Kim's Tiny Town by Thatgirlyouknow

Kim takes a man into her tiny town, where roles are reversed and a revolution is brewing.

Categories: Vore, Adventure, Butt, Couples, Crush, Destruction, Entrapment, Futanari, Humiliation, Muscle, Violent Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m, FF/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 19018 Read: 30547 Published: December 20 2019 Updated: June 10 2020

1. The Wrong Interview by Thatgirlyouknow

2. The Tour of Terror by Thatgirlyouknow

3. The Colosseum by Thatgirlyouknow

4. The Arrival by Thatgirlyouknow

The Wrong Interview by Thatgirlyouknow
Author's Notes:

This story is a commission from one of my favorite fans! Enjoy!

In this chapter we see a job interview go very south....

Mack ran a hand through his short black hair one last time as he heard his name called through the fogged-glass doors of the office. He was the only applicant there, so it seemed like he had this job in the bag, but he could never be too sure. This really did seem too good to be true.

What Ms. Babcock was offering for a simple receptionist job was excessive by anyone’s standards. It was odd she’d asked for men only, which was probably why he was the only applicant today. As long as she wasn’t a nightmare to work for this was a job someone could take to the bank and retire early.

The door opened smoothly for him, and Mack put on his best smile. The customer service smile that he’d practiced with his roommates who laughed at the thought of him being a secretary, then quickly shut up when he pointed out the salary. He’d made sure to wear his best suit, a black and tan unit that had seen him through eleven job interviews, all with no results.

Kim Babcock stood to meet Mack as he crossed the room. It was bigger than he’d expected, a neatly laid out room built around a large desk made of dark wood. A beige carpet and bookshelves along each wall filled the space neatly. He slipped between the two leather chairs and held out his hand.

“Hi Ms. Babcock!” he said cheerfully to the woman who towered over him. He’d read up on her online, of course, and knew that this beautiful freckled redhead stood right at six foot tall. “It’s so nice to meet you!”

“It’s nice to meet you too!” she said back in a soft, friendly voice. Her hand engulfed his in a strong shake. Mack contained his surprise; she didn’t look strong at all but he had no doubt she would have crushed his hand if she’d wanted to.

“Please, sit down,” she told him as she released his hand and sat back into her office chair.

Mack couldn’t help but notice the front of her desk was open; her well-formed legs were visible if he looked. Which he made sure he kept himself from doing. More than once. It was hard since she had very nice legs in an almost-too-short black skirt.

Kim smiled as her latest potential hire checked out her legs. He was cute, just like she’d hoped, but she wasn’t thinking about hiring him based on his looks. He’d had great recommendations. Kim had to be honest though; her plans with him didn’t necessarily involve legitimate work. Though if he turned out to be too square he’d still make a great assistant.

Once Mack sat down the interview began. Kim briefly reviewed his resumé with him, which he was fully prepared for. He’d never been fired from a job, and most places he’d worked for would have been happy to have him back. But as he told Kim, they just didn’t feel like places where he could grow.

As they spoke, Kim leaned forward on the desk. Her shirt wasn’t low-cut today, so she wasn’t showing off her cleavage like she enjoyed doing, but she found herself entranced by his voice. Soon she realized she was barely listening to what he was saying and was watching his lips move.

She felt a heat bloom under her skirt.

Mack said something to her.

Kim shook herself out of her reverie.

“I’m sorry, I spaced off there, what did you say?” she asked him.

His hopefully future boss’s green eyes were enchanting. Mack had realized he had been doing most of the talking, of course nervously, then he found a way to wrap up his recent employment history quickly.

“Were there any skills in particular you were looking for?”

With this statement Kim just smiled. She hadn’t paid much attention to what he was saying, but she knew what she wanted. And she was quite certain he would do.

“Well,” she started as she uncrossed her legs and pushed her hips forward a little in her chair, “I’m sure you’re aware that there are often…less than proper relationships between management and some hires.”

Mack gave her a cautious look. He hadn’t missed her body language shift, nor the subtle drop in the pitch of her voice. Sure, she was very attractive yet he couldn’t help but shift uncomfortably in his seat.

He wasn’t a moron, but he knew this wasn’t something he was completely comfortable with.

Kim read his own body language shift and knew she had to put on some pressure. She’d played this game before.

“You read the email, right?” Kim asked Mack. He nodded his head, his eyes flickering nervously between her skirt that was shifting upward, and her face. “So you know how much money you’ll make? How good our benefits are?”

Mack nodded again, knowing this really was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Jobs that paid this well in his field simply didn’t exist. He could be completely debt-free in six months instead of fifteen years.

Kim shook her red hair from side to side to make sure she had his attention. He watched one hand reach slowly down to the bottom of her skirt as she spoke. Her face gave him a confident grin that he’d only seen before from women who let him buy them drinks.

“Well. If you would kindly take your place under the table here,” she tapped her leg just below the skirt, “You can be making five times the best offer anyone else will give you. Easiest fortune you’ll ever earn.”

Mack saw his future laid out in front of him, and for once it didn’t involve splitting an apartment three ways with some questionable people. And he swallowed his pride.

“Okay,” he said, his voice shaking as he slid off his chair and knelt on the carpet. Since the front of the desk was wide open, Mack had no problem crawling underneath it. Kim obligingly slid back to give him more room and to give herself a better view.

The tall redhead smiled as she saw Mack give in.

This is gonna be great! she thought as his short black hair disappeared under the desk. She scooted her office chair back and spread her legs to give him enough room to do his work.

“Oh, just one little thing,” she said to him as his face got close to her knee.

Since he was already that close Mack didn’t take his eyes away from her crotch as she pulled her skirt high enough that it hid nothing. And it was a lot more ‘nothing’ than Mack had expected.

Kim sighed as her cock slipped free from under her skirt; she always had to be careful about how she placed it when she was in work clothes so it was nice to let it loose. It also meant she could finally let herself be turned on. When she saw Mack’s eyes widen and his head pull back in surprise her cock immediately started growing.

“Wait!” Mack said as Kim pulled a massive cock out of her skirt, inches from his face. “That’s not what-“

“It’s exactly what it looks like,” she said in a cooing voice. Her cock was almost at full mast in record time. “Nine inches of me.” Kim grabbed her cock at the base and aimed it at his mouth. “You want this job, right?”

Mack was stuck. He wanted nothing to do with this cock, he was as straight as a guy could be! If this were any other job offer he’d have been gone.

But this kind of money he just couldn’t turn down. His stomach lurched as he realized he may have to endure this in order to pad his bank account. At least for awhile. He could always quit once his loans were paid off.

Kim took his silence as affirmation and hooked one leg over his shoulder and pushed her calf against the back of his head.

“One little blowjob and you’ve got the job,” she said. Then she applied pressure to his back and pulled him forward. He resisted briefly, until she reminded him of how much money was at stake for him.

Mack took a deep breath and opened his mouth. His new boss wasted no time in pushing his head toward her cock. In a moment he had his first taste of dick. He resisted the urge to gag; for a moment he was sure this couldn’t possibly be worth the money.

Then the rod slid further into his mouth. His eyes bugged out and his tongue fluttered involuntarily along its underside. There was the faint taste of soap and salt, then the rod hit the back of his mouth. His gag reflex triggered and he pulled himself backward. This time Kim’s leg allowed it.

Kim pulled him back down until she felt the back of his throat again and said, “You better show some initiative young man.”

Mack knew what she meant when she said that, closely followed by her leg leaving his shoulder. If he wanted this job it had to be good.

So, he steeled his mind against what he was doing and let his lips seal against the rigid pole. Kim let out a sigh as Mack started to bob up and down along her length. He did what he could to emulate how he liked a blowjob, but between his stomach heaving and his mind panicking there wasn’t much skill involved. Then she started talking.

“I knew you’d like it,” Kim said to the young man who was only managing to get half of her nine inches into her mouth. “I knew hiring a nice hot mouth was a good idea.”

His movements stuttered when she said that, so Kim leaned forward and put her hands around the back of his head.

“Don’t worry you little hole,” she said in a demeaning tone, a sudden change from how she’d been the entire rest of the interview, “Pretty soon you’ll be taking it all like the whore you are.”

Mack hated how she was talking to him, was mad at himself for what he was doing. All for the money. He wished he’d never even read the help-wanted ad. But he was in too deep to stop now.

“Yeah, good little bitch,” Kim said as she helped push and pull his head along her rod. She rocked her hips forward and back to help speed things up. Intermittently she banged the head of her cock against the entrance to his throat. There would be a satisfying gagging noise as she pressed lightly against that barrier before withdrawing.

He tried to pull away briefly, but her hands wouldn’t allow it. If anything, that just made her thrusts more frantic and made her more excited. Kim loved the sight of his eyes starting to water.

“Oh, you’re gonna get the job for sure,” she told Mack as she tried to push more of her cock into his mouth. She met resistance at his throat again. “But first you’re gonna take this load!”

Mack heard what she said and tried to pull his mouth off her rod. He’d barely been able to stand putting it in his mouth, but letting her cum in his mouth? Absolutely out of the question. But her hands only tightened around his head when he tried to dislodge her meat. His eyes bugged out as he felt her cock swell.

“Here it comes you hungry little hole!” she shouted as she pulled his mouth further onto her cock. In her excitement, her orgasm moments away, she pulled him far harder than she had before. His hands flailed useless to try and get her cock out of his mouth, slipping off of her thighs in an attempt to find purchase.

Then she felt what she’d been trying for through the whole blowjob: the resistance at his throat finally gave way. Suddenly she was able to pull Mack the rest of the way down onto her cock, all nine inches were buried! Kim looked down just in time to see Mack’s eyes dripping tears, his face red and desperate. With his nose pushed up against her bare skin she felt her moment.

She came hard down his throat, her orgasm every bit as powerful as she’d hoped. After the first twitch she relaxed her grip a little, letting Mack try to pull himself free. The stronger woman only let him pull off enough to catch the remaining squirts of cum in his mouth. He struggled, of course, but that struggling was what kept stimulating her cock to keep pumping. Before she knew it she was spent and her seed was leaking from his mouth.

Finally she released his head and he fell backward, leaning against the desk. He went to turn sideways and spit, but Kim shot her foot out to stop his head from turning.

“Swallow it or you’re on the street,” she told him. “After all that work, you really want to waste it?”

Mack couldn’t help but swallow the salty viscous fluid. He hated it but she had a point: if he didn’t do what she wanted he wouldn’t get the job and this entire terrible ordeal would have been wasted. It was thick and he knew he’d have nightmares about yogurt to the rest of his life. But at least he’d get paid.

Kim watched with satisfaction as Mack swallowed. It was obvious he’d hated it all, but that made it so much better for her. After all, what futa woman didn’t want to dominate the obviously lesser sex?

And speaking of, Kim thought as she noticed her erection hadn’t gone away.

Her latest hire started to crawl away. It briefly occurred to Kim that he was too disoriented to stand, but she ignored thoughts about his welfare as she saw how his backside looked in those dress pants. Her eyes darted from his well-dressed ass to a bookshelf on the far end of the room, then back.

“Oh yeah, you’ll do,” she said as she slipped off her own chair onto one knee.

Kim reached out and grabbed his belt. Mack tried to slap her hand away but it was pointless. Kim reached around the front of his pants and quickly undid his belt buckle while he struggled to keep his balance and push her off.

“No wait!” he said as he felt his pants and underwear get pulled down quickly. Mack knew where this was going, and it absolutely wasn’t worth the money. Then he felt something steaming hot against his left cheek.

Mack tried to turn and push Kim away, but he didn’t stand a chance. As he tried to roll over Kim blocked his legs with her own; as he tried to reach back to push her off she skillfully twisted both his arms behind him. In a moment his best struggles had only gotten him immobilized by the tall redhead who had clearly taken lessons in some fighting style.

Of course, Mack wasn’t appreciative of this fact as he felt Kim’s still hard cock press between his cheeks. He tried to flex his cheeks to shut that avenue, but Kim forced his legs apart and his checks followed suit.

“Just enjoy it you little bitch,” Kim said as she watched her cockhead press against his sphincter.

“Please, no!” Mack cried with fear in his voice. She ignored his words and instead pushed him hard into the carpet.

With him firmly pressed into the carpet there simply was nowhere else for her cock head to go. Mack’s anus wasn’t strong enough to keep her out and Kim moaned in satisfaction as she felt his tight hole spread just enough for her to pop inside. She pushed harder and watched more of herself slide deeper into him.

His screams were muffled by the floor she pushed him into as she rammed the rest of herself forward. In a moment she was buried to the hilt in his virgin ass. Her eyes rolled with pleasure; his spasming hole and steaming hot insides gripped her wonderfully. She pulled back slightly and savored the feeling of him gripping her cock tightly, desperate to eject her but not flexible enough to do anything but cling tightly.

Laying her body completely on top of his, she whispered into Mack’s ear.

“You know, I really like you,” she breathed as she started pounding his ass in earnest. “So I’m gonna keep you.”

Mack heard what she said but was in too much pain to respond. His ass burned as though he had sat in a fire, his shoulders were pinned painfully and each thrust made him want to cry. Despite every manly fiber telling him he shouldn’t, he couldn’t stop tears from streaming down his face.

“Yeah you little bitch,” Kim said, picking up pace when she noticed Mack was crying. “Not how you thought today was gonna go, huh? I’m glad you saved that ass for me.”

In a testament to how cute she thought Mack was, she felt her second orgasm boiling up. It was far faster than she wanted but she knew the next part of what she wanted to do couldn’t wait very long.

Kim came, biting hard onto Mack’s shoulder as she drove herself deep into his rectum one more time. There was a flood of cum as she blasted once, twice, three times, then started pumping slowly to prolong her orgasm.

The pain in Mack’s ass receded, but didn’t disappear, when he felt Kim pull out of him. His arms were released and her weight lifted. His anus pulsed painfully with his own rapid pulse. There was the sensation of some horrific fluid leaking down his taint onto his own testicles. Crying, Mack tried to come to his knees as he heard something large move ahead of him.

He hadn’t quite managed to get to his knees when Kim’s strong hand gripped one of his arms. With a yank he fell onto his side as she dragged him to the side of the room. He looked up and saw that one of the bookshelves had moved aside, revealing a massive room that was three times the size of her office. From his viewpoint he could only see the underside of tables that seemed to cover the entire space.

Then she let go of his arm and he fell down, head hitting the carpet. His eyes narrowed as he saw something tiny and moving in front of him.

“Wha-?” he said aloud, still not quite able to form words.

There in front of him was a tiny man. Either Kim had drugged and raped him, and this was a hallucination, or he’d just been dragged into some horrific science experiment. The little man was naked, had a ridiculously huge belly, and was running from Mack.

No, not me, Mack realized as one of Kim’s hands snatched up the little man. He faintly heard a scream, then one of Kim’s feet pushed on his shoulder to roll him over. The woman knelt over Mack, her still-wet penis dragging across his chest, and held up the tiny man so Mack could see him clearly. Mack’s heart tried to pound out of his chest as he realized his situation was worse than he’d already experienced.

“This is what we do to runners,” she said looking at Mack. Then she lifted the man over her head and opened her mouth. Kim’s tongue stuck out as she lowered the screaming man feet first into her mouth. At four inches tall he was a tight fit, but clearly Kim had practiced. He slid smoothly in despite his kicking and her lips closed around his chest. The man made eye contact briefly with Mack before he was sucked between the lips like a piece of spaghetti.

There was a moment where she swished the man around, savoring his flavors and letting Mack see the struggles against her cheek. Then Kim unceremoniously swallowed him.

“Don’t forget!” Kim said as she tapped something on the table.

Mack closed his eyes as the sensation of falling overwhelmed him. Somewhere distant Kim laughed, and he rolled over to avoid looking at her when he opened his eyes. Then he noticed he was no longer laying on carpet.

His eyes flew open when he realized he was laying on cold stone.

Somehow the entire landscape had changed. No longer was he laying on the carpet of a secret office room. Now he was laying on a cold stone slab, surrounded by what appeared to be Roman architecture.

“Oh she did drug me,” Mack said aloud to himself as he tried to sit up. His aching bottom protested, but he knew he had to move before Kim came back.

Just as he had that thought, Kim walked into view from the left. She was entirely naked now, her cock was half hard and swinging, and her stomach –

“Like the view?” she playfully asked Mack as he saw her bulging stomach move. It was as though she’d eaten a painfully large meal and it was trying to fight its way out. “I wish he hadn’t ran, but I was a little hungry!”

Mack looked on in horror as he realized three things: He hadn’t been drugged, she’d actually eaten a man, and he was looking on as that little man struggled for life inside her stomach.

Then Kim grabbed him by the ear. Mack was too surprised and traumatized to fight back. She pulled him hard until his other ear was pressed against her bulging stomach. Faintly Mack could hear cries for help as he felt pressure from the walls of her stomach being punched and kicked. Mack’s entire body shook.

He’d thought being raped earlier had been the worst possible thing, but now Kim was showing him something far worse.

Holding her new catch’s head against her belly, Kim said in a motherly tone, “Now, you’re not gonna try and run, are you?”

It was a rhetorical question; she hadn’t expected a response. So she just held Mack’s head against her belly as the delightful struggling in her stomach slowed, then stopped. Her snack had finally succumbed to the lack of oxygen, or maybe the acid, in her stomach. Kim sighed contentedly as she thought about how painful the man’s last moments must have been. Mack shuddered with fear as he realized what it meant when the struggling stopped.

In the distance Kim watched as her secret bookshelf-door slid itself back shut as it was supposed to. Momentarily her little city was hidden once again.

The Tour of Terror by Thatgirlyouknow

When Kim felt she had held Mack close to her moving belly for long enough to him to get the point she released him without a word. Her meal was still struggling weakly, but Kim felt the movement slow as her stomach did its work. Mack cried out, not expecting the sudden release, and fell to his knees. After his violent anal rape minutes ago his legs still hadn’t recovered their strength and his mind was still trying to figure out what sort of nightmare he’d walked into.

“Ready for a tour?” the tall redhead asked him with a happy voice that didn’t mirror the terror he felt.

Mack may have been in a nightmare, but she was right where she wanted to be. A place she’d spent years building and recruiting for. What began as a casual sketch and an idea of righteousness she had born into reality through force of will and illegal technology.

“Welcome to Segesta,” she said as he pulled him to his feet, yanking harshly on one of his already red ears until he clambered to his feet. “Ground zero for the resistance.”

“What resistance?” Mack cried out as she pushed him roughly forward. “Let me go and I swear I won’t tell anyone!”

Kim didn’t pay any attention to his offer. He may not have realized it yet, but he was far past the point of returning to anything remotely like a regular life.

As they spoke Kim continued prodding the shorter man in front of her, enjoying the feeling of superiority she felt every time she got to push a man around. Mack was cute and had just the right amount of fight in him. It helped that against her he was physically helpless; she’d been training for combat in Segesta since before she’d truly created it.

“I know you won’t be telling anyone,” she said as they walked. They were both naked, something she remedied for herself as they walked by grabbing an old-fashioned toga from one of the hooks waiting by the shrinking stage. Her property didn’t need any clothes.

“You don’t get one,” Kim told him as they walked and he tried to cover himself, “Men don’t get to own anything here, including clothes.”

Mack received a sharp cuff at the back of the head when he started to talk back to her. In a desperate attempt to salvage some of his manliness he turned and threw a punch at Kim while she pulled the toga over her head. Surprised, she turned and took the blow on the shoulder with a grunt. Knowing he hadn’t really hurt her, but knowing he had to get away, Mack turned and ran.

Old Roman style stone buildings flew by as he raced, motivated by fear but hobbled by the pain from his wrecked anus. His lungs burned as he ran harder than he ever had in his life. Luckily this faux-ancient city appeared deserted; right now a child could have taken him down.

The path he followed ran downhill, a cobblestone path that fit with the only historical city he’d ever visited. Mack’s confused mind didn’t let him take in the details; there was too much wrong here. The city too foreign. Too old-yet-new. A glance upward confirmed what he’d, in his terror, suspected: the so-called sun was a light fixture up above.

His feet pounded the stone, pushing him forward as fast as he could manage until he stumbled into an open area that resembled a city square. Mack slowed to a halt as he looked around for a way out. For safety. For anything that he recognized.


Buildings he recognized, of course, though these could have been transposed from an ancient Roman city. The crowd he recognized, all surrounding a raised platform made from wood where three muscle-bound women appeared to be waiting in line for—

Something heavy hit Mack in the back of the head, throwing him to the ground. Then Kim’s arms surrounded his shoulders and lifted him upward, holding him to that his feet dangled above the ground while one of her hands snaked around his throat. Even in his panic he knew that things had just gotten infinitely worse.

“I’m not a fan of running,” Kim said as she panted lightly, “But I’m glad you headed here, this is on our way home anyway!”

Mack struggled as her hand tightened, cutting off his air.

“Watch them,” she whispered into his ear as she walked forward. Mack wasn’t a large man, and Kim was a strong, well-conditioned woman. Carrying him this way wasn’t difficult. The tall redhead approached the crowd, holding him tight to her body and giggling as he struggled. Even though she’d already came twice in the past twenty minutes she felt her cock start to awaken again.

The black-haired man stopped struggling as he looked at the little raised platform they were approaching. When they neared the throng he couldn’t help but notice it was entirely filled with women, or at least those who looked like women. They bowed their heads in deference as she walked by, some laughing or smirking as they saw how she was holding her catch.

What is going on? Where am I? Mack thought desperately as he realized the futility of struggling. Then he and Kim reached the front of the crowd. If he’d had any urine in him, he would have lost it right there.

The raised platform was only three feet high, but it had more than enough area for a line of women to form as they waited their turn. In the center was a pillory, a small medieval structure with three holes in it that currently held a bald man’s head and arms tightly as he was bent nearly in half with his feet on the ground and his ass sticking out toward the line. As Mack watched he cried out in pain and the woman that had been right behind him stepped back.

The crowd roared its approval as the next woman stepped forward. Mack felt his feet touch the ground as his body ran cold. Every woman on stage had a cock, some smaller, some larger than Kim’s, and each of them was hard. The prisoner screamed as the newest woman angrily shoved her cock into his ass and Mack watched in horror as she immediately started thrusting hard.

From where he stood he could see a puddle of white fluid between the man’s feet, fed by drippings forced out of his ass with every thrust of the new futa-rapist.

“This is what happens when you strike a woman here,” Kim spoke quietly into his ear as he felt her own cock press into his back, luckily kept apart from him by the gray fabric of her toga. “You men are on top out there, but in here we’re going to change that.

“I told you we were the resistance, and I meant against you males. You ran the world long enough, soon it’ll be our turn.”

Her words were punctuated by the screams of the man in the pillory. As Mack watched, horrified, he passed out when yet another futa woman penetrated him. The crowd let out a disappointed sigh and began to disperse, though women continued to line up behind him. Kim didn’t tell Mack this as she pushed him past the platform, but he would stay there until a hundred futanari had used him.

And most of them won’t hit the click-counter, Kim thought with a giggle as Mack stumbled down a larger street than the first he’d tried to escape down. It brought her nothing but joy to think of the man’s pain. Of how it was uniting her forces even better to watch him be brought so low.

She knew that in the long run it was just one man, and her tiny hidden city only held several thousand training women-warriors, but it was a start. But, it was one of fifty spread throughout the country. When she felt they were ready her revolution would take place and pillories such as that would be on every street corner.

The redhead smiled at the thought.

Together the two walked several blocks, Mack occasionally stumbling as he walked and Kim reminding him with her chipper voice that running again would only earn him a place on the platform.

“We’re getting closer to home Mack,” she said as she spied something else that made her smile. “But first, coffee. And a demonstration.”

Mack saw the café, not far from where they were, but he saw something closer that briefly lifted his spirits first: another man. The first man not mid-rape that he’d seen since he’d been shrunken and tossed into this tiny city.

Then he saw it: the taller woman, bulge clearly visible under her toga, patting his belly as he sat back in a chair. The man winced in pain as something inside of him tried to push its way out of his stomach. Mack was reminded of a science-fiction movie he’d seen once and he hoped desperately he wasn’t going to see a re-enactment.

“Just a couple more hours,” the woman was saying to the moving mass, which seemed to respond by pushing in the woman’s direction. She gasped in delight as the man cried out. “The doctor will be here soon and we’ll help you pull yourself right out.”

Then she slapped the man when it looked like he was holding his breath.

“If you push her out before I say to, you’re next up on the pillory!” she told him harshly. The man turned white, obviously in great pain, as whatever was in his stomach kept pushing in every direction.

“What the hell--?” Mack said, trailing off as he tried to process what he was seeing.

“Oh, go take a look!” Kim said as she followed his eyes. For her it was a normal occurrence, but she knew Mack needed a good first impression. He hesitated and she cuffed him in the side of the head. “Go look. Now,” she told him coldly.

Too scared to do anything else, Mack crossed the street with Kim right behind. The man saw him coming and shook his head. It was obvious he wanted to say something but was simply too scared. The woman with him saw Kim and gave her a sweet smile.

“Good afternoon General,” she said, “To what do I owe the honor?”

General? Mack thought to himself as the two women spoke.

“I finally took one,” Kim said to the other woman, “and he needs an introduction to our methods.”

“Well get over here you lucky guy!” the new woman said to Mack as she waved him over with joy on her face. Her tone left him even more bewildered. Did she think this was all fun somehow?

“This is Fufu,” she said indicated the man in pain. “And he’s got my daughter inside. I haven’t named her yet,” she stage whispered at him. “In a couple of hours the doctor will say she’s ready to pop out. Until then,” she slapped the man on the leg hard enough to make him jerk, then recoil in pain as his stomach muscles tensed, “He gets to be lucky enough to feel life moving inside him.”

As she spoke the movement inside the man, Fufu, redoubled. Mack felt himself resisting the urge to throw up as he watched the alien movement.

Daughter? Fufu? It’s gotta be a bad dream, it’s gotta be a---

Kim grabbed him by the ear and pulled him along, giving the other woman a friendly ‘thanks!’ as she pulled Mack along.

“I hope you liked the sight,” Kim said as she dragged him toward a table. “You’ll be there pretty soon!” she said happily as Mack tripped over the curb while she waved to two of her friends paying for their coffee at the bar.


Kim pushed him enough to turn his stumble into a fall and shoved him under the nearest table.

“Get under there,” she told him. His confused face from below made her smile and she pulled him where she wanted by an ear. “Know your place, toy,” she said as she lifted up the bottom of her toga and sat down in a cushioned chair with a space cut out in the middle where toy’s faces were meant to go.

“Warm me up.”

A waitress approached wearing a longer toga as Kim kicked Mack hard for not responding. His head hit the bottom of the table and he knew there would be a bruise.

Mack took the kick with a cry, knowing that if he resisted he’d just be kicked again. Or worse. With tears streaming down his face he leaned forward and opened his mouth.

Kim sighed as she felt her cockhead enveloped in his warm mouth. She ordered a latte from the waitress, who congratulated her on her new incubator.

“Thanks!” Kim said happily as she took the offered napkin and placed it on the table. Mack wasn’t getting very deep on her rod, but she didn’t mind this time. He was still new. She would train him better soon.

“You finally got one, huh?” said Chrissy after she peeked under the table. Kim’s blonde friend was sipping something cold as she and Elle, a brunette, came over to sit next to Kim. Fast as ever, the waitress returned with Kim’s latte and the three of them clinked their drinks together as Kim nodded enthusiastically while Elle sat a large white bowl on the table.

“He’s really cute too!” she said as she felt his mouth stutter on her member. “Oooh, do you mind?”

“No, go ahead,” Elle said with a smile, offering her the bowl.

Kim plucked an inch-tall man out of the bowl and popped him into her mouth as she took a drink of her near-scalding coffee. The little man jerked in pain as the hot fluid burned him and Kim savored the flavor his pain created. Then she bit down hard on both of his ankles, hearing him scream faintly as the three women talked. Another sip of coffee helped her swallow him down.

She smiled as she felt more struggling in her stomach; she’d enjoyed her meal earlier but that struggling had long since stopped.

“So how have the other cells grown, General Kim?” Elle asked Kim as she munched on a little man of her own. Little screams punctuated her words and she made sure to dab her lips with a napkin in case any blood had escaped her mouth. If Kim hadn’t already been hard, the horror on the little face that shown occasionally between Elle’s teeth would have done the job instantly.

“We’re getting a lot closer,” Kim responded, reaching under the table to manually guide Mack’s lips from her rod to her testicles. She sighed with appreciation as she felt the heat of his mouth. No tongue yet, but he’d learn. “Another four or five gestations and we’ll have more than enough to seize the capital.”

“You can just say ten or twelve weeks,” Chrissy said with a laugh as she pulled an arm off one of their snacks. The arm went into her mouth while her thumb and forefinger pinched down on the stub. She produced a small tool that cauterized the wound while her treat screamed. “I can’t wait to get out there,” she pointed upward to indicate the world above, “And start evening the score.”

“Speaking of,” Kim said as she finished her coffee with a gulp, “I’ve gotta get this one back to my place and start doing my part.”

Kim winked at her two friends who laughed with her, knowing exactly what she meant. They’d always thought it was odd that she was their leader, the great organizer that had begat all their technology and started their entire movement but had yet to begun siring warriors of her own. Kim would have told them she was too busy leading their cause, but the truth was far simpler.

She was just picky.

With a groan she pulled her balls out of Mack’s mouth. He happily let her slide away, but she reached under the table again and pulled him up with her by the ear.

“Oh, he is cute!” Elle said with a laugh, “Put him back under there so we can play!”

As Mack watched she lifted a tiny screaming form to her mouth and bit it in half. He shuddered and unconsciously pulled himself closer to Kim as though she would protect him. Instead she whispered into his ear, “Elle would face-fuck you until you passed out, and when you woke up she’d still be going.”

Elle winked at him as Kim pulled him along. Mack turned away from the two women as they finished their coffee, so he didn’t see the two ‘clink’ together two tinies as though they were fancy drinks before they both pulled out their own eight-inch cocks. Elle and Chrissy laughed along with each other as their final treats were pushed into their hungry cocks. Despite their treat’s struggles the women’s practiced hands slid them in easily.

“Bottoms up!” Elle said with a laugh as she pushed her screaming man into her urethra. “I’m gonna shoot you into whoever’s stuck in the square today!”

“You’re so basic!” Chrissy said, laughing at her friend as she pulled out a coin to tip the waitress with. Her own cock-vored treat was going right into her incubator’s throat as soon as she got home.


“Two more blocks to my place!” she said happily, as though she hadn’t just witnessed half a dozen men be devoured as a side-dish to coffee. Of course to her men weren’t people, so her view of the situation was far different than Mack’s. Smaller men were food and equal sized men only existed so she could bring them to their knees. Then fuck them.

Mack’s legs drove him forward blindly until Kim steered him through a small garden with a bubbling fountain, and through a door that seemed carved from white marble. Despite everything he couldn’t help but gape; Kim had just shoved him into the most extravagant home he’d ever heard of. Even though everything was designed as though it were from ancient Rome, he could see finely integrated electronics set into the walls and couches that looked as though they’d been bought only to be looked at, not sat on.

“What the hell?” he couldn’t help but ask as she pushed him past everything and down a long hallway.

“I’m in charge here,” she said, feeling like she at least owed him that much of an explanation. Her hand grabbed his shoulder and turned him hard to the left. “This is my city, my revolution, so I’ve got the best of everything.”

Mack stumbled forward and caught himself on something sturdy. He brought his eyes away from the scenery and realized where he was. In a bedroom that put to shame any five-star hotel room. Two of the walls had massive televisions built into them, and one opened into a balcony that overlooked a city that had to have been modeled after ancient Rome. Mack could even see a huge circular building that looked like a Colosseum in the distance.

The bed was massive and neatly made with pure white bedding and a tall post on each corner which supported a mirror on the ceiling. Clean white marble was beneath Mack’s feet and he revisited the idea that he had been drugged. This was too much. It was all too clean; too nice in contrast to everything else he’d seen.

Then Kim cleared her throat.

Mack jumped, having been too distracted by the finery and excess to remember she was there. He spun on the cold marble and felt the blood drain from his face as he saw what she held.

“Any idea what this is?” she asked him playfully, holding what appeared to be a black egg bigger than a softball in her right hand. Kim didn’t wait for him to respond. She didn’t really care if he knew or not. “It’s an artificial uterus. Your artificial uterus, to be specific.”

For an eternity Mack looked at her, horrified. He had no illusions about what was coming next.

“Bend over.”

Mack did not bend over. He turned to run for the window, intending to break his way through, but Kim caught him easily. A foot to the back of the knee dropped him forward, then she turned his attempt to stand into a toss that landed him on a ridiculously soft bed, where he saw restraints already in place on each of the thick posts at the corners.

He tried to roll, but something encircled his left hand. Mack cried out in terror and tried to free himself, but Kim lithely leapt across his body and yanked his right arm upward, trapping his right arm in the soft padded manacles with a practiced motion. Ten seconds later Mack found himself laying spread eagle, face down, on the nicest bed in the nicest room he’d ever been in.

The sound of clothes hitting the marble next to him were obvious.

“No!” Mack yelled as he sensed her weight on the bed, between his outstretched legs. In vain he tried to bring his legs together, but that only made her laugh. “Please just let me go!”

Something cold and massive pushed his cheeks apart though he tried to clench them, and Kim leaned forward, pushing the breasts he’d admired an hour ago into his back.

“Just relax toy,” she said as she started pushing, “You’re mine now.”

Mack cried out in pain as she pushed harder. His anus resisted, but he knew it was only a matter of time. Before today he’d never had anything go into his backdoor, and that egg was almost as big as the novelty dildos he’d seen porn stars use on the internet. It was not going to fit.

“This life of luxury is yours, and all you have to do,” Kim grunted with effort and satisfaction as she heard him scream when the egg advanced an inch, “Is be my little bitch. Isn’t that what you wanted? A life of luxury?”

His eyes bugged out, not hearing her words, as the egg pushed forward. He was stretched far beyond what should have been possible already. Mack’s mouth opened in a quiet cry for help, tears rolling down his face.

“Here in my city,” she continued as she adjusted her grip and kept pushing, “You don’t even need that salary I offered you!”

Mack screamed as he felt the widest part of the egg slide into his rectum. As soon as it passed his sphincter seized the opportunity to return to its normal size and the rest of the egg slid easily into him. The pain was unbearable and Mack passed out, his naked, sweaty, and abused form a stark contrast to the clean luxury that surrounded him.

Kim laughed when she saw that he’d lost consciousness.

“Ugh,” she rolled her eyes as she went to grab a tube of lubricant, “Men are so ungrateful.”

When Mack came to, it was dark save for the flickering of candles and the fireplace in the corner. For a moment he was confused as his mind tried to convince him everything had been a nightmare. Then he smelled lavender, coffee, and something that briefly eluded him until his eyes focused on the side table. Wine?

“About time,” Kim said as she rolled on top of him, letting her nine-inch rod settle between his cheeks like a bratwurst in a bun. She rocked back and forth briefly. “I know last time I was a little rough,” she whispered in his ear as she laid on him, letting her taller body overwhelm his and enjoying the size difference, “But this time I brought lube.”

Mack’s eyes bugged out as he realized none of it had been a dream. Kim lifted her hips and aimed her cock at his backdoor once again. He tried to scream but while he’d slept she’d slipped a gag of silk into his mouth. She smiled and petted the side of his face as her lubricated glans pushed easily through his abused sphincter.

His attempt at screaming was silent next to her sigh of satisfaction as she sunk into him. The egg had integrated itself into his abdomen ten minutes after she’d inserted it; she’d been eagerly waiting for him to wake up to impregnate him. Her full length slid into his rectum wonderfully until she felt her balls pushing against his skin.

“You’re gonna bear me many daughters,” she said happily as she pumped into him, “You’re going to feel life growing inside of you,” she slowed down, wanting this to last, “And you’ll feel the miracle of childbirth, right back here.” Kim slapped his ass, making him jerk and his sphincter quiver even harder around her cock.

Mack cried as she took him, not sure what hurt worse: his inability to fight back or what he knew was coming. That man on the street would soon be him.

A servant walked through the door and calmly refreshed Kim’s coffee as she used Mack for what he now was: a living stroker, a warm receptacle for her seed, and an incubator for the next generation of her revolutionary warriors. The servant enjoyed the scene for a moment from the door.

Her General, that she was proud to serve, was finally pounding her way into her own man’s tight ass. The servant was proud of her sponsor and was excited to help rear her daughters. She took one more look around the room as he cried out in pain to make sure everything was in order.

Kim’s calming lavender was in place, everything was as clean, tidy, and luxurious as she could make it for the General. The only thing that didn’t seem straight out of a resort was Mack’s cries of pain and the sound of Kim’s cock pushing in and out of his ass. And possibly the bowl of one-inch snacks she’d left on the side table next to the lubrication.

The young girl smiled as she shut the door behind her and headed to the kitchen.

Kim ignored the servant girl. Though she was grateful for more coffee, she was too close to her peak to change focus now. She’d waited all day for this moment, years actually, and now she was finally going to make children of her own, with a guy that was most definitely cute enough to be her incubator.

She groaned and he made one last pathetic whimper as she emptied her cock into him for the third time that day. Kim reflexively drove her cock as far into him as she could, driving his hips into the white sheets. If she’d bothered to reach around she would have felt his own erection in response to his prostate’s abuse. Of course that wasn’t something Kim would have been interested in; he existed for her enjoyment, not his own.

When she had shot everything she had inside of him she pulled out with a groan and watched with satisfaction as his anus immediately tightened and closed, holding her seed within. Possibly her favorite invention was her special lubrication; after every use it helped an abused hole heal quickly. In the morning he’d be tight as a virgin again, and she would love it. He would not.

Sitting at the side of the bed, Kim took a sip of coffee and chewed idly on a one-inch snack. It was sweet, probably from some northern country, but had the same satisfying salty crunch as the rest.

“Here,” she told Mack as he cried into white fluffy pillows that cost as much as his first car, “This will keep things moving.”

Mack tried to shift away from her as she put her hand on his backside and pulled his cheeks apart. Without preamble she pushed two of her tiny snacks through his anus causing him to cry out in pain while they cried out in terror. She released his cheek, letting it snap painfully back into place, then spanked him lightly as she stood. Their movements would make sure as much of her seed as possible made it to the implanted uterus.

“See you in the morning, toy!” she said happily as she took her coffee cup and snacks out the door, leaving him tied face down on the bed. “I’ll have you pregnant in no time!”

Mack sobbed into the pillow as he felt movement in his rectum. He knew what it had to be. Just when he thought things couldn’t get worse Kim kept finding ways to remind him he was no longer a person.

The terror and trauma of the day overwhelmed him quickly and the soothing scent of lavender finally accomplished what it had meant to: twenty minutes later Mack was asleep. The servant girl made sure to cover him with a blanket when she walked by, then paused, her eyes flicking to the door.

“Why not?” she said in a light voice that had gotten her on the choir at her school before she’d joined the resistance. With a dainty hand she pulled her seven-inch cock out from under her tan robe and pulled Mack’s head to the side, forcing his mouth open with a practiced squeeze.

His eyes shot open as she gently pushed her meat into his throat with a sigh of contentment.

“No wonder she picked you,” she said as she slowly thrust back and forth while he tried to scream.

The Colosseum by Thatgirlyouknow

Mack stumbled forward along the street, prodded by Kim’s strong hand every time he slowed. He’d been in the shrunken city of Segesta for a week and still found himself slowing to take in the otherworldly sights. Not only was it still bizarre for him to be surrounded by architecture that would have fit in with ancient Rome, the mixture of technology created a surreal environment. And around every corner there seemed to be another terrifying reminder that men were less-than-human here, and like a train wreck Mack could never look away as men were being casually raped on the sidewalk.

That, and it was one of the only ways Mack could keep his mind off of his ever-growing belly. A quiet dread was rapidly growing in his mind along with the baby he was carrying, a fast-growing cancer that he knew would either kill him or make him wish it had.

The pair continued forward toward the Colosseum, where Mack knew Kim would be surveying the women training there. Again. It had become an almost daily ritual for them. Or for Kim at least. Mack didn’t have a say in the matter, and Kim knew how much he hated everything that was happening to him, which only made her force him to do more. His pain and disgust only excited her.

Occasionally he’d be left alone in the decadent sprawling manor that was his forced home while Kim was away on regular sized business, handcuffed to at least one of the posts on the massive bed in his room. At almost all times outside that room he was closely watched and forced to participate in anything that Kim or another woman decided was appropriate for him. Which was almost always another type of nightmare.

“Wait, please!” Mack asked as he wheezed; his stomach was bulging and his lungs weren’t working properly as they tried to expand against the growing life within. The child borne from Kim’s frequent rapes was growing incredibly fast, and Mack knew it was only a matter of days before this pregnancy ended painfully for him. If he was lucky he’d get a day to rest before Kim had her way with him again. Or he’d just die and end the pain.

Kim, of course, had no intention of letting his bottom heal after he bore her a little soldier. Mack knew she had multiple ways to get his tortured flesh back to where she wanted it far faster than it would have if it healed normally.

“Get up there,” Kim said happily, pushing him forward onto the faux-stone stairs that led to her viewing box in the Colosseum. She knew stairs only made him more uncomfortable, and that only made her happier.

She thought she must have been the happiest woman in the world to get to watch her child grow so quickly in the belly of the man that she had so thoroughly dominated. Yesterday his bulging stomach had started to move, small but perceptible. The fact that it had scared Mack so thoroughly had only caused her to get yet another erection. Moments later Mack was too busy trying to breath around her nine inches to remember to be scared.

Kim didn’t have his mouth trained as well as she’d like yet, but he was getting the idea. He could learn to breath around her meat or pass out.

The naked man climbed the steps with Kim one stair behind. She really appreciated that she’d made Segesta a no-clothes area for men; he had a great backside even after she’d violently taken it a dozen times. Of course her healing creams helped a lot; she’d invented it for battlefield wounds but it worked equally well and quickly on battered anuses.

At the top of the faux-stone stairs they turned left and crossed a short section of bleachers to get to Kim’s reserved seat. The Colosseum itself was a large round stadium with a dirt area in the center where dozens of women and futa-women were currently sparring with one another. There were other places in Segesta to train, but this was almost universally preferred. The symbolism of the ancient-styled building motivated the warriors more than any speech.

Kim’s nearly private box overlooked the training area, and she pushed Mack onto a stone bench. She took the out-of-place recliner for herself. Smiling, she took a bright-colored drink from a servant as Mack sat and sweated, out of breath and struggling to make himself comfortable as the bulge in his stomach pushed outward.

“Give it a few more days sweety,” Kim said as she leaned forward and talked to her future daughter. “We’ll get you out of there,” she meant Mack’s stomach, “and out there,” she indicated the training ground where a group of girls was being trained in knife handling, “in no time!”

Mack moaned as the movements intensified briefly.

“Please don’t!” he gasped, earning him a mild slap from Kim before she turned back toward the fighters below. The movement inside was completely alien, and though he knew he was technically its father he couldn’t find it within himself to exert any paternal instinct; it was only a representation of how completely Kim owned him. He was just an incubator and toy to her, though he realized it could have been much worse. He’d seen some true horrors in his time here, though his own situation was horrifying in its own right.

Some of those nightmares were right in front of him now, he realized, as he struggled to find a comfortable position on the cold stone. The fake sun above them was only a normal-sized lightbulb that illuminated the large tables on which Segesta sat in a secret room in Kim’s office; it provided constant, unchanging light. But no heat. Men were constantly unclothed and cold, another little reminder of their sub-human class.

Out there in the brown soil, women punched and swung at one another, learning intricacies of hand-to-hand combat that Mack knew would soon be used in the real, regular sized world. Opposite of their position on the great circle, a smaller group of women was practicing throwing spears a surprising distance. Mack wasn’t sure how spears would help them in a fight when guns existed, but he realized that when these women made their move on the unsuspecting world, they would probably make themselves large enough that those spears would be the size of buses.

He followed the flight of one of the spears and realized his assumption had been correct; a model house was obliterated by a spear as he watched. A second spear missed the tiny figures that spilled from the model and Mack realized it had been full of people. Or men, most likely. Then the thrower sprinted forward and turned her run into a somersault. With a laugh she rolled to her feet and threw her hands overhead as she laughed and one of her friends began to peel the flattened bodies off of her back.

Kim laughed at the display and took a sip of her drink.

A week ago the casual smiting of several lives would have made Mack sick. Now he knew that being smashed by a giantess was at least a fast way to die.

As though the universe heard his thoughts and sought to remind him of his plight, a bell rang several times and the training women all ran to one side of the dirt circle. Mack groaned, both in pain and in anticipation; he knew what this was. Whenever Kim made it to the training grounds they were sure to put on a display of martial prowess for her.

And the exhibitions always involved women showcasing their newest ideas for tormenting men. It was how Mack had realized what Kim’s real plan was when it came to the actual execution of her female revolution. She simply didn’t have enough warriors to take over the entire country. He hadn’t realized how she could use her shrinking technology to her advantage; it would be no problem for her to take over the country if her warriors were all thirty feet tall or more.

Which is probably why they’re not bothering very much with firearms, Mack thought as the being within his stomach settled down.

Those thoughts ran through Mack’s head just as a new set of warriors jogged onto the field. These were wearing shiny armor straight out of an old gladiator movie and wielded a variety of weapons between them. The three newcomers all stood easily seven foot tall, though in reality Mack knew they were all likely somewhere near an inch tall. Not that it would matter if one of those women decided he needed a broken nose. Mack knew if he saw them on the street there would be a visible bulge under their togas; he was getting better at telling which women were simply women and which were futa-women with cocks that put his to shame.

“This will be you someday, my sweet!” Kim said to Mack’s belly before she turned back to the field. Mack groaned as his belly shifted again; he knew next to nothing about normal pregnancies but he knew none of this was normal. If he hadn’t seen several men he knew to be repeat ‘fathers’ he’d have been worried about this child bursting its way through his stomach.

On the field the women had burst into action as several men were released from cages that Mack hadn’t even realized were beneath where he was sitting. These had clearly seen combat before and they moved as a unit. There was a sense of desperation as they moved toward the well-armed trio, which wasn’t at all bothered by the fact that the were outnumbered.

As Mack watched the two groups made contact. Instantly one of the women was on the ground, rolling in the dirt with a man who appeared to outweigh her by at least a hundred pounds. Then there was a brief flash as he was suddenly shrunk, Mack couldn’t see by what, then the woman’s boot kicked his now six-inch form into the air.

Without missing a beat that same women leapt to her feet, pushed back another man who tried to bear-hug her, and pulled a knife. With a flowery motion she twirled the blade and effortlessly cleaved the falling shrunken man in two as he fell, then spun quickly to bury her knife in the other man’s chest. Kim laughed in delight as Mack looked on in horror.

The rest of the men weren’t faring any better, and Mack knew that this was never intended to be a fair fight. It was simply these women’s exhibition of the fanciest way they could shrink and kill a man.

It’s their gloves! Mack realized as Kim grabbed his shoulder and threw him forward onto his hands and knees. From his new viewpoint he couldn’t see the carnage below, which meant he missed out on one of the women driving her spear through another man’s stomach before grabbing his shoulder and shrinking him, causing him to explode around the spear’s shaft as his shrinking body was unable to accommodate for the metal.

Not being able to see was no blessing for Mack. Though Kim had used him dozens of times over the past week or so his backdoor was still unused to her violent intrusion. He hadn’t realized it for several days, but the cream she forced on his backdoor as he lay crying simply closed him up as though she’d never been there. For Kim it was simply incubator maintenance, keeping him tight as the first day she’d robbed him of his manhood in her office. For him it was a way to forcibly relive every painful tearing sensation.

He screamed as she forced her way into him and jerked upward in an attempt to dislodge her invading member. As always she knew what he was going to do before he did and she absentmindedly wrapped an arm around his throat as she drove herself further into him. Mack’s vision dimmed as he felt her hips push against his cheeks for the second time that day. Tears streamed down his face as his stomach writhed; every thrust caused the child he was carrying to shift and bounce.

His bottom was full of burning steel that forced his organs to accommodate its massive girth. Slowly she pulled out, then returned her length into him more quickly.

“Amazing!” he heard Kim yell above him as she released his neck. He fell forward and gasped for air as he heard the crowd yell in the distance. She continued to pound him as he cried, driven by the lust that violence always awakened in her.

“Again!” she yelled as she held herself deep inside of him.

Mack felt his legs give out and he tried to fall from his position on all fours to the floor. He knew that position would give him no actual respite, but his body wouldn’t let him stay in his current position. As he fell one of Kim’s arms pushed at his hips while the other pushed on his shoulders and he was rammed forward into the concrete barrier that had been blocking his view.

“Now stay put!” Kim said playfully to him as though she weren’t forcefully shoving him into rough concrete while raping his ass.

Then Mack knew that he was out of her mind. She had positioned him so that he was stuck with his neck awkwardly bent downward and his rear had to be in the air. Which was perfect for her. Every attempt he made to push backward only yanked on his arms and neck painfully. He wasn’t going anywhere as tears streamed down his face.

As the tall redhead watched the continuing exhibition she took her time inside Mack. She knew that she had places to be that afternoon, but she couldn’t help it. Between having a hot and tight hole to bury herself in and the violent orchestra she was watching, she was in heaven.  Hearing him cry out in pain below her only sealed the deal even more.

Kim pushed herself as deep into Mack as she could go as the warriors finished their exhibition. With a final flurry the three warriors threw a tiny between them with fast, precise throws until the tallest of them leapt forward with a spinning kick and sent the tiny man screaming upward.

With an excited shout Kim leapt upward, pulling herself from Mack’s abused asshole. He fell forward with a scream as she flew upward, for what he did not know.

“I got him!” Kim yelled out as she came back down with the six-inch man in her hand. His screaming was inaudible over the cheering of the crowd and the three female warriors hi-fived each other. Their final spectacle had been a roaring success, complete with them kicking the screaming tiny all the way to their leader in the crowd.

Mack screamed as she landed hard on his ankle, and he felt something crack. Ignoring the yelling, he dragged himself painfully forward and away from Kim, though he knew it was futile.

Knowing what the crowd wanted, she held the screaming man overhead with both hands, one wrapped around his shoulders and the other around his hips.

“The world will be ours!” she shouted, and the crowd responded gleefully.

With a cry she squeezed the man until she felt his struggles cease, then she yanked her hands apart. Her victim tore in half as she pulled, and she was careful to aim her arms forward enough that the spray of blood didn’t get on her face. There was a faint scream from her hands as the man managed one last scream, then Kim tossed both halves of him into the arena while the warriors cheered.

“Ours!” they chanted as a group, “Ours! Ours!”

Mack climbed to his knees as he heard the crowd shouting. He didn’t pay attention to the words, beyond recognizing that they were chanting something as though it were their anthem. His legs refused to work correctly and his stomach squirmed, but he pushed forward. His right foot dragged painfully on the ground, and he knew it was broken from Kim landing on it.

Then the crowd stopped cheering, their anthem clearly completed.

“Ooh, good thinking!” he heard Kim say happily, and he realized that his attempt at escape had only positioned himself to be mounted once again.

Kim all but leapt on him, forcing her cock into his backdoor once more. Mack screamed as she pounded into him with long, full strokes. This time she didn’t try to hold back or slow down, and he was thrown forward with each thrust until he was nearly flat on the ground, his head hanging off the top step. As he cried out he saw several futa-women giggle at him as they walked by. Then one of Kim’s hands grabbed a handful of his short hair and yanked his head backward.

“Don’t ever forget you’re mine,” she whispered angrily into his ear as he felt her thrusting become more erratic.

As she shot her load into his bowels in a flood of heat, Mack’s world began to spin. The pain in his backside receded, as though it were happening to someone else, someone far away. The ceiling light, far above them and mimicking the sun, was suddenly dimming and Mack heard Kim say something into his ear again. He only heard it as a distant echo, and when she let go of his hair he fell flat on the ground.

“Get up,” Kim said to him as she pulled herself free from his anus. When he remained oddly motionless she kicked his deformed ankle, expecting that to wake him with a scream. This wasn’t the first time he’d passed out post-rape, but it was the first time she hadn’t been able to wake him with a kick.

“Ugh,” she said as she let her toga fall back forward while rolling her eyes. Kim waved over an attendant who was quick to respond, her eyes only briefly flickering to Mack’s unconscious form before she gave Kim a slight bow.

“Get him back to my home,” Kim said to the attendant as she kicked Mack’s ankle again, thoroughly annoyed. “I’ve got meetings to go to.”

Without waiting for the attendant to acknowledge her command, Kim turned and strode away. She hadn’t been lying, she was already late for a meeting with her generals. The day of their invasion was still more than a month away, but one could never be too ready. Behind her the attendant was already recruiting several helpers to bring Mack back to General Kim’s estate.


Mack awoke with a start, his stomach moving painfully as he jerked awake.

“Oh hell!” he said as he looked down. Someone had dragged him back to his bed in Kim’s estate, a massive white bed that made the best hotel room he’d ever seen look like a hovel. It wasn’t comfortable at all to him; he was sure that anything soft would forever remind him of the feeling of being violently raped. The room itself was painfully clean and smelled of lavender, a stark contrast to what actually occurred therein.

And just to remind him that being raped wasn’t all that had happened, a bulge formed on his stomach. Something pushed outward near his belly button, only an inch but that was enough. Mack let out a cry of terror and rolled off the bed. The rolling only caused the pain in his stomach to intensify and his ankle to scream in agony, but Mack didn’t care. He had to go. He had to run.

For the first time in weeks he wasn’t surrounded by women or futa-women who could easily overpower him, nor was he chained to the bed.

This could be my only chance, Mack thought as he stumbled forward toward the door, his right ankle buckling painfully with each step. His nakedness didn’t bother him, he’d been naked ever since Kim had shrank him. The cold marble felt good on his rapidly swelling right foot and his feet slapped lightly on the floor, but as he peered left and right down the hall he could feel it.

Aside from the life growing in his stomach he was alone.

Knowing that if he turned right toward the front door and ran from the house he’d only be caught and forced into the worst punishment he could imagine, Mack instead turned left. He limped further into the house, listening for other people as hard as he could. He didn’t know what would happen if he was found wandering the mansion and he had no intention of finding out.

Biting back cries of pain from his ankle he passed several open doors on either side of the hallway; one led to a darkened kitchen, one was marked ‘maintenance’ and another seemed to lead down a flight of steep stairs that Mack had no intention of attempting. At the end of the hallway there was only the option to turn right, and after pausing a moment to catch his breath Mack continued on. He passed another door, this one locked, then finally he came across what he’d desperately hoped for: a larger room with several computers.

Carefully he dragged himself into the room, and the lights automatically flickered on.

“Shit!” he said quietly to himself as he fumbled at the sensor. He pushed the two buttons on the wall at random and the lights turned off again. There continued to be no sounds from the rest of the house and he carefully sat down in front of the nearest computer. It was a model he didn’t recognize, but it turned on quickly and he had a second stroke of luck: it didn’t require a password.

The internet started just as quickly and Mack looked around him suspiciously. This was going too well, but there were no alarms as far as he could tell. Clearly Kim’s forces had never considered an intrusion from the inside; the least strong woman here could easily overpower a man, and every futa-woman here was eagerly awaiting an escape attempt. Every person in Segesta was effectively a security guard.

“Yet here I am,” Mack whispered as the computer hummed faintly. He groaned as his stomach moved; it was as though the life within sensed that what he was doing would displease its mother. Knowing he had very little time he ignored the pain and typed rapidly.

Just as he finished and clicked ‘send’ there was a faint ‘click’ from somewhere else in the house. Mack felt the blood drain from his face and he stood quickly, forgetting the pain in his ankle. He swallowed a curse and pushed in the chair, tapping the ‘off’ button as he did so. His stomach shifted again and he felt the child inside roll onto his bladder.

“Oh, not now!” he whispered as he pulled himself into the hallway as fast as he could. To his left there was the distinct sound of boots approaching and he turned right, throwing himself down the hall. A faint cry of pain escaped his lips and the boots behind him stopped. Mack bit down on his hand to keep himself from crying out again and felt something else crack in his ankle as he kept moving.

Just as the boots resumed getting louder Mack turned the corner to the longer hall that would bring him back to his luxurious prison cell.

“Huh,” he heard a woman’s voice say behind him. “Is someone there?” The boots moved forward again and Mack propelled himself forward as fast as he could.

She hadn’t seen him, but Mack knew she was walking his way. This wasn’t a video game, the woman wasn’t going to stop investigating the sound without at least looking down the hallway that Mack was currently struggling down. He bit down harder on his hand and began pulling himself faster using the door frames as he passed.

Mack’s heart pounded and his ankle screamed, his stomach writhed and his bladder was about to explode. But just as it seemed impossible that he’d return to his room in time to avoid a horrifying punishment he reached his doorway. There was no actual door, men didn’t get that kind of privacy here, so he turned and threw himself inside as fast as he could.

Thirty seconds later a tall, heavyset brunette woman entered Mack’s room and frowned. He wasn’t in his bed, where she’d been told he would be waiting. Unconscious. Without thinking she slipped a knife from her belt and quickly checked the few places in the room he could have been hiding to ambush her.

Under the bed. Out on the tiny veranda that she was stunned Kim’s incubator hadn’t thrown himself from yet. She felt herself grow cold as she considered what might happen to her if he’d escaped when she was supposed to be watching.

Just as she was about to run out of the room to sound the alarm for an escaped male she heard something that set her at ease: the flush of a toilet. Segesta’s Roman architecture didn’t preclude modern plumbing.

As she slid her knife back into its sheath Mack limped through the doorway that led to the restroom, the only other room in the house he was allowed in unaccompanied. He looked up at her, his face white and sweating from pain. His stomach moved visibly as she watched and he looked at her, clearly scared of her and confused as to why she was there.

“What do you want?” he asked with his voice shaking, making her smile as she realized he was afraid to even speak to her. Her eyes flickered to his ankle which was swollen and red, his foot turned slightly outward. It was clearly broken. Kim wouldn’t be pleased; an incubator in that kind of pain could have birthing complications.

Ignoring his question she replied, “I’ll have a medic come look at your ankle.” Then she turned to leave.

“You’re not gonna…” he said as he stumbled toward the bed, gesturing at the bedpost that he was usually cuffed to.

“Please,” she said with a scoff as she approached the open doorframe. “You can barely walk to the toilet, I’m not worried about you running off.”

Mack collapsed onto the bed as she left, huffing in effort as his ankle pulsed. His shaking was completely unrelated to the pain and he let out a breath that he’d been holding since clicking ‘send’ on the computer.

She didn’t catch me! he thought, the first happy thought he’d had in a week. Now I just have to hope I did the right thing.

His stomach shifted again and he fell backward onto the pillows.


The medic arrived shortly and brought with her several gadgets that Mack didn’t recognize. One was apparently a handheld x-ray machine which she consulted several times as she pushed and pulled on his foot. Mack bit down on the strip of leather she gave him while she moved him about, making sure his bones were aligned how she wanted them.

Then she tightly wrapped his ankle with a metallic gauze that shrank to mold to his swollen ankle almost instantly.

“Don’t try to walk on it for the rest of the day,” the blonde woman said as she packed her equipment into what looked like a large fishing tackle box. “That smart cast will immobilize the ankle until I come back to remove it tomorrow.”

Mack thought about asking her for something for the pain, but he knew it would be futile. He was surprised that the woman had come at all to fix his ankle; he was sure that no one in Segesta would care about a hurt man.

“Thank you,” he said as she left. The woman ignored him, but Kim didn’t as she entered, giving the medic a respectful nod as the two passed.

“You’re welcome!” Kim said cheerfully, giving him a smile that would’ve made him buy her a drink at any bar in the world before any of this nightmare had begun. “I’m glad you’re finally adapting to being here!”

“That’s not what I-“ Mack started to say, then he let his words trail off. They wouldn’t do any good, and he was already out of Kim’s mind. She was staring happily at his belly and crawling onto the bed as he spoke. Mack looked at the ceiling, knowing what was coming.

The tall redhead laid her head gingerly on his stomach, and in response to the pressure the baby within shifted about. Mack groaned in discomfort as Kim began talking. He held back the urge to vomit as the movement increased; the front of his stomach bulged and he knew the thing within him was reaching out toward its mother.

“Hey in there,” Kim said softly, feeling Mack’s distorted stomach pushing against her cheek, “Just a few more days then we get to meet!”

She reached up and pulled the pillow out from behind Mack’s head. He restrained the urge to protest; it would only get him punched. The pillow went under Kim’s back, making her a little more comfortable as she lay on her side.

“You’re gonna be big and strong!” she continued, caressing his stomach. “You’re gonna grow so fast! I can’t wait to teach you how to swing a sword!” Kim gasped as there was a stronger tap on her cheek. “And you’ll be right by my side as we take the capital!”

Mack thought about what she was saying and knew there wasn’t much the normal-sized world would be able to do to stop her. The military was strong, but no one was prepared for fifty-foot tall women with cocks and spears and a love of causing pain. By the time people knew to panic half of them would be dead and the other half would be mid-rape.

Unless his message was taken seriously.

He lay back on the bed and tried to make himself comfortable as Kim continued to talk to his belly. It was a futile act, but he had to try. No matter what he did he was stuck here. A tear rolled down his cheek as he stared at the ceiling and his ankle continued to pulse painfully with each heartbeat.

Kim ran a hand along his belly as it continued to writhe in response to her voice.

Mack knew he only had a couple of days before this nightmare took a turn for the worse.


The Arrival by Thatgirlyouknow
Author's Notes:

Mack finally gives birth and the city of Segesta celebrates!

“Aaahhhh!” Mack yelled as his stomach writhed painfully. His legs refused to work when he tried to scramble backward, as though that would somehow get him away from the pain. As he watched something pushed hard against the front of his stomach, causing it to bulge outward obscenely. Then there was a sharp pain deeper inside, where he thought his bladder was, as something else kicked downward.

A stinging sensation across the face silenced him. Tears streamed down his face as he bit back another cry. It would only earn him another slap.

“Just another minute!” Kim said excitedly, leaning over his belly and talking sweetly to the writhing form within. She’d been happily talking to the baby-thing growing in Mack’s belly for the past several days; it had grown incredibly fast, just as Kim had told him it would. Most of his time in Segesta was already being barricaded away in his memory, painful, foul memories that his mind protected him from by hiding them.

But the knowledge that he was an incubator for a baby that was the product of his rape by a woman with a penis much larger than his own would never leave him. No amount of therapy would -

Mack bit down on his arm to avoid crying out again another woman walked into the room. She was wearing a toga just like Kim, except where Kim’s had five golden stars somehow floating above each shoulder hers had three blue stripes that wound together in the style of a caduceus. Mack had no idea how their clothing casually made those holographic rank-images, and he was past the point of caring. The only silver lining in today’s nightmare, merely the most recent horror he’d been subjected to, was the sight of the doctor.

He had no doubt what was about to happen would be painful, and the new woman, who had her head closely shaven and wore a cruel grin, had already several times gleefully broken his fingers before she fixed them. As a doctor she had incredible skills and insane technology; all with absolutely no morals holding her back where men were concerned. This would not be easy. But no matter how bad it was, at least he’d have this thing out of his stomach.  

Until she rapes me again, Mack thought as Kim smiled at the doctor who was now holding a horrifying large speculum. Kim had made it clear to him that there was no rest for the weary, and he knew that their advanced technology would have him back to his regular pre-rape hole size by the end of the day. It had been that way after every violent rape; Kim simply smeared a cream on his abused rear and later that day it was like she’d never forced herself into him until he passed out.

Then the woman pressed several buttons on a device hanging from her toga. Suddenly the exam table he was on jerked backward, causing him to cry out in pain as something cold and metallic grabbed his ankles while the thing in his stomach began moving rapidly. His legs were roughly spread and he was tilted backward until his head was below his hips. The blood rushed to his head as something that sounded horrifyingly like a saw was turned on.

“Here we go!” Kim said excitedly as the world grew dark.

The next few minutes were a blur for Mack as his body struggled to remain conscious. There were shots of pain below his waist, screams that he realized were coming from him, cries of joy from an audience he hadn’t noticed enter the room. And then silence.

Before he drifted into blissful unconsciousness he heard the bizarre scream of a child; somehow too loud and purposeful for a newborn.

“Congratulations!” a distant voice said as a child’s laugh echoed through the rapidly darkening room.


Mack jerked awake, sitting up rapidly in bed, stifling a scream. Instantly his hands went to his stomach, which was no longer horrifyingly bulging but instead felt bizarrely empty; his hands felt folds of stretched skin instead, as though he’d lost fifty pounds in ten minutes. One of his abdominal muscles began to cramp and he rolled to his side on the massive white bed, stretching upward to relax the muscle before it became too painful.

It quickly became obvious to him that he was alone. Truly alone. Just himself in the massive luxurious prison of his room. No thing in his belly. No tall muscular redhead about to take him painfully from behind. As near as he could tell there wasn’t even a guard at the door; they usually stationed themselves so that they could see directly into the room, denying him even the illusion of privacy.

I gotta go! Mack thought desperately, still only half-awake from the traumatic event of giving birth. His legs worked well enough now that there was no moving mass compressing the nerves, and he threw himself from the bed. It was a struggle to stand upright and everything hurt but he was driven.

He stood on wobbly legs and took two shaking steps toward the door. Then Kim arrived.

The tall redhead towered over him and skipped toward him, a movement that would have been hypnotically sexy had she been a normal woman. Knowing she hid a nine-inch cock under her shapely toga only turned her smiling skip into foreshadowed terror.

“Good, you’re up!” she said excitedly with a smile that told him she knew exactly what he’d been thinking. Her red hair was done up in a fancy style that reminded him of a movie character, and he noticed her toga was even more adorned than usual. The white material was softer, ribbons wrapped around the left side and-.

“Oh!” Kim said with a giggle that didn’t fool him for a moment, “This is my dress uniform. Don’t worry about the ribbons, but this,” she slid a finger under the thick red belt at her midsection as her voice grew darker, “is what you should be more focused on.”

Mack couldn’t help himself and he leaned forward to see that the belt was actually white, it simply had so many small red tick-marks on it that it appeared red.

“One tick,” her voice said as she closed the distance between him and placed a massive hand on his shoulder, “For every man I’ve personally killed.”

Mack didn’t miss the fact that the bulge under her toga grew as she thought about killing men.

He should have felt more fear from that statement, but her hand on his shoulder was too distracting. Instead of guessing how many marks she had he focused on not falling over as she pushed him to turn in a circle, leaving him facing the bed. Mack shook and a single tear rolled down his cheek as Kim pushed him forward; the bed hit him above the knees and her unyielding strength bent him forward. Something massive settled between his cheeks and Kim kicked his feet to spread them apart.

“I’m so glad you finally gave me my first daughter!” Kim said as she situated herself behind Mack. He let out a strangled cry as the head of her cock settled on his newly tightened hole, “There’s gonna be a celebration,” she said as he let out a small scream while she pushed forward, “But we’ve got time first.”

“Oh!” she said, surprised and pausing as she was half buried in Mack’s tight hole. The redhead giggled.

“I almost forgot!”

Mack gasped as she yanked herself roughly out of his backside and walked away. His legs refused to work but Kim returned almost immediately, wrapping one forearm around his hips and yanking him upward onto the bed. Expertly she rolled him onto his back and despite his best efforts to resist, she forcefully pulled his right knee up to his ear.

“Remember this?” she said to him as his face grew red, holding up a large black egg.

“No!” he screamed as she laughed aloud. “No!”

Twenty minutes later Mack was face-down on the bed, his throat raw from screaming. Kim was already shrugging back into her toga as a maid entered the room holding a small box.

“Get him ready,” Kim said as she walked to the door, “And put a couple of stirrers in there, I want him pregnant as soon as possible.”

“Yes, General!” the smaller blonde girl stated as the general’s hand darted in and out of the box she was carrying. There was a faint scream that made the girl smile as one of the tinies was tossed into the General’s mouth, silenced as Kim’s lips closed and she started to chew.

“Okay, pet,” the girl said as she pulled on one of Mack’s legs, half dragging him off the bed. She may have been small, but every woman and futa-woman in Segesta was exceptional. “I’m gonna get you ready!”

Her cheerful voice was a sharp contrast to the screaming figure suddenly in her hand. Mack simply cried silently as he felt a squirming form be shoved into his colon. He knew the poor man would simply be stirring Kim’s seed as he fought and panicked, and if things progressed as quickly as the first time Kim would pronounce him pregnant later that day. If the little man was lucky, he’d suffocate to death before Kim mounted him again.

They usually weren’t lucky.


Two hours later Mack was kneeling on a pillow in front of Kim as a party raged all around him. Or so he heard; all he could see was the skin above the base of Kim’s cock. Over the past several weeks she’d trained him well. His body was repulsed by what she forced him to do, and his spirit hated every moment of it. But he knew his only real hope of survival and vengeance lay in keeping alive until rescue arrived.

Which better be fast! he thought as tears streamed down his face. The table was at the perfect height that there was no way he could pull his mouth off her cock. Exactly as designed. Occasionally he felt movement in his colon as the stirrer attempted escape, but the servant girl had applied the tightening cream immediately; there was no escape for the little man.

Mack kept himself from even thinking of the message he’d sent out several days ago. In a desperate moment he’d sent an email to an old friend, one of the few people who he knew would be able to help him. If he believed him. And if Kim didn’t make her move on the outer world first. It had been a desperate gamble that he hoped would pay off with his freedom.

“She’s so amazing!” one of the lieutenants said to Kim as Lara took her first steps across the table. The several hours old child was already walking; children grown from Kim’s incubators grew as insanely fast as they developed in their faux womb. Of course her hair was short and red; one thing Kim’s scientists hadn’t figured out was how to speed hair growth.

Kim laughed as her firstborn daughter stumbled across the table. The little redhead accidentally kicked open a bowl of inchers, and the girl snatched one up off the table.

“Oh!” Kim said as her daughter giggled ridiculously and dropped the screaming man into her mouth, “Her first kill!”

The rest of the women around the table cheered on the child as she giggled and chewed. Her teeth had only half arrived, but they were enough. Kim leaned forward and wiped her daughter’s face with a napkin as she felt Mack start to choke, her rod having slipped halfway into his throat with the movement.

“Well done honey!” she told the little girl who danced and clapped on the table. “You’re gonna be so strong!”

Just then a gong rang out from nearby, and Kim motioned to a servant who immediately picked up little Lara. The girl giggled as she was picked up and pulled on the servant’s hair.

“I’ll see you soon little one!” Kim said happily, knowing the servant would keep the girl occupied until the celebration was over. Probably longer; as proud as Kim was of her daughter she also knew that she didn’t have the time to train the girl in the ways of combat and domination. The General watched as her daughter was carried away, then turned to watch the feast arrive.

Her forces had been eagerly awaiting the birth of her first child for months, ever since they realized that their leader had abstained from her own pleasure to ensure their cause was better prepared. The sacrifice she made for them all had driven them all to greater heights in their training; Kim knew they were already capable of taking over the capital city. In a few more weeks, time enough for two more rounds of births and thousands of more warriors, they’d make their move.

This feast was for her. To celebrate her finally having a child. To celebrate the successes that they knew were coming. Kim recognized the need for a morale booster so close to them finally making their move.

Scores of servants appeared holding a shining silver plate in each hand, each with their own dome covers. One of the plates was placed on the center of the table, evenly spaced between the eleven members of the table who sat across from one another with Kim at the head. The other plate they carried was gently set in front of each of the diners.

Kim smiled, not knowing what lay under the dome but sure she’d be pleased. Under the table Mack’s head and mouth was slowing its bobbing, but she didn’t care. This night was young and there would be plenty of time for diversions. Every part of the celebration had been impressive so far and straightening out his poor effort later would just be another part of the fun.

Before the servants, all ‘normal’ women who had been specially selected for their near-matching appearance of pale faces and short black hair, could lift the domes and officially start the feast Kim stood. Her toga fell over her hard cock and Mack was suddenly left kneeling with his mouth stuck open, barely avoiding falling on his face and taking the chance to breath. All around him he could hear the other ten slaves sucking and gagging themselves; at first the size of their tables had seemed excessive, then he’d realized that all the high ranking futa-women had male slaves themselves when he’d been shoved under the first time.

A look around showed him the other men doing their duty with varying degrees of enthusiasm, and varying degrees of burns on their backs. Thus far Mack had avoided that type of punishment but only because Kim enjoyed hurting him in different ways.

Every officer at the table looked at Kim when she stood, and their polite conversations all died out as she tapped a silver spoon against the side of her wine glass.

“Everyone,” she started with a smile as she looked at her highest-ranking Lieutenants, “Thank you all for your support today, and not just today but all the days before! Today we celebrate both the birth of my first daughter-“ she paused for the polite clapping that brought, “but also our approaching revolution! By our latest assessments-“

Kim spoke for several minutes, keeping her speech as short as she could manage. There was a lot to get out there, not specifically for her Lieutenants, but more because she knew her speech would soon be committed to history. They may have been living in a faux-Roman city, but she knew at least three cameras were recording her every word.

There would be other speeches, but she never knew which one would be the most celebrated throughout the history she was creating.

“And with that, let’s eat!”

The general sat back down as her Lieutenants cheered, and all around Segesta fireworks began erupting. Most of the city, and every one of their linked cities, had listened to her speech as everyone was eagerly awaiting the day that they moved their growing armies from tiny hidden cities to the normal sized world. Soon they would be unleashed upon the country, which they would dominate and rule utterly.

But tonight they would feast!

The domes in the middle were lifted off first, revealing masses of inch-tall men entangled in a variety of side-dishes. Kim gasped as she saw steamed asparagus, topped on either end with impaled tiny men that were somehow still wiggling, side-salads with half-inch men half-baked into croutons, and thin biscuits that had tiny men baked straight into them.

“How-?” Kim started to ask as one of the servants leaned forward again to take the dome off of her own plate. The pain in every tiny men’s eyes was incredible, and the positions that they were stuck in were deliciously painful. Before this meal she’d eaten hundreds of tiny men, at a low estimate. But she’d never seen anything quite like this.

“Master-Chef Eileen has perfected her recipes, General,” the servant replied as she grasped the handle of the covering on Kim’s plate, “These tinies have been especially treated to withstand anything short of extreme head trauma and stomach acid. Enjoy!”

With that said she pulled the silver dome from the plate and Kim gasped as she saw what was lying underneath. Below the table Mack reluctantly put his mouth back on her cock, not knowing that just above him a thousand men were living a far worse nightmare.

On Kim’s plate was a man who had obviously been through an oven. Had he been standing he would have been a foot and a half tall, but he’d been forced into a tight kneeling position and bound with a thin strand of twine in multiple places. His skin had been basted with butter and herbs and was beautifully browned, his body-builder’s arms tied behind his back showcasing his biceps and triceps. Kim peeked with a giggle and saw that his backside had been stuffed with a single baby carrot while his mouth had been stuffed with a grape tomato.

Then he blinked and she realized his facial expression of agony wasn’t a leftover from his final moments.

“He’s still alive!” Kim said, stunned and delighted as the rest of the Lieutenants made that realization themselves. Suddenly there was a buzz of excited conversation as everyone marveled at the culinary masterpiece in front of them.

“My compliments to the chef!” Kim told the servant as she picked up her knife and fork.

Her dinner’s eyes flashed up at her in a mixture of terror, pain, and confusion. He tried to jerk away but his nerve endings had all been burned away, though he could feel the tines of the fork pierce into his bicep. That very morning he’d followed a woman to her car after an excellent workout and the rest of the day had been a nightmare. She’d felt his biceps, injected him with a clear liquid, and he’d awoken just as a giant woman was ramming seasonings up his ass and down his throat.

He screamed around the tiny tomato in his mouth as the knife descended. In the distance he made eye contact with another victim whose leg was currently being yanked off by a ravenous blonde, a silent scream on his face. All around similarly tortured men were being yanked apart; one brunette had simply leaned forward and bitten into another man’s leg.

Then he felt cold steel at his arm.


Once the feast was complete Kim stood again, and this time Mack couldn’t keep his balance when she suddenly moved.

“Gah!” he said as her mass was suddenly yanked from his mouth, and he hit the cold stone ground quickly. It didn’t hurt, compared to other more recent pains, but it was a painful surprise.

Exhausted, he watched Kim’s feet move into the distance, and someone kicked him lightly in the shoulder.

“Get up!” someone said to him, and he scrambled to his feet reflexively. The next kick would not be so gentle.

“Slaves!” another female voice said to his left, “To me!”

He shuffled along with the rest of his beaten-down male comrades, some with large bellies, some without. Some with pain and self-disgust on their faces, others with the resigned faces of someone waiting for their name to be called on death row. It wasn’t often that he got to mingle, and they weren’t allowed to talk, but it helped to be reminded he wasn’t alone.

Help is coming, he told himself silently as they followed the futa-woman who was clearly their handler for the moment. Together the group of men blindly stumbled along, following an ever-growing crowd of women, until he realized where they were going. The Colosseum. Mack’s hands shook until he realized they were being led away from the lower areas and toward the higher-up seats.

He may have hated everything that was happening, but he wasn’t stupid. Men who went into the bottom entrances of the Colosseum were part of the entertainment.

Then his aching feet were forced to climb the stone steps that he knew led to Kim’s private viewing area; at this point multiple servants arrived and began directing the slaves toward different boxes. Mack knew which was his destination, but he still waited for direction lest he be on the receiving end of another beating. When his name was called he followed the servant into Kim’s private box.

The area was largely unchanged, except for what he recognized as a bench for him to kneel over, which was situated behind a hole in the stone wall. There were attachments on the bench that matched those on the wall, and Mack realized he’d have a front row view of the carnage. Then the servant kicked him in the back of the knee, dropping him forward and pushing her own knee onto his back. As he cried out his chest hit the covered bench and before he realized what was happening leather straps were holding his body tightly in position.

He had no illusions about what was about to happen. It wasn’t the first time Kim had had him strapped down so tightly he couldn’t move. There was a sensation of movement behind him and he made sure to hold his head still as the servant slid the bench forward. Had he looked around his head would have struck the edges of the hole he was shoved through. A sound that reminded him of magnets turned on briefly and Mack knew even if he was able to move the bench was now held tightly against the wall at a perfectly convenient height for Kim, while his head and shoulders were technically inside the arena, perhaps twenty feet above the ground.

Quickly he looked about and saw the other slaves in the same position, though they had far less room around them than he had. Their owners didn’t have a private box, though they had a better view than the bench seats that were quickly filling around the rest of the building. The men all looked as though they were stuffed deer on a trophy hunter’s wall, aside from the movement and cries of pain. At least two were getting an unseen beating on their hidden backsides.

Mack looked straight ahead, knowing there was no way to avoid what was sure to be a horrific sight, preparing himself for the worst. Instead he saw what looked like an incredibly detailed model of a city. There were buildings, dozens of tiny stories high, in the center, and the metropolis spread out on the floor of the Colosseum exactly like a real city would have. There was nothing Mack could use for an accurate sense of scale, but he thought someone had gone through a lot of trouble to make several square miles of city.

Then he saw movement.

A car? he wondered as something massive and hot was laid out across his lower back. He stiffened in response; Mack knew what that object was.

“Officers!” Kim called out from behind him. He couldn’t have turned to see her over the stone wall he was pushed through, but from her voice he could guess exactly what she was doing. His position would let her rape him in front of everyone, while forcing him to watch the exhibition. Even right now she was standing perfectly behind him with her cock across his back in front of hundreds, if not thousands, of onlookers.

“Soldiers!” she called out, letting her cock slide down his back until he felt it pushing against his exposed anus. With some effort he kept himself from stiffening up; it wouldn’t slow her down and it would just hurt him more.

“Citizens!” she finished as she pushed her massive rod into him. Mack tried to separate the pain as his upper half was similarly separate from his lower half, but it was too much. He screamed in pain, and the crowd laughed in response. Through tears he could see the bleachers full of women and futa-women, all laughing at his pain, knowing exactly what he was experiencing.

“Tonight, we will receive a demonstration!” she cried out, her voice reaching the entire crowd as the other male slaves began crying out in pain as well, “Behold! What used to be Hintervale,” she indicated the city in the Colosseum as though it weren’t obvious, “A city of several hundred thousand! Tonight we feast, tonight we revel! And soon, we go to war!”

Then it was as though someone had turned a light switch. The entire Colosseum turned dark save for spotlights that illuminated the city. As Mack stifled cries he could see a rising fire from within the shrunken city; likely a car crash in the confusion. Above the city a screen descended and a live video was shown from the top of one of the skyscrapers; it looked like a reporter spinning in confused, terrified circles.

How did she-? he wondered, trying to distract himself from the pain of Kim’s movements.

Then two warriors stepped into the light on either side of the city. Amplified sounds from the town suddenly came through unseen speakers and Mack could hear sirens, screams, shouting. The two turned to Kim and saluted her, each wearing a tight red robe that was covered in weapons and objects Mack didn’t recognize. Then the women grinned maliciously and each pulled a sphere from their belt.

“Shit!” Mack cried out as they each tossed the spheres underhand at one of the taller buildings. Instantly the spheres ‘popped’ loudly and sprayed an orange liquid in every direction. In moments the building started to sag as the acid burned through its structure and the sound of screams intensified. The video from the reporter tilted sideways then fell as the building collapsed before it shifted to a security camera from another nearby business; this showed a running crowd sprinting through the tiny streets.

The woman on the left pulled another object from her belt and stepped forward, smashing several houses with her feet, as it lengthened into a spear. With almost no effort she flicked the spear-point through two more of the downtown buildings, causing them to explode in a shower of shrapnel and bodies.

Distantly Mack felt Kim speed up her thrusting. He knew this excited her.

The other warrior simply did a dramatic bow, skipped around the border of the town to what appeared a residential area, and repeated the bow. Before Mack could react she swirled on one foot like a dancer, then turned a somersault through the buildings, demolishing hundreds of homes and thousands of lives as she rolled lightly back to her feet.

The crowd cheered as she threw her hands overhead and bowed again, showing the chunks of buildings that had caught in the material of her robe. Kim clapped excitedly too; Mack felt her cock jumping inside of him.

Then her thrusting resumed, long full strokes that seemed designed to cause him as much pain as possible while drawing out the experience for her.

Mack gave up and began to cry as the two women began frolicking through Hintervale, annihilating the city as they played.

We’re fucked! he thought as tears rolled down his face, How could you fight a thing like that?

Behind him Kim continued using him like a stroker as the demonstration went on.

We’re gonna own the world in a month! she thought as she buried herself in her toy. I’m making such a great world for my daughters! Just gotta get this one pregnant again.


Bruce Elway stepped into the elevator, reading his email one more time. He took a deep breath and laughed to himself as the doors closed.

“Incredible,” he said aloud as he finished the message from Mack. There was no reason to disbelieve his old coworker, even though he’d rocketed up the corporate ladder to CEO in record time while Mack had gone back to school. And he hadn’t worked his way up that fast by playing it safe.

It was a little mind-blowing to him that Mack had chosen to send his message-in-a-bottle to him rather than literally anyone else, but perhaps Mack knew how interested Bruce would be in all of Kim’s technology. After all, shrinking and other bleeding-edge technology was Bruce’s wheelhouse. There was no way Bruce could turn down the chance to remove his biggest competitor and appropriate her technology at the same time.

The fact that he might be saving the country from a violent revolution was merely a backdrop.

“Behind the bookcase,” he said to himself as the elevator doors opened with a *ding!*

The secretary looked up as he exited the elevator, confusion flashing across her face, then recognition.

Before she could react Bruce drew and fired a small, custom pistol directly into her forehead. A nonlethal dart spread nanobots through her body almost instantly, and she collapsed forward in a heap.

Bruce smiled as he watched her body flop downward as the nanobots worked their magic. In minutes her entire body would seem to be made of jelly, and when she awoke she’d find herself completely immobile. He’d gotten the idea from an old superhero movie, and once he figured out how to undo the nanobot’s work he’d have created the perfect spy, able to slip through almost any hole due their sudden lack of bones.

But for now, he thought as he reloaded the pistol and walked toward the fogged glass doors leading to Kim’s office, I’ll settle for something more direct.

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