Doh! Canada by asukafan2001
Summary: A college student is working in a hotel, just trying to get by when he finds his world turned upside when he is suddenly shrunk unknowingly by a guest.
Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Teenager (13-19), Instant Size Change, Adventure, Body Exploration, Entrapment, Humiliation, Unaware Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: DigiDowner Universe
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes Word count: 10282 Read: 77803 Published: June 27 2008 Updated: June 27 2008

1. Chapter 1 by asukafan2001

2. Chapter 2 by asukafan2001

Chapter 1 by asukafan2001

Doh! Canada

(A Digidowner Universe Story)



©2008. Asukafan2001 and Giantess World. All Rights Reserved.



                This is a story about loss and gain, action and reaction. Everything you do has consequence.  Little things from where you go for lunch; to what street you decide to drive down.  Some people believe for each decision you make, a different world exist, where your alter ego, body double, whatever you want to call it takes that opposite path. If you walk left, a world exists where you chose right. Maybe by walking right you find fifty dollars, or you could be hit by a bus.

                Now others believe that, these choices are less constant. That it’s only at major decisions in one’s life, that a separate path is created. What makes up those major decisions is very much dependent upon the person.  This is the ideology that this story follows. We follow the lives of two people who would have never met and never seen each other for as long as they lived without one choice that sets this entire story in motion.  It’s ironic, that the fates of these two people are decided by not even  a choice they make, but one that is made for them.

                As you probably know, every story has two characters, your ying and your yang so to speak.  In our case we have Courtney Williams, and Sam Willis. However, these characters are not always defined by good and evil. Sometimes they are defined in shades of grey. Just like this case. So who is at fault, which is to blame? That is all up to you to decide. I am merely telling you the events which took place and the outcome which followed.

                Now, like with any story I suppose you’re wondering where and when this story takes place. Well that’s a good question, and a good thought. One that I was just getting ready to tell you, as this story takes place in the not too distant future, in the year 2013 and while neither of our characters are from there, the story takes place in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

                Our first character is young Courtney Williams, she has reddish brown hair with blue eyes, and her body is perfectly toned from years of playing soccer and track. However, if you saw what she ate before you actually saw her you would probably be shocked. 

                Courtney lives in bustling city of Edmonton which is located in Canada. Besides being home to over 730,000 people it’s probably best known for being home to the largest mall in the world.  While none of that is relevant to this story, it is an interesting fact.  So before we go any further, let’s take a look at Courtney’s life.

# # # #

                Courtney trotted down the stairs of her suburban home wearing a sweat pants, and a T-Shirt from an old soccer tournament.  She blew the hair out of her face as she walked into the kitchen rather grumpily as she poured herself a bowl of cheerios.

                “Are you still upset about last night pumpkin?” Her dad asked as he put the paper down. This of course pushed the already upset teen over the limit.

                “What do you think? I don’t want to go to the stupid United States this summer. I have a boyfriend dad, and if I have to leave him for a week it better be for Hawaii, not the stupid United States.” Huffs Courtney as she roughly shoves her spoon into her bowl and takes a bite.

                “You have only been seeing this guy two weeks and been on three dates. That’s not even a relationship Court.”

                “Your just jealous, dad”

                “Of what? I have been happily married for going on 18 years”

                “19 wonderful year’s honey” Courtney’s mom interjects.

                “That’s what I said 19 years of marriage, which tells you I know a thing or two about relationships.”

                “One could also take that to mean mom was drunk, and you took advantage of her.” Courtney snaps at her father as she takes a second bite of cereal.

                “Keep that attitude up and we will stay for two weeks”

                “DAD!! This is so not fair. What am I gonna do in dumbasota for a week. We take the worst vacations ever. Clevesuck one year, now dumbasota.”

                “Fine you can take a friend with you. ONE FRIEND, and not your boyfriend. Why not that Meghan girl I like, she’s nice.”

                “Her name isn’t Meghan, its Molly and the friend you like is Melody.” Courtney yells as she finishes off her cereal and stomps up the stairs making sure to slam her door.

                “I think she is taking this rather well, don’t you?” Courtney’s father says as he picks the newspaper back up.

                “A lot better than the pants situation last week.” Courtney’s mother adds

                The next few weeks pass by rather uneventfully however; the once again single Courtney is still upset about the trip but after being forced to go she decided to bring along her best friend Taylor. We rejoin the group at the airport.

                “You know dad, you can still trade in these tickets for ones to Hawaii. It’s not too late.”

                “Give it a rest Courtney, can you atleast try to enjoy yourself.” Pleads her father as the group walks towards the gate.

                “Now boarding American Airlines flight 276, to Minneapolis, Los Angeles, and Honolulu.” The announcer says.

                “Not a word Courtney” Her father exclaims as the group boards the plane for Minnesota.

# # # #

                As you can see things have started to be placed in motion, however now it’s time to set the other half of the stage. As you have already been told, the other major characters name is Sam Willis. While he is currently in Minneapolis, MN he isn’t originally from there. It wasn’t until 2009 that he arrived in Minnesota so that he could attend the University of Minnesota.

                Like most college students Sam needed a job to support himself, because as much as people would love to be able to go to school and not work in this day and age that just doesn’t happen. Sam, who had worked at the Holiday Inn for his entire collegiate career was slated for a weekend off. However, being the nice guy that Sam is he said he would swap weekends a co-worker as he had nothing planned but a weekend of video gaming.

                Outside of being a nice a guy, Sam was your fairly typical looking 23 year old male. He stood 6’2” had short brown hair that had just started to grow back from a head shaving incident. Sam wasn’t what you could call athletic. It’s not that he didn’t enjoy sports; he just wasn’t good at any of them. So he was left to playing them in the form of Video Games.  

                On this summer afternoon we join up with Sam just as he is pulling his 2007 Pontiac Grand Am into the parking lot at work. He was clad in the familiar Holiday Inn green Polo with white lettering.  Clean shaven, was looking quite attractive to a number of ladies.  However, that is also not relevant to this story.


# # # #

                Sam sighed as he approached the large Holiday Inn. He glanced briefly up at the 11 floors before pushing his way into the main doors.  Apart of him wished he wasn’t such a nice guy and had just taken the weekend off even though he had nothing planned. However, it just wasn’t in his nature to be a dick like that.  So here he is working away on what should be his Saturday off.

                As he clocked in and started checking people in everything was going quite uneventfully until what looked like a family of four approached.

                “You know dad, in Hawaii the hotel rooms come with complimentary pineapple. Picked fresh that day, wouldn’t that be great? You like pineapple, and it has year round perfect golfing weather. You love golfing.”

                “I haven’t been golfing since you were born, and you’re the one who likes pineapple Courtney. Would you just give it a rest! We aren’t going to Hawaii.  Sorry, about that sir.”


                “You should be apologizing to me, for not taking me to Hawaii.

                “Courtney” Her mother chides as she stares at her daughter.

                “Sorry mom, So what’s your name?” Courtney says immediately shifting her attention towards Sam and away from her parents.

                “I’m Sam, it’s a pleasure to have you at our hotel miss.”

                “Miss? Just call me Courtney. It’s not like I’m old like my mom. Do you have a reservation for Williams, its under fogey, Gerald, or Williams, Gerald” Courtney asserts as she flips her hair trying her best to flirt with Sam while keeping her parents oblivious.

                “I show two rooms, under Gerald Williams, is that correct?” Sam asks in an attempt to direct the conversation away from Courtney towards the adults.

                “Yup that’s right, just charge it to the card on file, and you can help me with my luggage.”

                “Courtney!!” Her mother sternly says again.

                “What dad wants the air miles, I don’t want to carry my bags. He looks strong. He can probably carry Taylors too”

                “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into her today.” Courtney’s mother apologizes.

                “No mam, it would be a pleasure to carry the young ladies luggage.” Sam says against his better judgment, but always being one for supreme customer service.

                “See, he wants too.” Courtney says tauntingly towards her parents while Sam finishes checking them in before heading around to the other side of the desk to grab the luggage.  I rolled my eyes as I was greeted by the two girls. They immediately led me over to their luggage and ushered me towards the elevator leaving there parents in the wake.

                “So what is there to do here, Sam right?” Courtney asks practically leaving right where she left off.

                “Well there is the pool, and..”

                “Sam, we just met, but I guess we could go swimming. You’re so forward. I kinda like that.” Courtney interjects cutting me off.

                “That’s not what I meant, I have to work.”

                “Well then why did you ask? Geez Sam, way to play with a girl’s heart, oh here’s the floor lets go see this great view of the not ocean. Come on Sam, what kind bell hop are you?”

                “I’m not a bell hop, I’m a highly trained customer service representative and these bags are heavy.”       Sam bellows.

                “Here we are, you sure pulled out all the stops Sam. You couldn’t have upgraded us to the suite? We woulda made it worth your while. Two hot young girls, in a hot tub waiting for you after work! Doesn’t that sound like a great evening?”

                “You left out the part about me being carried away in handcuffs.” Sam jokes as he sets the luggage down in the middle of the room.

                “Aren’t you a kinky one,” Courtney taunts as she hands Sam a twenty.

                “Hey this is Canadian,”

                “No need to thank me, but if you really want too you know where to find me.” Courtney says seductively.

                “Umm yeah, well enjoy your stay.” Sam says as he quickly departs the room making sure to close the door tightly behind him.

# # # #

                Sam returned to his shift without trouble and tried to force the recent events out of his head. He chalked up most of it to just being teenagers and probably trying to see how far they could get him. Sam knew a few of his friends would have gotten a real kick out of those girls, however he was shy by nature and it was just not his style to joke around like that.

                Sam was three quarters of the way through his shift when he was approached by one of the waitresses from the attached restaurant.  Her name was Becky Norman and Sam has had his eye on her for quite some time. In fact ever since she started several months ago, however he never could quite get up the courage to ask her out.

                “Penny for your thoughts Sam?”

                “Oh nothing really, just a weird guest checked in today.”

                “So, I was wondering what you were doing after work? You’re almost done too right?”

                As soon as Sam had seen where this conversation was going he couldn’t believe it was happening. He was about to be spending an evening with a real winner. The kind of girl you could bring home to meet the parents without worry.

                “Yeah, just another hour and a half. I don’t have much planned. It was suppose to be my weekend off but I switched with jerry. So I was just gonna go home and watch some television.”

                “Or, you could come over to my place and we could hang out. It beats watching television by yourself right?”

                “I guess I could squeeze you in right between matlock and wheel of fortune.”

                “Great, well just meet me in front of the restaurant when you’re done.”  Becky says with a wave before walking back to the restaurant.

# # # #

                As you can probably tell, Sam is on cloud nine at this point. The girl of he has been eying for the past few months actually approached him and wants to get to know him. Everything in Sam life’s is going well.  The nice guy is finally getting ahead when so often it’s always the bad ones that make the gains.

                However, as many of you already know by the nature of this story and what has already been said. Tragedy is about to strike. One hero is about to get good fortune, while the other is about to lose it all. Unfortunately, for Sam this has already been written and foretold.

                Sam’s shift is just getting ready to end in about fifteen minutes when his manager tells him he can bring these towels up to room 265 and then he can take off early. This of course elates Sam as he feels luck is finally on his side, sorry Sam.

# # # #

                Sam walks out of the elevator and starts heading down the hallway. He can hear loud voices carrying on down the hallway. A part of Sam just wants to avoid the whole mess and continue on but Sam is a nice a guy and a hard worker. So he pauses and starts heading down the hallway in the opposite direction towards the disturbance.

                Just as he reaches the open door and turns he sees a blue light coming towards him, before he can even react the light hits him. Sam feels himself go flying backwards, his back slams against the hallway wall only it’s not the loud thud it should be. It’s barely a thud at all. In fact it sounds more like a light tap. Sam falls for what seems like forever before falling onto the floor in a heap.

                Loud thunderous rumblings roll across the floor like a strong wind across the Midwestern plains.  As Sam looks up with his vision blurred and his body pounding in pain he sees what has to be a mistake. The smallish hallways are now a gigantic and expansive. The hallway itself looks like it’s a mile or two wide. Sam start to stand up only he sways side to side as his body is shaken from the fall.

                “What is going on? Everything is huge.” Sam says aloud as he closes his eyes and re-opens them trying to clear his blurred vision.

                The floor begins to rumble as Sam’s vision returns. He turns towards the now gargantuan doorway and see’s a woman in her twenties heading towards him. Sam, can hardly comprehend what he is seeing at this point. He looks to his left and then his right and spots the towels he was carrying. He scurries toward the fallen towels hiding himself behind them.

                The rumbling however grows worse and worse causing Sam to peak his head out and around the corner from behind the towels.  He looks upward towards the sky again and sees the same gigantic orange haired goddess he had seen before.

                “This can’t be real, this can’t be real.” Sam mutters as a shorter yet still massively tall woman with dirty blonde hair appears in the doorway standing right next to the orange haired girl.

                “ Damn it Samantha, Hilary said be careful with that thing. If you break it I won’t ever hear the end of it.” Hayley, the orange haired girl says.

                “I didn’t even hit anyone, and you didn’t tell me enter activated the shrinking remote.”

                “Well I didn’t think I had too, what do you think happens when you input the size and hit enter.” Hayley asserts as she stares angrily at her friend.

                “Well I didn’t shrink anyone, so no harm no foul, right.” Samantha says as the door closes leaving Sam, our hero alone in the hallway.

Chapter 2 by asukafan2001

Doh Canada: Chapter Two




               A few days pass by and the turmultous journey of our hero has taken a turn for the worse after a series of missteps and events leads him from hope to near demise.

Sam peers out from the inside the napkin holder still unable to believe that this is what his life has come too.  His already stiff body is crying out in pain as Sam briefly lifts his head up above the lip of the metal napkin holder box and stares out at the young girl Courtney whose luggage he had taken up to her room a few days ago.  She looked like a new person almost. She was now colossal in size and stature.


                Sam’s heart was racing as he slunk his head back down beneath the rim of the napkin holder. The last thing he wanted was to be discovered by her; in fact she wasn’t even supposed to be here. Sam envisioned Becky walking by the table and spotting him as he desperately tried to attract her attention. Then she rescued him from these past few days which had been hell on earth, however all that changed when Courtney and her friend plopped down in the booth.


                 “Can I take your order?” Becky asks


                Sam immediately perked up at the sound of Becky’s voice. He once again lifts his head up above the rim and spots his angel. She looks even more gorgeous from this angle Sam thinks to himself as he watches her take down Courtney and Taylor’s order.  Which gives Sam the perfect idea;  all he has to do is get out of the napkin holder, hop down to the booth seat, and then find a way to the floor.  As Becky is going to have to come back with the orders, which at that time he just has to get her attention.


                Almost immediately Sam knew it wasn’t a brilliant plan, or even a plan with a high probability of success, however it was much better than nothing. Since time was of the essence as he knew the orders came fairly quick here so Sam slid out of the napkin holder and onto the table. As his feet touched down on the table shivers went through his nude body. He looked up at Courtney briefly. He eyes her brown hair as it waved back and forth as she talked.


                Sam’s previous interactions with Courtney are what led him to turn towards her friend Taylor. She had a long blonde curly hair, and dainty arms. The differences between the two were uncanny. Taylor wore make-up where Courtney did not.  Taylor had her nails painted and polished, where Courtney’s were cut short. They were literally complete opposites, which is what led Sam to believe she would be the safer side to sneak to the floor onto.


                Taking a deep breath Sam crawled behind the salt and pepper shakers which were his last shred of cover between now and the ledge.  Sam’s heart was pounding like never before.  He wondered if he would survive the fall, if he would be okay.  However, he had no choice, as Sam thought how long would he survive on the run like this. Giant people, giant shoes, giant bugs, giant rodents.  Sam knew he had to do it.

                He darted out from behind the shakers. His heart was pounding harder and harder, he could hear the slaps of his bare feet on the table. Each slap was deafening, he would turn his head towards Courtney and Taylor knowing they had to have heard that however they never even turned their heads in his direction as to them, the noise was nonexistent.


                Sam reached the edge of the table and jumped. He could feel the air blowing across his body. It was amazing, for a brief moment it was like he was flying.  It was so exhilarating that it brought a smile to Sam’s face for the first time in nearly half a week.


                However, his smile quickly turned upside down as he became aware he was falling and as he looked down he saw to his horror one of those popular tote bag style purses. Sam waved his arms and kicked his feet in a swimming motion just like in the cartoons hoping it would work to propel him far enough to the side however, unlike in fantasy it did nothing and he crashed into the inside wall of the purse, and then bounced into the opposite wall where he slid down the length of the wall until his chest slammed against the young girls wallet. The impact forced all the air out of Sam’s lungs and chest. He rolled over onto his back in desperation gasping for air as he looked upwards out of the bag which seemed hundreds of feet above him.

                Tears rolled down Sam’s face as he heard Becky’s voice once again as she delivered the two girls their meals and refilled the drinks. He was so close to hope, to salvation and yet so far.  Sam struggled to stand up and grabbed his side as he made his way over a sea of various items.  As he reached the wall his heart sank as his hands desperately grabbed at the smooth fabric wall.

                “This, this can’t be happening” Sam cries as he continues to grasp at the walls hoping his hand will find something to grab hold of.  As several minutes pass by Sam finally gives up slinks down to the floor as he looks up at the opening of the purse.

                “I came so far, so far and now I’m trapped like a rat.” Sam says as he sits unsure of what to do as he realizes it’s only a matter of time before she comes across him.  Then all at once Sam flung into the air and crashes against what feels like a hair brush. 

                “Oh shit she’s getting up.” Sam screams as he grasps the bristles of the hair brush in desperation as everything is shook from left to right. Random objects pelt against Sam as the two girls casually chat and walk unaware of the torture they are putting our hero Sam through.

                The constant motion starts Sam’s stomach into a twisting mess. He desperately tries to hold himself together as everything comes to a halt for a moment. The silence and lack of movement brings attention to his pounding head.  However that luxury only lasts for a moment before the familiar walking and movement befalls world sized purse Sam finds himself trapped in. He desperately prays for everything to stop as all the sudden the voice of Miley Cyrus erupts.

                “Oh for the love of god, that’s almost adding insult to injury” Sam curses as light spills into the purse. He looks up at the near flawless face of Taylor as she reaches for her cellphone however as Taylor reaches for her phone the eyes of Taylor and Sam meet.  A surprised look crosses Taylors face followed by a horrific scream as she flings her purse through the air. The end over end motion causes the Sam and the rest of contents to spill out onto the floor.

                Sam slams onto Taylor’s cell phone nearly knocking him senseless. Blood trickles down Sam’s face as his bruised and beaten bodies nearly collapses.  Sam looks upwards at Taylor who is on her knees holding a sneaker the size of the house.  Looking upward Sam’s eye bug out as he watches the shoe descends towards him. Adrenaline alone gets Sam moving as he begins to crawl off of the cell phone, however the blood trailing down his face is seeping into his eyes and blurring his vision. Sam looks up with hopelessness in his eyes as he watches the world’s largest Chuck Taylor seem to only get larger and larger until it slams against him nearly crushing lower half of his body against her cell phone and the top half of his body against the floor. The impact is only for a second but it seems to last for hours before Sam feels it lift off of him.

                “I’m still alive.” Sam says to himself as he struggles to get to his feet. He turns his head up and sees the shoe coming down at him again.

                “What happened, are you okay?” Courtney shouts running out of the bathroom.

                “It’s, it’s, it’s Bbbbaaahhhhuuuugggg” Taylor stammers as she points down at Sam.

                “You are such a girl, that’s what this is all about. You’re like a million times his size.”

                Sam looks upwards shuddering in fear as the Chuck Taylor of doom is hovering mere inches above his body. Sam tries to get his body moving again in hopes of escaping however the last hit did him in and his limbs just won’t respond.

                “Don’t kill it Taylor.” Courtney shouts.

                “Then get rid of it.” Taylor screams as she gets on top of the bed.

                The floor shakes and rumbles which course through Sam’s body as he watches Courtney casually walk towards him. He tries to call to her but his lips won’t seem to respond leaving Sam with only the ability to watch as Courtney seems to get larger and larger as she approaches until finally her stocking clad feet slam down on either side of him.  Courtney starts crouch down as Taylor shrieks a bit which causes Courtney to tease her a bit as she bends down looking at the what she thinks to be bug.

                “You really did a number on this….hey what is this?” Courtney questions.

                “It’s an American Cockroach, its big beady eyes, its tan body, now kill it or get rid of it Court.”

                “There is no way it’s a cockroach. It has no shell and it’s too thin. Oh my god, its him! No way, I can’t believe this. Come here and see Taylor.”

                “I’m not going near that creature get rid of it Courtney” Whines Taylor as she looks down at Sam.

                “It’s not a bug Taylor, it’s my bell hop.” Courtney exclaims as she lowers her hand next to the cell phone and carefully brushes him over.

                “That’s not the cute bell hop Courtney. It’s a dirty bug now toss it on the window sill.” Taylor orders.

                “I’m gonna keep him. I will keep him in here and he won’t bother you, okay?” Courtney Says as she reaches beneath her bed and dumps her new shoes out of the box and lowers Sam into the empty shoe box.

                “Fine, but if he gets out, that’s it. He’s a dead bug, and you have to keep a rubber band or something around that.” Taylor argues.

                “Geez, you’re way to girly. You need to come more to my side. He’s not moving though, I hope you didn’t kill him” Courtney says as pulls off her t-shirt and drops it into shoe box before carefully setting Sam inside. She then puts the lid on and grabs one of her larger hair scrunchies and puts it around the box.


# # # #


Sam awoke in utter darkness. He looked from left to right but could not figure out where he was. Sam couldn’t help but notice how soft the floor was it also had a perfume like smell radiating from it.  Sam relaxed his battered body and drifted back off to sleep as he sensed no immediate danger and his body still hurt.

Sam awoke once again sometime later. He realized he really had no way of knowing how long he had been sleep. He started to feel around in the darkness trying to figure out where he was. Sam felt along all the walls for a door or window, some clue of where he could be. They were just perfectly smooth and there seemed to be no furniture or anything in the room either.

A few hours later Sam heard the door open and close. The voices of Taylor and Courtney filled the room.  Sam perked up and screamed for help while crawling back over to one of the walls and pounding against it. He had no idea where he was but right now these girls were his only chance to free him for wherever he had gotten. As the thought that they were the ones who put him here had not yet crossed Sam’s mind.

Everything shook violently as he heard the two girls casually talk. Sam continued to scream for help as a rustling noise came over the room followed by the roof being pulled away. Sam blinked several times as his vision began to adjust to the light.  As his eyesight returned he noticed it was a simple shoe box that he was in and the soft material is nothing but a simple red t-shirt.  As he looks above the rim of the shoe box, he notices Courtney sitting on her bed Indian style with her legs wrapped around the box. The whole experience is quite humbling to Sam.

“Holy shit” Sam whispered as he looked up at the young girl who he had checked in a few days ago. She was so large, it was unreal. This was the first time he had seen someone without running for his life. 

“Hiya” Courtney says smiling down at the miniature man.

Sam found himself speechless as he looked up at her. Out of all the possible situations that he had ran through his mind in the past few days of trials and tribulations not once had this possible outcome enter into his mind.

“Are you talking to that bug again Courtney?” Taylor questions from her bed.

“It’s not a bug Taylor, I’m telling you it’s the bellhop.”

Unsure what to do really Sam looked up at the girl in front of him. The encounter of when she first checked into the hotel is still running through his mind. Questions of if this is the wisest person to be asking for help from, however seeing no real other choice Sam sighed as he looked up at his savior.

“Please, Courtney if you could just take me down to the restaurant and give me to Becky Norman that would be a big help.” Sam pleads as he looks up at the giant as the door to the room swings open and the voice of Courtney’s father fills the room instructing them to get ready as they were going out to eat.

“Sorry, we gotta run. Dad is in one of his moods. I will try to bring you back something.” Sam watches in horror as she drops the lid back on and pulls the hair scrunchy over the box.

“Bug” Taylor says as she walks by Courtney’s bed to get her shoes.

“Bellhop!!” Courtney argues back as she slips on some sandals. A few moments later Sam hears the door open and close shut leaving him once again alone.

# # # #

What feels like several hours pass by for Sam, however in reality it’s only about 90 minutes. As he hears the door open, and the already familiar voices of his captor Courtney, and near killer in Taylor enter the room.  The television flips on, and the girls chit chat a bit as Sam sits waiting for the lid to be peeled off.  Several minutes pass before he feels the box lift and a few moments later the cover lifts off and he finds himself once again looking up at Courtney.

“How’s the little bell hop doing? Did you miss me?” Courtney asks as she smiles down at Sam.

“I’m not a bell hop. I am a highly trained customer service representative.”

“I can barely hear you. You’re voice sounds pretty funny. It all squeaky and not deep like it was before. It’s actually pretty silly sounding.  So what happened to you? Did you have a fling with Barbie and Ken got all pissed?” Courtney says as she lowers her head, her brown locks of hair tumble over her shoulder and hang down into the box.

“Okay so I was delivering towels to this room at the end of my shift.”

“See you are a bellhop.” Courtney interjects.

“I am not! Do you want hear what happened or not?”

“That’s why I asked. Just get on with it already. Who’s stopping you?”

“Okay so I was I was delivering towels and I heard some loud guests. I was just going to tell them to keep it down and shut the door when I was hit with this weird beam that shrank me.”

“That sounds pretty star trekkie. I think your pulling my leg. So hears what really happened. You were caught cheating on your girlfriend and she slipped kind of serum into your drink or meal. Unfortunately it took effect while you were at work. Yup, that sounds much more reasonable.”

“You can’t just make up what happened to me! Now would just take me down t see Becky Norman, or to the girls that did this to me.” Sam shouts in frustration.

“Can you believe that Taylor? A jealous girlfriend shrinking our bellhop like that.”

“Even if that thing is the bellhop, it’s still a bug and I don’t want it in here.”

“Yup, here why don’t you try to get along with Taylor and maybe you can stay here. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

“Oh just loads” Sam mumbles as he climbs onto Courtney’s hand and is lifted out of the box. Sam nervously looks about as everything passes by in a blur. Before, he can comment he feels himself tumbling out of Courtney’s hand and onto the bed of her friend.

Sam slowly picks himself up and looks up at the giant teenager. His body begins to tremble as flashes of her giant shoe coming down on him run through his mind. Sam puts his hands up and screams as he backs away from Taylor.

“What are you doing to him Taylor.” Courtney shouts as she scoops Sam back up.

“She, she almost killed me.” Sam sputters out as he sees the giant killer move her face towards him. She stares at him for a few moments before putting her hand over her mouth.

“Oh my god, that is the bell hop. I can hear his squeaky little voice. That’s amazing!”

“Do you wanna touch him.”

“You just keep that unwashed thing away from me.” Taylor says

"what unwashed thing" Sam says looking around

"she was referring to you wad" Courtney Taunts


"do I have to spell it out for you dick wad, I thought you said you were in college"

“Well look Courtney, its already getting late. We should hit that Sauna before it closes.” Taylor states as she starts undressing.

“Oh yeah, good thought. Just wait here…”

“If you call me bellhop one more time…”

“Okay Yankee Doodle settle down in here while we get ready.” Courtney instructs as she lowers Sam back into the box. A few minutes later Sam sees Courtney reappear wearing nothing but an aqua colored two piece bikini.

 Sam starts to back away as Courtney reaches down towards him. His back slams against the wall of the shoe box allowing Courtney’s fingers to curl around him. Sam struggles mightily however the futility of the situation enters into his head.  The world speeds by in a blur much faster than before. Sam could feel his stomach plummeting into his feet as she lifted him upwards. Everything came to a sudden halt.

“Wait Courtney, stop!” Sam begs as he realizes what’s about to come.  Courtney pulls at the thick elastic string that attaches the two bikini cups together and slides Sam in between her and the string. A moment later she lets go of the string and it snaps tightly against Sam’s chest.  Sam pulls and pushes at the thick elastic rope but it doesn’t budge even a millimeter.

“Courtney, get me out of here. I’m not going anywhere with you! Do you hear me? Courtney!!!!” Sam shouts as loud as he can.

“Let’s go Taylor.” Courtney says as she heads towards the door.

“What’s he squeaking about Courtney?”

“Oh he’s just excited to be going out with two hotties.”

Sam furiously shouts at Courtney as they leave the room and bound down the hallway. Each step she takes causes Sam to bob up and down.  The elastic rope rubs up and down across Sam’s chest as they continue down the hallway.

“It’s futile, I can’t believe this. I am stuck to a swimsuit.” Sam says as he looks from left to right. Eyeing the gigantic breasts of the young woman, a smile crosses Sam’s face as he realizes there are far worse places to be trapped. He looks downward at the toned body of Courtney, her pert breasts, the warmth from her body radiating through him.

“I can’t remember the last time I have seen breasts this big before. It’s almost like I’m in a valley between two great mountains.” Sam then catches a glimpse of Taylor. Her ample breasts are even larger, although her body is curvier where Courtney’s is toned.  Sam thinks back to the day he saw them, remembers that Taylor was a breast size or two bigger. In fact he remembered thinking Courtney almost looked flat chested however now she’s anything but.

“Oh shit, Courtney it’s your dad coming this way.” Taylor says as she turns in and faces Courtney as they wait for the elevator.

Sam stares up at Taylor in all her glory. Her bulging breasts just inches from him, the red top barely able to contain them. Everything happens so fast. Sam is eying Taylor up and down and the next moment everything is a blur as Taylors fingers release the grip that Courtney’s suit has on him however instead of falling to his potential doom he is falling sideways. He watches as the left cup of Courtney’s suit envelop all he can see.

“What’s happening, what’s going on?” Sam shouts as Taylor lets go of Courtney’s suit and it snaps back against her body pressing Sam flat against Courtney’s breast. Sam struggles to move as the top appears to be form fitting and his body is being pressed into the flesh of Courtney’s left breast.

“Oh god, this can’t be happening.” Sam shouts as he feels Courtney moving into the elevator.

“Oh hi Dad.” Courtney says as she leans up against the elevator.

While Courtney is quite comfortable with the arrangement, Sam is sweating bullets. Thoughts of her father discovering him stuck in her top and having to explain himself. How could he? Excuses and scenario’s ran through Sam’s head however not a single one was believable. Each idea ended with Courtney’s father crushing him like a bug.

As the elevator stopped Courtney and Taylor immediately zipped out leaving Mr. Williams in the dust. Sam found himself bobbing up and down slightly as Courtney walked. He kept waiting for Courtney to readjust him but she just continued on her way. Sam struggled to maintain his composure but he was naked, and the material of the suit was rubbing up against him just right, and he was surrounded by Courtney flesh. Sam found himself, much to his chagrin, that he is getting quite turned on.

As they enter the pool area Sam immediately feels the heat increase by seemingly 10 to 20 degrees. However the girls pause for a moment before entering the sauna as the set the dial for an hour.  Sam tries to argue with them but his voice once again falls on deaf ears as they enter the Sauna.

As minutes click by and the girls casually talk Sam beats against the fabric wall of Courtney’s bikini. Sweat is pouring down Sam’s face from himself and Courtney’s body as the sweltering heat becomes unbearable.  As he screams for freedom the sweat trickles down his throat. The salty sweat makes him gag a bit as he wonders if this is going to be his tomb.

“Should we go for a quick dip Taylor? I saw some cute guys out there?”

“They were in there mid twenties. They aren’t going to spend time with a felony.”

“I’m worth 20 years in prison bitch, speak for yourself.” Teases Courtney as she sticks her tongue out at Taylor.

“Oh yeah, all guys love girls who can out eat them in chicken wings and can out burp them.” Taylor taunts back.

“I know how we can settle this,” Courtney exclaims as she digs into her bikini top and pulls a sweaty Sam out.

“Geez, I didn’t realize I was turning you on that much, do you wanna go back in Yankee Doodle.”

                “Thank god, freedom.”  Sam says collapsing in Courtney’s hand.

                “Wake up, I’m not done with you” Courtney says while flicking Sam’s side.

                “Now who is hotter, me, star of the Soccer and Basketball teams or star of the West Edmonton mall Taylor?”

                “Why Do I have to pick? I don’t want to get drug into this.” Sam pleads as he looks for anywhere he can run to for salvation.

                “You’re gonna pick, or I will let Taylor and you finish what you started.” Courtney demands as she pokes Sam in the side.

                Sam sat up in Courtney’s hand and looked back at Courtney and then over at Taylor. As he eyed Taylor flashes of being back in the hotel room with her shoe hovering over him ran though his mind.  All he could think of was the near death experience that he had with Courtney’s friend.

                “Of course it’s you Courtney.” Sam says as he slinks towards the far end of Courtney’s hand. As soon as the words left his mouth he could see the anger radiating from Taylor. However, this dainty looking shopaholic girl who he would normally not even give a second thought  to in a street fight had him scared shitless. 

                “Ha ha ha! Look at that Taylor, American men find me sexier! In all my glory. This little body is just way too much for the men of America to handle. Let’s go bestow my beauty upon them.”

                “This was rigged, look at him cowering from me. This was unfair because I almost killed him. I refuse to believe that little cockroach of a being is telling the truth. I think we should have to ask actual people. Not bugs and rodents.”

                “Don’t listen to her Yankee Doodle. She’s just jealous of these voluptuous b-cup breasts, and these rock hard abs” Courtney says with a laugh.

                “Oh yeah,  my c-cups quiver in fear at your awesomeness and it’s not right to have six pack at your age.”

                “Well were going out so you better get in position Yankee Doodle.”

                “No wait, Courtney” Sam tries to get out before she shoves him back into her swimsuit top.  Unlike before when Taylor tucked him Courtney shoved him in horizontally. As Courtney started to walk the power and weight of her gargantuan breasts bore down on Sam’s miniscule body. As she continued to walk out of the sauna Sam found himself sliding downward until the only thing keeping him from falling to his doom was the elastic band of the top.

                Just as Sam is thinking it can’t get much worse he finds himself submerged under scalding hot water. Sam beats against Courtney’s top as the water is rising higher and higher. Sam digs his hands into Courtney’s breasts and slowly wiggles and pulls himself upwards as the hot water rises higher and higher. The voices of Taylor and Courtney casually talking easily drown out Sam’s cries for help.

                “I swear, if I get back to my normal size, I’m gonna kill her.” Sam screams as he rests his head on the top of Courtney’s left breast hoping the water doesn’t rise any higher.

                “I think the American wants out Taylor.” Courtney says as she opens up her top and slinks down into the water. Absolute and utter fear fill Sam’s eyes as a torrent of water comes rushing in.  Sam takes a deep breath at the last minute and dives beneath the hot water.  As he swims out of the bikini top he can’t help but think how utterly crazy this whole thing is. Here he is, swimming out of a woman’s top as if he is in some submerged under water cave in the ocean.

                As Sam makes it out of the top he swims a few feet when he catches one of the jets of the Jacuzzi which send him soaring beneath the water traveling seemingly hundreds of feet a second. It’s not until he crashes into something soft.  He looks ahead t see Taylor’s hulking chest.  Sam goes to push himself away from her body when he realizes his leg is caught in between her breasts.  Panic starts to set in as Sam desperately pulls at his right leg trying to free it from Taylor. Sam looks upward at what appears to be a good mile of water between him and the top.

                “This can’t be happening” Sam thinks to himself as he struggles futilely and now begins to punch against Taylor’s breasts in hopes of gaining her attention.

                “Where did Yankee Doodle get too?”  Courtney asks as she looks about the Jacuzzi.

                “I don’t know, but I’m going in the pool.” Taylor says.

                Sam feels his air getting lower and lower. His face is turning painfully red as he lets out the last bit of air he had. He starts to come terms with the fact he’s gonna die with his foot caught between two massive breasts when he starts feel himself and everything around him rise. It happens so fast Sam can barely comprehend it all.  The next thing he realizes he see’s Taylor standing up and walking out of the Jacuzzi.  She takes several steps and then he feels her leap into the air. Sam screams as loud as he can however his squeaky voice is easily drowned out by the ambient noise of the room.

                Moments later the cold pool water surrounds him as Taylor swims beneath the water. As she swims Sam finds himself slapping against her body. She finally lets up and treads a bit of water before doing a somersault in the water, Sam feels his body spin end over end until his body bends backwards and slaps against Taylors chest.

                “Oh shit” Sam curses to himself as he finds his entire right side of his body wedged in between her breasts. Sam desperately fights to free himself as she dives back beneath the water.  Everything once again is racing past him. His free limbs are pinned up against Taylors body as she swims to the shallow end of the pool. As she reaches the end she does another somersault in the pool lays out on her back as she floats towards the center of the pool.

                Sam gasps mouthfuls of air and spits out water as he now fights to free himself above water. As he wiggles about he feels Taylor’s body start to move slightly and then as he turns his head up he hears Taylor yell Courtney’s name.

                “Oh good you found him.” Sam hears Courtney yell as she dives into the pool and swims up beside Taylor.

                “Courtney you get him off of me right now or I swear to god I’m gonna scream like mad and fling him off me. This is so gross. Get it off, get it off now.” Taylor pleads as she struggles to maintain composure.

                “Well stop dancing around and hold still.” Courtney says as she rips me with ease from Taylor’s body.

                “We better go back to the room, Yankee doodle. I think Taylor needs to some alone time to compose.”

                Sam watches as Courtney dries herself off before wedging himself between her breasts. Sam feels himself start to slide down her body because of Courtney’s smaller breasts not having enough size to wedge him in but then he feels her tightly tie the towel around the top part of her body.

                As Courtney walks out of the pool area Sam sees the hotel for the first time from his new vantage point.  The large chairs in the lobby, then as they walk by the restaurant he sees Becky. Immediately Sam’s eyes light up she looks so huge however, still as beautiful as ever. Sam desperately tries to get Courtney’s attention however she doesn’t even look down at him until they reach the elevator and the doors shut.

                “We have to go back. I saw her! She can help me. I know she will.” Sam says desperately.

                “Who? Is she your girlfriend or something?”

                “Not exactly, just a girl who I kinda like and I think she likes me.”

                “Alright, fine.” Courtney hits the door open button and the elevator doors re-open as she heads out towards the restaurant. She looks down at Sam and turns her head so her ear is facing him so he can tell her which girl she’s heading  too.

                As Courtney approaches Becky Sam’s tiny heart sinks as he sees him kissing another guy. Courtney takes a few steps back and runs out of the restaurant towards the elevator.  She tries not to look down at Sam as she speeds out of the elevator and swipes the card to get into the room. As soon as she gets into the room she plucks Sam from her top and sets him in the box.

                “Don’t worry Sam. You can come home with me tomorrow. You don’t need that stupid girl. Why don’t you just rest up for the trip? I think were leaving early, like 5am.” Courtney says as she puts the lid on the box and wraps the scrunchy around it before tucking it into her suitcase and heading into the bathroom to take a shower.

# # # #

                As morning came Sam awoke to his box being rustled about, then the lid being pulled off. He looks up at Courtney who plucks him from the box and sets him down on the bed beside her as she pulls her shirt out of the box and puts her new shoes back into it.  Sam backs away and sits down on the bed looking up at Courtney.  He eyes her black sweatpants with a white Nike swoosh and a matching black and white Nike hoodie.

                A backpack style gym bag is sat down in Courtney’s lap. Sam looks up at her with hurt in his eyes and for the first time doesn’t even care that he is probably going to end up in some small Midwestern town where most families who stay here end up coming from. If nothing else his thought was that he could collect his thoughts away from everyone he knew before facing them.

                “So you’re really gonna come back with me Yankee Doodle?” Courtney questions as she looks down at him.

                “Yeah, I have nothing here.” Sam says dejectedly as Courtney scoops him up and drops him in travel size pack of Kleenex and then puts the package back in the gym bag she uses for a purse. She makes sure to pull the drawstrings extra tight before putting gym bag on her back and grabbing her suitcase.

                “You ready Taylor?” Courtney asks as Taylor looks about the room one last time.

                “Yup, what did you do with the American?” Taylor asks as they head over to Courtney’s parents room.

                “Oh, I left him with that girl he was always talking about.  Hey you didn’t call him bug or rodent.”

                “Well the thing was important to you. So I figured it’s the least I could do.”

                “Or you could buy me breakfast, to console my saddened heart.” Courtney adds

                “Yeah, riiigghhhttt” Taylor says as they close the door behind them.

# # # #

                Sam felt the gentle swaying of bag as Courtney walked. He was grateful to be in the Kleenex package, however he didn’t quite understand the increase in noise and why the car trip was so short.  It was way too noisy to be a restaurant of some kind.

                They seemed to walk forever, and then a conveyor belt motion encompassed the bag followed by more jarring around from Courtney walking and all at once everything stopped. He could hear the voices of Taylor and Courtney casually chatting. Sam tried to free himself the from the Kleenex package so that he could get out and see what was going on however Courtney had him packed in to tight.

                “We are now boarding Canadian Air flight 589, flying non-stop to Edmonton. All passengers sitting in rows 1 to 10 can now board.” Sam eyes lit up as he now struggled to free himself.

                “I can’t go to Canada. Courtney!! Courtney!!!” Sam shouted however he knew from the past few days that he was just too small to be heard this far away from someone.

                “Courtney! I thought you lived in the states. I can’t leave the country. COURTNEY!!!” Sam desperately called out.

                “Passengers who will be sitting in rows 11 to 20 can now board.” The intercom said

                As Courtney stood up he knew this was it. Sam fought with all his power to get out the package and to somehow free himself but as he heard the girls footsteps echo as they walked down the gateway to the plane Sam felt a twinge of pain at how stupid he had been. How could he not find out where she was going on!

                As the girls boarded the plane and Courtney stowed her purse in the overhead compartment Sam heard the final click of the overhead compartment being locked shut by the flight attendant.  What seemed like just a few seconds later the plane started to pull back and Sam felt them rise higher and higher. Sam couldn’t help beat himself up as each second that went by he found himself getting further and further away from his life and everything he had known.

# # # #

                As Courtney arrived at home she went up to her room excitedly to unpack. As soon as she got into her room she opened up her purse and pulled out her package of Kleenex.  As she opened the package she couldn’t help but smile as her very own two inch tall man fell from the package and into her lap. She looked over at the closed the door and lay on her stomach on her bed kicking her feet up into the air as she stared down at the tiny being which has now become her own.

                “So did you miss me Yankee Doodle, oh and Welcome to Canada.” Courtney exclaimed.

                “Courtney, you didn’t tell me you lived outside the country!”

                “Oh, it must have slipped my mind. Don’t worry your owned by a Canadian citizen so you’re okay. Besides Yankee Doodle, as far as the Canadian government goes you don’t exist. As far as the American government goes you disappeared and if anyone is looking for you they aren’t looking for two inch tall yankee doodle. They are looking 6’2” tall bellhop at the Holiday Inn.”

                “You can’t just keep me Courtney. I have things I want to do in life.”

                “Don’t worry though; I will take good care of you.  I mean who else on the block has a pet American, and if you’re good, I will see about using my allowance to get you some clothes but you better be a good little Yankee Doodle.”

                “Courtney be reasonable!” Sam pleads

                “I am, now I have to unpack and I’m in dire need of a shower after spending all day flying. Why don’t you rest up. I have the perfect place for you to stay in.” Courtney said as she walked across her clothes strewn room and locked her bedroom. 

                She set me down on the floor and crawled beneath her bed. She started shoving things aside and tossing shoes, clothes and other random items.  Courtney’s random throwing forced Sam to dodge a few items.  He peeked over at the door and then back at Courtney briefly however he really had nowhere to run and no way to get home. He was stuck with Courtney until she decided to help him.

                As Courtney wiggled her way back out she set down a pink walled hamster cage in front of Sam. He immediately started to back away.

                “What do you think?” Courtney proudly asks.

                “What do you mean, It’s a cage!  You better not expect me to be going in that thing.” Sam shouts as sternly as he can with his hands on his hips.

                “I’m gonna fix it up. You will love it when I’m done. Besides, you have to stay somewhere when I’m gone. You are gonna need to earn my trust in you Yankee Doodle. Once I can trust you not to run away we can revisit your arrangements.”

                “But Courtney”

                “Let me grab a carpet square from the basement. I’m sure dad won’t care.  Oh and don’t move. I don’t want to worry about stepping on you.” Sam watched Courtney walks out of the room with the cage under her arm. He couldn’t believe that this is what it was coming too.

                Time seemed to drag on and on. Sam did it his best not to wander to far however boredom soon set in after about 40 minutes had gone by and still no Courtney. Not too far he noticed a Nintendo game boy lying on the ground.  He was about to see if he could get it going when he saw the door swing open and promptly shut.

                “I got your home all decked out.” Courtney said as she set the cage on her bed and picked me up before Sam could even get a word in edgewise he was lifted up and hovered above the opening before being dropped into the cage.

                Sam toppled over onto the baby blue carpet; It was the very same carpet of Courtney’s room. The back wall had white wallpaper covering it with tiny baby blue swirls and squiggle marks on it. The lid had a bright light on it which easily warmed the cage.

                “I plan on getting some of the nerds and geeks to pimp it. For now you will have to sleep on the floor but I can give you a sock or something. It’s just temporary. But I gotta run. A few friends want me to stop by and tell them about dumbasota.  Anyway, take care and rest up. You can meet my friend Kirsten in the morning.

                Sam tried his best to steady himself as Courtney lifted the cage up and walked over to the desk. She shoved a bunch of books, clothes, and cds onto the floor and set the cage down next to her computer monitor.

                “Have a good night Yankee doodle. Oh yeah, your bed.” Courtney bent down grabbed a sock off the floor and tossed it into cage.

                “Feel free to try it out in a few different places. As that is your home now.” Sam pounded against the wall of the cage as Courtney flipped off the lights and shut door. Leaving Sam alone in the dark.  He slunk to the floor and pulled his knees up and rested his head atop his knees.  Sam knew that a new life was ahead of him on that day and all he could do now is make the best of this one. As there are far worse people and places to be trapped then here.

The End.

This story archived at