Boarding School Bust by asukafan2001
Summary: This is a tale about a little guy who gets stuck at a boarding school. While he tries to escape he continues to get mixed up in these girls problems.

Categories: Instant Size Change, Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Body Exploration, Butt, Entrapment, Humiliation, Insertion, Mouth Play, Unaware Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: Boarding School Bust Universe
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 28397 Read: 91596 Published: February 24 2006 Updated: February 24 2006
Chapter 1 by asukafan2001

Boarding School Bust

My name is Jake Thomas. I have lived in Prairie Gulf for most of my life. I hate it here so much. It is the most boring town I have ever had the remorse of living in. The most excitement that happens here is the winter “fun” Carnival and I use the term fun loosely. All anyone ever does there is just watch a parade and hang out with your friends and then you go to a lame dance where they play 60’s music that no one but our parents has ever heard of and on top of that how cool is it to go to a dance with your parents. I want some fun so that’s where this ring comes into play.

This ring has been in my family for years and years. It has been in my family for so many generations no one really knows how we got it. My grandmother has kept it under lock and key for as long as I have been alive but last week I swiped it. I never understood why she kept it under lock and key until I got it home and started playing around with it. This ring can make your dreams come true. It controls what you are. As long as I have this ring I can be anything, or anyone I want. I have developed the perfect plan to get myself some fun around here. It all started the night I got home after swiping the ring from my grandma. I had just got done listening to my girlfriend break up with me and I said something along the lines of I always feel so small around her while at the same time I had my finger over the gem in the ring and viola I was very small and I was in the family room in my girlfriends house. That was quite the fiasco because I also learned that once you make a wish the gem in the ring turns black and you cant use it again until it returns to its blood red color. There is no real set time that it takes for the gem to take back it just does after awhile. It could take minutes or hours or days.

I have had the greatest idea. Since I go to a public school I get the next week off for parent teacher conferences. So I am going to Prairie Gulf Boarding School for girls. There hasn’t been a guy within those walls since 1887 when it was founded. A few years ago they remodeled and they had an all female construction crew. No one accept the people who work there and the students who go there know what it looks like beyond those metal gates and I am going to be the first guy to find out. With this little ring I can slip in undetected and have a little fun, a little adventure and see some really hot girls. It’s like some kind of rule if you go there you just have to be hot. I swear only future models go there or something. Its insane and they all have these cute red plaid skirts. These white dress shirts with a tie and then a red blazer to go with it. Or sometimes they have sweaters its just something you have to see. Words can’t do this justice. Lets just say it’s the kind of place your fantasies take place in. I know you know what I am talking about. The ones where you are at the mercy of a group of giant girls who can do whatever they want to you. Grasping you with their hands, playing with you, teasing you, tormenting you. Becoming their tool for pleasure.

I grabbed my backpack and started packing in various supplies that I would need for my adventure. I then lastly grabbed the ring and took a deep breath. I then opened up my window and climbed onto the roof of my house. I then leapt over to the oak tree and climbed down to the ground. I then ran half a mile to the interstate and then made a mad dash across that. After crossing the interstate I breathed a sigh of relief as the running part of my adventure is done for now. Just before I approach the metal gates I use the ring to make myself only an inch tall. It all happens so fast. Before I know it I am only an inch tall, clothes and all. I look down at the rings gem and see that’s it black. About an hour later I realize I should have walked a little closer to the gate because when your only a inch tall it takes a lot longer to walk 200 hundred yards then it does when your 6’1” About another hour passes by and I finally reach the gate. As I easily slip through the gates I smile as I actually have accomplished something no man has ever done. I made it through the gates of Prairie Gulf Boarding School. I am where no male has ever been.

The next several hours I spend walking towards the school. I didn’t realize how big the property is. I do know that once I get inside one of these buildings I wont have to go outside ever again because all the buildings are connected by skyways and underground tunnels.

Walking through the grassy plain that rises before me more like a forest then just a bunch of grass. I start to hear a roaring crunch, crunch, crunch coming ahead of me. I stop immediately in my tracks. The cracking and crashing of what sounds like buildings, trees, all around me. Just in front of me I see a massive white object appear and then I turn around and see one behind me. Then it disappears. In a panic I start freaking out and screaming. I start to pound at the ground and try to rip up pieces of grass by its roots. I start to regain my composure and look around at the ground in front of me. The grass is flattened like pavement.

That was my first encounter with a giantess. Seeing the destructive power and nature at first hand. The very grass I struggle to pull, to rip, to break, is trampled to death. Laying in a flat, vast wasteland. One girl destroyed enough land that I could put a house on it in one step of her foot. That trampled, flattened ground could have been me. At that moment I realize the destructive power that these girls have. That this is not some fun and games. I want to go home. I look down at my ring and see that it is still black. I look back in the direction the gates lay and I see nothing. It’s too far for me to see. I look ahead and see the door. Knowing that I have no choice I continue walking towards the door.

I crawled under the door and entered the main hallway. The ceilings are so high I can’t even see them. I look down at my ring and see that it’s still black. In the distance I spot one of the girls here. I start running towards her hoping that she will have some place that I can hide on her. Just as I make it to her she starts standing up. I leap onto the strap of her backpack as she picks it up and puts the strap over her shoulder. I look down at the floor that seems to be a long ways away now. As she starts walking it feels like I am holding onto the rear spoiler of an Indy car going full speed. The strap swings from side to side and once in awhile it hits her leg. I can’t help but look at her short red plaid skirt. I start to daydream of climbing up on it or maybe into it. As soon as the thoughts enter my head I decided against it. I just want to get big and get out of here. As she turns into the cafeteria I see hundreds upon hundreds of girls sitting down and eating. As I look at all the girls I start to lose my grip, as my attention is no longer on trying to hold on but look at all the girls here.

I fly off the strap and flutter in mid air momentarily then start my downward descent. A plate a pancakes looms in front of me. I try to move my body in one direction or the other but I fall smack dab in the middle of largest pancake I have ever seen.
“If I was any smaller she wouldn’t be able to see me here”

The moment I said that i started to feel funny. I knew what was going on as the pancake grew bigger and bigger. I cursed myself at my stupidity. I start running towards the edge but as I start running I see a large nipple overhead. A thick brown maple syrup spreads across the entire pancake firmly sticking me into place. I stare up at the owner of the pancake and I see a red headed beauty. She has her hair pulled back into a ponytail and a plaid skirt with a sweater with the school crest embroidered onto it. Her fork cuts into the soft pancake a wave of syrup runs over my body. I continue to flail my body hoping she spots me but she continues eating getting closer and closer to me.


“So Kim, are you in forthe party tonight? Its in Kacie’s room.”

“Of course I am, I paid my money already for pizza”

Her fork then crashes down on top of me. I scream as her fork smashes me into her plate. I then find myself stuck onto the fork. I try to push myself off of the cold metal fork buts its no use. Kim spears the fork and me into her pancake. As I am lifted up off her plate and towards her dark cavernous mouth. Saliva drips from the top row of her teeth to the bottom. Her mouth watering in anticipation of the warm gooey goodness. As I am shoved through her lips and into her mouth her lips close locking me in darkness. I can smell her blueberry-scented breath everywhere. As her fork starts to pull out of her mouth I now clench onto the fork for with my life knowing I will be easily swallowed and killed if I remain this girls mouth. As she pulls the fork out I feel myself being left behind. I start shoving and fighting my way through her lips. With one final mighty shove I make it through while at the same time she opens her mouth making my final blast all for not and I tumble down landing onto her plaid skirt. As I rest here staring up at her I contemplate what I have gotten myself into.

As Kim starts to stand up I start to slide down her plaid skirt. Just as I feel nothing but air on my back I grab a loose string that is hanging from her skirt. I feel just like James Bond as I dangle from her. I guess I got the excitement I wanted I think to myself as she begins walking.

Everything is in a blur as Kim takes hallway after hallway twisting and turning about and I remain hanging onto the string. As Kim turns a corner I lose my grip and fly off of her skirt. I feel my body want to explode as I hit the carpet and roll end over end. I begin to pick my battered body up off the floor and see the most amazing woman I have seen in my life.
< gone. were they instant next the In sky. in up high floating clouds fluffy pink like looked but gentlemen be to trying away quickly I panties. her saw and ground of myself pulled as face. my on flat fall me caused besides footfalls aftershock The me. upon already shoes black Kim’s matter. even significant two down whom listening beetle a nothing was conversation having gods that It above far so now voice Her room. entering Kim see around turned walk. continued behind from coming footsteps heard breeze. strong created swinging bag size at because walk hard it made which forth back swung again. time gigantic punch kick beauty blonde watched width="309" height="480">

“Kacie are you almost done in here?”

“Yeah just five more minutes hold up.”

“Okay but I don’t want to be late again for mythology. I hate being late and having to sit in front.”

“Well Mrs. Johnson is a bitch simple as that. I will hurry. I will pretend this punching bag is her.”

I now started sprinting towards Kacie’s purse in the corner. I really didn’t want to be left behind in here for god only knows what person. Maybe some old cleaning lady or some 80-year-old grandma to find. I was no longer paying attention to my tired legs or swollen body. I was just trying to get the bag.

“If only I was even a couple inches bigger this wouldn’t hurt my ears so much.”

I felt my body expanding. I mentally screamed “noooo” in my head knowing that I wasted a wish again. I swear this ring is evil. I think to myself. As my body grows the pain starts to go away. I realize that after each transformation my body must rejuvenate or something like that. I felt ten times better and now the purse didn’t seem so far away.

That’s when I was knocked onto my back. In the background I heard the black punching bag being knocked senseless the ringing of each pound after wailing pound was deafening to my tiny ears. Before I could roll over there was a tremendous pressure at my back and then at the same time my chest. I looked around to realize I was being picked up off the ground. I tried to turn around but I couldn’t crane my neck far enough around for myself to be able to see. It was then all done for me. A face the size of three IMAX screens was before me. It was Kim. I started squirming in her hand. Her eyes were locked on me like radar.

“What do we have here? You look so cute! You remind me of the little dolls I use to play with when I was younger. But you are clearly no doll. You are a man, well kind of. A doll man, a mini man, Micro man even. You are first boy I have seen in quite sometime.”

“WHOA, WHOA, WHOA princess put me down. I am not your toy; I am not your plaything. I am just a guy trying to find a place to hide till I can get back to my normal size. So why don’t you put me down. I will go about my way. You can go your and.”

“Did you just call me princess? You did not just call me princess!”
“Fine then, BITCH put me down.”

“What are you going to do if I don’t? The way you are talking to me in fact I am definitely not going to put you down. I just might do this.”

Her fingers start to stroke my body up and down. Her warm sensuous fingers warm my body like a hot bath on a cold winters day. Her fingers hit every inch of my body as they run up and down me. Starting out my legs then her pinky finger runs up my legs and rubs my cock and then up my chest and then she squeezes my biceps and ruffles my hair. She then opens up her palm and I lay flat in it breathing intensely. She raises her palm up to her mouth. I watch her lips curl and then with ease her warm blueberry breath blows me over on my back. Her fingers run down the small of my back and then she squeezes my ass and then runs down my legs. Her tongue extends towards me. I can feel her saliva dripping onto me shirt.

“Kim who are you talking too? What are you doing!?”

“Oh um, well”

“What do you got there?”

The face of the girl she called Kacie comes overhead. Sweat dripping down her face onto my back. Kim gently rolls me over with her pinky finger. Kacie’s face looms over me almost sending me into shock. My body freezes up as I stare at her. Only my eyes can move. Darting back and forth between the duo. They are both so pretty but Kacie is hands down perfect. She should be a model.

“Kim are you thinking what I am thinking?”

Without a word Kim starts to walk. I am bounced around in the palm of her hand as she holds it flat. I roll from side to side trying to grab onto something but there is nothing to grab. Her every step enough to knock me off but she tilts her hand from left to right keeping me balanced in the palm of her hand. Then her hand just tilts and I roll end over even into Kacie’s purse.


“I guess you were thinking what I was after all Kim.”
Without a word Kim starts to walk. I am bounced around in the palm of her hand as she holds it flat. I roll from side to side trying to grab onto something but there is nothing to grab. Her every step enough to knock me off but she tilts her hand from left to right keeping me balanced in the palm of her hand. Then her hand just tilts and I roll end over even into Kacie’s purse.

“I guess you were thinking what I was after all Kim.”

I felt the purse lifted into the air and I was shimmed from side to side. I could hear the girls giggling as they walked down the hall. I made my way to the wall of the purse and tried to squeeze out of the holes but I was much to big for that I was prisoner of these two girls for now. I could do nothing but wait for a opportunity to escape.

Hours went by which seemed to take more like days. You have no idea how incredibly boring being in a purse is. However finally we entered Kacie’s room. There were 2 other beds besides her in the room. The very second she closed the door she sat down on her bed and pulled me out. She set me down on the bed and then started to take off her red plaid skirt. Just as she was going to take her top off her phone rang. She grabbed her headset and put it on.

I took the liberty of exploring my new surroundings. As she sat on her bed I started to walk around her. I couldn’t believe how incredibly small I was compared to her. She was like the statue of liberty and I was a small ant crawling at its feet. The moment I turned the corner I saw the most perfect ass I had ever seen in my life. My heart skipped a beat. I had always been what some would call an ass man.

“We got some cornbread up in this bitch!”

The second I opened my mouth I knew I had made a mistake. Kacie’s head whipped around faster then I could blink. Her hair made a swooshing sound that sounded like the cold hard steel blade of a sword cutting through the air. A clear, clean slice of every blade of her hair. She looked down at me and I quickly moved my hand away from her ass. I then backed away from her ass knowing that I couldn’t go anywhere. I couldn’t run anywhere. Her bed is much to high for me to get down. I was her prisoner and I had no choice in the matter.

“So you like my ass don’t you little man.”

“I know exactly how to care for little guys like you, but right now I have to meet some friends so your going to wait here for me.”

I watched intently as she threw on some clothes. She was so big and could move so agilely. She had no wasted movement. As she walked out the door I walked over to the edge of her bed. I stared down at the floor. I looked over for her phone cord but I saw that she had cordless phone and a cell phone laying on the bed. I kept searching but I wasn’t coming up with anything. I was starting to get frustrated. I wasn’t a patient person and I was being forced to wait for this girl to comeback. Jake Thomas waits for on one. Finally my frustrations erupted and I jumped off the edge of the bed. I was in free fall for a time that was almost non existent. When I hit the hard wood floor I felt every bone in my body implode upon itself and crush. Millions upon millions of bone fragments spread across my body. I looked at my ring and saw that I was able to make a wish. I didn’t want to have to waste it on this but I didn’t want to die here either.


“I wish that I wasn’t hurt.”

If being broken to almost death was painful then feeling your body put yourself back together surely has to be death. However I was still alive and off the bed so I couldn’t really complain. The door started swing open and I saw what I thought was going to be Kacie but was a brand new girl. I dashed under Kacie’s bed and then walked the length of her bed so I could spy on this other girl.

She tosses her shirt and blazer on the floor and then grabs a black T-shirt. She then kicks off her shoes which forces me to run as one of her shoes almost land atop of me. I am now standing in the middle of the floor. So I dash towards her bed. She has a flannel comforter on her bed that hangs down and touches the floor on both sides of her bed. So I dive under the comforter and hide. As I am entrenched in darkness I start to feel safer since she cant see me. I then look around and see what looks more like a garbage can then the underside of a bed. Bags of chips, pizza boxes, soda cans, cracker boxes, and even a jar of peanut butter all lie under her bed.

Each movement she makes on her bed makes her springs creek. Wanting to get a better look at her I go against my better since of judgement and start climbing up the side of her bed. As I pull myself over and onto her mattress I breathe heavily and I lay back onto her bed staring up at the ceiling. As I do so I had totally forgotten that she was also on the bed. By the time I dart up I see her staring intently at me from the other side of the bed. The opposite side of the bed looks like a few hundred feet to me but her arm easily stretches across the distance. She flicks me over with one finger and starts to examine me like I am some kind of test subject.

“Well, well, well what has Tawnee found to entertain herself today?!”

I didn’t really care for the way she said entertain herself but I looked back at her knowing that I didn’t have a choice either. Before I could even say anything she had me in the palm of her hand looking at me further. She would roll me around and press down on various parts of my body checking if I was real.

“You are a real boy aren’t you. Just like Pinocchio.”

Her eyes smirked evilly at me. I didn’t like the look or glint in her eye. As she walked over to her mini fridge she set me down on a paper plate. I started running across the plate but before I could make any progress I was pummeled by frozen pizza rolls. They were huge I thought to myself. They looked like gigantic hay bails. As I looked up at her I watched he with ease rip a frozen pizza roll in half. Which I might add is no easy task.

“I am one step ahead of you what is your name again? Is it whore? No that’s not it you put out to much to be called that. Even whores turn some people down. Is it bitch? No even a bitch has a good quality and you have none. If you look at the pizza rolls and back at me you can easily see that I would have to be smaller to fit into a pizza roll.”

I started to feel my body tingle and diminish in size once again. The pizza rolls on the plate grew bigger and bigger. I looked up at Tawnee’s face it grew farther and farther away. The smaller I got the more I panicked as I realized what she had in store for me. I ran faster then I had ever ran before to get off of this plate and maybe find a crack or a mouse hole that I could hide in. Her fingers quickly overwhelmed me and I was dangling so high up in the air I looked for a stealth bomber to fly by me or maybe see a space shuttle fly by me. I couldn’t help but wonder how small I had gotten. With out hesitation she pushed my body into the pizza roll and then put the top back on.

As I heard the door to microwave close I tried to push the top off but it was too heavy. No matter how hard I pushed I would never be able to budge this thing.

“Curse this damn ring I thought to myself. Curse it to mother fucking hell and may it burn into nothing.”

The pizza sauce started getting hotter and hotter. I could feel my skin being burnt. My cries of pain were drown out by the whizzing of the microwave. The cheese started to melt to my skin. I tried vainly to push the top off of the pizza roll but it had now cooked back together. For the first time in quite a few years I started crying as I realized I was going to be eaten to death. Why didn’t I just stay on Kacie’s bed. I thought to myself. I could feel the plate start to shake as She walked over to her bed. I could faintly hear the door open up and Tawnee talking to someone. I could tell it wasn’t Kacie’s voice. I don’t think I could forget the voice of my queen. If only I could get back to my normal size I would ask her out somehow. I am not quite sure how but I would.

“Oh Pizza Rolls let me have one. I love those little things.”

“Oh um Alicia (AL) I am really hungry I…”

“Oh come on its just one and I always give you some of my stuff.”

“Your right it is just one.” in a worried tone.

I felt the pizza roll I was in start to lift up. I knew this was it and I didn’t even know who was going to do me in. Would it be Tawnee or the girl she called Al. I could feel a the air current whiz by me and I looked up to see a gaping whole where there use to be pizza roll. It wasn’t Tawnee who had me But the other girl. I knew I had to escape before she got ready for her next bite. I struggled, pushed and fought my way to try to free myself but it was no use. I could feel myself being raised towards her mouth. I was going to be tossed in and dismembered by this girl with a very nice smile and a cute face and a nice white hat and shirt but her mouth was dark and black. The closer I got the more I could tell she was staring at something. I soon realized it was me. She was non-chalantly staring at me without trying to draw attention but why? Its almost like she knew I was here. She then got up and headed out of the room. I continued my struggle to escape I was not going to be some girls snack thing. We then stopped and I heard her knock at someone’s door. As she ran in I knew that I wasn’t in danger of being eaten just yet.

“CARMEN!!!! YOU HAVE TO SEE WHAT I GOT! You need to see this little thing!!!”

I felt relief and fear at the same time. Things weren’t exactly going as I had planned. I was hoping to remain inconspicuous and so far I have done just the opposite. I have been in some sort of danger at every turn. As I looked up expecting the worse I saw a very pretty face. Not pretty like Kacie but this Carmen was pretty in her own way.

“He is so tiny. Where did you find him? How did you get him? Is he real? He looks real but small? Why he is in a pizza roll? He likes injured? I think he needs some love? The poor little animal is hurt. That’s so sad well you brought him to the right place. My daddy’s a vet little thing. I know just how to care for little wounded animals like you. It will be okay I help him out every summer since forever. You don’t need to be afraid.”


“Did you call me animal? Listen here I am not some kind of sick wounded creature that needs your love well maybe some loving yeah some loving all night long. All up inside of you.”

Both girls just stared down at me. I soon figured out that even there quietest of voices and noises could drown out mine. Thinking back at what I said I was glad that they didn’t hear anything that I said. Carmen then dangled some dental floss in front of me and I grabbed ahold as she pulled me out. As soon as I was out I fell back into her soft hands. Her hands felt like a bed of soft warm feathers. She gently carried me over to her bed and set me down on her pillow.

“I don’t have a roommate so don’t worry about anyone coming in. Its going to be just me and Al here so get some rest okay.”

She was talking to me like I was a baby or a new kitten but I didn’t mind. For the first time in my life I had to gorgeous women waiting on me hand and foot.

I found myself to tired to even think and I drifted unknowingly to sleep.

As I awoke staring up at the plain white ceiling I turned over and saw the pink pillow and then the events of earlier started to run back into my head. I looked over and saw Carmen sleeping next to me. She only in wearing a bra and panties from what I could see that I would be able to easily climb up on top of Carmen. Using her hair as a rope I climbed up onto her face. Her skin was warm and soft. As I started walking across her face my feet sunk into her cheeks. Her spongy skin slide between my toes as I walked. I then proceeded to slide down to her neck. I was now level with her breasts. My heart started to beat harder and harder with every step I take. I nervously extended my hand out towards her bra.

“Need some help tiny?”

I embarrassingly look back at her but she calmly looks back at me and skillfully removes her bra. Her tit flesh was bigger then I had anticipated. I uncontrollably ran towards them. I wrapped my arms as far as they could reach around her breasts. I could hear her soothing heart bead as I laid my head onto her breast like a pillow. As she breathed in and out I could feel her chest rise and fall at my feet which then made her breasts shake a little but it was more of a calm rhythmic rocking that you would feel on a boat. One of her hands I could then feel move onto me. I expected to be pulled away but she merely placed her hand on top of me gently rubbing me and her breast at the same time. We both slowly drifted back to sleep.

Some time later there was a knock at Carmen’s door. She bolted up from bed forgetting I was even there. I was now hanging from her nipple. As she stood up I tried screaming to her but she was to dazed and tired to hear. As she opened up the door I saw that it was Tawnee at the door. I had no where to hide. I tried pulling myself up onto the top of one of Carmen’s breasts but it was no use. I wasn’t strong enough to pull my body up like that. Tawnee then used Carmen’s dazed stupor to quickly and swiftly grab me. In a moment I was in her grip. I could no longer hear what was going on but I then felt Tawnee and I flying down the hallway almost. No, it was grinding but what? I could tell she then fell onto something soft because we bounced up and down. Her hands slowly started to uncurl and the dimly lit room came into view.

“You know, I have always dreamed of having my own tiny person to have my way with. I have always been fascinated with being a goddess. I even surf onto GTS sites. I have envisioned doing all sorts of things to my tiny man if I ever got one. Stuffing him in my shoe, bra, etc. Torturing him, making me worship me for his own survival. You see for 4 long years I have had to live my fantasy through stories like the coeds through stories like Change for a 22. Through video’s and segments that are produced by professional and non professional people. But now no more. Now I have my own tiny slave.”


I was no afraid for my life. I started running in no particular direction but her hand caught and over powered me. She carried me over to a pile where where clothes from earlier sat. I stared up at her and her face was cold. Her expression was cruel. Without a care she dropped me into the same fishnet stockings she had on earlier. As I hit bottom I struggle to stand up but my legs slide through holes in the stockings. I try to fight my way out but she starts swinging the stocking around and around in the air faster and faster. I felt like I was on that ride at the fair called the zipper.

“You look so cute in there. Trapped like wounded animal and the only two people who can save you aren’t here. Al is out working out she wont be back for a long time and no one knows where Kacie is. This time your all mine to crush and kill any way I please. “
Oh don’t worry I will be back shortly. I just have to get a few things. You can hang out here while I am away.”

She then opened the door to her closet and tied stocking on the bar in the closet. With a happy smile as she looked down at me fighting my way to just stand back up she closed and locked her closet door.

I could hear her footsteps returning. The heavy footfalls from Tawnee are unmistakable. As the closet door opened up I shook in fear from inside her fishnet stockings. As I was dumped out into the palm of her hand I saw a decorative lantern on her desk. I already knew that’s where we were heading before she ever started walking. Tawnee started to tilt her hand and I slid down her palm and then I grasped the edge of the glass cylinder around the lantern. I looked down the long glass walls and saw the flickering flame below. The heat at my feet was intense. Sweat started to bead at my forehead and soon my body was covered in the itchy, salty sweat. My hands grew to slick to hold onto the rim of the cylinder and I slid down to the bottom of the lantern. I pressed my back against the glass wall but the flame had made the glass very hot and the skin on my back ended up severely singed. I pulled away from the glass wall and almost fell into the fire. I could hear Tawnee’s laugh echo through the room. I looked over to see her falling back on her bed. Her hand pulls her shirt up and I see her reach her arm over to her nightstand and grab something. I however start hoping up and down as the ground around the flame grows hotter and hotter with each passing moment. Tawnee’s sexual moans of pleasure rang in my ears. I couldn’t believe she was getting off on my torture.


A hour or so has gone by. I am starting to wonder if I will ever get out of here. Tawnee is just laying in her bed sleeping. Its like I don’t exist at all to her. My back is now so numb I can lay my back against the hot glass and not feel anything. I then see the door swing open. I breathe a sigh of relief as I see Kacie walk in. She turns her head towards the lantern immediately.

“TAWNEE!!! How could you be so mean. OH MY GOD!”

Before Tawnee could even sit up the glass cylinder is lifted off the lantern and Kacie easily blows the flame out. Since my back was against the glass wall As it was lifted up I tumbled off of the lantern but luckily I fell back into Kacie’s waiting hands.

“Oh Alec are you okay? Have you gotten smaller?”

“Kacie thank you so much. Did you call me Alec? I’m not Alec I am Jake.”

“I’m not Kacie I am her sister Abby. You mean she has another little man. Well then I am going to take you back to the gym with me then.”


(For background information on Kacie and Abby, to find out who Alec is. You can read the antics of there previous adventures with a shrunken man in the story "Put Me Down!" Just follow the following link. Adventure's of Kacie and Abby)

I was already headed out of the room with Kacie’s sister Abby. I have never met Identical twins before. I was however confused on why she called me Alec. Is there another tiny man around here? I had no time to think because before I could finish my thought we walked into the gym where I saw Kacie already working out. From the palm of her sister’s hand I was in no where free from this insanity. I was now at the mercy of two girls I couldn’t tell apart and two girls who I knew nothing about.


“So little guy what’s your story? How come your so tiny?”

“Yeah Speak up or we might have to give you back to Tawnee!”

The thought of being in Tawnee’s grubby paws really scares me. I look back and forth between the girls. I am torn between to tell then and to not. I really don’t want them to know about the ring and yet I don’t want to go back to Tawnee. I got it. I am a genius sometimes.

“Well, you see back at my house I made a shrinking machine and I used it on myself to see what it would be like.”

In unison. “OH PLEASE!! You expect us to believe something like that. You invented a shrink ray!”

Kacie and Abby then stare at each other with a quizzical look across there faces.

“What do you mean Oh please!! Is the truth not good enough for you two or what?”

“It’s just your story is a little far fetched. It sounds like something out of Mystery Science theater 3000. I think you are here for our amusement and pleasure.”

Kacie quickly buts in interrupting her sister Abby!”

“Yep you shrunk just to please me and me alone. You will be my little subject assisting me in my duties of curing horniness and after a sweaty volleyball practice you can lick the sweat from my body. Then if you do a good job I will…”

“Excuse me!!! Serve you and you alone? I saved him from the lantern. “

Jake looks between the girls puzzled at what to believe and a little embarrassed over two girls fighting over him and not just two girls. Two really hot twin sisters. I have never really been much of a babe magnet. I am not ugly by any means but there a lot of guys better looking then me. Now I have these two luscious beauties fighting over me.

“Well you know ladies there is plenty enough of me to go around.”

They both stare down at me and burst out laughing uncontrollably.

“There is hardly enough to please us.”

“What’s that suppose to mean!!! And put me down. I will not be treated like this.”

“Put you down? [giggle] Your coming to my room for a little get together.”

“Oh really! I would like to get you together with me dick.”

“Oh is that what you call that scrappy looking thing down there? I have had hang nails bigger than that thing!”

“Scrappy? This is 6 inches of love here ladies!”

“Six inches!! Your whole body is only 4 and if you ask me its more like 6 millimeters if your lucky.

Abby finally clenches the hand she has Jake which subdues his all of his arguments. She smiles happily as she can feel him squirming in her hand. Trying to push up on her fingers. Pushing with all his might to push against her clenched fist.

“Well little man do you want out of my fist? Then I expected to hear the magic words.”

“You better hurry Abby is very impatient she doesn’t like waiting.”“I am sorry Abby! There are you happy. Now let me go you stupid cunt.”

“HAHAHA He called you a cunt Abby!! He knows you just after 20 minutes!”

“What’s that? You want to spend your life with Tawnee!! I think that’s what he said didn’t you hear that Kacie?”

“Hey I didn’t get my turn with him Abby.”

In a muffled voice. “Ladies, Ladies, Ladies, I am like Pamela Anderson everyone gets a ride”

“Your more like nag with one foot in the glue factory if you ask me!”

“Well if I wanted your few cents I would put the change in your slot and hop on because I would get a better ride but I wasn’t talking to you.”

“Oh man this little guy is ripping you a new one Abby! Were keeping him!!”

“Sure you can peel him off the bottom of my shoe.”

“How would I get on the bottom of your shoe? I didn’t know it ever left your ass!”

I then her absolutely nothing. I could just feel the gently swinging of her arm. I tried calling you but I heard no answer. I tried making a wish to be bigger but nothing happened. I still don’t understand this ring. It seems to work when it can make my life more miserable but when it comes to helping me it always seems like its broken for those parts. The creaking of a door broke through my thoughts.

“Where are we? Someone please answer me!”

I counted the minutes I was in her hand. I started out just counting seconds to myself then once I hit a minute I just added up the minutes. It helped past the time. After 8 minutes had passed Abby’s titanium grip was released. With a heavy thud I landed head first in a bird cage. I noticed Abby took great pleasure in sealing me in here. I tried opening the door but it was no use. Only one of them could open this door.

“Well how does the little man like it in there now? Where’s your smart quips?”

“Awe, Do we have to keep him in there? It’s not like he did anything wrong?”

“What do you mean wrong? That little shrimp was talking back to me? Who does he think he is? He is just a little earth worm squirming around at my feet.”

“Come on Abby? I was just playing I didn’t mean any harm.”

“Yeah he was just playing so lets let him out!”

“Abby I know you want too. I can see it spelled out on your face. Your not a bad person. Your eyes have that innocent look. Your milky soft skin just glows so radiantly with your personality. I didn’t know you were getting upset with our little exchange.”

“Well pencil dick you sure changed your tune fast. You are kind of cute though. How could I stay mad at you.”

“Yeah I mean he meant you were a stupid cunt with love Abs. ”

“Yeah I meant you were a stupid loose cunt who lacks brain with the utmost respect.”
“Yeah, sure I will let you out. I mean whatever was I thinking. Let me just grab the Key and unlock the door and Oh wait I remember why I cant do that. Because I don’t want too. Because I Don’t have too. Because your ours now and right now your staying in that cage because I say so. Because your mouth has wrote some checks your ass cant cash. If you want out of that cage then do it yourself. Otherwise you can just stay in there until the girls come.”

“Awe Abby!”

“AWE Kacie!!!!”

“OOOOHHHH you make me so mad sometimes.”

“I was wondering if I could get some food.”

“Oh the little guy was wondering if he could get some food.”

“Thanks Abby! I haven’t eaten in quite sometime.”

“Who do I like to you? Tom Bodette? We don’t run a motel 6 here and we sure as hell aren’t leaving the light on for you.”

“Awe I will get you something to eat little fella.”

“Thanks Kacie, Your so good to me.”

“No problem I love you little guys.”

“Oh brother! Your lucky Kacie is here or else!”

Kacie grabbed a piece of lunch meat for me and a cracker and slid it through the bars. I hungrily ate away as the girls puttered around there room preparing for something. By the time I had finished eating there was a knock at the door. I looked around my cage for a place to hide but there was none. I was a little nervous about subjecting myself to strange girls but I had no real choice.

As Kacie opened the door I saw a rather sporty looking girl walk in. Not as athletically built as Kacie and Abby but still really athletic. Her dark brown almost red hair called to me. The moment she stepped into the room her eyes stopped on the cage. I started to back pedal to the far wall hoping that she wouldn’t recognize me.

“What kind of bird did you get?”

A perplexed look crosses Kacie’s face as she looks at Courtney. “What do you mean bird? Why would you think we have a bird? I don’t even like birds.”

“Well you have a birdcage and I don’t know what else you would keep one.”


“Oh you don’t have a shrunken man to put in yours?” Retorts Abby.

“Shrunken man? [laughs] There is no such thing but it would be nice to see one.”

The closer and closer she gets the more my heart wants to leap out of my chest and run away. I could only look at her from the confines of my cage waiting for the moment of her seeing me. Then I happened, and I saw her running towards the cage. It sounded more like a stampede of wild elephants. She pressed her face against the bars of the cage looking at me. It was a little disorienting to see a face so up close. She is a very pretty girl but seeing a face bigger then your whole body a few inches from your body the thing tends to look quite hideous. Without a thought she opened the door to the cage. I looked over to see Abby and Kacie only watching.

“Oh yeah the cases are down in my room is what I was coming to tell you. You don’t mind if I stay here while you get them do you. This is the most incredible thing I have ever seen.”

Kacie and Abby were talking about something as they walked out of the room but I couldn’t her what they said but my moment of broken concentration on Courtney is all that she needed to grab me. Her fingers curled around me like she had held a man before. I was pulled out of the cage and I was face to face with her breasts. Her small breasts were only being contained by a small red sports bra of sorts. I wanted so badly to just rip it off. As Courtney laid back down on a bed she set me down on her stomach. I was trying to be a gentlemen but my man side of me took over and I ran towards her breasts. I tried pulling off the top she had on but I found my body much to weak.

“HAHA, Well you remind me of my boyfriend I had before I came here. He always went for the breasts first. He thought of nothing but my body but it looks like you don’t have the power to”

“Oh I got the power to make your motor run all week long.”

“I would have guessed that you had the power to make a night light flicker.”


“You’re my little doll with to whatever I want with for now.”

I had just climbed over her breasts and what nice breasts they were. They are small yet firm. But even these once small breasts are no menacing. Good think they aren’t any bigger. I then felt my body start to dwindle a little and her breasts grew larger and larger. I tried yelling to her for help but she soon sat up and I tumbled back onto her breasts. As she stood up she unconsciously adjusted her top. Normally I wouldn’t care but while she adjusted me between her breasts.

“Hey Little thing where did you go? Did I scare you? I was just playing around I haven’t even ever had a boyfriend. Come on out. Here manny, manny, manny!”

I couldn’t believe it she was calling me like I was some sort of kitty. I remember my girlfriends younger sister calling there little cat like that before he died saying Here kitty, kitty, kitty. As she started to walk about the room I kept trying to push against the fabric of top trying to free myself but it was no use. As she bent down to look under the bed I kept hoping I would fall out but I merely hung almost upside down. There was then a knock at the door. As Courtney walks to the door I couldn’t believe I ever called her breasts small. I was being bounced up and down with every step. I started yelling towards her but she was still scanning the room for me I guess by the way her head is turning from left to right. As she opens the door. As Courtney jumps up and down with the other girl my stomach is sent into sea of sickness. As they hug I scream as while they hug Courtney’s shirt slides down enough where I spill out of her breasts into this other girls breasts.

I can now hear nothing but dead silence because I am head first into her breasts. I keep kicking legss but I don’t even know if she can see anything or how much they extend out If any. I felt so embarrassed and helpless at the same time.


As they walk about the room I start thinking how embarrassing it would be to have them find me here. it’s a good thing I am a little smaller. However as luck would have it my body started enlarging. My head was trying to push out of the bottom of this new girls top. I then felt something at my legs. I was pulled out this new girls breasts. I started to sweat in nervousness as I looked into the face of both girls.

“Well Courtney its looks like this man is some place he shouldn’t be.”

“Oh yes! I think that calls for punishment.”

“OOOOOOO yes punishment is good!”

“Girls, please let me explain. I got stuck in..”

Courtney then presses her face up close to mine. I can feel her hot breathe spill over me with every breath she takes. I fight in this new girls hands but her grip is surprisingly secure.

“Save it little man, No one cares about your thoughts.”

The way she said that was so cold and cool. So heartless, it made my insides start to shake. I was soon lowered to the floor. It was quite a sight to watch Courtney stand back up to her full height. I had never seen anything like it. These girls look how a small mouse would view a dinosaur. With a giggle in there voice I heard the new girl call out you have a two minute head start. I didn’t know what they head planned but I really didn’t want to wait around to find out. I started running and then I was knocked over from behind. I looked back to see Courtney’s foot pass over me and stomp down beside me. I pulled myself up and started back pedaling. I then felt a strong wind at my back. I tumbled end over end back into Courtney’s foot.

“Good one Dana!”

“Thanks Court”

I started crawling towards the bed but I soon felt something heavy pressing down on me. It was Dana’s foot. I tried to pull myself out from under it using the carpet as hand holds but it was no use her foot was to heavy. Thrusted into my vision was a gigantic rubber stick. Courtney was dangling it in front of me.

“If you want to be free grab on.”

Seeing no other real choice I grab onto the stick and Dana lifts her foot up and Courtney pulls me and stick all the way up to her face. She then smiles and walks over to the mirror. I almost lose my grip as I look at my reflection. I am clinging to the largest Dildo I had ever seen in my life.

“I don’t know about you Dana but I am sure feeling frisky.”

“Do you see a dick big enough to please you anywhere.”


“Well ladies if your looking for love your looking at the right guy.”

[laughs] “Don’t be silly your tiny thing couldn’t please a Barbie doll.”

“Hey!!! I resemble that remark! Wait a minute I mean…”

Courtney started pulling her pants away from her waist as the door opens up. Courtney and Dana turn around to see Colleen and Kim standing in the doorway with a bunch of Pizza.

“What are you girls doing with my little man?”


“Your little man? He is Kacie and Abby’s little man.”

“Oh no, no, no I found him with Kacie and I didn’t have anywhere to put him so we stuck him in her purse. He maybe part hers but he part mine.”

“Ladies, ladies”

[all of them in unison] “SHUT UP JAKE!!”

Kacie and Abby then walk in with the beer and vodka. They look at each other and then at the group of girls arguing with each other. Kacie and Abby walk towards the group and grab the little man. Kim then walks over to Kacie.

“Kacie tell them that he is half mine. You and I are the ones who found him originally.”

“Well that is true.”

Kim sticks her tongue out at the Courtney and Dana. She then grabs the little man off of the dildo and sits down with him in her lap. The girls started to calm down and laugh about the whole situation. As I walked around on Kim’s lap I started to get kind of bored. They were all ignoring me now. No one was chasing me, or grabbing me. They were just having there own little fun. I watched from Kim’s lap for two hours at they ate pizza, and drank beer and vodka. Then finally I saw Colleen wobble from side to side and then stumble towards Kim. I take off running towards Kim’s stomach hoping that she will protect me as I can see Colleen’s eyes focused on me. Her arms shakily reach out towards me. Even in her drunken state her hand easily overpowers me and lifts me off of Kims lap.

“Kim for god sakes help me!!!”

As I looked into her eyes I could see they were glazed over and she was too out of it to do anything. I was at the mercy of a drunk Colleen. A girl who I don’t know. I knew talking to her would be helpless.

“Is Colleen’s little man hungry? I will feed you!!”

She then smushed me into a slice of pizza. The hot pizza sauce made me yelp mildly in pain. I was then ran up and down length of pizza slice and then was lifted back up into the air and she started licking the hot sauce and cheese of my body. Her tongue sexually worked me over and soon I found myself covered in her warm saliva. Her dark brown locks of hair draping around me as she lowered her head to look down at me. Her warm saliva dripped off me. I could smell the beer and vodka mixed in with her spit. I reached for one of her locks of hair but she only pulled me away from her hair.

“Do you feel like dancing little man! I feel like dancing. Lets dance!”

Colleen started walking towards Abby’s stereo when she lost her balance and fell. Everything happened in slow motion. She threw her hands out in front of her to try to catch herself. I was then smashed into the floor as her body came crashing down onto of me. She rolled over onto her back laughing. I tried to fight my way out of this drunken grip but it was no use. All the other girls only erupted laughing almost forgetting completely about me. Colleen then picked herself up and continued her walk to the stereo system. I then watched as she turned the base all the way up. Hella Good by No Doubt started playing.

“Dance with me little man!!! Dance with ME!!!”

She then grabbed each of my arms and started to make me dance in mid air like I was a puppet of some sorts. I was starting to get sick not just from her making me dance but she was also dancing herself.

“Come on grind with me, Grind!!!”

“What the hell is mmpfffff”

Before I could even finish my sentence I was shoved up against her ass. She started shaking her ass and continued to shove me up against it. I then found myself pressing me little dick against her shorts and I was smacking her ass with my little arms. As the song ended I watched as she walked over to Abbys bed and fell onto it. She brought me up to her lips and gave me a kiss. Her warm, plush lips hugged my entire body as she kissed me. Her tongue twirled around my head. I then felt her go limp as she passed out. I slide my head out of her mouth and looked at the sleeping giantess. I slid down her cheeks then softly kissed her cheek and started walking towards the edge of the bed.

“You know little man! I knew where you were all along. I was only toying with you. I trapped you in my breasts. I spilled you out into Dana’s breast. You are my toy. You entertain me. You bring thrill into my life. You are the first boy I have seen in quite sometime and I am going take advantage of you. I may never let you go.”


I looked down at the floor seeing how far down it was. I got caught up in the moment and now I maybe stole away by this bitch. As she walked towards the door I tried yelling out but I was drowned out by her voice.

“Hey girls I am going to head to my room and lay down. I will see you later.”

“Hey Court! Are you sure that’s safe? I mean if the headmaster catches you drunk your gonna be in trouble?”

“That’s alright! I will be careful.”

As we staggered down the hallway I kept pleading with Courtney to let me go but we kept on going without her even paying me one bit of attention. Girls streamed by us on either side as we walked down the hall. I tried calling out to a few but they just stared at me and smiled or didn’t even bother to look. We finally entered Courtney’s room. As soon as we were in she locked her door. As she walked towards her bed she dropped me into her waste paper basket.

“Hey let me out of here!!! You Can’t steal me like this!!! Let me out of here. Oooooo are you going to get it when I get big!!”

All the lights in her room went out and I fumbled around in the dark trying to find away out. I tried climbing, pushing the waste basket over but it’s no use. I am forced to wait for her to take me out. As night turns to morning and I hear Courtney walking about her room. I get up to yell at her when I see that her roommate is standing right next to the wasketbasket. I wave my hands, and yell but she doesn’t seem to hear me. From the sounds of it she has runny nose. I look around knowing what’s about to come. She drops the dirty Kleenex down into the wastebasket. I leap out of the way just as she drops another one. Just as she is about to walk away I see her stop and look back down in the wastebasket.

“I must be dreaming. This can’t be real.”

“What’s your name LittleToy? I am Sonja. Don’t be afraid.”


“I, I, I am J…J….Ja…Jake”

“Well J, J, Ja, Jake why are you so small?”

I quickly turned my head towards the door as I could have swore I heard something from against the door. I look at the gap at the bottom of the door way and see that someone is obviously standing on the other side of that door.

“Someone is on the other side of your door you know. I can hear them standing there.”

“So what, it’s a big school they are probably talking.”

I hadn’t really thought about that and I couldn’t argue with her logic but I had this strange feeling that is was something more then just a couple of girls listening in.

“Well answer me LittleToy! Why are you so small?”
“Well you see I made this shrinking machine and”

“Bullshit, you cant lie to me. I am the queen of lying. Now tell me the truth or I can see to it that you never get back to Kacie’s room.”

“Okay, okay its this ring on my finger. It controls physical transformations. I thought I could control it but I cant. It has a mind of its own.”

A slight rattle was at the door. Both of our heads turned towards the door.

“You know I am starting to think your right. Someone is at the other side of that door.”

She set me down on the bed and started creeping to the door. As she got about halfway there she stopped and looked back to see me sprinting across her bed. She immediately turned around and walked back. She then grabbed a hold of me with one hand and then grabbed a hair scrunchy with the other hand. I screamed at the top of my lungs as she held me down pinning me to her bed with one hand while she wrapped and tied scrunchy around me with the other. She then adjusted it so the hair scrunchy covered my mouth. Which also had it made it cover my eyes so I couldn’t see anything.


“Oh hush you big baby!”

I could then hear her walk towards the door. She then whipped the door open and stepped to one side halfway expecting someone to fall into her room.

“OH hi hun”

“Mom! Tawnee? What are you doing here?”

“Well I was passing through and thought I would see you. I had a little trouble finding your room but this young girl pointed it out to me.”

“Oh thanks Tawnee”

“No problem Sonja”

“If she hadn’t been here I probably would have never found you.”

“What do you mean been here? She was already at my…”

“You know here where she was to show me your room. Are you okay? Is something wrong?”

“Oh well I have to go. Kacie is still a little out of it from last night. I guess her and her sister had quite the party. From the looks of it Courtney must of have been there too.”

Well come on dear I got a surprise for you in the car lets go. Sonja then grabs the handle and start the door in motion to close as she walks away. However the door doesn’t close all the way. She looks back and sees that its open a crack.

“Oh well! I will just be gone a minute anyway!”

It was eerie and quiet. I couldn’t see and I couldn’t move

The slightest of noises started to freak me out. I couldn’t make them out. All the noises are so unfamiliar and strange. I then could hear a slight slapping like bare feet hitting the floor. I tried to call out but I was soon reminded that I couldn’t speak. I felt the scrunchy slightly adjusted. I still couldn’t speak, I still couldn’t hear and now I had trouble even hearing. I could feel someone feeling my tiny body. Stroking and prodding my member. Then feeling up and down my legs. I slap my legs shut the finger quickly re spreads my legs. I can then feel her tongue toy with dick. Slapping it around from side to side. I try to kick her tongue away but she forces me into orgasm. I am so easily over powered by this girls tongue. Who is it? Who is there? Stop! Please stop screams through my mind. I am neared closer and closer to orgasm while at the same time rape rings through my mind. I finally can’t control myself anymore I orgasm several times. I am totally at this girls mercy. My tears start to soak into the hair scrunchy as I can feel it being adjusted around my now painfully swollen member. I try to scream for help but I am only dropped onto the bed and I hear the same footsteps leaving the room. The slap, slap, slap, of her bare feet hitting the foor sends reoccurring chills down my spine of what happened. I then hear her click the door shut then re open it and slowly close it. The creaking of the door sounds through the room as she adjusts it just right.

Only moments later I can hear Sonja telling her mom goodbye. I fight to try to pull myself together but I can’t stop crying. My violated body tries to whither up but immobilization is forced upon me by this scrunchy.

I then feel Sonja’s warmth spread around me as she plucks the scrunchy off of my body. I find myself between her long legs. I look back at her with tears running down my face.


I look up at Sonja as she curls her fingers around me. She starts to release me and I grab onto her index finger and dangle before her face as she looks at me. She raises her finger up and down and smiles.

“Your so light. I barely feel your weight.”

“Well its not easy keeping this figure.”
“I am sure not.”

“So let me get this straight. Its all about that little ring on your finger so I grabbed your hand and took the ring off like so and..”

We both watched in awe as the ring grew back to its original size in the palm of Sonja’s hand. I tried to swing over to her palm but she quickly closed her fist around the ring and smiled down at me. She shook her finger and I tumbled down onto her bed. I tried jump up onto the palm of her hand. It was only about on her scale 2 feet short to her it looked like I was trying to touch the roof of a apartment complex. I was left helpless and only able to watch as Sonja unclasped her necklace and slide the ring onto her necklace and then re-clasped it around onto her neck. As she walked over to her full length mirror I could only watch as she used my ring as a decorative piece.

“This looks so good on me. It has a nice antique look.”

“Hey give that back to me!”

“Well LittleToy I guess its time to give you back to Kacie. Since that’s where you wanted to go.”

“No, No, You can’t keep my ring like that. Give it back! I wont ever be able to return to normal!”

“Your ring? Did I hear your ring? Lets get the facts straight. This is my ring now. I own it! You wanted to go back to Kacie and that’s where I am bringing you. And on top of that I am quite sure she wouldn’t like you if you were full size. Your not boyfriend material to her. You’re a pet! Don’t you understand that. Pet, toy, Play thing, Something cute she cuddle and hold. When you look at her you see boy I wouldn’t mind going out with her. When she looks at you she sees oh I better remember to feed him. You think I want to hold her, kiss her, She thinks I better change the newspaper in the bottom of your birdcage, I better let him out for exercise. You aren’t a man. You’re a pet. Your Kacie’s pet. So get use to it.”

Sonja’s hands closed around me for what I knew would be the last time. As we both walked down the hallway I grabbed her finger and bit down with all my strength. My teeth felt like they were going to break into a thousand pieces but Sonja screamed out in pain and released her grip on me. I saw one open door next to me. I scurried into the door and used all my strength to shut it. As the door closed I turned around and rested my back against the door to see a girl staring at me.


I start to pull my slide my little body under the doorway. I look down the corridor to see Sonja no where insight. With a sigh of relief I start walking down the hallway. I am not exactly sure how to get to Kacie’s room but how hard can it be. I am about 2 doors down from where I was when I see the door I had crawled under open up.

“ Little man! Come out, Come out where ever you are!”

I start to run down the hallway but I know I can’t outrun her. I dive into a potted plant. I tremble as she slowly makes her way down the hallway looking for me. She picks up the plant I am in search’s behind it and under it and then continues down the hallway. The moment her back is turned to me. I take off running down the opposite direction. I make it about 3 doors down and I see Courtney walking down the hallway.

“Fuckity Fuck! Fuck!”
I crawl my body into the small crevice under the doorway. I look into the room and it looks like a rather messy room. I then turn my head back so I can see what’s going on in the hallway and I see that I lucked out and Courtney walked right by me. Brandi however is making her way back up the hallway. The door I am under starts to open up and I see a girl wearing her plaid red skirt walk right over me and shut her door.

“Shit! They have class today. I forgot this was a school. If I don’t get to Kacie soon. I may not ever find her.”

With the door open and my hiding place uncovered I take off running back down the hallway. I look ahead and see Brandi and Courtney chatting away. The closer I get to both girls the harder and harder I start to breathe. I start to feel just like Tom cruise in mission impossible. Seeing no way around them I start walking inbetween them. I close my eyes and run as I dash between Courtney’s feet. I then hit Brandy’s slipper but luckily she doesn’t feel anything. I take off to the right sprinting as fast as I can. As I turn the corner and see no one following me I start to walk once again.

As I start to feel safe I see Sonja turn the corner. Before she can spot me however I run under one of the doors. As I enter the room I start to think how this looks like Kacie’s room. I hear a couple of voices in the bathroom so I start running towards the bathroom door. I crawl under the door into the bathroom. It’s Kacie and Abby thank god. I start walking towards them. The closer I get I start to realize that from my level people look the same when you are far away and up really close. Its that inbetween range where that you tell them apart in and as I hit that range I found out it wasn’t Kacie or Abby having no where to go I quickly dashed behind a coat rack they used for there towels. Breathing starts to intensify as they start to spend longer and longer in the bathroom. I look at the door and I realize that I am trapped in here. I cant escape without having to run past both of them.

“It’s not worth winning if you don’t win big! That’s what my coach always told me. Or was that on the mighty ducks. Either way I got to take the chance and just go!”

I take off running between the two. The blonde at the sink is totally oblivious to me. I smile as I am home free but the second girl who is now totally nude grabs a hold of me. And walks over to the bathtub

She quickly places herself into the corner of the tub and spreads her legs to either end to support herself. She holds me out in the palm of her hand which is slightly upcurled so I can rest my arms on it as I wait for her friends.

“Mandy I got a surprise for you!”

“Really what is it Sandy! I love it when you surprise me.”

“Oh my! That is the cutest doll I have ever seen!”

“Its not a doll it’s a real man!”

“And its all yours Lover!”

“Help me!”

“Oh I will help you Tiger! Maybe just now how you would like!”

Like a meaningless object I was released from Sandy’s grip as they both extended there tongues. I tried scaling the walls of the tub but it was no use. I couldn’t escape they wouldn’t help me. I tried climbing up Sandy’s leg but she would only shake me loose and I would splash down into the tub below.

“Sit down and shut up twerp your ruining the moment!”

“Just be patient tiger you will get your turn!”

“I am not going to wait my turn and stop calling me tiger!”

The sound of them kissing quickly drowned out my voice. I did the only thing any man warm blooded american man would do. I sat back in the tub and watched them

As I laid back to watch the greatest show on earth. I started to think how this being stuck like this has some vary nice advantages. Where else can you watch gigantic lesbian porn. Its not like its on a screen or a picture I am staring up at it. My member rose to attention as Mandy and Sandy’s cries of pleasures to get to me. I squirm a little and finally cant take it anymore. I am going to go insane if I don’t cure this horniness. Just as I start to put my hand down my pants I am seized by Sandy and places on her hand.

“Start rubbing slave. You better do your part or you will be one sorry little man!”

“Yes Mam! With pleasure you don’t have to ask me twice!”

I immediately started rubbing Mandy’s Nipples. The grew harder and harder as I rubbed. I looked down at myself and so wanted to pleasure myself but I looked up at my two titanic beauties and thought better of it.

“Come on tiger, Start licking! Show me what your made of!”


Not needing any other encouraging I ran towards her and fell to my knees. I started licking her already wet pussy. It was the most incredible expierence I have ever had. I could her Sandy and Mandy Making out up there while I went to work licking away on Mandy.

“You two are incredible! OH MY GOD AWWE!!!”

Mandy grew wetter and wetter and I tumbled end over end. I was shot off of her panties but luckily I grabbed onto the edge and pulled my self back up.

“Hey watch it! I could have been hurt! I mean its not like I am some rubber ducky!”


“If you say one more word I swear you will be in a whole new world of pain!”

The moment I was back up on the panties Mandy started to take them off. I can’t believe it they act like I am not even here. I jump onto Sandy’s fingers passing by just in time as she starts licking Mandy’s clit. I look for anyway over there but there is none. I curse to myself as I hold onto her finger for balance.

“For god sakes let me in there. Put me into the game coach. I am a winner. A through breed. You cant go wrong with me!”

In a flash I was on the side of the tub once again watching them finish go at it. I looked down the side of the tub and there was no escape.

I looked down the side of the tub and there was no escape. As luck would have it Mandy flung her leg over the side of the tub as the two continued there antics. I took one last look at the lesbian lovers and then slid down her leg. I wasted no time scurry out the door and back into the hallway. I decided that from now on I would be more careful.

“Hey Abby, do you think that maybe Courtney has the little guy!”

“I suppose it couldn’t hurt to check. I really don’t remember much from last night.”

“I know what you mean. I am worried about the little guy. He could be laying hurt somewhere needing me and he is kind of cute.”

“To bad you like tall guys huh.”

“Yeah I know! He is on the scrawny side.”

“He doesn’t look to be much of a athlete either.”

“Well he is a little short for most sports. Only if he weren’t so small. I wouldn’t mind...... nevermind itsnot important now.”

“Don’t worry we will find him and let him go outside. It’s not safe for him in here.”

"But.....He's safe with me"[in a quiet voice that trails off towards the end]

"What did you say Kacie?"


"Oh, umm nothing i was just ahhh saying i didn't know you cared about him is all."

They looked to be a hundred miles away from me and they weren’t coming towards me at all. I took off running after them. My legs and mind were in tune running as one. I was running in and around various girls. I start to actually close in on Kacie and Abby as they slow there pace down. They look engrossed in some kind of conversation I think to myself. Then I feel warm strong fingers on my back. I try to scream out no, But its to late. I feel my feet leave the ground. The warm strong fingers create a vice around my body. I start kicking and squirming but her grip is all powerful and unmerciful. I am now drawn back farther and farther. My progress seems to be all for not. As I am clenched firmly in her grip. I try to turn my head but she is directly behind me in my blind spot. I curse to myself as my head can’t turn far enough for me to see her. I feel a gust of wind at my back.. I am then pushed into something firm and soft at the same time. Its skin, warm soft, sweet smelling skin. I can catch a glimpse of the smooth stomach of the girl as I am slid down her stomach. I expect to feel a burning sensation on my back like a rug burn type pain but I only feel soft warm comfort. The more I seem to fight her grip the more firmly she holds in my in place. I realize how futile my efforts now are. I look down to see a pair of gray sweat pants below. A movement above my head causes me to look up. I see her shirt dropping from sky. Its yellow bright blinding yellow that is descending upon me. I look down to see her sweat pants pulled away from her waist and my body already halfway inserted. As her hands leave me and the sweat pants I instinctively scream as I fall helplessly with nothing to stop my descent but a loud snap echoes into my ears and round n round in my head.I look down to see her sweat pants pushing against my chest. My arms are pinned to my sides useless as her shirt moves over me. Dark blackness falls upon me like a curtain falling over a stage. She has won game, set, match.
No matter where I look I no longer see the yellow shirt but just black. I know now what a blind man must feel like. I can faintly hear sounds from the outside world. As she walks pass Kacie and Abby I try to yell out to them but I guess her t-shirt is to heavy for my voice to carry through. Her hips sway side to side as she walks which in turn makes me follow suit. She seems to be walking forever and then she finally sits down. I can hear a chatter everywhere around me. A loud thwack which sounds like its from everywhere makes everyone in the room go silent.

“Andi why are you out of uniform? Do you think your special? I don’t care who you are parents if you ever show up here again out of uniform you will be punished.”

“Yes, Mrs. Stewart”

“Why must you always try to be so rebellious.”

“I don’t know Mrs. Stewart.”

“I am just trying to help you become a better person.”

“I know Mrs. Stewart.”

“Just make sure you change immediately after class alright?”

“Of course Mrs. Stewart”

“Alright then, now class open your books up to page 313. We will continue where we left in hamlet and remember to speak it properly”

I am not sure how long the class is but it already feels to long however I have found out I am with a girl named AndI. I squirmed and twisted my body against her stomach hoping to bother or irritate or at the very least bother her, but it seemed to turn her on more then anything. As class ended I felt her jump out of her seat and run down the hall. Her walking was bad enough but her running is much worse. I actually started to hate skinny girls because they stomach moved so much more with every walk and AndI was no different. Her stomach moved from left to right at about 200 miles an hour. Her muscles contracted and expanded so fast it was like putting your head next to a set of good speakers and having someone play a song with a lot of base. The constant pounding is enough to drive a man crazy.

We finally reached her room and I was excited to be released from her stomach as much I like getting close to lovely women there is a point where I must draw the line. I could feel AndI starting to pull her shirt off but she was pulling me off too. Her t-shirt didn’t provide me with much padding as it hit the floor. I laid in the darkness of her T-shirt for a moment and then started to crawl around looking for a opening I could crawl out of. All at once it felt like 200 more pounds were added to the ceiling as she took off the rest of her clothes. I guessed she was changing as she picked me and the rest of her clothes up in big bundle. I could then feel her drop me again but this time I had a very soft landing.

“This should hold you until I get back.”

“Where am I? Let me out of here for god sakes!”

“Don’t worry your safe and sound in my clothes hamper. Oh and you better be quiet. I would hate for Carla to find you. Your blood might stain my clothes and blood is a bitch to get out so just be quiet and wait like a good little man.”

As she trudged off a pit of nervousness strewn over me. I don’t know if she is serious or not about what she said but I didn’t really want to find out. Death had always scared me and I didn’t really like being told if I didn’t do something I could die. For the next 2 hours I hardly moved at all. I didn’t twitch, blink, cough, or speak. After being totally quiet for so long I had just about gotten use to every sound, but I then started hearing a bunch irregular sounds. As the lid to the clothes hamper was opened my heart skipped a beat. I could feel the weight on top of me lighten piece by piece. As the shirt

I awoke up sometime later still under the heavy wet sweatshirt however I could breathe. I then heard the lid to the drawer open up. Before I could open my mouth me and a bunch of the clothes were scooped up and tossed into the drawer. As I hit the bottom of the dryer I started crawling beneath sweatshirt with all my strength to get out and free myself but it was useless. More clothes were dumped and the lid was slammed shut. The force of dryer was much stronger then dryer and found myself pinned against a denim wald and unable to move but it was safer even though it felt like I was pulling about 4 g’s.


As the dryer started slowing down I slid out from under the denim pants and I slid into the sleeve of the same yellow T-shirt I started out in. The moment the dryer stopped the weight of the clothes dumped onto me. To make matters worse they are hot clothes that are burning my body. Luckily I didn’t have to wait long as I felt me and the clohtes dumped back into the basket and we were walking along back to there room. I breathed a sigh of relief that I hadn’t died but I prayed I didn’t have to go through that again. As she set the hamper down I coughed quite on accident.

“What was that? Who is in here?”



“Okay now I know someone is here I heard you talk.”

“Fuck I gave myself away.”

“You might as well come out now and I wont pound you.”

“When you say pound..”

I couldn’t even finish my sentence and I was cut off. “Yeah I mean beat the living fuck out of you”

“Just clarifying”

“I’m stuck in a yellow shirt do you want to give me a hand?”

“Your where?”

“Look down into the clothes hamper. Find your roommates yellow shirt and that’s where I am. Please don’t hurt me. She put me here I didn’t want to go here don’t squish me please!”

I could feel her peeling the clothes off the top of me. I was the dumped out into the hand of a very lovely girl.

“Damn! Look at you. I see where Prairie gulf was hiding the good looking girl. Where have you been all my life.”

“Excuse me? You did not just run a cheesy pick up line by me did you?”

“Of course not? I don’t give out cheesy pick up lines especially not a girl like you who has heard them all before.”
“Awe, ain’t that sweet and if you keep it up I just might show the window. Is this your first time on the 3rd floor? I can show you a great view of the drop your going to take.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I will shut up.”

“Good now put some clothes on. Your body annoys me.”

“I don’t have any do you think I enjoy walking around in my boxer shorts.”

“Well then just a second I think my little sister left some doll clothes.”

Some rather nice looking clothes for a doll were thrown at me. As I put them on I noticed how this girl pretended not to be interested in me the slightest yet she kept taking looks at me as I got dressed. The moment I was dressed I was grabbed and we were going out the door. She had her hand on her hip and she set me down to balance on her hand as she walked. [look at Carla picture to see how he is sitting]

“You better hold on because if you fall off I am not stopping. Your just a trinket for my pleasure and don’t you forget it.”

I always thought of myself as a person but these girls are all whack or something they all look at me as a mere object for there entertainment. No regard for my feelings and the girl I do love doesn’t think of me as anything more then a pet. Sonja’s right I am toy. I hadn’t really been paying attention to where we were going until I saw us run out of the gates of the Prairie gulf boarding school. I wanted to go back home but I couldn’t back home without my ring which meant I had to get to Kacie to get back from Sonja so I could get on my way.

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Carla but only my equals can call me just by name and you are far from being my equal. It is Mistress Carla to you.”

“Yes Mistress Carla.”

As we walked into town I clung closer to Carla not wanting to fall off. If I would fall off here I don’t know if I could ever find my way back to the school. After we walked what looked like to me to be a hundred miles we stopped in front of Jays Ice Cream parlor. As we walked in I wanted to just dive into Carla’s pants. This was the local high school hang out. I looked around the room and saw many familiar faces. Carla grabbed me in her other hand and wrapped her fingers around me and held me close to her as she had a conversation that was muffled by me being in her grip. I was then dropped into a empty ice cream cone.

“Hey where are we? Let me out of this thing”

“Cool your jets my Little Treat or else I might forget about you in this store room. I always seem to be leaving things here at work.”

“I am sorry Mistress Carla! I beg for your mercy.”

“I suppose just this one time.”

As she closed the door I was locked in darkness.

“Thanks you stupid bitch. Your going on my hit list when I get back to my normal size. Your going to pay cunt.”

[4 hours later]

The door to the store room was opened and I saw Carla beaming down at me. As she grabbed her jacket I saw her walk over to the frozen yogurt dispenser. Ice cream streamed into the cone. I started shivering before she even finished. When it was all said and done I was in a tomb of ice cream.


My entire body was in a deep freeze. I tried to open my mouth to try licking my own way out but I found that I couldn’t open my mouth. It was like being buried alive. My mind is in a panic and I start to hyperventilate. Clarity rang through in my mind and I started to calm myself down knowing that if I wanted to survive this the only one who was going to get me out of this is me. I started trying out JedI breathing and relaxation techniques. They always seemed to work in the books so why not now. I don’t know if it was star wars that saved my life but I like to think it was the force.

“Hey AndI I got you a ice cream from work!”


“Thanks, Hey you didn’t find anything today did you?”

“Like what?”

“Oh never mind its silly. I just probably didn’t get enough sleep today or something.”

I soon felt a warm tongue move past the top of my head. I tried to look up but I still couldn’t see anything. Ironically enough I could hear “Where’s your head at by Basement Jaxx” playing. AndI’s tongue started to work around my head. She smiled as she uncovered my head lick by lick by lick. I could see Carla’s face beaming back at me. I realized that I still couldn’t hadn’t seen AndI’s face. It’s like she is purposely doing this to torture me.

AndI’s mouth appeared right in front of me. All I could see was her mouth. Not her face or anything else of her just her mouth and sparkling white teeth. I paniced as I raced passed her mouth. It sounded like a thousands bones being crushed all at once as her teeth crunched through the ice cream cone. My body still stuck in ice cream was still shivering in her hot mouth. I trembled as I saw the bits of the ice cream cone fall to the back of her mouth then fall into oblivion. Her tongue started to work around the ball of icecream each pass getting closer and closer to me. Until finally all the ice cream was gone and I was spit out into her hand.

“Hey watch you stupid bitch! You could have hurt me you know.”

“Oh well here here’s some change call me back when I am suppose to care.”

I could only look at the quarters that were sitting in the palm of her hand. They looked more like weights then currency. I could easily see myself putting these on benching with them. I then looked up at her and back down at the money.

“Tell my I should care about you? What do you do for me? What are you to me but a spineless pathetic bug. Well I am going to have some fun with my new little toy.”

She carelessly dropped me onto her hat and walked out the door.

As we walked well AndI walked I remembered the good parts about being shrunk the ones that don’t deal with being inside someone’s mouth or being drown to death via a laundry machine. As she pushed a door open and her sketchers started to clack against the floor I had a hidden suspicion that wasn’t going to enjoy what was going to happen next. The smell of sweat was potent in the air. As she rounded the corner I saw girls in various states of undress.

“Hey AndI what’s in your hat.”“Oh just a little entertainment I picked up. Once I am done of you girls can have him. I don’t really care.”

“What! You can’t just give me away like I am some cheap toy that belongs in a happy meal.”

“mmmm Chicken nuggets. Did I mention how much I love to eat chicken nuggets. I love how they are so small and can fit into the palm of my hand. How I can just pop then right in my mouth and swirl them around with my powerful tongue. As I toy with them. Play with my food a little bit slowly swishing it from side to side in my mouth then chomp right in half and down to the tube. Your small just like a chicken nugget.”

“Sma, sma, Small, Me no, im not small. I am just a little short for my age.”

AndI looked amazing at eye level but from the floor looking up at her from her hat she looks stunning. I am not sure whether to run or worship the ground she walks in. As her hand lowers towards me I stare dazed by her beauty. Her eyes locked on me like I am the only person in this room. As the palm of her hand twists around me and then her fingers press against my back into the palm of her hand. My face is pressed against her palm so to muffle my voice. She lackadaisically carries me about the room. I Can hear the sound of the shower running and hitting her body. I am then dumped onto her breasts. I am forced to straddle her breast like a horse. I look at the the top of her chest to see soapy water running down my body. My cries and pleas for help met by laughter from the girls around the shower room. I fight with all my strength to maintain balance on her breasts but I soon am sliding between her once small now massive chest. Her once small b cups look now more like D’s as I slide between them now gripping each breast. The soapy water runs between my fingers as I fight to maintain hold. I can hear the laughter echo through the shower room.

“Help me AndI, I am slipping! For god sakes help me!”

“Help? Help who? I don’t see any PERSON in danger.”

“What do you mean you don’t see a person I AM RIGHT HERE NOW HELP ME!”

“Girls do you ever feel like someone just needs your help but you cant quite put your finger on where. I always wish I had a bigger chest. I my boobs are so small. When I jiggle them like this they hardly move.”

I cry out for help as she shakes her mighty B cups. My hands now start to slide in between both her breasts. I my fingers slide and try to grab onto her breasts but there is nothing to grab. As I reach frantically to hold onto any part of her breasts I can only watch as they grow harder and harder.

I lose contact with her breasts and am sliding down her sleek aerodynamic chest. My fingers only run across her smooth chest. I then latch onto her naval with my left arm and then reach and grba her navel ring with my right. My weight is to negligible to even rip her naval ring out. I breathe a sigh of relief as I am safe for the moment. AndI then starts to move out of the shower with the rest of the girls. Each step she takes I am slapped against her stomach. I stare up at her as she looks ahead not even paying me any attention. I stare my head around the room now looking at the girls who all have a devilish look in there eyes as they stare at me. I soon realize that any of these girls will treat me much the same way as AndI or even worse. AndI throws on her soccer jersey and shorts. I look up at her through the neck hole of her jersey waiting for her take me off but she doesn’t. She and the team merely head out to the field.

As there practice starts AndI is now in constant motion. I swing from side to side as she runs. My body collides with her stomach as I soon start to slip from her naval ring. I soon hit her shorts and slide into them. I keep grabbing for anything and end up holding onto the part of her shorts that separates the leg holes. As she runs I get quite the view of her pussy. I can tell as I rub up against her that I am turning her on because she is starting to get wet. As the clouds open and rain descends upon the field the practice marches on. AndI’s once relaxing scent is now turning quite miserable as it mixes with her sweat. Hours go by my and my body is ravaged with bruises as practice ends as she starts walking back towards the building I slide down her legs and smash into the wet muddy soccer field. I yell out for AndI and she only looks back and smile at me as Colleen’s shoe smashes me into a mud puddle. I Try to scream her name but only bubbles come up. As Colleen opens the door and walks into the school it sounds like the world goes silent just so I can hear the heavy door slam shut to tell me that I am stuck outside in the rain. I plant my face back down in the puddle to tired to move. Minutes or hours might have gone by I am not sure but all the sudden I felt someone’s wet cold fingers curl around my body. I started to cuddle back as she pressed me against her body. My face shoved into her stomach and she falls back into mud. She starts to shred my clothes off along with hers as she shoves my into her. I can quickly hear moans of pleasure as I orgasm. Those fatefully familiar groans and moan’s send chills down my spine. Her body starts to feel familiar as she pumps me in and out. As her cum passes over me I recignize her scent. She soon starts to caress me into her body. Stroking me wildly and massaging me into her. Her wet fingers run all over me almost like she is petting me. Comforting me. As she throws her clothes back on I can barely feel her move. As she sets me inside the doorway I start to drift off to sleep. I fight for my eyes to remain open but they don’t listen.

“You were great in Sonja’s room little man and you ever even better now.”

That voice, she was the one! She was the mystery girl. I now want my eyes to desperately open but my body exhausted and out of gas flickers to empty and I shut down.

I slowly wake up staring up at the longest legs I have witnessed in my life. It looks to be 7 miles of nothing but denim covered legs. I start to back away but I quickly back into her shoe. I stare up at her like she is the world. Its like taking 5 year old to Disneyland and watching there expressions. How they look at it likes it’s the best thing to ever happen. If I ever had to die. I know it would want to be right now. She stands before me not paying me any attention at all. As she starts to walk I quickly start to chase after her. I must follow this girl. I need her, I want to be caught by her. Held by her, Caressed by her, taken care of by her, loved by her. Hugged, and protected. I want her to kiss my, Kiss my chest, place her big plush lips that cover my entire stomach and kiss me leaving a impression of her lips on my chest and have her whisper to me its going to be all alright. Even if I never get the ring back its going to be okay. She will always be there for me even if no one else will. I need her even if she doesn’t need me. As I chase I am surprisingly keeping up with her long strides. Each step she takes is short? Could she be making me follow her? Could she know I am here? It cant be? How? Why? It makes no sense. As she turns the corner I dart to just catch a glimpse of her again. I turn the corner and I am the same distance away. No more, no less, how odd. She finally stops at the door. As she fumbles with her keys which allows me to close in. As she fumbles I watch as she fights for control but shoves the key into the lock. I can smell her in the air. I can taste her in my mouth as she walks into her room I dive at the doorway. I scream out as I realize I am to late, to slow. Fate as shunned me. I slide down the now sealed door. I look for a gap at the doorway. There is none the carpet is more plush here which makes it tightly hug the door as it closes. I look down either hallway and see girls walking towards me, talking going about there daily life. Across the hall I see a cleaning cart. I quickly dash under the cart and wait. I wait for my mystery girl to reappear. Down the hall there is a window. I have watched the sun rise, and now fall. The moon is out and I await at my girls door. The girl who has intrigued me. Who has led me here perhaps but why? Why lock me out? Then it happens. Her door starts to open up. She leaves it cracked opened how convenient I think to myself. As she walks towards the pop machine a few doors down I dash into her room. I run under dresser just as she walks in. She shuts and locks her door as she walks towards her bed. I catch her sneaking peeks at her floor for what? For me? Is this my imagination?


“I am so hot! I need to take this itchy sweater off.”

I watch intently as the greatest strip show in the world unfolds before me. She erotically takes hers sweater off. Its tantalizingly slow as she turns her back to me just she pulls her sweater off breasts. She then tosses her sweater onto the floor carelessly and starts to take her pants off. She sways her hips and does a little dance to get them off. My eyes are glued to her ass as she shakes it back and forth tugging her pants down and then stepping out of them. In just her panties and bra she grabs a magazine and lays down. Nooo her back is up her chest is towards her bed. I can only see her feet. Is this on purpose to tease me? To toy with me? No it cant be she doesn’t know I am here. I must get closer. I must I can’t stand not too. I slowly etch my way across her floor. Getting nearer, and nearer. I survey the floor seeing she is the only one here. I finally reach her bed. Her bed extends up from the floor like a mountain. A mountain I must reach the top of. I cannot fail because heaven awaits. I start climbing up her comforter. I use my raw physical strength to get up As I pull myself up I am out of breath and my arms ache but I am on top. I start walking towards my perfect beauty. I am finally within a arms length of her skin. Electricity is running through my fingers. I slowly, shakily reach my arm out towards her leg. Heaven, bliss, estascy, running over my body I am as hard as rock. Its like I am having sex with her and I am not even touching her yet. Just as my finger I about to touch her warm perfect downy soft skin she raises her leg and fall forward. Her leg then smashes down onto the mattress which causes me to bounce up and down. I am between her legs. On either side of me is her , her scent, her warm sweet smelling scent is everywhere. I start walking towards her pussy. My eye are locked on to it like a missile onto a target. As I reach her panty I start climb up her. All I can feel is her cotton. Why must I be teased like this. I start walk to the edge of her panty. I can feel her warm soft skin through this. I am finally going to get to touch her skin when no, no her back arches up and I fall onto the mattress. She leaves her bed to put in a cd.

How can this be, is this planned? No, no its just coincidence is all. I scurry under pillow. I cannot let her see me. I must remain oblivious to her. As I crawl into her pillow case I hear soft soothing wind. She then ..nooo lays her head onto the pillow case. My queen no you have trapped me. I remain still as she sleeps. I long to touch her. I long to hold her but I must wait. I must wait. I will be strong.


As she sleeps away I start to crawl out of her pillow case. I make my way out trying hard not to wake her. I nervously approach her slumbering body. The closer I get the more and more I expect her to move but she remains motionless. I extend my arm out towards her I finally touch her arm and it feels like a thousand volts of electricity runs through my body. I climb up onto her arm and then onto her chest. As I climb onto her chest I see her staring at me.

“I thought you would never get here little man. I have been toying with you for hours.”

“You have played with my mind, You have taunted me like no one else.”

I walk towards her face. My bare feet sink into her skin with each step I take. Each step I take draws me closer and closer to her luscious tits. As I am about halfway a liquid starts streaming down her stomach. I continue to walk towards her breasts but the liquid is soon to slick to make any forward progress and I start slipping backwards towards her panties. I fight and claw my way forwards but She lightly blows on me and I slide backwards and onto her panties. I roll end over end a few times on her underwear. I can smell her through the thin cotton. I place my head onto cotton layer and rub my head up against it. The smooth cotton and warmness from her body soothes my tired weary bones.

As she sits up I look up at her. She lowers her face towards me with her tongue extended out wards. Her tongue shoves my back down against her underwear and then rolls me back onto her wet oily stomach. I am coated in baby oil as she rolls me around on her chest with her tongue. Her tongue then wraps around me and starts to take my clothes off. She sticks her tongue under my shirt and then lifts her tongue up ripping my shirt off at the seam. I shiver slightly as the cold air hits my nude chest.

“Awe is poor baby cold. Erica will warm you up and make you all better” [In a baby voice]

Her warm saliva covers my chest. I crawl up towards her chest but she takes her tongue shoves me back towards panty. I then shove her tongue up by she slips her tongue down my pants and raises me up into the air. I wave my arms franticly as she swings her tongue from side to side. My denim pants finely rip and I plummet onto breasts. I slide down her left breast but I start to pull my body back up. I fight my way back to the top of her breasts. I Then stand atop her breast with my feet on either side of her nipple. I smile at her and wave and she blasts me whip cream. I fall off her breast and tumble to the side of the bed as she sets the gigantic can of whip cream next to me. I clamber back up the side of her body covered in whip cream which makes her laugh and her stomach shimmy. As I walk around on her sleek stomach I leave little whip cream foot prints all over her.

“UH OH ITS RAINING on Mount Erica!!”

A glass of water is dumped upon me. I look like drown rat staring back at her.

“Hey that was cold!”

“Awe, my poor baby is all wet. ALL WET what’s a little man to do when Erica Attacks”

She then leaps onto all fours and I tumble down onto her bed. She starts to growl at me and stalk me like prey. She slinks her body closer and closer. I take off running down her bed. I reach her head board and I look around for a place to go but there is none. I Her mouth lowers down upon me and her lips press down on me. I her lips cover my whole face and I start to squirm as I run out of air but she opens her mouth and blows what seems like enough air to fill this planet for weeks over me. Her face then moves away and she grabs either side of her sheets and flaps them in the air. Since the bottom of the sheets on the opposite end of the bed are tucked in it creates more of a slide like plain and I coast down unable to stop myself as I ram into the floor.

“Erica stalks her prey as she steps crawls forward. She extends her tongue testing the air, trying to get a taste of her tiny morsel of food.”

I run towards the door but she slams her hand down in front of me. I try running the other way but her foot crashes down in front of me. She pins my legs down with her foot and then bends her neck towards me. I keep thinking how unbelievably flexible she is. She Inhales and then blows out a tremendous amount of wind while at the same time lifting up her foot so I tumble over and over. I roll over onto a pair of already worn panties. I try to run off of them but she covers me up in them laughing as I fight my way out.

“Awe are you lost in there? Here I will help you out” I am then dumped out onto her breasts as she falls back onto her bed breathing heavily. I look up at her and curl up in between her breasts and fall asleep.

I awake laying on Erica’s bed. I look around for her and spot some noise in the bathroom. I leap down from the bed just as she walks out of the bathroom and towards the door. I watch as she doesn’t pay me one bit of attention. Just like I am not even here. I try yelling but my voice doesn’t carry like it use too. As she opens her door and leaves I sprint out after her just making it out before her door slams shut. I sprint down the hallway after her hoping to catch up to her but she looks to be walking normally instead of allowing me to keep up but I start running at my limit and barely maintain eye sight of her but I am not running evenly paced with her. As she walks down hallways and corridors I start wonder if she even knows where she is going.

I then see her turn at the end of the hallway and then I take the same turn but a gigantic black clog slams down in front of me. I turn hard to left to avoid it and into a girls room. As I run into the room I look back and see AndI’s face smiling down at me. How weird I think to myself. As I run into the room I see brunette staring back at me. I look back for AndI thinking it to be some kind of ploy for them to double team me but AndI is gone. I turn back towards the brunette and start to back away.


“Going soon pet? I think not sunshine!”

Her arms drape down in front of me like a wall. I look back at her and have no where to go. I start running towards her fingers and dive over them. I tumble on the ground and then get up and start running. I run under her bed and start to breathe heavily.

“Oh where oh where could my little pet be.”

“Just go away!!”

“Oh there are you I can see your tiny feet under bed. Awe how cute your shaking.”

I start running to the opposite end of the bed but I hear her run over to that side so I double back towards the end I came in. Her hands then dart out and grab me. Her arms lift me up into the air without hesitation. I am drawn towards her chest and she starts to cuddle with me and roll around on the floor with me. I luckily catch a break and squirm out of her grip. I dash under her make up table however she saw where I went. Chris slowly crawls towards me. I can feel sizemic rumbles with each of her movements. I run to the far end of the underside of her dressing table. I watch her blindly stick her hands underneath looking for me.

I jump over her fingers and dash out towards her the direction she least expects. As I run down the length of her body she finally spots my sly move and her hand reachs towards me however her fingers get caught on her panty strap as she blocks the path in front. I Dive through the gap between her and her panties. I fall flat on my face but I have no time to cry as she starts to turn around. I run towards the door but she stands up and dashes in front so I change directions and run towards her laundry basket. I dive into through the plastic holes and bury myself in her clean clothes. I grab ahold of one of her socks. I can hear her stomp over.


“Huh, I have you now little man. You cant escape now. Your mind forever and ever and ever!”

“Fat chance of that happening. You can barely keep a date yet alone a man!”

She now flings clothes out of her laundry basket relentlessly looking for me. I crawl to the inside of her sock. As she reaches the bottom of the laundry basket she starts to scan the room angrily.

“I know your still in here. You haven’t won yet!”

I start to make my way out of the sock . The door is straight ahead of me. She then pulls out the big guns literally as she strips to nothing and walks about the room flaunting her body. Her perfectly silver painted nails shimmer in the light as she walks by me. As her nude body strolls by me I get a great view of everything there is to see. She then starts to slowly pull on clothes making a dance out of it all enticing me.

I start to think with my dick instead of my head and crawl out of the sock towards her. She hasn’t yet seen me but I walk towards her in a trance. As she pulls on a fishnet like shirt I gulp as she erotically looks to the left and to the right. I am now so close to her that she cant see me without looking straight down. I hold my hands closely at my sides to maek sure I don’t touch anything as I walk directly under her towards the door. I pause for a moment when I straight under her and stare up at her pussy. What a think of beauty it is. As I look up droplets of cum rain down on me.


“You still got it Jake Thomas. You drive all the women wild! You make them wet at the sight of you. Damn your good.”

I now behind her I run at the door and scurry out from under the doorway. I run down the hall as fast as I can. I can only think about running. About getting away nothing else is on my mind. I then hit another fleshy wall and curse at my luck. I stagger backwards and see Tawnee and Colleen staring back at me.

“Colleen thank god! You have to get me back to Kacie!”

Tawnee then shoves herself into my full view. She bends down in front of me making sure I see her cleavage. I try to walk backwards but I am grabbed by Colleen. She then looks over at Tawnee and they both smile and start walking down the hallway.

“Lets go back to my room Tawnee.”

“Okay, may as well. I am so glad my new toy came back into my life.

“Hey I don’t know where Kacie’s room is but I know its back the other way. So would you mind turning around first.”

“So what do you want to do?” says Colleen

“I feel like dancing.”

“Hey, Hello! Little man down here!”

“I love dancing! I am hungry though.”

“I have never known you not to be hungry.”

“I am hungry! I don’t each much. Do you think you could share the wealth?”

Tawnee and Colleen walk into her room I twist around in Colleen’s grip fighting to free myself. Colleen then holds me up to her face. She inspects me carefully turning me around and around in her hand. Knowing that its hopeless to fight I submit to her power for the time being. I soon find myself dangling upside down in Colleen’s grip.


“Colleen your hogging him!”

“We just got here! How can I be hogging him?”

“Well I want to play. Come on please let me play?”“Okay but no physical harm better come to him!”

“What do you mean why? Because I am a person you just can’t go around hurting me!”

[both girls laugh]

“Because I want to play with MY little man for awhile.”

“What do you mean your little man?”

“Just what I said mine! That’s just where he is going to be staying until I tire of him. Then I may allow someone else to use him when I get sick of him but until that time he is Property of Colleen!”

“Do you see Hasbro stamped on my ass? Do you see fisher price on me? I am not your boy toy.”

Tawnee then grabs me and holds me up to her face.

“Pee yew!!! Someone sure smells! No worry Tawnee will take care of that!”

A elastic looking cord is then tied around my waist. As soon as Tawnee ties the naught I go to work on trying to undo it. I am then pulled up by the elastic string and I watch in absolute fear as Tawnee ties it to the belt loop on her jeans. Some techno music fills the air and I am sent swaying back and forth hanging on a bungee like rope from Tawnee’s pants. The music than gets into full stride and she starts dancing. I am in turn sent hurdling into her ass. I smush into her denim covered ass and then I am sent back rocketing out ward like a spaceship only to reach the end of the rope and fly back towards Tawnee’s ass. This pattern goes about on for a while and I can hear Colleen laughing at my situation. This time when I go to crash into her ass I miss and shoot between her legs and hit the front of her pants. I watch as in mid dance tawnee yanks the elastic off of her pants and then drops her pants and panty.


Tawnee then ties the elsastic rope around her hips and goes back to dancing. Smash into her bare nude ass cheeks Once again as she start to lower herself towards the ground she slinks down to the ground and puts her right arm over her shoulder and leaves her left arm at her side and does a pivot thrust. I fly up into the air past her ass and land next to her pussy. She then repeats the process and I am dragged across her well shaven pussy and with her next thrust I am shot into her pussy. I try to pull myself out as Tawnee continues to dance. She then yanks the rope out slightly and sucks me back in with her powerful muscles inside her. This time one with one strong yank I am shot forward and Colleen catches me in her mouth just as the next track starts. Colleens speakers blare as Rollin (urban Assault Vehicle mix) By limp Bizkit. Tawnee pulls the rope up just far enough so my feet touch the tip of colleen’s tongue and she in turn draws her tongue in and out at rapid pass and I start running trying to get off her tongue. I try leaping off but she merely takes a deep breathe and I am sucked back in and in same situation. I am left tongue dancing so to speak for about 10 minutes when finally Colleen blows me up into air. I start to fall head first and I see Tawnee’s awaiting pussy. As I land perfectly in her I her Colleen yell out


“Hole in one! And you say your not good at golf Colleen.” retorts Tawnee

I grab either side of the pussy and start to pull myself out as Tawnee stands up and yanks me out herself.

They each grab one of my arms and skip down the hall. As we pass by various girls are yell for them to help but they only laugh as we enter the cafeteria. This where it all started I think to myself. As Tawnee and Colleen enter the cafeteria I feel as if all the eyes are on me. Every girl is staring at me, wanting to touch me, hold me, whisk me away never to be seen again. As they grabbed there food and sat down I was firmly in Tawnee’s grasped which worried me. She started to stick her fork into her pasta when she then purposely dropped her fork onto the ground. I stared at her starting to understand where this was going. Tawnee grabbed me and plundged me into her plate full of pasta. She starts to twirl me around and around. The noodles on her plate start to wrap around me. I try to break the noodle bonds that hold me but its useless as I am already heading for her mouth. She starts to open her mouth up wider and wider. My whole body could so easily fit in her mouth and then a moment later her lips close around me. I am then pulled my legs out of her mouth but she keeps her mouth so closed so I am drug across her lips.


“Mmmmm your delicious”

Without giving me a chance to answer I am shoved back into her plate and the process repeats itself again and again I am used as her fork as she eats. I have started to get a pattern for it all so its so overwhelming anymore like it was the first time however this time I can tell its different as I see Colleen moving in. This time half my body remains dangling outside of Tawnee’s mouth and then I feel the lower half of my body enter Colleen’s mouth. They wrap there tongues around me and pull the saucy noodles off of me Colleen however pays close attention with her tongue to private area licking sucking every bit of sauce off the lower part of my body which starts to turn me on. Her sensual licking is to much for me to take and I am on the verge of exploding as the two separate and I drop into Colleen’s palm. She stares down at me as I watch Tawnee get up and leave. I stare up for the first time since the party really looking at Colleen. As I look at her I see my ring around her neck. She has my ring which Sonja stuck on a necklace. Seeing that I saw her piece of jewelry she waves her index finger in front of me from side to side.

“Must not touch! Now that Tawnee is threw with you your all mine for the rest of night.” [In a whisper]

“Well girls I am going to study since it is finals week. See you all tomorrow in class.”

As Colleen said finals week I remembered that at Prairie Gulf you get from thanksgiving to January 12 off from school. I knew that I only had 2 days to find Kacie or at the very least wrestle my ring away form Colleen.

As we walked into Colleen’s room she set me on her bed and started to undress. Once naked she informed she was going to take a shower and if I wanted my precious ring back I better not go anywhere. Knowing she was in full control as long as she had my ring I was forced to obey her demands and as she shut her door I started walking towards her pillows to take a nap. As I walk towards her pillows my back is to the entire room so I cannot see anything. I hear a noise, I creak on the floor. Before I can even turn my head around I am shoved face first into the mattress. I try to scream but Colleen’s bed muffles my cries for help. I hear the familiar voice of the mystery girl.

“You thought you could hide from me. I always know where you are. I have always known. You Can’t hide from me Jake. I was there, I have always been there. Who has seen you and yet virtually ignored you every step of the way. Who is the one person who has shown no interest to you. What so ever. You see Jake, you are mine! In 2 days when I go home your going home with me and there will you stay with me because I am not coming back. I start Public Schooling after Christmas. When you leave with me you will stay with me forever. Thousands of miles away from your precious ring. Yes I know about your ring Jake. I was outside the door as you spilled the beans to you Sonja. How do you think Colleen got Necklace with the ring? That was me! Even when you haven’t seen me I have been following you. You cant hide, you cant run, you cant escape because you are mine. You are my toy. My pleasure, my interest, Your sole purpose in life is to bring a smile to my face. I have raped you twice. I have taken advantage of you twice. I have watched you almost die many times and now I am going to rape you again. I am going to fuck you silly! You are nothing but living vibrating Dildo to me.”

I am then shoved into this girl before I can even open my eyes. I am plundged in and out faster and faster that I can hardly think. I can feel my skin wanting to peel off my body. Her cum erupts in my face. Orgasm shoves gallons upon gallons of cum down my throat so much so that I cant breathe I start to choke on her cum. She hears my coughs as she pulls me out but this doesn’t stop her she only shoves me back in. Again and again my eyes swell shut in pain, my body shakes uncontrollably like I am having a seizure In and out, in and out that’s all I know. As she pulls me out I try to spit out the cum but I am shoved back in to fast. As she cum’s again what feels l a ocean full of cum shoves down my throat and into my mouth. All I taste is cum. She Cum’s a third time and then leaves me in her. I can barely feel her moving. I try to pull myself out.

“You have 3 minutes to get yourself out of me and then I am getting dressed. Meaning you have 3minutes and if you don’t escape then you have already lost. I don’t just want to own you because I already have that I love the sport, the game of it all. I love you not knowing a thing. Clueless, curious, puzzled you better hurry 2 minutes left. I am routing for you. The chase is what brings me fun. Remember the chase my littletoy!”

I fight and pull my way out 1 minute left rings through her insides 30 seconds left and my head pops out. I struggle to pull myself out and then roll over onto the mattress. I can feel the bed bounce up and down as she gets up. I try to open my eyes but they are swollen shut. I can only lay in darkness as I hear her the door click shut. Moments later I hear the door open again. I already know it isn’t colleen. Who could it be?

“Well, well, well what do we have here.”

“Don’t worry AL is here. It’s going to be all right.”


I couldn’t see her but I could only feel her. She grabbed me in her soft powerful arms and held me close to her. She laid back in Colleen’s bed and held me against her breasts. I could feel the heat coming off from them. It felt so soothing and regenerative. I was then lifted to her face and snuggled into her cheeks warmly. I then heard Colleen walk in and Al pulled me away. I tried to reach to touch her face but I was to far away.

“AL what did you to him? He looks horrible!!”

“It wasn’t me I came in here to study with you like we agreed and he was beaten and crying and I was comforting him is all.”

“You hurt him get away!!!”

“No Colleen”

However my voice was much to weak to be heard over there argument. I could feel AL stand up and hten she was running. I could hear Colleen fast in pursuit as they dashed through the halls. Then a door slammed and a locking noise.

“Don’t worry little fella your safe with me.”

I once again reached out to touch some part of her face, but I felt nothing. Then we both heard the pounding of Colleen on Al’s door. AL then looked up to see two faces staring back at her.

“Look its not what you think”

“Oh my god! What did you to him”

I was only left asking who is there, who is there! But no one answered. I was just pushed into someone’s warm soft chest. I don’t even know who. I kept calling who is there who is there.

“AL let Colleen in and we can all talk about this calmly.”

“But Kacie! She accused me of beating him and I didn’t do anything!”

I no longer cared as I drifted off to sleep. I would sort everything out when I woke up where ever I maybe.


This story has two different endings. Chapter two is the main ending and chapter three is a alternate ending.


This story archived at