Alyssa's Wonderful Day by ImprintedBug
Summary: An elitist high school girl stumbles across an odd occurrence in her school's bathroom whilst skipping class. Being the control freak that she is, horribleness occurs.
Categories: Butt, Violent, Giantess, Crush, Teenager (13-19), Unaware, Scat Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 3987 Read: 45465 Published: May 18 2017 Updated: May 23 2017
Story Notes:
Might add new chapters and use all tags if this gets any reviews.

1. Alyssa's Discovery by ImprintedBug

2. Shit Bitch by ImprintedBug

3. Wet Hump by ImprintedBug

Alyssa's Discovery by ImprintedBug
Alyssa was having a bad day.

First, the barista at Starbucks had messed up her order.

I said an extra large caramel latte with extra sugar! Not a large caramel machiatto!

And now she had to go to her shitty psychology class and sit next to all the miserable shits of her senior class.

Her sandals flip-flopped on the tiled floor of one of her high school's many hallways. Her hips swayed back and forth in tight white shorts held up with one of her many designer belts. This one in particular was black leather with a painted gold buckle. Although she of course liked to tell people it was actual gold.

She wasn't particularly anything special, with a somewhat boyish face combined with frizzy brown hair, but she was fine enough. She was wearing a tight pink embroidered t-shirt that accentuated her above average breast size quiet nicely.

As she flip-flopped along the hallway, passing by numerous students on their way to class, she stopped briefly and thought of skipping her class. After all, she was having a terrible day, and her mother might take pity on that if she showed up to home earlier than normal.

She stood off to the side of the hallway for a while, before checking the time on her phone. Most, if not all of the students had found their classes by now, and she'd be caught by teachers passing by if she didn't find somewhere to be fast.

She sauntered off into the nearby girls restroom and was aiming to enter one of five stalls when she noticed something crumple beneath her right sandal, making a barely audible crunch. She quickly became irritated.

Great, somebody left their shit on the floor.

She lifted her foot up to reveal not a wrapper, or a piece of food, but a small reddish stain. She took hold of her foot and turned it over to examine the sole of her sandal. Imprinted right around where the ball of her foot would be was a dark red stain about an inch in size, with very small but noticeable strands of hair poking out.

Amazed at how weird it looked, she put her foot down and crouched to get a better look at the stain. That's when she saw it. About a foot away from the stain, was a girl! Only an inch tall! She jumped up in shock and gasped.

"What the fuck?!"

The tiny girl was waving her arms, and now that she was paying attention, she could hear barely audible squeaks coming from her. After a moment of letting the shock settle down, she crouched down, her tight shorts wrapped around her tan legs creasing in strain, and observed the tiny girl.

She was screaming by the looks of it, and she thought she was crying too. She was waving and pointing at Alyssa.

"Yeah I know I can see you, what happened?"

The girl kept screaming and pointed at the red stain. Alyssa examined the stain again and came to the sudden realization that she must've stepped on another tiny girl!

Her stomach dropped and she stood crouched in place, unable to really move. The girl kept squeaking and crying, as Alyssa continued to look at the tiny red spot, her eyes transfixed. She had completely obliterated another student, right under her sandal, like it was nothing.

She thought of the tiny girl, waving, trying to get her attention, as the pink sole of her sandal loomed over head without caution, allowing a short, curt scream before crashing down. She thought of the other tiny girl down there, and moved her gaze from the tiny stain to her. She was still crying and screaming, she was amazed she hadn't lost her voice yet. That's when she recognized her.

She was Amanda, from her psychology class! Her completely black hair and pale face was all too familiar. She always sat in the back of class with her boyfriend, chatting constantly. She wouldn't be such an annoyance to Alyssa if she wasn't so attractive. Alyssa hated girls that looked like her, just born with that privilege. She thought back to the girl that was crushed, and how it must've looked from Amanda's perspective as her fellow classmate was ended right in front of her.

"I must look like a God to you, don't I?"

Amanda stopped screaming for a moment and stepped back a couple feet in fear. Alyssa tried to picture what she looked like, her massive feet planted in front of her. Her feet must've been a mile long to Amanda. Her legs, her ass, her chest, her face, her arms, so huge in comparison. Alyssa thought of all the ways Amanda could die by her, and she relished in them. She felt so powerful, so in control. She loved to control, to have a high place, that's why she ran for class president last year after all.

She thought of the girl imprinted at the bottom of her sandal, how completely flat she must be. She cocked her head slightly, and smiled. The tiny girl down below screamed in sheer terror.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Amanda fell backwards and sat upright, staring in complete horror at the grinning giant.

"Are there any more of you in here?"

She questioned, as she gazed around the floor of the bathroom. She looked back to Amanda on the white tiled floor, and turned in place. Her ass, while pleasing in normal perspective, was gigantic to Amanda. The white shorts clung tightly to her expanding ass and she crouched down further. The edges of her cheeks pressed against the cutoffs of the shorts. Amanda wet herself in terror and she tried to stand up.

"I could crush you, so easily with my ass."

Alyssa let out a laugh, and to her surprise, a low moan.

"I don't know what the fuck happened to you," she said, as she stood up and turned back around, "but you're nothing now Amanda. You're nothing but a bug."

Amanda had begun running away, screaming as loud as she could as the giant girl loomed massively overhead. To Alyssa, the tiny girl was moving so slow it was as if she wasn't running at all.

"And bugs need to be crushed."

The same sandal that had, unbeknownst to Alyssa, the remains of Vicky Chan, the class secretary who had only needed to wash her hands prior to being shrunk and crushed to a bloody paste, raised up from the floor and glided just a foot in front of Alyssa. Her sandal completely dominated Amanda's world as her shadow cast over her surroundings entirely.

Alyssa let her foot loom for a couple moments, listening desperately for Amanda's screams. She hadn't been this turned on in a while, and she could feel herself becoming moist. Down below, Amanda had begun screaming the loudest she ever had in her life, begging for mercy. She was so shaken she kept falling over herself, her piss stained yoga pants clinging tightly to her flailing legs.

Just when Alyssa finally heard squeaks from below, she brought her foot down, hard, with a proud "Emmph." She barely heard her crush, but saw blood had spurred out from the side of her sandal. She couldn't really resist any longer, and stuck her right hand through her shorts and against her nether region. As she gently fingered herself, her nipples became ever so hard, and soft moans escaped her lips.

She was in control, and she had ended Amanda's pathetic life. Her boyfriend would never see her again, and nobody would check the underside of her sandal, that's for sure.

As she stood in bliss, she lifted her heel and turned it side to side, grinding whatever was left of Amanda into nothingness. She wanted to make sure there was nothing but a stain left of her. The fucking cunt deserved it. She let out one final moan and smiled. She looked down and lifted up her sandal to reveal another stain, this time, more brown and thin, mixed in with the dirt. She looked at her sandals sole again and chuckled, pulling out her phone and taking a picture. This wasn't such a terrible day after all she thought.

Maybe there's more.
Shit Bitch by ImprintedBug
Author's Notes:
This chapter involves heavy waterworks and scat.
Alyssa crouched down to examine Amanda's remains once more.

The yoga pants were still visible, completely caked and soaked in blood and swirled into a misshapen form. It was as if Amanda herself had melted, like the cartoons Alyssa used to watch as a kid, she thought. The dirt and grime from the floor had really done it's number, and the remains of this former cheerleader just looked like any ordinary stain.

Alyssa thought of how people would search and search for her. Amanda's parents, the police, the school, everyone would be looking for such a once promising girl with a bright future ahead of her. They would never know her life ended as a stain on the girls bathroom floor and on Alyssa's pink foam flip-flop.

Once more, Alyssa started to feel a tingling sensation from her crotch. She had gotten off to Amanda's death, and no one would know.

Well, maybe.

After taking another picture, this time of Amanda's stain, Alyssa got down on all fours and surveyed the white-ish tiled floor. Her brown fizzy hair still strung up in a bun as a few loose follicles dangled down her face. After her search proved to yield no results, she stood back up to full height.

She stomped her foot in frustration, leaving an another almost unnoticeable print of tiny blood and hair on the floor. A thought then occurred to her. If there were others, they would've seen what she had done, and are probably in hiding.
Her wicked grin returned to form as she opened each stall one by one and checked crevices behind the toilets.

Just as she had entered Stall 3 of 5, something immediately caught her eye. Floating in the middle of the toilet bowl, was a spec. Suddenly, it moved, another girl!

Alyssa gasped in excitement and got down on her knees, her massive planet sized face looming directly above he bowl. The girl in the bowl was like the other, merely and inch tall. She had blond hair, now damp with toilet water, and had taken off her clothes, probably in an effort to stay afloat. Suddenly, Alyssa started hearing squeaking from her. She tried to hear what the little speck was saying, but it was of little use.

"Listen, I don't give a fuck what happened to you. Just know you're nothing now and I'm a God to you."

She smiled at her own assertiveness. She loved being a bitch.

"I just popped a little bitch, well, you probably heard me," she blushed in slight embarrassment, but remembered her new place of power. She took off her sandal, letting her bare foot rest against the floor, and presented it to the girl, smiling. She set it down after terrifying the tiny. "Now, I think I'm gonna relieve myself."

The floating girl began to swim frantically, trying to make it to the edge of the toilet bowl. The bowl itself must've been five Olympian sized swimming pools to her.

Alyssa stood up smiling, and turned around, revealing her backside to the girl. Her plump ass was still tightly bound to her white shorts, but an audible unbuckling sound and zip brought them crumbling down her tanned legs.

The girl down below was starting to inhale a lot of water, desperately trying to make it to the edge. She looked up and stopped swimming in sudden shock. Up above, two mountain size tanned ass cheeks stood held by pink, poka-dotted panties. They were incredibly toned and curved, probably from Alyssa's frequent track practices combined with unhealthy eating habits.

Alyssa turned her head revealing her cruel smile, and smacked her ass with a thunderous clap. The girl looked on as the impossible mass jiggled and swayed up above. Suddenly, Alyssa brought both her hands to her panties around her hips, and pulled down, revealing a wet and throbbing pussy beneath a tight clenched asshole.

The girls mouth hung open in horror as she swam to finally meet the edge of the bowl. In pure unadulterated shock, she scurried along the smooth curvature of the bowl to no avail. She wasn't going anywhere. Pausing to look above again, her gaze was met with what looked like a sky falling.

Alyssa took her time sitting down, wanting the girl to know how truly fucked she was. Her ass spread as it settled on the toilet seat, rumbling the water below and thrashing the girl around.

"This is gonna feel so good. You really have no idea."

Covered in almost complete darkness, save for the light shining between the giant's cheeks, the tiny victim tread water with rhythmic strokes, hopelessly lost in shock. With a little sigh, Alyssa let out a stream of piss from her nether regions. It plummeted down into the water below, causing huge waves for the tiny girl located at the edge of the bowl. Some of the tainted water got in her eyes and mouth and stung painfully.

But this was only for a brief moment, as Alyssa hadn't really needed to piss.

"I really need to shit."

Alyssa let out a laugh that slowly turned to pained grunting noises. The girl had been swept to the center of the bowl due to the piss waves, and lost all hope as Alyssa's building sized asshole loosened. A hiss of gastric substance preluded her shit, as usual, and Alyssa farted right on top of the girl. The winds were so strong that the tiny was forced underwater for a brief moment. The whole bowl smelled of shit, and the girl struggled to stay afloat as she vomited her insides up.

Unfortunately, the tiny was too overcome with retching, that she hadn't noticed the humongous snake that had poked its way out of Alyssa's asshole. It was huge, and square like, like the kind you see in movies used for props. It hissed down, searing hot, out of Alyssa. Just in time for the girl to look up and let out a scream that even the giant could hear over the sounds of her shitting - the log directly connected with the girl and the water and forced her down.

Because of the piss, she was forced to keep her eyes shut as the shit pushed her underwater and enveloped around her, swallowing her whole. She opened her mouth to scream, but her mouth and lungs were filled with piss, and then eventually, shit, as the log absorbed her. The base connected with the bottom of the toilet, sealing the girls fate. Up above, Alyssa pinched it off, and the top half folded in on itself.

Alyssa sighed in satisfaction and abruptly stood up, turning around. Her naked pussy hung over the violated toilet bowl as she surveyed the girls tomb. She felt little shit particles between her cheeks, and the thought of the little girl crushed by her own shit turned her on hard enough to eliscit some fastening breathing.

Instead of wiping, Alyssa figured she'd find some more willing volunteers for the job. Smiling, she took hold of the toilet's handle.

"Bye bye shit bitch!"

The girl, Chelsea Green, a sophomore book nerd who had been going through her time of the month, had stopped in the bathroom to put on a tampon. When she shrunk, she never expected to end up a part of someone's shit, and that's what she was now, as her and the rest of Alyssa's excrement was flushed down the toilet and swept into the sewers.
Wet Hump by ImprintedBug
Author's Notes:
Make sure to review and tell me what you guys think. I take everything into consideration! :3
Alyssa sighed and stood hovering over the now mostly clean toilet bowl. The stall now reeked with the smell of her shit.

She paused in thought. Was this real? Was this happening? Was she dreaming? She pinched herself and prodded herself, closed her eyes and repeated "wake up", but nothing happened.

If this was real, she had just brutally and savagely murdered three teenage girls in ways thought to be impossible. And yet, this pleased her, immensely. She hated almost everyone at her school, it was fine that some, especially Amanda, had been put in their place.

She looked down and smiled at the little sliver of shit near the bottom drain of the bowl. There was just a hint of blood mixed in with it. She wondered what part of that poor girl, no, bug, was, or where it came from. That's when she heard the bathroom door open.

In came the school's janitor, Mr. George. He was middle-aged but looked over 60. His skin was rough and wrinkled, and his face was always red and frowned. Her wore tin rimmed glasses, and his receding gray hair was combed over.

Alyssa froze, for the first time in the past few minutes, she remembered she was still in school, and the classes were still in session.

"Anybody in here?"

Alyssa knew he could probably see her sandaled feet through the bottom of the stalls, and had no choice but to state her presence and exit.

"I'm here."

Alyssa stepped out and was greeted sourly by the old man.

"Do you have a bathroom pass young lady?"


He sighed, as if this was a daily routine for him. Dealing with skippers and slackers alike.

"What's your name?"

"Alyssa Madison."

"Stay right here, I'm grabbing a detention slip from my cart."

Just as he began turning in place, Alyssa noticed a couple, no, three moving specs on the ground. She could just barely hear their screeching. It must've been more girls shrunk, desperately calling out for help.

They must've seen what she had done, and Alyssa couldn't risk anyone finding out. Her heart was already beating rapidly and nervously at the janitors inquisition.

Thankfully, he turned and walked out, not noticing the girls. They continued their plight, tripping over one another and screaming, but came to halt after seeing him leave. They were about two feet away from Alyssa, she figured they must've been hiding somewhere in the stalls.

Through their tear stricken eyes, they looked up towards Alyssa just in time to be greeted by the sight of a gigantic pink foam sole. Their curt screams were cut abruptly short as Alyssa slammed her right foot down on top of them and eagerly ground them into paste. She could hear their bones snapping and guts churning, mashing with each other's bodies and forming one dirt-riddled stain.

Mr. George returned to the sight of Alyssa's tanned body posed with her right leg in front. His eyes followed it down to her foot, twisting and turning in place. He glanced at Alyssa in confusion. Alyssa smiled,

"Just squishing a bug."

The old man groaned and began writing on the paper. Alyssa removed her foot from its place, this time the stain stuck and pulled from its place, like a piece of gum being chewed. It snapped up to her sandal after a couple inches of distance between it and the floor.

She looked at the janitor and kept thinking of ways she'd get out of it. Maybe she could tell the principal that she had gotten sick and had to use the bathroom during the period change? She just wished that this pathetic man could be reduced to the bug he should be.

Just look at you, she thought.
Old, wrinkled, and cleaning up shit stains. You're nothing but beneath me.

That's when it happened. Suddenly, without warning, the man started groaning and dropped the note to the floor along with the pen. He held his back in pain and opened his mouth as wide as possible and was beginning to scream when he disappeared right before Alyssa's hazel eyes.

She blinked twice in disbelief, but somehow she knew what must've happened. She got down on all fours to examine the area in front of her, when she spotted him. He was still fully clothed, and yelling his lungs out, looking at his hands and legs and then up at the colossal giant. The giant smiled in return, and stood up. She walked overtop of him, almost in slow motion to him.

From his perspective, he watched as her seemingly mile long sandal rose over him and landed behind. He looked up to see her massive pussy bulging behind her white shorts between her tanned legs, and her perky breasts poking out from up above.

She closed the bathroom door and turned back to face the old janitor.

"You know, as much as I hate to admit it, I kind of like old guys."

She giggled and dropped down on her knees, her entire front facing the old man. She shifted her knees side to side until she sat hovering over him. He stood frozen in fear, but had a massive erection bulging from his work pants.

"You're gross, and nothing but a bug. I don't want to touch you, so I'll leave my clothes on. Lay on your back."

She put her hands on her wide hips as she commanded the bug. In sheer submissiveness, he obeyed, his hard on confused whether to piss itself or indulge.

She smiled, licked her lips, and looked upwards in ecstasy as the bulge of her vagina began to come crashing down with her legs spreading across the tiled floor. The man only had a split second to react to the enormous form coming to great him, and with it, he finally jizzed right in his pants. His final sound a groan of ecstasy as her covered vagina met him and smushed him into the ground.

This time, she felt it all. She plopped her ass down on the ground, and felt the little man struggle under her throbbing pussy. He amazingly hadn't been immediately crushed, and every twitch sent shivers up her spine. Her assertive face cracked and gave way to rather loud coos as she began rocking her hips in a circular motion. This proved to be too much for the old tiny bug, and she felt every pop and crackle of his little body. This turned her on even more as she began humping the ground in place all whilst moaning wildly. Her right arm bent over her neck to her back as her left hand came up to her mouth. She put her finger on her bottom lip and tugged down, groaning with pure sexual pleasure.

With every earth shattering hump, the surviving girls stationed underneath the heater felt their ground shake as they looked on in horror as what was once their school janitor was reduced to paste more and more with each thrust. Some girls fell over screaming as the vibrations caused them to lose their balance. Others clung to their bleeding ears, trying desperately to cover the shattering sounds of Alyssa's moans.

Every time her bulging pussy collided with the ground, a new squish and squelch was felt, until finally, after about a minute, nothing but casual wetness was felt. She leaned forward and placed both her hands on the ground in front of her and lifted her ass into midair. She peeked below her to see the rough outline of a tiny silhouette in blood. She reached her left hand up to her crotch and felt around until she pulled back and examined the near microscopic work clothes of the once employed janitor. She smiled, and burrowed her brows in curiosity.

She brought the blood, guts, hair, and work clothes up to her mouth, and stuck out her tongue. Licking up the leftovers, she frowned as she rolled the pants and guts around in her mouth and swallowed.

The tiny onlookers under the heater screamed in horror at the sight.
This story archived at