A Little Affair by asukafan2001

Adam Price, happily married family man unwittingly chooses the path of Adultery while at conference for work. Realizing his mistake he attempts to make things right by breaking things off only to find that breaking up really is hard to do.

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Butt, Young Adult 20-29, Adult 30-39, Feet, Entrapment, Gentle, Humiliation, Insertion, Instant Size Change, Mouth Play, Unaware Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 20198 Read: 190604 Published: August 02 2012 Updated: August 08 2013
Story Notes:

I haven't written a story for public consumption in a while so I may have a bit of writers rust so I apologize in advance.

1. Chapter One: Innocently Cheating by asukafan2001

2. Chapter Two: Unrequited Love by asukafan2001

3. Chapter Three: Courage to Love by asukafan2001

4. Chapter Four: It's a Mad, Mad, World by asukafan2001

5. Chapter Five: Correcting Mistakes by asukafan2001

6. Chapter Six: Home Sweet Home by asukafan2001

7. Chapter Seven: Escape Attempt by asukafan2001

8. Chapter Eight: Reformatory Prison by asukafan2001

9. Chapter Nine: Reformatory Prison (2) by asukafan2001

10. Chapter Ten: Reformatory Prison (3) by asukafan2001

Chapter One: Innocently Cheating by asukafan2001
Author's Notes:

This first chapter has been edited slightly as I added additional content to further cement the relationship the two characters have as opposed to glossing over it. 

A Little Affair




Chapter One: Innocently Cheating

“Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had”




                Adam Price was a young Professor at Pacific Coast Academy. He has always had a naturally youthful look about him. His parents, who are both in their fifties, look mid-thirties while his grandma looked middle aged when she died well into her 80’s. It was a blessing now that he is approaching his late thirties; however earlier in life it was quite embarrassing. Such as when you’re young and going on dates in high school, and getting carded while your date can stroll right in to a rated R movie or being mistaken for your date’s younger brother as opposed to her boyfriend.  

                 Pacific Coast Academy is located near Malibu and is tucked in amongst several ridges that overlook the Pacific Ocean and runs alongside the Pacific Coast Highway. All of which make the school quite picturesque, which allows for a hefty tuitions that lead towards an elite education.

                Adam had always been a family man. He loved his wife Lisa and his two beautiful daughters. So when he had to spend three weeks in New York City at a teaching conference it was the hardest three weeks of his life. He was being asked to step away from his family. It killed him, but he couldn’t exactly tell the dean no. As it didn’t do him any good to love his family unconditionally from a cardboard box; so he packed a suitcase and kissed wife and kids goodbye, before heading out to New York City.

The first day was long and grueling, as there is nothing worse than listening to a bunch of intellectuals banter. So once the conference ended for the day he decided it was a good idea to get a drink from the hotel bar. Adam was about halfway through his second beer when he noticed a gorgeous brunette with blonde highlights who sit down at the bar next to him.

                “Riley, Riley Parker” The brunette said as she slid next to Adam.

                “What?” Adam asked a bit confused setting his drink down.

                “Riley Parker, that’s my name. You look out of place sitting here all alone.” Riley flirted as she slid her identification over to the bartender who barely glanced at the card as he was too busy staring at her rock hard abs that were prominently displayed thanks to a nearly inappropriately short halter top. “Morgan Coke, easy on the coke” She ordered before turning her attention to Adam.

                “Adam Price, I’m here on business, how about you?” Adam said unconsciously flirting back.

                “Soccer actually, I have a private coach who lives up here so I spend a few weeks each summer here in the apple.” Riley replied while motioning towards one of the empty booths.

                The two continued talking well into the evening before Adam finally had to retire but not before the two exchanged phone numbers and continued to meet over the next few weeks. One night Adam had gotten some box seats and took her to Yankee Stadium. Another night he took her out to a restaurant a colleague had recommended called the Chef’s Table as the chef Cesar Ramirez is supposed to be a wizard of the kitchen.

                The two had a great time no matter where they went. A few nights they would go out to a few of the tourist points and other times would catch a show on Broadway or a flick at the theater near the hotel. It was all so innocent at first. The two just casually talked about current events, what each other did. Just typical small talk when getting to know someone, but without Adam realizing, they had started to go beyond that. Talking about kids, personal beliefs and future plans.  It wasn’t until three nights before the end of the conference that Adam realized truly what was going on. They had gone up to his hotel room and started working their way through a bottle of Crown Royal when everything started to get fuzzy for Adam.

                It wasn’t until morning that Adam realized the mistake he had made. As when he rolled over he noticed Riley sleeping away. He gasped as he looked down at her impressively nude body. Her athletic looking six foot frame was that of a Phoenician goddesses, her flawlessly smooth skin beckoned to him. Adam reached out gently stroking the side of her face as she slumbered. He couldn’t believe that a young woman in her twenties who looked like this would want anything to do with him. She was nearly perfect, with the only blemish being the fact she wore glasses, but even that was often hidden by the fact she often wore contacts. However, as he looked at the young woman he knew he had gone too far. He loved his family and now he had jeopardized that.

                “Riley, Riley wake up.” Adam softly whispered into her ear not wanting to scare her awake.

                “Morning” she coo’s do you want to continue where we left off last night? Or do you want some breakfast first, Kitten?” Riley playfully said as she rolled over and leaned into Adam.

                “Riley look, we need to talk” Adam said as seriously as he could, while staring into the gorgeous young woman before him.  

                “What? Is it the distance thing, because I was thinking about this last night. I know you have your career so I could play soccer out west instead of out east.” Riley said as she leaned in and kissed Adam.

                “Wait, wait, wait” Adam said while pulling away from Riley. “It’s not just that. I have a wife, and my girls. I couldn’t just leave them. I’m sorry, I never meant to lead you on or make you think this was more than what it was.” Adam explained as he started to get out of bed.

                “So you can’t be with me because of Lisa?  I thought you loved me, I know you love me.  You’re just scared and that’s okay. I know I’m younger then you, but age is meaningless. What we have is special Adam.” Riley pleaded as she got out of the bed.  “Let’s just both wake up a little and think about this with a clear heads. Why don’t you order us some breakfast while I use bathroom okay?” Riley then turned without waiting for a reply and headed into the bathroom closing the door behind her.

                Adam sighed heavily as he looked around for his phone, hoping it wasn’t in the bathroom. He exhaled in relief as soon as he saw it on the table across the room. Grabbing the phone he went to turn it on with the thought of seeing if he could push his flight up and get the hell of out of here. As he truly didn’t mean to lead her on, while part of him really wondered if he had led her on at all. A single thought of running away with her entered his mind, starting fresh in some other part of the country. 

“What am I thinking” Adam said to himself.  Thought of losing his girls, maybe not even being awarded visitation rights crossed his mind. He loved his daughters so much and losing Lisa was something he wasn’t prepared to do.

Adam dipped his head burying his it in his lap as he contemplated how he would tell Lisa about this. If she would even take him back. He hadn’t ever done anything like this. This was going to kill her. How do you break something like this to someone? He couldn’t imagine her trusting him ever again. Trust was always such an important value to her. They both worked so hard to instill trustworthiness into their children.

“I just went against everything I taught my girls in fall swoop. I can’t go home to them. How can I?” Adam questioned wiping the tears from his eyes while glancing at the bathroom door with a mixture of lust and disgust. His desires had betrayed his feelings in such a way that the simple act of repenting would never be enough.  Adam knew some sins cut too deep to forgive and the mercy of god provided little solace to the living.

Adam stared at his phone dreading the call he was about to make. He could hear Lisa’s voice so chipper and happy to hear from him.  Then listening to that happiness bleed out over the phone as he explained the vivid details of his folly. He could hear her crying in his mind, and him not being able to console her, or tell her it’s going to be okay, that brighter days were ahead because he was the cause of the vile cancer that filled her heart.

                “Great” mumbled Adam as he looked for his phone forgetting it was gripped in his hand momentarily before watching it boot to a low battery screen and then turning back off. He headed over to the nightstand; the walk being like a death march as neared where his phone charger laid. He plugged the phone in, but nothing happened. He then remembered that he had to unplug the phone charger last night to plug the lamp back in. He reached behind the nightstand and unplugged the lamp; as he plugged his phone charger in a shock coursed through his body

                Adam staggered back grabbing his chest as if he were having a heart attack. He grasped at the wall before tumbling over smashing his head against the night stand before he collapsed to the floor as the world swirled around him in a slow spin while the pain which started in his chest begun to expand out to his limbs.

                Adam closed his eyes tightly for a couple minutes before reaching out towards the bed to pull himself up. However as he did so he grasped nothing but air, so he reached out again figuring that he must have fallen farther from the bed then he thought. However, once again his hands grasped nothing but the warm stale air of the hotel room. Adam blinked his eyes back open as he took a deep breath before he was blanketed in thick heavy weaved fibers. 

                “What is happening” Adam thought as he crawled beneath the heavy fabric until he saw a pin point of light in the otherwise dark surroundings. Not knowing what was going on or what else to do he headed toward the light. After a bit of wandering he was able to pop his head out amazed at what he saw. Almost immediately Adam began to hyperventilate as he peered around the gargantuan room.

                “I must have a concussion, or else this is some kind of nightmare induced by the stress of the situation.” Adam murmured as he grabbed his head which was pounding. He took a few steps before he noticed that he was completely nude. This recognition caused him to cover his privates in embarrassment while he stared upwards at a bed that seemingly rose up forever like the New York City skyscrapers he had grown accustomed to seeing.

                “Adam, did you get breakfast ordered? We can work this out; I know you’re just scared right now.” Riley said as she stepped out of the bathroom back into the room unaware how true her words were, just for the wrong reasons.

                The voice of Riley boomed across the room as Adam fell to his knees covering his knees as he felt the floor quiver like a lost child’s lower lip.  The understanding of the situation began to come into focus as Adam heard Riley’s voice call out again.  A single thought formed in Adam’s head. He had somehow shrunk.

                “No, no, no” Adam said covering his mouth with an astonished look spread across his face. “No” He said again as he pounded his fist against the carpeted floor. 


Chapter Two: Unrequited Love by asukafan2001
Author's Notes:

I wasnt going to post the second chapter right away, but the more i thought about the more I felt it was kind of mean to just post the first chapter and leave you there. So here is chapter two. Thoughts, opinions and hate mail always appreciated :)

Chapter Two: Unrequited Love

“To love someone is nothing, to be loved by someone is something, but to be loved by the one you love is everything”


                The ground trembled from the footfalls of Riley as she moved out of the bathroom. The sound of her voice exploded like bombs over Baghdad. The once stale, warm air was now cool and caused Adam to shiver. The low pile carpet now rose above his ankles. Even his clothes covered the ground like tarps made for football fields.

                Adam picked himself up off the floor took a couple steps forward in this new world. His heart was racing while his body shivered. Feelings of vulnerability and new found inadequacies wafted over him as he peeked around the corner of the bed completely unprepared for what he saw. It was shocking enough to her hear voice. It was another thing completely to witness a being of such stature that gods themselves would seemingly wilt like flowers in the summer heat at her presence.

                “Rah-rah-Riley” Adam stuttered as he meekly called out to her as his eyes froze in place as they looked up at her tan, toned legs which rose to seemingly impossible heights before finally disappearing into a pair of black and pink Soffe shorts.

                “Adam? Did he leave? No all his stuff is here. He must have just gone down to the restaurant. I bet he is going bring breakfast up to me. He probably feels horrible about even suggesting he cheat on me to go back to his wife.” Riley said as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

                “This isn’t happening.” Adam thought as stared out at the massively powerful abs that led into black and pink sports bra. Riley’s breasts were never anything massive or large. He had surmised that they were in the B range from what Adam could tell. However, now they seemed beyond imaginable in size, as did of all of Riley. The fact he could barely see her face from the floor was not lost on him.

                Adam moved out from behind the corner of the bed and started a slow methodical approach towards the now giant woman. His mind trying to wrap around the idea that just hours ago he had made love to this woman, and now she is here before him as if a monument for all of humanity to behold. Adam took a deep breath as he tried to push the thoughts of shock and awe from his mind to focus on gaining Riley’s attention.

                Sweat bubbled up from his brow and rolled down Adam’s face as his body shuddered with each step he took. The taste of blood trickling into his mouth as he unconsciously bit his lower lip. As he drew closer and closer with each step fear rose form the bowels of his stomach as he finally mustered the courage to scream.

                “RIIIIILLLLLEEYYYYYY” Adam screamed as loud as he could, all his fear, frustration and courage wrapped up into a singular word that erupted from him.

                “Adam? Adam where are you?” Riley said as she looked from left to right not seeing anyone. “Okay, get ahold of yourself kid. You’re starting to hear things. It could be ten or fifteen minutes before he returns with breakfast.” The young lover said in a veil attempt at a pep talk as she turned on the television to calm her nerves.

                “Stupid, stupid, stupid” Adam cursed. “She is looking for a five foot tall man, not a man the size of a pink eraser. I need to make her look down here.” Adam said before Riley’s foot lifted off the ground as he stumbled backwards in surprise.  His body froze as he looked up at her from the ground. The underside of her foot drew a shadow over the landscape. The once small cracks in her foot from dried sweat which sapped the moisture from her foot now appear as ravines along with trenches scattered along the pads of her foot.

                The ground then shook violently as her foot slammed back down onto the floor. Adam tumbled over unable to brace himself in any way. The entire movement was nothing more than a simple unconscious fidget of a young woman as she repositioned her foot, but it put the fear of god into Adam. The idea of being eradicated so simply was terrifying.  As much trepidation as he felt over getting help from her the reasoning now more than ever became clearly apparent. Survival, clear and simple.

                The television now easily drowned out his voice and Adam was running out of ideas on what to do when a metallic glimmer caught his eye in the distance.  Taking a few steps forward Adam identified it as a hairpin. He looked over at Riley as an idea formed in his head. He ran the three feet which to him felt more like 3 miles before reaching the hairpin. Just as he reached the hairpin Adam collapsed down to a knee before finally falling to the floor gasping for air like a fish out of water as he grabbed at his side in pain.

                “Lisa was right; I’m badly out of shape. I’m going to have to diet to lose this weight I had put on, I have never weighed this much before. If I get out of this, I’m going to that gym first thing.” Adam promised as he looked at size of the bobby pin. “This thing is huge.” Adam spoke as he staggered up to his feet still feeling winded from the run.

                Adam bent over the hairpin and struggled to lift the now massive metallic object.  The weight of the pin required Adam to use his body to help counterbalance the weight of the hair pin as he lifted the pin up above his head briefly before resting it on his shoulder for support.  Slowly Adam stepped forward as he carried a bobby pin now as tall as him towards Riley.

                The floor would seemingly tremble every other second as her foot fidgeted or adjusted slightly.  Each movement would momentarily throw him off balance and even led to him dropping the pin a couple of times and having to spend precious minutes picking the pin backup. As the massive foot drew near Adam’s attention focused on the giant fleshy object. Unconsciously he gulped as he looked at Riley’s meticulously painted nails. They were a soft baby blue with a white wavy trim around the outer edge of the nail.

                “Here goes nothing” yelled Adam as he plunged the bobby pin against the top of Riley’s foot.  As soon as the pin hit the skin it flipped backwards while Riley’s foot slammed against Adam’s stomach as she winced from the pain.

                Adam’s hand slid down Riley’s foot as he struggled to find something to hold onto. In a matter of seconds he found himself flying through the air. Everything slowed for a moment as if it were a scene from the matrix. Riley’s head swiveled down as she reached towards her foot, however as she looked down towards her foot her eyes locked onto Adam whose heart leapt at the prospect of this nightmare being over followed by immense, unbearable pain. Seconds later his eyes rolled into back of his head.

                “Adam?” Riley said inquisitively. “Oh my god” She spoke as her eyes bugged out while a shocked expression filled her face.

                “Are you okay baby? Adam? Adam!!” Riley frantically shouted as she crouched over the unconscious diminutive man. 


Chapter Three: Courage to Love by asukafan2001

Chapter Three: Courage to Love

                “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”



                Fear, is what flowed through Riley Parker; Adam’s body motionless, miniaturized, and defenseless as she peered down at the man who held her in his arms just hours ago. This isn’t the kind of fear when you get when you see a spider, cockroach, mouse, rodent or happens to grip you with fright; this was true unequivocal fear.

                Riley struggled with the idea of a person being so small. The man she loved was so much taller and smarter than the creature which lay before her. The slightest of movements on her part was enough to send it flying. It was at that very thought that Riley paused. Creature, it, smarter, smaller, all rang in her head as her brain wrapped around the idea of it all. This was still Adam, regardless of size or anything else. This was Adam.

                Tears slid down Riley’s face faster than she could wipe them away. All she could think about was how she had killed another person. How could anyone forgive her, much less herself?  Visibly she shook while unconsciously she crouched down to get a closer view.  As she did so she spotted his miniature chest rise and then falls ever so slowly.

                “Thank god you’re alive. Adam, Adam honey, wake up! Please!” Riley pleaded as her tears continued to fall from her face.

                Adam’s eyes fluttered open momentarily before the brightly lit room caused his eyes to wince shut, while the colossal figure of Riley loomed over him as relief assaulted his senses. Tear drops the size of water melons pelted the carpet around him with one landing square on his face as the salty tear water slid down his face.

                “Riley” Adam struggled to vocalize as he looked up at the massive woman who hovered over him.

                “I was so scared, I thought you were dead. I had no idea it was you down there. You’re just so small, I mean really, really, really small. You should see yourself, it’s unbelievable.” Riley said vocalizing her thoughts. A sense of awe washed over Riley as her eyes scanned the diminutive man. As she continued looking over Adam’s nude body recognition of the situation filtered into her brain. A man had shrunk. She was staring at a shrunken person.

                Normalcy was beginning to return when Adam saw Riley’s eyes glaze over and rollback before collapsing to the floor. The thud of her body slamming into the carpeted floor of the hotel room was enough to send to Adam rolling end over end. The ground shook as if an earthquake was happening, but as Adam tumbled over he couldn’t help but realize nothing else was shaking. A Second later everything stopped. Adam rolled over to see the massive form of Riley sprawled out on the floor.

                “Shit, you have to be kidding me” shouted Adam as he looked up at the ceiling which peered down at him as if they were the heavens themselves. He rushed over to the unconscious Riley nearly tripping over her rope like brown and blonde hair as the smell of lavender perforated the air around him.

                Adam’s heart raced as he approached the dormant giant. His swift strides begun to peter as he approached her face pushing several strands of hair out of his way as if they were vines hanging from tree branches in some African jungle. Gently at first Adam slid his hand down Riley’s soft, smooth skin as the warmth radiating from her skin made him realize just how cold he was.

                “You really are gorgeous. Most men would think I’m a fool to say no I don’t want a beautiful, young, voluptuous woman as a girlfriend. How many times can a guy in his thirties land a nearly flawless young woman such as you? I love my wife though, and my girls, but this isn’t waking you up.” A loud pounding at the door jarred Adam as the garbled voice boomed. Moments later the door swung open as the housekeeper walked in.

                “Mam, are you alright. Mam!” The high school aged girl shouted as she rushed towards the woman.

                Adam’s heart was racing as his the floor groaned by the quick, heavy footfalls of the young woman.  Subconsciously Adam backpedaled as his head craned upward as he stared past her khaki pants and dark green polo in an attempt to see the face of the young blonde teenager in hope of her being a housekeeper he was familiar with. Any hopes of contact quickly unraveled as her dark black sneaker filled the sky blocking his field of vision. Adam dove out of the way as her sneaker slammed against the ground.

                “AAHHHHH” screamed Adam as he panted heavily looking at his legs just inches from the tread of her shoe. “I, I could have been killed.” stuttered Adam as he crawled several feet away before looking back again.

                “Now what do I do? I could be stuck here, or found by this housekeeper or worse yet sucked into the vacuum,”  Thought Adam while the young housekeeper bolted up from her crouched position stepping over Riley as she rushed to the phone.

                “Yes, this is Sarah Palmer. I’m a housekeeper here at the Fitzgerald Hotel. I have a guest unconscious but breathing lying on the floor. I tried waking her but she’s unresponsive.” Adam was petrified. He needed medical attention and help but he could see his chances of getting any were slim to none and slim was heading out the door.

                “Think, think, think, my best chance for help is going to get carted off on stretcher unless I want to throw myself at some stranger.” Adam yelled frustrated. “Sex, that’s it.” Adam said as he remembered that Riley tried to set her purse on the chair while they were making out as they entered the room but she missed the chair.

                Spinning on his heels he spotted her large tote style studded shoulder bag. It was lying on the floor wide open. Knowing he was out time Adam ran towards the open shoulder bag. His heart was racing as his side ached. He was sucking in wind faster than a balloon could expel it.  As he reached the bag he noticed several of her things strewn about before he saw a huge flaw in his plan. The purse appeared to be several stories tall and standing upright.

                “She’s right here” The housekeeper’s voice boomed as the paramedics rushed in. Adam collapsed to the floor out of breath and out of energy. There was no way he could get into her purse. He would have to be Spiderman to get into that thing. He was no rock climber, and had no super powers. It was all he could do run here.

                A dark shadow quickly flashed overhead followed by the massive frame of the tiny teenager.  Adam’s eyes bugged out as he saw the young woman crouch down. He tried to scream but nothing was coming out as her hand reached down towards him.   A second later he felt himself shoved between a hairbrush and an iPod as the young woman tossed him carelessly into the shoulder bag.

Adam slammed chest first into a Buick sized wallet as he felt the bag lurch upwards. As the bag ascended he tumbled from the wallet falling between a tampon and bottle of hand sanitizer.

“Here’s her purse. I called the front desk and she’s not registered with Mr. Price. So were not sure who she is.” The housekeeper said as the paramedics wheeled Riley out of the room. 


Chapter Four: It's a Mad, Mad, World by asukafan2001
Author's Notes:

Sorry about the slow editing turn around on this one. I have been working on another project and somehow editing doesnt seem as fun as writing...imagine that.

Chapter Four: It’s a Mad, Mad, World

“One Travels more usefully when alone, because he reflects more”

                                                                                                     -Thomas Jefferson



                Darkness, in contrast with brightness, is a relative absence of visible light. It is the appearance of black in a color space. When light is not present, rod and cone cells within the eye are not stimulated. This lack of stimulation means photoreceptor cells are unable to distinguish color thus why darkness is associated with black. Even though Adam had that understanding, he still felt fear. His heart was racing, as his sweat dripped down his brow. The room felt hot, and there was no circulation of air. The air smelled of watermelon bubblegum and scented lotion. The smells not only hung in the air they seemed to bond naturally with it.

                The first few hours Adam would scream for help anytime a nurse or doctor came in. The shuffling of their feet was plain as day from where he was. Every time he screamed or cried for help his voice was swallowed by the room and left unheard.  All while the voice of the nurse or doctor would boom around Adam and fill the room like a rock concert as if taunt him. This made understanding what was being said a impossibility, because of the sheer volume. As to Adam, there conversations sounded more like excerpts from the teacher on Charlie Brown, then real conversations.

                Nonetheless Adam continued a useless plight hoping somehow, something would change. In his mind he would keep telling himself this time it would be different. This time they will hear me.  Slowly though, no matter how much Adam wanted to believe, his mind began to except that this wasn’t a viable solution. No matter how hard he tried he wasn’t going to get a different result doing the same thing over and over again. 

                Adam knew it was time to get out. The hospital would be the best place for him to get help. There had to be tests that could be run; he desperately wanted to contact his family. Let them know he was okay.  Getting free however, was going to be much harder than originally planned. The sheer size and scale of the purse alone was much more daunting than expected. Making matters worse, in the trip to the hospital he had tumbled to the very bottom of the purse.

                A wrapped white and green striped mint which looked quite old lay at his feet. A glass case rests on one side, with a wallet on the other. Just in front of him resting on its side was a phone. Adam couldn’t believe his eyes. The screen looked massive in size and scale now. The screen of the smart phone alone was now much larger in form then him.

                “Perfect” Adam thought to himself as he felt around the edges for some kind of on button. The lack of light and the dank atmosphere of the purse made finding its location quite difficult.  After some effort Adam found the button, and almost immediately his heart sank a little. It was a plastic slide button as opposed to a physical button.  Adam pressed his diminutive hands against the plastic button and with all his might he didn’t even manage to slide it a millimeter.  Sighing loudly he tried again this time putting all his weight into it.  The button budged the slightest bit, but nowhere near enough to turn on. 

                “It’s no use” Adam said after struggling with the on button for much of afternoon. He slunk back down to the floor of the purse resting his head against the screen of the phone breathing heavily. The idea of making it out of the purse seemed to be more and more of a fleeting thought then a tangible thing that could be achieved. Looking upwards was a frightening sight as what looked to hundreds of thousands of pounds of massively scaled everyday objects now balanced precariously above him. A single movement or adjustment of any of the objects could mean a quick instant death.

                The sun had begun to set, as the onset of the evening had surpassed the afternoon, unbeknownst to Adam; exhaustion had overtaken him as the strenuous activities that he had been forced to go through since undergoing this traumatic ordeal left his body pillaged of any energy.  As he slept away his mind replayed the events thus far and even in his dreams he was left wondering if the choices he made were correct.


                Riley had grown restless as the constant parade of doctors and nurses came in seemingly one after the other poking and prodding her. She had spent so much of her life always on the go; always being active. The fact that she had just lay there was a bit of a hardship. However, what bothered her most was the fact that Adam was nowhere to be found.

                The entire morning was a blur to Riley; she vaguely remembered getting out of bed and then all of the sudden she was in the hospital. She had spent much of the afternoon racking her brain with the details of what went on as it felt like there should be more. She even explained to her doctor that she felt she was missing gaps in her memory. However, he quickly explained this way as being “normal” and “common” with these types of head injuries.

                She wasn’t sure if those words were meant to be reassuring or helpful but they felt neither. Riley just wanted Adam to walk through the door. She was sure he must know by now, as even if he wasn’t at the hotel, surely the hotel staff would have informed him by now.

                “He must be getting dinner; maybe he is going to bring in something special. He probably feels awful about leaving considering what happened.” Riley said to herself as she laid back in the hospital bed.

                Heavy footsteps clapped against the floor in a hurried pace. Riley’s ears quickly perked up at the sound of this. She smiled knowing she was worried for nothing. Adam must have gotten back and rushed here right here right away, she thought about how she would make him sweat a little before forgiving him when the door busted open slamming against the wall as tall muscular brown haired man rushed into the room.

                “Adam” Riley started to say until she was that it was not her lover, but her father, who had rushed in like the white knight coming to her aid. He quickly pulled a chair up next to her setting her purse on the bed beside his daughter while he grasped her hand tightly and give her a kiss on the cheek.

                “Princess, are you okay? I came as soon as heard. I would have been here sooner but I had trouble getting a flight . Your mother is making arrangements for all us to fly home tomorrow morning so you will be back in your own bed with your regular doctor by tomorrow afternoon.” Her father hurriedly said with a look fear on his face as he stroked his daughter’s hand.

                “It was just a fall Daddy, its nothing to be worried about. I just have a little head injury. It’s really nothing to be so worried about at all. I’m fine, promise.” Riley exclaimed to her father who she could tell heard none of it.

                “Hogwash, we will see what Doctor Harrison says back home. I brought you your IPod from home to help pass the time. I know how you hate these sitcoms. Now just rest here while I track down the doctor and see how your mother is doing on arranging the private plane.” Riley’s father kissed his daughter in the center of the forehead before rushing out the door.

                Riley sighed as she reached for her IPod left by her father. She slid her finger through the list of artists aimlessly before resting on Selena Gomez and putting in her pink ears buds. She then, rested her head back. As much as she hated to admit it, she did feel a bit better with her father here.  

                Losing herself in the music for a bit caused her to forget her love struck heart, but soon enough her mind wandered back to Adam. Knowing that once her Dad comes back, and with her mom in town as well, she won’t be alone for a single moment. So Riley decided to just call Adam herself. She grasped her purse and reached into the large tote style bag. The black leather and the round metal studs felt cool as they rubbed against her.  Fumbling around for several moments Riley couldn’t find her phone. She opened the tote bag all the way peeked inside. She shoved her wallet to the side and finally spotted her phone. As she grasped the phone and pulled it from her purse her eyes caught a small doll.

                “Oh my god” Riley screamed mentally as her eyes bugged out barely able to focus on the diminutive doll man. The memories of the morning came flooding back to her as she remembered seeing Adam shrunken on the floor. She couldn’t believe that Adam had shrunk. How is that possible? Riley thought to herself as she watched him try to struggle free from the mesh like netting of her greyish colored sweater.

                A shocked expression sprawled across Riley’s face as she reached towards her sweater. She could see her hand visibly shaking as her hand neared the sweater. The music pounding against her ear drums did nothing to ease her mind as she grasped the sweater pulling it away from Adam’s miniature body. She watched him wiggle out from the sweater not realizing at first that she had helped free him. She could see the surprised look on his face as he gazed up at her. The surprise on his face comforted her a little, and eased her mind, with the knowledge that she wasn’t the only one who wasn’t comfortable with this situation.

                “Adam? Is that really you?” Riley whispered breathlessly


Chapter Five: Correcting Mistakes by asukafan2001

Chapter Five: Correcting Mistakes

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”




                                Adam awoke to a tumultuous world. He found everything around him was in a state of flux. He flew through the air letting out a horrific scream as a large wallet appeared directly in front of him drawing nearer by the second. 

                “Oh shit” was all Adam could manage to get out as he raised his arms above his head in a futile attempt to protect himself as he crashed into the wallet. His body came to a sickening halt as he slid down the length of the pocketbook.

                A dazed expression fell across Adam’s face as he heard the loud booming voice of a man in the room.  The magnitude of which the two spoke only allowed Adam to make out small segments, but from what he could gather it was Riley’s father. 

                Struggling back to his feet, Adam looked upward wondering where he was in relation to the opening of the purse. All he could see was a massive wall of knit material which loomed above him. The wall held yards upon yards of greyish fibers which appeared in a crisscross pattern creating a mesh wall that extended outward in every direction above him. Fear coursed through his veins as he looked about not knowing if he was looking at the side wall of the purse and it was just lying on its side or if he was looking at the top of the purse and it was closed shut.

                In all this turmoil, hope appeared before Adam for the first time. What looked to be stories above him was a miniature flashlight which had gotten turned on in all the commotion. The flashlight illuminated much of the space around him, which left Adam with the ability to see clearly for the first time in what felt like days. As he looked about trying to take in the surroundings, he noticed that his impact with Riley’s wallet had caused the button holding the flap down to loosen up enough to the point in which the wallet had slightly unfolded.  He immediately began surveying the wallet, wondering if it could hold something that could help him get out of this fabric cell.

Adam looked from left to right before he pulled himself up and over the lip of the wallet and tumbled inside. The lighting inside was dim and the two walls were pressed tightly together which led Adam to try to shove them apart in hopes of creating a  little more room but neither side would budge.  Resting briefly, Adam noticed Riley’s Georgia license. It was simply massive in size which made the birthdate stick out. The date seemed wrong as it said May 19th 1994. 

Adam moved in closer to see the other details of the card hoping this was some kind of fake license, but everything he knew about Riley fit with this identification card. He knew that she lived in Georgia, grew up in Columbus Georgia, was going to the University of Georgia in the fall  , every detail she told him fit with this identification outside of the age. Adam re-read the identification card several times hoping he had misread something.

                “There must be some kind of mistake. That’s the only thing that makes sense.” Adam said to himself while the booming voices of Riley and her father echoed around him.  Adam noticed the license was tucked into one of several flaps with plastic windows. Climbing out of the wallet Adam used his legs to pull over the next flap hoping that this would clear things up. He knew Riley wouldn’t have lied to him about such an important detail.

“This has to be a fake license.” Adam thought climbing back down to look at the card in the second compartment. His heart perked up as he found a second identification card; this one from the state of New York.  As Adam looked closer he noticed this Identification card said May 19th 1988 and contained some glaring details which didn’t fit. The height was wrong, as Riley is over six feet tall and this one says five foot five, the weight didn’t seem to match Riley’s frame.

“There is no way she should have this card, she isn’t a resident of New York.” Adam’s brain quickly started to fill in the pieces when the purse once again begun to shake and shudder. Adam tumbled out of the wallet and cried out in pain as a hair pin clasped around his ankle like as if it were a bear trap. The purse fell back to earth with a thud and Adam felt himself land against a strong netting made from Riley’s knit sweater; the grey netting begun to fall all around him pinning him against the floor before he could react. The titanic sized hand of Riley entered the purse as the bright lights from the outside world shone in for the first time.

                The hand itself looked simply beyond words as it darted past Adam shoving the grey knit sweater to the side as if it were nothing. The strong grey fibers pushed against Adam’s body entangling him further in its grasp as he felt himself and sweater shoved around as the hand dug deeper and deeper in the purse. The entire event spanned only ten to fifteen seconds but it felt like hours to Adam. As the hand finally retreated out of the purse, he began to struggle beneath dark grey fibers of the sweater. The more Adam fought his way out the more entangled he became.

                “Okay calm down.” Adam said to himself as he let his muscles relax and took a few deeps breaths. As he did so he could feel the sweater loosening around him. He slid down to the floor started to work his way out from beneath the sweater which was a bit easier said than done with a hairpin stuck around your ankle. Adam kicked and pulled a bit finally breaking his leg free from the sweater.

                As he freed himself from the sweater Adam’s craned his head upward. He wasn’t sure what he was going to see; or what he wanted to see, but he was completely shocked to see Riley staring down at him. She had a look of surprise and wonder spread across her face which seemed to be engulfed by the opening of the purse. Adam reached downward trying to pull the hairpin from his ankle, but it was around him much too tight. There was no way to run or stand with the hairpin tightly hugging his foot. The realization that in a purse he had nowhere to run hadn’t hit him.

                “Ruh-ruh-riley” Adam managed to sputter out as he looked at her cascading brown locks of hair and her flawlessly smooth and clear skin even now seemed to radiate happiness.

                Adam found himself with only the ability to watch as her hand reached towards him dismissing anything else in its path. Meekly Adam tried to back away but her hand was on top of him in seconds. A feeling of warmth emanated from her hand as it blanketed around Adam’s tiny nude body. The feeling would have been relaxing if not for the fact his body was pulsating with fear over the fact of being completely immobilized by her now immense girl power.

                “Its, its really you isn’t it? How did? Why are you? You are real right?” Riley stammered out struggling to get out everything her mind was telling her. “You feel like a real person, you are cold but warm like a person feels. Adam ? say something please!” Riley said as she brought the miniature man closer to her face.

                Adam didn’t know whether to feel afraid, angry or relieved. He was furious over the fact that Riley had lied to him about her age. If he had known he true age he wouldn’t have given her the time of day, but taking his current situation into account being found by someone is a step in the right direction even if it wasn’t a medical professional.

                “Riley thank god” Adam started saying and as soon as he started speaking it all just flowed out of him. As he explained the entire ordeal he had experienced, so far. As he finished his side of the story he noticed just how close he was to her face. He could reach out and touch her if he wanted too.

                “Sorry, it’s just your voice is so high pitched and quiet it’s hard to hear you without you real close up like this.  I’m so sorry I fainted the first time. So much of your struggles were my fault.” Riley said as she extended her finger towards Adam. He could see her pointer finger wobbling from left to right a bit as she bit her lower lip as she always does when she’s not sure if she should do or say something

                The grip on her lower lip was released just enough for her tongue to slip out ever so slightly moistening her lower lip. As her tongue slid across her lip her finger pressed against Adam’s chest, sliding down rubbing his chest like a person would a dogs or cats.  The corners of her mouth turned upward flashing a slight smile before her finger pulled away Adam’s stomach, and slid down his thighs pausing at his midsection for a brief moment.

                “You’re real, I mean it’s really you, all of you is here, just so tiny. I can’t believe just a surge of electricity could cause this. Are you sure all you did was just plug the phone charger in?” inquisitively asked Riley as she continued to visually inspect Adam.

                “I don’t get it either. This is not possible, I shouldn’t be able to sit in your hand and yet here I am standing against every shred of scientific evidence saying that I can’t happen. I need you to” was all Adam could get out before Riley interjected.

                “Wait, I need to tell you this Adam. It’s important before you say anything else. I need you to know that…that I love you. I know we have known each other just a few weeks, but sometimes, you just know when something feels right, and no matter what, I will love you, and stand by you in all this. We will find a way to get through this okay?” Riley said as she let out a sigh of relief elated to get her feelings out.

                “I appreciate that, I want to believe that and I probably would have when we got out of bed today, but you’re staring at me like some alien.”

“I’m not, I’m sorry.” Riley said averting her gaze to her IPod.

“I’m still me regardless of what happened and that’s more than I can say about you. Were you ever you? Atleast, the you that I knew, or was that really you?” Adam blurted out.

“What, what are you talking about?” Riley said as she returned her gaze to Adam.

“I saw your identification in your wallet, both of them. You’re what 18 year olds? I’m a grown man in my thirties Riley.”

“I was always going to tell you, but the more we talked the more perfect everything seemed. The only thing I ever lied to you about was my age. My feelings, thoughts, and opinions were always me. This doesn’t need to change anything.” Riley barely got out before Adam interjected.

“I’m sorry, but for me it does and you’re still young and soon enough I will just be a bad memory. So just press call button and let the nurse take me away.”

“I love you Adam and I know you love me. You have every right to be a little hurt, and I know with a little time that too will pass. All of this, is gods will, and I know you don’t believe in god, but if this doesn’t make you a believer what possible can? God knew we were right for each other, and that distance was going to keep us apart. Now, we can be together always.” Riley said with a smile on her face as she lovingly looked down at Adam.

“Always? What are you talking about? I’m sure I will see a facility near Lisa and the girls.” Adam said a bit confused.

“That won’t be necessary, you can stay with me. You said yourself that you loved me, but I could tell you didn’t want me to have to pick up and move across the country. That’s just kind of man you are. You would never want me to give up my dreams to be with you. Now you can just come back out east with me, and I know given time you will love me just as much as before. You will see that the age difference doesn’t mean anything, and I can wait because I love you Adam. Now don’t be mad, but remember how I said I was going to school in the fall. I didn’t lie about that, I really am going to school in the fall, just not the school you thought. I still have a year at Columbus High School left. I swear that is the last lie I told you.”

“Oh my god. I’m going to jail. I am going to jail, wait no I’m not your parents will just kill me when they see me. I can see it now, your mom swats me to the floor with a dish rag and your dad finishes the job with the underside of his boot. How, how could you do this to me?”

“I can see your upset, and being the caring adult girlfriend that I am I can admit I’m partly to blame for this, and you might need a little space.” Riley said reaching back into purse and opening up the case for her glasses. As she pulls out the black rimmed glasses she slides them on her eyes blinking a couple times to adjust her vision as she sees Adam clearly for the first time.

                “Girlfriend? A little upset? I’m not going home with you. This is not happening. You get a doctor in right now or put me down and I will find one myself.” Adam shouted before feeling Riley’s hand tilt. He grabbed at her fingers in a feeble attempt to stop his descent, but in a matter of moments he was free falling through the air. The farther he fell the larger Riley seemed to get. As he crashed into the case that had been holding her glasses he felt his back cry out in pain.

                “No wait, you can’t do this. You can’t do this! I don’t love you!!” was all Adam could get out before the case slammed shut with a loud click.  Adam continued to shout at the top of his lungs, while pounding against the roof of the case.  So frustrated with the events as they unfolded his mind had forgotten about the pain in his back or the hairpin still clamped around his ankle.

                “Now you won’t have to be so worried about being killed while in my purse. I will take you out when I can, my dad’s coming back. Kiss Kiss” Riley said before slipping the case back into her purse along with her IPod.

                “Good news princess, I spoke with Doctor Jefferson here, and we should be able to fly you back tomorrow no problem. They are just going to give you a little sedative so you can get a good night’s rest. Mother and I will be back tomorrow morning to fly you home.

                “Dad wait, no sedative.” Riley said as the doctor injected her with the sedative.

                “Shhhhh, it’s okay princess, your mother and I will be here first thing. You just rest now.” Her father said as he gave her a kiss and smiled warmly as he watched her eyes flutter closed.

                The next twenty hours were some of the most long and painful of Adam’s life. He pounded against the top of case for some time, but he eventually wore himself out and the pain in his back and ankle had overcome him.  He could her Riley and her father talk for a few minutes, then it got quiet. He couldn’t make out much of what was said but he clearly heard the word sedative, and then it got dead quiet after that.

                Adam was left with just his thoughts. He kept processing the events that had happened, and led him to this situation. He couldn’t believe that a high school senior had done him in. As much as he hated to admit he had fallen for her when he thought she was twenty four, but knowing the full picture he just felt dirty. All he could think of now was that at eighteen year olds she was about half his age.

                As Adam continued to lay in the case, and the hours continued to creep by he started to wonder if maybe this was his punishment. Maybe there really is a god, and the years of non-believing had caught up with him.

                “Yup, this is probably what hell is.” Adam said to himself before he finally heard someone come into the room. The footsteps were soft as they shuffled about the room for a while before finally feminine voice called out Riley’s name. Adam could hear her groggily start to stir awake, and the case he was in shimmied about, as the purse was lifted up, and tossed onto the chair.

                “Hey it’s nice to see you in your natural position, on your back.” A female voice said sounding nearly on top of Adam.

                “I was wondering when you would show your face Chewbecca.” Riley taunted as she sat up seeing her sister Becca.

                “I wanted to come yesterday, but dad was going all crazy. This just proves you’re his favorite you know. Anyway, they are still parking the rental. So how did this happen? Mom said you were in some hotel room, so who was he?” Becca asked as she pulled the chair in closer.

                “I’m not a slut like you; shouldn’t you be helping me get ready?” Riley said as she started to stand up for the first time in a day.

                “fine, but don’t you think this is over. You are pretty sneaky though, I will give you that. I diligently packed up all your stuff last night from your hotel room and found no trace or clues of mister right, but I did find some condoms. Naughty, naughty Rye.” Becca said as she pushed the chair back.

                “How about some clothes? Not all of us are accustomed to walking around nude.” Riley quipped before Becca threw her clothes at her.

                “We are supposed to meet mom and dad in the lobby once you change. I will get your chariot from the nurse. Your doctor said you have to exit in a wheel chair” Becca said.

                “Fine, let’s just get this over with. I’m ready to go home.” Riley said looking down at her purse briefly with a smile.


Chapter Six: Home Sweet Home by asukafan2001

Chapter Six: Home Sweet Home?

“Of all the words of Mice and men, the saddest are, “it might have been”

                                                                                                           -Kurt Vonnegut



                Adam’s stomach growled as his mouth turned so dry that he couldn’t even work up enough saliva to spit. The outside world seemed distant, and somehow beyond him as he lay flatly on his back trapped in a case meant to hold eyeglasses. The entire room was like that of a coffin, only instead of buried underneath dirt, he was buried beneath mini hand lotions, mouthwashes, perfumes, hairsprays, along with chap stick, eyeliner and mascara; which all beat and banged against the case after nearly any movement. A singular pen, pencil and tampon could be heard occasionally rolling across the top of the case and the few times the purse was dropped or set down roughly the clank of keys, phone, or wallet could be heard. Superseding all of those was the distinct voices of Riley and her twin sister Becca.

                The sisters chatted as they relaxed in comfort in there private plane. The two were no strangers to flying in private jets as their father had been a pilot for years, and growing up they would often get to go out with him on weekends. However, as he climbed the executive ladder, such outings became fewer and farther between. Now there trips on private planes were usually met with their father sitting towards the front of the plane on his phone and working on his laptop or tablet. Their mother would be asleep before the plane even started to taxi onto the runway. This was all considered part of the norm to them.

                Several more hours passed before the family returned home. Adam had been drifting in and out of consciousness for the past few hours, some of which was the fact that he hadn’t slept much leading up to this point and the other being his body was weakened from a lack of food and water. The sound of car doors slamming shut jarred Adam wake as the noise echoed in his eardrums; while a feeling of elation washed over him. As Riley stepped out of the car, the already familiar swaying of the purse from side to side while her arm pressed the handbag against her hip caused Adam a faint twinge of motion sickness.

                Riley looked at the home she hadn’t see in weeks, she wasn’t aware of how much she had missed her home until the car had started to pull into the driveway. The three story house itself was in an L-shape and had an old world Victorian look to it from being crafted in white and grey colored brick and stone. Seven Chimneys could be seen reaching into the sky from each fireplace in the home. The attached three stall garage had doors which looked to be from a medieval time made of heavy strong woods, with a white crossbar going across the front of each of the three stall doors which gave them the appearance of a front gate of a walled city. The house had several large Victorian style windows reminiscent of what you would find at a church. Tall maple trees spread across the yard along with the flowers and plants her mother meticulously planted, many of which were masked by the night sky.

                Riley was the first step out of the car, she briefly glanced over at the SUV she shared with her sister Becca, and felt relieved that it looked relatively neat and tidy. She could tell that she would still need to clean it thoroughly though. The cool night air caused her to shiver as she stepped out of the garage. As she walked towards the front door she found herself wishing that someone would have stayed home so that three or four of the seven fireplaces would have been lit, however Riley knew she would be relying on central air for all the heating tonight. She reached into her purse grasping her keys, but as she did so her hand bumped up against the eyeglass case.  She instantly thought of Adam, and how he was safely in tucked away inside waiting for her to take him out.

                “Are you going to unlock the door or just park your fat ass in front of it.” Becca quipped jarring Riley from her thoughts of Adam. She pulled her keys from her purse and unlocked the door while pushing the heavy wooden door open.  A blast of cool air hit her as she walked into the spacious entryway. Stone counters and wooden tabletops were scattered about the main level of the home.  She waited briefly for her father to carry her luggage into entryway before heading up stairs, and walking along the second floor terraced hallway on the way to her room.  

                Riley seemingly walked forever, before finally opening her bedroom door Adam thought. A loud thud of her luggage being set on the floor echoed across the room. The entire home having wood floors only seemed to make the echo that much louder.

                “I’m pretty tired dad. I think I’m just going to call it a night.” Riley feigned walking towards her bed setting her purse down beside her.

                “Okay princess, sweet dreams” Her father called out before shutting the door behind him.

                As soon as the door shut Adam felt the case he was trapped in lift upwards. The ascent being so quick his ears popped. Light brightly shined into the small case briefly before the massive face of Riley loomed overhead with her long luxurious brown and blonde highlighted hair locks cascading downward. A warm smile filled her face as she looked down at her diminutive boyfriend.  

                Adam on the other hand was furious. He had planned out everything he wanted to say to her, however as he stared up at her massive face every shred of anger and hate he wanted to spew flowed out of him as if she had popped his balloon. A sense of nervousness flowed out of him as the full reality of the situation he was in begun to dawn on him.

                “I’m so sorry I had to keep you in there for so long, but I couldn’t get any alone time; no need to worry now, as you’re here and we can start our new life together. We won’t be able to get engaged until after I move out and with my soccer career I may have to play overseas as that’s where the real  money is, but don’t worry I’m really good. I’m ranked third in the nation.” Riley said excitedly as she as she stroked Adam’s nude body.

                “Riley” was all Adam could get out before she started talking again. He wasn’t sure if she couldn’t hear him from her lap or she was just ignoring him.

                “I know what you’re thinking, but there are a lot of one income families, and I have my trust fund so you don’t really need to worry about the money. I have plenty, and I’m practically guaranteed a spot on a professional roster.”

                “Riley” Adam said again as he attempted to get a word in. This girl was crazy, she was already talking engagement, and marriage. He had a wife, and kids. He would need to throw himself at the mercy of his family; but he was sure his wife Lisa would understand eventually, Adam hoped. As he tried to avoid Riley’s prodding fingers, but the palm of her hand left few places to hide.

                “I’m sure you want a tour, unfortunately you won’t be able to see the house, but I can show you my, well our room. I don’t want you to think that I don’t want to show you the house, it’s just my dad wouldn’t understand our love for each other. He would just see that his little girl was with an older man. Then he would be furious about that night in the hotel room. It was so special though, but he wouldn’t see that. That was my first time you know Adam. I wanted to wait till I was with someone special, someone I wanted to marry, and have a family with.” Riley boasted happily as she lay back against her pillows briefly pressing Adam against her chest enjoying the feeling of his cold tiny body squirming against her.

                Stretching out on her bed it was a surreal feeling as she sunk into her soft mattress. Riley closed her eyes as she took in the feelings of Adam’s movements against her, the sound of his tiny heart beating. A feeling of complete happiness and content flowed over Riley for the first time in her life. As she sprawled across the bed; her intent was just to relax for a minute before giving Adam a tour, however the day of travel quickly caught up with her as she found herself sound asleep with Adam clutched against her. 


Chapter Seven: Escape Attempt by asukafan2001

 Chapter Seven: Escape Attempt

“When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”

                                                                                            -Franklin D. Roosevelt



                The warmth from Riley’s body radiated around, and through him warming his cold body. The chattering of his teeth dissipated, as the shivering stopped. Her hand draped over him like a blanket, while the beat of her heat rang in Adam’s ears. As much as he hated to admit this, it felt comfortable here. He hadn’t been this comfortable in days, but he knew he couldn’t stay.

                “Riley, listen to me!” Adam yelled. “I can’t do this, I made a mistake, and for that I am sorry. I truly am. If I had known that was your first time I would have never, never taken that from you. As I knew it couldn’t last. I thought it was just a fling. I was away from home, you were away from home I thought who would find out? You are young and beautiful and I would be a bit remised if a part of me didn’t relish the fact that someone as lovely as you could find a man on his way to his forties attractive. I never thought of leaving my family though. When you talked about that I knew you had given the wrong impression. Please, just let me go home, home to my family.” Adam pleaded

                Adam waited for several minutes for some response, some kind of reply. He thought at first maybe she was sad, or crying. Then maybe trying to compose herself, but the rhythmic breathing spoke volumes. She had fallen asleep.  

                “That was hard enough to do once. I can’t believe I’m gonna have to try to do that again.” Adam said to himself as wiggled and pulled at his right arm finally able to break it free from Riley’s hand now that she wasn’t actively working against his efforts to get out.  Not wanting to waste the opportunity he had been provided, Adam reached his right arm up, and grasped at her the dense cotton material of her shirt. It was a bit unnerving at just how strong this dainty cotton fabric felt.  It was supposed to loose, cool and airy. However, it felt dense, strong and powerful. As his now miniature hands dug into the fabric he could smell perfume radiating off her skin.

                “Pull dammit, you can do it.” Adam said to himself as he attempted to pry himself out from under grip. After several minutes he had managed to get his left arm free. As he yanked his left arm free Riley pulled hand from Adams body resting it against her side.

                The quick action caused Adam to freeze in place. He remained motionless for a couple of minutes in case Riley had woken up.  As Riley remained motionless Adam allowed himself to exhale. Taking another breath made Adam realize he wasn’t even aware he was holding his breath. Slowly he stood up not lost on the lunacy of the situation. He was literally standing on a person. As his feet sunk a bit into Riley’s skin, the muscle tone, definition and athletic build from years of soccer became truly apparent to the point that he wondered if she wouldn’t have been able to take him before this weird transformation.

                The darkness of the room shrouded everything and the shadows the various objects in her room caused made seeing anything difficult, but directly across from here he could see the glow of the screen from her laptop. Riley had a custom screensaver that seemed to rotate to a different picture every minute, many of which appeared to be of her friends by their nature, and attitude of the people in the pictures. Adam knew that would be perfect. He could send an email or instant message his family. The laptop has a touchpad so he wouldn’t even need to worry about trying to move an unwieldy mouse.

                “I just need to get down from here.” Adam said to himself as he carefully continued to take step after step till he reached the edge of Riley.  Her arm resting against her side allowed him to easily make his way down to the soft plush bed which posed its own unique challenges.

                The bed seemed to be of the highest utmost quality, as Riley made quite a depression in the bed. Adam found that even his miniscule weight was enough too effectively cause a depression of his own. As he looked across the bed, the wrinkles and folds from the comforter made the bed appear to be an alien landscape.

                “She could wake up at any moment. I have to hurry.” Adam mumbled to himself as he set out towards the edge of the bed. The walk should have just been a few inches, but having to climb over folds in the bed made things difficult, not to mention any subtle movement on Riley’s part effected what was right now the whole world to him.

                The Journey itself that should have taken no time at all, took twenty full minutes because of his size, but finally reaching the end of the massive king sized bed brought about a problem Adam had been thinking about for quite some time. How in the world he was going to get off the bed itself, which was to Adam fifty feet off the ground.

                The idea of climbing down seemed practical until he was actually faced with doing it. He would literally be free climbing down a fifty foot bed, not using anything but Riley’s comforter for hand holds, and the comforter itself didn’t provide much in the way of handholds . While the material was now strong enough to support his reduced weight, he was no longer able to bend or fold the comforter in any way to create the necessary handholds to get onto the floor. However, the greatest problem of all was the fact that Adam possessed no climbing skills whatsoever. Even if he had a rope and harness climbing down a fifty foot wall would be next to impossible and the comforter itself doesn’t even reach the floor; the last fifteen or so feet would just be a straight drop to the floor which could very well kill him.

                Adam knew he was going to need another way down. He walked along the side of the bed looking down at the floor which was right in front of him with no way to get to it. The real world difficulties of navigating a world meant for people who were many times his own height had begun to sink in.

                “This is futile.” Adam said to himself as neared corner of the bed with no real way to get to the floor. Giving up, and trying to get some sleep was beginning to look like the only real option right now when he noticed the bedpost. The bed post along with the frame was all hand carved. The bedpost itself contained a ridge that encircled the post. It looked as if someone had taken a slide and wrapped it around the bedpost. While even it his reduced size, he was a bit too big to be able to slide down, he could use the ridge to climb down. He would just need to shimmy along the wooden ridge as if it were a ledge. The idea itself was sound, but shimmying down a bedpost was enough to scare Adam to death, however he knew he was out of options. It was either this, or wait for Riley to wake up, but at the pace she was going he would be Mr. Adam Parker by the end of the week.

                “There is no other way.” Adam said aloud to himself as if it would somehow comfort him, but it did very little to ease his mind at all as he stretched his leg out and placing it on the wooden ridge. He tried to push down with all his weight in order to ensure the wooden ledge would be able to hold his weight and much to his pleasure it held with ease.

                “Here goes nothing” Adam mumbled as he reached his arm out clutching the wooden bed post with one arm while bringing his second leg over onto the ridge. As soon as his second leg touches down on the bed post he wrapped his arms around the post as best he could. The wooden ledge had the width of about two of his feet which allowed him to slowly shuffle down and around the post.

                The Journey itself was very slow going, mostly because Adam had to stop for repeated breaks and he was just shuffling his feet an inch or two at a time. It wasn’t as if he was walking. He was pretty sure he probably could walk along the ridge, but his own fear kept him from doing so. The knowledge of knowing that any mistake would send him tumbling over ledge to almost certain doom kept him in line.  So as much as he wanted to get to Riley’s laptop and contact his family, he wanted to be able to contact his family in one piece.

                As soon as Adam’s bare feet hit the cool hardwood floor a sense of relief washed over him. Adam fell to his knees and kissed the floor repeatedly in joy.  Looking back behind him he was amazed he actually made his way all the way down here. The bed appeared to literally be a small mountain. The idea he climbed his way down from there brought a twinge of pride to him. This was not the kind of thing he would normally do; As Adam generally avoided athletic activities much to Lisa’s chagrin.

                After taking a break to rest for several minutes Adam pulled himself back to his feet. His legs were already killing him, but it took him a few hours just to get to this point. There was no clock that he could see from this vantage point, which brought about its own challenges. The closer it got to morning, the closer he got to his destination. This was great, except for the fact it would be harder for him to explain what he was doing, in a way that wouldn’t bring about some recourse on Riley’s part. However, Adam knew that he had to take the chance. He wasn’t sure how many opportunities he would have in which he was left alone of his own devices. The fact she locked him in eyeglass case in her purse for the journey home wasn’t exactly a ringing endorsement.

                Compared to the climb down, the walk across the floor was easy. The only challenge it brought was the sheer length of the walk itself.  As Adam walked, he couldn’t help but notice that the floor was immaculately clean. There was no dust on the wood floors; there wasn’t a single crumb of food anywhere to be found. This may have been one of the cleanest rooms he had ever seen. It was as if dust and dirt cowered in fear of this room to afraid to enter.

                As Adam reached desk the second problem quickly became apparent. The desk was even taller than the bed and it didn’t have any of the ridges in which he could climb up, it was just smooth solid oak, seventy feet or so straight up.  Walking along the base of the desk provided little in the way hope, or inspiration. It had several large drawers, and a few smaller ones all with knobs and key locks beside them, but none of that was useful to him. As he walked back towards the desk, he came to the large desk chair which was pressed tightly up against the desk itself. However, behind the desk he could see a couple of cords dangling down and running along the floor before leading back up about ten to fifteen feet to an outlet.  

                “That’s the only way.” Adam said to himself as he walked towards the cord. It was perfectly smooth, but of solid rubber. As he looked up it appeared to go all the way up, and onto the desk. Back in his high school and college days Adam remembered several times doing the rope climb in gym class, but this was on a whole different scale. They had mats below in case you fell, and even then were talking about maybe ten feet. This was climbing what looked to be seventy feet without any safety harnesses or mats. All he could do if he did fall was pray to the gods for a quick death.

                “I came way too far to give up now. I have to try. I will see how the first few feet go, and I can always climb down if it’s too much.” Adam said to himself in a vain attempt to muster up some courage as he reached his hand out to the power cord.  Sighing heavily he reached outward and began his ascent. The first ten feet went easily as the climb itself was actually a bit easier then he imagined. As he could wrap his legs around the cord and pull himself up. The abrasive nature of the cord provided a fairly secure and easy hold. It wasn’t as smooth as it appeared at first glance.

                As Adam reached twenty feet up he began to tire as he lacked the physical strength; however he had climbed too much to simply wave it off at this point. Knowing he needed to rest Adam climbed up a few more feet where he came to the backside of one of the drawers. He dug his feet into the small crack where the wood of drawer didn’t quite meet the wood of desk. The crack was big enough where he could transfer most of his weight into the desk and actually rest his muscles a bit.

                Unsure of how much time had passed, but it felt like twenty or thirty minutes. It was enough that Adam felt sufficiently rejuvenated to continue the climb knowing finding another resting place would be slim. He could only hope his body could hold out long enough to reach the top.

                As Adam pulled himself over the edge of the desk he managed to take two or three steps to move away from the side of desk, and then fell onto the top of the desk. He gasped for air while his muscles cried out in pain as Adam mumbled never again. Never in his life had Adam done anything that physically demanding.

                It was well over an hour, and sunlight started to peek through the curtains and blinds before Adam felt strong enough stand up again. His legs still felt like dead weight, but he was able to slowly walk. At first he used the giant wooden pen holder for support but once he got into the swing of thing he found he was able to walk without any kind of support. Running however was out of the question.

                Reaching the laptop itself felt like a massive accomplishment as he looked back across the room and over At Riley still sleeping away having no idea all the physical abuse, and stress he been put through. She could simply walk over here and not give a second thought to it, but Adam felt as if he just completed the decathlon, but he still had one last thing to do before he could pat himself on the back. He stepped onto the laptop and crawled over to the touchpad. He placed his hands on the touchpad and begun to slide his hand across the surface.  Expectantly he looked up at the monitor which looked to be about the size of 6 imax screens put together, only nothing happened. The picture merely changed to one of Riley holding up a tournament trophy with her teammates.  Adam pressed down harder against the touchpad and yet nothing happened.

                He tried again and again not able to understand why it wasn’t working. It hadn’t dawned on him yet that a touchpad, like any touch device needs to registers some amount of weight in order to detect that there is something there. In Adam’s case he no longer can provide the necessary amount of weight in order to activate the sensor.

                Adam only became more frustrated and this time took a running start and slid across the touchpad on the laptop as if it were slip and slide. As he looked up at the screen his heart sank all the way down to his toes. He had risked life and death only to have failed utterly. There was no way for him to activate the touchpad.

Running out onto the keys of the laptop Adam hoped he might be able to use keyboard commands in order to get around enough to send a message. However, as he walked across the computer keys nothing happened. It was as surreal moment as he was standing atop a keyboard and the full weight of his body was not enough to depress a single key. He leapt as high as his tired and sore leg muscles could muster. Seconds later he crashed down onto the computer keys. He watched the keys depress slightly before rising back up.

“Yes” Adam shouted in elation. It would be very slow going but maybe it could work as long as Riley slept in. However, as his attention turned back to screen he looked on in horror as the screensaver still appeared on the screen. As even though the key had depressed it hadn’t depressed enough to register a keystroke.

                “Oh god.” Adam said dropping to his knees as the full weight of this discovery came to bare in his mind. This meant phones, tablets, computers and any anything else modern society had developed he was cut off from. The world had grown into a touch based society and he could no longer use any kind of touch device. He wasn’t strong enough to even register a single keystroke on device that makes use of any kind of keyboard or keypad.

                He looked over at Riley as she continued to sleep; he wanted to scream at her. He wanted to yell unable to believe what she had done to him. She had ruined his life, but he knew that wasn’t true. She may have brought him here to her house, but she wasn’t the one who shrunk him, and more importantly she wasn’t the one who cheated on her spouse. That was all him. He could have avoided all of this just by saying no. Just by being an honorable man and keeping the vows he made to his wife.

                “I put myself here. What have I done? What have I done? I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Adam said to himself as tears welled up in the corner of his eyes. He fought to hold them back, but as much as he fought, the teardrops slid out from the corner of his eyes. 


Chapter Eight: Reformatory Prison by asukafan2001

Chapter Eight: Reformatory Prison

                “Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”

                                                                                                                     -Winston Churchill



                Adam pressed himself against the metal bars in hopes of somehow worming his way through, however for the first time in what has felt like a life time he found himself too big to do something.   He continued to try for quite some time, partly out of frustration, but more so out of stubbornness.  This led him to try to pull the bars apart, but the bars felt as if they were made of titanium as they showed no signs of bending at all.

                The smell of cedar chips permeated the air as Adam peered out at the expansive room through the bars of the cage he found himself trapped in. The thick looking metallic bars seemed to hold the cold into the cage itself. Running his hands along the metal bars while in a slightly better frame of mind Adam was able to notice how cold the bars felt to the touch. At first this led to him draw his hands away. The overall coldness of the cage caused him to shiver as he took a few steps back from the metal bars.

                As he stepped backwards his feet sunk into the cedar chips Riley had covered the floor in. Their appearance alone made him feel as if he were some kind of animal, no different from the rodents she kept caged above her desk. However, after feeling the metal bars of the cage he was thankful not to be standing on a metal floor. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to take that.

                Looking at the gigantic room felt odd. No matter where he looked he would see the metal bars partially obscuring his view, being a constant reminder to his situation. Making matters worse the only viewpoint which should in reality look normal to him was robbed of him by an immense looking Taylor Swift poster. So instead of seeing plain white wall he was now forced to look at Taylor Swift.

                Adam gritted his teeth as he spoke her name. On the best of days he viewed her as his mortal enemy. He hadn’t ever met her in person. Everything he knew about her told him that she was a nice person, but his students would talk incessantly about her, while her songs played endlessly on the radio one after another. Hearing any song repeatedly is bad enough, but when that song happens to be something so ear grating as Taylor Swift he wanted to curl up and die. Now, finding himself locked up in this hell with her smiling down at him seemed felt as if he was being punished. As if by chance god happened to be a fan as well.

                Falling back into a pile of cedar chips, Adam couldn’t help but notice how they actually felt somewhat comfortable, but as he lay on his back he found his attention turning more and more towards the bottle of water Riley had put in the cage. The bottle itself was that of what you find in nearly any hamster cage. The fact the bottle was turned and secured to the cage in such a fashion that the front of the bottle seemed to always be visible to him from nearly any vantage point was haunting. The small white colored hamster on it, with the word Hamster emblazoned just beneath picture was just demeaning.

                Adam refused to drink from something like that. He wasn’t about to lower himself to such a demeaning action. He wondered if the bottle was even cleaned, was the lip sanitized or is there still hamster germs and saliva from when it was used last. The water not even bottled, just taken from the sink and tossed in here and he is expected to be thankful for it, while she drinks her three dollars a bottle Evian. Adam knew he wasn’t about to drink that. He had standards, he was a man. He deserved better than this.

                Minute after minute passed each one seemingly taking longer than the last.  He could feel his mouth getting drier and drier by the moment as his stomach growled to the point it almost hurt. However, he could dismiss the hunger he felt. Adam had been hungry before, but the thirst was nearly uncontrollable. He finally turned away from the bottle completely looking in the other direction which ironically found himself staring straight at the Taylor Swift Hair band.

                “This truly is hell.” Adam said to himself as he stood back up looking up at the digital clock positioned directly at his eye level across the room. The large numbers displayed 7:43am. It hadn’t even been an hour yet since Riley left. The fact she seems to wake up regularly at five in the morning was just sickening to Adam. No one should willingly get up that early and yet she seemed too. He just prayed that she didn’t expect him too.

                “Argggghhh” Adam screamed rushing over to the water bottle unable to distract himself any longer. His cravings almost animalistic as it had been two days since the last time he remembered drinking, and he could stand it no longer. As he reached the water bottle he fell to his knees and looked up at the spout. It had a single solitary drop hanging from it tip of it. He watched it briefly for a few seconds with his hands cupped waiting for it to fall.  However it just continued to hang there for second after second which finally turned into two minutes.

                “I’m not supposed too, surely this isn’t designed for, I can’t possibly suck on that, can I?” Adam questioned for another minute before degradingly extending his tongue out to long metal shaft which protruded from the bottle with an angled slant towards the floor.  He pressed his warm tongue against the cold metal tube as his lips puckered around the giant metal straw. As he did so water gushed towards him as he swallowed mouthful after mouthful of room temperature water, forgetting briefly that it was not from a spring of any kind.

                After drinking his fill Adam staggered back towards the middle of the cage. He had wished that Riley had provided him some kind of clothing as opposed to just walking nude around her room. It didn’t feel right, especially considering there apparent age difference. That is when he remembered her words. They felt so pointed each one like a cut with a knife. He wondered if she truly intended to keep him locked away in here like an animal. If she expected him to crumble, he knew she had another thing coming.  He wouldn’t give in her to will. He may not have been faithful to Lisa in New York, but he will prove his love to her by remaining faithful now. He won’t ever speak those three words that will release him.

                Adam had never felt true boredom until now. Several hours had passed and not once had someone come into the room. He had expected her mother, father or even or sister to walk in here, but not once. He barely heard so much as footstep outside the door, but the room being so large he wondered if he would have anyway. The bedroom itself appeared to be larger than the studio apartment he had back in college.  Adam wondered if anyone would ever come in here. All he needed was a single person, and surely they would get him out. They would see reason. They would free him from this cage. He was not some kind of zoo animal or pet meant to be caged. He was a highly intelligent being with a master’s degree, and to be treated no differently than a couple mice and hamsters was appalling to Adam.

                Adam had watched the sunset and darkness overcome the sky before Riley’s bedroom door opened. As soon as he heard the door knob twist he bolted to his feet and rushed towards the cold bars of the cage. The fact the sound of Riley entering her room was enough to stir excitement and pleasure in himself was lost to Adam at this point, but as Riley walked into the room she couldn’t help but smile as she quickly glanced over Adam making sure to look away before  he noticed.

                “How are my boys and girls doing today? Did you miss me? It looks like you all did!” Riley said in a warm infantile voice as she opened up her desk drawer and dropped several pellets into each cage before turning her attention towards Adam. As she walked towards his cage he could see her still perspiring from her training and workouts. As she neared his cage he took a few steps back as the smell of her sweat filled the air.

                “Riley, get me out of here right now young lady. Do you hear me?” Adam screamed up at her as he gripped the bars tightly while gritting his teeth. “You can’t do this to me god dammit.” Adam said continuing his tirade.

                “I understand you’re upset and confused over your feelings, but you will not speak to me like that. Maybe you need a little more time alone.” Riley said walking back over to her desk. Adam could only watch as she pulled out some fabric she bunched up in her hand before walking back over. The closer she got the more apparent it came. It was mostly pink covered in white flowers. The fabric looked to be thick like that of a toaster cover.  Riley began to unfold the thick fabric lifting it up towards the cage which held Adam.

                “Wha-what are you doing?” Adam said as she started to slide the thick fabric over the cage. Looking upwards at the portion of the cage that was already covered Adam could tell no light was getting in as the fabric seemed to be quilted and quite heavy. It was reminiscent of the material covers you would often see for bird cages only this one seemed to be designed to fit this cage.

                “Maybe some time in isolation with just your thoughts is what you need.” Riley said as she polled the quilted cage cozy completely down tying off each of the four ends to the bottom of the cage.

                Adam looked about seeing nothing but darkness in every direction. The quilted cage cozy was as he surmised earlier thick enough so that no light would penetrate. He pressed against the thick quilted material but no matter how much Adam pressed against it the material wouldn’t show any signs of movement.

                “Once you’re ready to be adult about this, we can talk about getting that removed. I will check back on you in a couple days. You have enough water and fiber bar to last. Now I’m going to shower and fix myself some dinner. Love you, kiss kiss.” Riley said walking away from the cage. 


Chapter Nine: Reformatory Prison (2) by asukafan2001

Chapter Nine: Reformatory Prison (2)

                                The cage remained darkened for days. It was surreal for Adam hearing Riley move about her room, and living her life. The first hours he continued to scream profanities, and yell about how wrong this was. He wasn’t even thinking about earlier when he was trying to get her attention from atop her desk. Adam was completely unaware that Riley had heard not a single word from after she stepped away with him sealed in the cage. The shelf that Riley has the cage it elevated high enough so that it’s about eye level with her; making matters worse that outside his cage and her Taylor Swift memorabilia that’s the only thing in that area. This meant quite often Riley is in other parts of her room well out of his vocal range.

                The first day felt incredibly long for Adam, but the next two felt like an eternity. He had literally nothing to look at but blackness. All he could do was think and his mind often drifted to his family and to Riley. He continually replayed the few weeks over and over again in his mind thinking about if there were any signs. As he replayed things he could see several instances where he was at fault.

                The blaring Alarm woke Adam up with a fright. He could feel his heart racing. He looked about the room forgetting where he was for a moment before the loud voice  of Riley voicing her disgust over having to run reminded him. He had expected the cage cozy to be pulled off but true to her word she left him toiling in darkness.

                The afternoon begun to stretch on and a new problem had arisen for Adam. He had been drinking water quite regularly now and found that he needed to relieve himself. He tried calling for Riley several times but she didn’t seem to be around and having no ability to see meant he had no real way to know if she would be back soon.

                She couldn’t expect me to relieve myself like some kind of animal can she? Is she that upset with me? Is she this mad? Adam wondered as he struggled to hold back his urge to urinate. The more he struggled to hold back his urges the more he began wonder if the fact she used cedar chips as the cage floor had another meaning.  Cedar chips were known for the absorbency. Has she expected all along for him to urinate on the ground he walks and sleeps on? The idea in and of itself sent a shudder down his spine. The idea of using the bathroom like some beast seemed so undignified so primal. It was completely beneath him. 

                Adam tried to hold his bladder as best he could but finally he lost out. He rushed over as fast as anyone can rush in complete and utter darkness to a corner and started urinate into the cedar chips.  As he did so he couldn’t help but feel as if Riley had made a small victory. She was getting what she wanted. He was demeaning himself.  The reality of the situation begun to weigh on him; this was nothing to her. The only one this punishment effected was him. She was going about living her life. She was training for soccer; she was hanging out with her friends and doing everything she did before. The idea of living like this forever seemed impossible.

                That night when he heard the door open, Adam was ready to apologize as much as hated to admit it she was right. While he didn’t agree with her putting him in this cage, but swearing and yelling at her surely wasn’t going to get him out.  Just like any situation the more you attack someone the more they are going to fight back or dig in to their point of view. His actions were only vindicating her choice of action.

                Three days passed before Adam saw a small shard of light appear from the bottom of the cage and slowly more and more light began to shine in. The brightness of the room was blinding to Adam now as Riley looked in at him. Her face dominating the entire front of the cage, he had known she was home for quite some time so the fact that she had already showered and changed was unsurprising, but what he didn’t expect was to see her chewing on a hamburger.

                The aroma emanated from the meat were like pheromones to Adam as his stomach began to growl while his mouth salivated. He could only watch her chew at first before his eyes veered down to the massive bite mark on the burger. He desperately wanted real food. He had finished off the last of fiber bar that Riley had put in here a day ago. He had drunk through of his water as well so the bottle mountain dew beside the burger was not lost of his senses either.

                “Well what do you have to say for yourself? I will not tolerate such language from my boyfriend, and especially not someone who is going to be my fiancée one day.” Riley chided as she took another bite from the burger.

                “I’m sorry. You were right. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. Just please, don’t do that again. I’m sure we can work this out.” Adam said trying to keep his temper in check. While he knew he had to admit he was wrong and he was partly to blame the fact she took none of the blame angered him slightly, and he had inherited his father’s quick temper.

                “Now was that so hard? So did you think about anything else? Are you ready to come out?” Riley asked trying to mask her excitement over the prospect of being able to move on with their relationship.

                “God yes, just open up the door and get me the hel-hay out of here.” Adam said walking towards the door.

                “Really? You’re ready to move on from Lisa already? I knew you truly loved me. See what happens when you just accept your feelings.” Riley said looking in happily at Adam.

                “Whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m ready to get out of here, but if you think that changes how I feel about you. You’re wrong. I do care about you Riley and while Lisa and I have our faults…”

                “I knew it was too good to be true. I am glad to see you started your diet at least, but I haven’t noticed that little training wheel getting any use.” Riley answered masking the hint of frustration and sadness over Adam still not being ready to move on.

                “You can’t just…”

“No, you understand Adam. I’m doing this for your own good. You proved to Lisa that you didn’t love her the moment you got into bed with me, as that moment consummated everything we had felt over the past few weeks. You just can’t admit that. You’re so hung up on my age. I told you I was sorry for misleading you. I didn’t intend to fall in love, and I didn’t think you would fall in love with me. It just happened, and you get so far in you don’t want to lose it. I was wrong for that, and I promise not to lie again.” Riley said.

“It’s not just that Riley..” Adam got out before Riley started back in, cutting him off once again.

“I know what’s best here Adam. This is all for your own good. Once you understand that and just stop fighting me you can become the perfect boyfriend, and an even better fiancée and then husband. Now, I took the liberty of getting this divorce settlement drawn up for you. I thought it would be best to just leave Lisa everything as based off your current predicament I can’t see what use it would be to you and like I told you. I have enough money so you don’t need to ever worry.” Riley proudly stated holding the divorce documents up to the cage.

“You what? You expect me to sign that?” Adam said dismissively with a huff.

“Of course not; you really are a riot sometimes, Adam. I don’t think you could lift the pen; so I just logged into your email account and printed off some documents you had signed and emailed to yourself.  Placing the page with your signature beneath this document and when I turned on my scanner the light from it was enough to have your signature bleed through. All I had to do was trace it, but I went ahead and took liberty learning it.” Riley taking a bite of hamburger, and then a drink of mountain dew.

“You aren’t serious. I mean, you can’t do that.” Adam said his eyes staring at a picture perfect replication of his signature.

“I plan on dropping it off in the mail tomorrow during my run for you. I know you might be a little upset now, but in time you will understand that this was the right choice. As we can’t get married if you’re legally married to Lisa and you did break up with her. I’m sure you aren’t the kind of guy to lead her on. Are you Adam.” Riley said quite pointedly at the end.

“Umm no, I mean of course not. I would never lead Lisa on. But this is.” Adam got out before Riley cut him off again.

“I know what you are going to say, and there is no need to thank me. I saw how hard it was for you to break up with Lisa, and I didn’t mind getting that out there for you. Which is why based off your little disability, I’m arranging for power of attorney. As that way if any kind of accident would happen, I would have the means to properly care you. It will just take a few weeks to get arranged as I don’t want my parents to find out yet. As daddy might be a little upset that we had pre-marital sex.”

“YOU ARE WHAT!!!” Adam yelled shocked still trying to process everything.

“You are welcome Kitten. Just leave these relationship details to me, you just sort out your feelings, and get over that bitch, so we can put this chapter behind us.”

“Bitch, you don’t talk about her like that. I..i…” Adam said

“Too soon? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything buy it. I just am kind of protective about all my boyfriends and you being so tiny I just can’t help myself sometimes. But I can see you need time to process this. So you just munch on these celery sticks and I will change out that water for you and just leave you be.” Riley said while scurrying off leaving Adam in a state of shock. 


Chapter Ten: Reformatory Prison (3) by asukafan2001

Chapter Ten: Reformatory Prison (3)

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”

                                                                                                               -Robert Frost


The room was dimly lit by the moonlight shining in through the partially erect blinds while Riley’s thighs rose above him appearing as if he were standing at the Colossus of Rhodes. The smell of her perfume tickled his nose as he continued to dart his head from left to right searching for a way out. The floor had a familiar white and black zebra print.

“No, I’m on her mattress again. This isn’t happening.” Adam whined as the face of Riley loomed over head as if in response to his complaint. A giant smirk crawled across her face as she watched the diminutive man scurry for freedom.

“Run, Run as fast as you can my love.” Riley’s voice beckoned as her hand begun to lower towards him ever so slowly. The descent was so slow and methodical it drove Adam nuts.

“Why are you here?” Adam cried out as he stumbled over a fold in her comforter.  Seconds later he felt his body roughly slam against the comforter while his shoulder cried out in pain. Rolling over onto his back while grabbing his shoulder he couldn’t help but notice the now massive hand looming over him. The closer it became the larger it appeared to be.

“There’s my little Kitten.” Riley haughtily taunted while licking her lips as if he were the last piece bacon.

“st-st-stay away” pleaded Adam as her fingers twisted around him with the expertise of a surgeon.  He felt himself whisked away from the mattress with the greatest of ease rising higher and higher into the air until it seemed any attempt to break free would only mark a quick and certain death.  The helplessness of the situation brought about a panic that Adam hadn’t ever felt. While the cold reality of his hopeless plight only brought about a feeling of belittlement.

Flailing his arms about pounding against her fist as futile as it was seemed to be the only way he could show his displeasure, the only way to show his defiance. While these actions made Adam feel as if he were still a man, still having some semblance of control it only seemed to drive Riley further.

The devilish smirk of pure unadulterated bliss was pierced by her red snake like tongue that slithered through her lips parting them ever so slightly. Adam threw his arms up before him in hopes of warding her off but her warm wet tongue mashed against his nude body. The slick, wet saliva rank with the scent of pineapple and watermelon coated his skin like a fur as her tongue twisted and curled around his body.

“Stop, please.” Adam said knowing this wasn’t right. Knowing it needed to stop, but her tongue continued to work its way across his body until he felt himself lunge back into her maw. The thick lips he found so attractive, so plush and perfect were now pressed against his chest while her tongue flicked and slid across his feet.

“Stop, stop” Adam bellowed, laughing as Riley continued to tickle his feet. The more Adam pleaded and begged for mercy the more it seemed to cause her appetite to grow. Soon her tongue spread his legs apart as if they were nothing. Gingerly her tongue passed over his privates as if they were a Popsicle, while her upper and lower lips worked across his nude body as if he were the meat in an incredible sandwich.

“Ruh-Riley” was all Adam could squeak out of his mouth as her tongue now unabashedly worked its way back and forth growing his privates at such a pace a twinge of jealousy assaulted his mind.

As his willpower reached its limits Adam could feel his release about to come when his eyes flicked open as sweat poured down his face. He looked from left to right. The familiar metal bars wrapped around him. Adam gasped for air while wiping the sweat from his brow. Riley was nowhere to be found. He ran his hands over his body half expecting to be coated in saliva but only his own sweat could be found.

“A dream, I had that dream again. She’s gonna kill me. She’s gonna massacre my mind. I’m sorry Lisa. I’m so sorry.” Adam said falling back against the cedar chips while replaying yet another dream; Each one feeling more vivid, more real than the last, the dream blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

More weeks then Adam could count had passed. He long ago lost track of the all-important taskmaster that we all take for granted in time. The vibrant green leaves from the maple trees around Riley’s house had turned beautiful shades of orange and yellows as they fell to the ground. The immaculately trimmed lawn had grown brown and Riley had gone from wearing shorts to jeans and sandals to shoes.

Adam had unknowingly not just spent weeks but months in the cage. He knew his days by heart. He had long since given up his the fight over his diet and embraced the healthy lifestyle Riley had forced upon him. It was just one of many battles that he had lost.  As the days past one after another Adam found himself forgetting aspects of his previous life. He could no longer remember the sound of Lisa’s voice or sadly even his daughters laugh.

For months Adam had lived isolated from the world with the only person to see being Riley. Every shred of information filtered through her. Adam had always prided himself on being connected to what was going on in the world around him. However, now all his current events and even scores from various sporting events are all filtered through her.

It happened slowly at first. As in the beginning he was completely cut off from all events and slowly as the days toiled by Riley would bring up various news events. However, her idea of breaking news and his idea of breaking news are quite different. As during the summer he could recite every score for each American gymnast and, all the swimming times thanks to Riley as that was breaking news. A major headline to her, was a fluctuation in the relationship between Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez, but a bombing in Syria or, tensions between America and Iran souring were not so much viewed as major news. But he did manage to get some factual news here and there.

As time went by Adam begun to look forward to the news part of the day as he found himself enjoying his conversations with Riley. As he got into better shape and worked hard at dieting he found himself getting occasional rewards of various foods Riley had deemed unhealthy.  The progression was slow but, after a while he found himself wanting to make her happy and enjoying her company until it peaked one day.

He was lying in the cage when he realized he more than cared for her. He actually missed her when she was gone. Adam balked at the notion at first. She had imprisoned him in here. She had divorced him from his wife. She had even taken power of attorney over him and yet with all that he wanted to see her and he wanted to be out of here.

                When Riley came home that night Adam was ready to tell her. He was going to finally say the three words he vowed he would never utter. He was ready. He could do this. However, when she opened the door that evening after school, soccer practice, and working out with her private trainer he couldn’t do it. As soon as he saw her open the door he found his heart racing and his voice disappearing. He quickly turned around and pretended to be asleep.  He couldn’t bring himself to do it. She had taken everything from him.


                It was mid-morning when Adam heard the door open up. He quickly got his feet, curious as to why Riley was home so early. She never was home before 8:30pm at the earliest.  As she walked in Adam noticed she was wearing different clothes, but the more he thought about he never actually saw what she wore to school. As he only saw her going to practice or from her trainer. School was sandwiched in between. Adam found it weird seeing Riley in baggy tan cargo pants and an oversized black hooded sweatshirt which read “The Pretty Reckless”. She had her hair uncharacteristically pulled back tightly into a ponytail.

                “Hey, what are you doing here so early?” Adam shouted, but Riley didn’t make her way over here right away she like always did. Instead she went immediately into her closet.  He could hear moving around hangers and sifting through what sounded like clothes for a good twenty minutes before coming out with a short black sequined dress and blue and white dress.

                She walked directly over to the corner next to where his cage was and posed with both dress in front of the mirror for several minutes before draping the black dress over the desk chair and walking back into her closet with the other. Adam shook the bars of the cage to get her attention as she grabbed the dress. He wasn’t sure why she was ignoring him but, he was going to find out. He shook and yelled at Riley but, she didn’t even pay him the slightest bit of attention until a car backfired outside as it drove by.

                Riley immediately looked towards the window near Adam as her gaze started to return back to the matter at hand she had seemed to stop as she looked directly at the cage.  He couldn’t believe how relieved he felt as she started walking towards him not stopping until she was practically on top of the cage which forced Adam to take a few steps back.

                “How come you’re back here so early and, why were you ignoring me.” Adam asked but it came out a bit more hurt sounding then he intended.

                “Just wow, I mean look at you. This is incredible.” Riley said as she opened up the cage door.  Adam looked on dazed and confused as her hand moved straight towards him. Instinctively he started step away from her giant hand.  Adam shook in fear as her fingers spread about wider and wider while a cold tremor coursed through his body as his back pressed against the cold metal bars of the cage.

                Riley’s hand engulfed Adam, her fingers wrapping around him tightly as she pulled him from the cage for the first time months. As she pulled him out her fingers started to uncurl as she walked across the room staring down intently at his diminutive body. The bed springs squeaked ever so slightly as she sat down.

                “Wha-what are you doing?” questioned Adam as she grabbed his arm roughly and moved it up and down slightly pulling him off her hand before releasing his grip on her right arm and watching him drop back into the palm of her hand. The massive pad of her finger pressed down on his stomach traveling downward stopping as her finger ran over his privates. 

                Adam felt himself lift upwards bringing him eyelevel with her. She took her opposite hand and separated his legs with ease as tilted her head from side to side completely focused on his privates. While holding his legs open Riley extended her middle finger and began gently stroking his privates. Adam tried in vain to close his legs or fight her off but her strength was overwhelming.

                “What are doing? Why are you doing this? STOP!!”  Cried Adam as she continued to fondle him until he came over himself and her finger. He watched as she brought her finger up to her mouth licked it off before laughing.

                “Well, well, well , isn’t this just great.” Riley spat angrily as she stood up walking back across the room grabbing black dress from the chair and putting it back into closet before heading towards the door.

                “Where are you taking me? Why aren’t you answering me Riley?” Adam shouted as loud as he could

                “Shhhhh” Riley said bringing her pointer finger over her lips before completely closing her hand around the tiny man. Unsure of what to do Adam complied. As he wasn’t sure what was going on but, whatever it was had Riley quite spooked. He shook back and forth slightly as she rushed down the hall and bounded up another flight up stairs.



This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=2907