Urban Playground by Vintovka

A giantess rampages through a city center, but with a twist.

Categories: Violent, Giantess, Couples, Destruction, Footwear, Crush Characters: None
Growth: Titan (101 ft. to 500 ft.)
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2599 Read: 4685 Published: August 30 2020 Updated: August 30 2020

1. Urban Playground by Vintovka

Urban Playground by Vintovka

I stood in the middle of the street, jaw dropped as I recorded the spectacle in the distance.  A titanic woman was walking toward me, the row of high-rise apartment buildings only reaching her chest.  With every step she took I felt the ground rumble hard enough rattle glass in nearby windows, a horrific signifier of her presence.  Although she was still half a mile away, I could still hear buildings and debris crunch beneath her feet.  It was a terrifying sight, but I could not turn and run.


She turned her cold blue eyes down at the buildings in front of her and grinned.  With one gigantic hand she gripped it over the roof, her fingers stretching a half dozen stories down the building’s face, and began to shake it.  Long cracks appeared along the building’s base, and with a loud grunt she tore it from its foundation.  Triumphantly she held it over her head with both hands, then brought it down onto her knee, snapping it in half with a deafening crack.  Gleefully she tossed the two halves to the side and continued the rampage.


Her auburn braid fell in front of her broad shoulder while she examined the gap she had just made.  It was wide enough to serve as a parking lot, but still too narrow for her enormous frame.  She coiled a leg and kicked it forward, slamming her foot into the building that remained in front of her.  The kick was strong enough that the building immediately toppled, its support beams bending like hinges from the force.  When it hit the ground her gargantuan Converse was still flat on the building’s face, compressing the structure beneath it.  After just a few seconds bearing her weight, the cement buckled outward as the building was reduced to a ruin.


With the buildings out of the way I got a full look at the giantess wreaking havoc on the city.  Wherever she had come from, it looked like she was on the way to a gym, with a sports bra supporting her ample bosom and compression shorts bulging around her thighs.  Her black lo-top Converse stretched for a third of a city block, with laces wider than the cars lining the boulevard.  She would be a powerhouse even at normal size, with toned biceps like a truck, and her exposed midriff showed off a set of washboard abs the size of a park.  My eyes were drawn up to her face, where her bright eyes stood out amid her golden-brown skin, and her soft, rounded cheeks seemed like hills.


The titaness stood between a pair of skyscrapers barely taller than her, eyeing the one to her left with a smirk.  She slid a hand around to its back and gripped it tightly, shattering hundreds of glass panes simultaneously, then leaned against it.  Steel groaned when her shoulder made contact, and while it swayed from her immense frame’s weight it did not break.  Casually she crossed one ankle over the other, flattening several cars when her shoe’s toe set down.


For a moment she simply stood there, relaxing against the tower and surveying the city beneath her.  Dust still rose from the swath of destruction in her wake, and everything before her was at her mercy.  Contrary to expectations, there was no great crowd running from her rampage, and aside from vehicles parked along the curbs the streets were empty, as though the whole city had been evacuated for weeks.  I must have stuck out like a sore thumb in the abandoned street, and when her eyes fixated on me I felt my blood chill.


She snapped into action, twisting her hips as she swung a leg into the air.  Her enormous foot slammed into the skyscraper across from her, plowing through cement and snapping steel support beams.  Debris pitched into the air when her shoe blew through the tower, and the severed section toppled over and plunged to the ground.  Parts of the ruined building rained down, pelting the gigantic woman with boulder-sized flakes.  They were nothing to her and she laughed them off, creating a loud, repeating boom that shattered windows along the road and made my insides tremble.


As the wreckage settled she admired her handiwork, then turned to continue her stroll down the boulevard.  She extended an arm to the side, pressing her palm flat against the tower that was still standing.  When she stepped forward she gave it a firm shove, and the building’s weakened frame could not withstand the pressure.  It broke at the base, sloughing onto the concrete around it before tipping over.  The great structure fell, demolishing the businesses and apartment blocks lining the broad street as it disintegrated, its wreckage mixing with theirs.


For her part, the enormous woman was having the time of her life.  I had never seen anyone smile as broadly as she was, her pink lip gloss reflecting the harsh light above.  She walked along the sidewalk, flattening the cars parked beside it with each step.  Metal squealed under her rubber soles, leaving behind useless hunks of steel and broken glass as footsteps.  The thoughtless, wanton destruction seemed to bring her immense joy, and with no one else in the city there was nothing to stop her.


Asphalt cracked under her footfalls, sending long, winding fissures down the street.  As she drew closer the impacts from her steps became stronger, and I could hear the loud thuds from her shoe landing on open asphalt.  The buildings nearest to her were catastrophically affected, shaking as though they were standing atop the epicenter of an earthquake.  Several of them cracked down the middle from the tremors, destroyed without her even having to touch them.  This seemed to amuse her to no end, and for fun she stomped a foot in the middle of the street, sending out the most powerful shockwaves yet.  When they hit me my knees felt like jelly, making me stumble backwards to remain standing, and all the buildings in a hundred foot radius of her simply collapsed into dust.


When she was three blocks away from me, the titaness paused and stood astride the boulevard, placing her hands on her hips.  She stared right at me and boomed, “Fee fi fo fum!”  To emphasize the last syllable, she swung a shoe into the row of buildings beneath her.  Her feet were monstrously huge, even for someone her size, and several storefronts were completely obliterated by the blow.  Some of them were torn off their foundations and launched into the air, their husks clinging to her black canvas shoe.  Her foot came to an abrupt stop, flinging the ruined buildings off, and they sailed out of view.


Grinning at the casual destruction, she set her foot down on the other side of the street and turned her attention back to me.  “I spy in the road a little one.  Beneath my shoe he will be crushed, and then I’ll grind him into mush.”  I froze in abject terror at her rhyme.  There was no doubt she had seen me, and now I was her target.  With how gigantic she was, there was no way I could outrun her, and now that I was in her sights I would not be able to hide, either.  Any building I ducked into would simply be reduced to rubble by her mammoth feet, and then I would be at the mercy of a giantess who was both annoyed and had a strong penchant for rampaging.


She took a step forward with her right foot, and in a single stride her long leg almost covered an entire city block.  The ground trembled when her heel landed, and a crater formed in the street as it struggled to bear the giantess’s weight.  Her foot pitched up at a sharp angle, displaying the brown rubber sole with diamonds etched in it that promised to be my demise.  It slapped against the ground with a loud crack that echoed down the street, the shockwave hitting me hard enough that my teeth shook in their sockets.  A moment later the wall of sound hit me, causing a loud roar in my ears and making me stagger away from her.


Her other foot came forward, knocking aside streetlamps as though they were blades of grass while it sailed through the air.  When it struck the ground it made another small crater beneath her heel, and she kept her foot pitched upward as far as it would go.  Not only was it wider than two lanes of traffic, but her toes stretched well beyond the roofs of the buildings beside her; in fact, they did not rise above her heel.  It was a truly gargantuan foot, and with how easily it had been smashing cars there was little mystery what would happen to flesh and bone caught beneath it.


As I considered the vast expanse of her sole, I thought about my options.  In just a second her other foot would rush forward, and between her tremendous gait and immense shoe I was sure to be caught beneath it.  There was simply no way I could outrun it, and at the rate she was moving I would not even be able to move out of the way.  There must have been a reason I missed the evacuation, and I decided it was to document the destruction of this once-bustling metropolis even if it cost me my life.  Taking a deep breath, I turned the camera up to take in the towering woman’s body as she loomed over me.  As a final insult she was not even looking down at me and was instead staring forward at the vast city she had yet to smash.


A shadow fell over me, followed immediately by her shoe eclipsing my view of everything above.  Her heel landed, and I heard the asphalt crack as it gave way beneath her weight.  The shockwave hit me and my knees finally gave out, knocking me onto my back.  Brown rubber stretched as far as I could see, with the shadowed slope of a diamond directly over me.  I wanted to scream and beg for my life in desperate hopes she would hear me, but refrained to avoid tainting my footage.  In just a moment I would be squashed like a bug, and if the tape survived I hoped it would faithfully capture the moment.  She shifted her weight forward, and I forced myself to watch as the world darkened and her sole raced toward me.


The shoe touched me and immediately halted, sparing my life.  It lingered for a second, and in the confined space I maneuvered my free hand to the camera to turn it off.  Her shoe withdrew, thudding onto the street when it landed and sending out waves of intense vibrations.  She leaned forward and rested her hands on her knees, sending a loud slap rolling down the boulevard, and looked right at me.  Under her intense gaze and with nowhere to go, I had no choice but to do my best to meet it.


“Did you get my good side?” Fulda asked, smiling.  “I know we can’t really do another take, so I want to be sure we got it right the first time.”


“I wasn’t aware you had a bad side,” I replied.


“Keep talking like that and you’ll never end up on it.”  Fulda chuckled, and the low growl momentarily overwhelmed my senses.  “But seriously, I looked amazing, right?  And you got everything?”


“Of course, you looked fantastic!” I assured her.  “And I got everything from the residential section until you stepped on me, giving us a solid ten minutes of footage to work with.”


“Mmm, I’m glad to hear it.”


“Are you sure the firm’s okay with you smashing a model like this?” I asked.  “Everything looked so real, like they were actual buildings that had been shrunk.”


“Even I’m not powerful enough to shrink an entire downtown district,” Fulda responded with a laugh.  “And I appreciate your eye for detail, it makes all those long hours painstakingly molding the buildings worth it.  Don’t worry, they won’t mind me taking the model home to stomp around in it.  They were about to toss the whole thing out when I paid someone to load it onto a flatbed and bring it here.  Better to use this thing for my giantess stuff than let it rot in the dump, right?”


“I couldn’t agree more.  Would you mind leaving this in the spare bedroom?  It might be fun for me to explore it now that it’s done.”


“As long as you don’t mind me coming in and smashing a few buildings when you do,” Fulda purred.  From her smirk, I could tell she was very much looking forward to it.  “If you’re going to feel normal sized, I’m going to feel like an actual giantess.”


“You have a deal.”  Watching her rampage through a model city was something I always found incredibly hot.  Not only that, but they were some of the best-performing videos on our channel.  I wanted to believe it was my camera work and realistic environments that drove the views, but in my heart I knew it was her.  She was an absolute knockout she seemed completely at home stomping her way through a city.  While a beautiful woman could draw eyes to just about anything, her eager demeanor was like ambrosia for the people who followed our content.


“Come on, let’s get you out of the streets,” Fulda said, reaching a hand down toward me.  I moved the camera to my chest and cradled it in my arms to make sure it would not fall and break on the model city’s street.  Her thumb and forefinger settled around me, cradling me between her fingertips, and she carefully plucked me off the ground.  There was a slight blood rush from my head when she lifted me the great length of her legs, and it abruptly stopped when I reached the ridges of her abs.  She placed me in her other hand’s open palm and let go, leaving me standing on a broad plain of smooth skin.


I took a moment to survey the model city center and appreciate it from something approximating her point of view.  She had already knocked down the skyscrapers, so I could just see over the rooftops of the tallest remaining buildings.  A long crevice ran down the middle of the boulevard where the two halves met, imperceptible from ground level but obvious from here.  It stretched to the walls on three sides, the abrupt vertical plane acting as a firm barrier, and looked like someone had transported a miniature city into our condo.  The side with space by the edge had been strewn with debris, smashed to bits under Fulda’s enormous shoes.  I thought it was a nice touch, and between that and the sky blue wall it made the whole video seem more organic.


Fulda walked back down the boulevard one block at a time, cupping her hand to keep me steady.  She ducked to fit through the doorway, then started walking toward the dining table, my workstation barely a speck on the top from this distance.  “Come on, let’s get this uploaded onto your computer,” she rumbled.  “I want to see how I look before we upload this.”

End Notes:

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This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=9620