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Author's Chapter Notes:

here is a story i really enjoyed writing.hope you'll enjoy reading it!

The room is becoming busy now. Attendants in white and black uniforms are finishing the setup for the day. One runs over each table with a cloth to remove all the dust from the previous night. Another goes to the cash desk and start dropping coins into it. A cleaning lady passes between the tables with polishing machine. They all ignore me as i watch them pass to and fro. I keep an eye on the door. The usual noises come from the street, cars, buses , passers-by. Normal life, normal people. A waitress comes my way, without even a glance at me and starts arranging the various knives, forks and whatever in the boxes not far from me. She also wears a white short, a black waistcoat and a black skirt. She must be twenty four, twenty three. Very pretty , with a long red hair flowing around a pale face. I guess she's a student from the college nearby, paying for her fees; like most of the staff here.
I shudder uneasily, tense and frustrated. I have cramps in my legs and fell really cold.

10.50 AM
i keep looking at the large clock hanging on the wall opposite me. I believe i can hear the clicks inside, but it may be my imagination. This clock is my worst enemy.
A waiter passes in front of me, he's in a hurry like everyone here. He goes to speak to Stevie, the janitor, whom i know from our days in college. I don't bother listening to them. Johnny also is talking now to my right. He is talking to me, but really he's talking to himself, repeating the same sentence over and over again, swearing often. He's lost it, poor Johnny, he's having a bad day. I don't answer anything to him. I would not know what to say really.
The pretty red-hair girl is back now. She comes to me and adds a few items in the shelves , that a guy is passing to her from a wheel-tray. I smell her perfume, something cheap, I'm sure, but something nice too. We're very close to one another now and she 's even leaning towards me a bit. But we don't speak. She ignores me entirely. I can't blame her.

11.09 AM
I'm watching the girl at the cash desk. Also a student probably. She's Asian with very long jet black hair of course, tied in long tail. I look at her really beautiful hands, soft and precise. She's counting the money in the till, re-arranging some notes and starting the till paper roll. She does not look in my direction once. Its' a pity, i can only see her profile, and would have liked to see her face more clearly. I know i will meet her in the not too distant future though, so I'm not over-disappointed. The noise coming from the kitchen is somewhat growing in intensity and diversity. The cooks are getting the first dishes out of the huge fridges and pre-heating them. I saw the late ones arriving one by one, ushered in to the place by the Stevie at the door. He opens and closes the door with a set of keys that are probably his only duty . Each time he opens the door, a wift of cold hair enters the restaurant, along with fumes from the cars and bribes of conversation from the street.
I can hear Johnny crying now. He' s mumbling an apology that no one hears but me. The proper recipient for the apology is here with us to, but she's busy in another room with her duties. She works here, that's how she was able to introduce us in the place without difficulty. She works the earliest shift, starting around 7.00 am, with the general cleaning. Her name is Win Lee, she's from China. I remember her face last night as she walked on us in Johnny's place, to find him cuddled in front of the telly with his new girl friend. I had never seen so much rage and fury on anyone 's face before. Johnny did look quite embarrassed too. And myself, witnessing this, at the wrong time and the wrong place , in front of that telly.
I wish i could remember the strange words she said then. It was curse , i know now, but it was like nothing i had ever heard, a language unlike any other, and her voice was two tones below her normal pitch when she said them. I wish i remembered the words. ' Cos if i could, maybe, i would not have to be afraid of the clock today.

I'm getting nervous now. Although i do not look at my hands i can feel them moist and slightly shaky. I crane my neck towards the door. I see a lot of shadows behind the tainted glass. The first customers are lining up for the opening. The weather outside is infect, they'd be probably happy to be in a warm place with a nice cup of coffee. In my back i hear an attendant adding more dishes on the shelves. When she leans forwards i can smell her perfume too, but i do not like this one. Way too strong. She must have bathed into the bloody thing. The clatter of the dishes around us makes me shudder. I keep thinking that my future is perhaps lengthened by every dish added, so i won't bear a grudge against the over-smelly girl.
Suddenly in front of us appears her ladyship, Win Lee herself. She's smiling now, and god, i must say she's a real looker. Her face is luminous, with a very small nose, perfectly formed lips, highlighted slightly by a touch of pink lipstick. She added some eye liner to her already large eyes and looked positively stunning to me. I can't say I'm insensitive to her firm breasts in front of me. How could Johnny ever consider leaving this beauty? Well, he did anyway. And now he s' paying. And so am I, the trusty mate that kept his mouth shut. Of course she does not say a thing to us. Just bends forwards to bring a face closer to us and smile, or should i say all her beautiful shining white teeth are smiling at us . Johnny is beside himself with panic. He screams himself raw, and fair enough , after a second or two i do the same.
I do know its' useless. When the shrinking occurred at Johnny's, and we the three of us found ourselves reduced to one inch puppets on the floor of the living room, in the glare of the telly. Win Lee had just stepped to us and started to scream in English to Johnny, from her unbelievable height. The next second, and without even letting her gaze from Johnny, she had squashed the new girlfriend under her foot,as if she was an insignificant bug. The squishy scrunchy noise was loud enough to horrify us, but when she removed her feet, i nearly fainted. As for Johnny, he went into shock. His ex picked us up then , dropped us squarely in her cleavage, and rushed outside, slamming the door. We were both stunned, because of the horror we saw happening in front of our eyes, and because of the unbelievable situation we were in, pressed between mammoth breasts, and looking up at a monstrous elegant throat under an over-jutting jaw.
Back at her house that night, Win Lee showed Johnny her great displeasure by, well..., pleasuring herself with him, while i watched the whole scene from under a whiskey glass. How he survived that supremely sexy but lethal game, is still a surprise to me.
So you see i have no illusions as to her intentions towards us. Whatever this girl is doing now, she intends to see it through.
Win Lee looks at us, and i can feel her breath washing over us. She looks at the door of the restaurant and her giant eye gives us a giant wink. It's time. She looks around, leans forward again, puckers lips that could have engulfed a truck, and blows a kiss to us, then turns back and disappears in the staff-only door opposite our position. I could hear her repressing a giggle.

Still exhausted from the useless shouting I've done, I see my college pal Stevie walk to the door, each of his footsteps vibrating in my body. He picks his keys, unlock the doors and let the first customers in.
My heart is jumping in my chest. I have been watching the clock since 9.00 am this morning, anticipating the moment, but the rush is overwhelming. Giant bodies come forward instantly and loom over us. The noise is deafening. The first customer, a teenage girl, blond, in her school uniform, maybe sixteen, reaches the coffee machine at the beginning of the counter. The ominous hiss of the machine seems to drain all my body heat. She then proceeds to grab some spoons and moves in our direction, her eyes on the shelves. I see her pick up a plate of strawberry cheesecake and put it on her tray. Then she comes in front us and looks at us.
Both Johnny and I are stuck up to our neck in deep chocolate mousse. Win Lee was very specific about the condition of our demise. No violence , she said, and she would not kill us. I remember feeling stupidly relieved when she said that. But of course, she would not kill us, but someone surely would, if we were patient. So she stuck us up each in a different chocolate mousse cup, shortly after arriving at the restaurant, making sure our tiny little heads were well disguised, facing towards the counter, and then she set the cups on the public shelves. I feel like I'm buried with back to a huge mountain of dark goo.
The teenage girls looks at us. I can see her wet tongue passing over her upper lips,her eyes on our cups. She looks down on her cheesecake, thinks a second and moves on. A ugly relief submerges me. I know i will have quite a few moments like these. A second monstrous shape looms over us...
I had sometimes fantasized about a giantess giving me that look. My dream was coming true, in a fashion. I failed to be enthusiastic though. Win Lee had chosen carefully which cup to select for our punishment. She was herself partial to chocolate i remember. And she wanted us to meet our destiny in the mouth of a woman if possible. But left it to fate to decide. I was nearly accustomed to the idea of meeting my end here, but was preying fervently that no hairy guy would pick my cup.
The second customer did not even look stop in front of us. The third one was moving forward, reaching just above me for a diet yogurt.

1.05 PM
My nerves are shot, the twentieth person is coming over. It was slightly too early for the full grub with dessert before but now, the more serious customers are coming in , with full tray and hungry.
Most people are woman or teenage girls, the guys have all gone to the kebab place nearby. I am scared stiffed. Unable to move a muscle, i can only barely turn my head to see what's coming. My body shakes from the cold mousse in which it is buried.
An old grey lady comes forward, she looks at me. No, at Johnny. No, at me! A huge shriveled hand rises from under the counter and fills my view. This is worst than my worst nightmare. It grabs the cup I'm in. I'm dragged outside the counter, bathed in old fashioned perfume, facing a wall of grey wool. Suddenly the hand pushes the cup back into the shelf in a deafening screeching noise, and hovers over a cherry pie the size of an office building. It grabs it , like a huge mechanical crane and then the lady disappears to my left. I'm beside myself with fear and relief. We are nothing but food, nothing but food, i keep repeating in my head. I'm now facing toward the side of the shelf, my vision filled with enormous of rows of cakes and ice cream and other delicacies. I need a while to identify the large objects. I can still see the arriving customers. Another huge shadow spreads over us...

1.13 PM
?Mommy, mommy, i want chocolate!! i want chocolate!? ? Me too, me too!!? scream the two ten / eleven year old girls. Their faces are level with us. They look at us with drooling mouths,under their pimpled noses. The plaids in their hair make them look like parodies of little girls. To me, they are suddenly the most dangerous vision on Earth. The humongous woman hovering above us booms her words: ? You can share one if you want? and her hand comes hovering above us. I close my eyes. I sense no movement, but hear a scream behind me. I cannot see Johnny any longer, the way my cup is turned, but the disappearing scream lets me know enough of what is happening. The woman has picked his cup. I hear the loud klang of the cup landing on the tray and the shrieking giggle of the little girls. ?Take two spoons, Mary? says the woman, as they move on. The coffee machine hisses. The next hungry giant moves scrapes his or her tray (i fail to look) towards my spot....

1.26 PM

The movements continue all around me. I see the enormous structure of a peach melba ice cream lift in the air and disappear behind me. A cream island i could have lived on is scrapped passed my eyes and lands loudly on the tray below my level. A woman, forty-ish, wearing a rather sexy blue top raises and her hand towards me. I can see the huge false nails on her finger coming closer. ?Tss, Tss, honey, you promised? says a deep baryton voice coming from above a serious black costume. The hand withdraws, and i hear a giant sigh. None of my muscles seem to work. Whatever the mad Chinese girl did to us, it sure leaves me helpless. I've decided to go insane, loudly promoting the merits of chocolate to the coming monsters.

1.33 PM
Another one. A young woman in her late twenties, short black hair, a gold chain at her neck, sleeveless creamy top. She looks around on the shelves. She has wonderful green eyes. A perfect mouth, with a strong red lipstick. She puts her fingers on the apple crumble in front of me. Then suddenly i feel a swooping movement of my cup. I'm out in the open, the overhead lamps glaring in my face. I shriek when the descending movement comes to a brutal stop, on the tray, pushing slightly deeper in the mousse. I look up. The young woman has changed her mind obviously. Who can resist chocolate? Under me i see a steaming hot plate covered in a pool of sauce over tree-like French Fries. The tower next to me is like a motorway bill board for Coke.
The woman towers over me, but beyond the hills of her breasts, i can see her face now slightly distorted by the weird perspective. And her throat. Long, feminine, elegant. The whole world is just a whizzing landscape of colours. I cannot grab the meaning of objects. We come to a loud stop. Above me i can now see the face of the Asian girl waiting at the cash desk. I was right earlier this morning. She's beautiful. Large hands pass above my head , as money is exchanged. Then the roller coaster trip starts again.

1.39 PM
The young woman sets us (me and her tray) on a table in the corner of the indescribable room. She sits down, her breast nearly missing touching the chocolate mousse itself. With a scraping noise she bring her chair to her, and makes herself comfortable. I am facing her. I look at her beautiful face, as she grabs the fork and knife with one hand , and brings up a magazine from under the table. She opens the magazine. And sets it on the corner of the table. She hasn't looked once in my direction yet. As she lifts the forks for the first time, I watch fascinating , as the enormous fries, much longer than me are engulfed in the large opening mouth. The fork comes out empty. I can see the woman 's great jaw reducing her mouthful to pulp, while she turns a page of the magazine. I can see her throat undulate as she passes the food in her gullet in a discrete gulp, that shatters me inside out. I look away.
I shudder. In front of the table is another, where the two little girls are sitting. They have just finished the main dish. I can see Johnny's cup standing there, between the girls, among the various plates and glasses. The one on the left grabs her spoon. ?I start? she says triumphantly. ?No, no, no!!? screams the girl on the right, as she lunges for her own spoon. ? I went o fetch the water? said the first, ? I start?. And she leans forward. ?No, no, its' not fair!!? screams the other. ?Hush you two!? Booms the mother, ? i' ll take the pepper and salt, and the one who chooses the pepper starts, okey? No arguing.? and she does just that. She hides the two objects in her hands , and show her closed hands to her girls. ?Mary, which one?? . Mary hesitates. I cannot detach my eyes from the seemingly innocuous scene, knowing that at the same time Johnny is watching it too, insignificant speck in the cup between the two girls. What is going on in his head? ?The right? Mary says decisively. ?Pepper! You can start , Mary.? she thrust her spoon in the chocolate mousse, scoops a large amount, and start nibbling on it with her tongue. Her sister immediately scoops anther portion and opens a wide mouth, engulfing the spoon. After two or three passes, the top of the mousse has disappeared. Johnny is gone too, i don't know in which stomach. No violence , had said Win lee, meaning ?no chewing? in her mind I suppose...

1.53 PM

But i have my own problem...
The young woman above me is finishing the main dish. I watch her gulping the last morsels, gathering the last fries. I can't help finding her beautiful. And there is a certain sexiness, in the way she glances, from her food to her magazine, the way she holds the fork , like a cigarette. The short black curls accentuate the oval of her face. God, i'd have fallen for her in real life, i think. But real life is not about falling in love, i remember, as she drops the fork. Real life is about being swallowed alive by this girl, and to travel under these breasts to an impossible place. Real life is very biological. Its' all about digestion and nutrition. As she crane her neck backward to finish the soda, i do what Johnny probably did. I scream, again, and again and again.
The young woman reaches out for the cup, she places it in her now empty plate. I look up at her throat and jaw, being to close to really see her face properly. Yet she looks down, and i swear she's looking at me. I scream again, fascinated by the green eyes that are staring at me. Her tongue passes between her lips. The spoon appears out of nowhere and dives into the mousse with a slurping noise. I feel it traveling under , somewhere on to my left ,like a dangerous shark. It reappears suddenly, carving a big hole in the chocolate dune I'm standing in. It rises to the opening mouth. I watch as the lips part widely, the young woman, obviously not willing to smear chocolate on her lipstick. I get a glimpse of the wet cavern. God. I'll be there in a minute. I've got to wake up. I've got to wake up. The spoon comes out again, empty. The woman looks at me as she washes her mouth with saliva and swallows the mousse. Her throat hardly moves. She lifts the spoon and her now brown colored tongue licks the bottom of it. It's my turn to swallow. The spoon is back again. It dives in front of me, i feel a motion under my feet. I'm going up, lifted in front of the woman's face. She looks at me. I wish i could drown instead in these green eyes. She opens her mouth wide and moves the spoon slowly into it. I see her nostrils pass above me, then her huge teeth. As the spoon advances, i come closer to the dark pit of her throat guarded by a uvula bigger than me. The heat is intense, the smell overbearing. The roof of the mouth comes onto me,as she closes her mouth. In the darkness, i feel stripped off the mousse prison to be engulfed instead in a hot liquid that covers my body and my head. I start moving downwards, carried by a wide movement of the tongue under me. My arms are still stuck to my body by the coily saliva film. I feel her uvula rub against my entire body, as i dive feet first in the pit of her throat. My feet touch something that gives way , as the woman swallows.
I fall in a a tube, which is alive with a wave motion , driving me downward. I hear the thudding of the woman heart pass me by and then above me. My feet touch another valve that opens instantly with a slurp. I fall a few ?meters? in a hot mushy goo . Darkness is absolute. I try to stand up by my legs are stuck in the goo. I breathe with extreme difficulty. I know I'm inside the young woman stomach, now, treading the mush of her lasts gulps. The gastric juices will soon do their job on the stomach content, liquefying it, and me, for digestion in her intestine.
That's when I remember the other Chinese curse: ? May you live interesting times.?I laugh. I can't help laughing, surrounded by darkness, and under the muffled thunder of her heartbeat. I don't think she hears me. Above me a sound makes me raise my head, and I'm pinned down by the newly arrived mouthful.

2.01 PM
I have no air left...

The young woman was pleased when she felt the tiny morsel in her mouth. ?Yum? she thought,? its a chunky mousse.? She leisurely read her magazine, while eating her chocolate mousse. When finished, she dabbed her mouth carefully. Leaving the magazine open, she went to the ladies room to check her lipstick. As she looked her curves in the mirror, she had a swift pang of remorse at having eaten the mousse. ?I have to be more cautious in what i eat? she decided.

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