Summary: This is how Doug grew up at the feet of some lovely women. It gets really interesting after an accident at a research facility.
I hope everyone enjoyed my first story.
Categories: Giantess,
Mouth Play,
Watersports Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.), Munchkin (2.9 ft. to 1 ft.)
Size Roles: F/m, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences, This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8
Completed: Yes
Word count: 40888
Read: 101393
Published: June 16 2020
Updated: July 08 2021
Story Notes:
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
1. Chapter 1 by Underfoottiny
2. Chapter 2 by Underfoottiny
3. Chapter 3 by Underfoottiny
4. Chapter 4 by Underfoottiny
5. Chapter 5 by Underfoottiny
6. Chapter 6 by Underfoottiny
7. Chapter 7 by Underfoottiny
8. Chapter 8 by Underfoottiny
Chapter 1 by Underfoottiny
Author's Notes:
My first story. Doug meets his aunt Nikki. She helps him find his giantess fetish.
Accidental Reality
The story of Doug, the Incredible Shrunken Man
Chapter 1
Staying with Nikki
Hello, I guess I should give you a little bit of a background so you know why I am the way I am. My name is Doug. I was born with a heart defect that caused my growth to be stunted. At the age of six, surgeons corrected the problem. They also told me my growth would eventually take off and catch up to where I should be. As of right now, Im sixteen years old and only twenty four inches tall. I havent grown much at all. I should be at least five and a half feet tall or taller considering the family I come from. So I am rather small. Yet, perfectly formed. A homunculus.
Being as small as I am, Ive become very fond of womens feet. Im closer to their feet than their face. Lets just say I learned to enjoy my size.
My mom has become very protective of me since all of the problems Ive had. Shes even afraid to let my aunt watch me while they go out for the evening. I really think I would be ok by myself.
Mom looked at me,Are you sure you want to stay with Nikki? Its just that...youre so small and shes like an amazon or something.
I said,Ill be ok.
Dad chimed in,Let the boy alone. Hell be fine. She wont step on him!
Mom said,Knock it off Mark, she might. Dad was laughing as he went to put my car seat in the car. How degrading, sixteen and still in a car seat. Mom looked at me and said,Im sorry honey. Im kind of protective.
I said,Im ok, Im just short for my age.
Mom said,Ive never seen a sixteen year old twenty four inches tall.
I told her,The doctor said I should start growing soon.
I know honey, I just worry, thats all.
Ill be fine, mom, its only while you and dad go out.
Mom conceded,Ok honey. We were off to my dads sisters house.
Mom asked dad,Why doesnt she have a boyfriend or husband? Because shes so tall?
Dad said, I know she doesnt care for most of the guys shes met. She thinks theyre after one thing and she has a no tolerance for that kind of guy. And yes, I think some guys are put off by her size. Im 64 and shes taller than me, even Bonnie is taller than me.
Mom asked,Does Bonnie still work at the country club?
Dad said,Yeah, she likes the tips. She said she makes a lot because people like to get their picture taken with her.
Mom said, I guess there arent many women as tall as your sisters. Nikkis really nice. She must get lonely in that big house?
Dad said,Yeah I think she does. I think thats why shes always working.
Mom said,If Doug likes it with her and she likes his company, we may be able to go out like we used to. You know, movies, dinner or a club.
Dad said,That would be awesome, its been a long time! We pulled into the driveway at Nikkis. Mom and I got out. Dad waved at Nikki standing in the doorway. We walked up to Nikki, she was twice the size of mom! She was smiling at us.
Nikki said,Hi Dougy! Im glad you came. Were going to have a good time. Hi Diane, how are you?
Mom said,Im good.How are you?
Nikki said, Tired, theyve been doing updates at work. Ive been fighting fires all week. Seems like everyone is having trouble.
Mom said,Im sorry, sounds awful.
Nikki said,It is.
Mom asked Nikki,Are you sure youre ok watching Doug?
Nikki smiled and said,Itll be nice to have someone to talk to. You and Mark go and have fun. Doug will be fine with me. I wont step on him...much. Nikki started laughing. Mom shot dad some mean looks. Dad shrugged and shook his head. Nikki said,Seriously, Im glad to have him.
I walked into her house, took my shoes off at the door to be polite. I went to the living room. The carpet was really soft. The furniture seemed to be pretty large. Everything is clean and in its place. I decided to lay on the floor. Tv was on a news channel.
I heard mom say goodbye and Nikki shut the door. Nikki stopped in front of me. All I could do was stare at her black flats. Raising the toe of one slowly, then bringing it down quickly. I gasped and I heard a quiet chuckle.
Nikki asked me,Do you want a drink? I shook my head no. Do you like movies?
I said,Yup, I watch sci-fi movies all the time. Nikki grabbed the remote. She turned the channel to Encore. She turned and walked into the kitchen. I thought her feet looked huge when she was standing in front of me. After she was out of sight, I looked at the tv. Attack of the 50ft woman was on with Daryl Hanna. I chuckled, how fitting.
Nikki returned from the kitchen toting a glass of wine. She sat on the couch I was lying in front of. She took a sip of wine, took her shoes off and swung her legs up on the couch. Her right foot was hanging over me. The smell quickly hit my nose. Bitter, leather and vinegar smell was pretty strong as it was a warm spring day.
I kept looking at her foot, it looked huge! I looked back at her shoes, on the sole of the one I could see a circle with a one and a six on it. I could feel the heat from the bottom of her foot. I saw the rounded heal, the wrinkles in the arch, the long toes. They looked very soft. I could see dim light through the stretched suntan nylon mesh between her toes. I was awestruck.
Apparently she was watching me for a while. Nikki flexed her toes, I looked at her and she was smiling at me. She placed her foot on my back. Her heel was on my butt and her toes on the back of my neck! The heat and dampness felt incredible!
She said How about a back rub? That massive foot started moving back and forth. Her toes tried to grab the back of my head, she was rubbing, twisting and kneading my head with her toes! She moved slowly down my back doing the same movements with her toes. After reaching my butt she stopped, moved her foot back up so the ball of her foot was on my neck and toes on the back of my head. She stayed that way slowly drinking her wine. I fell in love with this huge foot and the feeling of it on me!
A little while later I heard a light snore, she had succumbed to the effects of the wine and a long day at work.
As I lay there, I kept thinking I need to feel this on my face. I turned my head, she adjusted her foot to my movement. I still couldnt get my face on her sole, so I decided to roll on my back. As I rolled towards the couch, her foot fell off me onto the floor.
I laid there a few seconds looking at her. Her long blonde hair, ample chest, very long legs that were kind of muscular. I could see veins track across the top of her foot through the nylon making small ripples in the fabric. As I was looking at her foot, she stirred and her foot raised. Her foot found me, settled with the ball of her foot on my mouth and toes over my eyes! Her toes scrunched, squeezing my face! The smell...the softness of her nylon clad foot
.the warmth...I wanted to stay there as long as I could!
She flexed her toes as she stretched. She readjusted herself. Turning slightly, her right foot slid down my body at a slight angle, her heel stopped on my right thigh with my little dick underneath as well. Toes were over my left shoulder and arm. Pushing down on me she moved and saw her other foot come over the edge! Her toes landed on my face! She shuffled around to find a comfortable spot for her feet on me.
I loved the smell as I breathed in deeply. I think my breathing made her toes cold. She clamped her toes around my head encasing it in nylon feet! Then she would relax till I would breathe through her toes, clamping them again to stop the cold. This went on quite a while.
She moved her right foot down to cover my waist, crotch and thighs. She covered my face with the other. Rubbing my face under her arch and toes! I heard her yawn. She stretched, lifting both feet in the air. As she did I rolled back on my stomach like I was watching tv the whole time.
She rubbed her eyes and said Are you ok, you sure you dont want a drink or something? I shook my head no.
She said Sorry I fell asleep on you. She put both feet on my back and rubbed back and forth. Then asked Do you like being rubbed? I shook my head yes excitedly.
She laughed and said Ok. Feels good on my tired feet too! We sat like that most of the evening. Once in a while she would rub my head with her toes and always had a big smile! My parents came to get me. Nikki put her shoes on.
Mom walked in smiling at me. She asked,Did you like staying with Nikki?
Nikki really looked worried. I said Yes! I really like it here! Nikki smiled and chuckled at my response.
Mom said,Maybe you could stay overnight sometime?
Nikki broke in Or the weekend? I like having company, my house is too quiet.
Mom asked me,Would you like to stay the weekend sometime?
I said Yes! I would love that!
Nikki was smiling and said,Hes adorable!
Mom said,Nikki and I will set it up! I thought my heart would jump out of my chest! Mom shushed me out the door and told Nikki soon and said goodbye.
I was laying in bed, rerunning the evenings events. I felt a tightening in my crotch. It took a long time for me to calm down and go to sleep.
I woke up to mom shaking me saying,Come on boy get up, you need to get ready for school. I got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth. Mom took me to school. Mom said,Have a good day honey. Dad will pick you up after school.
I said,Ok, good bye.
I found my desk and took a seat. Brian walked in, flicked my ear and said,Whats up munchkin? I rubbed my ear and said nothing. I cant stand him.
Nadine said,Let him alone butt head.
I said,Dont worry about me, Im ok.
Nadine said, I know, I just hate bullies.
Ms. Cordell told the class,Everyone to your seats. Quietly please. I loved watching her, she was wearing suntan pantyhose. I watched her walk around teaching us. Looking at her legs, at least what I could see from under her skirt. Her feet had white pumps on them. I noticed the veins on the top of her foot.
Then it happened, she popped her heel free. I got excited as I saw her foot sliding out. Her foot was beautiful. No where near the size of Nikkis. Her toes were medium length, nice arches. Her toenails were hot pink. She flexed and wiggled her toes.
I was transfixed on her foot. She noticed me watching. She put her shoe back on. I looked up and she was looking right at me. She walked to my desk, pointed at my book and said,Your attention should be here. Smiling at me, she patted my head and continued her trek around the room. Damn, busted. Im usually much more careful. I think my thoughts of Nikki have me scatterbrained.
I noticed a small black beetle walking across the floor. He was headed for an intersection with Ms. Cordell. As he entered her path, her white pump moved forward. Oh, step on him is all I could think. He was overshadowed by her foot. Her heel hit with a click, then it came down on him. There was no escape. He was in the middle of the front of her shoe. Crunch I heard it. When her foot lifted off the floor, he wasnt there. Her foot moved forward, another slight crunch was heard. I was getting a hard on.
Hes stuck to the bottom of her shoe. She went to the front and sat at her desk. Looking under her desk, I watched her cross her legs. On the bottom of her shoe was the remains. Looking at the moist spot, I found myself wondering what it was like to be stepped on like that. She began dangling her shoe as if taunting me.
Once again locked into an oblivious stare, Ms. Cordell snapped her fingers and motioned for me to pay attention to my work. She was smiling as she shook her head at me.
After class she asked me,Doug , Id like you to stay for a minute, I want to talk to you. The class did the oooooo call like I was in trouble. After everyone left, she asked me,Were you staring at my feet?
I bowed my head in embarrassment and said,Yes.
Ms Cordell then asked,Do you like my feet?
Head still down I said,Yes, theyre beautiful.
She said,Oh...well discuss this later. I think I shocked her with my response. Dont worry, youre not in trouble.
I said,Ok. I gave her a big smile.
Ms Cordell said,You may leave and have a good evening.
I said,I will, I hope you do too. She was smiling at me as I went out the door. I ran to my Dads car. I kept thinking about the bug I saw Ms Cordell crush under her shoe, wondering what it would be like to be the bug. I kept replaying the crunch.
Dad asked me,Are you ok, you look like your mind is somewhere else?
I said,Im ok, just thinking about what we learned today.
He shrugged and said,Ok.
Dad pulled in our driveway. I went in and started watching tv, mom was making supper. Dad went to do something in the garage. The phone answered it.
hi Nikki, do you want To talk to Mark?...Oh...Ill ask him. Doug?
Do you want to spend the weekend at Nikkis house?
Yes, Id really like that!
Ok...Nikki?...He said he would love to!...Ok, Ill drop him off after you get home from work
Ok sounds good, see you then.
I was so excited! Tomorrow is Friday! I cant wait to be with her again!!! Mom looked happy too, I think because its the first weekend I can remember that I wouldnt be home.
Friday morning I walked into class, took my seat. Waiting for class to start. Nadine sat down and said,Good morning.
I said,It was. Brian walked in. Nadine shot him dirty looks.
Brian said,What? I didnt do anything. Yet. As he was contemplating his next move, he was cut short by Ms. Cordell.
Ms. Cordell said,Good morning class, please take your seats. Her skirt was shorter today. Gray skirt, white top, suntan pantyhose and her white pumps. Im thinking this is a good day.
She began teaching, while strolling around the room. I watched her calf muscles flex with each step. She stopped at her desk, leaned on the edge. Slipped her foot out of her pump. Flexed and wiggled her toes. Putting her foot on top of her shoe with her nylon clad toes draped over the end. She repeated the process with the other foot. I was locked on once again. Her feet were still. After a moment I broke my gaze to look up. She was looking at me, smirking.
I immediately turned red. She kept teaching while I kept watching her beautiful feet. Running scenarios of me being tiny by her feet. Smelling them. Getting under them. I was so enthralled in my thoughts, the day went by quickly. Unfortunately for me, the bell had rang. Everyone had left and I was still sitting there. Oblivious, staring at her feet. She put her shoes on and walked to my desk.
She said,Id like to keep you all weekend but I think your parents might miss you. Ill see you Monday. Have a good weekend.
Snapped from my trance, I said,You to Ms. Cordell.
She said,Thank you.
I came home from school, mom told me to put some stuff in a bag for my weekend with Nikki. I put some toy men in; like soldiers, wrestlers, star wars
.I smiled thinking about being their size with Nikkis and Ms. Cordells feet. I shook my head and continued to pack. Last was my mini stretch Armstrong. I know, sixteen and playing with toy men, I like pretending Im their size. Mom packed my clothes and I was ready.
After supper mom said,Get your things, Ill take you over to Nikkis house. I was getting so excited on the way there that I wanted to yell! I didnt want mom to know I was that excited or she would think something wasnt right. We arrived and went to the door. Nikki opened the door and my mouth fell open! White blouse, short black skirt, and those legs! My head only came to just about her knees. Her legs were covered in suntan nylons which she always liked to wear and her feet were in black leather flats. She stepped to the side and told me come in.
Mom said, Ill pick him up about 7 Sunday night. With that and a goodbye Nikki shut the door behind her.
Nikki said,I just got home and I need to make something for supper. Do you want anything?
I said No, I just ate.
Nikki took my bag of clothes to her bedroom and told me,You can keep your toys in the living room.
I took my mini stretch Armstrong and went into the kitchen with Nikki. She was making something on the stove. She took it off the stove and sat it to the side. She saw me on the floor with my little man.
Nikki asked Whos that little man?
I said Its me! Hoping she would step on him.
Nikki said snickering, YOU! Youre no bigger than a bug! If you were a little man on my floor I would step on you and squish you like a bug.
I said,Id love that! Nikki looked puzzled for a second. Then she looked like she was up to something. She walked towards me as I layed the little man on the floor.
She stopped short, popped her heel out of her shoe. Slid her foot out with a hiss of nylon clearing the shoe. Her foot moved over the mini version of me and slowly descended. The ball of her foot made contact with the middle of his body. She lowered her heel while adding weight to him. His squishy body offered no resistance to her. The only part visible now was his head as her toes were flexed up! She slowly lowered her toes sealing him to the floor! She applied all of her weight as I heard a couple of cracking sounds coming from under this beautiful foot. Her heel raised in the air as she twisted her foot on mini me. She curled her toes around him. Picking him up. She moved him over her shoe and released it! Mini me tumbled inside!!! She put her shoe back on with him inside!!!
Nikki asked me, Do you still want to be him? When I shook my head yes, she said,Really?
I said,Id love to be him.
She said,Thats nice, Im glad.
Nikki walked back to the counter, retrieved her food, walked to the table and sat down with him in her shoe!!! I really do want to be him!
I laid on the floor and slid on my back under her chair. She was dangling her flat with him in it from her toes. I just laid there; still; looking at that beautiful foot with his legs sticking out a little from under the ball of her foot.
I decided to knock her shoe off. That startled her! Nikki kicked off her other shoe and put both of her feet on my face. My head disappeared under her nylon clad feet! They were warm, soft and moist!!! She wrapped her feet around my head, gripping me, slid me out for a better position to put her feet on me! The smell was intoxicating. Her toes were on my forehead and her heels were on my stomach. I could see her smile at me through the nylon mesh of her toes! She massaged my face with her toes and I never resisted. She did this a couple of minutes then stood up, removed the chair from over top of me. She took her foot so her toes were over my mouth and heel was in my crotch, pressed down and pulled me out from under the table. She moved her foot forward so her toes were over my eyes to the point I could see through the mesh at the crotch of the toes.
Nikki said You want to be him? Ok! I could make out her smiling as she started to put pressure on me like she was going to step on me! Her foot formed over my face from the pressure effectively cutting off my breathing. I thought she was really going to step on me! Nikki let up, raised her heel and twisted her foot on my face like snuffing out a cigarette. She removed her foot, giggled a little and put her flats back back on and walked away. Mini me was on the floor under the table. I retrieved him. I looked at him, still slightly misformed from his encounter. My face smelled of her feet! At that point I was so horny I didnt know what to do with myself.
She turned the tv on and plopped herself on the couch. She said How about a foot rub?
I said I can do that.
She pointed at the other end of the couch and told me,Sit there. I crawled up and sat with my back against the arm rest. She slid her feet toward me, lying on her back. Her toes were eye level and her heels were between my spread legs close to my crotch.
I started to rub one hand on each foot. She flexed her toes and let out a soft moan. As I was rubbing, I was feeling them, smelling them, really looking at them closely. They were so soft, the shape was like they were built for stepping on me.
The smell is what really got me excited! Nothing like Ive ever smelled before. They were always damp from sweat.
She began relaxing. The more she relaxed the closer her toes got to my face. She had fallen asleep.
I leaned forward into her toes and breathed in deeply! When I did she pushed her feet forward in a stretch sliding up my body a little and smashing me into the arm of the couch with some force. My face pushed into her toes. The force was arching my back against the armrest!
She relaxed her stretch, her feet slid back down my body. Pushing my little boner down and pinching it under her one heel! I never felt anything like that! Everytime I moved her foot with my hands my dick would throb!!! I kept rubbing her feet but it was hard because they were much closer. She lifted her leg and crossed over the one my dick was under! The pressure increased three fold. Throbbing increased ten times! I was almost cross eyed from the feeling!!!!
She started rubbing my face with the foot that was on top causing her other foot to rock back and forth. The feeling was so intense, I was Paralyzed!
She rolled to her side pulling her feet away from me. I grabbed my underwear and looked. It was very red and my underwear had a big wet spot! My heart was pounding. I slid and layed down on my side. Butt and legs were against the back of the couch and upper body laying with my back against the arm rest. Waiting for the feeling to subside.
I must have fallen asleep. I woke up to Nikkis foot petting my head. She said Hello honey
She stopped and lowered her foot in front of me. I stared at her dark pink sparkly polish on her toenails.
She said, Im going to get a shower, you can stay here and watch tv until Im done. I smiled at her. She tweaked my nose with her toes and got up. All I could think is this is still Friday night! I watched her walk away. Those bulbous cheeks swaying rhythmically and calf muscles every step. Listening to her feet pad the floor. I was still staring even after she was out of my sight.
Still lost in my thoughts, I heard the hair dryer. I flipped my legs up the back rest of the couch and moved my upper body to the center of the seat cushion. Staring at the ceiling, I still cant believe how the evening was going. I wondered why Nikki wasnt married. She is definitely beautiful! She was really nice I thought. Maybe it was because she was so tall? Maybe men were afraid of how big she was? I would marry her, if she wasnt my aunt.
The hair dryer shut off. She walked back into the living room. She looked at me in this strange position.
She said,Look at this! I have a new cushion! She spun around and I saw her huge ass descending. She was only wearing a black t-shirt and light blue panties. I realized her ass was enormous! She wiggled as she descended on me forcing most of my body into her ass crack. Her puss pushed onto my face! Pressure was incredible but not unbearable. The fabric of her undies was the only thing keeping my head from being swallowed by her huge puss. Her ass was accommodating.
I moved my head to try to get some more air. She moaned quietly and more pressure was on me forcing me further into her crevice. Very warm! Damp and a little musky smelling with some vanilla mixed in. This is just as good as being under her feet.
She rocked slowly then suddenly shot up from me. She looked terrified and said Im sorry! Are you ok?!?!
I said Im ok,why? It felt amazing!
She picked me up, hugged me and said,Youre an awesome little man! She put me down smiling really big. I layed on my back on the floor with my feet at the bottom edge of the couch and my head straight away. Nikki stepped over me and sat down. Those gorgeous bare feet moved in from both sides. Until the middle of my body was under both of them. They slowly moved forward until her toes engulfed my face. They were incredible and had a light perfumed scent. Playing with my head with her toes, slowly rubbing and feeling my small head between her feet. She moved her feet out, pinning my arms down.
She sat there looking down at me with a puzzled look. She said,Hang on, I want to see something. She got up and went to the kitchen. I heard her rummaging for something. She came back with a small tape measure. She told me,Stand up straight. Measuring me,hmmm escaped her lips.
I said,What?
She said,Youre 23 ˝ inches tall.
I thought I was 24
She said,Nope, 23 ˝ is what the tape measure says! Then she lay it on the floor and put her foot on it
.12 ź inches! One foot was half my size!
I asked,How tall are you?
She said,Im 67 tall.
I said,Wow! Youre a giant!
She corrected me,giantess. She confesses to me,I always wished I could have a tiny person under my feet. She smiled and said,Look! Here you are! Then she asked again,Do you like being under my feet?
Shaking my head yes and said,Ive always liked womens feet. Yours feel amazing. I even like the way they smell.
She said, Now thats interesting, Im glad you like the smell! Just one thing though, I dont want you to tell anyone about this! They would think I was weird or creepy and they would think the same thing about you.
I told her, I wont say anything because I like it too.
She asked,Did you like it when I sat on you?
Shaking my head excitedly, I said,That was great! I loved it!
She let out an awwww! She asked,Are you ready for bed? I shook my head yes. She asked,Do you want to sleep on the couch, floor, or in bed with me? Or one of the other beds? I dont sleep with any clothes on, just thought you should know before you decide.
Smiling, I said,In bed with you!
She said,Ok!
We got ready for bed except my mom didnt pack any pjs for me. She asked, Do you mind sleeping in your underwear?
I said,No, I can do that.
We crawled into bed, she said,Crap! You need a pillow. You can use my leg pillow.
Leg pillow?
Yeah, I sleep with it between my legs. I sleep better with it.
I said,Ok. I laid my head on the pillow, I could smell her scent on it. It was comforting as I fell asleep.
I woke up hot. Still dark, I was somewhere under the covers. I reached out to get my bearings and I felt Nikki. She was really close. Skin so soft yet firm. I was trying to figure out what part of her I was feeling. She moved from me touching her. My hand found a hot area between two mounds of flesh, its her ass! I moved closer and snuggled up to her bottom. I loved her scent mixed with vanilla. I rubbed my face on her ass cheek and went back to sleep.
I was suddenly awakened, she was pulling me. My face slid through her crotch until I was laying on her leg. Her other leg came down on top of me. I laid there between her legs. She was still sleeping. This felt incredible, after a while I fell asleep again.
I was awakened again by her pulling me from between her legs. I heard her mumble,Come up here. She pulled me in front of her into a hug with my face in her tits. We both went back to sleep like that. Ive never been more comfortable or relaxed than in that moment. I felt like I belonged there.
I woke up to birds chirping, light shining in the window and still in her embrace. Head still between her tits. Looking up at her beautiful face. Feeling her deep breathing as she slept. Taking in every piece of this moment so I would never forget any of it.
After a couple of minutes, she yawned and hugged me tight to her. She looked at me, smiled and asked,Howd you sleep?
I answered,Really good.
She said,Me too, I havent slept that good in a long time. You really relax me. I suppose you like my boobs too?
I replied,Theyre nice to sleep in!
She laughed and said,How about some breakfast?
Sure, have any bagels?
She said,I have cinnamon raisin bagels.
I said,My favorite.
She said,Ok, bagels it is. She stood up to get dressed. I stared with my mouth open. She said,What are you looking at? I blushed and put my head down. She said, Its ok, you can look. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, I looked up as she backed up. Her ass was in my face! She wiggled a little, rubbing her cheeks on my face. I turned bright red. She laughed, put some clothes on the bed. I watched as she stripped nylons up her long legs, then a dark blue top and white skirt. She went to her closet and put white cork wedges on. Those shoes made her taller yet. She said, Put some clothes on and Ill start the bagels.
I said,Ok. I watched her walk away, listening to her heels slap against her shoes. I put on my shorts and t-shirt. Smelling the bagels toast increased my hunger. I sat at the table.
She asked,Cream cheese?
I said,Yes, please.
She asked,Something to drink?
I said,Coffee. She sat coffee and a bagel in front of me. She returned with another bagel and a cup of coffee. It was quiet while we ate. She had her legs crossed. I was watching her toes sticking out of her shoe rise and wiggle, then she would slap her shoe against her heel a couple of times.
After watching me she said,Do you like what you see? I bet you want in there.
I said,I wish I was in there!
Nikki said,Unfortunately youre not that small or you would be in my shoe. Id keep you forever then.
I said, I promise if I ever do Ill come back to stay with you.
Nikki looked sad and said,Youll forget me when youre older.
I said,That would be impossible! Ill never want to forget you! If I could I would marry you. I dont ever want to be without you. She grabbed me and pulled me to her for a hug. She kissed me on the cheek.
She said,My awesome little man. I wish I could keep you forever, especially this small. Or even smaller. After setting me back in the chair, she stood up and kissed me on the forehead. She told me,Go to the living room, Ill be in as soon as I clean up breakfast.
I asked her,Do you need help?
She said,Awe, youre so sweet. Thank you but Ill take care of it.
I said,Ok, Ill wait for you in the living room then.
She said,It wont take me long.
I was in the living room playing with my mini stretch Armstrong when she finished and joined me.
She stood over me and asked,Is that mini you?
I said,Yup, thats me.
She said ,No bugs on my floor, house rules. So I guess Ill have to squish you. She stepped on mini me. He disappeared under her cork wedge. She started twisting like she was crushing a bug. I was laying flat looking under watching him flatten and deform.
I rolled on my back and said,Its my turn. She looked shocked.
She asked,With my shoes on?
I said,Please.
She said,Ok. She lined up on me and placed her foot on me. The heel of the cork wedge was on my crotch and the front with her toes sticking out was up to my chin. She wiggled her toes up and down so I could see under them. Her toes flattened out as I felt her weight coming down. I felt my dick being squashed under her heel and my chest compressing so it was hard to breathe. I could see her biting her bottom lip and her eyes were wide. Pressure kept coming down harder and harder. The higher the pressure the more excited she looked. It stopped and held. I looked at her other leg and her knee was bent with only the tip of her shoe on the ground.
She asked,Are you ok? I shook my head yes. She said,Youre an awesome little man! Im standing on you, all of my weight! I was getting used to the pressure. It didnt hurt. Just unable to move. It was hard to breathe. I was definitely ok though. I cant believe this giant woman is standing on me.
She let up. Place the toe section of her shoe on my face. Twisting and pushing like she wanted to crush my head. Turning my head slightly so it wouldnt hurt my nose. It actually felt nice then. I could see her toes protruding over the end of her shoe as she worked on my face.
She removed her foot from me. Looking at me she asked, Are you ok? Did you like that?
I said,I loved it.
She said,Ive wanted someone like you in my life for a very long time. I cant believe I stepped on you and you loved it. She picked me up and held me in a hug for a long time. She was crying. She whispered in my ear,If you liked that, were going to have a lot of fun together.
I felt like I may have unleashed a monster.
End Notes:
Any thoughts or constructive criticism is definitely welcome. Hopefully it was enjoyable.
Chapter 2 by Underfoottiny
Author's Notes:
I’m currently working on chapter 4. No shrinking yet. Going to enjoy current height for a little while. This chapter does hit most of the tags. Enjoy!
Chapter 2
The Monster Unleashed
Nikki released her long loving hug. She stood me on the floor. She asked,What do you want to do next?
I told her,You can finish showing me what you would do if I was that tiny man.
She laughed and said,Lay down, Ill show you something little man!
I quickly took off my shorts and shirt, but left my underwear on. I had a hard on sticking up in my underwear. I laid down quickly and said,Im ready!
With a chuckle Nikki said,I see you're ready. You can take off your underwear too. I looked shocked at her. She said,You dont have to if you dont want to. Yup! Underwear came flying off. This was going to be a different experience. She stood over me.
Looking at me Nikki said,Awe look, something is sticking up. Should I squish it? I shook my head yes. Bringing her foot over top, pointing it down, toes flexed up inside her shoe. She said,My toes are hungry.
She lowered her foot. I watched as my dick disappeared in the gap between her shoe and toes. Her toes scraped my lower belly as she closed the gap. Nikkis toes clamped down as she bounced her foot up and down. She shook her foot side to side. The whole time her toes were clamped on my dick. I didnt know what to do. The feeling was so intense.
Suddenly Nikki stopped and said,Wait, thats not right. She lifted her foot, still clamping her toes. Pulling my dick hard, till the nylon lost its grip and my dick slid free. She said, Im supposed to flatten it, not make it stick up more.
The front of her cork wedge covered my crotch. Pushing my dick down flat against my belly. Nikki twisted her foot. She was biting her lip again. The pressure kept increasing. The bumpy sole was rubbing my dick. I couldnt take it! My little body convulsed under her shoe, my eyes rolled back as I was in the throes of feelings I couldnt handle. Seeing my reaction, Nikki thought she hurt me and quickly stopped. After seeing the wetness over my stomach, she laughed out loud.
Nikki said, I see you liked that. She grabbed some tissues and wiped my belly off. She sat down and was watching me. It took a little while but I did regain my witts. She asked,Do you want more?
I said,I loved it! I want more!
Nikki chuckled and said,Ok, I have a lot more for you. As long as youre ok with it?
I said, I want it all! All that you can give me!
Nikki was really smiling. She said,If anything hurts, let me know and Ill stop, ok?
I said,Im sure Ill be fine, nothing hurts yet. It all feels really good.
Nikki had a hungry look and said, Im going to crush you little bug. She slipped her shoes off. She stood over me, moving her toes to cover my face. Her heel was on my belly. Sudden intense pressure as she stepped completely up on me. Toes spread, forming over my face. Looking through the nylon, she was biting her lip again. Standing there her other foot came over and rested on the top, toes to toes. My dick was hard again. Tapping her on the heel.
She said,Persistent, isnt it. I guess Ill have to smash it back down.
She stepped off, turning sideways to me. Stepping back on with her foot across my chest, the other came to rest on my lower stomach and crotch. Flattening my dick again. She brought her other foot next to the one on my crotch. She started a marching motion. Moving slowly down my legs. Down to my feet making sure she stepped on every part. Moving slowly back up. Now on my chest. Her foot found my face. That next step, all of her was standing on my head. My head pushed into her arch. Next step the ball of her foot and toes covered my face. Intense pressure. Her foot was warm, soft and firm at the same time. I was taking every bit of her.
The more she stepped on me, the more excited she seemed to become. She kept trampling me for a few minutes. She reached a point she stepped off and said,I cant take anymore! I need you! I hope you like this because I dont think I can stop!
She scooped me up, hugging me tight to her bosom, she rushed to the bedroom. She put me on the floor by the bed. She quickly stripped off her clothing. She sat on the bed, grabbing my face with her toes. Rubbing hard and pinching my face between them. I looked up, she had a horny look I never saw before. She was rubbing her crotch. Then she pushed her big toe in my mouth. It barely fit. One toe after another entered and retreated after I sucked on them to her satisfaction.
Nikki pulled her feet away. She reached for me. She had a crazy look in her brown eyes. I thought Im in for it now. I couldnt have imagined what was going to happen next. She said,I want you in me!
She put me in the middle of the bed. Swung her leg over so she was straddling me. Her huge puss glistening with her juices. That was all I had time to see before it dropped on my face. Slippery, very slippery! Strong musky scent. Her hand slid under my head. Gripping my head, she rubbed my face in her puss. Maneuvering me until her clit was in my mouth.
Then came Nikkis single command,Suck! I sucked on her clit as hard as I could. She pulled me from her clit and rubbed my face the entire length of her crotch. My face met her asshole. She pushed my face in as her asshole pushed out. The putrid smell invaded my nostrils. My nose was in the hole. She pinched her hole drawing my nose, cheeks and upper lip into her. Her hand withdrew as her ass cheeks squeezed inward till my head disappeared in those massive mounds of muscle.
She released, grabbing my head again. She moved me toward her puss again. She was humping my face. Thrusts were increasingly more forceful. I heard her moaning. I was catching breaths between thrusts. I felt a shudder roll through her. Both hands on my head pushing into her with such force I felt my head slowly sliding in. Then a quick thrust drove my head completely inside of her. Her puss swallowed my head whole and closed around my neck. Her hips were now bucking uncontrollably with an immense shaking. Fluid sounds, crackling as her puss squeezed my head so tight and around my neck that I started to worry.
I felt a calmness fall over her. Her hands wrapped around me and very slowly pulled me from her puss. With a schluck my head popped free. Sloppy with her juices, I rubbed my eyes to clear them. She looked so pleased, so lovingly at me. My dick was still hard, so hard it hurt.
In a sultry voice, she asked,Did you like that?
I said,That was the most incredible feeling Ive ever had in my life! My dick hurts though. It feels like my heart is beating in the end.
She smiled and said,Ill take care of that for you. She got a hand towel, wiped my head and face off. She laid on top of me, I was between her tits with my legs sticking out towards her head. I felt her nipples on my arms, my head was just below her tits. Her hands grabbed my thighs. I couldnt move if I wanted to. She fully let her upper body relax and rest on me. I felt her mouth suck my dick into it. Further and further until her lips sucked my balls inside.
The suction was so strong I felt like she was sucking the skin off of it. I felt it welling up. Nikki closed her teeth and started nibbling on it. She sucked in so much, some of my belly was in her mouth. Harder and harder the suction got. I let go. My body convulsed with pleasure. Her efforts were still increasing. I kept pumping until I was spent. Only then, after my body went limp, she let up. She raised up over me.
She asked,All better?
All I could muster was,Yeeeeesssss!
She laid back on top of me. She turned her head so her cheek was on my dick. She relaxed and let her body engulf my small form into it. Feeling her heartbeat, her breathing, Ive never been more comfortable in my life. After laying there a few minutes, she got up.
She said,I guess we should get dressed. Maybe find something to do other than what weve been doing.
She started to get dressed. I went to the living room, found my clothes and got dressed. When I was finished, I went to the bedroom. Nikki was sobbing. I jumped up on the bed beside her, hugged her arm and said,Whats wrong? Did I do something I shouldnt have?
She said,No, the things I did to you are definitely wrong. I couldve really hurt you and I could be put in jail for doing them. I feel horrible taking advantage of my sixteen year old nephew. Im ten years older than you. If anyone found out my brother would probably kill me
I told her, Ill never tell anyone! As far as you hurting me, I loved everything youve done to me, really, everything! If we like what were doing, whats wrong with it?
She wiped her tears away and said,I dont understand how I can tramp all over you and it doesnt hurt. I weigh over 245 lbs. I even stood on your head. None of it hurt?
I said,No, not at all. I loved the way it felt. Im hoping you will do it a bunch more. I was smiling a big goofy smile at her.
She chuckled and said,Youre something. Ok as long as you promise to never tell anyone, ever. Like I said theyll put me in jail and throw away the key!
Shaking my head yes, Ill never tell anyone, I promise. Ill only talk to you about it.
She kissed my forehead and said,Im glad youre keeping our secret. Youre an awesome little man. Or maybe a bug, I havent decided yet. She laughed.
If I was a bug, wow, that would be awesome.
She replied, I think wed both love that. How about some lunch? Chicken patty sandwich and tater tots?
I said,That sounds good.
She hugged me tight. She said,Thank you.
I was puzzled. I guess I did something right. I was pretty hungry though. After she sat me on the bed she started to make lunch.
I sat there, pondering the recent events. If were doing something wrong, why do we both like it so much? Who are we hurting? Is it because Im not 18 or so small? Why didnt what she was doing hurt but instead feel so good? Is it because of the way I was born? Shaking my head, I cant answer any of this. I do know what I will do, keep my mouth shut and enjoy it for as long as I can.
Nikki said, snapping me out of my thoughts,Get washed up for lunch.
I replied,Ok.
I sat at the table. She asked,Do you like to go swimming? I have a pool. She pointed to the door by the dining room.
I said, I love swimming. Mom says Im like a fish. I can hold my breath for a really long time!
She smiled at me and said,Really? How long can you hold your breath?
I said,Maybe four minutes.
She laughed and said,Ok, Ill time you when were in the pool.
I said,Ill show you how good I am!
She said,Well see.
We finished lunch. Nikki cleaned up. She asked me,Are you ready to go swimming?
I said,Yeah but I dont have swim trunks?
She said,Swim in your underwear and Ill dry them in the dryer when youre done. Wait for me, I dont want you in the pool by yourself, ok?
I said,Ok, Ill wait here.
Nikki came out of the bedroom wearing a fluorescent orange bikini. The color looked incredible on her. I looked at her feet, black flip flops, her sparkly pink polish glistening in the light of the sun. She said,Lets go fish.
We went outside to a huge in ground pool. Nikki pointed to the one end and said,Stay in the shallow end.
I said,Ok. As I ran and jumped in. I popped back up and said,Hey Nikki, time how long I stay under.
Nikki said,Hold on till I get ready
Ok, go!
I held my breath till I started to ache. The need for oxygen surpassed my want to impress Nikki. I popped up from under the water. Nikki looked shocked. I asked,How long was that?
She said, It wasnt four minutes but it was much longer than I thought you could. I was going to jump in and pull you out except I saw you moving to keep yourself down.
Getting impatient,How long?
She answered,Three minutes and twelve seconds. I dont think I could hold my breath that long. She had a far away look in her eyes for a moment, then a devilish grin and looked right at me. She said,Thats really good you can hold your breath that long.
I asked,You want to try?
She said,No, you can keep practicing if you want to.
I said,Ill get really good at it!
Nikki smiled and said,I really hope so.
I was practicing for a couple of hours. I thought I was getting pretty good. I asked,Nikki, will you time me again?
Nikki said, Get ready, GO! As I passed my previous mark, Nikki was smiling. Thirty, forty, fifty! I came up and Nikki said,That was awesome! Three minutes and fifty four seconds!
I said as I jumped up and down with my arms in the air,Wahoo! Almost four minutes!
Nikki said,Thats great! Ill bet youll be over four minutes in no time.
I said,Ill keep practicing, I know Ill be able to beat that!
Nikki said,I think we should go in. I dont want you to get sunburnt. Maybe we can watch a movie or something? As she stood up she moved her flip flops from under the chair with her foot. She accidentally scuffed the polish on her big toe. I heard her say,Damn.
I said,Whats wrong?
Nikki said, I scuffed my toenail. I guess Ill have to repaint them. Hey, you want to help?
I said,That sounds like fun to me.
Nikki smiled and said,I guess we know what were doing this afternoon. We gathered everything and went inside. She said,Give me your underwear and Ill wash them with your clothes.
I took them off and gave them to Nikki. I went for another pair and there weren't any in my bag. I said to Nikki,Did you start the washer? I dont have any underwear.
She said,Its already started hun, sorry. I guess youll have to wait till theyre done. Naked and painting my toenails, that sounds interesting!
I said,Ok, it does sound fun. Nikki gathered the supplies for her pedicure.
After she had everything, she said,Pick the color you want and Ill take the polish off while youre looking.
I said,Ok, you have a lot of them. I looked and considered each one. Thinking what it would look like on her toes. I came across one called Dusty Rose. Beautiful pink color that looked like it had pearls in it. I held it up to her.
She said,Thats one of my favorites. She motioned for me to get on the floor by her feet.
As I sat down in front of her feet on the floor, I said,What do I do?
She finished her cuticles and handed me a file. She said,Any rough area on my nail, file it off. Make sure all my toenails have the same shape.
I went to work as she worked on her fingernails. When she had finished she started putting on some milky colored polish. I asked,Youre not painting them the same color?
She said, I will, this is the base coat. Once this is dry, two coats of color and then a clear top coat.
I said,Thats a lot of painting.
Nikki handed me the base coat bottle and said,Nice smooth stroke starting at the base of the nail. Try not to get any on my skin.
I said,Ok, Ill try my best. I started painting her toenails. Her toenails were pretty large so it was pretty easy to do. As I finished the base coat, I asked her,Hows that?
She said,Wow, looks really good. The color will be the hard one. Smooth even strokes from base to tip.
I said,Ok, got it. I was blowing on her nails because I saw Nikki doing it to her fingernails. She put the polish on her fingernails, then handed the bottle to me. I was determined to paint them perfectly. As I painted, I made sure the entire nail was covered and none on her skin. Make smooth even strokes. Her nails looked like glass.
She said,Thats really good! I think Ill get you to paint my toenails from now on.
I said,Id love to, this is fun.
Nikki said,Good, its settled then. Ill reward you later for such a good job.
I asked,What are you going to give me?
Nikki smiled and said,Dont worry about it, youll find out later.
I said, I cant wait! I finished her toes. They were perfectly done.
Nikki turned and sprayed something on her nails. She said,It makes them dry faster. She looked at her toes, holding her foot up in front of my face as she looked. She said,Theyre beautiful!
I said,Yes, your feet are beautiful.
She flexed her foot and made a kissing sound as the ball of her foot touched my lips. She turned the tv on and said,We might as well watch some tv while they dry. I laid down on my belly with my face close to her toes. I was looking at them, how beautiful they are, how big they are. Id glance up at Nikki still wearing her bikini. She is absolutely beautiful.
Nikki said,I think theyre dry. Smell them, do they still smell like paint? I moved closer and took a big whiff.
I said, I dont smell paint.
She said,Good, theyre definitely dry. I think I forgot something outside. She stood up and walked into the kitchen. I rolled on my back and my dick popped up like it was spring loaded. I heard the distinctive sound of her flip flops coming back. As soon as she saw me it was like she locked on. Walking towards me lining up, judging step distance. Her flip flop found its mark. It landed on my stomach first and rolled forward with her step. The front landed on my face. Stepping up on me completely keeping stride. She stepped on me like I wasnt there. My face pushed into the soft rubber of the flip flop as I felt all of her on my face. The crushing force left as quickly as it arrived and she was gone into the bedroom.
Now my dick was starting to hurt again from being so hard. Nikki came out of the bedroom, stopped with her feet on either side of my head.
She asked,Did you like your reward?
I said,Yeah, but it was kind of quick.
She said,Ill go slower next time, maybe even stand on you a while. She looked at my dick bobbing up and down. She said,Theres a worm. I guess I should crush it.
I watched the bottom of her flip flop pass overhead. The toe section landed on my dick with some force, pushing down and twisting. Her heel was in the air moving back and forth. What a sight! This huge foot, her arch and heel. It felt like she was really trying to crush my dick this time. I looked up, that magnificent ass was wiggling while she was grinding on my dick. I blew my load and she never let up. I thought I was going to go crazy from the intensity of it all. After I went limp she stopped and removed her foot.
She looked at me and said,There, I squashed its guts out. Thats a better reward. My dick, crotch and belly were red from the assault. She took her flip flops off and cleaned them up. Then she came back and cleaned me up. She saw how red my skin was and asked,Did I hurt you? I could see her eyes tearing up.
I said,Are you kidding, that was awesome!
She asked,Ive never hurt you, not even a little bit?
I said,No, there were some very intense feelings. All of them I enjoyed. Some more than others but I like them all.
She said,Even when I stood on you with my shoes or stood on your head?
I really enjoyed that! I really loved your sweaty nylon feet and my head in between your legs.
Nikkis face lit up, she said,Well do those things more. You liked everything we did between my legs? Even my butt?
I said,Yes, everything.
She said,Im glad because those are my favorite things to do. Remember the first time you came over, I didnt really fall asleep. I just wanted you under my feet. I love the way you feel under my feet especially after a long day at work. Do you know youre the first one Ive ever had sex with.
I asked,Why? Youre gorgeous, any man would love to be with you.
Smiling, she answered,Ive never found a man small enough to interest me. The smaller the better. When I saw you lying on the floor and how small you were... I couldnt help myself. I have very large body parts, all body parts. She winked at me. She continued,Ive bought extremely large toys to play with myself. Thats why your head fit so easily.
I looked confused, I had to ask,What toys?
She motioned for me and said,Come on, Ill show you. I followed her to the bedroom. She went to the closet while I jumped up on the bed. She came back out carrying some huge dildos. I couldnt believe how big they were.
I couldnt help myself, I asked,Do they fit?
She held one up beside me. She said,They all fit, front and back. This one is a little bigger than your head. Were going to have some fun later. Practice holding your breath, youll need it.
I was wondering what was in store for me. Whatever it was, I cant wait. She took her toys and put them away. She was in the closet a little while. When she came back out, she was wearing a t-shirt, jeans and white slip on Sketcher sneakers. I kind of looked at her puzzled?
She said,You enjoy my sweaty feet in nylons so I put my pantyhose and jeans on to keep me warm. Also my sneakers make my feet hot, and theyre pretty stinky because of the memory foam insoles. Is that ok?
I said,Thats perfect!
She said,The dryer is done, you can get dressed. So if you like the way I smell, lets go for a walk. That way I can get sweaty and stinky for you.
I said,I dont think youre capable of smelling bad. Lets go
I got dressed and we headed out the door.
We walked for quite a while. We ran out of sidewalk, but there was a paved bike path. Temperature was about 84 and breezy. I had shorts and a t-shirt on and I was sweating pretty bad. I bet Nikki was really hot and sweaty.
I asked,Nikki? Are we headed back soon, its really hot.
Nikki said,Were doing a big loop, well be home soon. Im so hot. Youre going to find out how hot. She grinned a mischievous smile at me. She said,When we get home I want you to get a shower while I make us supper, ok?
I said,Oh, a shower sounds wonderful! I was following Nikki. I could see her ass crack and crotch were wet from sweat. Her armpits looked wet as well. Looking at her feet in those sneakers, they have to be tremendously sweaty.
We made it home. I went straight for the shower. Nikki made salad with grilled chicken. When I was finished in the shower, I put on a pair of shorts. I went to the kitchen, Nikki was waiting.
Nikki said,Are you ready to eat?
I said,Im pretty hungry. I sat at the table, Nikki brought my plate over. I noticed I could smell her. It actually smelled really nice. We finished eating, and put the plates in the sink.
Nikki said,If youre ready, go to the bedroom, take off your clothes and lay on the floor by the bed. Ill be there in a minute, I want to walk around the pool a little bit to get the sweat started again.
I said,Im very ready! I thought my heart would pound out of my chest. I did as I was told. Laying there waiting, the anticipation was killing me. I heard her footsteps coming. My heart was really racing. She came into the bedroom, stepped over me and sat on the bed.
Nikki looked at me and said,I hope youre ready for this. By the looks of your boner Id say youre ready.
Both sneakers came to rest on my chest. The toe of her shoes were by my mouth. I was looking at the triangle pattern on their soles. She wiggled her toes. I watched her sneakers move up and down with her toes. She stood up and trampled my face, chest and crotch. Her sneakers were soft on the bottom compared to her wedges or even her flip flops. I could get some odor coming from her sneakers as she was tramping on me. She was biting her lip and I could tell she was getting excited again. She up on her toes, stepped on the center of my face. Slowly she then stepped on my dick still up on her toes. She twisted on it and sat on the bed again.
Nikki asked,Did you like that?
I said, I love the way your sneakers feel!
Nikki smiled and said,Are you ready for my stinky feet? I didnt have time to answer. She pried her heels from her shoes and used my head to slide them off. Her sweaty nylon clad feet engulfed my head between them. The smell was tremendously intense. The kind of smell that would get stuck in your sinuses for days. They were really hot and soaked with sweat. I was inhaling deeply trying to get as much of her smell as I could.
My dick was so hard it was throbbing. Her assault on my face slowly became more aggressive. Rubbing and squeezing my head between them. Her feet were so hot. She stood up again. She trampled me hard. I was wondering if I would have nylon burn on my face and dick. She was getting so excited.
She took her jeans off. Looking up, I realized she wasnt wearing underwear under her sheer pantyhose. She squatted on my face. She grabbed my head and rubbed my face on her nylon covered puss. Arching her hips, I found my face being pushed against her sweaty nyloned asshole. These smells were much different than her feet but just as strong if not stronger.
She stood up, as she did, she stripped off her pantyhose. Placing each foot on my face as she pulled the nylon from them. She finished undressing and sat on the bed.
Nikki said,Do you want to clean my feet with your tongue?
I couldnt help myself,Id love to!
I licked the sweat and dirt from between her toes, licked her arches. I licked her heels clean and sucked her toes. I loved her salty flavor. Once finished she was ready!
Nikki got up and went to the kitchen. She returned with saran wrap. She told me to stand up. She wrapped me so only my head and dick were out. She picked me up and put me on the bed. She retrieved some k&y lotion from the nightstand. She squirted some on my head, dick and down my legs.
She laid down with me between her legs. She pulled my head towards her hungry puss. Her smell was intoxicating. Slowly, she worked my head into her. Once my head was in her puss, she was pumping me back and forth, fucking her with my head. She would push in hard but my shoulders wouldnt allow anymore. She pulled me out. Spun me around. I watched as she shoved my legs into her puss. It was amazing to watch. Slowly more and more of me disappeared into her. Mid thigh was all she could take. She was humping my legs until she started to cum. Grabbing me she pushed into her hungry cunt hard. I was up to my hips. I watched as my dick was swallowed with the rest of my lower body.
I was almost ready to climax but she pulled me out. She flopped back on the bed. I was laying between her knees. I couldnt believe I was inside her that far. My mind was spinning. She sat up, put more lotion on my head. I was thinking shes going to shove my head in her puss again. She sat me on my butt, spun to get on her knees. She clamped me between her feet as her ass lowered towards my head.
Nikkis asshole pushed onto the top of my head and forehead. She was rolling her ass around trying to work my head into the opening. I was thinking she cant be serious. The more she worked, the more her asshole opened. Then I remembered, they all fit. Her rectum started to accept my head into it. Slowly rocking her hips, each pass I would slide in a little more. She stopped when only my mouth and chin were out. I felt her squeeze my head, as everything rolled inward. She would relax. It was like it was trying to suck me in. This time she squeezed and sat back at the same time. My head went in all the way. Relax, squeeze hard, it was trying to pull me in. My shoulders were in the way again. She bounced up and down.
She was humping my head. Her rectum was extremely hot and very tight. Her sphincter closed around my neck as though it wanted to pop my head off. After a while my mouth would come out to get some air. Her ass would suck me back in. Fucking my head hard, I had no choice, I could taste her ass. Which was surprising because It was sweet. Not at all what you would imagine. I felt her body tightening and convulsing. She rocked back on me with all her weight driving me in deep. Sloshing sounds, I could feel stuff being squeezed around my head. I could feel her heart pounding in her sphincter around my neck.
Everything relaxed. She rolled to her back lying down with my head still up her ass. Nikki pulled enough that my mouth was out. After taking a couple of breaths, I licked my lips and as soon as my tongue touched her rectum, it clamped. My head was sucked back in. I heard a moan reverberate through her. She reached for me and pulled me out.
She said,I cant take you! She picked up her pantyhose and wiped off my head and face. She asked,Did you like that? I know I sure did.
I said,I loved it!
She placed me on the bottom corner of the bed. She said,Its your turn. She turned around and lowered her ass on top of me. She was riding my dick, sort of. Her huge puss was sliding over my dick until it was her assholes turn. Back until my head disappeared under her ass cheeks and asshole was on my face. My dick was sliding through the folds off her puss and once in a while it made its way into her asshole. When it did, she would stop and clench drawing it farther in. When I was close to cumming, my dick found her asshole again. My pumping was stopped by her clench. I thought I was going to pass out. She released, I pumped out the rest of my load with an intensity I havent felt to this point. She kept grinding me under her ass.
After a while, she stopped when she thought I had enough. She sat on me. I had my eyes close to her ass cheeks. I was looking up across her back, at her beautiful blonde hair hanging between her shoulder blades. One of the most beautiful sights Id ever seen. My dick was in her puss. I didnt want to move. She looked over her shoulder at me, she blew me a kiss.
At this point, I belong to Nikki. She is my world and that fact makes me extremely happy.
Nikki slid off of me. She stood me up on the the bed. She carefully unwrapped me. I felt exhausted but also extremely content. After she finished, she took me to the bathroom. She started the shower. We stepped in. I finished washing myself and I looked at this amazing woman. I started to wash her legs as far as I could reach. She stood still and enjoyed my efforts. Nikki raised each foot in turn for me to wash them. It was extremely erotic. I was just to wasted to get a hard on. I think Nikki was just enjoying being washed.
We finished, dried off, and laid in bed together. I was lying between her tits. I looked up at her satisfied face. I said,I love you.
She said,I love you too. We both fell asleep. This was the end of Saturday
End Notes:
Reviews and constructive criticism always welcome.
Chapter 3 by Underfoottiny
Author's Notes:
Gets a little crazy this time. Enjoy!
Chapter three
Sunday till 7
Morning came, I woke up with Nikki laying on me. Her nipple was pushed into my cheek. I could barely see light. She felt heavy on my body. I was pinned, unable to move. I was still comfortable. I could hear her heartbeat and her slow steady breathing. I loved listening to her sleep. It must have been a half hour or so till she stirred and started to wake up.
She rolled off of me and said,Good morning little one.
I said,Good morning.
Nikki asked,Did you like last night?
I said,I loved last night! We can do that as much as you want.
Nikki said,You really like everything we did that much? I think youll be spending the night a lot.
I said,As much as I can without raising suspicion.
Nikki shook her head and said,Only one thing is going to mess it up. One day you'll start growing. You wont stay this size forever.
I said, I wish I could. I havent started yet. I hope I stay this size.
She said,Me too. Well enjoy it as long as we can. Now, how about some oatmeal for breakfast?
I said,That sounds good to me. We got up and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Nikki nuked some instant oatmeal.
She said,Before we eat, I want to measure you. Nikki got the tape measure from the drawer and a pen and notebook. She was measuring a bunch of different ways. When she was done, she said,Its a surprise for the next time you spend the night.
I said,Youre gonna make me wait that long?
Nikki laughed,Im hoping youll be here next weekend.
I said,Yeah, thats a long time.
Nikki said,Ill show you next time. She winked at me. We finished our breakfast. Nikki gathered the dishes and asked,What do you want to do today?
I said,I dont know, whatever you want to do.
Nikki with a thoughtful look said,Let me think about it. She was putting our breakfast dishes in the dishwasher. She suddenly had a mischievous smile on her face and said,Ive got it.
I said,Well, tell me, what is it?
Nikki said,How about we look on the internet for giant women and tiny guys? Maybe we can get some ideas for fun. What do you think?
I said,That sounds like a really good idea.
Nikki was excited, she said,Great! Ill start the computer. Do you want a chair to sit on? Or you could sit on my lap?
I said,Id love to sit on your lap.
Nikki said,Ok, come here. I went to her. She picked me up and sat me on her lap. My head was between her tits with them almost resting on my shoulders.
She typed in giantess in the search engine. She got a lot of results. She clicked on images.
First up was a four or five inch man in a womans hand. Next was a one inch man in a womans mouth. Nikki said,What do you think about the first two?
I said,Being in your hand doesnt do much, the mouth I think I would really like. Hes a little too small though. She could swallow him whole at that size...I guess I can see how that could be exciting.
Next was a bunch of tiny men being stepped on, trapped in shoes or nylons, men in varying sizes from one to twelve inches.
I said,Thats like what you did to my mini stretch Armstrong. I think his size is how big Id like to be.
Nikki said, I think thats my favorite size too. What about how theyre stepping on them?
I said,I love it all!
Next were some women sticking the tiny men in their pussy. There were some sticking them in their ass.
Nikki said,How about those?
I said,I love all of them too.
Then there were some women peeing and pooping on tiny men.
Nikki smiled and said,What do you think of those?
I said,I dont know, I never did that.
Nikki was now smirking,Maybe we could try it?
I said,Sure, why not. Nikki seemed to get really excited at my answer. There was a woman sucking a little man's head. I said,Im sure Id love that!
Nikki chuckled and said,I dont think your head would fit in my mouth.
I said,It doesnt have to, I think it would feel really good.
Nikki said,Ok, well try that too.
I asked,Why did you wrap me in plastic?
Nikki blushed and said,Im sorry, I thought I could get you inside of me better.
I said, I never thought of that. I wish I could fit all the way in.
Nikki said,Me too! I really like trying.
My dick starts getting hard again. I tell her,You can try as much as you want. As Im looking up at her, she kisses me on my mouth. Then her mouth opens. She sucked my face into her mouth. Her tongue works over my face. My whole face is sucked into her mouth. She slowly pulls back into a very tender kiss. Half in shock at the feeling, I say,Youre amazing! That was awesome.
She said,Thank you. Lets look at some more. See if we can find something else to try.
I said,That would be awesome! I pointed at a picture of two women stepping on a tiny man. I said, I wish there were two of you.
Nikki said,I might be able to do that for you.
I said,No way, you cant be serious?
Nikki said,Let me see what I can do.
After thinking about it, I asked,Are you going to call Aunt Bonnie?
Nikki smiled,Well, you figured out that surprise. Ill talk to her. She kind of is like me when it comes to this kind of stuff. Im only going to tell her about you liking my feet though, nothing else. Im not sure how she would react.
I said, I wont say anything. Im not going to stop her either if she wants to play with me.
Nikki said,Ok, thats a good idea. See what she does.
I asked,Is she as tall as you.
Nikki said,Actually no, shes two inches shorter than me. We have the same shoe size though, if that helps your imagination. We both have our shoes hand made for us. Cant buy a size sixteen at the mall. And her feet are a little wider than mine. She gets an E width.
I asked,Wow, an E width?
Nikki said,Let's just say theyre wide.
I asked,When are you gonna call her?
Nikki chuckled,You sound like youre in a hurry.
I said,Well, Im not getting any smaller
Nikki laughed,Ill see if I can get her to come over next weekend. Ill tell her to wear nylons and stinky shoes.
I said,That would be awesome!
Nikki asked,Do you see anything else you like? What about the one thats a foot sandwich?
I said,Oh, wow, I love that one.
Nikki asked,Anything else?
I said,Honestly I cant think of anything. Whatever you want to try, Im ready to try too.
Nikki said,Ok, I hope you like it. We have to leave time to clean you up. I cant have you going home smelling like me. She stood and walked to the bedroom. She said,Lets see how far I can get you in, I wont hold back this time. Talk about instant hard on.
She went to the closet, she came out carrying the biggest dildo ever. She put it on the floor beside me. It was a little taller than me. I looked at her wide eyed. She said,Before you agree, I want you to see what Im talking about.
Nikki retrieved the lube and smeared it over the dildo and handed me the lube. She took her clothes off. She squatted on the dildo. She said,You tell me if you want this to be you.
She was working her ass up and down. Each time more of the dildo would disappear into her ass. I was getting so horny from watching, I thought I would blow a load without even touching my dick. She rocked back on it and her ass was at just below my knee level. I hear her moan softly.
Nikki looks back at me and says,This is about as far as I can take it. This dildo is twenty four inches. Youre twenty three and a half. My ass can almost swallow you completely. Are you sure you want this?
I looked her square in the eyes and said, I want you to use me like you use that dildo. No holding back on me, ok? I want you to take me completely. I strip off my clothes, take the lube and cover myself with it.
She tells me,Get on your knees. She pulled herself off the dildo. Repositioned herself. I looked at the dildo, covered in lube and fecal leftovers. I looked up at her gaping hole descending toward me. I lined up my head with her asshole. It quickly engulfed my head.
Stopping at my shoulders, she was trying to work past them. I moved one shoulder towards my ear and lowered the other one. Her asshole took the opportunity and slid over my shoulders. There was no stopping it now. Nikki was working up and down slowly swallowing the rest of me just like the dildo. I felt her squeezing me with her sphincter. Once past her rectum her colon accepted me easily. The squeezing kept moving down my my chest...stomach...dick and buttocks. Down my thighs until she moved her legs out and sat down forcing me in to my knees.
Nikki moaned, clenched her ass and rose up from the floor. My legs dangled from her ass. She lowered back down and brought her feet together on my legs. After getting a good grip on me, she pumped her ass up and down, using me to fuck her ass. After a couple of minutes, I felt her starting to climax. The convulsing started, her feet moved out. She rocked back on me, I went further in, mid shin. She clenched as the orgasm rolled through her body.
I felt her change position again. She began pushing me out without touching my legs. I heard gurgling as she started to expel me like she was shitting me out. After the fifth push, I fell out on the hardwood floor. I wiped my eyes out and took a couple of deep breaths.
I looked up, Nikki was still squatted and pushing. Piss came out in a torrent flow washing over my chest and face. It was hot and salty tasting. Her asshole started to gape again. I saw the brown forming in her hole. A mushy steady flow of shit fell from her. Landing on my chest it quickly built up and covered my head and stomach. I pulled the shit clear from my face and took another deep breath.
That smell hit like a ton of bricks. I let out and audible,Wow. I heard Nikki laugh. I felt her grab my dick with lubed fingers. She worked my dick. I blew so hard it felt like I would black out. I blew a nut covered in shit and piss and I loved it!
Nikki picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. I heard the shower running, then I felt the warm water wash over me. I felt Nikki washing me. The smell of shit was replaced by vanilla. I rubbed my eyes and finally opened them. There was her beautiful smiling face.
Nikki said,Well, did you like it or did I go too far?
I said,Nikki, that was amazing! I dont think there is anything you would do that I wouldnt like.
Nikki seemed really excited at my response. She said,Youre awesome. Ill never hold back again. Youre going to get the full Nikki treatment. She laughed and got in the shower with me. She continued washing me. When she was done she said,My turn, you wash me.
After rinsing and lathering the scrunchy, she handed it to me. Nikki spread her legs with a foot on either side of the shower. Her huge ass and puss were within reach now. I saw the leftovers on her ass from my experience. I reached up and cleaned it away with my hand. Rubbing around the folds of her asshole, her leg started shaking. She said,Careful, youll end up back in there. I took the scrunchy and washed her crotch, making sure not to miss anything. Her legs were shaking and I heard her let out a light moan once in a while. Once finished, I looked at my work. Even her crotch is beautiful.
I moved on to her legs. One hand with the scrunchy and the other I used to feel her. I washed one leg slowly, including the top of her foot. I moved to the other running my hand through her crotch before continuing down her leg, finishing with the top of her foot. She squatted with her legs apart. I moved in, washing her belly. I moved to her tits. Taking my time to wash and feel every part of them. Her nipples were hard. I put my head between them, rubbing my face through the center on the slick soapy flesh. Reaching up, I washed around her shoulders and neck.
I stepped back and she turned around for me. I washed those awesome ass cheeks. I continued up her back. She squatted lower for me to reach. As she did my now erect dick slid through her soapy ass crack. This time I moaned. I heard her chuckle. I finished her back and did her armpits. I stepped back and she stood up.
She said,Only thing left is the bottoms of my feet. Lie down and hold the scrunchy on your chest. I did a s she commanded.
As I lay there, she rinsed herself off. She was quite a sight. After rinsing her back, she spun around to rinse the front. Her heel landed on my crotch. She leaned back a little smashing my erection. When finished she turned around again.
Her foot came over me, smashing the scrunchy. Nikki rubbed her foot over the scrunchy and in turn over me. My entire body was soaped and washed again with her massive foot. When her soapy toes started in my crotch I thought I would cum again, but this foot was now clean. The other foots turn. After thoroughly wash her foot and me again with it, her toes were in my crotch, this time my dick was sliding between her toes. I didnt have a chance. Her toes squeezed and pressed down as I came. My wad looked like it shot two feet in the air.
Nikki moved the shower head to rinse me and her feet. She then turned off the shower. Nikki said, I wish I could keep you. No one has ever made me as happy as you do.
I looked up at this goddess standing over me that has fallen in love with me. I said,Ive never felt like this my entire life. Im completely in love with you.
Nikki picked me up, pulled me into her tits for a wet smeary hug. She put me down. We dried off, got dressed and I went to the living room. Nikki cleaned up the bedroom after denying my help again. When finished she joined me.
Nikki asked,Do you want lunch? How about a roast beef sandwich with pepper jack cheese?
I said,That sounds delicious. Nikki turned and walked into the kitchen. I couldnt keep my eyes off of her. She was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I think she could wear a burlap sack and still look amazing. The crazy part is this gorgeous amazon loves me, little ole me.
We ate lunch and settled in for an afternoon of watching tv. Nikki sat on the couch with her feet up. I was at her feet, rubbing them with my hands and face. I wanted to do so much more but it was late afternoon. I wanted to stay here so bad. I have to control myself. I cant mess this up.
Looking at Nikki, no words were spoken. I knew she felt the same way. I broke the long silence,If you dont mind me asking, how old is Bonnie?
Nikki said,Im the middle child, Im twenty six. Mark is the oldest at thirty six. Bonnie is the youngest at twenty four.
I asked,Were grandma and grandpa real tall?
Nikki said,Grandpa was seven foot two inches and grandma was six foot four, same as your dad. There's a lot of scandanavian in our family. I think thats why were so tall.
I said,Scandanavians must be beautiful people.
Nikki smiled and said,Some are.
I said,You never had sex before I came along?
Nikki said,No, youre my first. Tall guys keep trying to date me and thats not what Im looking for. Ive always had a fetish of dominating a small man. The smaller the better. Ive always wanted to step on, sit on, and use a tiny man in my ass and pussy like a dildo. I never had the opportunity till now. Youve taken everything I wanted to do and asked for more. Youre my perfect match.
I said,Youre my first. Ive never had a girl interested in me let alone have sex. Im treated like a baby or a subhuman by most. It gets annoying. I never in a million years thought I would be up a beautiful womans ass, yet here we are. Absolutely incredible!
Nikki said,Im not your normal woman either. My body is used to having things your size in it. I guess Ive been practicing for the time I met someone like you. She laughed and said, Im really glad you liked it. I didnt keep you in too long did I? I saw you gasping when you came out.
I said,No, I wasnt running out of air. I was just really excited. The feeling of it is indescribable. I know I want more of you. I dont want to go home.
Nikki sighed,Unfortunately you have to. If we play our cards right and make your parents comfortable with the idea of you being here, I think youll be able to stay a lot.
I said, I really hope I dont grow. I dont want anything to mess this up.
Nikki said,Time will tell. I crawled in her lap, curled up to her with my head in her tits. She put her arms around me. We sat like that watching tv.
Six oclock, mom showed up to get me. I knew it. She was worried about me. Nikki let mom in. I was sitting watching tv.
Mom said,How was your weekend?
I said,Awesome! We went swimming and for a walk. We watched movies. Nikki is pretty good cook too. We played some games. I had a good time.
Mom said to Nikki,Thank you! Im glad he had a good weekend. How about you, did you like having him over?
Nikki said, I loved having him here. Its really nice to have someone around to talk to. He was a perfect gentleman all weekend. Anytime you and Mark want to go out, please dont hesitate to call me, Id love to have him.
Mom said,Careful, he might be here a lot. Mark and I had a great time this weekend. Still I couldnt relax, worrying about my little man. Now that I see he really likes to spend the night with you. I wont hesitate to call you. What about this coming weekend? Would you want him again?
Nikki lit up,Yes, that would be great! The only thing I had planned was Bonnie coming over. I know shell like him as much as I do.
Mom said,Thats great! Mark wants to rent a cabin this weekend at the lake.
Nikki said,That sounds romantic.
Mom replied, I know, right. I love my son but Ive missed being alone with Mark.
Nikki said,Dont worry, Ill keep Doug as much as you need. I really do enjoy having him.
Mom was smiling,He has off school Friday, so anytime you want him, I can drop him off? Im thinking this is getting better by the second.
Nikki said, Ill take off Friday and Monday. I really need to use some of my vacation. You can drop him off Thursday night.
Mom was excited now,Sounds good, do you want me to pick him up Sunday night or Monday night?
Now Nikki was excited,If he doesnt have school, Ill keep him till Monday.
Mom said,No, he doesnt have school Monday either. Mom looked at me,Do you want to spend a four day weekend with Nikki?
I was trying to hide my excitement. My heart was pounding in my chest. I said,That would be awesome.
Mom said,Its settled then, Ill drop him off Thursday night after supper.
Nikki said,Thanks Diane, see you then. Good bye Dougy, see you soon. We walked out the door.
I said,Good bye, Nikki. She blew me a kiss. I didnt want to leave. We got in the car and drove home.
Mom asked,So you really did like being with Nikki?
I said,Yeah, I like her, shes pretty cool. If Bonnie is anything like Nikki, Im sure Ill really like her too.
Mom said,Bonnie is as nice as Nikki. Shes a little wilder though. I felt my heart skip a beat at that statement. Mom continued,Im pretty sure youll like her. I guess I kind of kept you sheltered. I was being overprotective. I should have let you meet them a long time ago. I should let you hang around them a lot so you can get to know them. At least as long as Nikki doesnt mind having you.
I said,We did enjoy each others company.
Things are really looking up for me for once.
End Notes:
Chapter 4 I’m currently writing. I’ll have it soon.
Chapter 4 by Underfoottiny
Author's Notes:
Meeting Bonnie in this chapter.
Chapter 4
Field Trip...Everything Changes
Its Tuesday morning, our field trip to Cyrex is today. Cyrex is known for cutting edge technology in quantum physics and radiation.
When we arrived, they took us to a conference room for a presentation. Amazing how much they are working on. They are even creating antimatter.
After the presentation, we were taken on a tour in small groups. It was Tina, Nadine, Steve, Brian and me. Also Ms.Cordell decided to go with my group.
We were walking through the quantum particle accelerator room when everything started shaking, little at first. Ever increasing intensity till it was hard to even stand. Outside, a five hundred kilovolt transmission line broke and fell across the thirteen thousand eight hundred volt line to the facility. The inrush of power caused several pieces of equipment to fire at once. From the quake, it caused the power of these machines to converge on the very spot I was standing.
I saw the upper half of Brian vaporize as some of the power passed through him. Steve was standing by Brian. He was completely gone. Only a reddish gray cloud remained. I was next...
I thought I was dead. The pain, the burning feeling was so intense that I passed out. I dont know how long I was out.
I woke up to hearing my mom crying and my dad talking to someone. My dad said,What do you mean you cant fix this? Hes going to be this small the rest of his life? I was lying on what I thought was a huge bed or a room with a mattress floor. I was covered but was totally naked.
I thought for sure pieces of my body had to be missing or burnt. I quickly did a self check. Thats a relief, everything is where its supposed to be and intact. Now, where the hell am I. Mom looked in the bassinet warmer I was in.
I saw mom, something was way off. I yelled,What the hell is going on! Where am I! I realized my voice didnt sound the same, kind of squeaky. Mom disappeared from sight and she really started crying.
My dad moved into view. I could tell he was upset, torn between me and consoling mom. He said,The earthquake caused an accident. Brian and Steve were killed. are much smaller than you were. They cant figure out what happened or why youre still alive, but you are.
I asked,How small am I? Is Ms. Cordell ok?
Dr. Anson looked in at me and said,Youre approximately four and three sixteenth inches tall. No one else sustained any injuries.
My dad snapped,So what can you do about this?
Dr. Anson said,Nothing...we tried to get a skin, hair, and blood sample from him. Our instruments broke or bent, we couldnt even cut a piece of hair. She scratched her head and continued,We took x-rays, ultrasounds, nothing penetrates him. When the fire started where he was, the automatic halon extinguisher system put out the fire. He was left in the room for two hours. There was no oxygen. Yet hes still alive. We cant test him, we just dont know what to do with him. He seems perfectly normal through observation, just severely reduced in mass.
Dad looked puzzled by her statements. He asked,You can do nothing? Nothing at all?
Dr. Anson said,Unfortunately no. We can keep him for observation if you like. As I said though, he seemed normal, just much smaller.
Dad asked,What should we give him to eat or drink?
Dr. Anson said,Whatever he wants.
Dad said,Is there somewhere we can take him to help fix this?
Dr. Anson said,We are the best, there is nothing anyone can do, sorry. At least I dont think you have to worry about hurting him.
Dad said,What do you mean?
Dr. Anson said,It appears that not only did he shrink, he became dense. At his size, he should weigh a few ounces. Hes almost a pound. Very sharp stainless steel medical instruments couldnt penetrate his skin. He didnt have oxygen for over two hours. What happened to him made him very resilient. As I said, there is nothing we can do for him. At least at this point in time. Were definitely going to pursue how this happened. So with understanding comes hope.
Dad was irritated, I guess if you cant do anything, well take him home.
Dr Anson said,His normal surroundings would probably be best for him.
I was asked to get in a small plastic box with clear sides. My dad took me to the car. Mom followed, still sobbing. The car ride was very quiet except mom crying. Once at home dad took me to my room and put me on my desk with the things I had with me that day.
I heard a lot of crying and yelling, incoherent talk. After a while of this, my dad came to my room, he was on the phone,Hey Nikki, Ive got a serious problem. Doug was in an accident today...Yeah, hes alright as he can be. He somehow shrank...A little over four inches. Can you look after him for a while? Diane is a mess. She cant stop crying...Thanks sis, Ill bring him over.
Im thinking, Im in for a very interesting time. Dad picked me up and took me to the car. He said,Im sorry son, Ive got to have some time to get your mom straightened out. Shes really taking this hard. Are you ok?
I said, I actually feel really good. Just have a lot of anxiety.
Dad said,Yeah, I guess you would be anxious. Im going to leave you with Nikki for a while, till I get your mom straightened out. Are you ok with that?
I said,Yeah, I really like Nikki. We pulled in at Nikkis house. She opened the door before we got there. Her eyes darted until she found me. She looked really excited. What a goddess! A different anxiety was starting. She was wearing a white t-shirt with black yoga pants, I could see the tan nylons and the white slip on sneakers that really smell.
Nikki said, Hi Mark, is Dougy ok? Is he fragile?
Dad said,He says he feels great. I dont think hes fragile. They tried to get samples and couldnt penetrate his skin. You dont need to worry about him getting hurt too much, I guess. They wanted him to stay for observation but I told them no.
Nikki said,Dont worry, Ill take real good care of him. Leave him with me as long as you want. Go and take care of Diane.
Dad said,Thanks Nikki. He gave her a hug and left.
Nikki closed the door, took me to the couch and opened the door on the carrier. Sat staring at me with her hand over her mouth.
I stepped out and said,Well, tell me what youre thinking?
After taking her hand away from her mouth, Nikki said, I cant believe Im looking at my fantasy. I never in a million years thought
I said,I know what you mean. We both wished for it.
Nikki said,Soooo, do you know what you can take, like holding your breath or pressure?
I said,Im not sure. I think my body is pretty strong from what the doctor was saying.
Nikki said,Do you want to find out?
The question Ive been waiting for, I said,Ok, lets see. You said no holding back, that I get the full Nikki.
Nikki had a wild look, she said,Remember, you asked for it. She reached out for me. Her fingers wrapped around me. In her fist the only part sticking out was my head. She was rubbing my head with her thumb. She held me up to her face and said,Test number one.
She began squeezing me in her fist. Slowly increasing pressure and closely monitoring my reactions. Her fist began to shake from the exertion. I said,Is that all youre strength?
Nikki said,Thats all I have. She released the pressure. She carried me to the bedroom. She said,Test two, wave you hand if it hurts, ok?
I said,Ok.
She put me on the floor. I laid on my back. Arms straight out and my legs comfortably spread apart. Dick sticking straight at attention. That still works
Looking up, shes smiling, this beautiful goddess, I see her leg moving. Im quickly overshadowed by her massive white sneaker. She lines up and lowers it onto me. Slowly she applies her weight. I quickly realized I cant wave my hand. Both arms are completely under. I feel the pressure keep increasing. Im pressed into the soft sole until it reaches the floor, sealing me off so I cant even see light. She has all of her weight on me.
She removed her foot from me and said,Im sorry! I forgot about your hand that was supposed to be out. Are you ok?
I said, I dont think you need to worry about it. That felt really good to me. I dont think you can hurt me at all!
Nikki said,Good to know. So, no holding back, do what I want to you?
I said,Yes please. I no sooner got the words out, she stomped on me hard. Raising up her heel, she twisted on me like she was trying to crush me. After being twisted and rolled under her sneaker, she relented. She moved her foot away, looking at me. I gave her a thumbs up.
The assault began. Stomping as hard as she could, so hard it shook the floor. Twisting me under the ball of her foot with all of her weight on me. I almost blew a load when she was twisting on me. Once again, she stopped and checked me. She asked,Are you ok?
I said,Definitely, I almost came.
Nikki said,Now, Im not worried about hurting you. I was trying to crush you. You took it all like it was nothing. How about I take my shoes off and see how you like my sweaty feet at this size?
I said,Please!
Nikki said,Do you remember what I did to the little man in the kitchen when you said it was you?
I said,Oh yeah, that was awesome.
Nikki, smiling, said softly,Its your turn. I heard her heel pop out of her shoe and the now louder nylon hiss as her foot slid out of her shoe. Her flexed toes passed over, sweat was glistening in the evening light. The ball of her foot landed on my hard dick. The smell overtook me, so strong I tasted it. Smell of leather from her work shoes, rubber from her sneakers combine with her strong bitter, vinegary odor. She continued her decent. Her heel was on the floor as she continued to step on me. The damp heat coming from her foot was intense to say the least.
I watched her toes start to lower. The nylon under her toes formed over my face until her foot finally sealed me to the floor. She stood on me a while, enjoying the feeling of a living person under her beautiful foot.
Nikki raised up twisted me under the ball of her foot. Once satisfied, she wrapped her toes around me. Picked me up and and dropped me in her sneaker.
Her foot followed me in the opening. I quickly moved to lay on my back. Her toes passed over my legs to the knees where it got tighter. She started scrunching, pulling her foot over me and into the shoe. Being pressed into the memory foam insole, dampness squished out over my backside.
Her toes hit my dick and scrunched. The nylon continued its journey over me. Completely under after pinching my head in her toes. Her foot wiggled side to side, her heel dropped in.
She stepped on me. I was encased in memory foam insole and her nylon foot. Heat was increasing along with the odor. I felt her weight roll up my body until her toes were smashed into my face. All pressure was gone as I was launched forward. Her weight slammed back down on me, rolling up my body again. Each step caused sweat to squish around me. Slightly salty and a little slimy. Her pace picked up. She stopped, standing on me, I heard the faint sound of a door opening.
With a quick launch forward, we were walking again. Heat started to really increase. Like a sauna. Each step was smearing me around between her foot and insole.
I kept sliding until my whole body was under her toes. I was close to blowing a load again, when she stopped. She took her heel out and used her toes to pull me to the heel section of her sneaker. I saw daylight, were outside.
Her heel pushed its way wiggling back in on top of my lower body. My head was under her arch. She started walking. Her heel was slamming on my dick. After a couple of steps, I climaxed. The nylon heel kept slamming into me. I was spent, yet her foot didnt stop.
I was limp which made my migration forward in her shoe pretty quick. By the time my head was under her toes, I was hard again. Shortly after my body was completely packed under her toes again. I was soaked in sweat. It was a little stingy to my eyes. The odor was the most intense I have ever smelled. Her toes kept up the assault until I came again.
Going limp again, I slid under the pads of her toes. The most intense rubbing of my body by far. Each step her toes would pull across my body so that I was almost back in the crevice under her toes. Then launched forward, quickly slowing down, that moved me forward under her toe pads again.
A couple of minutes of this, I came again. A few minutes later, I came again, only it felt like nothing came out, but the feeling was extreme and lasted a while. The whole time shes walking, oblivious to whats happening under her toes.
After a few more minutes, my dick was hard. She stopped, took her shoe off. Lying in her shoe motionless, she said,Are you ok?
I sat up and said,Im spent, I came four times. I think, I cant remember. Thats the most erotic experience I could imagine! I stood up, looked out of her shoe. Were at the park. Nikkis sitting on a bench.
Nikki said,Well, in that case my other foot is lonely. Maybe you can give it attention on the way back? Her sneakers were sitting together her legs were crossed. The foot that was on me is bouncing in the air. Her other foot still in the sneaker with her heel out.
I climbed over the edge and into the other sneaker. Familiar smell. Standing, I felt her heel, I ran my hands down her arch. I laid down, I pushed my head tight against where her foot and insole separate. She lowered her heel and worked it back into her shoe. My face was pushed into the softest spot on her foot, where the ball meets the arch.
Heat was starting to climb and sweating resumed. She sat there a little while. I rubbed my face in the nylon covering that soft spot. I loved every minute of where I was.
Nikki stood up and started to walk back home. This shoe seemed tighter. I wasnt moving around as much. I slid forward enough that my head was under the ball of her foot. Every step forced sweat up my nose and in my mouth.
She stopped again, popped her foot loose and adjusted me. Head was under her toes and the rest was mainly under the ball. She worked her heel in and started walking again.
The feeling was incredible. I was hard but was unable to climax again. I love everything about this woman. I hope Im able to stay with her permanently.
Nikki arrived at home. She went to the bedroom, sat on the bed. She took her shoes off. I lay there, exhausted. I look out from her shoe. She looks positively pleased with herself.
I climbed out of her shoe. I was standing between her feet looking up at her. I say to her,Youre absolutely gorgeous.
Nikki said,Aaawww, thank you sweety. Ill give you one more special thing before we get a shower. Her feet raise up and turn soles towards me. She brings them together with me in the middle. Nikki rubs her feet together, grinding me between them. After a few minutes of this I blew another load. I didnt think it was possible. She flexed her toes. My head and shoulders popped out from in between. I leaned my head forward and kissed the base of her toes. She clamped her toes shut on me and rubbed some more.
After a few more minutes, she let me down to the floor. She stood up and started to undress. She would step on me when she pulled her yoga pants off each leg, repeating the process with her pantyhose, finally her underwear. She stepped on me barefoot while she took her top and bra off. My head was between hers toes. The view was breathtaking. Her crotch, her tits bouncing and her blonde hair swinging around were all in my sights.
She looked at my tiny face between her toes and chuckled. She said,Are you ready for a shower? I think I stink, I can smell myself. I know you stink. You smell like my sweaty feet. Here, take a whiff of this.
Nikki moved her foot, picking me up in her hand. She rubbed my head on her sweaty puss. Making sure my head was pushed in her a little to get the full effect. Her puss was wet, probably from her thinking about me in her shoe.
Nikki said, I bet this really stinks. She slid me through her ass crack until she pushed my head in her asshole. She clenched on my head. Slowly pulling me until I was free. Holding me up, she blew me a kiss and headed to the bathroom.
Nikki started the shower and said,I bet youre going to love this. She retrieved the scrunchy and used the loop to hang it to tie me fast to it. She stepped in the shower, squirted soap on the scrunchy. She squeezed and rubbed me and the scrunchy to make suds. She held the scrunchy with me facing out. She said,Here we go.
She rubbed me over her neck, down each shoulder and arm. Then through her armpits and onto her breasts. Spending some time on her tits, she rubbed my face on each nipple. Repeating using my crotch. In between and underneath. Down to her tight stomach. Finally into her shaved crotch. Rubbing me over every square inch of her huge puss.
I probably wouldve came, if I had any left. I cant believe its only been a few hours with Nikki. I was rubbed on her puss until she was satisfied it was clean. Her ass was next. After rubbing over those wondrous mounds of ass cheek, she shoved me into her crack. Up against this huge ass hole, being rubbed around on it. Through the folds and a little into her ass hole.
Nikki moved onto her legs. Up and down each thigh. Knee, behind the knees, over her calf muscles. The tops of her feet. She dropped the scrunchy on the shower floor. Stepping on it and me, rubbing her feet to wash them. She was rinsing off at the same too. She stepped on me and the scrunchy until no more suds came out.
She picked me up, untied me. She said,How did you like your shower?
I said, I love showering with you! She put me to her lips. Her kiss had my head buried completely in her lips. With sucking smacking sounds she pulled me back out of her lips.
She dried off, put on a dark blue t-shirt and white panties. She said,How about watching some tv?
I said,Ok, sounds relaxing. Nikki carried me to the living room and put me at the end of the couch. She sat at the other end. She put her feet up close to me. She turned the tv on and searched for something to watch. She found Antman and said,This looks interesting.
I walked to her feet. I rubbed her bare feet. Caressing them and rubbing my face on them. I looked between her toes, Nikki was watching me intently, smiling. I was kissing her toes until she flexed them out of reach. I moved on to kissing and rubbing her arch and heel.
Nikki asked,Do you want to sleep with my feet tonight?
I said,Id love to.
Nikki said,Ok, I have an idea to keep you in place so you dont get lost under the covers. She went to the bedroom and returned carrying a pair of knee high nylons. She sat down, picked me up and dropped me in the opening of one of the knee highs. I bounced when I hit the toe section. She rolled the nylon, her toes entered, pushing me under them. She stripped the nylon up her leg and over her calf.
Nikki adjusted my position with her hand. My face was peeking out between her big toe and the one next to it. She flexed, I was bent, my upper body followed her toes while my lower body stayed with the rest of her foot. She proceeded to point her toes, pinching my head in them.
When done she said,There, I think youll stay put. She put her foot with me under it on the floor and crossed her legs. She put the other knee high on. She finished watching the movie. Tapping me with her foot, squeezing my head and flexing her toes while the movie was on.
She yawned and said,Are you ready for bed?
I said,Yup, Im exhausted.
Nikki said,Youre going to need your sleep. Tomorrow is Thursday, when I told Bonnie about you, she took off all four days. Shes really going to be excited to see what happened to you. She stood up and walked on me to the bedroom. She went to the bathroom. Sat on the toilet. I heard her peeing. She asked me,Do you have to pee?
I said,No, I think our walk has me a little dehydrated.
Nikki said,Im sorry, do you need a drink.
I said,Nope, I drank enough foot sweat and shower water. Im ok.
Nikki smiled and said,Ok. Time for bed then. She got up, flushed and washed her hands. She walked on me to the bed, got under the covers and said,Good night my little man.
I said,Good night my gorgeous goddess. She chuckled and turned out the light. She brought her feet together so the top of the other foot was against my back sandwiching me between them. This was actually incredibly comfortable. It wasnt long I was asleep.
In the morning I was awakened to Nikki taking off the knee high I was in. Once out, she picked me up and put me in her white sneaker and shoved the pantyhose she was wearing yesterday on top of me. She said,You can sleep a little longer. Ill be back to get you later.
She left the room. Inhaling deeply her odor, I went back to sleep. A little while later I was awakened again, this time by Nikki talking to someone else. The other woman sounded kind of like Nikki but her voice was a little lower and more sultry. It dawned on me, Bonnie! I pushed the pantyhose out of Nikkis sneaker.
I looked up and was awestruck by her. Bonnie and Nikki were standing close and looking at me. I looked at Bonnie and said,Wow, youre gorgeous! I didnt think it was possible to have two women this gorgeous.
Bonnie laughed and said,Well, thank you. You look very handsome to me too. Nice to meet you, my name is Bonnie.
I said, Im very glad to meet you. Im Doug.
Bonnie said,Unfortunately for you, Im like Nikki, youre my fantasy man. So youll have to forgive me if I get excited around you.
I said,Nothing to forgive, Im sure Ill enjoy it. Now Im really checking her out. A little shorter than Nikki with bigger tits and a bigger ass. Black hair and ice blue eyes. Blue flower print yoga pants, white t-shirt, same white sneakers as Nikki, except hers look noticeably wider and same tan nylons. My dick was standing at attention.
Nikki said, I think he likes you. Look
Bonnie said,Good, I think were all going to enjoy this weekend.
I said,Weekend? Youll be here all weekend?
Bonnie said,Is that ok?
I said,Hell yeah! I think Im the luckiest guy on the planet!
Nikki said,Before we get into anything like that, how about some breakfast?
I said,Yeah, Im kind of hungry.
Bonnie said,Now hold on a second, one question before we do anything else. Whats his limits? I dont want to hurt him.
Nikki said,I havent found his limit yet. I stomped on him, tried to crush him and went for a three mile walk with him in my sneakers and he loved it. I heard he can hold his breath for at least two hours. We havent tested that one yet.
Bonnie had a shocked look and said,This just got a whole lot more interesting.
Nikki said,Im going to get his breakfast ready. Can you see if he needs to go potty and bring him to the kitchen when hes done?
Bonnie said,Sure, I can do that. Nikki went to the kitchen. Nikki was no sooner out of sight, Bonnie picked me up, held me to her face for a good look. Shes even more beautiful close up. She carried me to the bathroom and stood me on the toilet seat. I quickly peed.
Bonnie had a mischievous grin. She said ,I need to go too. She pulled down her pants. I had an awesome view of her crotch as it passed overhead. Her pussy lips were huge, double the size of Nikkis plus. I could see every detail as she kept shaved just like her sister. She sat and started to go. I watched the urine run from her like a waterfall crashing into the toilet water below. Finished, she tore off some toilet paper and handed it to me. She said,You dont mind do you?
I said,Not at all. I took the toilet paper. She rolled her crotch up and slid forward a little to give me access. I started wiping her huge puss. I heard mmmm escape her lips. I wiped it all and dropped the toilet paper in the toilet. I could help myself. I grabbed those lips, pulled them and kissed her clit. She jumped from my touch. I fell in the toilet.
She laughed and said,Im sorry, I wasnt expecting you to do that. She picked me out of the cold yellow toilet water. Putting me in the sink. She washed me and her hands. She flushed the toilet and said,Im gonna have a lot of fun with you. She dried her hands and me.
She asked,How do you want me to take you to breakfast? I immediately looked at her sneakers. She said,In my shoe it is. She grabbed me from the sink and sat down on the toilet. She slid her foot out of her sneaker and put me in it. You could tell they were sisters. Bonnies toes were a little shorter than Nikkis but still long. Higher arches and somewhat wider. Even her heel was a little wider. Very powerful looking foot. I laid down just as I did for Nikki. Smell was similar to her sister. Very hot and sweaty inside. Her foot entered and worked its way over me. Until her toes passed over my head. She wiggled her heel back in.
She stood up, putting all of her weight on me, she started to wiggle her toes. She was rubbing my face with her sweaty nyloned toes. She was definitely enjoying the feeling of me in her shoe.
Bonnie slowly walked to the kitchen. She loved the feeling of me squishing into her sole. Once in the kitchen, she stood one me with the other sneaker resting on top. Her foot was a little softer and felt awesome standing on me.
Nikki said,Wheres Doug? Did you stick him somewhere already?
Bonnie said,Sorry sis, I couldnt help myself. Hes in my shoe. He really feels good in there.
Nikki said, I know, I just wanted to keep him in mine yesterday. He slept with my feet last night because he wanted to.
Bonnie said,He really likes feet that much? I wonder if he would like being in my pussy or up my ass? You know Ive got to sis, I cant help it.
Nikki said,Ive thought about it. I think hell definitely enjoy it. I couldnt hear what was being said. It was muffled by the feet on me. Nikki said,You should let him out to eat. There is a piece of bagel and cream cheese on the table with a small medicine cup of coffee. Im going to put my clothes on from yesterday. He said he loves the smell, so Ill give it to him.
Bonnie said,Ok, if I have to. She walked to the table, sat down and took her shoe off. She plucked me from her shoe and put me on the table. She said,Heres your breakfast. I started to eat. She put her shoe back on. She saw my hard on and said, I guess you like my feet.
I said,Of course, theyre beautiful, just like you.
Bonnie said,Awe, youre so sweet. Thank you.
Nikki returned dressed in the same clothes she had on last night. She asked us,So, what do you want to do first?
End Notes:
As always, any suggestions or constructive criticism is appreciated.
Chapter 5 by Underfoottiny
Author's Notes:
New character added. Enjoy.
Chapter 5
Two Amazons Have Some Fun
Nikki said,Mark just called and asked if we can take Doug to Cyrex. Dr Anson wants to run a test on him. I told him we would. He said Dr Anson said it wouldnt take long. Looking at Bonnie, Nikki said,Do you want to go with us?
Bonnie said,Definitely, sounds interesting.
Nikki said,Great, lets get this over with so we can have him to ourselves. Nikki grabbed the keys to her car. Bonnie quickly picked me up. Nikki looked at her.
Bonnie said,Ill keep him safe. She took her shoe off. Put me in it. She slid her foot in over me. The odor, that awesome odor, Ill never be tired of it or the hot damp feeling. They walked out the door.
I could hear them talking during the ride but couldnt make out what they were saying. We arrived at our destination. Bonnie took me out of her shoe and handed me to Nikki. Nikki carried me as we went to the reception desk. They led us to a small waiting room close to where the accident took place. Our escort informed us that Dr Anson is in the middle of an experiment and should be in to see us in a half hour or so. He left and locked the door. I thought that was odd.
Nikki put me on the floor, they both were wiggling their toes in their sneakers in anticipation. Then I heard my name faintly. At first I thought it was Nikki or Bonnie. Then again I heard it a little louder. Definitely a male voice. Out of the corner of my eye I caught movement.
I yelled,Steve! They said you were dead. As I walked to him, I realized hes much smaller than me. Only about an inch tall.
Steve said,Well, Im obviously not. Might as well be though. When I felt like I was burned alive, I fell and landed on Tinas shoe. I hung on as long as I could, until I lost my grip and landed close to the door of this room. Ive been here ever since.
By now, Nikki and Bonnie saw him. Theyre both staring at him wide eyed. I asked him,Are you ok?
Steve said, I guess about as ok as I can be. Ive been eating an old stale cracker sandwich someone dropped and the air conditioner has a small drip of water. Something else, when I fell off Tinas shoe, Ms Cordell was coming behind her. She stepped on me, but I wasnt hurt.
I said,Im like that too. Dr Anson said Im very resilient. I guess you are too. Everyone thinks youre dead. Do you want us to call your parents?
Steve said,No, definitely not. I dont want this burden on them. I dont want anyone to know. Unless they can put me back to my original size.
This is my aunts, Bonnie and Nikki, if you want, I think they would love to take care of you? I said to Bonnie and Nikki,Would you like to take care of Steve until they find a way to put us back to size?
Nikki said,Are you kidding, wed love to! Just then, someone started to unlock the door. Nikki quickly moved her foot over Steve and brought it down.
Steve saw the shadow come over him. He looked up to see the white sneaker tread before being slammed into the floor. Her sneaker held him there.
Nikki grabbed me, picking me up quickly as Dr.Anson walked in. Dr.Anson said,Hello ladies, you must be Mr.Walkers sisters. Im Dr.Anson, nice to meet you.
Nikki said,Nice to meet you. Were Marks much younger sisters. Im Nikki and this is Bonnie. I dont think Ive heard Mark called Mr.Walker before. Nikki chuckled.
Bonnie said,Nice to meet. These tests arent going to hurt Dougy, will they?
Dr.Anson said,No harm will come to him. I dont think I could hurt him if I tried. May I have him.
Nikki handed me to Dr.Anson. We headed out the door. Dr.Anson said to them,We should be back in about an hour. She then exited and locked the door once more. We walked down a long corridor to a large high bay area. A very large machine was in the center with a lot of supporting electrical cabinets and computers. Dr.Anson said, I need you to lie still as possible. Im going to try to look at your atomic structure.
I said,Ok, Ill do my best. She put me on a table in the center of the machine.
Dr.Anson said,Thats a good boy. If you need something, wave your hand to get my attention.
I said,Ok, I will. She then walked away and went to work on one of the many consoles. The machine began a light hum.
Meanwhile back in the waiting room, Nikki took her foot off of Steve. Steve stood up and looked angry. Nikki said,Sorry, I didnt want her to see you.
Steve said,Its ok. It wasnt entirely unpleasant.
All Nikki heard was some faint squeaking. She said,I cant hear you. Just shake your head yes or no, ok? Steve shook his head yes. Nikki said,Good, you didnt mind me stepping on you? Steve shook his head no.
Nikki looked at Bonnie and said,Can you believe it? We have another one even smaller than Dougy that likes to be stepped on. Im really glad we came here today.
Steve was yelling,Thats not what I meant, thats not what I meant!
Bonnie said,We can take turns or use them together. We have four feet and six holes to put them in.
Nikki said,Six?
Bonnie said,Yeah, mouth, puss, and ass times two.
Nikki said,I didnt think about the mouth. Youre right.
Steve listening to the two giantess talking decided to shut up and go along with what they wanted. He was getting horny as they talked. Besides, he didnt have much of a choice.
Nikki slipped her foot out of her sneaker. To Steve, standing directly in front of it, the hiss of the nylon was rather loud. Part way out, she moved the tractor trailer size shoe to the side. She placed her foot on the floor close to Steve. Steve was completely entranced by what she was doing. Her toes flexed up, giving him a close up view under her toes. Her foot moved forward. Steam rolling Steve. He was knocked down and quickly rolled underneath. Hot and sweaty, the odor permeated his senses. He was in a state of sensory overload. Nikki moved her foot back and Steve popped out from under her toes.
Just as he started to regain his senses, Bonnies foot steam rolled him. Engulfing his little body with her sweaty nylon clad foot. She rolled him underneath and pulled back. After he rolled out from under the ball of her foot, he looked up as her toes came down on him and tried to grasp him. He fell out. After several attempts, he found himself squeezed tightly under her toes.
Bonnie said to Nikki, I have an idea. Lift your foot up here. Nikki and Bonnie lifted their feet into the air and pressed their soles together.
Steve felt like he was on a roller coaster. He stopped as her toes released him. He fell into the crease where the balls of their feet met. He looked up and saw two sets of huge toes jutting into the air, flexed back, poised the close on him.
After a few moments, his nylon cocoon began to close on him. After being completely encased in sweaty nylon feet, they pushed and twisted. Grinding him between them. After a few seconds, they stopped and flexed their toes open. Only his head was visible deep in the crease between them. Their toes closed again, grinding him again. With them grinding him, he started to get aroused between their huge feet. The harder his dick got, the more effect the grinding had on it. He couldnt take it anymore. He came hard in the relentless grinding. They kept grinding his limp body. Until he fell through their arches and was wedged between their heels.
Nikki said,Stop, hes about to fall out. They stopped the grinding. Nikki held her hand out underneath. Their feet separated and Steves limp body landed in Nikkis hand. Nikki pulled him in for a close look.
Nikki said,I know that look. I think he likes our feet. Dont you? Steve shook his head yes. Nikki said,So, we need to sneak you out of here. Where do you want to be for the ride home? Bonnie crossed her legs and her foot was bobbing up and down. It caught Steves attention. When he looked, Nikki said,You must like our feet. Bonnie, he wants to ride home in your shoe.
Bonnie said,Nice, wish granted. Bonnie took Steve from Nikki and put him in her sneaker. He fell and tumbled down the arch and stopped before the toe section. Looking at the dirty impression of her foot all around him. The light went dim and the shoe shook as her giant foot entered searching for its prey. Her toes hit Steve, knocking him down flat on his back. Bonnies toe quickly passed over until the ball of her foot settled on him. With a wiggling of her heel, Steve was sealed inside his new home.
The air quickly got thick and heavily scented. Heat and dampness also quickly built up. Steve was thinking, this is going to be a long trip back to their house.
Dr.Anson finished her tests on me. She retrieved me from the table. I asked,Did you figure anything out yet?
Dr.Anson said,Not yet, I need to go over the data. She took me back to the waiting room. She handed me to Nikki and said,Well be in touch. Thank you for bringing him.
Nikki said,Your welcome. They got up and Dr.Anson escorted them out.
Steve felt a sudden crushing pressure when Bonnie stood up. Her foot launched forward putting his stomach in his throat. Slam! Sudden pressure, launch forward again. Feeling like being hammered under a hot sweaty mattress. He quickly got used to the motion. Heat, sweat and odor continue to build. Slowly sliding forward with each step. He found himself in the crevice under her toes. He thought, this isnt so bad.
We got to the front door and said our goodbyes. In the car, Nikki looked around for anyone watching. Once she was sure there was no one, she pulled down her yoga pants, she pulled down her pantyhose and pulled open her underwear. She rubbed my face through her hot sweaty puss until she found the opening. She shoved me in, head first up to my waist. Then two fingers on the bottom of my feet, she pushed me completely in till her fingers were buried also. Once deep inside, her puss contracted hard, squeezing me. Her juices were crackling in my ears and being forced in my mouth. She tastes so good. I could hear her heart pounding inside her.
Nikki pulled her underwear, pantyhose and yoga pants back in position. Bonnie looked at her in shock and said,Oooohh, you dirty girl!
Nikki said,After playing with the tiny one, I was so horny, I cant help it!
Bonnie said,I think these two little guys are going to be worn out by the end of the day. They both laughed and Nikki drove home.
Steve was getting comfortable. Bonnie was scrunching her toes playing with him. Steve was soaked in her sweat. The odor was incredible. He was starting to love her feet. He heard the car shut off. She got out and stood up squishing her sweat around him. Forcing some in his mouth. He thought, hmmm, a little salty and quite tangy. Shes definitely savory. She walked on him into the house.
Once inside, Bonnie didnt waste any time. She took her shoes off, pulled Steve out. Pulled down her yoga pants, pantyhose and underwear. She looked at Steve and said,You better squirm a lot. She sent him to her huge puss. He couldnt believe what he was seeing, her huge lips hanging down. Holding him with her thumb and index finger, she parted those lips, found her hungry cunt and shoved him in. With her index finger, she pushed him deep inside.
Bonnie was rubbing her clit. Steve decided to try his best to satisfy her. He was kicking his legs and swinging his arms. Bonnie felt him. She kept thinking there is a tiny man in my puss trying to satisfy me. It drove her crazy. Steve could hear her heart pounding hard. His surroundings started to shake. Lots of fluid was around him. Her puss began contracting on him at a furious pace. Her puss was pushing him out. Bonnie couldnt stand anymore and flopped on the couch. Her contractions caused Steve to be expelled in a stream of pussy juice.
Steve slowly slid on to her ass hole. When he realized where he was, he tried desperately to get back up. It was no use, the area was too slick to get a hold. Bonnie felt him at her asshole and said,Wow, you want in there too. Her finger found him and pushed him into her huge ass hole. As slick as he was, it didn't take much effort. Once inside, her sphincter contracted forcing him in deeper. Until he was far inside her rectum. Steve thought he was doomed to die in this giantess ass. He was pushed a little deeper still by the contractions, until he ran into her waste and pushed into the end of it.
After I thought we were home I unleashed on Nikki. I was moving every part of me as much as her tight puss would allow. When I started, I felt her body jerk, her heart was now pounding. Nikki felt the sudden movement and almost fell down. Nikki yelled,OH MY GOD! I cant take him. Nikki sat down beside Bonnie, rubbing her clit. Nikki looked at Bonnie, she leaned in and started kissing her. Bonnie moved on to rubbing and kissing Nikkis tits, she sucked her nipples. Bonnie grabbed Nikkis hand and pulled it from her clit and replaced it with her own.
Bonnie kissed her way down her belly. Nikki was moaning uncontrollably. Bonnie started licking and sucking her clit. Nikki didnt last long. She was shaking, her puss was contracting hard on me. She was so juicy. Each contraction was shoving me out of her. I tried to keep myself in her. Her puss was too strong. I felt the cool air on my feet, then my calves. I felt something hot and wet wrap around my legs. I felt suction, pulling me into it. I felt my dick get pulled from Nikki and sucked into the other. I was quickly pulled from Nikkis puss only to realize I was in Bonnies mouth up to my waist. She was sucking on the bottom half of my body.
She was moving me upward. I saw Nikkis belly, then tits passed under me. I looked up and saw Nikkis upper lip, teeth and finally the roof of her mouth before it closed on my upper body. She was sucking hard on me. Their tongues started swirling around my body as they pushed their lips together forming a seal. They were kissing each other with me in their mouths. Between the sucking, tongue rolling me around and being completely inside of one or the others mouth sucking on me, I came quickly, the most powerful orgasm yet. They didnt slow down, even after I was limp. Just made it easier for them to move me around. Bonnie pulled back with only my head sticking out of her mouth.
Nikki puckered her lips and slowly sucked my head in while it felt like Bonnie could swallow me. My legs were in the back of her throat. I could feel her swallow, it would pull on my legs when she did. Nikki had my head between her lips sucking tremendously hard. Trying to pull me from Bonnie. Bonnie relented to let Nikki suck me into her mouth.
Nikki sucked me in until I was most of the way in her mouth. Nikki made a mmmm sound that reverberated through me. Her tongue pushed me up and towards her throat. As she swallowed, my head was in her throat. She grabbed me by the legs and pulled me out. She kissed my face. Bonnie came from behind me , kissing my head and Nikki at the same time.
Once they pulled away, Nikki said to Bonnie, I thought we would never do that stuff to each other again?
Bonnie said,Did you like it?
Nikki said,You know I did.
Bonnie said,Then, whats the problem with it. Besides, how many guys have you been with.
Nikki said,Including Dougy, one
Bonnie said,Ive only had Steve. Which reminds me, I need to get him out of my ass soon.
Nikki said,At least we had a guy involved. Very unusual circumstances. I never thought we would have a tiny man to play with, let alone two.
Bonnie said,See, no problem. Two girls and two guys, were good. Smiling, she felt Steve wiggling in her ass and said,Im going to push Steve out. Be back in a little while. She went into the bathroom.
Nikki held me up to her face,Are you ok with both of us on you like that?
I said,Your kidding right? Anytime you and Bonnie want me between you like that, Im wholeheartedly in. Nikki chuckled and blew me a kiss.
Bonnie pulled down her pants and sat on the toilet. She started baring down to expel Steve. Steve heard gurgling and running fluid sounds, shortly after, he began moving with the turd he was stuck to. The canal got tighter as he moved down. He could see light. It was getting brighter. He could make out the veins and folds of her anus just before he moved out of the opening, looking down he saw the large white bowl filled with water. Slowly getting closer to the water. The turd shook. A sudden free fall into the water. The turd pile drove him into the side of the bowl. The turd floated up and Steve was free. He was in shock by how cold the water was.
Steve swam up, popped out and took a deep breath at the same time Bonnie left out a deep rumbling fart. Steve started coughing from the stench. Against the side at water level, he was hit by a mushy turd when he was coughing. He now had a mouth full of Bonnies shit. After spitting, coughing some more, he wiped his face with his hand and swam to the front of the bowl. Trying to get out of the landing zone. He was hit in the face by her piss, very yellow and strong smelling. The flow pushed him under water until she finished. Once he made it to the surface again, he saw the titaness wiping herself. After three wads of paper, she was finished and stood up. She adjusted her clothes and reached for the flush handle. Steve was screaming and frantically waving his arms.
Bonnie laughed,Calm down, I was only kidding. I just found you. Youre my fantasy guy. Ill never let you go, my little handsome man. Steve breathed a sigh of relief.
Bonnie pulled off some paper and lowered it to Steve. He grabbed on and she hauled him out. Holding her hand underneath for his safety. She set him on the edge of the sink. She turned and flushed the toilet. She started washing her hands. Once her hands were soapy, she picked up Steve. She said,Close your eyes. She rubbed him, washing him thoroughly. She held him in the warm water running from the faucet. After drying him and her hands, she took him back to the living room.
Bonnie put Steve on the end table. Nikki put me with him. Bonnie asked me,Can you tell me if Steve enjoyed what I did to him?
I said to Steve,What did you think of what she did to you?
Steve thought a minute. He said,At first the thought of where I was disgusted me. After being left in those situations a while, it grew on me. Except threatening to flush me down the toilet. I did enjoyed the feeling of it, even the smell and taste of her. Does that make me a hog?
I said,I love it and I dont think Im a hog.
Steve said,Ok, tell her I loved it.
I tell Bonnie,He said he loved it all.
Bonnie said,Great! Then were going to have a good time together. She blew him a kiss.
Its evening, Nikki ordered pizza. We enjoyed the meal together. Nikki and Bonnie are sitting in the living room drinking wine. Im on the floor in front of them, rubbing their nylon feet. Steve was exhausted so Bonnie put him in her bra with her nipple between his legs to hold him in place.
Nikki got up to get some more wine for them. She stepped on me. She could see my face pressed into the nylon between her big toe and the one next to it. She was looking at me lovingly and said,You know, I really love this little guy. She walked to the kitchen.
Bonnie said,I love you too.
I said,What about Steve?
Bonnie said,Hes fun to play with, Id rather have you. Hes almost too little. I have trouble feeling him. If I stuck you in my ass, I know I could feel you the whole time. Moving or not.
My dick was hard immediately at her statement. I said, I think I would really enjoy it too.
Bonnie said,Thats why I love you, you love doing anything to please us. You're engaging, you want to play with us. Steve seems like hed rather be by himself. He had to think about whether he liked my ass and puss. I mean really. Youre all over a question like that, you look forward to us and would do anything to make us happy.
I think its because I was small before. I continued ,Ive had the foot giantess fetish for as long as I can remember.
Bonnie said,Thats why Steve doesnt get as excited as you. Maybe Ill eat him. I always wanted to do that.
I said,You want to kill him?
Bonnie said,No, nothing like that. They told us nothing can penetrate your skin. So he shouldnt get digested. The only thing Im worried about is how long he wont be able to breath.
I said,Yeah, Nikki wanted to see how long I could hold my breath but havent tried yet.
Nikki walked in and heard us,Tried what?
Bonnie said,To see how long he can hold his breath.
Nikki said,Oh, so youre ready to find out?
I said, Im ready when you are.
Bonnie said to Nikki,So, how are you going to test it?
Nikki said,By putting him somewhere theres no air, same place you had Steve earlier. I just pooped a little while ago so now he can have an extended stay. She laughed at her joke.
Bonnie said,Youre not afraid of suffocating him?
Nikki said,No, I think if he wants out he would be able to pull himself out. I have a hunch he can hold it for longer than we can test him for. I heard some of the people at Cyrex talking.
Bonnie asked,What did they say?
Nikki said,Well, it sounds like his body stores oxygen. They were guessing weeks to months without air. Isnt that incredible.
Bonnie said,It sure is. Do you remember I told you I would love to swallow a little man sometime. I was thinking about eating Steve.
Nikki said,Thats why the breath holding came up. I got it now. Well little man, I guess you know where youre sleeping tonight. Nikki grabbed me and took me in the bedroom. She got the lube out and put some on me. She swung me back between her ass cheeks to meet her huge asshole. Its massive! She didnt need lube. She pushed me in, head first. She pushed me in as far as her fingers could reach. Something cold and round hit my feet. I was propelled way up inside of her. It was one of her dildos.
Bonnie said,Hes definitely way up there now. She slowly pulled the dildo out of Nikkis ass. It was hot and wet inside her. I didnt run into any waste. I was thinking about what Bonnie said, she wanted to eat him. I wonder what that would be like. Going the whole way through her body.
I heard Nikkis heart, the steady beat. I went to sleep. Nikki and Bonnie went to bed with each other.
I woke up. Nikki was moving around. It must be morning. I must have moved during the night. My surroundings felt different. I heard her intestines gurgling as they went about their work. I could feel the fecal material slowly packing around me. I was also moving little by little down. I fell asleep a few times.
I was awakened by being squeezed and moving downward. I felt cold air hit my legs and a sudden rush out of her. I hit the water. Quite a rude awakening, the shock of cold water. I went to the front of the bowl. She expelled some more waste. She saw where I was and slid forward on the seat, aiming for me. I was covered up to my chest in her mush. Piss fell from her, raining over me. I opened my mouth to get a taste.
Nikki seeing me do this, said,You really do love everything about me. She wiped off, stood up and reached for me. I put my hand up and she grabbed it. She pulled me out and put me in a sink of warm water that was waiting for me. She started to wash me.
I said,How long was I in you?
Nikki said,A little over a day.
I said,You know I wasnt even close to running out of air.
Nikki smiled,I figured as much. I think Bonnie is going to eat Steve tonight. He doesnt know that hell be ok. So, this should prove interesting for him.
I said,Shell scare the hell out of him. Can I watch.
Nikki laughed and said,Sure, Id eat you if I knew you wouldnt get stuck somewhere. Youre a little too big for that.
I said, Id love for you to eat me. I think that would feel awesome. Im actually a little jealous of Steve.
Nikki said,Sorry hun, lets look into it to see if its possible. If it is, Ill chew you up and swallow you. My dick immediately stood up. She said, I guess you like that idea. She laughed.
Nikki had a serious look and said,I really wonder if Steve likes us. Hes been by himself all day. He really hasnt wanted to see us. I dont know about him.
I said,Do you want me to talk to him?
Nikki said,No, its ok, maybe its me just being over sensitive. Well see how he acts the rest of the weekend. I shook my head. She picked me up and took me to the living room. Bonnie was there eating chips and dip, watching a movie.
Nikki put me on the end table. I ate some with them. Steve came out from behind the lamp. I said,Whats up?
Steve said,That dip smells pretty good. I thought I might get some. He scaled the side of the dip container. Nikki motioned to Bonnie and snickered. After Steve was straddling the rim, he got a taste. Bonnie took a larger chip and bumped Steve, knocking him in the dip.
Bonnie said,Oh, Im sorry. Let me get you out of there. She took her chip and scooped him up with some dip. Opened her mouth and put him in. Steve just got the dip cleared from his eyes to see himself going inside Bonnies huge mouth. She closed her mouth with a crunch. She began chewing with her mouth open. I was watching Steve getting chewed on, an arm or leg would stick out between her teeth. Then I saw him as her tongue pushed him into her molars. She bit down on him. Steve screamed like he was dying. I heard a crunch! I thought he was crushed. When she opened back up, he was mad and cursing at her. She flipped him to the middle of her tongue. Steve was wondering what this crazy bitch was doing.
Bonnie opened her mouth and showed Steve to me. He was mad, but perfectly fine. She closed her mouth. I watched her swallow with an audible gulp. Steve was forced into her throat. The muscles of her esophagus took over as Steve disappeared into the abyss. She opened her mouth again and he was gone. My dick stood at attention.
Steve stopped at the entrance to her stomach. The sphincter opened slowly, Steve was pushed into her stomach. The stench was disgusting. He decided to hold his breath. He had gastric juices flowing around him and bits of food being dissolved. He kept checking himself, but nothing was happening to his skin in the hydrochloric stomach acid. After a couple of hours, he moved from her stomach into the intestines to start his journey out. Slowly he kept moving through.
Bonnie saw my dick was hard at what she just did to Steve. Bonnie laughed, I think you would like me to eat you too. She took a sip of wine. She picked me up, stuck me in her mouth head first. She started to chew and suck at the same time. After a little while, I figured out, she wasnt holding back and I took every bit of it. Even when my head got between her teeth. My dick got into her teeth with my lower body, between my dick being chewed and being sucked on, I blew quickly in her mouth.
I felt Nikkis mouth wrap around my legs and start sucking. She was pulling me from Bonnies mouth. Bonnie bit hard on my neck. Nikki was sucking and biting on the rest of my body. Bonnies tongue was working on my face and head. Nikki aligned her molars on the middle of my body. Chewing on my dick, I quickly came again. Bonnie let go. My head was sticking out of Nikkis mouth. Bonnie got up, walked to the bedroom door and motioned for Nikki to come.
Nikki followed, still sucking on me. Nikki entered the bedroom. Bonnie undressed and got in bed. Nikki did the same. Nikki crawled in bed with Bonnie, their pussies were close together with their legs intertwined. Nikki pulled me out of her mouth by one arm. Dangling above their crotches.
Nikki said,I think youre really going to enjoy this. Nikki lowered me until I was between these two huge pussies. They pushed together. I was lost in between. Rolling in their pussy lips, like a smeary pussy sandwich. Grinding in a circular motion, my legs found Bonnies vaginal canal first. The smell of these two hot sweaty pussies was incredible. So wet and smeary. Slowly I kept slipping in Bonnie. Nikki pulled back, grabbed me, lined me up, started my head into her hungry puss. Removing her hand, their pussies slammed together shoving my upper body into Nikki.
The grinding increased in intensity. They would hump a little, slamming their pusses together. I was being ground and smashed hard by them. My dick was sliding in and out of Bonnie with my body. Then I went further into Nikki feeling her puss on my dick the opposite direction. Both contracting on me. It was more than I could handle, I came violently. I kicked and swung my arms. I tried to yell but my mouth was quickly filled with Nikkis vaginal secretions. Tasting her only increased my orgasms intensity. My body fighting the orgasm inside them caused both women to cum at the same time.
Both pussies contracted like vises on me to the point I couldnt move. My dick was still pumping in Bonnie, while I licked the inside of Nikki. Both of them were shaking.
They both collapsed on the bed. When they separated, Bonnie was tighter and held on as I slid out of Nikki. I hung down with my face on Bonnies ass hole. I reached out, kissing it and rubbed my face on it. Her ass pinched up and she grabbed me, pulling me out of her. Bonnie said,I cant take anymore of you. Now I know how Nikki feels.
Bonnie stood up with me in hand. She said,How about we get a shower?
I said,Id love to get a shower with you.
Nikki said,Wait for me! I cant believe it, Im getting a shower with both of them.
Nikki tied me to the scrunchy. They took turns washing each other using me. Rubbing over every part of those gorgeous bodies. Nikki then dropped the scrunchy on the floor of the shower. Bonnie stepped on me first. Under her bare toes, I watched these two goddesses rinsing themselves. Bonnie removed her foot as Nikkis foot stepped on me. I was under her arch. She moved again so I was under the ball of her foot. Pressing hard and twisting. She stopped as Bonnie wrapped her arms around Nikki, Bonnie put her foot on top of Nikkis and stood on it. Both of them raised their other foot off the ground. Nikki raised the heel off the ground of the foot I was under. All the weight of both concentrated on me...close to five hundred pounds.
They stepped off and looked at me. I waved and blew them a kiss. Bonnie said,Hes amazing.
Nikki said,Definitely! They got out of the shower, dried off. We got ready for bed. Nikki asked,Where do you want to sleep tonight?
I said,Can I sleep in your tits like I used to?
Nikki said,We can do that, but youre going to have a lot of boob to sleep in. Bonnie is sleeping with us.
I said,That sounds really nice. Bonnie and Nikki were facing each other in bed, Nikki put me between her tits. Bonnies tit pushed in between pressing me to Nikkis chest. It was like going to sleep in clouds.
End Notes:
Thanks for the reviews and feedback. It’s greatly appreciated.
Chapter 6 by Underfoottiny
Author's Notes:
Some scat in the beginning, after a lot of feet. Enjoy!
Chapter 6
The Steve Problem and the Party
I woke up to birds chirping and a lawn mower running in the distance. I was still packed in their tits loosely. I looked toward their faces, they were sleeping cheek to cheek. What a beautiful sight. Bonnie woke up first.
Bonnie rolled over and sat up. Clearing the cobwebs from her mind, she looked at me and said,”Good morning little man, did you sleep ok?”
I said,”Very good night. I was so relaxed, especially after having a shower with both of you.”
Nikki woke up, propped up on her elbow. I fell out from between her tits and bounced on the mattress. Nikki chuckled and said,”Good morning.”
I said,”Good morning to the most beautiful two ladies on Earth.” Nikki picked me up, pushed my face into her lips for a kiss. Once she pulled me away, Bonnie leaned in and kissed me also. What a great way to wake up.
Bonnie said,”I’m going for a cup of coffee, would you two like some?”
I shook my head yes. Nikki said,”Please.” Bonnie walked out of the bedroom. Nikki laid her head back on the pillow. I sat staring at her face. She was smiling, after a while, she said,”You’re staring, what are you looking at?”
I said,”A gorgeous woman who makes me happier than I thought possible. Thank you!”
She was petting my head with her pointer finger. She said,”No need to thank me, I’m in love with you. I don’t know if I can give you back to your parents. Maybe I can talk them into letting you with me. Would you like that?”
I said,”I’d love that! Even if you can’t, I’ll be back in a year and a half when I turn eighteen. Then I’ll be yours.”
Bonnie came back in and said,”Hey, who am I, chopped liver?” She sat the coffee on the nightstand. Mine was in a medicine cup again.
I said,” I belong to both of you. Sorry I didn’t mean to let you out.”
Bonnie said,”That’s ok, I was just harassing you. I think it’s time for Steve to reappear.” Bonnie went into the bathroom. She flopped on the toilet.
Steve was awakened by the sudden jolt. He started to move downward at an angle. He was totally impacted by her shit. His path turned straight down. Stopped, waiting, he was wondering if that was it, would he have to stay longer. After a few minutes, he was moving down. His face scraped the side of her rectum on the way out. Her sphincter pinched down on Steve as he was out of her up to his waste. He felt her turd squishing then breaking free, pulling away from his head and upper body. Leaving his upper body dangling from her huge ass hole. Her ass hole pushed and contracted several times, trying to break it’s living dingleberry free. With a sudden rush of putrid air and the flapping of her anus, Steve was pushed free and fell into the toilet, face planting on one of her turds. The cold water quickly shocked him back to his senses. By this point, Steve, thinking he was going to die, elated he didn’t, then smashing face first into the shit he thought he was free from, is completely off the deep end angry...
Bonnie wiped herself clean, got up and offered Steve paper to pull him out. Steve was now furious. He grabbed the paper and she let him down on the edge of the sink. As soon as his feet touched, he was stomping around, waving his arms. He was red in the face and screaming at Bonnie.
Bonnie said,” I can’t hear you.” She turned her head and leaned in close. Then she heard him.
Steve yelled,” You stupid fuckin bitch, are you trying to kill me? You and your worthless fuckin sister can go fuck yourselves. I’m gonna go to the police and tell them what you crazy fuckin cunts have been doing to two minors.”
Bonnie recoiled in shock. Then she was so angry she saw red. She walked away and went to Nikki’s craft supplies. She found a small mason jar and a wooden spoon. She said,”Perfect.” She stormed back into the bedroom.
Nikki said,” Bonnie? What’s wrong?”
Bonnie said,” I’ll tell you in a minute.” She returned to Steve, picked him up and threw him in the jar. She said,”You little piece of shit, you're going to get what you deserve for threatening us.”
She turned to the toilet, took the wooden spoon and spooned her shit from the toilet to the jar. She completely packed it full and screwed the lid on tight. She cleaned off the jar and spoon. She washed her hands.
Bonnie walked into the bedroom and said,”This little shit was going to turn us into the police and destroy everything we have!”
Nikki said,”No, he can’t do that! What are you going to do with him.”
Bonnie said,” He’s packed him in this jar with my shit. I was going to bury it in the back yard as long as no one objects?”
Nikki said,”Everyone thinks he’s dead anyway, go ahead. I don’t have a problem with it.” They both looked at me.
I said,”I never liked him. He was hanging with Brian all the time and they used to pick on me. I hated both of them. He was a bully and always in trouble. He probably would’ve killed someone if he hadn’t shrunk. I think you’re doing the world a favor.”
Bonnie took him out back. Grabbed a shovel and neatly peeled back some sod. Laid a tarp down to put the soil on. She dug a hole about two feet deep. She picked up the jar, starting to have second thoughts because she loved to play with him. She rolled the jar looking at it. She saw his face, angry and red. He was flipping her the bird.
Bonnie said,”You little bastard!” She put the jar in the hole. She filled the dirt back in, packing it as she did. Rolled the sod back in place and watered the area so no trace remained. She said,”One less ass hole in the world.”
Bonnie put away everything and went back in the house. She kept wondering if she over reacted, she replayed the events. She was sure he would’ve messed up everything, she decided she did the right thing.
Bonnie walked into the kitchen, Nikki was making breakfast. Nikki said,”Did you bury our problem deep?”
Bonnie said,”Yup, no one will find him.”
Nikki said,” Good, do you want some breakfast?”
Bonnie said,” No, I’m not hungry.” She went to the living room.
I said to Nikki,” I think she’s upset, you want to see if we can cheer her up?”
Nikki said,” That sounds like a good idea. I’ve never seen her that aggressive before. I think it really made her protective of us when he threatened everything we have, everything we ever dreamed of. I’d feel the same way.”
We finished breakfast, Nikki was cleaning up. I went to the living room. Bonnie looked deep in thought. I rubbed my hands on the top of her foot and kissed it. I startled her, she leaned forward. She had tears in her eyes. She picked me up and pressed me to her with both hands, hugging my little body as best she could. She held me there for a long time. Finally she broke the silence,” I don’t ever want to lose you. Nikki and you are my world.”
I said,” I’m not going anywhere if I can help it. I feel the same way about you and Nikki.”
Nikki walked in on us and said,” What’s all this sad stuff?” Pointing at Bonnie she said,” We have our fantasy guy right there.” Pointing at me now she continued,” You have two women that love you who just happen to be your fantasy women. So are we going to feel sorry for a creep that would’ve taken that all from us or are we going to have a blast with each other? Hmmmm?”
I said,” We want to have fun, right?”
Bonnie laughed and said,” Right!”
Nikki said,” How about if we each invite one person over tonight for a small party. Introduce Dougy to our best friends. What do you think?”
Bonnie said,” Sounds like a good idea. I’ll definitely invite Jenna.”
Nikki said,” I’ll call Mandy, she’s a lot of fun. It’s settled. Four women, what will Dougy do with us all.” She winked at me.
I said,” Don’t it bother you, me with other women?”
Nikki said,” Not stepping on you. That actually turns me on. Sex, that’s a different story. Me and Bonnie only for that.”
I said,” Ok, do I get to invite someone?”
Nikki said,” Sure, who do you want to come over tonight?”
I said,” I’d like to have Ms.Cordell tonight.”
Nikki said,” Jane? She’s my next door neighbor. Sure I’ll call her. She’ll be glad to see you’re ok. Do you want us to ask the girls to wear nylons for you?”
My dick jumped to attention. I said,” That would be awesome!”
Bonnie asked,” Do you need me to go to the store to pick up some stuff for tonight?”
Nikki said,” That would be great, wine, coolers and some snacks. Here’s two fifties.” Bonnie threw on some clothes and called Jenna.
Bonnie said,” Jenna sounds excited to meet you. I’ll be back in a little while.”
Nikki called Mandy and Jane. Nikki said,” Mandy and Jane are coming. Both were happy to wear nylons. Especially after I told them you have a foot fetish. Jane didn’t seem surprised.”
I said,” Probably because I stare at her feet a lot. She’s caught me a few times.”
Nikki said,” Well, that makes sense. Ok, I’m going to clean the house up. You can watch tv. Do you need anything?”
I said,”No, thank you.” Nikki went about cleaning the house. I think I was watching her more than the tv. Still in a t-shirt and panties. I watched her for over an hour, until she put shorts and a bra on.
Bonnie came home, she brought the groceries into the kitchen. She put everything away. She asked me,” Are you hungry? I think I’m going to have a salad.”
I said,” Salad really sounds good.”
Bonnie said,” We’ll share, that way you can have as much as you want.”
I said,” Ok.” Bonnie made salad for her and I, also one for Nikki. We enjoyed our lunch together and Nikki cleaned it up afterwards. They finished cleaning the house. The place was spotless.
Nikki said,” We should get dressed. Something nice for our little man. Do you want to help pick our clothes?”
I said,” I’d love to!” Nikki picked me up, took me to the bedroom and put me on the bed. After trying on several outfits, she put on this red dress that made my mouth fall open. I said,” That’s the one, you’re gorgeous.”
Nikki twirled and said,” Look, I have red pumps to match.”
Bonnie said,” I think there is another dress like that.” Bonnie came out wearing a blue dress like the red one. She had blue pumps to match. Bonnie asked,” What do you think?”
I said,” I think you’re gorgeous too. I’m a very lucky guy!”
Nikki said,” They’ll soon be here. Do you mind being naked or do you want something to cover yourself?”
I said,” After being without clothes for so long now, it doesn’t bother me anymore.”
Bonnie asked me,” Do you want to wait in here or be in the living room as they get here?”
I said,” Put me in the living room. I think it’ll be fun.” Bonnie picked me up and took me to the living room.
Bonnie asked,” Couch or end table?”
I said,” Floor!”
Bonnie laughed, shrugged and said,” Ok, this should get interesting pretty quickly.” She put me on the floor. She knocked me down with her pump and said,” This is what you got to look forward to.” My field of view was then dominated by the sole of her pump. The sole was cold as it pressed into me. Stepping on me, I was gone from sight. Pushing me into the soft carpet. She twisted a little. I felt her weight roll up my body as she started to take a step. Then it was gone. Tilting my head back, I watched her ass wiggle as she walked to the kitchen. My dick was bouncing up and down from excitement.
I stood up and walked to the edge of the couch. I sat down on the carpet and waited for the evening to begin.
The doorbell rang, Nikki went to answer it. Nikki said,” Hi Jenna, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you. How have you been?”
Jenna said,” I’ve been pretty good. Goodness, I forget how tall you girls are. I’m six foot and you make me feel short.”
Nikki laughed and said,” I have heels on to add to it. I like being taller than most people.”
Jenna said,” I know what you mean, I like it too, that’s why I wear heels. I hope your friend likes these big size twelves.”
Nikki said,” Don’t worry, he loves mine and mine are much bigger. Would you like a drink? Wine? Black Ice or Triple Berry cooler?”
Jenna said,” I’ll take a glass of wine, thank you.” Nikki went to the kitchen. Jenna came into the living room and sat on the couch. Her black pumps just missed stepping on me. She’s a beautiful woman in her early forties. Long blonde hair and blue eyes. Slender build with breasts on the larger side. She had a sultry voice that kept my attention when she would talk. She was wearing a cute short black dress that showed her shapely legs.
Staring at her shoes that were so close I could feel her warmth, I was wondering what her feet looked like. Didn’t wonder long, her heels came out of both shoes. She had a tangy smell mixed leather. Listening to my favorite sound, nylon sliding out of a shoe. She put her feet on top of her shoes and wiggled her toes. Absolutely gorgeous feet. Narrow heel, wide at the front and medium length toes with bright red polish. Slight bunions on both feet. Her toenails were on the larger side and a little long. It looked awesome the way her nails pushed out the suntan nylon. The ring toe was close to the length of the middle toe and slightly curved. It made her little toe look short but actually wasn’t. Jenna’s feet were perfectly pedicured and looked very soft, yet had so much character, I was awestruck.
I made my way alongside her shoe and laid down. I lay as still as I could. Jenna looked down and saw me. She yelled out to Nikki and Bonnie,”
Hey, someone left a little naked doll on the floor.”
Nikki called back,” We don’t have any dolls.”
Nikki and Bonnie chuckled. “ You probably found our foot massager.” They chuckled again.
Jenna was talking to herself,” Foot massager? Looks funny for rubbing your feet on. What the hell, I’ll try it.”
I watched Jenna’s foot lift and move directly over me. The bottom was just as beautiful as the top. Jenna’s toes flexed slightly as she lowered her foot. My dick shot up to attention. The ball of her foot splayed across my chest, it was so warm and damp. The tangy odor filled my nostrils. I breathed in deeply trying to get as much as I could. Her heel continued its descent until it settled into the carpet. Her toes were still flexed slightly as my head protruded from under the ball of her foot. I was burning the image of her beautiful toes into my memory. The wrinkles at the base of her toes, the size and smell of them. Jenna’s foot moved back and forward on me, pushing down, she was trying to massage her foot.
When she moved back it caused my dick to flip and point towards my knees as the nylon continued to rub on it. Her toes slid over my face until I saw her protruding nails above my head. The ball of her foot was down to my groin when it changed direction, her massive toes raised preparing to engulf her new found massager. My dick spun and pointed up. She stopped when my head was under the base of her toes. Pushing down, she pinched my head with her toes and released. She flexed her toes up, pushed back down, pinching my head with toes. Jenna did this several times. Jenna pushed her foot forward till my head disappeared under the ball of her foot. Pushing down again, she twisted her foot, concentrating her effort on my face. My dick was being lightly rubbed by the nylon stretched across her high arch.
Nikki and Bonnie came into the living room. Jenna said,” Where is this fella you wanted me to meet?”
They laughed and Bonnie said,” Well, he’s under your foot.”
Jenna said,” What do you mean?” She rolled her foot on its side and flexed her toes. She bent down to get a good look and I waved at her.
She jumped straight up and landed on the couch with a scream. Jenna said,” What the hell is going on?” Nikki and Bonnie were laughing so hard they had trouble answering.
Nikki finally got out,” This is little Dougy, he had an accident.”
Jenna said,” Obviously! I could’ve killed him!”
Bonnie said,” Trust me, it’s almost impossible to hurt him. Nikki had him in her shoe for a three mile walk.”
Jenna said,” Sorry little guy, if I knew you were real I wouldn’t have rubbed my foot on you. That had to be gross.”
I said,” It’s very nice to meet you. Don’t worry about rubbing your foot on me, I loved it.”
Nikki said,” I told you he would love your feet.”
Jenna said,” I guess. What happened to him?”
Bonnie said,” We’ll explain after everyone is here. They should be here soon.” The doorbell rang.
Nikki answered the door. It’s Jane (Ms.Cordell). Nikki said,” Hi Jane, come in. Can I get you something to drink? Wine or a cooler?”
Jane said,” Wine please. Where’s Doug at?” She’s wearing a short gray skirt and button down white blouse with white pumps and nude nylons.
“ He’s over with Bonnie and Jenna.” Nikki continued,” We’ll tell you what happened after Mandy gets here. She’s the last one.”
Jane said,” Ok.” Jane came over,” What on God’s green earth happened? Aren’t you afraid they’ll step on you? You’re so, so, tiny…”
I said,” They can’t hurt me, don’t worry.”
Jane said,” What do you mean they won’t hurt you? Accidents happen, especially as little as you are. They could easily overlook you.”
I said,” I didn’t say won’t, I said can’t. Bonnie, can you show her what I’m talking about?” The doorbell rang again.
Bonnie said,” Hold that thought, I’ll be right back.” Bonnie went to the door and let Mandy in. Bonnie said to Mandy,” Come in, we’re about to do a demonstration with Dougy.”
I was lying on the floor waiting for Bonnie. Mandy walked over to the rest of us. She obviously didn’t see me. She looked almost as tall as Jenna. Auburn hair, green eyes, athletic build, especially her legs. Hot pink sleeveless dress that ended just above the knee. She looked to be in her early thirties. Beautiful no matter how you look at her. I watched her pink sling back pass over me with a distinct eleven on the bottom. As her other foot passed over me, Jane yelled,” Watch out!”
Mandy being startled and not knowing what to watch out for, started to back up. Her heel landed on my face. First time I felt that kind of pressure. Still no pain, just a lot of pressure as the half moon shaped tread of her spike settled on my face flattening my nose. Her other foot moved a short step back. Mandy’s heel lifted and moved away, but was quickly replaced by the front of the same shoe. The cold smooth sole came down quickly with me almost dead center. All of her weight was on me once more. This time it was much more pleasant.
Mandy’s shoe left quickly and I heard her say,” What the hell is that?”
Bonnie said,” Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” As Mandy backed away, Bonnie quickly came over. She raised her foot quickly. I saw it coming her huge sixteen size pump descended in the blink of an eye. Her sole slammed into me with such force the floor shook. She aggressively pushed down and twisted, trying to drive the point home. Meanwhile my dick is getting hard again.
Jane screamed,” You crushed him!” She was crying.
Bonnie felt bad,” No, Jane, look, he’s not hurt. Honest, he’s perfectly fine!” Bonnie took her foot off of me.
I sat up and waved to Jane,” I’m ok. No one can hurt me, I actually enjoy being stepped on.”
Jane wiping the tears,” Are you serious? How is this possible?”
I said,” I’m not sure, it has to do something with the way I shrank. Dr.Anson still hasn’t figured it out yet. I can’t be crushed and I can hold my breath for weeks.”
Jane said,” You little stinker, I should step on you for scaring me like that.”
I walk to her feet, lie down in front of her and say,” Go ahead.” Jane slips her foot out of her white pump. Her foot moves overtop of me. Her foot is wide, meaty with medium length toes and a very high arch. Through the nude nylon mesh I can see she has a french pedicure. She’s not tall like the rest, only about five and a half feet tall. I noticed before she wore a size nine shoe. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Voluptuous build, quite beautiful for a woman in her early fifties.
Jane slowly lowered her foot. Her heel touched down first as she continued to lower the front. My now throbbing dick pushed into the taut nylon of her arch. The ball of her foot landed on my chest. I was left staring up at her flexed toes. I could see her smiling at me.
Jane said,” Your about to find out what it’s like to be a beetle in my way.” Beetle? Did she know about the beetle she crushed and how much it turned me on? I must suck at hiding my thoughts from someone so inquisitive.
Her toes pushed down on my face. Her feet were warm and smelled of perfume. She was so gentle, slowly letting her weight rest on me. She kicked off the other shoe. My face was pushed up between her pointer and middle toe. I saw the toes of the other foot settle in over me, darkness fell around me. Her foot felt amazing. A perfect mix between soft and firm. She stood like that a few minutes.
Light came as her foot on top moved off. The foot on me raised slightly, moved forward so the ball of her foot was on my face. Slowly she twisted with just enough pressure the nylon slid easily. She was moving her foot down my body as she was twisting. Her toes were brushing over my face. The ball of her foot reached my dick and slowly twisted it underneath. I was so close to blowing my load on my teacher's foot when she stopped. She covered the bottom of my face with her big toe.
She looked at me like she wanted something. I pulled my arms from underneath her gorgeous foot, grabbed hold of it as best I could and kissed her big toe. When I looked up at her, she had her hand over her mouth like she was shocked.
She took her foot off of me. She saw my dick bobbing from excitement. She moved her hand from her mouth and said,” I can’t believe how exciting this is. I can see how this could be really fun. I think you liked my feet?”
I said,” Oh my, your feet are gorgeous.”
Mandy said,” I want to step on him.” She took her shoes off.
Nikki said,” Go ahead.”
Mandy said,” Sorry, my feet are pretty stinky. Is that ok?”
Nikki looked at me and asked,” Is that ok with you?”
I looked at Mandy’s feet with suntan nylons. She had slightly longer toes, medium arch with purple nails. Her toenails were medium size except the big toe, it was larger, longer and came to almost a point, giving the appearance of a claw. Beautiful feet matched the woman they were attached to. I said,” It’s definitely ok with me.”
Mandy made her way to me. Her foot quickly came over me. The ball of her foot pushed down on my chest. She pushed down hard with her toes, my head pushed between her big toe and pointer toe. Her foot was cool and slightly sweaty. Her nylon was stretched tight over my face as she rubbed my head between each toe crevice. I felt like she was using me to clean between her toes. My face and hair were covered with sweat and grime that had a cheesy odor mixed with leather.
After finishing between the toes of both feet, Mandy’s foot moved forward so my upper body was under her heel. She brought her weight down on me, lifting her other foot and rubbing my dick with her big toe.
Mandy would push down and twist, rub up and down and claw at my dick with her big toenail. Also she was raising her heel and dropping it rhythmically. Mandy pushed her toenail down and twisted it, I couldn’t take anymore. I gave her purple toe claw three white stripes till I was done.
Mandy noticed my dick went soft. She noticed my handy work on her toenail. She said,” That was my thank you for letting me play with you.” She moved her foot back so my head was between the big toe and pointer toe. Letting her weight rest on me, she bent over and wiped my cum from her big toe with her finger. She stood up and said,” Thanks for the treat.” She sucked the cum off her finger.
All I could think was ‘Wow this night is just getting started.’ Jenna said,” Can I play with you now that I know you're a real person?”
I said,” Absolutely!” I looked back at Nikki and Bonnie, they both looked like this was making them horny. They had that hungry look. I think I’m in for a long night.
Jenna sat on the couch, motioned for me to come over and point to the spot between her feet. She took her shoes off and said,” You need to finish my foot massage.” I walked over and laid down between her feet.
She slid her feet together, pinching me between them. Holding me between her big toes, she rolled her feet on their sides bringing her soles together. She released me and I fell midway. She pressed her soles together, me in between with my head sticking out past her toes. I look up at her, she is licking her lips. Jane catches my eye, she almost looks angry or jealous, not sure which.
Jenna works her toes to pull me completely into her foot sandwich. Now my chest is pinched between the balls of her feet and my head sticking out from her flexed toes. Wow, what gorgeous feet, my dick is hard again. Her toes close and squeeze my head as she rubs back and forth. My dick is being rubbed on the softest spot of the arch, right below the ball.
Jenna separates her feet allowing me to fall to the floor. She uses her foot to turn me sideways to her. Jenna’s foot comes down and starts rolling me back and forth under her foot. She says,” Oh, that feels good.”
Jenna repeats rolling me with the other foot. Now I’m dizzy from being rolled. She stops and covers me with the toes of both feet. She pushes down and clamps me in her toes. Picks me up slightly, drops me and repeats several times.
Jenna looks down at me and says,” I wonder if you’ll fit…” She picks me up and puts me in her shoe. Her odor immediately increased. My dick could cut diamonds now. I watch her foot cover the opening. Her toes raise a little to accept her new toy. Her pointer toe is right over my face as she’s working to get her heel in. As her heel slides in, it gets really cramped in her shoe.
Jenna stands up, putting her weight on me. She wiggles and works her foot trying to make her shoe accommodate it’s passenger. She’s standing still, all of her weight on me. I feel her foot slowly forming over me. The temperature in her shoe is rising. The sweat and odor are increasing. I take a deep breath, loving every second. After she feels the tightness of her shoe subside, she walks around the living room. Each step her weight rolls up my body to a concentration on my chest and face. I can feel the muscles working in her foot. Sweat is starting to soak me. My dick is pushing into the nylon and rubbing her arch with each step.
Jenna said,” He feels really good, I could keep him in there all day. Can I have him for a while to massage my feet? I’ll bring him back in a few days.”
Nikki said,” No, my brother definitely wouldn’t like that. Sorry...You can come over to our house to use him if you want?”
Jenna said,” We’ll see, I probably will.” Jenna took her shoe off, pulled me out and put me on the floor.
Bonnie said,” I have an idea, Mandy, you sit on that end of the couch. Jenna, you sit on that end. Jane, you can sit in the middle. Nikki and I will pull the ottomans over to sit on. Dougy will be surrounded…”
I watched as her idea came to fruition. They all took their shoes off. The smells were incredible to say the least, being surrounded by ten feet. Standing in the middle, I was so excited I thought I would hyperventilate. Their toes came for me at once. I was engulfed in a pile of nylon covered toes. They all were pushing and shifting trying to get a piece of me. Being smushed between different feet every second. My dick was being pulled every direction, rubbed and smashed.
I came so hard I collapsed. I could hear them laughing, they were enjoying what they were doing to me, I think I was enjoying it more. Once I fell through the toes to the floor, it was like a game of hungry hippos only it was hungry toes. Nikki almost had me, just my head was sticking out from her toes. Jenna’s toes slammed down on my head, hooking her nylon under my chin and pulled me from under Nikki’s foot. Jenna’s other foot came forward to claim her prize. Mandy’s foot came from the side and beat Jenna’s foot to it.
Being sideways under Mandy’s toes, she clamped down to get the leverage needed to pull my head from under Jenna’s toes. I rolled from under Mandy’s toes when she tried to pull me to her. Bonnie’s toes covered my upper body with my head just under the ball of her foot. Mandy, Jane and Jenna’s feet kept covering the bottom of me trying to pull me from Bonnie’s foot hold. Bonnie was leaning forward to put as much holding pressure as she could on me. They were aggressively thumping and pulling at my dick and legs. This time, I came so hard, the rest pale in comparison. I passed out.
If this is a dream, I never want to wake up. I woke up in the same position, figuring I wasn’t out for long. Jenna had my one leg, Jane the other. Mandy’s foot came overtop and pinched my dick between Jenna’s big toenail and the ball of Mandy’s foot. They all three pulled and Bonnie’s grip wasn’t strong enough to hold me. Damn, my dick is hard again, I can’t believe it.
Just as all three women released to get a better hold on me, Nikki’s foot claimed me completely, no visible piece could be seen. I lay there and relax as they tried to get Nikki’s foot to move. I needed this to get my bearings. I think Nikki knew it.
Nikki said,” I won! How about hide and seek. Dougy can lie on the floor and we have to find him with our toes without looking down. The first one to five times finding him wins him for a day.” I think the wine is getting to her...I think she’s too confident she’ll win.
They put the ottomans back and everyone turns to face away from the center. Nikki said,” Go ahead Dougy, find a spot and lay down. I’ll count to ten.” I quickly ran to the center of them and laid down. Nikki got to ten and said,” Go!”
Lying there looking up at these five giantess searching for me is a very surreal moment in my life. Jane is so close, her heel lands on my hand but she doesn’t feel it. She moves away. Jenna is close. Jenna’s big toe lands on my face, she realizes it’s me and steps on me. I’m under her arch as she yells,” Found him!”
This game continued for a while. Score now is: Nikki four, Jenna four, Jane four, Bonnie three and Mandy one. Nikki yelled,” Go!” By now they were quite aggressively looking for me. Jenna, Jane and Nikki were all pretty close. I watch Jenna’s foot come overhead and stomp down on me.
Jenna yelled,” I got him, I got him! He’s mine for a day.” Nikki let out a disgusted humph…
Bonnie whispered to Nikki,” Are you going to let her take him. Hard to say what she’ll do to him?”
Nikki whispered back,” I don’t want to think about it. I shouldn’t have offered him as a prize. A bet is a bet though, I can’t go back on it...”
Nikki said to Jenna,” Ok, I want him back by eight tomorrow night.”
Jenna said,” Ok, I’ll have him back.” Jenna picked me up and said,” Come on little man, we’re going to have some fun.” Jenna headed for the door, waved and said,” Goodbye everyone!”
Jenna put me in the cup holder in her car and began driving home. She asked me,” I know you like feet, what else do you like?”
I said,” I tend to like whatever a woman decides she wants to do with me.”
Jenna said,” So, you like anything I want to do to you?”
I said,” Yup, within reason. I don’t have a death wish. You would really have to be trying to hurt me.”
Jenna smiled and said,” Don’t worry, I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to have fun with you.”
I was wondering what she had in store for me. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.
Chapter 7 by Underfoottiny
Author's Notes:
It's been a little while, hopefully it's enjoyable.
Chapter 7
A Day With Jenna and the
Surprise Emergence
We arrived at Jenna’s apartment. I asked her,” You don’t have a boyfriend or husband?”
Jenna said,” I was married once. It ended badly. I haven’t found a man nice enough to capture my interest till now.” She winked at me. She picked me up from the cup holder and went to her apartment. She dropped me in her bra. I was in between her tits. They were so soft and warm. They pushed together, enveloping me while she was fumbling with the keys. Once the door opened, her tits separated. She walked in, causing her tits to bounce and me with them.
Once inside, she took me out of her cleavage and put me on the coffee table. She put her pocketbook away and sat on the sofa in front of me.
She was smiling at me. She said,” Everyone seems to do what they want to you, how about I lay on the bed and let you do what you want to me?”
I said,” Wow, that sounds really fun.”
She picked me up and took me to the bedroom. She put me on the bed and asked,” How do you want me?”
I turn bright red as I say,” Take all of your clothes off except your pantyhose.”
Jenna chuckles and says,” Ok, but I'm not wearing pantyhose. I’m wearing stockings.” My dick betrays my thoughts. She said,” I guess you like that.” She removed everything but her stockings. She was gorgeous. She didn’t look her age. Her breasts were large and definitely not sagging. I looked to the top of those long legs, she was shaved completely bald enabling me to see every detail of her crotch.
She sat on the bed, her leg passed over me. When she settled in, I was between her knees as she was lying on her back. Her pussy lips opened slightly as if to be inviting me. I looked back to her gorgeous feet. I didn’t know which way I wanted to go first.
I walked towards her feet. She lowered her feet and flexed her toes. I was running my hands over her foot, I rubbed my face against the ball of her foot. Looking up at her flexed toes, what a sight. She slid a little to lower her feet further. I was now face to toes with her. I pushed my face against the taute nylon at the base of her toes, breathing in that wonderful odor as deeply as my little lungs would allow. I moved to the other foot, rubbing my face in the same way. I laid down, slid under her foot, my legs under her arch, chest was under the ball and staring up at her gorgeous toes. I was rubbing myself when she noticed what I was doing.
Jenna said,” All you have to do is ask.” Her foot pressed down and started rubbing me. Back and forth, side to side, I was going to blow, but she stopped. I thought, I know someplace she won’t stop.
I walked to her crotch. Her puss was glistening from her excitement. I touched her huge lip, her legs shot out to the side and her feet slammed together behind me. Her huge puss was fully open to me. Lips were parted, it looked she had an inner set of lips and mouth that were opening and closing rhythmically.
Jenna said,” My cat’s really hungry, you better do something before she devours you!” I reached out and ran my hands on the sides. I reached into the middle feeling the inner lips. I stuck my arm in the middle as it closed on my arm I heard her gasp. So hot and smeary. I looked up to her clit that had now unhooded itself. Her puss was growing and turning red as it engorged itself with blood.
Jenna arched her back as her arousal increased. Her clit was directly in front of my face. I grabbed the hood with both hands, pulled into her clit, kissing and sucking on it. Her hips rocked back and I hung on to her. My legs were dangling at the opening.
Jenna’s hand came up behind me, pushing me against her. She rubbed me up and down the length of her puss. She rubbed my face against her clit in a circular motion. She was moaning loudly now. Her fingers worked my legs into her hungry opening. She held my arms to my side, pushing me in up to my neck. She slammed her legs together, my head was encased in her wet pussy lips. Her hips started to buck, her legs opened, her fingers pushed on top of my head till I was completely inside of her. I felt her puss quickly, rhythmically, squeezing me. After a few minutes it slowed and stopped.
I moved a little, Jenna jumped like she was hit by lightning. I moved again. Her puss was pulsing again. I felt her push hard. Her puss started to expel me. Just as my head came out, she squeezed and pulled me back in. This went on for a few minutes. She pushed until I was halfway out, rolled on her stomach. She put her hand on my back and was humping me. Her hips were gyrating up and down. Sometimes my head went in her puss and other times my face was pushed onto her asshole.
As she started to climax again, she pushed my head into her rectum. She kept working me in until my dick was being pushed down as it was ready to slide in. Jenna’s orgasm took over. I felt the rhythmic squeezing of her rectum. Pinching and releasing my dick each time. It was all I could take when my erection forced its way into the pucker fold of her rectum, still pulsing. I came hard. My body was convulsing, she felt me writhing inside her. She grabbed my legs and shoved me hard, then using two fingers pushed me deep inside so she could feel my shaking.
The rhythmic pulsing slowed and finally stopped. All was calm. I was listening to her heartbeat and breathing steadily slowing down. After a few minutes, I felt two fingers grab onto my leg. She retrieved me slowly. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that feeling.
Once I was out, she said,”I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. Let’s get you cleaned up.” She took me to the bathroom and washed me in the sink. Dried me and took me back to the bed. She laid down and put me on her stomach.
Jenna asked,” Where would you like to sleep tonight?”
I said,” In your stocking, under your foot.”
Jenna asked,” Do you want me to leave my stockings on and put another one on with you in it?”
I said,” I’d love that.”
Jenna got up, as she did, I slid off and landed on the edge of the bed. She pulled a knee high nylon from the dresser drawer. She dropped me in the opening. She sat down and put the knee high on. Talk about a hissing sound, nylon sliding over nylon. Her toes lifted when the got to me. I easily slid under them as she stripped the nylon on up to her knee. She adjusted me where she wanted me. My face was at the base of her index toe, with my legs towards her arch.
Jenna rolled her foot on its side and asked me,” Do you like your sleeping arrangement?”
I turn my head enough to yell,” Yes!”
Jenna said,” Then you’ll love this.” Her other foot came behind me as she pressed sole to sole. She rubbed her feet together hard. My nylon trap only allows a little movement when she switches direction. Friction was heating the situation causing her tangy odor to get stronger. She was grinding me between the balls of her feet with her toes flexed. It felt like she was trying to give me nylon burn. Her toes clamped onto my head and kneaded it. After a few minutes of this, she stood up and twisted and rubbed me into the carpet. I came again from her assault on me.
After grinding me a few more minutes. Jenna sat on the bed and said,” You should sleep good now. Good night little man.” She crawled under the covers and turned out the light. As she settled in, her other foot came up behind me again, only this time it was the top of her other foot. Using her toes, she rubbed and played with me until she fell asleep. I fell asleep a little while later in my soft nylon clad foot cocoon.
In Nikki’s backyard, a tiny hand pushed through the grass. Then another hand, pulling up, Steve’s head came free of the sod. Gasping in the cool night air, he said to himself,” Well shit, I’m free! I’m glad that rock broke the jar.”
Steve pulled the rest of himself free and laid in the grass for a while enjoying being out. He got up, licked some dew off the grass to quench his thirst. He thought he needed to get far away from this place. He started to make his way across the yard.
Suddenly, he was hit hard from behind. It gripped him and quickly lifted him into the air. Before he realized what was happening, he was flying over the treetops. He looked to see his captor. It was an owl.
It landed on top of a tall building. Steve thought the owl was going to eat him. Just as the owl was getting ready for it’s meal, it stopped, tilted its head. Then it shook its head and flew away.
Steve laughed and said,” Yeah, I smell like shit.” He continued to laugh until he saw his new predicament. He’s on top of a four story building sitting on the perimeter wall. He decided to jump down and try to make his way off the roof. Unfortunately, it’s dark out, he landed in a rainwater drainage chute, which propelled him directly into a downspout. Now in a free fall, he hit the bottom angle, flying out of the pipe and landed in a water puddle with a little splash.
Marissa just left a client and was walking to her car when she saw something land in the water puddle, that didn’t look quite right. She stopped and was staring at Steve, trying to comprehend what she was looking at.
Steve stands up trying to get a sense of what just happened. He sees Marissa looking at him. Short leather skirt, shiny thigh high boots, fishnets, red button down shirt with a leather vest. She stands five feet nine inches tall. Short dark brown hair, brown eyes, pale complexion and bright red lips and fingernails. Slender build and not much in the breast department.
They both stare at each other for a while trying to figure out what to do next. Steve finally makes a break for it, running as fast as he could for cover. Marissa reacted quickly and stomped on him like she was crushing a bug.
Thinking she killed whatever it was, she moved her boot away. Steve jumped to his feet and took off again. Marissa said,” Son of a bitch! Tough little bastard.” She stomped on him a couple of times aggressively and twisted, grinding him under her boot. Steve was in pain this time. She moved her boot again. Steve laid there and shot the finger at her.
Marissa said,” You’re definitely a little ass hole. I may be able to make some money off your little ass.” She snatched him up quickly and stuffed him in a zipper pocket in her pocketbook. She made her way to her car and drove home. Steve was in the dark, unable to get out of the pocket. He was in there till mid afternoon.
Jenna began to stir, she stretched and flexed her feet. The nylon pulled tight forcing me to conform to the bottom of her foot. She swung her legs out from under the covers, light flooded in on me. Blinking to get focus, I could see the beautiful foot of my bed partner.
Jenna strippped off her stockings and dumped me out on the bed. She asked,” Do you need to use the toilet?”
I said,” Yeah, it’s been a while.”
Jenna picked me up and took me to the bathroom. She stood me on the seat. I took care of business. I watched Jenna shut off the water valve to the toilet. She flushed the toilet leaving just a little water in the bottom. I looked confused.
Jenna said,” Bonnie told me you liked the toilet stuff, so I thought I would do that for you too. I have to keep my little man happy.” She turned around and her ass lowered towards me. Her ass brushed me over the edge. I slid down the bowl and landed in the shallow water. The water was very cold. Looking up, her puss bulged as she pushed. She released a torrent of bright yellow morning piss. It was warm and had a strong odor. Splashing all over me, it quickly warmed the water I was standing in. I licked my lips, it had a strong salty taste.
I heard a deep rumble in her bowels as she started to bare down harder. Her rectum began to bulge outward. Slowly it started to open. There was a crackling sound as she began to expel her waste. A turd bigger than me pile drived me into the warm piss water. There was a sudden rush of mushy shit that covered me completely and quickly piled up. It was that hot, I was immediately sweating. I worked my way out using the hole at the front of the toilet to get footing.
I was lying on my back towards the front of the bowl jerking off, looking up at Jenna’s puss and ass. Licking my lips again, it was extremely bitter. Just as I started to cum, she pissed directly on me this time. Her piss was hitting my dick as I was cumming.
I was laying there spent, watching Jenna wipe herself clean. She stood up, turned and looked at me. She asked,” How’d I do?”
I gave her a thumbs up and said,” Perfect.” She reached in for me and I held up my hand. She put me in the shower on the floor. She turned the valve on to the toilet and then she flushed.
Jenna turned to me and said,” We need a shower, you especially.” She laughed, stepped in and turned the shower on. Water was falling from ass cheeks and landing on me. She turned, then falling from her breasts on me.
Jenna lathered her scrunchy and washed herself. After washing her foot, she stepped on me, rubbing her foot around to wash me. Sliding her foot so my head was between each toe. She flipped me over and rubbed all over my backside. She flipped me over again facing up. She stood on me while she washed the other foot. She then repeated washing me with the other foot.
Jenna said,” Stand up so I can rinse you off.” I stood up and watched in amazement. She turned so the water would run down her leg. With her toes pointed, the water ran off them in a steady stream. Waving it around over me to rinse me off. She splayed her toes and the water rained down on me. She put her foot down and said,” There, all rinsed and clean.”
She grabbed the hand towel and put it on the floor. She put me on it and flipped half of it on top of me. She stepped out on the hand towel. Marching on it and rubbing it with her feet. Drying and smashing me. She grabbed her bath towel and dried herself while doing this to me. Once dry, she opened the hand towel revealing my hard on.
Jenna said,” You really do like anything I do to you.” She slid the towel I was on over to the sink using her foot. Once there, her foot came over me. My head was under her index toe with the rest of me under the ball. Her skin was warm, damp and smelled of her lavender soap. Her other foot came over top to rest on the one I was under. Then she brushed her teeth. I could feel her body wiggle as she did.
She put her other foot back on the floor and blow dried her hair. Her foot moved off of me to be replaced by the other one. This time I was under the arch. After she had her makeup on. She picked me up and put me on the sink and said,” What do you think?” She put her arms out wide causing her tits to bounce. She pursed her lips.
I said,” You’re gorgeous from head to toe.” She smiled and picked me up and put me on the bed. She went into the closet. She came out holding white clam diggers and a coral colored shirt.
She said,” Do you like these?”
I said,” I think that’ll look awesome on you. Especially your blonde hair with that shirt.” She smiled and went back to the closet, came out carrying suntan stockings and white high heeled slides. She put on the stockings and stood up. The sight of her in just stockings had me entranced. My dick was hard again.
Jenna blushed a little and said,” You really do think I’m beautiful…”
I said,”Absolutely, you’re gorgeous and I love the way your voice sounds. Just your voice keeps my attention.”
Jenna said,” Really, my voice, why?”
I said,” It’s soothing, sultry. You have a unique sound that I’ve never heard before and I love it.”
Jenna blushed a little again and said,” I don’t think I’ve ever had a man so enthralled by everything about me. I’ve also never had a man that gave me several orgasms in a row either. I want to keep you.”
I said,” I’m sure Nikki and Bonnie will let me spend time with you.”
Jenna said,” I really hope so!” Jenna finished dressing. I was right, coral is a good color for her. “Are you ready for breakfast?”
I said,” Yeah, I am kind of hungry.” She picked me up and put me on the floor.
Jenna said,” Do you want a ride?” She flexed her foot pointing to the gap between her foot and the sole of her slide. I shook my head yes. She said,” Climb in then.”
I walked over to her, ran my hand over the side of her foot. It was warm and the nylon was soft to the touch. I looked at her toes and how the nylon strained to keep her long toenails contained. I stepped in putting my feet where the ball of her foot met the sole of her shoe. Once in, I laid down with my back on the arch of her shoe. Looking up, I was staring at her heel and arch. It made my heart pound.
Jenna saw I was in place and lowered her heel on me. She said,” I think you’re in for a wild ride.” Stepping on me with all of her weight, she rolled her heel back and forth trying to flatten me into her insole. My dick was pushing up against the taute nylon in her arch and as she worked her foot, her arch was rubbing the head of my dick. The feeling was so intense I wanted to scream but my head was buried in her heel.
Wow! That first step! I watched Jenna’s foot flex up off of me as she moved forward. Then, SLAP! Up against her foot again. My dick pushed into her arch so hard that I thought it would break. Sudden pressure, all of her weight was on her heel and my face. Her weight continued it’s forward momentum as it rolled down my body. My dick pushed up into the nylon as her arch came down to rub the tip again. Then her foot flexed upward again. This continued till she got to the steps.
I thought I was going to blow my load. This time the pressure left but her foot didn’t flex. It was just barely off my face. “CLUMP” instant pressure. This continued for ten steps. After a short walk into the kitchen where she stood on me while making breakfast for us.
Jenna stood on the other foot and moved her toes up to my crotch. She slid her foot back down, forcing me to slide with it. My feet were sticking out from her toes. My head was close to the ball of her foot but still in the arch. My dick was under her toes pushing up into the nylon. She stood on me again and scrunched her toes, pinching my dick under them. I heard the leather of the shoe groan trying to hold the pressure she was exerting on me.
She set breakfast on the bar and walked around it to have a seat. Each step her foot was really trying to make me conform to it. Wow, what a feeling. Muscles of her arch would push down on my face as they tightened. Once they released, the softness would allow my head to sink back in.
Jenna sat down, crossed her legs and took off the shoe I was in. She said,” Ready to eat?”
I looked at her and said,” I love you.”
Jenna let out a school girl giggle and said,” I love you too.” She sat her shoe on the bar. I crawled out of the toe section and stood up.
Jenna made scrambled eggs, toast and coffee. She put coffee in a shot glass for me. I ate from her plate. We finished breakfast and she cleaned up.
Jenna said,” Well, I don’t have a lot of time with you so I want to play with you. You want to have some fun with me?”
I said,” Absolutely.”
Marissa woke up, lying in bed trying to gather her senses. She remembered her stowaway in her pocketbook. She got up. Went to the bathroom. Then to the kitchen and retrieved a piece of cold pizza from the refrigerator.
Marissa picked up her pocketbook and grabbed Steve from the pocket. She dropped him on top of the computer desk.
Steve yelled,” Let me go, you stupid bitch.”
Marissa opened the desk drawer and pulled out a pair of toenail clippers. She slammed them down beside him. She said,” Show respect or I’ll start cutting off your protruding parts.” Steve thought he might actually be susceptible to this. He didn’t want to find out so he remained still and silent.
Marissa said,” At least you’re not as stupid as you look. Here’s the deal tiny, you’re going to help me make a lot of money with my webcam and videos or we’re back to cutting off parts and flushing the pieces down the toilet. Nod if you understand.” Steve shook his head yes. She said,” Good. There are a lot of guys looking for giantess fetish stuff and I’m going to give it to them. Only difference is my prop is alive.”
Marissa dropped the crust of the pizza on the paper plate. She went to get dressed and ready for her webcam fans. Steve ran to the pizza crust as soon as she was out of sight. He ate his fill, it’s been quite a while since he’s eaten anything. He thought about jumping and making a run for it. As he was standing at the edge, she checked on him.
Marissa said,” Don’t you dare. Maybe I should cut off a leg to make you stay put.” Steve put his hands up and was shaking his head no. She said,” No more warnings, next time I cut something off, got it?” Steve shook his head yes. She sat her Diet Coke down on the desk and went back to the bathroom. Steve licked the condensation off the can to quench his thirst. Defeated, he sat down and waited for her return.
Marissa walked out of the bathroom wearing a black leather teddy that laced up the front. It had garters attached to the full fashioned black stockings. On her feet were black pumps with three inch spike heels. She had a worldly look for someone only in her early thirties.
Marissa said,” Well, let’s see what my fans want me to do with you. This could be quite painful for you depending on what they want.”
Marissa started the computer and adjusted her webcams. One on the desk and one on the floor. She signed into Streamate and said,” Let’s see if you make it through your first night. I’ll send a message about you to all my giantess fans.” The computer started making ding sounds.
Marissa retrieved some tape from the drawer. She picked up Steve and taped his legs to the hardwood floor in front of the camera. She said,” Well gentlemen, this is my little volunteer. Tell me what you want me to do to him and remember, gold talks.” Her shoes moved close to Steve. She said,” Well, I can do that for ten gold.” The computer dinged. She said,” Thank you.”
Marissa stood up, her shoe passed over Steve making him think she was going to step on him. He was under the arch of her pump. When he realized what she was up to, it was too late. Steve was sitting, as soon as the heel of her shoe touched his chest, it descended quickly. Capturing his dick and balls under it. She transferred her weight to Steve’s genitals. Steve thought his dick and balls would explode under the pressure.
Marissa raised her other foot off the ground. She rocked back on her heel. Steve’s dick and balls compressed to be extremely flat as they were holding all of her. Steve screamed in pain. Marissa then twisted on her heel. It felt like his dick and balls were smashed and being ripped from his body. The pain was so intense, he passed out.
When Steve came to, he sat up quickly to check himself. His dick and balls were purple looking and swollen, but still there. Marissa was sitting at the desk.
Marissa said,” Let’s refrain from death scenes. I don’t want to kill him... yet.” She laughed and said,” Ok, five gold.” The computer made a ding sound.
Marissa peeled Steve off the floor, crossed her legs and stuck him to the bottom of her shoe. She put another piece of tape across his chest. She put her foot down close to the camera so as to see him on her sole. She put her foot on the floor and stood up. Steve almost disappeared as the sole of her shoe tried to push to the floor.
Marissa giggled and said,” Let’s see if I can squash this bug.” Steve went flying through the air and slammed into the hardwood floor. All of Marissa was on him, he was the only thing between her and the floor. The hard sole of her pump was very unforgiving. She walked around the room making sure to stay in view of the camera. After her third time, she stopped close to the camera and stomped on Steve. She once again stood on him like a dancer. All of her on him. She twisted her foot back and forth on him. Steve felt like he would break under her assault.
The twisting ripped the tape free. Marissa stepped back. Steve lay there in a crumpled heap. Nothing broken, he righted his body to lay flat on his back. He looked up at her evil grin, wishing he would’ve been nice to Bonnie.
Marissa sat at the desk, reading all of the comments pouring in. Looking down at Steve, Marissa said,” You’re a hit, they love what I’m doing to you. I hope you’re ready for the next one. This guy paid a hundred gold and just took me exclusive.”
Steve peeled what was left of the tape from his body. He was feeling like he went fifteen rounds with Mike Tyson. He looked at Marissa, she was looking intently at the computer screen. He was wondering what fresh new hell awaited him.
Marissa took off her pump, picked Steve up and dropped him in the opening. Steve hit shoulder first and slid down the arch. He landed where the ball of her foot would rest. Darkness ensued as her foot entered. The air was hot and moist. The odor was slightly bitter and smelled of leather. Her full fashion stocking foot overtook him, pinning him beneath.
Steve felt relieved. Her foot was warm and soft. Her toes were on the plump side with bright red toenails to match her fingernails. Marissa stood up and was walking around the room. Her foot pressed down easily accepting him into the soft flesh. After a few minutes, Marissa took off her shoe and dumped Steve out on the desktop.
Steve looked at a huge dick shaped dildo in tan color. Marissa picked up Steve and the dildo. She squeezed the head of the dildo revealing a hole cut in the tip. She took Steve and inserted his legs into the hole. She let go of the tip and it closed up holding Steve’s lower body tightly in its grip.
Marissa leaned back in the chair. Steve saw her huge puss come into view. Steve smelled her, she smelled like she needed a shower, bad. On the crotch flaps of the leather teddy that she had unsnapped, he saw a whitish crust. Steve thought he was going to puke. Before he had the chance, he met her puss as she rubbed the dildo up and down through her pussy lips.
The smell was horrific, Steve’s stomach was learching trying to keep his pizza crust. She found the mark and quickly jammed the dildo deep inside of her cunt. Marissa fucked herself aggressively. Steve wanted to die, he couldn’t stand it. The pounding went on for a few minutes. It felt like hours to Steve.
Marissa’s pounding slowed and eventually stopped. After removing the dildo from her puss, she held it in front of her face and laughed. Steve was encased in her whitish cream. Marissa changed positions in the chair. She was kneeling in it with her ass towards the camera.
Steve wiped his eyes clear in time to see his next onslaught coming. Marissa jammed him and the dildo into her ass hole. She was hammering her ass. From the pounding and being soaked with her juices, Steve popped out free of the dildo. The dildo was now hitting him like a battering ram, beating the shit out of him. Marissa orgasmed, pushing in as deep as she could. This shoved Steve up into her bowel further, impaling him into her waiting waste material.
Marissa pulled the dildo out. She saw Steve was missing. She said,” I guess I’ll shit him out later.” She laughed and the computer starting dinging wildly. She looked and said,” Wow, thank you for the two thousand gold. If he lives, we can do it again sometime.” She blew a kiss at the screen and closed the app.
Marissa said,”I have clients waiting, sorry about your luck.” She got ready and headed out for the evening.
Jenna asked me,” Do you want a ride to the bedroom in my shoe?”
I said,” I’d love that!” Jenna picked me up, raised her heel and dropped me, head down this time. My head was towards the ball of her foot and my legs towards her heel. Her foot lowered, pushing my face into the softest spot in her arch. My dick pushed up into the nylon as she stepped on me.
As she stepped forward her heel raised followed by me slapping up against her foot as I was launched forward. I heard her high heel clack on the floor and a loud crack as the front touched down. Sudden pressure rolling up her foot from heel to toe. Between the slap against her arch and the stretched nylon pulling across my dick, I was close to orgasm when she reached the steps.
Ascending the steps on her toes with her heel wiggling up and down slightly with each step. The constant nylon dragging on my dick and my face slamming into her soft arch pinch point, I started coming on the first step and kept going until she reached the top.
A short walk into the bedroom, Jenna stopped by the bed and rubbed her foot in and out of the slide dragging and rubbing me on the insole. She pushed me in with my head under her toes. She took her top and bra off. Undid her pants, pulled them down. She slipped out of both shoes. As I lay there, looking up, she took her pants and panties off.
Jenna said,” Sorry, we don’t have much time. I’m going to use you pretty hard.” My dick stood up immediately. She laughed and pulled me out of her shoe. She laid down, holding me by my arm, she slowly lowered me towards her mouth. Her mouth opened and when my legs were in, she closed her lips. My hard on was pushed against my belly by her upper lip.
I felt a sudden tremendous suction. I was sucked in up to my neck. After the pressure of her stepping on me to go to the opposite and sucked on hard, I was in a state of euphoria. I didn’t notice that she had got up until she bent down. When I opened my eyes, I was looking into a dresser drawer. She picked up a bottle of massage oil that said vanilla flavor. Still sucking on me and her tongue rolling around me, I was now looking at her chin instead of her nose.
Jenna opened the massage oil and was rubbing it all over. She pinched my head between her thumb and index finger and pulled me out of her mouth. She dropped me in her other hand full of oil and coated me with the slick lube.
Jenna deposited me between her tits and pushed the huge globes of flesh together, smearing me between them. She released and put her hand on my back. Rubbing me on her nipples, until I had the huge ball of a nipple in my mouth. Sucking and massaging her areola, her body writhed with pleasure. She pulled me off and moved me to the other side to repeat on the other nipple. She put her hand on my back again, rubbed me on the bottom of her tits and down her stomach head first.
Sliding through the bald pubic area till my face met her clit. Massaging the flesh on the sides, I sucked her clit as hard as I possibly could. She began to shake, she pushed me in her hungry cunt head first. I slid in with little effort. Her fingers pushed me in deep. I decided to see if I could drive her crazy. I kicked, pushed, kneed and bent myself as hard and fast as I could. I felt her shaking and bucking up and down.
Jenna’s puss suddenly clamped down hard on me. I couldn’t move, it squeezed so hard. Then it was pulsing with hard constrictions. I never new a puss could be this strong. Still trying my best to move whatever I could. The pulsing lasted for a very long time. I kept moving until she was so wasted she stopped responding to me.
Jenna regained her composure and reached in to retrieve me. When I was fully out, I heard her moan loudly.
I said,” Are you ok?”
Jenna smiling said,” I’ve never had an orgasm that strong and last so long. I’m more than ok, that was amazing!”
I said,” I’m glad, I was trying my best.”
Jenna said,” You’re awesome, my little man. I’ll see if I can return the favor.” She picked up the massage oil and squirted some on her stocking feet. My heart was pounding immediately.
Jenna said,” I think this might do it for you.” She picked me up and brought her feet together and dropped me between them. When she started to rub me in her foot sandwich, I couldn’t believe how it felt. The nylon tried to get a purchase on me but the massage oil was too slick for that. With my head clamped in her toes, she rubbed me in a scissor motion with the balls of her feet. My dick was spinning in circles, sliding over the oil soaked nylon.
After a couple of minutes, I came hard and longer than ever before. I passed out as my dick was still pumping. When I came to, Jenna was still rubbing, only harder. The pressure was increasing. I was hard again, I couldn’t believe it. Jenna grabbed her knees to get leverage for more pressure. After another five minutes, I came again, dry pumping as there was nothing left from the first time. Intensity was diminished from the first time as well, still, it felt incredible. After a couple more minutes, she stopped.
Jenna separated her feet, I lay there, limp. Jenna asked,” Are you ok? I wasn’t too rough with you, was I?”
I said,” I definitely want to come back to see you again.”
Jenna laughed and said,” I guess I wasn’t too rough. We need to get cleaned up. I soon have to take you home.” When we finished getting ourselves cleaned up and Jenna finished cleaning up the mess the oil made, it was indeed time to go.
Outside of Nikki’s house, Jenna picked me up and said,” I had a lot of fun, I want you to stay with me.”
I said,” I know what you mean, I had a great time with you. I’m sure Nikki and Bonnie will let me spend time with you again.”
Jenna said,” I hope so or I might have to kidnap you.” She chuckled and pushed my face into her lips to kiss me. We got out and she carried me to the door and rang the doorbell.
Chapter 8 by Underfoottiny
Author's Notes:
I decided to end this story. Hope you liked my first story.
Chapter 8
Tying it Up
Marissa returned home after a long night of dominatrix role playing. Exhausted, she flopped on her bed for some much needed sleep. Steve was still inside her wondering when he would get out.
After sleeping till one in the afternoon, Marissa felt refreshed. She made a cup of coffee and was going through her emails. There were offers from a few porn sites to work for them professionally with her little man. She’s really beginning to think she’s on to something.
Marissa went to the bathroom figuring it’s time to get Steve out. She was wondering if he was still alive and thinking what a horrible way to die. She sat on the toilet, bearing down to move things along. Steve felt his world churn and began to move. Getting tighter as he moved downward. He felt the cool air on his lower legs. The coolness moved up his body and finally to his face. Opening his eyes, he was still stuck to her turd, he watched as her giant sphincter pinched it off just above him. Splash down!
The cold water was quite a shock. Steve pulled himself free and bobbed in the water. Waiting for her to finish. Once she wiped, she stood, reached in and grabbed him by the head. She flushed the toilet, dropped him in the sink. Turning on the water, freezing Steve again in the process, she pumped soap in her hand, picked Steve up and washed him and her hands at the same time. Rinsed and repeated. She didn’t speak to him, just grabbed him like her belonging.
Marissa took him to the computer desk, dropped him on top. She rooted in the garbage to retrieve a plastic coke bottle. She took the cap off and stuffed Steve in the opening. There was still a little coke left which Steve was glad to drink.
Marissa was startled by a loud knock on the door. Looking through the peephole, there were two large men in uniform. She said,”Who is it?”
Brian answered,”Head of security operations for Cyrex, my name is Brian this is my associate Eric.”
“What do you want?”
Brian said,”We believe you’re in possession of an accident victim from our facility, we’re here to collect him. Give him to us and no charges will be filed against you.”
The door slowly opened, Marissa looked sheepishly at the two imposing men. Brian was smiling at her, while Eric had the look of death in his eyes. Marissa said,” I don’t know what you’re talking about and as you can see, I’m the only one here.”
Eric reached for her throat, Brian stopped him and said,” Give her a chance, then you can have at her.” Looking at Marissa he continued,” He was shrunken very small, give him to us or Eric will ask you next…” Eric broke into a grin.
“Ok, ok, he’s on the desk in the coke bottle.” She was shaking and scared.
Brian said,” Thank you, now you’re going to have a case of amnesia about this incident or Eric is going to pay you a visit. Are we clear?” Marissa shook her head sheepishly.
Eric collected Steve and walked out. Brian said,” Have a nice day.” He closed the door behind him as he left. Eric put the coke bottle with Steve in his breast pocket inside his jacket. Once they reached the black suburban with tinted windows, Eric retrieved a clear plastic carrying case. He dumped Steve out onto a towel, then placed him gently in the case.
Eric asked,” Are you hungry or thirsty?” Steve shook his head yes. Eric put some crackers in and a cap full of water. “That should hold you till we get back to the lab.”
Steve shook his head and said,”Thank you.” They drove to Cyrex. Once there, the men took Steve to Dr. Anson’s lab.
Steve remained in the lab. Never seeing his friends or family. For they all thought he was dead.
Doug remained in Nikki’s loving care. Bonnie found love and was married. Still Bonnie would find special time with Doug. As well as Jenn, spending many nights with her. Doug’s heart belonged to Nikki. Diane never did recover from her nervous breakdown.
It was a few years before Diane could even see Doug without bursting into tears. Mark was always there for Diane.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.