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Story Notes:

Sofia was going to prom and she had been looking forward to it but she just didn't know it would change her life forever

Author's Chapter Notes:

Sofia was going to prom and she had been looking forward to it but she just didn't know it would change her life forever

Sofia had been looking forward to the prom for a long time. This evening she was finally supposed to be with her boyfriend, Aksel, and create memories together. When they arrived at the ballroom, she could feel the tension bubbling in her stomach. There was a special glow in the air that promised an unforgettable evening.Sofia and Aksel entered the room, where they were greeted by a festive sight. All their friends were gathered, wearing beautiful dresses and elegant suits. Sofia couldn't help but smile widely as she saw their faces light up upon their arrival.The two loving couples found their seats and settled down with their friends. They talked and laughed, shared stories and were happy to be together on this special night. But in the midst of all the joy, Sofia noticed that one of her friends, Ella, suddenly left the room. It caught her attention and she wondered what could have happened.While Sofia was wondering what was going on, she heard one of the boys make a stupid joke about Ella maybe becoming a "giantess" like all the other girls. A giggle spread among some of the boys, but one of the girls quickly reacted and slapped the boy on the arm. "It's not something to joke about! Imagine if it was your girlfriend!" she exclaimed angrily.The boy who was reprimanded felt embarrassed and immediately apologized: "Sorry, it was just a joke. I didn't mean it." He understood now how inappropriate and hurtful his words could be. Sofia couldn't help but wonder what it would mean if one's loved one really underwent such a transformation.Just as the thoughts filled her mind, Sofia could feel a strange sensation in her own body. She frowned, wondering if it was just her imagination. The uncertainty nagging at her,
Panic began to spread in her, and she tried desperately to get in touch with her boyfriend, Aksel. But he was busy talking to the others and didn't notice her distress. Sofia got up from her seat and tried to move towards the exit. Just as she was on her way out, she heard a boy rush into the room and utter the terrifying words: "Nora has become a giant!"People in the room fell silent and eyes turned to Sofia. They watched in disbelief as her body began to grow and stretch. Sofia could clearly feel her clothes tightening and tearing as her forms grew larger and larger. Her bottom grew and filled the room, while her arms grew longer and more impressive.Panic spread among the guests who desperately tried to avoid her growing body. Some of them ran in panic towards the exit, while others crawled under tables and chairs in an attempt to hide. Nervous and anxious looks were directed at Sofia who just wanted to stop this uncontrollable transformation.Aksel, noticing her struggle, ran to her and said soothingly, "Sofia, just relax. I'm here for you." He tried to help her move carefully to avoid hurting anyone or further destroying the surroundings.As Sofia continued to grow and her body took up more and more space, people were forced to pull even further away to avoid being caught up in her enormity. Confusion and fear filled the room and the remaining guests desperately tried to find a way out and a way to calm Sofia down.Outside, the crowd could be heard shouting and screaming as the news of the growing Sofia spread like wildfire. The police were called in to help evacuate the area and protect the population from the potential danger Sofia's uncontrolled growth could pose.
Sofia was so upset about what had happened that she hugged her boyfriend Aksel close to her. But in their moment of vulnerability, they didn't notice that one of the boys in the room had decided to take a closer look at Sofia's transformation. He couldn't resist the temptation of looking under her dress to catch a glimpse of her panties.The moment the boy crouched under Sofia's huge body, she suddenly noticed his inappropriate action. She grabbed him and lifted him up to her face where anger and disgust shone from her eyes. "What are you imagining? You're a pervert!" she shouted angrily. Sofia started to squeeze the boy in her hand and he tried to apologize for his foolish action.Aksel, as horrified as Sofia, tried desperately to stop her. He shouted, "Stop, Sofia! You know not to kill him. I'm begging you!" Sofia heard his words and stopped hugging the boy. She threw him away with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. Sofia burst into tears again, feeling like a monster. It was all like a terrible nightmare that didn't seem to end.Aksel tried to gather his thoughts and think about what they should do now. He was afraid of both Sofia and the situation they were in. Marked with uncertainty and worry, they could both hear the sound of their teachers approaching the room. Sofia wiped her tears and tried to gather herself , while Aksel tried to find a way to explain the situation and ask for help.

Sofia saw her teachers approaching, and she carefully put Aksel back down so he could explain what had happened. After about five minutes the teachers managed to understand what had happened and looked up at Sofia with some understanding. One of the teachers stepped forward and started talking to Sofia."Listen, Sofia. You have to try to get out of this room. I know it's going to be hard, but you have to try," the teacher said with empathy in her voice. Sofia looked at them and eyed the exit. Unfortunately, she saw that it was too small for her to pass through. She got down on all fours and tried to get out that way, but her hips were stuck in the opening.Sofia sighed and said, "Hey, I can't go any further. I'm stuck." Her teacher looked at her and replied reassuringly, "Use all your strength, Sofia. It's okay if you screw it up. You just have to get out." When Sofia heard this, she decided to use all her power. With an effort of strength, she broke through the wall with a huge sound, and she fell out on the other side. There was a cloud of dust, but Sofia got back up and could see that the door had collapsed completely.She looked around and could see that no one had been hurt during her outburst. Luckily everyone was okay. Sofia sat down and smiled, relieved and happy that no one had been hurt.

Sofia looked around and could see that the police had arrived at the scene. Her eyes also fell on her friend Nora, and she decided to go to her and stand up to talk. Nora slowly lifted her head and an evil smile played on her lips when she saw Sofia. She slowly stood up and took a step closer to Sofia, her eyes filled with a sly glow.The people below Sofia were frightened by her huge feet and scurried away, trying to avoid being mauled. Sofia noticed their fear and tried to calm them down. "Calm down, Nora. There are people right below you," she said in a low voice. Nora let her gaze slide down and smiled slyly. "Yes, it's true," she replied in a sweet voice. "But what does that really mean?"Nora turned her gaze to Sofia again and asked, "How do you feel about getting so big?" Sofia looked at her confused and answered honestly, "I'm not feeling well. I feel like a monster destroying everything around me." Nora burst into an evil laugh. "Stop it, it's funny," she said mockingly. "But you know what? I've always dreamed of being a giant. To have power and dominate everything and everyone around me."Sofia was stunned by Nora's unexpected confession. "Wait, you always wanted to be big?" she asked, puzzled. Nora smiled evilly and replied, "Yes, in a way I've dreamed of it since I was seven years old. I've always felt inferior and wanted to be in control of others." Her voice was filled with a malevolent undertone.Nora directed her gaze at the people still present and said in a cold voice, "We can do anything we want. We can become the new rulers of this city and no one will ever be able to stand against us. We can play with the people here and make them obey our slightest beckoning." Sofia got angry and grabbed Nora's arm, tried to shake some sense into her. "Stop, Nora! This is not a game. We are hurting innocent people, our friends. You can't think like that," she shouted with desperation in her voice.Nora looked coldly back at Sofia, her eyes filled with a malice that could not be hidden. "You're too weak, Sofia. You don't understand our true potential. You'll never see the true power of being a giant. But I won't hold you back. Do whatever you want," she said and tore free from Sofia's grip.body began to grow, but this time it was different. She felt more in control and more connected to her giant form.Facing Nora, she stood tall and filled the room with her majestic presence. Every inch of her huge body radiated strength and determination.The people around them were frightened and confused by the sudden transformation, but they could also see that Sofia did not want to harm them. They carefully retreated to make room for the two challenging giants.Nora, now forced to confront the consequence her actions had led to, was still full of hubris and tried to attack Sofia. She swung her huge arms at Sofia and tried to hit her, but Sofia was prepared.She ducked under Nora's punch and grabbed her arm. Sofia used her superior strength to twist Nora's arm and throw her to the ground with a resounding crash. Nora landed with a painful sound and tried to get up, but Sofia was faster.She stood up tall and let her powerful foot fall to the ground right next to Nora. The shaking of the ground sent a wave of fear through Nora's body, and she could feel her own courage beginning to fail.Suddenly there was a loud bang and a laser ball flew through the air and hit Nora directly. Nora fell to the ground with a confused look in her eyes and could see that the military had arrived.A man wearing a combat uniform stepped forward from the crowd and shouted with authority, "Stop! That's enough, young lady!" Nora cried and nodded, clearly affected by the overwhelming situation.The man turned to Sofia, who was still standing tall and powerful. He approached her carefully and said, "Are you hurt? We're here to help."Sofia nodded with tears in her eyes and replied, "Yes, I'm scarred, but the worst is the emotional scar I carry. I just want this whole nightmare to be over."The man looked at her with compassion and said, "I understand you. I've spent the past two weeks with other girls who have grown as big as you. Many of them have felt the same way. But I promise you, that we will find a solution. Everything will work out."Sofia felt relieved at his words and smiled a little through her tears. She could see Aksel coming towards her, his face full of worry and relief. She brought her huge hand down to him and raised it to her face, where she gave him a light kiss.It was at the same time a farewell to the nightmare they had been through and a promise to continue their love and find a way back to a more normal existence.

Sofia could feel the rage burning in her as she saw Nora walking around almost stepping on people again. Her eyes filled with anger, and she shouted loudly, “If you so much as hurt one more person, I will stop you!”Nora turned slowly and met Sofia's intense gaze. An evil smile spread across her lips and she said in a provocative tone, "You really think you can stop me, Sofia? You are nothing compared to what I can become."Sofia was filled with a mixture of fear and determination. She knew she had to do something to protect the innocent people around them. With firm steps, she approached Nora, keeping her gaze locked on her.Nora laughed mockingly and said, "You're so naive, Sofia. You still think we can go back to our normal lives? We've got power now. We can do whatever we want."But Sofia refused to let Nora take over her thoughts. She felt a deep connection to Aksel, her boyfriend, who was far too far away to help her at the moment. The thought of protecting him and all those she cared about gave her strength.She grasped her own power and concentrated on controlling her growing powers. She could feel how her
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