                “Well you can roam throughout the drawer.” I told him. Then when I came back he was gone Ashley! I looked everywhere for him. Hilary says while sobbing on Ashley’s shoulder.

                “I can definitely see that you looked everywhere” Ashley says while eying the room with clothes flung everywhere and drawers hanging wide open.

                “What else can we do? You know how he is. Once something is in his head he’s stubborn. He is probably wandering out there in cold, and he didn’t even take his little coat.

                “Look, he’s only a few inches tall. He couldn’t have gotten far. Why don’t you look for him on this floor and below, I will look for him on the floors above.” Ashley says while shooing Hilary out there door.

                “Okay” Hilary sniffles as she heads out into the hall. Ashley waits for the door to shut before grabbing her cell phone out of her purse.

                “Ashlee, HI, it’s me. I think we have problem. Are you coming or what? You’re her best friend, you should really be here. Okay see you soon.” Ashley says tossing the phone back into her purse before heading out to look for Pinky.







This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=3039