A Million Perspectives by Giga

This story will follow various people living in a micro city that is at the mercy of a giantess's most mudane of activities. 

Categories: Adventure, Body Exploration, Butt, Destruction, Unaware Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 2153 Read: 34755 Published: February 28 2015 Updated: February 28 2015

1. The initial contact by Giga

2. Chernobyl Pt. 2 by Giga

The initial contact by Giga


 Mike's ears were ringing from the loud buzzing sound that seemed to resonate all around Destructpolis. Everyone around him seemed to have heard the same sound since most where looking to the sky and all around. thinking nothing of it and glad he hadn't suffered some kind of brain injury that would cause him to hear sounds Mike made his way back his apartment.


Samantha lay on her bed watching youtube videos on her phone as she did every night. The curvy blond girl hadn't much excitement in her life despite the new rug that she got earlier that day. It covered almost half the room. It had a grainy greyish pattern with some light brown at the very end of it. She was unsure why. Samantha walked over the Tv and sat down on her new carpet for some entertaining television.


That night as Mike and his family sat down for dinner there was a breaking news story on the Tv. It was on every channel. A very frightened news woman pale as snow appeared on their Tv.

"Honey what do you think it is?" Rachel asked her husband

"Nothing hun, probably just about the buzzing earlier maybe some global warming thing who cares." Mike responded nonchalantly.

"Breaking news" the Tv woman blurted out " Reports of half of entire counites such as EastErner and Gestalt and beyond have gone missing. Officials at the edge of these disappearing counties have reported mile and miles of brown nothing"

"What do you think it is Daddy" Little Mikey Jr. asked

"Nothing Mikey just an illusion besides those counties are on the other side of the state..."

A deafening thunderclap silenced the entire family. Another of the same intensity shook the apartment.

"Just in...reports of a massive asteroid hitting North Yorkville County have just come in....no wait two massive asteroids...We will keep you posted on the development of this story"

"Wow that sure is some bad luck" Mike mumbled.

Mike and his family returned to dinner.


Living In Yorkville wasn't ever easy for Tim. He was a homeless man which meant his life was pretty much the streets. He lived on the corner of Horton and Fermont drive and was happy that was his home. That night he saw something no one else would believe.

He was outside looking for scraps s when a massive foot come down on him and pretty much most of the city. No one would believe him this foot was immense. When it landed the most of the city was just gone. By luck or maybe god was repaying ol' Tim for what had happened the foot just missed him. Just as a Tornado could rip apart a house and leave it neighbor untouched This foot has spared Tim, but not untouched. He was tossed by the sheer impact maybe two streets and by another miracle landed on a car. His ears still ringing and his vision blurred he looked up to see a pillar move another equally giant foot another city over. He prayed.


"Oh boy Cloverfield is on" though Samantha, her channel flipping coming to an end.

She took a seat on her new carpet and watched the opening scene of one of her favorite movies. She loved how you barely saw the monster until the end.

"This carpet feels weird" Samantha mumbled to herself.

It felt like she was sitting on condensed dust. She also thought the same thing walking over it on her way to the Tv. Closer inspection of her feet revealed small dust particles.

"Ew should've vacuumed"


Blood covered bills eyes and he had trouble focusing. The last thing he saw was a foot miles long coming toward his office building. He didn't get out on time it was too fast. It wouldn't have mattered if he was on the 103rd floor or on the ground the foot effectively destroyed everything. Except him.

All around him rubble stuck to the foots sweaty flesh. He heard strong breathing and smelled mint breathe. Two huge lips appeared before him as the foot was raised upward. He was met with two piercing green eyes. It was the face of a girl. Her bored expression showed she had no interest in saving his or anyone else lives that she had snuffed out with her few footsteps. Her eyes seemed the lock on to him for a brief instant before a minty hurricane blew him off from her foot's sole in the form of a sigh. His mangled body fell to die a tiny pitiful death at the foot of a girl who didn't and never would know he had ever walked on the same earth she had.


Mike was doing the dishes and was watching little Mikey out of the corner of his eye. Rachel was concerned about the news broadcast even though he had dismissed it as nothing. Mike never trusted these news people that told people when to be afraid.

"Mike Mike come quickly, more news" rachel started yelling.

"Honey, stop you'll freak Jr. out" Mike strolled back into the living room.

"New reports of survivors of the what is now being called the Yorkville Obliteration have reported that it was not a meteor that destroyed the city but a giant foot. Sources include eyewitness accounts of over a thousand people in surrounding areas."

"Bullshit, this isn't possible" Mike said disgruntled.

"Officials advise evacuation for the following areas: Destructoid, New River, Polk, Kerstantown....."

"We should evacuate now Mike this is serious an entire city has just been wiped off the face of the planet we have to move. Go get Mikey." rachel frantically spurted

"This is shit...." Mike said getting the emergency supplies from the closet.

The entire family and most of the tenants in their building all hurried down the stairs. Once outside they saw crowds of people all looking in one direction. Mike and his family went up to the crowd and looked at whatever held their gaze. There in the distance they saw an enormous girl standing near an equally enormous TV set. Her shadow plunged the city into darkness. What followed next would haunt whoever survived for life. Her knees bent and the riot started...


Chernobyl Pt. 2 by Giga

Mike and his family were pushed and shoved as hundreds of people all ran in the same direction away from the giant girls butt. It was clear that she was sitting and based on distance, she was sitting here. Mike took little Mikey by the hand and took his wife in the other. Mike was smart he knew there was no way him and his family could ever run the five miles in the few seconds needed to escape being sat on. He guided his family away from the rioting people and into a small alley behind their apartment. There he opened the back door to the pipe room and escorted his family into the apartment basement. Just in time too as at that moment the screaming stopped and everything was silenced by a very loud *THUMP* unlike the smash of the foot this was a softer sound. Mike didn’t know if the ceiling of the basement could take the million of tons worth of fat and muscle that was this girls rear end. He decided to take his family as far downward as he could get, and to hope for the best.


Opening his eyes again gave Tim some hope again as the foot that had crushed his hometown was no where in sight. He had no idea how long he was out for being thrown two blocks was and surviving was enough for him to be grateful for he didn’t care how long he had passed out for. However he did know that is was now night. Tim got up and just as he did a black expanse filled his horizon. Suddenly it wasn’t night anymore.

Tim look on in awe as south of him a giant girl had just sat down on the nearby town of Destructpolis. Two walls of black fabric that were the girls yoga pant covered legs trapped him between her thighs. The massive girl looked as she hadn’t the slightest idea of what she had done. Never had tim seen someone so deadly and beautiful at the same time. He picked up a stick to steady himself on started traveling southward.


Chris couldn’t believe what he had just experienced. One minute ago he was running with his girlfriend away from the biggest booty you had ever seen. Now his girlfriend was gone and all that remained was him and about 20 other people. The impact had shaken all of them but no one had seemed to be injured. It seemed you were either alive and well or dead. They were all caught in the crack of the giant girls ass a strip of about three streets. Chris didn’t want to think Juliet right now...she was probably a stain. If she hadn’t let go of his hand….Chris moved onward. He rounded up what other people had survived.

“We have to make due south its our best chance of survival all this girl’s gotta do is wriggle and we’re paste” Chris shouted.

A low murmur from the crowd showed they were with him. Many of them probably lost someone they loved, but now was not the time to grieve. Headed south Chris and his followers walked parallel to the wall of black butt cheek picking up other survivors as they moved along. There was no light in sight only darkness. It truly felt like an abyss. He was afraid he would lose what little following he had. As a state ranger he knew he had to get these people to safety no matter what moral level. Arms and legs were all around him and his group unable to escape the girl. it was truly disturbing.

A little boy was trapped halfway between the girls crack and her cheek. His screams were silenced by Chris’s bullet in the boys head. Suddenly the wall of cheek shifted upward, an impossible feat by Chris’s eyes. A rumble was heard somewhere far above them. Chris stopped where he was and sat down and made peace. Miles to go, force of impact, wind speed all of this and more raced through Chris’s mind he knew he and everyone there was doomed. There was no way around it. Everyone else took a little while to catch on.

“Anne?..ANNE” One man yelled.

He threw himself under the mammoth cheek reaching out to the what remained of his precious Anne. Some people tried to take him out from under there. It was all irrelevant Chris tho- *PFFFFt*


“Ahhhhhh” Samantha blushed.

She rested her cheek back on the carpet satisfied with her wind. The fart had relieved her of the pressure on her belly. Scratching her ass she realised she had more..urgent matters to deal with. Samantha got up and walked to the bathroom. She had to take a dump.


“Methane levels in the air have reached dangerous levels it is advised to stay indoors if at all possible.” The news lady told Eustis

Even though the news gave the all clear and that the giant had left, the fart she had left in her wake was causing problems all around ground zero. Destroctpolis had become the new Chernobyl. The fart almost blew away the city of Percy, directly southward of Destroctpolis Hurricane force winds there and gas had rendered the place practically inhospitable. Eustis lived an hour away from Percy and even here the gas caused problems. Last “night” Eustis heard all this commotion about some giant lady or whatnot when out of the blue it he heard a very loud “PFFFTTT” and then it smelled like someone had shat on his face. That was nothing apparently as the death count at ground zero totaled over a million.  

Eustis was one for adventure he headed out to his helicopter and took off to see what the mumbo jumbo was all about. An half hour of flying later and he started to make out what looked like a crater. Then another crater right next to it. Inside these craters there was nothing. Even up in the sky Eustis could smell the girls flatulence. Directly below him the city of percy looked like a tornado rolled through. Buildings toppled over like childrens toys hazard people collecting the dead. It was truly a sight to behold.


Tim had made it the girls mid thigh when her look caught his eye. She relaxed and sighed a little. Her piercing green eyes drooped the slightest amount and the thigh directly right of tim lifted. Tim was puzzled until an earthquake followed by a *PFFFT*. He laughed a bit, this girl had just ripped ass on an entire city and she didn’t even care. Tim loved her already.  



This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=4948