The Great Shrink: An Earth Islands Story by ittybittyman

A story about all countries on earth being shrunk to solve the problems of global warming, hunger, over population, etc. 

Several teams of women remain at normal height to monitor the world. 


This was written by ShrunkU and he asked me to post it for him. 

He is also looking for people to offer suggestions or help him write future chapters. 

His discord is @shrunku

Categories: New World Order, Giantess Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: None
Size Roles: FF/f, FF/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 3825 Read: 4866 Published: November 28 2020 Updated: November 28 2020

1. Chapter 1 by ittybittyman

Chapter 1 by ittybittyman

It had been a hard decade for the world, climate change had destroyed most crops and the world was suffering from a massive food shortage, while clean water was running low in most of the second and third world. The wealthy nations were doing comparatively well, but the poor nations were suffering immensely. Wars were rampant across most of the African continent, as well as the Middle East, while South America was caught in a turmoil of revolutions and civil wars. The world needed a drastic solution and it needed it now. Their salvation came at a UN General Assembly meeting where the Nobel Prize winner in physics, Doctor Vincent Pearson from England, presented his dramatic new technology.


What he revealed first caused a shock to go through the General Assembly, after all, who would think of shrinking to be the solution to their problems, but after Dr. Pearson explained his reasoning for it, and showed various other technologies, including a series of terraforming terminals that could be used to recreate the current landmasses of earth at the miniaturized scale somewhere in the sea in order to allow the rest of the world to heal, many of the Westernized nations and even a few third-world countries saw the potential in it.


The only problem was that Russia and China vetoed the plans, and using their influences on many Middle-Eastern and Asian nations to get some backing, forcing the plans to be laid on ice for a while, officially at least. Unofficially, after the opposing members walked out of the meeting, the rest remained to hear out the rest of Dr. Pearson’s proposal, which only garnered even more agreement from them. As such, without the support of Russia and China, the rest of the UN went ahead and gave as much funding as they could to the now freshly minted “Monitor” program, beginning to construct that artificial landmass using the Pitcairn Islands as the starting point, while keeping it secret from the rest of the world using a total information blackout. 


The Beginning of the “Monitor Program”


After another year of intense work, most of the UN world leaders participating in the project once again meet up, together with the scientists and a few of the engineers that worked on it, in order to select the first group of the Monitors, electing to go for all-female teams due to their more controlled nature, and simply because the majority of people actually in holding some amount of power in the project were women themselves. It was almost like a hidden boycott, with many of the world’s leaders and scientists getting ousted from the program in order to allow the chosen women to take charge, but by that point it was too late to stop anything, and the program was started, the entire world’s population getting reduced to 1/12th of their size as well as moved to that artificial ‘earth’.


Not only that, but everyone’s memory, except for the Monitors, was altered to believe that the year was in the early 2000’s, as was the technology, while the entire world view as it were got effectively shattered. Religions were ultimately abolished and replaced by the Monitors becoming something similar to deities, taking inspiration from the ancient Roman and Greek pantheons with greater and lesser gods, while astronomy, physics and space travel got removed almost entirely in order to convey a “flat earth” mentality, having everyone fear that if they went too far into one direction, they would fall off the world.


It wasn’t actually quite so wrong, since the miniaturized populace would have to be protected by the now human-less world, a large force field spanning a great area around the “Earth Islands” was established, physically blocking any kind of animal or generally living being to enter through it, both through sea and air, and the only way to enter now was through the teleportation devices that were developed along with the rest of the Monitor plan, only accessible to the UN Monitors for entering and leaving the “Earth Islands” as they got called by now.


The Monitors’ Refuge


Just outside the forcefield of the Earth Islands the Monitor team created another lucious island. This island would be the future home of the monitors and would play host to them for their lives. No outsiders would be allowed unless approved by the head monitor herself. 


The island had one central building which held the teleporter bays, medical building, and controls for the Earth Island weather. It also held labs and a storage room full of extra tiny products. Surrounding the reinforced concrete building was a plethora of individual houses for each monitor to live in. These houses were cookie cutter houses taken from a suburb that wasn’t shrunk, albeit with every last amenity of the developed world that had existed, along with stuff that has been made by some of the scientist and engineer Monitors after the shrinking. 


There was a pool and a gym in a park on the beach of the island. A pier was also placed to allow the Monitors recreation if they wanted to fish. It honestly was a paradise and there the Monitors lived as goddesses. Anything they needed or wanted they were given, within reason of course. 


Monitor Selection


When the new world was created the West needed to select the first Monitors before the great shrink and integration into the Earth Islands. Each major world leader who agreed to the shrinkage was sent information regarding the requirements for a Monitor. 


The requirements were written out by a group of Senators from the United States. In their white paper they said that Monitors must have a primary background in diplomacy, the military, or negotiation. A secondary desire would be for those in science, technology, and education. Despite those requirements, preference would be given to the staff already involved in the Monitor Program for the “First Generation” of Monitors.


All candidates would be sent to a training program located on Monitor Island. When the private aircraft began to descend into the secluded airstrip quickly constructed by the United States to serve the training of potential Monitors from around the world. The First Lady of the United States Madeline Conners or Maddie as her husband calls her touched down on Monitor Island for the first time. She was excited the twenty-nine year old First Lady has brown hair with blonde highlights that flowed down to her mid back. She stood at a shoot 1.65m not that it would matter. Soon she could sit on the White House with her plump rear like she was sitting in her seat. 


Her brown eyes glowed with a passion the plane stopped and the stairs were lowered for her to exit. In her hand was a written statement from the president and signed by the other members of the UN Security Council who were in the know. It declared that she would be the Head Monitor and leader of them all. She walked down the steps of the jet and over to the General in charge of training General Hans Muller from the German armed forces. He saluted her as he knew who she was and would become after the great shrink. “Good morning First Lady and soon to be Head Monitor.” He said in a German accent. 


“Good morning General, I have this for you.” She said, handing him the document. 


“Very good I was expecting this. Please follow me to the monitor building madam.” He said turning and walking toward a house that stood out from the others. 


As they walked Madeline smiled to herself, soon she would be able to live out her greatest fantasy, to be a goddess worshiped by everyone. 


The First Lady was shown a beautiful colonial two story house. It was white and had a grand door. “This madam is where you and the President will be living when the Great Shrink occurs.” The General spoke. 


“Is lovely and the president will he be?”


“Yes ma’am he will be shrunk and removed as president as you have requested.” He interrupted and answered her. 


She smiled to herself, she couldn’t wait till that night it would be better than their honeymoon. She cleared her throat, when will the other candidates be arriving General?”


“Momentarily. We expect the potential Monitor Team One leader to be arriving shortly. She is coming from London where her father is an ambassador. Her father was integral in getting India to send resources for this program.” The general explained as the sound of an aircraft engine flew overhead. 


A Gulfstream G10 banked to port as it began its descent into Monitor Island. On board were two pilots and two women. One was the daughter of India’s diplomat to the United Kingdom, Nila Mehan. She was a twenty-five year old woman who grew up in England. Originally from New Delhi India she has more loyalty to the United Kingdom than the country she came from. Being a diplomat’s daughter she speaks Hindi, English, and French.  


She is a gentle soul who loves things smaller than her and has been fascinated with bugs since she was a kid. She stands at a small 1.4986 Meters tall and weighs 40kgs. She is well versed in negotiation and prefers diplomacy over war. She sat across from the other passenger, Felicity Porter. 


She was a surprise late addition to this flight. Not really a candidate for this round of monitors she knows first had what the shrinking process is like. The nineteen year old super genius British girl assisted in the creation of the size ray technology with Doctor Vincent Pearson. She already has a masters degree in nuclear physics and a PhD in molecular physics. She stands at 1.7272 meters and weighs 43 kgs. She is kind hearted but focused on her studies and science which can cause her to overlook people. Her blonde hair was pulled behind her with a ponytail and her glasses sat on the bridge of her nose. 


“Have you been briefed yet?” Felicity looked up from her tablet at the Indian woman across from her. 


“Yes I have been briefed. I know we are going to fix climate change and make the world a better place.” Nila spoke softly.


“I helped make the shrinking technology.” Felicity said with pride. 


“Good for you, let’s hope it works as advertised. I wouldn’t want to see the world go into the toilet because they shrink beyond the 1/12th scale you and the doctor say it will.” Nila said looking out the window as the aircraft touched down on the runway. 


Many more aircraft arrived over the next hour or so. They brought the remaining Monitor team lead candidates. Inside the main building on Monitor Island was a conference room where the Head Monitor sat at the head of a table with seven other chairs around it. Additionally, there was a part of the table outfitted for a smaller conference table for any little guests. 


Sitting at the head of the table was Madeline Conners with her hands interlaced and resting on the table. Sitting to her left in a black swivel chair with a gold engraved number 1 on it was Nila Mehan. She was granted preliminary leadership of Monitor Team One. Her leadership was preliminary as she and the other six monitor teams had to pass training first. 


The woman sitting in the chair with a gold number two was Shishido Asami. Shishido was from Tokyo Japan and was the head doctor on the transition team to determine if there were any adverse health effects to shrinking people. She was very familiar with how the shrinking process worked. At 28 she also had completed a masters degree in Middle Eastern affairs in preparation for applying for becoming a monitor. Additionally she had served two years in the Japanese Self-Defense forces. Shishido was in her white coat with blue dress pants. She is a kind hearted woman and a gentle soul. It is her goal to help anyone and everyone. She stands at 1.5748 meters tall at a weight of 40.8233 kgs. 


In the seat marked with a three was filled by a woman with light brown hair and green eyes. Her features were soft yet her face held a look of confidence. Her fair skin showed now blemishes or age. She was wearing a proper looking tank top and black dress pants. At 29, Bernetta Lécuyer has done a lot. She had been deployed to the new French African colonies while she was in the French military. They were established to promote peace and stability in the region. She speaks French, the required English, Italian and German. Bernetta got into the monitor program through blackmail. The French president had slept with her and she threatened to expose him if she wasn’t given this position, he should’ve let her expose him because now she was one of the most powerful people in the world. She stands at 1.524m and weighs 49.895 kgs. 


To the right of her would be where the tiny people would be eventually. To the left of Madeline sat a woman in the number four chair. Sitting there was a beautiful wavy haired ginger. Her blue eyes shone like sapphires more so because of her pale skin completion. She was smiling her beautiful pearly whites made all who looked jealous. Dressed in high heels, a teal blue overcoat, charcoal grey blouse, a black mini skirt and leggings she looked like royalty which she was. At twenty four years old, Princess Victoria of Cambridge was well out of the line of succession to the throne of England. She had begged her grandfather,the king, to let her be a monitor and being her grandfather’s favorite Victoria got her way. The princess stood at 1.8 meters and weighed 53.524kgs. 


Sitting comfortably in the chair marked five next to the Princess was a woman in a white doctor’s coat that covered her scrubs. She had short blonde hair that went to her shoulders. Doctor Ellenor Fleischhacker was a thirty year old German doctor from Berlin. She had spent years studying human anatomy and biology. She spent two years as a United Nations Peacekeeper having served in the African nations. She had seen the atrocities the food wars had caused and wanted to be a part of the solution. She also had been working closely with Felicity Porter and Doctor Vincent Pearson to study the human reaction and rejection to the mass shrinking and altering of their minds. Her green eyes scanned the room trying to read the other leaders, she didn't want them getting in her way of studying the little people. She stood at a short 1.4986 meters and weighed only 41.73 kgs. 


Sitting in the chair marked with a number six, Captain Luna Pinto from Columbia sat with her hands interlaced and resting on the table top. She was in an army uniform with Columbia symbols on it. She looked around her brown eyes scanning the room. Her long brown hair with blonde highlights was pulled up and under her military cap. She specialized in military technology and was very good at organization. She would be in charge of the miniature warfare archives on the island along with being leader of Monitor Team Six. She had sun kissed skin and stood at 1.778 meters and weighed 63.5029 kgs. 


Sitting in the final chair marked with a number seven was the last team lead. Sophia Manuel was a professor of Naval Warfare at the Royal Military College of Canada. She would have the young monitors team which would be made up of younger monitors. These young monitors would be taught by her in the field. Sophia had wavy dirty blonde hair that extended down to her mid back. At 29 years old she had successfully taught for four years after her short service in the field on board the HMCS Ottawa in the Pacific. She was up for the challenge of teaching new young monitors how to be proper but she was sure dealing with young adults would be challenging. 


The Great Shrink Plan


The First Lady, now Head Monitor, smiled. “Ladies welcome to Monitor Island and what will become your new home from now on. I am sure it is a lot to take in, but this program will be for the best. We will be the leaders in the new world order, well new to us.” She paused giggling a little to herself. “You seven have been selected based on your skills, merritts, or positions of power.” Her eyes fell on Princess Victoria as she finished her sentence. The princess shifted in her seat under the gaze of Madeline Conners. 


“Now I am sure you have many questions about what will happen over the next few weeks and I have brought Felicity Porter, a young super genius from England to explain what will be happening. She is accompanied by Doctor Vincent Pearson. Miss Porter?” She asked the young woman standing in the back corner of the room. 


“Thank you madam Head Monitor,” Felicity said, starting to walk forward. “Might I draw your attention to my hand?” I have Doctor Pearson here.” She said as she presented a reduced man in his mid sixties standing on her outstretched hand. Everyone in the room gasped except for the head monitor and Doctor Fleischhacker. The man had on glasses a lab coat and his salt and pepper hair and beard were distinguishable by Nila at the back of the table. “Thanks to Doctor Fleischhacker and Doctor Pearson’s hard work here on the island you can see that my mentor has reduced himself to prove to you ladies this is safe.”


The eighteen year old looked at her mentor and smiled. “I believe Doctor Pearson will speak now” She said, placing her hand level with the table so he could step off onto it. He put in his earpiece and microphone to speak to the monitors as he stepped off onto the table. “Thank you Felicity.” He turned back to nod at the girl before he turned back to the other women sitting at the table. He could feel their eyes boring into him. “Well let me say a man cannot prepare to see beings so large such as yourselves.” He said, trying to break the tension in the room. 


He got a few nervous laughs from the women at the table. “Allow me to explain how this will happen both Felicity and Doctor Fleischhacker have assisted me in changing my simple matter reduction and expansion ray into more of a projector. We have also combined it with a miniaturized version of your teleporters. We contracted Google to map the GPS locations of the entire world to GPS locations on the Earth Islands.” He paused for a moment to see if there were any questions.


“Tomorrow we will begin a test run of shrinking China. A line of drones disguised as Open Skies Treaty Aircraft will fly over China shrinking everything in their path and teleporting it to the Earth Islands. As they are being teleported we are using artificial intelligence to alter everyone’s minds to make them think the year is 2009 and that you ladies, the monitors have been around since you defeated the Soviet Union in 1991. Once China has been shrunk and placed successfully we will do to the rest of the world what we did to China. Once everything is shrunk we will select the other members of the monitoring team. I have been lucky enough to stay here on Monitor Island with Felicity Porter who will be reporting to Team Seven. Are there any questions?”


The monitors in the room looked around and the princess raised her hand. “Yes Princess Victoria,” Vincent said pointing at her. “So, when can we expect the rest of the world to be shrunk? I am ready to stand tall over my grandfather’s castles.” She smiled and giggled a little. She got a glare from the Head Monitor. 


“We will shrink the rest of the world after Felicity, Doctor Fleischhacker, myself as well as some UN observers certify the shrinking of China has been successful. So maybe a month or two.” 


“Head Monitor, what will we be doing in the meantime while the world is adjusted to their new specifications?” Bernetta asked. 


“A wonderful question Bernetta, we are all going to work together in building out the rest of the monitoring teams. Each of you will work with me along with world leaders to select the monitors who will be working with you. Additionally, I have your assignments. Monitor Team One will be in charge of Oceanna, Monitor Team Two will have North America, Monitor Team Three will observe Aisa, Monitor Team Four will be in charge of Europe. Victoria no funny business but we will expect you to continue some of your royal duties like attending military parades. Team Five will be in charge of Africa, Team Six will have South America and finally Team Seven will be Antartica.”


“Antarctica madam?” Sophia asked skeptically. 


“Yes Sophia, the reason we gave you that is because we want your team to be a floating team. Your younger Monitors will need to learn how to control their emotions and tempers so we will have you all assist the other teams in their conflicts.” 


“Understood madam Head Monitor, just thought it funny giving the Canadian Antarctica.” 


“That was not intended. Now before we start reviewing candidates I want to make sure that everyone knows Felicity Porter.” Madinine gestured to the young woman on the other side of the table standing tall over the shrunken Doctor Pearson. “She will be joining our ranks on Monitor Team Seven.” Madeline started to clap which the rest of the Monitor Team Leads did as well. 


Even the shrunken doctor turned to face his giantess assistant and began to clap. Felicity blushed and smiled shyly. “Thank you madam Head Monitor.”


“You earned it, now please why don’t you take Doctor Pearson back to his lab so he can continue to make the world a smaller place. I believe Doctor Fleischhacker will accompany you?” Madeline said looking at the German doctor in seat five. 


Doctor Fleischhacker nodded and smiled at Madeline. “I will go with them to the lab then I have my own experiments to work on.” The doctor said in her german accent as she stood up and followed Felicity, who was holding her mentor in her hand, out the door.


This story archived at