Experiment & Lost to Time by EricAFreak

Jim and Carol are a married loving couple planning their very first tests of their own home made time machine. What could possibly go wrong in this tale of two small lovers. Fighting for their lives in a universe completely unaware of them, can they make it out together? Or will they bring about their own demise?


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: Adventure, Young Adult 20-29, Body Exploration, Crush, Feet, Instant Size Change, Mouth Play, Unaware, Violent, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: FM/f, FM/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 11994 Read: 67375 Published: March 01 2013 Updated: January 26 2014
Story Notes:


Chapter 1 First Test & Dinner by EricAFreak
Author's Notes:

          Considering the nature of this story I decided I'd like to make it my first chapter based story. The characters are Jim and Carol, a doting pair of lovers and inventors. My focus will be on story for now but there will come a time for unaware, GTS, and more later. This first chapter focuses solely on  building up the story and characters. I already have a full story planned and an ending devised. I hope you like the ride.

      Inside the testing lab Jim and his wife Carol made preparations for their fifth experiment. Up until this point the small particle collider had only created small holes in the universe. These were the tests which had proved Jim's new radical theories. They had already successfully sent four small paper notes into the future, but today would be different. Setting the collider to a higher power output and plugging in a new equation for a larger Kerr black hole. Jim was about to become the world's first time traveler. His destination, the future.

      "I don't know if it's really safe Jim, what if your crushed by the gravitational eddo's in the rift?" Carol spoke with concern and worry for her husband as he put on his helmet. "Don't worry Carol, I'll be back in just sixty seconds." Said Jim with a carefree smile. Stepping into the rift Jim was gone in a brilliant flash. Carol was silent.

      The next sixty seconds went by slowly for Carol. Carol thought of the irony it was that the first human time travel experiment in history were being conducted in a small lab without proper funding or staff above their apartment. If their formulas' were even slightly wrong, Jim might never come back at all, or end up as nothing more than cooked piece of flesh on the rift generator pad. They were altering the vary laws of physics after all. These kind of thoughts continued to cloud Carol's mind, only serving to make her worry further. As if the universe was listening to Carol's thoughts, in that instant, Jim returned to her unscathed.

      Jim removed his helmet at the sight of his wife's pouting face, whom was already half in tears. "We succeeded Carol, they can't mock our theories anymore."

      "Yeah I know Jim." Despite being extremely excited over the joy of a successful test, Carol was more overjoyed to see her husband return to her. As much as he called them, our theories, Carol couldn't be more proud of her husband's theories. Of course Jim would still argue that her mind had played just as important a role in their theories development. Leaping into his arms might have been normal, but she did not want to spoil her Jim.

      To celebrate that night's experiment, Jim and Carol went out to eat. As they were seated Carol couldn't help but frown at her husband's attire. Jim's long white lab coat still hung around his body. "Jim why must you insist on wearing that lab coat wherever you go." The odd couple couldn't help but attract stares from the other customers in the nearby tables.

      Jim took no time to reply, "I am a great scientist, there's nothing more fashionable than this." Carol knew this was her husband's craziness', sometimes she felt she was married to a mad scientist from a early Frankenstein movie. Seeing a spider crawl on the table Carol grabbed it.

      "I can't believe you just did that again!" Jim pointed at Carols mouth. "How can you call yourself a woman, shouldn't you scream, Spider!"

      Carol swallowed the small spider she had grabbed off the table and spoke, "my eating bugs is nothing compared to your mad scientist attitude!" She took a sip of water. "Besides you think it's sexy."Jim stood up onto his chair.

      Among the other customers in the restaurant eating, he flashily displayed his lab coat with style, "I am the mad scientist, Jim, and I govern the laws of space and time. Spiders should make you go, Kyah!" He laughed atop the chair as he made a spectacle in the small restaurant. Carol blushed at her husband's awkwardness, and made a bee line out of the restaurant. Jim leaped from the chair laughing as he chased her out of the restaurant. Their order had yet to arrive.

      "How can anyone take us serious Jim, when you can't even behave yourself properly in a restaurant." Carol sighed. "Come my loving Monster, let us make way to the lab and perform experiments!" Jim nodded, he had been luckily left off the hook. How could he tell her he could not afford the meal.

      Carol punched him in the stomach, "honestly I can't take you anywhere! You Mad Scientist!"

      After arriving back in the apartment, Carol collapsed on the couch while Jim proceeded to the small kitchen in their apartment. The gas stove clicked for a few seconds but failed to light. Jim looked at the hissing gas stove and instead struck a match. The burner erupted in flames as he reached out with the match, setting his precious lab coat aflame. Within seconds Carol was patting him down with a nearby pot holder. "Honestly there's no hope for you outside of physics."

      Putting on an apron Carol tried to play the role of a loving wife. And after but a brief, few minutes, dinner was served. "Ramen." Said Jim starring mockingly at the cup before him.

      "Don't complain! You're the one who did the shopping this week!" Quick to reply, Carol couldn't help but find this whole situation hilarious. The two inventors of the world's first time machine, were arguing over something as simple as ramen.

      After dinner the two went to bed. Tomorrow would bring about a whole new wave of experiments.

To be Continued.

End Notes:

Hello I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my fourth story on GW!

This chapter was a lot of fun to write, and I hope you will find some fun in reading it. Jim is a very strange guy, but perhaps Carol's character is even stranger, I can't wait to see how these two will interact more to create the story. I will try to write some more soon.

As always I congratulate you if you read this far, and I hope you can do me the honor of pointing out any mistakes you saw, or provide me with positive criticism or feedback. Knowing people enjoy my stories can't help but make me want to write more.

 Thank you,


This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=3368